BIOS does not load: instructions for solving the problem. Windows does not boot after BIOS update on laptop

Sometimes, when loading the tenth version of the operating system, the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error may pop up in various situations. It can appear after resetting the operating system, updating the BIOS, connecting another hard drive or solid-state drive, adjusting the structure of departments on the drive, and in many other points. There is a similar error where a blue screen appears that says NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. It is eliminated by the same methods.

First of all, before trying to eliminate the error in any way, you need to perform a few simple manipulations. Initially, you need to remove all third-party drives from the computer. It is also worth checking the boot order of the drives. The system drive must be in the first position. To do this, you need to go to BIOS or UEFI. It is worth noting that in UEFI it may not be the first hard drive, but the Boot Manager item. After that, you need to restart your computer.

In addition, if something was connected to the computer, cleaning was carried out or any similar manipulations were performed inside the computer, it is necessary to check the correctness and reliability of all connections of the hard drive or solid-state drive with power and SATA ports. In some cases, it helps to fix the error connecting to a different SATA port.

INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE after OS reset or update installation

In addition, there is another rather simple option for eliminating the error that occurs, which appears after resetting the operating system to factory settings or after installing Windows updates.

In this case, you can use a very simple troubleshooting option. On the screen with the inscription "PC has not started correctly", which appears immediately after the notification with the entered text after resetting the error data, you need to click on "Additional parameters".

In the window that appears, select "Troubleshooting". In this section, you need to click "Boot Options", after which you need to click on the "Restart" button. As a result, the computer will restart and an offer will pop up to load the PC in different versions. Here you need to specify option 4, for which you need to press the F4 button, after which the PC will boot in safe mode.

After the PC starts in the selected mode, you must restart it again. To do this, go to "Start", select the "Shutdown" button, and then click "Restart". When this problem occurs, this method helps in most cases.

In addition, in the advanced settings of the recovery environment, there should be a "Startup Repair" item. For some unknown reason, but in the tenth version of Windows, it can be used to eliminate startup problems, and quite complex ones. It is recommended to try this option if the above does not help.

Windows 10 stopped loading after BIOS update or power failure

There is also another fairly common cause of the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE download error. In this case, the BIOS settings are lost, which relate to the operation mode of SATA drives. In most cases, this error occurs during a power outage or after completing a BIOS update. In addition, it can occur when the motherboard battery "dies". As a result, the parameters are reset.

If there is an assumption that the error occurs precisely for this, then you need to go to the BIOS of your computer or laptop. After that, you need to go into the parameters of SATA devices, and try to change the operating mode. If the IDE is set in the settings, you need to activate AHCI or vice versa. Then you need to save your BIOS settings and restart your PC.

The disk is faulty or the structure of departments on the drive has changed

Such an error means that the boot loader did not detect and did not gain access to the system disk. This can happen due to problems in the file system or mechanical problems with the drive. In addition, the adjustment of the structure of the sections of the disk can affect the appearance of the error.

In any case, the boot must be performed in the recovery environment of the operating system. If you can open Advanced Options after the error window, you need to run them.

If this is not possible, then it is worth resorting to using the installation media with the operating system to open the recovery environment. Such a drive can be created on another PC.

In this environment, you need to go to "Troubleshooting". After that, you need to go to "Additional parameters". In this window you need to select "Command line". Dahl needs to find out the letter of the system department, which may not be C.

In this case, you must enter diskpart. After that, you need to write list volume. Here you need to find and remember the name of the operating system volume, which will be the letter of the volume. In addition, you need to remember the name of the section with the loader, it may be useful later. This field must be entered exit.

To check the disk for damage, you must write the command chkdsk C: / r and then press Enter. Then you need to wait until the command is completed. If errors are detected in the process, they will be automatically corrected.

In addition, there is a variant in which there is an assumption that this error may occur after user manipulations to manufacture and adjust the drive departments. In this case, you need to register bcdboot.exe C: \\ Windows / s E :. Here C is a department with an operating system, and E is a department with a bootloader. After
after the command is executed, you need to restart the PC in standard mode.

If nothing fixes the problem

If none of the above has brought the desired result and the operating system still does not boot, then only reinstalling the system can help. You can also reset using a bootable media. To reset in this case, you need to do some manipulation.

The first step is to boot from the drive with the operating system, and the version that is installed on the PC. The screen for selecting the language will then appear, followed by the "Install" button. On this screen, you must select "System Restore".

By clicking on the link, the recovery environment will open, in which you must click on "Troubleshoot". In this screen, you need to click "Reset PC to its original state". After that, the recommendations on the screen are required.

It happens that if this error occurs due to problems with the hard drive or its partitions, then if it is necessary to roll back the operating system and save the data on it, a message may pop up that this is impossible and the information must be deleted.
If the information on the disk is important, you need to save it somewhere, for example, overwrite it on another computer or boot from the Live drive.

Here, in principle, all the reasons for the appearance and methods of eliminating the Windows boot error INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE.

BIOS is the Basic Input-Output System, the heart of the computer, without which the normal operation of other components and software is impossible. When you turn on the computer, the BIOS starts up first and only after turning it on, the operating system starts loading.

In theory, since Windows boots after the BIOS, reinstalling the operating system or adding another OS should not affect the normal operation of the BIOS. However, it is not uncommon for an attempt to install a second operating system to result in the BIOS not loading.

In this case, we can assume that the BIOS settings have gone wrong and restoring the default settings can solve the problem. To reset the settings, you need to perform the following operations.

  1. Disconnect the PC and monitor from the mains.
  2. Open the system unit and remove the battery from the motherboard.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Replace the system battery.
  5. Connect power to the computer and monitor.

After restarting, the BIOS will start to boot “as the first time”. If the problem disappears after doing this, it is recommended that you format the bootable hard drive and reinstall the operating system. Preferably the one that previously worked without problems. It is possible that the added operating system was damaged in the distribution.

Connection violations

Chances are good that the BIOS does not load due to gaps in the supply networks or data loops. To check this option, you first need to listen - is the cooler spinning on the motherboard. The BIOS is part of the processor and therefore poor cooling of the motherboard leads to malfunctions.

Perhaps, the contact groups of the fan have moved away, so it does not work. Then carefully inspect all cable and loop connections. Check if dust has accumulated on the motherboard or in the contacts. Dust is an excellent conductor of electric current, and it also creates electrostatic fields, to which electronics are very sensitive.

  • Clean the device from dust with a vacuum cleaner and a brush.
  • Disconnect contactors in sequence and clean the terminals from dirt and oxidation. You can use a school rubber band to clean the contacts.
  • Check that all connectors are secure. It is likely that the vibration caused the contacts to disperse, and therefore the equipment stopped working correctly.

After preventive maintenance, you can try to restart the computer. Is the screen black again and the BIOS won't load? Then it can be assumed that one of the internal modules is faulty. Including the motherboard itself could fail or it needs to be reflashed.

You can download the new firmware for the motherboard on the manufacturer's official website. Updating the firmware is a difficult and rather risky task. Therefore, if you do not know exactly what and how to do, it is better not to risk it, otherwise you can ditch the entire computer, in a place with hard drives. Better contact the service center.

Faulty blocks in the computer

None of the above helped? Then the probability of hardware failure increases and you can start checking the blocks.
Unplug and remove anything from the device that is not required to start the computer. Leave only the motherboard, power supply, and one of the RAM sticks. The computer will not work in this state, but it is possible to check the health of the motherboard itself.
A common reason for the inability to start a computer is insufficient power supply. For example - you replaced the motherboard with a more advanced one that requires more electricity. At the same time, the power supply remains old. Or so - additional hard disks or some other functional components were installed in the system unit. Energy consumption can rise quite dramatically. Installing a more powerful PSU will solve the problem. If the question, of course, is the lack of energy.

Often a malfunction in the video card interferes with loading BIOS. If possible, you need to check the video card by replacing it with another similar one. Or install the video card in another computer. Here you need to look at the compatibility of the equipment. Otherwise, you will not find the problem, but you can create new faults.

If in the minimum configuration - a motherboard, a power supply unit, a socket of RAM - the system unit is working and the BIOS is loaded, then the problem is in one of the removed modules. After installing and connecting the next unit, try turning on the computer again and see what happens. As soon as Bios stops starting again, it can be assumed that you have found a faulty unit. Now all that remains is to find a similar one and replace it.

In reality, everything is often much more complicated. For example, the computer sometimes boots up and works quite normally, and then, for no apparent reason, starts to glitch. The problem can be either a software malfunction or a component malfunction.

These periods of normal operation, alternating with failure to boot the BIOS, are common for three types of problems.

  1. The presence of microcracks on the motherboard. Because of this, contact periodically disappears.
  2. The electrolytic capacitors on the motherboard or power supply are dry. This malfunction mainly applies to old system units that have been in operation for a long time. Sometimes defective capacitors can be identified by the characteristic bulging of the case.

Poor contact in connected wires. As already mentioned - the presence of dust, oxidation of contacts, insufficient pressure. If the contactors have fixing screws, they must be tightened to the end. The opposite situation also happens - too tightly clamped screws-retainers lead to deformation of the connectors and disruption of contact in the connection.

Preview. This material was prepared after trial operation of a 13-inch ultrabook Samsung NP530-U3C, however, this problem can be encountered on other models of the Korean manufacturer. If your Samsung laptop does not work after updating the BIOS, that is, when turned on, only a black screen with an error is visible All boot options are tried ...then this article is for you.

The complete error message looks like this:

All boot options are tried. Press key to recover with factory image using Recovery or any other keys for next boot loop iteration.

The reason for this error is in the BIOS update. An ordinary user will never think of such a thought in his life, however, a proprietary utility is installed in Samsung laptops SW Update, which itself offers this procedure. Since this is a proprietary utility, many confidently update everything. When it comes to BIOS, it suddenly turns out that something has gone wrong.

If the All boot options are tried error appeared on the screen and you, press any button to go to the BIOS.

In BIOS, move to the tab Boot and set the following settings:
Secure Boot - Disabled
OS Mode Selection - UEFI and CSM OS

We save the changes and exit the BIOS. After that, the All boot options are tried error in the laptop will disappear and the installed Windows 8 or 7 OS will start.

Sometimes after some laptop models stop loading the operating system. Instead, they automatically enter the BIOS when turned on. There, if you look at the boot list (), you will notice that it is empty. That is, there is no hard disk, no DVD drive, no bootable flash drive that you could insert into the USB port. Although at the same time they are all connected and can even be displayed in the BIOS among the connected devices.

What to do in this situation and how to return the laptop to working condition on your own at home?

Why is this happening?

In most cases, this situation occurs, as mentioned above, after resetting the BIOS settings. And it is not necessary to do this through the appropriate menu. It is enough to get the laptop battery for a few minutes and disconnect it from the mains. Updating the BIOS and from dust also often leads to its reset.

In some versions of laptops, especially after 2016 release, there are various options in the BIOS, the incorrect installation of which leads to a prohibition of booting from a hard disk or flash drive. Therefore, when turned on, the laptop itself enters the BIOS, since it does not see any device from which it could continue to boot.

How to fix this situation?

To do this, in the BIOS settings that appear on the screen immediately after turning on the laptop, you need to find the option and disable it, that is, put it in the Disabled state. It may have a slightly different name, such as Fast Boot, and is usually located under the Advanced or Boot tab. In Asus laptops with UEFI system, in the main window you need to press F7 to activate extended mode.

Fast Boot Option

As soon as you disabled Fast Boot, immediately save the settings with the F10 button, then restart the laptop and go into BIOS again.

Further, on the Boot or Security tab (perhaps in your case on other tabs), you need to find the option and also disable it by switching it to Disabled, and the UEFI and Legacy OS (CSM - Compatibility Support Module) (OS Mode Selection) parameter must be set to CMS OS or Other OS or Legacy.

Secure Boot Option

OS Mode Selection

Now we save the settings with the same F10 button, reboot and check. The laptop should start loading Windows.

If this does not happen, then try to find the Legacy Support option in the BIOS and set it to Enabled. Also, if there is a parameter