Internet does not work normally, but works fine in safe mode. Internet guide - all the most interesting on the network The network works only in safe mode

Safe modeWindows 7.

While working at a computer, we, as users, quite often encounter various problems and also often try to find ways to solve them. But, unfortunately, not always and not everyone succeeds in solving the problem, sometimes this may be due to the complexity of solving the problem, and sometimes the user is simply not able to solve the problem on his own, since he does not have the necessary knowledge for this. Therefore, in today's article we will talk with you about Windows 7 Safe Mode, we will learn in more detail what this function is, what it is for and how we can use it to solve problem situations that have arisen with the performance of the Windows 7 operating system.

How to enter safe mode W indows 7

So, before we get into the features and capabilities of Windows 7 Safe Mode, let's first learn how to get there. First, we need to restart the computer, for this we can use the Start button and select the reboot item from the menu, or if your system is frozen, you can press the Reset button on the system unit, thereby causing a forced restart. After the computer has gone to reboot, constantly and periodically press the F button 8. At the moment before loading the operating system, you should see a window that looks like this:

As shown in the figure above, in order to enter the safe mode of the Windows 7 operating system, you need to select the appropriate item and press the Enter button, thereby confirming your choice. After that, you will start downloading all the necessary files and drivers that are necessary for the correct operation of Windows 7 in this mode.

In fact, with the help, you can solve a huge number of problems associated with the failure of the operating system, its infection with a virus and under other circumstances, when Windows 7 refuses to boot in normal mode. Be sure to pay attention to such an item as: "Last successful configuration." How is this item useful? I explain. Suppose you installed some program or utility, everything started, everything works and suddenly your screen goes out for nothing and the computer goes out to reboot, after which the system refuses to boot in normal mode. Here this item will come to your aid. All you need to do is to select the item "Last successful configuration" immediately before booting the system and press the Enter button, after which you will boot working version of your operating system.

Also, very often, loading the last known good configuration helps in case of incorrect installation of drivers or a failure resulting from the installation of drivers that do not match the installed hardware.

In addition, using Safe Mode in Windows 7, you can remove viruses, restore the system boot, edit registry settings, delete and change software settings, restore the system and much more. All this gives great chances of restoring Windows 7 without reinstalling it.

How to enter Windows 7 Safe Mode with Internet access?

Many people often ask if it is possible to access the Internet from under Windows 7 Safe Mode and, if so, how to do it. I'm telling you. Yes, you can go online from Safe Mode, and in order to do this, you need to select "Safe Mode with Loading Network Drivers" in the Advanced Boot Options menu, which can be called up by pressing the F 8 button before loading the OS.

In fact, this is a very important function, because with the help of Safe Mode and the Internet you can find the answer to your question and restore the system's performance.

How do I enter Windows 7 Safe Mode? This question most often arises when there is a need for debugging operations to eliminate system failures, the appearance of various kinds of errors, remove the consequences of virus programs, etc. In a word, the security mode, or as it is also called "Safe Mode", is designed to help the user restore the normal operation of the computer in a critical situation. Unfortunately, not all PC owners know how to get into it. In this topic, we will consider several ways to start this mode in Windows 7.

The easiest way to start Windows 7 Safe Mode is to select the appropriate item in the operating system when it starts. To do this, before the welcome window appears on the laptop, press the F8 button several times. A screen with ways to start the system will open.

note: if there are several operating systems on the laptop, then you must first select the one you want to start (in our case, it is Windows 7) and only then press F8.

The Advanced Boot Options window appears with the following options:

  1. Safe mode
  2. Safe mode with loading network drivers
  3. Safe mode with command line support
  4. Boot logging
  5. Enabling low resolution video mode (640x480)
  6. Last Known Good Configuration (optional)
  7. Directory Service Restore Mode

If the F8 button does not work, it means that the function keys on the laptop are disabled. Therefore, "F8" should be simultaneously pressed with the "Fn" key, after which you will be able to boot into Windows 7 Safe Mode in the usual way.

note: if you clicked on this button after the system logo appears, then the boot via BIOS will no longer be performed. To do this, you need to wait for the desktop to load and restart Windows 7 again.

How do I know if my computer has booted into Safe Mode? Lower screen resolution, simplified graphical interface, i.e. lack of themes and other complex interface elements that consume system resources. Windows 7 Safe Mode displays the most basic services vital for the functioning of the system and does not load programs from autorun. More precisely, you can download those applications that are adapted to work in "Safe Mode": service and diagnostic utilities, antiviruses, browsers, text documents, etc. Safe Mode in Windows 7 uses a limited number of colors, so you will feel like you turned on your old computer. But this also has its advantages. Due to the fact that many services and programs are disabled, the system speed will be significantly higher.

Please note that only the most important items required to configure the system will be visible in the control panel. In addition, if you open one of the devices unavailable for Safe Mode in the Manager, the following warning will appear on the screen:

When you start Safe Mode with network driver support, you can browse the Internet.

Before enabling Safe Mode on Windows 7, you need to decide why you need it and, depending on this, choose one of the options. For example, for major system fixes, command line support is required. In order to be able to access the Internet in safe mode, you should call the mode with support for network drivers.

How to enter safe mode directly from the system

The utility "MsConfig" will help us with this. To launch it, open the Start menu and type its name in the search bar. Log in as administrator: right-click on the name and select the appropriate item.

The application will open. Going to the "Download" tab, check the "Safe Mode" checkbox.

  • "Minimal" means Windows 7 Normal Safe Mode;
  • "Other shell" - implies command line support;
  • "Restore Active Directory" - restore the directory service;
  • "Network" - Windows 7 safe mode with the ability to load network drivers.

You can exit without rebooting, then the next time you start Windows 7 it will boot in safe mode.

note: after completing all tasks in safe mode and then booting the system, go to the system configuration section again and uncheck the "Safe mode" box. Otherwise, the laptop or PC will always start in Safe Mode.

Launch Windows 7 Safe Mode via Command Prompt

This is also one of the options for enabling "Safe Mode" when the PC is turned on. Open the Start menu and go to the Accessories folder, where find the command line shortcut and run it as administrator.

Simple Safe Mode in Windows 7

Command line support

Loading network drivers

Selecting Normal Mode

For an immediate reboot, after one of the selected commands, enter "shutdown / f / r / t 0" and press Enter.

If only Safe Mode boots on the laptop or PC

This means that the registry keys, drivers or system files responsible for normal system startup are damaged. Or viruses have appeared on the system. The first problem can be solved by restoring the system to its original state, that is, to the one in which it worked stably.

We go to the "Start" menu in the "All Programs" section. Go to the Maintenance subsection, where we select the Backup and Restore tool.

Then we click on "Restore system parameters or computer".

In the next step, we start the system recovery process.

You can also uninstall a driver through Device Manager, which you think is interfering with the normal operation of the system. To do this, use the Windows + Pause / Break hotkey combination. The device manager will open, where select one of the drivers with the right mouse button and click "Uninstall" or "Update hardware configuration".

In addition, look at which programs and services are given permission to automatically start at system startup and scan your PC for viruses.

If your computer is infected with viruses, it is helpful to know information on how to turn on the Internet in Safe Mode. This method of starting the operating system will load only minimal components. The main advantage is that applications that are registered in startup will not be loaded.

The login process is straightforward. It may only differ depending on the version of WINDOWS used.

There are three types:

  • The standard option, in which only programs and services necessary for the operation of the operating system are launched. With this method, the network drivers will not start, so you will not be able to access the Internet.
  • The second method involves launching network drivers. Unlike the first option, the user is able to access the network.
  • Login using the command line. The peculiarity of this method is that after starting the standard version, the command line appears.

To connect to Windows Safe Mode, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Remove all disks, floppy disks from the computer, then restart. It is necessary to activate the "Start" button, select the "Restart" option.
  2. If the user has one operating system installed on the computer, then during the reboot process, hold down the F8 button. You need to press it before the Windows inscription appears. If the logo appears before pressing the button, you need to repeat the steps again. To do this, you must fully boot, and then restart again.
  3. If several operating systems are installed, then use the arrows to select the one you need. Then the F8 button is pressed.

The user will see a panel of options for additional downloads. Use the arrow keys to select the desired option and press the enter key.

The way how to connect will depend on the type of operating system. For example, if we are talking about seven, then there are two ways. The first option involves entering during the launch of the program, the second during work. In the first case, the mode will work even in case of serious breakdowns on the computer.

To enter Safe Mode on Windows 7, you need to do the following:

  1. Restart the computer if it was turned on.
  2. Before starting, you need to press F8 several times. It is best to do this at least three times.
  3. A window will appear with a choice of additional parameters for loading.
  4. After selecting safe mode, you need to press the "enter" key.

Important! Often on laptops, you have to press F8 together with the Fn key.


Every Windows operating system has this boot method. It is simply impossible to go into it. If the operating system is working correctly, then it is not visible. It is considered one of the diagnostic methods.

Once Windows is started in this way, a typical system will open in front of the user, but it will have simplified graphics and a desktop background. The main feature is that in this version only programs that are basic for Windows will work. All services that are configured to autostart at startup will be disabled.

Many users wonder why they should turn on in safe mode if many services will not function. This method is necessary when Windows cannot connect at all. The reasons for this can be various, both a virus and errors in work. If the operating system does not start due to some system error, then logging in using the security method may also not always work.

This kind of triggering often helps to identify the problem. For example, if an incompatible driver was installed. In such a situation, you can find the reason why the operating system does not start in the standard order.

If you enable it in a safe way, you can run the anti-virus program. It will help clean your computer. After that, you can start the system for recovery.

Possible operations

If you use this method, a number of operations become available to the user:

  • The ability to check the operating system for viruses. Programs that are installed at startup will not start. And it is in them that viruses are most often located.
  • Configure and restore the system. This is best done when connected.
  • Update and install new drivers. In this mode, only the minimum necessary will be loaded. If your computer is not working well, and the problem lies in the drivers, this method may solve the problem.

Also, the user will be able to check the operation of the computer. If it's about software, then with this input it will function well. If the problems persist, then there is a breakdown in the hardware system.

Is it possible to use the internet

Often, users are faced with the situation that the Internet does not work in safe mode. If you cannot get into it, it means that blocking programs are installed on the computer. In such a situation, it is recommended to restart the computer and turn on as usual. To do this, in the "system configuration" tab, select "normal startup", then "general".

Then you need to clean your computer from malware and blocking programs. It is also recommended to reinstall the anti-virus program.

Reasons for not connecting

If you enable Safe Mode, most of the time you still can't get online. This happens if the network drivers have not been activated. This situation occurs with the standard boot type. To be able to access the Internet, you need to choose the second method with the connection of drivers.

Programmers do not advise doing this, since there is an opportunity to aggravate the situation with a breakdown. This is due to the fact that with this method of loading, many systems on the computer are disabled.

Thanks to the launch of the operating system with the exclusion of unnecessary programs, Safe Mode is one of the important types of diagnostics of the state of the computer. It helps to restore the performance of your computer after breakdowns and malfunctions.

Diagnostics, Internet and Networks

The question is ... In normal mode, the Internet works for 3 minutes on the strength, and if you're lucky ... But in safe mode it works with a bang!
So, in normal mode, it seems like the pages are loaded, everything is fine, but as I said after 3 minutes, it was as if the evil neighbor had cut off the cable ... And the most annoying thing is that the connection seems to be there and the page seems to be loaded, but the truth is not loaded maybe an hour or two and no error crashes and something like abuot: blank is written in the address bar). Friends advise to “demolish” Windows and install a new one ... I would have followed their advice if I had not “sowed miracles” in the old driver an apartment which is 1750km away from me ... I hope for your help!

The specialist's answer

Roman seems to be some kind of utility blocking the connection. Try disabling all antiviruses, firewalls and everything related to network monitoring or security. You can also try another browser. If after these steps the Internet does not appear, it will be easier to reinstall the OS. By the way, it is not necessary to have an original disk with drivers, you can first download them from the manufacturer's website to an external medium (for example, a USB flash drive), or save them to a hard disk partition that will not affect the installation of the operating system.