How to make sound on a computer louder if everything is at the maximum. What to do if a quiet sound in headphones is a guide to increasing the volume of sound How to make headphones even louder

One of the questions that almost every user of a stationary personal or mobile computer faces almost late or later is "how to increase the volume of headphones."

It may seem that if the speakers are arranged directly on the ears, the problem of too quiet sound can not exist. Alas, it is not. Forums in the global network are trying to "how to increase the volume of headphones on a computer." Often there are quite acceptable recommendations, but sometimes come across and completely impractical. Today we will talk about how you can increase the volume of headphones available to each way.

Sound formation

Perhaps no one will argue with what needs to be understood why there is a restriction of sound (and is it really), and then then use any decision. So in this case - before in practice, it should be sorted out how to increase the volume of the headphones, you should remember the theory. Sound is air fluctuations of a certain frequency.

Various solutions are used to play sound stream: from the simplest, like an ordinary whistle, to universal dynamic heads (speakers). The last is just used to generate a stream consisting of various frequencies. Large and small columns, as well as headphones, based on similar devices. A fixed magnet creates a permanent field. Next to it placed a movable membrane, combined with a coil, which passes alternating current of the desired frequency. Since when it occurs in the turns, its field is generated, then their interaction occurs and the membrane is attracted / repelled, creating air fluctuations, that is, sound.

How to increase the volume of headphones?

Thus, several parameters affect the volume.

  • the strength of the current in the turns, which is determined by the characteristics of the sound card amplifier (the greater the current, the stronger the field and more significantly the diffuser shift);
  • the magnitude of the electrical resistance of the coil in the membrane;
  • transitional resistance in the connectors;
  • the possibilities of the membrane itself (diffuser).

So, how to increase the volume of headphones? Obviously, one of the most simple ways is to increase current strength. This can be done by programmatically and by making changes to the hardware. Since the transistors can not all, then we do not consider the last. To increase the sound in the Windows operating system, you need to press the left mouse button once on the image of the dynamics in the lower right corner of the desktop (where the clock). Than the runner above, the sound is louder. In fact, this is a software control of the amplification coefficient of a sound card or, which is also true, an increase in current. It should be noted that if there were rashes and cuts of frequencies in a sound stream, this means that the diffuser is physically not capable of moving to a greater distance (shifting the air mass) and to save it from damage to the further increase in volume is not recommended. If the sound is "clean", but quiet, then you can try to use programs that can additionally enhance the signal. For the video, this is a PotPlayer - in its settings you need to enhance the gain when decoding DTS / AC3 \u200b\u200band raise the mixing levels. In the famous Winamp, you can recommend to choose how the Waveout playback device (and not Direct Sound). The menu window appears when pressed in the Ctrl + P combination application. Sometimes a programmatic increase does not give the desired results. The reason in the absence of coordination of the output cascade of the amplifier and resistance of the coil of the speakers in the headphones. For example, if the amplifier is designed to work with a load of 4 ohms, and this headphone model has a 32 ohm resistance. The solution is one thing - replacement to another model. Sometimes it helps the simple cleaning of the shallow sandpaper (zero) connector, with which the headphones are connected to the sound card.

You connected headphones to a computer or laptop, but the volume is low, what to do? From this situation, we will go out in comprehensively, and consider all the options that can affect the volume of playing your headphones.

Check whether the latest sound card drivers are installed

The driver is a program that manages the work of hardware, i.e. Whatever powerful video or sound card you are installed in the computer, it will not work at all. For any microcircuit or drive, a driver is required in the computer. The modern Windows operating system contains thousands of drivers for a wide variety of devices, but they are not full. Drivers that contain Windows are intended only for the basic functionality of the device, roughly speaking, they are needed just that the device is recognized by the system and at least somehow worked. For full-fledged work, you need official drivers from the manufacturer of the latest version.

I recommend using the Snappy Driver Installer to update all drivers on your computer. This program automatically recognizes which driver you need to install or update, the driver itself downloads and itself installs it in the system. You only need to wait for the end of the program and restart the computer.

Council: Before using the program, do not forget to make a backup copy of the system, I have never come in handy yet, but God saves it.

Check the technical parameters of headphones, especially pay attention to resistance

A very important parameter of headphones is the meaning of their resistance, which is measured in the units "OM". To connect to phones, I do not recommend using the headphones with a resistance above 32 ohms, although I would be the ideal value of 16 ohms.

To connect to ordinary computers and laptops, whose sound cards are not equipped with a powerful headphone amplifier, I also do not recommend connecting the headphones with a resistance above 32 ohms.

The higher the resistance of the headphones, the greater the power must have a headphone amplifier. If you connect high resistance headphones to a conventional built-in sound card you can get a quiet, loose and flat sound that can absolutely be called good or high-quality.

Many sound cards, even embedded in motherboards, have a built-in headphone amplifier, but you need to know how to turn it on, so that the sound in the headphones is loud and juicy.

Enable headphone amplifier on the example of Realtek built-in sound cards

Step 1 - Go to Windows Control Panel

Click the Start button, find the "Control Panel" menu and click on it. If you are using Windows 10, then press the "Start" button, then start to type the words "panel" by Russian letters, turn on the automatic search and in the first results you will see the "Control Panel" menu, click on it with the left mouse button.

Step 2 - Find in the Control Panel "Realtek HD"

Now in the control panel, find the "Realtek HD" menu, it can call somewhat differently depending on which version of the sound card is built into your computer and which version of the drivers you use, but in most cases the name of the RealTek chip manufacturer should be in the title.

Step 3 - Find the location of the audio output settings

Now go to the configuration of the audio outputs on the back of the computer. In the screenshot you see where they are located in my case, although in your, depending on the driver version or other sound card, these settings can be elsewhere.

Step 4 - change destination connections

Click on the green audio output right-click and select "Change Connectors Purpose" in the context menu.

Step 5 - Install the connector the "Headphones"

Install the assignment of the "Headphones" destination and save the result.

All these manipulations are needed for the reason that it is necessary to enable the built-in signal amplifier in the sound card. Some sound cards include it automatically, while others are not. And to make sure that the amplifier will turn on.

Now, if the sound is still quiet, proceed to consider other probable reasons.

Configure Windows for loud sound in headphones

Now find the speaker icon in the lower right corner, click on it with the left and press it and make sure that the volume is exhibited by 80, 90 or 100%.

Even in this case, the volume of your headphones is still quiet, we have extreme means.

Increase the volume by aligning sound

Step 1 - Playback Devices

Find the speaker icon in the lower right corner, click on it with the right mouse button and in the context menu that appears, select "Playback Devices".

Step 2 - Select Speakers

The list of devices will be the "speakers" item, and the name of your sound card, in most cases it is REALTEK, but in my case it is Sound Blaster X-FI. Select this device, click on it with the right mouse button and in the appeared context menu, click on "Properties"

Step 3 - Enable Volume Alignment

Now find the "Additional Features" tab, and check the box in front of the "Volume Alignment" function, then click on the "OK" button.

After this operation, the sound in headphones should become louder, however, this function significantly reduces the dynamic range of sound, i.e. Quiet sounds become louder than they are in the record, and loud - quieter. Those. The sound card is trying to bring the volume of all sounds to some medium value. Therefore, I called this method by an extreme means, because You will get an increase in the volume of the sound due to the deterioration of its audio characteristics significantly affecting perception.

Increase the sound volume in headphones by equalizer

I consider this method with the most barbaric, because It makes strong distortion in the reproducible sound, up to the overload of the driver and the appearance of the cod and interference. But in some cases it can really help increase the overall volume of sound in headphones. But I do not recommend you to use it for long-term use, you will always hear seriously distorted sound, and this is not correct.

Find in the settings of your sound card graphic equalizer. I will show you on the example of my card - Sound Blaster ZXR, in your case the menu will look different, but the point remains the same. If you have a built-in RealTek sound card, then you need to get through the control panel to the card control menu.

Step 1 - Increase the overall volume with the equalizer

Please note, I raised to the maximum value of the extreme right slider. It is responsible for the overall level of volume, in this case I did not touch each of the frequency bands separately. Theoretically, it means that the sound should not be subjected to strong distortions when gaining. But, as I have experienced experience, not all graphic equalizers have a general volume controller, so I will show you how to achieve an increase in volume in the usual equalizer.

Step 2 - Increase the volume in the headphones by lifting the volume of all sound frequencies

Now I raised the volume of each regulator to the maximum level, but did not touch the general regulator, because In your case it may not be. Now the volume in the headphones should achieve the maximum value, however, I once again want to warn you about the fact that such a method I do not recommend using on an ongoing basis due to the strong distortion of the audio signal.

Increase the sound volume in active application

In the screenshot above, I showed the speed control of the sound in the game, as an example of how the sound is adjusted in the applications.

Almost every application, whether it is a music play, a game or player to watch movies, has its own volume control. Make sure it is set to 80, 90 or 100%. Of course, it makes sense to exhibit such meaning if the sound is still quiet, in the normal case, the volume level in the system must be set 100%, and in the application to the value that is comfortable for you.

So all methods known to me to increase the volume in the headphones. If none of the above methods helped you, then I have bad news for you, or headphones broke, or sound equipment, or you connect headphones with high resistance to the equipment that is designed to work in this mode.

Many people had such cases when during operation or listening to music there were any problems with sound, for example, very quiet or loud. Usually people face it using headphones, because they are the most convenient to use. In this article we will talk about how to increase the volume in the headphones and what causes the calm sound in them.

How to increase the volume in headphones

There are a large number of reasons due to which the sound in headphones can be very quiet or just to disappear. Let's consider all of them, let's start with the first.

How to strengthen the sound in headphones and make it so that everything is much louder? To begin with, you will need to go to the Windows control panel, you can make it by pressing the "Start", after which the "control panel". There you will find a large number of different tabs, but we need to go to the "sound" section, in which you can adjust the sound of headphones. First you need to look at whether headphones are included and enable them if for any reason they have been disabled.

Solution to the problem

In the "Sound" section you must have two tabs. One of them is responsible for the speakers if they are available, the second is responsible for the headphones, it is in this tab that we need to go. After you pressed two times right-click on the "sound", you need to go to the "Additional Features" tab, it is there that can find a function that helps increase the volume of headphones, and also to listen to exactly how this volume has changed. Do not forget to click on the "Apply" button, otherwise all your settings are simply not saved and it will be possible to think that it did not bring any result.

It is worth updating the driver, as there are cases when headphones work well simply due to the fact that the drivers have not been updated for them. In order to update the drivers on your headphones without any effort, you just need to go to the device manager, which is computer. How to find it?

  1. Go to itBy right-clicking on "Computer".
  2. Thereafter You need to click on the "Properties" tab, it is below all.
  3. Next, left You will see the dispatcher itself, for which you will need to click on the left mouse button. After you do, go to the "Sound Devices" section.

It is this section that will help you solve all the problems associated with the drivers. It is there that can be seen which drivers are installed on your operating system if they are in general, and also automatically update them or delete them. There are cases when the automatic updating of the drivers for any reason does not work, most often occurs in the case of using a non-spolar brand.

If you do not help automatically update drivers, you can always download yourself and install drivers. Thanks to the dispatcher of the devices, you can see the name of your headphones, after which it will only be necessary to find the official website of your headphone manufacturer, which will help without any obstacles to download the desired drivers. Remember that you need to remove old drivers, because when installing new things, problems may occur. After installing fresh drivers for your audio device, it should work fine. But what to do, if even after that nothing has changed?

Checking headphones

In the event that no of these methods helped get the sound or improve it, then, most likely, the problem is in the headphones themselves. There are a large number of different reasons why headphones can work badly, try to find out, because of which they do not work well, it is almost useless, to begin with to check and make sure that the problem really lies in them.

If you have another device to which your headphones are suitable, then simply connect these headphones to this device. If the sound will go bad, then your headphones just broke or some kind of malfunction happened. In this case, you will need to attribute headphones to the service or acquire new, of course, it will be best to buy new headphones, because if they break out once, the likelihood that the same will occur in a few months and after the repair. You can always attribute headphones to the service, but it is best to do it only when they are true to you.

But what to do, if on another device, for example, on a laptop, headphones work well, while on the computer they make a bad sound? Naturally, in this case, the problem is in the computer itself, but the reasons why may occur, not so much. If you have done all that described above, that is, installed the drivers, checked the device on the visibility of headphones, adjusted the sound and correctly connected them into the connector, then the likelihood of the problem in the sound card is very high.

It is this card that is responsible for all the sound, it can always be pulled out and also attributed to the service where it will be repaired in almost one day, because in the repair of a sound card there are no problems and difficulties. Naturally, you can buy a new audio card. But, the sound card is the main problem in one case of a hundred, most often the problem lies precisely in the headphones themselves.

It is worth noting that not all devices support high volume, so before trying to make a high volume on your device, you should first check it on another device in order to know what the problem lies.

Good everyone!

From my own experience I can say that users most often face the problem of quiet sound when Windows is reinstalling (less often when replacing equipment to a new one).

In general, a quiet-quiet self: if you add a volume of 100%, and the sound is barely audible - then the problem is on the face, but if you expect the volume from the budget laptop as from the music. The center is here without comment, my article can hardly help you.

In the article I want to bring a few reasons because of which the sound can deteriorate (cream appears, grind) and drop the volume. In general, I will give tips on increasing volume. So...

Causes of quiet sound. How to strengthen the sound!

1) "Thin" Sound Setup: Toncompensation and Communication

Now about more interesting - about communication ...

There is such an option in Windows as "Communication" - the point is that the "smart" Windows reduces the volume when using a computer for conversations (i.e., as it were, this is a plus for you - so that you better hear the interlocutor). But, it happens that this option works out of the hands bad - and the sound is always reduced, and not only during conversations ...

To check it: Click by sound icon In the tray (next to the clock) and open the "Sound" link (see Screenshot below). After open the tab "Communication" And put the slider "No action required" (See clause 2-3 on the screen below). Save the settings and restart the computer (the last action is required!). After that, test, what the volume becomes.

A couple of words about the dedication

There is another option in Windows that can significantly affect the volume. It's about pro thinking - Spec. The option to eliminate the difference in volume, taking into account the features of human perception. When problems with quiet sound - I recommend this enable option .

To do this, go to the settings. "Sound" , Open tab "Play" further select your playback source (speakers, headphones) and go to them properties (See Screenshot below, Arrow 1-2).

Then open the "Improvements" tab and in the properties to find the option "Toncompensation" - Enable it, save settings and check the sound quality again (By the way, in Windows 8.1, this option calls a little differently - "Additional Features / Volume Alignment").


2) checking connectors and wires

One of the most frequent causes of sound distortion, noise appearance, cod, loudness - is bad contact between speaker speakers (headphones) and computer sound card.

It occurs, most often, due to the "broken" connectors and plugs, as well as damage to the insulation of the wires (an example of the onscale wires in headphones is shown in the photo below). When such defects appear - I recommend replacing the wire (or turn away if there is such an experience ...).

Invorated wire in headphones

In general, the wiring blast can be "not visible" - i.e. The braid from above will be unharmed, while the copper lived inside will be damaged. Try to twist the wire, and if the sound disappears, it appears, there are distortions - the problem is on the face.

You can also check the headphones (columns) by connecting them to another PC (tablet, music center, etc.). If the problem is associated with the connectors on the sound card - here or repair, or use the outer sound card. Now, for example, there are such "baby" size with a conventional USB flash drive, while many of them can give the sound quality at all worse than the built-in sound cards.

3) Check and update drivers

In each 3-4th problem with sound - the driver is to blame! More precisely, their absence or incorrectly selected version for this OS.

In general, most often, with problems with sound driver, there is no sound at all (I apologize for the tautology). But it happens that stood (for example) Windows 7 - and then it was updated to WinODWS 8/10. According to my observations, after this update, and there are problems with the sound ...

In the Device Manager, open the tab. "Sound, game and video devices" . Your sound card should be displayed in this tab. (for example, on the screen below - REALTEK HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO).

If instead - the Blank tab, or see the "Unknown Device" icon with a question mark - it means there is no driver.

Important!When problems with audio drivers - I recommend to get acquainted with the following article:

To update the driver in Windows - Simply right-click on the device (for which you update the driver), and in the context menu, select "Update Drivers" (Arrow-1-2 on the screen below).

For example, the program below shows the program (available on the link above) Driver Booster, with which you can update the sound driver for 1 click of the mouse ... Convenient? Conveniently!

Updating audio driver for 1 click on the mouse!

4) Adjusting the audio driver: on the example of RealTek

The volume also depends on the settings of the audio driver (and from the driver version itself, but it was described slightly higher. The settings suggest to consider on the basis of one of the most popular drivers - Realtek ...

4.1 Device selection

When you connect any device to the audio card input, as a rule, a message pops up from the RealTek driver, asking you to specify that you have connected. From the correctly selected type of device - depends, including the volume level.

In some cases, it helps forced switching type of device: from headphones on speakers (or vice versa). Try both options.

Note: To invoke the selection window of the plug-in type - Try to remove the plug from the columns (headphones) from the sound card, and insert it again.

4.2 Setting the playback volume

In the RealTek sound card control panel - there are several volume sliders (something like a mixer in Windows). For example, if the FRONT slider has 60% (and the columns are connected to the front side of the system unit) - while you do not raise it 100%, you will not be louder!

Therefore, a simple tip: Open the mixer in Realtek and set all the volume sliders (which will be there) by 100%!

Addition! If you have headphones (columns) are connected to the front panel of the system unit, try to connect them to the back.

If you have a weak sound only when watching movies or listening to music, then most likely it is in audio-video codecs (either in players).

Here the advice is simple: Delete fully all codecs from the system and try to put a set from K-Lite Codec Pack (Description Details here :). And, when installing, be sure to turn on the mode "Lots of Stuff" As on the screen below. So you will get all the necessary and modern codecs to date).

How to install codecs correctly ...

By the way, pay attention to the VLC player - it is not only good when playing a network video, but also when watching a video from the hard disk. It has an option to increase the volume of sound up to 125%!

The best codecs (in my opinion) -

10 Free Windows Players -

6) Volume enhancement programs

Programs to enhance the volume on the computer -

  • installed, set up once and it works (runs each time the computer is turned on);
  • enhance the volume up to 500%!
  • supports all popular programs, games, players, etc.: Skype, ICQ, Windows Media Player, etc.

I have everything on this. I hope at least one recommendation will work!

For additions on the topic - thanks in advance. Good luck!

If you are not satisfied with the maximum volume of your headphones, but also buy new - with reduced resistance - no desire, then there are some simple ways to cope with this problem.

Check the quality of the connection

Perhaps on the device is not the corresponding connector or plug inserted loosely. It should be inserted with a characteristic click. In addition, if we are talking about a computer, the corresponding icon will appear in the tray, confirming that the connection has passed successfully.

By clicking on this icon, set the volume to the maximum and check the sound. If you watch the movie or listen to music in an audio or video player, check the volume in it. Some programs, such as Media Player Classic, allow you to increase the volume even above 100% mark.

Recommendations: 10 best wireless headphones
How to set up headphones to play high-quality sound
, Pinout headphones

Check the settings

Go to the "Control Panel" Windows 7 and find the sound icon there. By selecting it, check the presence of headphones in the device list, as well as by clicking on them with the right mouse button, make sure that they are activated.

After that, double-click the headphs row to operate their properties. Next, on the "Advanced Features" tab, check the box next to the "Sound Alignment" string if it is not yet installed. Click "Apply" and Test Sound.

Check drivers

Make sure that the latest versions of audio drivers are installed on your device. An inappropriate driver either will not allow headphones to be recognized, or their functionality will be minimal. The most common problems associated with drivers:

  • the bugs made by the developers (usually corrected with the release of new versions);
  • the driver version is not suitable for a specific version of the operating system;
  • driver conflicts with one or more multimedia devices.

Drivers can be updated through the official website of the manufacturer of headphones by choosing the model with which you have a problem. To do this, you also need to know the version of the OS and its discharge.

There are special utilities for control over the drivers that will do everything for you. For example, Driverpack Solution or Driver Booster. The program scan your computer will determine the models and versions of the connected devices and self drives the perfectly suitable drivers.

Before you, you can check the availability of problems with the drivers through the device manager (if there are exclamation marks near one or several items, it may be the cause of incorrect headphones).

How to use wireless bluetooth headphones

Use sound amplification programs

One of these programs is Sound Booster, but there are several similar. The software can raise sound volume up to 500% in some programs - Skype, audio and video players, Internet browsers.

It is convenient to manage the volume, you can do it with hot keys. It is also possible to put program data into autorun so that they appear in the tray immediately after the computer is turned on. If the program is designed qualitatively, it will not give sound distortion, due to the presence of certain filters.

Increase the volume of the individual track

To date, there are many programs that will help strengthen the sound of a particular melody, if only she plays quietly. For example:

1. Audio editors such as Adobe Audition or Sony Sound Forge. It is these two programs that are characterized by the fastest file processing and a compression percentage. With their help, you can make any desired manipulations with the track, including an increase in volume.

2. If you need to strengthen the sound at several tracks at once, try the MP3GAIN program. She knows how to edit some parameters of audio records in a packet.

If I could not do anything programmatically, the problem is most likely in the hardware.

Spacking headphones

Possible reasons for low sound

The audio volume in the headphones directly or indirectly affect the following factors:

  • current power in the area of \u200b\u200bturns, depending on the power of the amplifier of the audio card;
  • resistance to the coil in the membrane;
  • possible return of the diffuser (membrane);
  • transitional resistance in sockets.

One of the most logical ways to increase the volume of the headphones is to increase the current flow. In simple language, programmatically increase the volume. Ways to do this we have already considered. Please note that if there are crops and screens, the speaker simply does not support the volume you have chosen.

If programms do not give results, the problem is most likely in insufficient consistency between the output cascade of the amplifier and the resistance issued by the headphones coil. This is possible if the amplifier supports the load in 4 ohms, and the specific headphones are equipped with a resistance of 32 ohms. Then it remains only to think about the acquisition of another model.

You can also try to clean the sandpaper (zero) connector that serves to connect the headphone to the audio card. And do not forget to test headphones with another device to make sure the problem is in them.

Some users found another way for themselves - they connect headphones to the input on the speakers, and the speakers themselves in the sound card. It was noted that in this case the headphones sound much more loud.

How to connect wireless headphones to the phone

Increase the volume of headphones in the iPhone

Adjust the sound level in Apple phones and tablets using an embedded equalizer. Go to the settings and select "Equalizer". Select the finished "Late Night" option.