What is a Google browser. Google Chrome browser history: creation, formation and development

"Google Chrome" is a product of one of the most powerful search engines "Google". The date of the founding of the corporation is 1998. Browser "Chrome" from "Google" begins to work in 2008. By typing your audience with a good pace, it becomes one of the most popular browsers for computer and mobile devices. Now the number of his users has hundreds of millions of people. The browser is used by almost every second computer in the world. Consider in more detail what is "chrome", how to properly install it and what kind of possibilities it possesses.

Corporation "Google". Start

Everyone knows that "Google" is, first of all, the search engine. Today, Google is a huge transnational corporation with offices in many countries, and the main thing in the United States.

And everything began in the distant 1996. Two Californian students - Sergey Brin and Larry Page - engaged in a scientific project designed to develop new technologies for a digital universal library. In the course of research, students studied the mathematical properties of the already existing worldwide network. Thus, their search robot was created, which found the right sites, offered their list, appreciating, above all, the importance of information, and not the largest number of a certain word found on the site, as the existing search engines did.

After that there were investors for such a brainchild of students. A new search engine, has undergone many improvements, has become very quickly conquered by the hearts of users.

Birth of a new browser

What is "chrome"? First, the management of Google corporation and did not think about creating a new browser, because Niche was already filled enough. And frankly, the creators of a powerful corporation were afraid of a loud failure browser project. But, possessing powerful financial capabilities, they decided to still try to sketch the project and take it to the leadership court. Oddly enough, it was approved - due to simplicity, clearer and pleasant use.

In the fall of 2008, the first version of the Google Chrome browser is coming out for the Windows operating system. Thanks to the huge budget embedded in a new brainchild, the browser quickly overcomes the path from anyone who is not known to very popular.

Browser "Google Chrome". What it is

Browser "Chrome" from the "Google" corporation is developed on the basis of the Chromium's free browser, which is a "father" of many existing browsers. The program developers decided to use the WebKit engine at the heart of its work, but in 2013, Google Chrome browser goes to the blink engine.

Now the browser "Google Chrome" positions itself as a simple, fast and secure software product. Of course, he proves it its popularity, a convenient, not cluttered interface, a high level of security, which can be discussed separately, a variety of applications and extensions for every taste. It can also be noted that such a browser, as "chrome", does not stand still, constantly improving its numerous services.

Benefits of the browser "Chrome"

Following the saying "All ingenious - simply", "Google Chrome" has many advantages that have given him such popularity. Among them, you can mark and quick viewing pages, and a minimalistic design, in which nothing distracts anything from the web page.

If you would not want, after use, the history of pages visits is viewed, confidentiality will ensure the "incognito" mode. Due to the fact that the search string is combined with the address, there is no need to enter the full address of the site. To sync user data "Google" binds this data among themselves, saving them on a cloud server. If necessary, you can go to your account from any computer and access bookmarks and the necessary information. This convenient feature is useful if the browser is deleted.

Control of the program failure will not allow to interrupt work at an inappropriate moment. Also pleases the universality of the browser for all operating systems. Probably, many are known that "chrome" is such a browser that can be installed on any operating system and an electronic device. To ensure the safety of its users "Google Chrome", there is a black list of malicious sites, and also notifies a possible threat when switching to one or another unknown page. The advantages of this browser are many, but the main thing in the work of "Chroma" is its high speed.


Browser "Google Chrome" is downloaded for free. It is best to do this from the official page. Before downloading, make sure your device meets system requirements. So, Windows for Chrome should begin with the seventh version. Intel Pentium processor should be in a fourth or later generation. To install "Chrome" to the mobile device based on Android, you should use the version of the operating system that can not be before Android 4.1. The iOS system should begin with 9 and later versions.

After the installation file "Chromium" downloaded for free, you must click the "Run" or "Save" button. Then double-click the mouse to start a saved file installed and use the Google Chrome browser.

Importing settings

If necessary, you can import user settings from other browsers to the set browser "Google Chrome", after which information will be available as the start page, view history, bookmarks, passwords from accounts.

Before importing, you need to close all open browsers, run "chrome", in its upper right corner, go to the settings menu, which is depicted as three vertically located points. Consistently click "Bookmarks", then "Import Bookmarks and Settings" and select the browser from which you want to import data. If the list below does not have the desired browser, you need to export bookmarks from it to the HTML format, and then when importing in "Chrome", select the "HTML file with bookmarks" position. When you press the "Import" button, all settings from the previous browser will be moved to the "chrome".


Browser "Chrome" is updated automatically when rebooting or in the background. But when you constantly enabled, you can skip its update. To see if a newer chromium version is available, you must pay attention to the color of the "Settings and Google Chrome" menu indicator color in the upper right corner of the screen. Green color will mean that the new version has been released about two days ago, orange - four days ago, red - seven days ago.

To update the "chromium" manually, you need to open the browser, go to the "Settings and Management" Google Chrome "menu," Select the "Update Google Chrome" position (no such position means that the browser version is and so new) and click "Restart". All open windows and bookmarks in the browser will be saved and loaded automatically when it returned it. Restart can be postponed by clicking the "Not Now" button.


If you have any need to remove the "Chr" browser "you need to get out of it, go to the control panel of your operating system (in the lower left corner). Then open "Settings (Settings)", select the "Application" position, find "Google Chrome" and select the "Delete" (for Windows 8 and 10). For Windows 7 or Vista, in the "Parameters" position, select "Control Panel", then go to "Delete a program" or "Programs and Components". Double mouse click need to click on Google Chrome. The browser will be deleted by pressing the "Delete" button.

To clear the profile data, you must click "also delete data on the work in the browser." But if you synchronize the data and log in to your Google account, some of your information will be available, as it is saved on the "Google" server. To clear everything completely, you need to clear the story. You can do this by going to the "Settings and Management of Google Chrome" menu, then select "Advanced Tools", and then "Deleting Page Viewed Data". When specifying the required temporary range, check the checkboxes for the type of information you want to delete, then click "Clear Story".

Applications and expansion

Browser "Chrome" from "Google" offers a lot of different extensions, plug-ins and applications for users, both paid and free. In fact, thanks to the expansion for every taste, you can construct a "chrome" browser for yourself. You can find the necessary application or expansion in the official online store.

If extensions are adding and improving the browser functions, applications are separate programs that run directly in the browser.

How to add, delete an application or expansion

To add expansion or additions to the "Chrome" browser, it is necessary to select "Extensions" or "Applications" in the left column. Then choose from the opened directory what you need, while you can use the search. Near the position of the desired application or extension, the Set button will appear. If you add an extension, then you need to check which data will be available, then click "Install Extension". After that, the installed applications "Chrome" will appear on the start panel, and the extensions that appear can be seen as the buttons on the "Chromium" toolbar.

To remove an unnecessary extension, you need to go to the "Settings and Management" Google Chrome "menu, then select the" Additional Tools "position and from it -" Extensions ". In the list that opens, select a deleted extension and click on the "Remove from Chrome" button, then click "Delete" again. The application can be removed from the toolbar on the desktop.

Useful extensions and applications

Those who keep up with the times have long been using convenient and useful extensions and applications in their browser. The functionality can be diverse from their assistants to games and entertainment. Consider several interesting extensions and applications from Google Chrome:

    Datasaver is your faithful assistant in traffic saving. It has a compression function of downloadable pages, text and images. Very convenient for mobile devices. It is already built in the version for Android or iOS ("Settings" - "Traffic Saving").

    Quick Notes is a notebook that pops up online in the form of a window at your request. It helps instantly write the thought that you have visited you on any page of the network.

    Xtranslate is an extension will provide an instant translation of both individual words and entire web pages, it is enough just to highlight the necessary text.

    Gmail offline - allows you to work with mail in the absence of the Internet. True, it is still needed to receive and send letters. But you can not rush to print the answer.

    Save to Pocket - Save the web page for subsequent reading, it will clear from advertising and unnecessary elements, leaving only text and image. The page will remain in the cache and will be available even without the Internet.


So what is "chrome"? This is a modern and useful browser. Overview of sought-after applications and extensions for it can be continued to infinity. However, only you decide which application or extension you need. A large selection, their diversity and accessibility for the "Google Chrome" browser makes our lives easier and brighter, helps in work, study or allows you to pass the time for games games.

Google Chrome (Google Chrome) is becoming increasingly popular every day. His main dignity is the possibility of truly quickly surf through the network. In addition, many users as the main advantages of the browser celebrate its amazingly simple intuitive interface. However, after all, to master it takes some time. This material presents a brief excursion by how to use google chrome.

How to download and install google chrome?

Of course, before answering the question of how to use Google Chrome, you need to deal with where you can download this browser and how to install it. It is worth saying that it is very simple - you only need to go to official web browser page, Click on the "Download Chrome" button, and then install the program in automatic mode.

However, if you have any problems with the installation, you can read our detailed article dedicated to this topic - "".

Interface Google Chrome

So, you downloaded and installed the browser, now time to figure out how to use Google Chrome.

The first thing you have to do is press twice with the left mouse button on the browser icon in order to run it and in front of you what is called, the program interface will open in all its glory. You can immediately pay attention to what it is made in the fashionable now minimalistic design, which is nice to the eye and is available to the modern user.

Conditionally interface can be divided into several areas:

1 - The field to create new tabs - you can create how many sets and work with them at the same time, switching by clicking on the left-click of the mouse over the left button.

2 - A field for entering URLs - you can enter the URL or directly search query. If you enter the URL of the site, you will immediately open the desired site if you enter a search query, you will appear the search results window for this request.

3 - Workspace - It will appear the contents of sites with which you work or search results. However, when starting a browser, the Main page of the Google search engine will always be opened here (if you do not configure the browser otherwise, but it's a little later) - it is explained, because it is Google who developed a Google Chrome browser.

Getting started with Google Chrome

Minding a bit in the browser interface, you can proceed to work with it. How? Just enter the desired address or search query in the URL input field and click ENTER - if you have access to the Internet, you will immediately appear page or search query result - please note that the browser will suggest you the most popular requests .

If you want to add a new tab, click once with the left mouse button on a special button.

If you want to download some kind of link from the page with which you work, click on it with the left mouse button - it will open in the new tab and will automatically transfer it to it. You can also click on the Right Mouse button and select the right action.

In order to return a step back, you can press the special button located on the left of the URL entry string, as an arrow back. If you want to "return" ahead on the contrary - press the arrow forward, and to refresh the page, click on the twisted elder.

To close the tab, you need to just click on the cross.

If you accidentally closed the tab - click the CTRL + SHIFT + T key combination, and it will return.

If you want to add a tab to the bookmarks - click on the "Star" (see Screenshot above), after you click on it, the tab will appear on the bookmarks panel.

By default, the bookmark panel is displayed only on the start page, but if you specify the "Show Taskbar" setting (for this, right-click on the bookmarks panel and select the appropriate action), it will be displayed in all windows.

Other Actions with tabs are available if you click on the Right Mouse tab.

Setting up Google Chrome

Talking about the Google Chrome interface, we did not mention one very important Browser button - it looks like three horizontal stripes and is a very important point in response to the question of how to use Google Chrome. This browser settings button.

All web browser settings menu are conditionally divided into several parts. A number of options presented in the Menu are standard, that is, such features can be found in any other program - find, output, help, etc. However, some points should be described in more detail.

First, this is a group "History", "Downloads" and "Bookmarks". If you click the item "History", you can see a list of previously visited sites.

The "Download" item will show previously saved downloaded files.

The "Bookmark" item allows you to manage bookmarks - you can create a new bookmark, go to one of the sites already saved in bookmarks, as well as configure bookmarks using the bookmarks Manager.

In particular, all the bookmarks can be sorted by folders if you have a lot of them.

It is also very important to stay in detail at the "Settings" and "Additional Tools" item.

Point "Settings" Google Chrome

With the help of "Settings" Google Chrome, you can fully optimize the browser under your own. There are a number of sections here:

"Login" - In this section, you must enter the Google account in this section, in this case, all your data will be synchronized, all account settings will be automatically remembered, that is, if you enter the google chrome from any other PC through your account, you automatically Get an optimally configured browser under your needs.

"When you start opening" - here you can set, what page you want to see when you start, the default "New tab" is set, but you can set the "previously open tabs" parameter, then the browser will, opens up, download those tabs that were Opened at the time of the last session. Well, finally, using the "Set Pages" item, you can set a completely defined desired page, and it will be opened when it starts the web browser.

The "Appearance" section allows you to make a browser visually optimally enjoyable for the user by choosing the desired topic. Also in this section, you can activate the "Home" button ("Main Page" - the page specified in the section "When you start opening") and set the setting "Always show bookmark panel".

Section "Search" Allows you to select the search engine by default.

Using the Users menu, you can configure different user profiles and set extended or limited rights for each of them.

To the left of the settings sections, you can see a small submenu consisting of items - "History", "Expansion" and "On Program". Using the first, you can view recently visited sites, through the latter to learn the basic information about the browser, and the "expansion" will help to supplement the browser option. This section displays installed extensions, and to download again, you can click on the link "More Extensions".

Extensions are special programs that perform certain functions that cannot be implemented through the standard web browser settings. For example, you can download the expansion "".

And all your favorite pages will be displayed not on the standard narrow panel, but on a special convenient page.

If you do not like the extension, it can always be turned off or deleted.

Item "Additional Tools"

This item is generally designed to more advanced users, because using it you can activate the "Task Manager" of the browser and developer tools.

Using the Task Manager, the user has the ability to evaluate, for example, which of the pages with which it works will take more memory from PC.

Also, using the "Advanced Tools" section, you can promptly go to the browser history cleaning menu and view extensions.


Of course, the topic how to use Google Chrome is worthy of, perhaps, the whole book and transfer all the possibilities of the browser in one article is simply impossible. However, the basics of managing this web browser in this material, we tried to ask. And if you are interested in Browser Google Chrome more deeply, you can explore other articles about it on our IT blog. We hope you find the necessary information!

As we know, Google has not only its own search engine, but also own, called Google Chrome (in Russian Google Chrome). Release (release) of this browser took place several years ago. At first, users reacted pretty skeptical to it.

However, the Google Chrome Russian browser has become one of the most popular and used browsers among Russian-speaking users. And all this thanks to its advantages that we will list below.

Benefits of the Google Chrome browser

1. High speed

This is the main advantage of Google Chrome. The browser quickly starts, quickly opens up new tabs, quickly shipping the page. Due to this, work on the Internet becomes much more comfortable and comfortable.

2. Diversity of extensions

At the moment, the browser Google Chrome has a large number of free extensions. They are installed in a convenient mode - from a separate browser page. In addition, to start work (and for deletion), many extensions browser do not need to be restarted.

3. Convenient search

Search for any information in search engines through the Google Chrome browser is much more convenient than by any other browser. After all, there is no need to enter the exact URL, and you can use words similar to just a few letters. The address string (it is also called the "Smart Address Row") recognizes both the URL entry and the input of the search query.

For example, you can enter the URL, namely: the site. When entering the Inet letters, a hint is issued (Fig. 1), click on it and get on this site that you are now looking.

Fig. 1 We enter the letters "inet" in the address bar of Google Chrome, a hint appears

But you can enter the words "Internet literacy" instead of the URL address:

Fig. 2 Entering the search query instead of the URL in Google Chrome

In both cases, it will be possible to get to this site on which you are now.

4. More useful space

All elements of the interface of this browser are quite compact. The menu panels and buttons take very little space, leaving more space for the address bar and the web page viewing window.

5. High work stability

Google Chrome very rarely freezes. However, even if some page stopped responding, you can save other pages or open them in a new window. When reading PDF documents, you can activate the sandbox mode - so you will protect the browser from falling even in case of problems when working with documents.

6. Translation of pages from different languages

This feature immediately accounted for many users. After all, there was a need to copy individual pieces of page text and translate them on their own, for example, with the help of a translator Google. Now everything is done only by pressing one button, or fully automatically. It is clear that the quality of translation is not perfect, but the general meaning can be understood.

7. Embedded Adobe Flash Player to view video

This means that you do not need to separately download Adobe Flash Player from its official site and install, all this has already been done in Google Chrome. You can immediately watch the video in this browser.

Browser flaws of Google Chrome Russian

As with any other browser, Google Chrome has its drawbacks. List them below.

1. Not very many Russian-speaking extensions

Since the Browser itself is an English-speaking, then most extensions are made to it in English. Extensions should be downloaded for free, without SMS from the official website of the Chrome online store

Despite the seeming speed and ease, Chrome "eats" a decent amount of RAM. Such a turn is explained by the fact that when opening several separate tabs, the browser creates several individual processes .exe.

If there are Flash elements in tabs, the load on the "RAM" increases even more.

3. sharpened only under one search engine

Since this browser was created by Google, then it only works in perfectly with this search engine. When working with other search engines (for example, Yandex), some browser features disappear.

4. Pretty high battery power consumption.

This feature is often key to laptop owners and netbooks, because with the active use of the battery charge internet may be enough for a couple of hours.

5. You cannot use your own background drawing as a screensaver.

Only the default browser image is used.

6. Not quite convenient viewing page code

View source code in Google Chrome is not fully implemented. When viewing, only the lower half of the code is visible. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly move the mouse cursor to see the desired area.

7. Problems when working with WordPress

This is relevant for those who lead a blog on WordPress engine. We are talking about the distortion of the displayed data in the visual engine editor. For example, when writing posts, all paragraphs and proposals can be knocked out in one pile (formatting tags are ignored).

Fresh, the latest version of GoogleChrome browser is located on where it can be downloaded for free, without CMC, in Russian, for Windows operating system.

L Avras of the Triumfators were prepared by him long before it was reported on his official birthday. He, like the heir of a billion state, since its appearance on the light was at a privileged position. He did not need to go through a long and difficult way to fame, because his great parent was always standing behind his back.

To overhead, I'm talking about google Chrome browser, all over the world to date today is the most popular tool for surfing. And for this, by the way, he took less than six years. However, let's all in order.

Google Chrome: From the idea to the first steps

D about 2008 Executive Director of Google Corporation Eric Schmidt And I did not want to hear about what my own browser under the company's brand. It can be understood: Niche has long been divided. By that time, each user had already found his favorite program, with the help of which came to the Internet. To come there with your new development, even if it is so a formidable brand, it was extremely dangerous: if the new teaching the Google had failed at the stage of submission to users, it would have become a significant blow to the prestige of the search giant.

And yet there were people in the company who believed in the success of the undertaking. In particular, the founders of Google are unsuitable for us. With tremendous financial capabilities, they could afford to create a browser prototype "at their own fear and risk." In other words, the first version of Google Chrome was developed at all without any guarantees for the fact that the product subsequently was approved by the Executive Director.

High-altered from Mozilla Firefox Specialists did not let: they created so comfortable and easy to manage the browser that Eric Schmidt changed the anger to mercy. It was decided to start full work on the preparation for the release of the program "Light". The birthday of Google Chrome is officially considered on September 2, 2008: it was on this day that the corporation officially announced the creation of a new browser. By the way, it was then that the first beta version focused on Windows was published. The beginning was laid.

The heyday chrome

If you read my notes about the history of other browsers (,), then notice that each product has passed a long way from anyone who is not a well-known program to the "pet" millions. Thanks to the enormous money, the Google Chrome browser is almost painless and incredibly quickly passed this stage. Already on December 11, 2008, the first stable version was released, after which the program immediately won 1% of the market. For a beginner of three months, the outfit is just a fantastic result.

Some technical information. All versions of Chromium until April 2013 were based on the WebKit engine. Later the base was the blink engine. On blink chrome works so far.
Versions for Linux and Mac OS X appeared a year after the official release. Starting with the fifth version, the browser has the same capabilities in all OS.

Together, a new release pulled onto the side of chrome more and more new adepts. This is not surprising, because the company possessed almost unlimited possibilities (finances, PR, direct), thanks to which it could lightly implement any of their developments and whims.

Mr. about the history of the development of the versions of the Google Chrome browser is completely uninteresting. Each new release was planned in advance and thought out, there was no struggle for survival and difficulties. Only a constant stable growth and development of all new market territories. Thanks to such a coherent job, the browser has already been released at first place in the world, "transferring" on computers of 40% of users.

Google Chrome Security

And Molno Google took the rule to check the safety of his browser the most tested and reliable way -. Those who will be able to find a vulnerability in Google Chrome pay a good amount (the Google has allocated about $ 3,000,000 for this case). And this idea gave fruit: in recent years, "showing hacks" (not persecuted by law, of course) was already committed. Naturally, the developers did conclusions, Latali bare, and again challenged.

P. Arally every new release of the company is constantly paying huge money for hacking its product. Let's say when these lines were written, the network had information that the last to date the release of the program (33rd by account) was successfully hacked twice. For what "hackers" officially received from $ 100,000 and $ 60,000, respectively. Everything is serious: the creators make the maximum that Chrome still remains the most protected browser in the world.

Et of one "Fishchka" security browser Chrome - Sandbox. A great solution that allows you to extinguish the newly open tab from the rest of the program functionality. In other words, the attack from a particular page will not harm the software, since all tabs are divided. The sandbox also placed applications.

10 Chrome Success Principles

To Frightly, it would be silly, it would be stupid that the success of Google Chrome was consumed only from the hands of the brand's loud glory. This browser really made a lot of revolutionary things, which rightfully deserved a place in the Pantheon of Glory. Thinking a little, I chose 10 main advantages, thanks to which Google Chrome is so popular. So, here is my humble hit parade:

  • ~ Quick view pages;

  • ~ high security and the sandbox already mentioned by us;

  • ~ minimalism in design, due to which the display directly web pages highlighted maximum space;

  • ~ Plugins and expansion, which in Google Chrome already with an excess and constantly appear new;

  • ~ Synchronization with an account in Google;

  • ~ "Incognito" mode, in which the history of visits and cookies does not persist;

  • ~ webmaster tools;

  • ~ The presence of dynamic tabs;

  • ~ Control of failures in the work of the program;

  • ~ Convenient search string combined with address (TN OmniBox).

What is there in the future?

Presents that at the present stage there is no complete potential of the Google Chrome browser. Given the literally, the manic desire of Google to the centralization of all, it is necessary to predict many more revolutionary breakthroughs and changes.

In particular, it is possible to expect a lot from Chrome OS, which has already gained the glory of the destroyer of the usual obstacles. It seems to me that Google Chrome is just beginning to show their capabilities, and in the future we will not adapt to his new achievements. This is a browser, which is forces the most courageous discoveries.

Hello, dear blog readers for XN - E1Adkpj5f.xn - P1AI. Today we will answer the question: "What is Google Chrome?" And "Where to download Google Chrome for free?"
So, Google Chrome is a program to view web pages, otherwise it is also called browser, browser or navigator.

In general, the browser is as part of any Microsoft operating system and is called Internet Explorer, sometimes it is abbreviated called IE. Personally, I practically never use Internet Explorer browser. There are a number of reasons for that:

  1. Internet Explorer browser is integrated into the operating system. Some files required for browser robots are used to operate the operating system. For this reason, the browser hangs may lead to the sound of the entire system.
  2. Most viruses are written under the Internet Explorer, which seems negatively affects the safety of the computer.
  3. As if the Internet Explorer developers did not approve, that he began to work super quickly, but it seems to me that he was as inferior to other browsers at the speed of work, then it is inferior.

So, I do not recommend using Internet Explorer, but the Google Chrome browser should look at. As you understand, it is designed by programmers from Google and can be installed by passing this link. After hitting the page, simply click the "Accept Terms and Install" button. After that, the downloads will start and the following window will appear:

Actually, you will still calm down while installing the Google Chrome browser. After installation, the browser will start:

Well, your own browser and browser tell you and you are of course right. What is the chip and browser? Google Chrome? A couple of chips of course there. For example, the gallery of topics, i.e. Can you change the design of your browser alone in the "? Google Chrome Gallery" window:

As an experiment, I used the topic "Masyan", after which Google Chrome began to look like this:

Another interesting browser chip is that the address bar can be used as a search member field, i.e. Instead of the address of the site, you can write in Russian "Website of the President Medvedev" and through an indefunction you will get the search results.