How to turn on the computer if it does not turn on. The computer turns on, but the download does not start

It happens when a joyful user comes home, presses the power button of his faithful friend, but he is silent. The computer just won't turn on. A person begins to panic and call friends who understand at least something in computers, and those who are in a stupor from such a direct question, without explaining the reasons and features, do not even know what to answer. And okay, if the equipment was turned on to launch the game, but if its launch was necessary for work purposes?

The computer just can't turn off and that's it. There is a reason for this, and not one, therefore, without a description of the features, it is impossible to determine it. But if you take a closer look at the signs of breakdown, then everything can be eliminated without difficulty. These situations arise for a variety of reasons. Some of them, at the end of the problem, will only cause hysterical laughter, while others will empty the wallet.

It happens when a person just comes to the apartment, or just wakes up and immediately turns on the PC. And he, the infection, does not turn on. Thinking about what is the reason for such a tragedy takes a lot of time, but in fact there may simply be no electricity (after all, the TV, lights and other devices were not turned on at that time).
It’s all easy to check, and you shouldn’t go to the Internet for advice in such situations. But it may also be that all the equipment turns on, but the PC does not. It is possible that there is no electrical power in a particular outlet.

Why this happens, electricians know, but you can check it yourself by plugging in a hair dryer or other equipment. If it does not work, then the reason is in the outlet. The power supply must be connected to another source, and the outlet itself must not be touched until the arrival of the master. If the reason is not in the outlet, then we go further.

PC power

It may be that everything is fine with the outlet, but the power still does not reach the computer. First you need to check the integrity of the cable, and carry out a simple manipulation: remove it and insert it. If by the appearance of the cord it is clear that it is time for it to go to the trash, then it is better to do so by buying a new one. Even if the reason for the poor start of the PC is not in it.
Also, behind system block there is a dedicated button. It is rarely used, but accidentally hooking it, and then wondering why the computer does not work is quite realistic. It must be switched to the "On" position.

power unit

If there is no problem in the socket and cord, but the problem remains, then you need to follow the electricity. After the cable, it goes to the power supply, there is a way for us. People are accustomed to saving on everything they can. In computers, power supplies are at the forefront of savings. People do not fully understand how important this piece of technology is.

If it breaks down and needs to be replaced with a new one, this is not a big deal and will cost $35-50. Problems will be more serious if not only the PSU is broken, but also other parts like motherboard or video cards.

Buying new parts right away is also not worth it, first you need to check everything. The easiest way to do this is if you have another, serviceable PSU. If not, then you need a voltage tester. The power connectors should have a voltage of 5V between the black and red wires, and 12V between the yellow and black wires. Deviation is possible only within 5-7 percent, if more, then the block urgently needs to be changed. So that in the future there are no problems with the inoperability of other elements of the system unit, it must be replaced, and not repaired.

When the PSU becomes faulty, the internal protection may become "sticky". You need to unplug the power cable for a few minutes and leave the PC unplugged. If after that, it still does not start, the cause must be looked for elsewhere.

My battery is almost done

There is a small 3V lithium battery on the surface of the motherboard. It supports a memory system that stores BIOS settings. It is very difficult to check this battery before buying a computer, because in order to see it, you need to disassemble the computer. Yes, check if it works appearance- pretty hard. And it could very well be used. Or it could lie in a warehouse for several years.

When the battery runs out, the BIOS system settings are reset. A symptom of such a malfunction may be a constant time failure. Also, if there are problems with the battery, when you turn on the PC, it will require you to save the BIOS settings. In some cases, the equipment refuses to turn on at all. It is also necessary to check its performance using a tester. If it turned out to be non-working, or simply there is no tester at hand, then you can replace it. Such batteries are sold in every computer store and are inexpensive.

Checking the processor and hard drive

If the cover of the system unit was removed to check the PSU and batteries, then at the same time you can look at the processor and HDD. To find out if the processor is working, you need to remove the cooler from it, start the computer and put your hand on the heatsink. If it starts to heat up, it means that it is working. But it's also worth taking a look to see if the cooler works. If not, the computer will shut down to prevent overheating, and it may not always start.

Also, the hard drive may be a startup problem. You need to check if all the plugs are tightly connected to it.

Dust in the computer

If there is a lot of dust inside the system unit, then it is not strange that the PC does not start. To fix the problem, you need a regular vacuum cleaner. The whole cleaning process consists of several stages:


The reason why the computer does not turn on may be a virus. They become real computer killers, viruses can do harm in a variety of situations. If a person uses the Internet, and he has a bad antivirus installed, or not installed at all, then from world wide web viruses will quickly come to the computer. by the most best method pest control is a quality antivirus. It must be official and should be updated periodically. There is no need to save on this software.

But there are situations that the PC turns on, and operating system No. How to run an antivirus in this case? You should try loading the Last Known Good Configuration. To do this, when you turn on the laptop, press F8. After pressing the key, a menu will appear on the screen in which you need to select "Load Last Known Good Configuration".

If you cannot start a successful configuration, then you should try entering safe mode. F8 should also be used for this. When you press the key, a special menu appears on the screen, in which you need to select the line " Safe mode". If you managed to start the OS, then you need to proceed as follows:

  • Go to the "Start" menu;
  • Select the "All Programs" menu;
  • Select "Standard";
  • Open the "Utilities" window;
  • Click on "System Restore";

BIOS settings

Most users don't even know what it is. BIOS system. In fact, it is not necessary to take root in this issue, it is better to fix the problem right away. If the PC does not start due to incorrect BIOS settings, then you need to remove them, reset or return to factory settings. You can name this process whatever you like. If the PC still turns on, but only sometimes, then you need to go into BIOS when you start the system. In order to enter it, you need to press the Del or F2 key (depending on each computer). Next, in the menu that opens ( of blue color) click on Load Optimized Files. If it does not turn on at all, then you need to reset the BIOS in another way.

First you need to remove the cover of the system unit and find the motherboard inside. On its surface there is a "Clear CMOS" jumper, which is what we need. It needs to be “settled” in neighboring contacts, or simply removed for a few minutes. After that, put back and start again.


If the settings are reset, the computer is dusted and everything is in order with the power supply, but the equipment still does not turn on, then the worst case scenario is possible. If the motherboard is broken, then it will fly into a round sum. Especially if there is a desire to take a modern board, which will entail the purchase of a new processor, RAM and video card. As a result, you will have to update almost the entire computer. Well, someday it had to be done.

The process of replacing the motherboard is not easy, when replacing the following factors must be taken into account:

  • On new board should have the same socket for the processor;
  • You need to check the number of RAM slots, they must be of the same type (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, etc.);
  • Connection hard drive should be the same;
  • The required number of slots for the required boards;

If all this is not taken into account, then there will be new problem. Now the user will be tormented by the question of why the new motherboard does not start. Also, new equipment may have other system settings, and you will have to reinstall the operating system.

The logical question would be, why not hand over the motherboard for repair? This can only be done if the cost of repair services does not exceed 30% of the price of the whole board. Repairing this part of the computer is a very complex process and there is no guarantee that it will work well in the future.

If all possible methods of solving the problem are used, and the equipment does not turn on further, then you should not be upset. You need to call the wizard, who will determine the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it.

In contact with

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons why your computer has stopped turning on. We have prepared for you a comprehensive material that describes the main reasons for which the computer does not turn on, their description and possible actions to fix them.

We hope that this guide will be useful to you. You can ask all questions in the comments on this page and we will try to answer them. If you cannot identify and fix the problem yourself, you can always contact us for free* diagnostics and computer repair services.

We do not bear any responsibility for the manipulations performed by you with the software or hardware of the computer in accordance with this manual and do not give guarantees for the restoration of the computer's performance. Remember that this material was prepared by specialists and computer repair work should be carried out by professionals.

The main symptoms of not turning on the computer

This part contains the main, often common symptoms of not turning on the computer, the actions and sequence of their implementation, by taking which you can bring the computer to a working state.

The basic procedure for when the computer does not turn on:Check:

  • Is there voltage at the outlet by connecting, for example, a kettle
  • Is the power cord connecting the power supply and the outlet working?
  • Is the power button on the power supply turned on?
  • Is the power button pressed correctly?
  • Correct power supply to the computer monitor
  • Is the system unit and monitor connected with a connecting cord
  • Open the system unit and conduct a visual inspection
  • Correctness of connecting wires inside the system unit
  • Disable all peripherals and try to re-enable
  • Install a new BIOS battery or disable it temporarily
  • Disconnect the video card and all other cards from the PCI slots
  • Reconnect the RAM strips one by one
  • Leave only the motherboard, processor and power supply

Following these recommended steps may restore your computer to a working state. If the above recommendations did not lead to the desired result, then a detailed clarification of the reasons for the computer's refusal to turn on is required.

Consider the main causes and symptoms why your computer does not turn on

  • There is no voltage in the socket
    Check with the tester that the voltage supply is correct in the socket or plug some other device into the socket and check whether it will work from it.
  • Faulty power cord
    Checking for a faulty computer power cord is easy enough. It is necessary to measure the correctness of the voltage transfer with a tester on both sides or take another power cord, for example, from a monitor.
  • The power supply is turned off
    There is a switch on the outside of the power supply. Try switching it to another position and try to find out if this switch is broken. For most power supplies, this switch should make a mechanical switching sound (click) when switched to another position.
  • BIOS battery dead
    Each motherboard has a separate firmware (BIOS) that maintains its work using a coin cell battery. If this battery is completely discharged, then the computer may not turn on in some cases. We recommend replacing the battery with a new one.
  • Moved RAM sticks
    With an external impact on the system unit (shock, movement, vibration), the RAM sticks can move and the computer will not turn on. We recommend disconnecting the RAM and trying to turn it on. Then connect the RAM and try to turn it on again.
  • Connecting cables disconnected
    Open the cover of the system unit, visually inspect for disconnected wires. Check the security of the wires.
  • Component failed
    Disconnect all additional boards from the motherboard: sound card, TV tuner, video card, WiFi adapters, controllers and more. Here it is necessary to act by the method of elimination - take out one board, try to turn it on, if the computer turned on when a board was disconnected, then it means that it is in it.
  • There is a lot of dust in the computer
    When a lot of dust accumulates in the system unit, this can lead to serious consequences, up to and including the failure of all components with the prospect of buying a new computer. If there is a lot of dust, then your computer needs cleaning.
  • Severe overheating of the processor and / or video card
    The processor can heat up to hundreds of degrees in a few seconds. If the computer does not turn on due to the rapid heating of the processor, then you need to replace the thermal paste. Also, dust could get under the processor or it could "move out" (you need to remove the dust and check the correct installation of the processor in the socket).
  • Broken power button
    If the reason for not turning on the computer is a broken power button, then this can be checked quite simply. Open the system unit and identify two wires coming from the power button to the motherboard. These two wires will be connected with plastic connectors to the motherboard. Disconnect them and short these two contacts with something metallic that passes current. Remember to take precautions when working with voltage.
  • Smell of something burning
    If you notice a burning smell, unplug your computer immediately and call a technician. Most often, power supplies burn out. If you are confident and sure that the power supply has burned out, buy a new one and plug it in.
  • Computer beeps and won't turn on
    If a squeak is heard from the depths of the system unit - these are the so-called sound signals BIOS about the state of the computer. But what do they mean? - you ask. You can find information about what this or that signal means on our website in the section on signals and BIOS codes. By deciphering the BIOS signal, you can understand what the problem is. Detailed information about the beeps and signals of the BIOS.
  • Some numbers on the motherboard light up
    If the computer does not turn on, but the motherboard has BIOS status indicators in the form of an alphanumeric display, then by the codes issued by this display, you can find out at what stage the computer is turned on / loaded and, in accordance with this, take certain actions.
  • Peripherals connected incorrectly
    There are times when people, out of their ignorance, connect peripheral equipment to the wrong connectors in which it should be connected. Because of this, the computer may not turn on. Disconnect absolutely everything external devices(cameras, mice, keyboards, etc.) from the computer and try to start it.
  • There are smudges and blisters on the motherboard
    If you have measured that some part (capacitor) has swollen on the motherboard or noticed strange smudges of an unknown substance, then most likely, at least, you will have to change the motherboard to a new one.
  • All or some fans do not turn on
    Most likely the power supply or motherboard has failed. They need to be repaired or replaced with new ones. We recommend checking the connection of the wires coming from the fans to the motherboard.
  • Computer turns on and then immediately turns off
    There are several reasons for this:
    • The power supply has failed and needs to be replaced.
    • CPU overheating (need to replace thermal paste)
    • Motherboard failure (repair or replace)
    • Other components are faulty (diagnosis required)
  • Lights are on, coolers are spinning, computer won't turn on
    Possible options for not turning on the computer in descending order of probability:
    • BIOS settings are wrong or the chip is out of order
    • RAM failure
    • Faulty motherboard
  • Everything works, there is sound, but there is no image on the monitor
    Check the connecting cable between the video card and the monitor, this may be the only problem. The second option - the video card is out of order. If the video card is separate, then you can try to install another video card and check. If there is also no signal with the new video card, then the monitor is most likely broken.
  • Computer won't turn on and blue screen appears
    The so-called blue screen of death appears due to problems in the operation of components, their malfunctions, incompatibilities, dirt and problems in the operation of the operating room. Windows system. A blue screen appears and gives an error code by which you can determine the malfunction and, if possible, eliminate it.
  • Computer won't turn on and black screen appears
    In most cases, a black screen is an indication of a component malfunction. Often, when a hard drive malfunctions, this very black screen appears, it also appears when incorrect work RAM and the loss of a number of system files from the hard drive. In this case, diagnostics are required as a result of which the cause of the malfunction will become clear.
  • Computer keeps restarting and won't turn on
    If, at some point during the loading of the operating system, the computer starts to restart and the whole process repeats from the beginning, this may be the result of a malfunction in the operating system or a malfunction of the hard drive. You can try to restore the state of the operating system to an earlier date. A hard drive can have two problems - physical and logical. The logical one can be eliminated with software and physical only through mechanical repair. If the hard drive is physically defective and there is really valuable information on it, then you can restore it, but then use it like this hard drive do not recommend.
  • The computer does not boot and some clicks are heard
    If you turn on the computer, and the operating system does not load and you hear quiet or loud clicks inside the system unit, then the hard drive is most likely broken. Usually physically broken hard disks after repair are not used, since the reliability of their work can be extremely low.
  • The computer does not turn on for a long time (loads)
    If the computer still turns on, but the operating system takes a very long time to load, then most likely this may be evidence of logical or physical malfunctions of the hard drive, as well as evidence a large number operating system errors. In case of errors in the operation of the OS, software prevention of its operation is required. Sometimes the computer slows down due to overheating of components.

A common, but frightening user problem is when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not start. At the same time, the coolers work, the system unit makes noise, but the greeting and the desktop do not open up. In fact, the recovery process can be carried out independently, and it is not as long and complicated as it seems at first glance.

Reasons why the computer does not boot

Faults look different:

  • black screen with inscriptions - physical or system errors;
  • blue screen - problems with RAM or drivers.

There are malfunctions on different computers: Lenovo, Samsung, Msi, Asus and so on.

The reasons are of 2 types:

  • Physical- due to the hardware of the computer: rusty contacts on the boards, broken wire, badly inserted video card, damaged hard drive, dried thermal paste, dusty processor. Very simple reasons are possible, for example, the monitor is not connected.
  • Software- the mathematical algorithm of the system is broken: incompatible drivers, viruses are installed, the user accidentally deleted the files necessary for work, windows is out of order, problems with the video driver.

Safe mode

When you simply restart your computer, when you press the Restart button on the system unit, automatic recovery systems.

If this does not help, and the operating system does not start loading, it is advisable to turn to Safe Mode.

This is the way the computer works when a list of necessary components is loaded without unnecessary elements.

  • Remove all information media from the computer: flash drives and disks.
  • IN Windows versions 7 / Vista / Windows xp / 2000 / ME / 98 / 95 - press F8 right after switching on. In Windows 8 / Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 / 10/ Server 2016 - a combination of Shift and F8 at the same time.
  • Select Safe Mode.
  • Sign in.

Through F8, the version of the operating system is restored to the changes.


Download Last Good Windows configuration 7 you can do this: F8 or Del - Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced).

The mouse does not work in this mode, the control is through the up and down buttons and enter (Enter).

Corrupt HAL.dll

To fix the error when the computer reports that the HAL.dll file is damaged or missing, and the following steps will help restore the OS:

Launch Recovery

Checking the monitor, components, connections

Important external state devices.

Perhaps the reason is hidden in external breakdowns:

After turning on the computer, a squeak follows - the Bios signal. In the normal state, this is one short “beep” and the computer boots up. In case of malfunctions, the sound is modified. It is important to know the Bios name and count the number of signals. So the signals can be used to determine the problem.

Video card driver conflict

The computer is unable to turn on due to installed video drivers. In this case, go to Safe Mode - Start - Control Panel - Device Manager - Video adapters - Disable / Update drivers (program conflicts are visible here in the Properties - Resources tab).

In some cases, after updating the drivers, the problem disappears.

Removing programs that block OS loading

Periodically, programs that conflict with Windows provoke a crash. It is advisable to correct the situation through Safe Mode:

Start - Programs and Features - Uninstall a program - Uninstall.
You can uninstall in Safe Mode using CCleaner.

Disabling unnecessary startup items

Safe Mode - Start - At the Start command prompt, type msconfig.exe and press Enter - There are 5 tabs in System Configuration:

If the problem has disappeared, you need to go into Safe Mode and add one program to startup in the Services list and restart the computer in normal mode.

As soon as after adding another program to startup, the problem returns - the root is found, only this program must be disabled, updated or removed altogether.

To enter normal mode Windows work: In the "Start" menu, write "msconfig.exe" and press Enter - System Configuration - General - put the checkbox on "Normal Startup" - Press OK and restart the computer.

Reverting the system to a working state

Through F8 go to the menu.

Infinite Reload

The reason that a computer or laptop does not boot beyond the manufacturer's screen saver is initialization failure, emergency power off, filling up the disk WITH files (movies, photos, etc.).

When, after “Welcome”, the computer turns on again, you must:

  • restart the computer several times;
  • hold down F8 - the Advanced window will appear Boot Options- go to Repair Your Computer - Enter
  • if the endless run to the logo continues: Safe mode - My computer - drive C - copy and move files to D.

If the startup repair tool cannot automatically restore the system, you need the help of removable media.

Using a Live CD (bootable disk)

The boot disk with the image is the second operating system. It contains a recovery console and will help in solving the problem.

Disc features:

  • diagnostics;
  • virus check;
  • useful utilities.

Many errors like 0xc0000098 when windows startup 7 (problem with launching files), are solved using boot disks.

Recovery Boot Manager

If the initialization fails, the system does not see the hard drive. You have to start from a boot drive.

Press R - a console appears - enter "chkdsk c: / f / r" and press Enter - then enter "Bootrec.exe / FixMbr" and Enter - then "Bootrec.exe / FixBoot".

So the commands restored the resume bootloader.

Rewriting the Bootrec.exe/RebuildBcd sector will work if the hard drive is intact.

With "NTLDR is missing" (file access is not complete), it is advisable to try to restore boot records. If it doesn't help, copy the file from the disk to the system partition with the command: E:\i386>copy ntldr C:\ - Enter, reboot and the system is restored.

MbrFix utility

The program is included in boot disk Hiren's BootCD. After starting MbrFix enter in command line: MbrFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr/ win 10

The described option is suitable for Windows 10, respectively. It helps if the boot manager is missing or damaged.


Includes services for copying data, preparing for reinstallation, diagnosing problems in a hard drive, and checking for viruses. Works on Windows and Linux.


Malicious programs are also the reason that the monitor has stopped turning on. It is necessary to detect the infection and clean the device. It happens that a virus contains a game or a picture from the Internet. Required virus scanner, which is loaded before the operating system runs.
Good antiviruses removable media: disks and flash drives. They have their own boot entries and a menu interface. For example, Avast, Kaspersky perfectly reanimate "sick" files.

Reinstalling the system

If the previous methods were tried, but it was not possible to fix the breakdown, reinstalling the operating system becomes a solution to the problem.

Black screen when reinstalling Windows

The reasons for this situation are:

  • Unsuitable Windows, in this case, you need a different operating system.
  • Bad sectors of the hard drive, damage to the media from which the OS is being installed.
  • The operating system is recommended to be installed on another hard section disk.

The hard drive is out of order: how to determine and what to do

If you suspect that the hard drive is not working, it is important to diagnose. If you format it, the saved files will be lost.

It is advisable to check the hard drive in several ways:

Signs that the hard drive is completely broken:

Useful video

We have already considered the situation when the computer, and today we will talk about the situation when the computer turns on but won't boot.

This includes cases when the computer, after pressing the button, began to make a sound (buzz) numbers and letters appear on the screen, but at the same time before the desktop appears not happening.

Consider everything possible faults in order:

Computer won't boot, black screen

The computer turned on and shows a black screen, the computer does not boot beyond the BIOS. look what is written on the screen?

- If there are no inscriptions no or blinking cursor, then you should read how to check and test.

In rare cases, it happens that the battery is working, but the inscription PRESS F1 (or F2) to Continue does not disappear on subsequent launches. Without repairing the motherboard, this problem cannot be solved. It remains to come to terms with this and press F1 (F2) at each start.

Computer won't boot. Blue screen

So-called "blue screen of death" has long terrified Windows users.

Much has been written about it, there are many programs that describe the causes of an error by its code (where to look for the name of the error and its code, circled on the screen). I'll try to keep it short and as simple as possible:

1) First of all, you need to remember what new devices and drivers installed on the computer Lately. It is believed that in 70% of cases"blue screen" appears after installing incorrect drivers. Therefore, I recommend downloading drivers only from the manufacturer's website.

2) HDD damaged, lost system files. about this question.

3) Problems with RAM. How to check it is written.

4) viral infection. It happens quite rarely. Read how to defeat viruses.

Naturally, this is not a complete list. I plan to write a separate article on this topic.

The computer does not boot up to the end (to the Windows desktop)

This refers to the option when Windows starts loading and it takes a very long time or even leads to a “freeze”.

What needs to be done:

Make sure the computer does not overheat. The most common cause of overheating is dust. How to clean a computer from dust is written.

Check your computer for viruses..

If it is not possible to boot Windows into the normal mode, select "Safe mode". Before the operating system starts loading, press the key F8 until the options appear. There select "Safe mode". This option is designed to be crash-proof and loads a minimum of programs. After fixing your Windows issues, restart your computer.


We have covered the main options for troubleshooting problems with Windows boot. Naturally, this is not a complete list of faults. But from my own experience I can say that most often people are faced with the above problems.

Whoever has difficulty using the contents of this article, write in the comments, I will answer everyone.

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