Literature Online World Information Web. World Wide Web (WWW) - Vicky for the "Web Design" program

Already today, the number of Internet users reaches 3.5 billion people, and this is almost half of the population of the Earth. And, of course, everyone knows that World Wide Web finally enveloped our planet. But still far from everyone can say whether there is a distinction between the concepts of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Oddly enough, many are absolutely sure that these are synonyms, but the wanted guys can bring the arguments that this confidence will be charged.

What is the Internet?

Without going into complex technical details, it can be said that The Internet is a system that combines computer networks around the world.. Computers are divided into two groups - clients and servers.

Clients Call ordinary user devices, which includes personal computers, and laptops, and tablets, and, of course, smartphones. They send a request, get and display information.

All information store servers that can be classified for different purposes:

  • web server
  • postal,
  • chats
  • radio and television broadcast systems,
  • file sharing.

Servers are powerful computers working continuously. In addition to storing information, they receive requests from customers and send the necessary answer. At the same time, hundreds of such requests are treated.

More in our brief liberation it is necessary to mention it is worth mentioning internet providersthat provide the connection of the client and server. The provider is such an organization with its Internet server to which all its clients are connected. Providers provide communication on the telephone cable, a dedicated channel or wireless network.

So you get on the Internet

Is it possible to do without a provider and directly connect to the Internet? Theoretically you can! You will have to become the provider yourself and spend for a huge amount of money to get to the central servers. So do not scold a strong Internet provider for high rates - these guys also need to pay many things and spend money on the maintenance of equipment.

World Wide Web enthrall the whole world

WORLD WIDE WEB or just Web - Poutine. Actually it is represented by a huge number of pages that are connected with each other. This connection is provided by references by which you can go from one page to another, even if it is located another computer connected to.

World Wide Web - the most popular and large Internet service

The worldwide web for its work uses special web servers. They are stored for web pages (one of them you see now). Pages related links with general subjects, appearance, and usually located on one server are called the website.

To view pages and web documents, special programs are used - browsers.

It is the World Wide Web includes forums, blogs and social networks. But directly its work and existence provides the Internet ...

Is the difference?

In fact, the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web is quite large. If the Internet is a huge network, binding millions of computers throughout the planet for sharing information, the World Wide Web is just one of the ways of sharing this information. In addition to providing the WORLD WIDE WEB, the Internet allows you to use email and various messengers, as well as transmit FTP protocol files,

The Internet is what connects numerous computer networks.

WORLD COUNT - these are all pages that are stored on special Internet servers.


Now you know that the World Wide Internet and World Wide Web are different things. And most importantly, you can shine with the mind and explain to friends in what is this difference.

World Wide Web (www)

The World Wide Web (eng. WORLD WIDE WEB.) - a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on various computers connected to the Internet. To designate the World Wide Web also use the word web (eng. web. "Web") and abbreviation Www.. World Wide Web is the largest worldwide multilingual information storage in electronic form: tens of millions of related documents that are located on computers located around the globe. It is considered the most popular and interesting Internet service, which allows access to information regardless of its location. To learn the news, learn something or just to have fun, people watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, magazines, books. The World Wide Web also offers its users broadcasting, video information, press, books, but with the difference that all this can be obtained without leaving home. It does not matter what information is presented in the information that interests you (text document, photography, video or sound fragment) and where this information is geographically (in Russia, Australia or on the bank of the ivory) - you will get it in a few minutes to your computer.

World wide web forms hundreds of millions of web servers. Most World Wide Web Resources are a hypertext. Hypertext documents posted in the World Wide Web are called web pages. Several web pages made by the common theme, design, as well as related links and usually located on the same web server are called the Web site. Special programs are used for downloading and viewing web pages - browsers. World Wide Web has caused a real revolution in information technology and a boom in the development of the Internet. Often, speaking of the Internet, they mean by the World Wide Web, but it is important to understand that this is not the same thing.

History of World Wide Web

The inventors of the World Wide Web are considered to be Tim Berners-Lee and, to a lesser extent, Robert Kayo. Tim Berners-Lee is the author of HTTP technologies, URI / URL and HTML. In 1980, he worked in the European Council on Nuclear Research (FR. Conseil Européen Pour La Recherche Nucléaire, CERN) software consultant. It was there, in Geneva (Switzerland), he wrote the Enquier program for his own needs (English. Enquire, you can freely translate as the "investigator"), which used random associations for storing data and laid the conceptual basis for the World Wide Web.

In 1989, working in CERN over the internal network of the organization, Tim Berners-Lee offered a global hypertext project, now known as the World Wide Web. The project implied the publication of hypertext documents related to the hyperlinks, which would facilitate the search and consolidation of information for CERN scientists. To implement the project Tim Berners-Lee (jointly with his assistants), URI identifiers were invented, HTTP protocol and HTML language. These are technologies that can already be submitted to the modern Internet. In the period from 1991 to 1993, Berners-Lee improved the technical specifications of these standards and published them. But, nevertheless, officially the year of the birth of the World Wide Web should be considered 1989.

Within the framework of the Berners-Lee project, the world's first HTTPD web server and the world's first hypertext web browser called Worldwideweb. This browser was simultaneously WYSIWYG-Protector (Sokr. From English. What you see is what you get - you see, then you will receive), its development has begun in October 1990, and finished in December of the same year. The program worked in the NextStep environment and began to spread over the Internet in the summer of 1991.

The world's first website was posted by Berners-Lee on August 6, 1991 on the first web server, accessible to The resource determined the concept of the World Wide Web, contained instructions for installing a web server, using a browser, etc. This site was also the first online directory in the world, because later Tim Berners-Lee posted and supported a list of links to other sites.

Since 1994, the main work on the development of the World Wide Web, a consortium of the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, based and still headed by Tim Berners-Lee. This consortium is an organization that develops and implementing technological standards for the Internet and the World Wide Web. The W3C mission: "Fully disclose the potential of the World Wide Web by creating protocols and principles guaranteeing long-term network development." Two other major consortium tasks - to provide complete "network internationalization" and make a network accessible to people with disabilities.

W3C develops uniform principles and standards for the Internet (called "Recommendations", English. W3C Recommendations), which are then embedded by manufacturers of programs and equipment. Thus, compatibility is achieved between software products and equipment of various companies, which makes the worldwide network more perfect, universal and convenient. All recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium are open, that is, not protected by patents and can be introduced by any person without any financial deductions to the consortium.

Structure and principles of the World Wide Web

World Wide Web form millions of web servers on the Internet worldwide. The web server is a program running on a computer connected to the network and using the HTTP protocol for data transmission. In the simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request over a specific resource network, finds the appropriate file on the local hard disk and sends it to the network requested to the computer. More complex web servers are capable of responding to HTTP request to dynamically generate documents using templates and scripts.

To view information received from the web server, a special program is applied on the client computer - a web browser. The main function of the web browser is the display of a hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked with the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Most of the information in the web is a hypertext.

To facilitate the creation, storage and display of hypertext, the World Wide Web traditionally uses the HTML language (HyperText Markup Language, "Hypertext Marking Language"). Work on the creation of (markup) of hypertext documents is called a clash, it is made by a webmaster or a separate specialist in the markup - the vertellor. After HTML markup, the resulting document is stored in a file, and such HTML files are the main type of worldwide web resources. After the HTML file becomes available to the web server, it starts to call "a web page". Set of web pages forms a website.

Hypertext web pages contains hyperlinks. Hyperlinks help worldwide web users easily move between resources (files), regardless of whether resources are on a local computer or on a remote server. To determine the location of resources in the World Wide Web, uniform resource locators URL (English Uniform Resource Locator) are used. For example, the full URL of the main page of the Russian section Wikipedia looks like this: Such URLs combine the identification technology of the URI (eng. Uniform Resource Identifier - "Uniform resource identifier") and DNS domain name system (eng. Domain Name System). The domain name (in this case is as part of the URL indicates a computer (more precisely, one of its network interfaces), which executes the code of the desired web server. The URL of the current page usually can be seen in the address bar of the browser, although many modern browsers prefer the default to show only the domain name of the current site.

World Wide Web Technologies

To improve the visual perception of the Web, CSS technology has become widely applied, which allows you to set single design styles for a variety of web pages. Another innovation that is worth paying attention is the URN resource designation system (Eng. Uniform Resource Name).

The popular development concept of the World Wide Web is the creation of a semantic cobweb. The semantic web is a superstructure over the existing worldwide web, which is designed to make information posted on the network more understandable for computers. The semantic web is the concept of a network in which each resource in the human language would be equipped with a description, understandable to the computer. Semantic web opens access to well-structured information for any applications, regardless of the platform and regardless of programming languages. The programs will be able to find the necessary resources themselves, process information, classify data, identify logical connections, draw conclusions and even make decisions based on these conclusions. With widespread and competent implementation, the semantic web can cause a revolution on the Internet. To create a resource description computer, a RDF format is used in the semantic web (eng. Resource Description Framework), which is based on XML syntax and uses URI identifiers to designate resources. New in this area is RDFS (English RDF Schema) and SparQL (English Protocol and RDF Query Language) (pronounced as "Sparkle"), a new query language for quick access to RDF data.

Main applied worldwide cobwebs

Work with browser

Today, ten years after the invention of the HTTP protocol, the World Wide Web, the browser is the most complex software that combines ease to use and the wealth of opportunities.
The browser not only reveals the user the world of hypertext resources of the World Wide Web. It can also work with other network services, such as FTP, Gopher, Wais. Together with the browser, a program is usually installed for using email services (e-mail) and news (NEWS). In fact, the browser is the main program to access the network services. Through it, you can access virtually any Internet service, even if the browser does not support work with this service. This uses specially programmed web servers that associate a worldwide web with this network service. An example of this kind of web servers - numerous free email servers with a web interface (see
Today there are many browser programs created by various companies. Browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer received the greatest distribution and recognition. It is these browsers that make up the main competition among themselves, although it is worth noting that these programs are largely similar. This is understandable, because they work according to the same standards - Internet standards.
Working with the browser begins with the fact that the user is dialing in the address bar (address) of the URL of the resource to which he wants to access, and presses the Enter key.

The browser sends a request to the specified network server. As the elements of the web page specified by the user comes from the server, it gradually appears in the working window of the browser. The process of obtaining elements of the page from the server is displayed in the lower "status" string of the browser.

The text hyperlinks contained in the received web page are usually highlighted by color different from the color of the remaining text of the document, and are emphasized. References indicating the resources that the user has not yet been viewed, and links to already visited resources usually have different color. Images can also function as hyperlinks. Regardless of whether the text link or graphic, if you bring the mouse cursor on it, its form will change. Simultaneously in the status bar of the browser will appear the address to which the link indicates.

When you click on the hyperlink, the browser opens the resource in the working window to which it indicates, with the previous resource from it is unloaded. The browser leads a list of browsing pages and the user if necessary, can go back on the page viewed chain. To do this, you need to click on the "Back" button in the browser menu - and it will return to the page you viewed before you have opened the current document.
Every time you click on this button, the browser will return to one document back in the list of visited documents. If suddenly you have come back too far, use the "Forward" button ("Forward") the browser menu. It will help you move forward on the list of documents.
The "Stop" button will stop the download of the document. The "Reload" button allows you to restart the current document from the server.
The browser in its window can show only one document: to show another document, it unloads the previous one. It is much more convenient to work simultaneously in several browser windows. Opening a new window is carried out using the menu: File - Create - window (or CTRL + N key combination).

Work with document

The browser allows a set of standard operations on the document. You can print the web page loaded into it (in Internet Explorer it is done using the "Print" button or from the menu: File - print ...), save to disk (Menu: File - Save how ...). You can find the text fragment you are interested in in the downloaded page. To do this, use the menu: Edit - Find on this page .... And if you are interested in how this document looks like in the original hypertext, which processed the browser, select in the menu: View - in the form of HTML.
When the user finds a particularly interesting page in the Internet on the Internet, it uses the ability to set bookmarks provided in browsers (by analogy with bookmarks noted by interesting places of the book).
This is done through the menu: Favorites - add to favorites. After that, the new tab appears in the list of bookmarks, which can be viewed by clicking the "Favorites" button on the browser panel or through the Favorites menu.
Existing bookmarks can be deleted, modified, organize in the folder using the menu: Favorites - Sort Favorites.

Work through proxy server

Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer also provides a mechanism for embedding additional features independent manufacturers. Modules that expand the possibilities of the browser are called plugins (Plug-in).
Browsers work on computers running a wide variety of operating systems. This gives the basis for talking about the independence of the World Wide Web on the type of computer used by the user and the operating system.

Search for information on the Internet

Recently, a new powerful mass media is seen in the World Wide Web, the audience of which is the most active and educated part of the world's population. Such a vision corresponds to the real state of affairs. In the days of significant events and shocks, the load on network nodes of news increases dramatically; In response, resources devoted to reader demand instantly appear on the incident. Thus, during the August 1998 crisis on the CNN television and radio company (, the news appeared much earlier than Russian media reported. At the same time, the RIA RosBusinessConsulting server was widely fame (, providing fresh information from financial markets and the latest news. Many Americans watched the progress of voting on the impeachment to the US President Bill Clinton on the net, and not at TV screens. The development of the war in Yugoslavia was also instantly reflected in a variety of publications reflecting a variety of points of view on this conflict.
Many people who are familiar with the Internet are more likely, believe that you can find any information on the network. This is really so in the sense that there you can come across the most unexpected resources in the form and content. Indeed, the modern network is able to offer its user a lot of information of the most different profile. Here you can get acquainted with the news, it is interesting to spend time, gain access to a variety of reference, encyclopedic and educational information. It is only necessary to emphasize that although the overall information value of the Internet is very large, the information space itself is inhomogeneously qualitatively, since resources are often created on an ambulance hand. If, when preparing a paper publishing, its text is usually read by several reviewers and adjustments are made to it, then in the network this stage of the publishing process is usually absent. So, in general, to the information that has learned from the Internet should be treated with slightly greater caution than the information found in the print publication.
However, the abundance of the information has a negative side: with an increase in the number of information, it becomes more and more difficult and more difficult to find the information that is currently needed. Therefore, the main problem that occurs when working with the network is to quickly find the necessary information and understand it, evaluate the informational value of a resource for its purposes.

To solve the problem of finding the necessary information on the Internet there is a separate type of network service. We are talking about search servers, or search engines.
Search servers are quite numerous and varied. It is customary to distinguish search indexes and directories.
Index servers They work as follows: regularly read the content of most network web pages ("index" them), and put them in whole or in part in the common database. Separator users have the ability to search for this database, using keywords related to the topic of interest. The issuance of search results usually consists of excerpts of the recommended toe of the user's user and their addresses (URL) decorated in the form of hyperlinks. Working with search servers of this type is convenient if there is a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe search.
Catalog servers In fact, constitute a multi-level classification of references built on the principle "from the common to the private". Sometimes references are accompanied by a brief description of the resource. As a rule, it is possible to search in the names of the headings (categories) and descriptions of resources by keywords. Catalogs are used when they do not quite clearly know what it is looking for. Turning from the most general categories to more privately, it is possible to determine with what kind of network resource should be familiar. Search directories appropriate to compare with thematic library catalogs or classifiers. Maintaining search directories is partially automated, but so far the resource classification is mainly manually.
Search directories are common destination and specialized. Outdoor search directories include the resources of the most different profile. Specialized catalogs combine only resources dedicated to a certain subject. They often manage to achieve a better coverage of resources from their field and build a more adequate rubrication.
Recently, general-purpose search directories and indexing search servers are intensively integrated, successfully combining their advantages. Search technologies also do not stand still. Traditional indexing servers are looking for documents in the database containing keywords from the search query. With this approach, it is very difficult to estimate the value and quality of the resource issued by the user. An alternative approach is to look for such web pages referenced by other resources on this topic. The more links to the page exists on the network, the more chances you will find it. Such a kind of meta search is performed by Google's search server (, I have emerged quite recently, but already perfectly proven itself.

Working with search servers

Working with search servers is not a lot of work. In the address bar of the browser, you dial its address in the query line in the desired language keywords or phrase corresponding to the resource or network resources you want to find. Then click on the "Search" button and the first page with search results is loaded into the browser.

Usually, the search server issues the search results by small portions, for example, 10 per page of the issuance. Therefore, they often take more than one page. Then under the list of recommended links will be a link that suggests the next "portion" of the search results (see Fig.).

Ideally, the resource you are looking for, the search server will be placed on the first page of the search results, and you immediately recognize the desired link on the short description. However, you often have to view several resources before the appropriate is found. As a rule, the user scans them in new browser windows without closing the browser window with search results. Sometimes searching and viewing resources found in the same browser window.
The success of information search directly depends on how correctly you have made a search query.
Consider a simple example. Suppose you want to buy a computer, but do not know which modifications today there are and what their characteristics are. To get the required information, you can use the Internet by setting a search engine request. If you specify the word "computer" in the search bar, then the search result will be more than 6 million (!) Links. Naturally, among them there are also pages that meet our requirements, but it is not possible to find them among such a quantity.
If you write "which modifications of computers exist today", the search server will offer you to view about two hundred pages, but none of them will strictly match the request. In other words, there are separate words from your request, but we can talk at all about computers, but, let's say, about the existing modifications of washing machines or the number of computers available in stock some firm for this day.
In general, the first time you successfully ask a question to the search server is not always obtained. If the request is short and there are only frequently used words in it, there can be a lot of documents, hundreds of thousands and millions. On the contrary, if your request is too detailed or very rare words will be used in it, you will see a message that the resources that meet your request are not found in the server database.
A gradual narrowing or extension of the search focus through an increase or decrease in the list of keywords, replacing unsuccessful search terms to more successful will help you improve the search results.
In addition to the number of words, their content plays an important role in the request. The keywords that make up the search query are usually simply separated by spaces. It must be remembered that different search servers interpret this in different ways. Some of them are selected by such a request only documents containing all keywords, that is, perceive the spaces in the request as a logical bundle "and". Some interpret space as a logical "or" and seek documents containing at least one of the keywords.
When generating a search query, most servers allow explicitly specifying logical bundles that combine keywords, and set some other search parameters. Logical ligaments are usually designated using the English words "and", "or", "not". On different search servers, during the formation of an extended search query, a different syntax is used - the so-called query language. With the help of a query language, you can specify which words must necessarily meet in the document, which should not be, what are desirable (that is, maybe, and may not be).
As a rule, modern search engines are used when searching for all possible words used words. That is, no matter what form you used the word in the request, the search takes into account all its forms according to the rules of the Russian language: for example, if you set a request to "go", then as a result of the search, links to documents containing the words "go" will be found. , "goes", "walked", "walked", etc.
Usually there is a link "Help" ("Help") on the title page of the search server, by contacting which the user can familiarize himself with the search rules and the language of requests used on this server.
Another very important point is the choice of a suitable search server suitable for your tasks. If you are looking for any specific file, it is better to use a specialized search server that indexes not a web page, but file archives on the Internet. An example of such search servers can be FTP search (, and to search for files on Russian archives it is better to use the Russian analogue -
Software archives are used to search for software, such as,,
If the webpage you are looking for is located in the Russian part of the network, it is possible to use Russian search servers. They work better with Russian-speaking search queries, equipped with an interface in Russian.
Table 1 shows a list of some of the most well-known general-purpose search servers. All these servers currently offer both full-text search, and searching by category, combining, thus, the advantages of the indexing server and directory server.

HTTP, which will allow you to maintain a long connection, transmitting data to multiple threads, distribution of data transmission channels and control them. If it is implemented and will be supported by standard WWW software, it will remove the aforementioned flaws. Another way is to use navigators that can locally execute programs in interpretable languages, such as the Sun Microsystems Java project. Another solution to this problem is to use AJAX technology, based on XML and JavaScript. This allows you to access the data from the server when the WWW page is already loaded from the server.

Currently there are two trends in the development of the World Wide Web: the semantic web and

There is also a popular Web 2.0 concept, which generalizes several directions of development of the World Wide Web.

Web 2.0

The development of the WWW recently is significantly carried out by the active introduction of new principles and technologies that have received the general name of Web 2.0 (web 2.0). The term of web 2.0 first appeared in 2004 and is intended to illustrate high-quality changes in WWW on the second decade of its existence. Web 2.0 is a logical improvement of the web. The main feature is to improve and accelerate the interaction of websites with users, which led to a rapid growth of user activity. This manifested itself in:

  • participation in the Internet communities (in particular, in forums);
  • posting comments on sites;
  • conducting personal journals (blogs);
  • placing references in www.

Web 2.0 introduced an active data exchange, in particular:

  • export of news between sites;
  • active information aggregation from sites.
  • using the API to separate the site data from the site itself

From the point of view of the implementation of Web 2.0 sites, it improves the requirements for simplicity and convenience of sites for ordinary users and aims to rapidly drop the qualifications of users in the near future. The list of standards and approvals (W3C) is compliance with the forefront. This is in particular:

  • standards of visual design and functionality of sites;
  • typical Requirements (SEO) of search engines;
  • xML standards and open information exchange.

On the other hand, on web 2.0 decreased:

  • requirements for "brightness" and "creativity" of design and filling;
  • needs for integrated websites ([ % 82-% D0% BF% D0% BE% D1% 80% D1% 82% D0% B0% D0% BB]);
  • the value of offline advertising;
  • business interest in major projects.

Thus, Web 2.0 recorded the transition of WWW from single expensive complex solutions in highly typed, cheap, easy to use sites with the possibility of effective information sharing. The main reasons for such a transition were:

  • critical lack of quality information filling;
  • the need for active user expression in www;
  • development of search technology and information aggregation in WWW.

The transition to a web 2.0 technology complex has such consequences for the global information space WWW as:

  • the success of the project is determined by the level of active communication of the project users and the quality level of information filling;
  • sites can achieve high performance and profitability without large capital investments due to successful positioning in WWW;
  • separate WWW users can achieve significant success in implementing their business and creative plans in WWW without their own sites;
  • the concept of a personal site is inferior to the concept of "blog", "Author's heading";
  • the fundamentally new roles of the active user WWW appear (forum moderator, authoritative members of the forum, blogger).

Examples of web 2.0
We give a few examples of sites illustrating web 2.0 technologies and which actually changed WWW environment. This is in particular:

In addition to these projects, there are other projects that form a modern global environment and based on the activity of their users. Sites, filling and popularity of which are formed, first of all, not by the effort and resources of their owners, and the community of users interested in the development of the site make up a new class of services that define the rules of the global WWW environment.

from. one

School of Informatics and Computer Engineering
On the topic: World Wide Web.

Work performed student 190 (1)

Grigorieva Anastasia

Work checks teacher Isaev I.A.

Tallinn 2010.

Introduction 3.

Structure and principles of the World Wide Web 4

World Wide Web History 5

Traveling World Wide Web 7

Communication of hypertext pages 8

Worldwide Web Development Prospects 9


Structure and principles of the World Wide Web

World Wide Web form millions of web servers on the Internet worldwide. The web server is a program running on a computer connected to the network and using the HTTP protocol for data transmission. In the simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request over a specific resource network, finds the appropriate file on the local hard disk and sends it to the network requested to the computer. More complex web servers are capable of dynamically distribute resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or their parts), uniform URI resource identifiers are used in the World Wide Web (English. Uniform Resource. Identifier). To locate resources, the network uses uniform resource locators URLs (eng. Uniform Resource. Locator). Such URLs combine the identification technology of the URI and the DNS domain name system (eng. Domain. Name. System.) - The domain name (or directly the IP address in the numeric recording) is part of the URL to designate the computer (more precisely - one of its network interfaces), which executes the code of the desired web server.

To review the information received from the web server, a special program is applied on the client computer - a web browser. The main function of the web browser is the display of a hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked with the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Most of the information in the web is a hypertext. To facilitate the creation, storage and mapping of hypertext, the World Wide Web traditionally uses HTML language (eng. Hypertext. Markup. Language.), Hypertext markup language. Work on the markup of the hypertext is called a layout, the wizard on the markup is called a webmaster or webmaster (without a hyphen). After HTML markup, the resulting hypertext is placed in a file, such an HTML file is the most common resource of the World Wide Web. After the HTML file becomes available to the web server, it starts to call "a web page". Set of web pages forms a website. Hyperlinks are added to the hypertext of web pages. Hyperlinks help worldwide web users easily move between resources (files), regardless of whether resources are on a local computer or on a remote server. Web hyperlinks are based on URL technology. (2 link)

History of World Wide Web

The inventors of the World Wide Web are considered to be Tim Berners-Lee and to a lesser extent, Robert Kayo. Tim Berners-Lee is the author of HTTP technologies, URI / URL and HTML. In 1980, he worked in the European Council on Nuclear Research (FR. CONSEIL EUROPÉEN POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE, CERN) Software consultant. It was there, in Geneva (Switzerland), he wrote an Encquir program for his own needs (English. « Enquire.» , You can freely translate as the "investigator"), which used random associations for storing data and laid a conceptual basis for the World Wide Web.

In 1989, working in CERN over the internal network of the organization, Tim Berners-Lee offered a global hypertext project, now known as the World Wide Web. The project implied the publication of hypertext documents related to the hyperlinks, which would facilitate the search and consolidation of information for CERN scientists. To implement the project Tim Berners-Lee (jointly with his assistants), URI identifiers were invented, HTTP protocol and HTML language. These are technologies that can already be submitted to the modern Internet. In the period from 1991 to 1993, Berners-Lee improved, the technical specifications of these standards and published them. But, nevertheless, officially the year of the birth of the World Wide Web should be considered 1989.

Within the framework of the project of Berners-Lee, the world's first web server "HTTPD" and the world's first hypertext web browser, called WORLDWIDEWEB. This browser was simultaneously a WYSIWYG editor (Sokr. From English. What You. See IS. What You. Get. - What you see, then you will receive), its development was launched in October 1990, and finished in December of the same year. The program worked in the NEXTSTEP environment and began to spread over the Internet in the summer of 1991. (2)

The world's first website

the world's world's website Berners-Lee created at, now the site is stored in the archive. This site appeared online on the Internet on August 6, 1991. This site describes that a worldwide web is how to install a web server, how to use a browser, etc. This site was also the first online directory in the world, because later Tim Berners-Lee posted and maintained a list of links to other sites.

and the first photo of the World Wide Web was depicted parody Filk Group Les Horribbles Cernettes. Tim Bernes-Lee asked their scanned pictures from the group leader after CERN Hardronic Festival. (2)

World Wide Web Travel

The simplest journey

The worldwide web begins with the input of any email address in the string.

Location (Location) and after pressing the ENTER button, the system transfers you to

virtual world. Technologically, the browser establishes a connection to

page levels - that is, one basic, from it - links to several

intermediate or second-level pages, and from them - on the page next

level. Linear organization involves the presence of pages of one level,

several other pages. And the web is a lot


Worldwide Web Development Prospects

Currently there are two trends in the development of the World Wide Web: Semantic Web and Social Web.

  • Semantic web involves improving the connectedness and relevance of information in the World Wide Web through the introduction of new metadata formats.

  • Social web is relumed to work on the streamlining of the information available in the web, performed by the users themselves. As part of the second direction of the developments, which are part of the semantic web, are actively used as tools (RSS and other formats of web channels, OPML, XHTML microformats). Personally semantized Wikipedia categories, help users to move in information space, however, very soft requirements The subcategories do not give grounds hopes for the expansion of such sites. In this regard, interest may be attempts to draw up atlases of knowledge.
FROM there is also a popular Web 2.0 concept, which generalizes several directions of development of the World Wide Web. (2)


Ways to actively display information in the World Wide Web

The information in the web may be displayed as passively (that is, the user can only read it) and actively - then the user can add information and edit it. To the methods of active display of information in the World Wide Web include:

  • guest books,

  • forums

  • chats

  • blogs,

  • wiki projects

  • social networks,

  • content management systems. (2)



By benefit the use of the World Wide Web hypertext, it has created an unknown earlier information space and comfort for users. Today, almost all large and medium-sized, and most small companies, universities, government agencies, public associations and simply citizens throughout the world have their own web pages, which place information about their activities, provide hundreds of services with their help. The development of WWW has already led to the emergence of a new profession of a Web master, whose task includes the creation of Web pages using a huge number of graphic, video and audio effects.

Thus, the worldwide web or WWW is definitely the brightest, convenient and popular part of the Internet. Today, through the "pages" of WWW, we can read email, access file archives, work with newsgroups and receive many new information. To do this, we need to enter only the desired address of the site in the search string and press ENTER.


  1. Leontyev V.P. Computer Encyclopedia Schoolchildren, Alma Press Education, 2005



from. one

Initially, the Internet was a computer network for transmitting information developed on the initiative of the US Department of Defense. The reason was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957 the first artificial satellite of the Earth. The US military decided that in this case they need a super-based communication system. Arpanet was not long secret and soon became actively used by various sectors of science.

The first successful remote communication session was held in 1969 from Los Angeles to Stanford. In 1971, a program was developed instantly gained popularity to send email over the network. The first foreign organizations connected to the network were in the UK and Norway. With the transatlantic telephone cable in these countries, Arpanet has become an international network.

Arpanet was perhaps a more perfect, but not the only communication system. And only by 1983, when the American network was filled with the first news groups, bulletin boards and moved to the use of TCP / IP protocol, which allowed to integrate into other computer networks, Arpanet became the Internet. Just a year later, this title began to gradually move to the NSFNet - the inter-university network that had a greater bandwidth and climbing 10 thousand connected computers in the annual period. In 1988, the first Internet chat appeared, and in 1989 Tim Berners-Lee offered the World Wide Web Concept.


In 1990, Arpanet finally lost NSFNet. It is worth noting that both of them were developed by the same scientific organizations, only the first - by order of the US defense services, and the second - on their own initiative. However, this competitive pair entailed the scientific developments and discoveries, which made the World Wide Web, which in 1991 became publicly available. His concept of Berners Lee over the next two years has developed an HTTP protocol (hypertext), HTML language and URL identifiers that are more familiar to regular users like Internet addresses, sites and pages.

The World Wide Web is a system that provides access to the computer files connected to the Internet. In part, therefore, today the concepts of web and the Internet often replace each other. In fact, the Internet is communication technology, some information space, and the World Wide Web fills it. This spider network is made up of many millions of web servers - computers and their systems responsible for the work of websites and pages. For access to web resources (download, browsing) from a regular computer, a browser program is used. Web, www - Synonyms for World Wide Web. WWW users are calculated billions.

Scientific and technical progress does not stand still, and resides in constant development, searching, improvement. Perhaps the most useful invention of human genius - the Internet was invented relatively not so long ago, by the measure of the development of civilization. In essence, it is a unique data exchange tool.

The Internet (network, Internet) is a virtual environment that guarantees access to information resources, the elements of which are personal computers. They are combined into a single scheme and are endowed with unique signs of addressing using high-speed lines with the main computers.

The Internet is a huge network that combines countless devices. It serves to exchange information that exists in this network in various forms. Nowadays, not only computers can connect to the Internet. Mobile phones, tablets, game consoles, other gadgets and even TVs can easily go to the network at any time.

The significance of this information space is indisputable and due to the amazing communication capabilities, between users of all devices connected to the network.

In the technical plan, the online space is formed by countlessly multiple computer devices connected to each other. Billions of PC users living in different countries communicate every day, transmit and accept useful information, download digital data arrays in the form of applications, programs, utilities; Watching a video, listen to music.

Online Wednesday has another important feature - limitless information storage capabilities. Personal experience is transmitted via the Internet, in addition, it is a unique mass informing platform for modern media and a tremendous repository of global knowledge.

What is the Internet?

In order for the PC owners living on different continents, they could freely use network resources search services - on the ocean's bottom cables for which useful information is pumped around the clock.

Personal computer is managed by special protocols. This is a kind of instruction that allows you to establish communication rules between devices. A single criterion for building a program protocol - an IP address. Thanks to such a structure, any participant receives its own digital address by which the identification is searched.

For example, after entering the NOVICHKAM.INFO browser line, the client appears on the web site offering newcomers. In technical plan, the software robot simply finds the code of the IP address, which is assigned a specific site.

The machine algorithm includes the following operations:

  1. the request is recorded by the main server where the name of the necessary thematic data array is stored;
  2. there is a job in memory of this resource, i.e. Detection of the required IP address;
  3. the client hits the Web site.

There are other protocols, such as HTTP. Inquiries in another method are carried out with the addition of prefix http: //

What is a worldwide web (www)

For most of the representatives of the target audience, the definition of the Internet service as a worldwide web (WWW or just Web) is of great interest. Under its definition, a set of interrelated web pages is understood, access to which is provided by a limited number of PCs connected to the network.

A set of text files marked in the HTML language with transitions along the links placed on the electronic platform received the name of the Web site. You can familiarize yourself with the content of this or that website by activating the work of the browser to search for the address name.

Web today is positioned as the most sought-after and popular service of online space, i.e. Internet. An important element of Web is hypertext links. Clicking on the link of the desired document or requesting a unique URL in the browser (name code, path), a person can view the desired array of text.

Addressing system

When you enter the incorrect address name in the search bar, the browser will quickly promptly prompt the browser (confirm the lack of the desired page). Often, on request, a person gets access to an advertising (fraudulent site).

In this situation, the inaccuracy should be corrected in the Request Line field, without trying to explore the advertising Web site for security reasons. The fact is that the data of the platforms can be infected with the virus. If the resource is created for the purpose of fraud, it will not be familiar with our section where the most popular ways of deception in the network are excellent.

In the address of any site, the main thing is a domain that serves for ease of memorization. Domain, as a rule, displays the address of the main page. At the same time, it should be understood that for the technical download of the page, the computer device uses the IP with the protocol "". Agree, this combination is much more difficult to remember than the domain name of our site.

It is important to know that input "http: //" or the "WWW" prefix in the search bar is not required. It is better to use the services of a search engine where the error made will be immediately corrected, and the domain input is possible without a zone causing confusion.

What does the Internet give us?

  • unlimited communication and communication

Many people are looking for like-minded people, communicating in popular social projects and forums. Others like a unique service of personal communication using ICQ or Skype. Visitors to WebSite dating expect to find their second half here;

  • infinite features of entertainment and personal leisure activities

You can listen to popular music tracks for free, enjoy the novelties filmography film studios, play various games, including gambling, get acquainted with the works of modern authors and classics of the literary genre, pass polls, tests, etc.

  • self-education

In the mass communication environment, you can not only read useful articles, but also participate in trainings, master classes, view video lessons;

  • creative identity development

Here you can meet with rare people, attend their professional projects for creative and personal improvement;

  • purchase of goods and services

Customers of virtual supermarkets can buy goods without leaving home. Online you can purchase shares of industrial companies, order tickets, book a hotel room, etc.;

  • new ways to earn money

In the Internet there are more types of earnings. For example, you can open an online store by creating your own blog (Website). Those who are just trying their strength on this field, it's easier to start with freelancing: write articles under the order, sell photos, offer services for creating and promoting different projects, engage in web design and programming.

  • much. Information on our site will help you learn not just all the possibilities of this global network, but also perfectly while in it.