Browsers rating. Top browsers: rating and review

Each individual person has some preferences, tastes and requirements. If you give the same thing to hundreds of people for a test drive, then everyone will announce a different result from each other. Some points will be similar, others will be completely different, and this is quite normal. All the same thing happens in the field of software and browsers in particular.

A browser is software that allows a user to roam around Internet pages. We run this program every day, and therefore it is so important not to make a mistake with the choice and take for ourselves what will meet all your requirements (well, or almost all).

Using browsers, you can search for any information that interests you, watch movies, listen to music and play games. Any browser rating (speed, functionality, aesthetics, etc.) will be controversial, because "every Alyonka praises its own burenka." And even if one of the programs turns out to be (suddenly) more functional and acceptable for the user, a rare person, by virtue of his habit, will agree to switch to a new software.

Based on statistics and expert reviews, a browser rating for Windows 7 was compiled, from the participants of which you can choose what you need. Many factors were taken into account, such as the availability of software, its support, functionality, speed and “understandability”.

  1. Google chrome.
  2. Mozilla firefox.
  3. Opera

Google chrome

The leader, like last year, remains the browser from the Google search engine. It is the most popular web surfing software to date. Google Chrome (latest version 51.0.2704) can be safely called the best and quick program  for Windows OS.

The first version was released in 2008 and it was built on the basis of the WebKit engine. In addition to Google, Opera and even Yandex participated in the development and improvement of software functionality. A few months later, the program was installed on 3.6% of computers worldwide. Software quickly gained popularity, and today Google Chrome (the latest version 51.0.2704) is in enviable demand (42.21% of installed copies). It will also not be amiss to note that most of the users work with Chrome through smartphones and tablets, where it comes as pre-installed software.

Advantages of Google Chrome

One of the main advantages due to which the software got into the rating of the best browsers is the speed of work. "Chrome" is a leader and outstrips competitors in terms of processing speed of displayed resources. In addition, it is equipped with a convenient and extremely useful function “Preload pages”, which greatly facilitates the work of people with low speed Internet connections.

In addition to speed, the browser has very good security indicators. Google introduced reliable and time-tested technologies into the code that made it possible to secure the program. To protect it, Chrome uses a database of malicious and phishing resources, which is updated daily, transferring data about threats to other browsers.

The rating also notes the presence of a convenient and thoughtful interface - it is moderately simple and consists exclusively of elements necessary for the work. If you wish, you can install additional plugins, the benefit of their huge number, and of all sorts of directions and types.

Browser disadvantages

In versions 42.0 and above, support was discontinued Flash player  and NPAPI plugins, which still causes bewilderment among YouTube and streamers. It is also worth noting that for the software to work correctly, at least 2 GB of RAM is necessary, and this is sometimes a critical moment for a domestic user, because the components on a PC are not cheap, and not everyone can afford even a minimal upgrade.

Comfortable work ceases to be such when most plugins and extensions lack Russian localization. Also, due to the significant load on the PC hardware, autonomous work on laptops, tablets and smartphones leaves much to be desired.

Mozilla firefox

Mozilla is the most popular program for web surfing abroad, far ahead of other browsers. The rating in our country is not as high as that of Chrome, but nevertheless Firefox is not losing ground, but continues to please its user with good work and reliable protection against Internet threats.

The first version of Mozilla appeared in 2004 based on the Gecko engine. One of the remarkable features of this platform is free access to the program code, which allows both developers and the product to improve the product. ordinary users, and not all competing browsers can boast of this.

The Mozilla rating in Russia is not so high due to a number of shortcomings. Compared with the same "Chrome", the Firefox interface is a little and almost always slows down, and this annoys many users. Due to the lack of support for plugins and extensions on some resources, scripts, and indeed all content may not work correctly. Also, for the comfortable operation of the system requires a large amount of RAM (2-3 GB).


This is one of the pioneers among other observers who saw the light back in 1994. Until 2013, the browser had its own platform, but the latest versions use the WebKit + V8 engine. The same technology is used by the leader of the Chrome rating.

At the end of 2010, the brand developed a mobile version of the browser and universally promoted its product without disdaining even viral marketing. In our territory, software is enviable in popularity, while abroad it does not rise above sixth place.

Features of the Opera Browser

Among the advantages, one can note the high speed of the browser due to intelligently performed compression of Internet pages and cloud technologies (Turbo mode). For mobile gadgets, this is an up-to-date browser, because it greatly saves incoming traffic. Of course, there are also disadvantages: exactingness to the hardware (and not only to random access memory), incorrect work  web forms and scripts on many sites, numerous complaints from users while working with WML, as well as freezes and intermittent crashes.

Welcome all! Today we look at the rating of the most popular browsers in Russia and the world as a whole. In this article, we will not be able to ignore mobile devices, since a large proportion of Internet visitors, according to world statistics, are precisely smartphone users and make up 51% according to global statistics, and almost 47% in the Russian Federation.

When building the rating, I will be based on the statistics collection service   Global stats. Now is the beginning of 2017 and I think it’s safe to summarize the results of 2016. As the popularity of browsers developed, what new features were added by developers and much more.

What is a browser? Browser, or web browser  - applied software  to browse the web; content of web documents, computer files and their directories; web application management; as well as to solve other problems. On a global network, browsers are used to request, process, manipulate and display website content.

Many modern browsers can also be used to exchange files with ftp servers, as well as to directly view the contents of files of many graphic formats (gif, jpeg, png, svg), audio-video formats (mp3, mpeg), text formats (pdf, djvu) and other files.

But the topic is not about what a browser is, I think many people understand its purpose without my explanation (if you can’t read it on Wikipedia), so we won’t talk and proceed.

PC Browser Rating

I did not just bring to your attention these two graphs. As we can see from the first two positions - they are the same, but the subsequent ones already have significant differences.

Google chrome (google chrome)

The popularity of this browser has held its position for more than one year in a row. It is Chrome that is preferred by 52% of users. Fast and free chrome is a very convenient browser for any user. Google developers are zealously updating their product and this is partly due in part to maintaining the company's main focus - Search engine  Google

Distributed by Google Chrome for free, available in many languages \u200b\u200bfor different platforms and operating systems. Given that it leads in - Windows, and Internet explorer  not much, as a result, users are looking for an alternative, but the most affordable and widely distributed is Google Chrome.

No less important popularity factor can also be considered the Chrome browser already built in by default in smartphones under running Android, which, as we know, also belongs to Google. And the synchronization functions somehow compel users to use the default Google browser on various devices.

But the unique and most significant breakthrough of the Google Chrome browser is the refusal to use Adobe flash  Player In the latest versions of chrome, video viewing is also available without installing this plugin, which greatly simplifies the use of the browser by beginners and non-experienced users. A huge selection of extensions for the Google browser will help to fine-tune it for maximum convenience and comfortable use.

But it is worth noting that the official Google Chrome comes only with Google search installed by default, but if you wish, everyone can choose a search for their liking in the settings.

Chrome is available for Windows, Mac (OS X), Linux.

I think it is worth recalling that to ensure the security of your personal data should be used, only the official version of Google Chrome.

Mozilla firefox

Firefox browser is the second most popular in the ranking. Pretty fast and convenient browser with many years of experience. Initially, Mozilla was used mainly by web developers, not a single browser could boast of such a set of extensions most needed for the Web. The browser itself could be compared with the Internet Microsoft Explorer  - He constantly installed additional panels, all kinds of search bars, which made him slow and demanded more and more computer resources.

But in recent years, developers have made quite a few improvements. New versions mozilla Browser  Firefox has become much faster and less gluttonous for resources.

Firefox does a lot to ensure anonymity and preserve user privacy using proxy servers. Since it is a separate product not owned by any corporation, he may also think about the security of correspondence and personal data.

Yandex browser

I don’t want to write that completely, but 95% is an analogue of Google Chrome, with the only difference being binding to the search engine and Yandex. Not for nothing that CCleaner in the recent past defined the Yandex browser program as Chrome in the list for cleaning.

In general, a fast and convenient browser.

Key features:

  • Wi-Fi connection protection. A very convenient feature for those who often have to use public Wi-Fi access points.
  • Turbo acceleration helps significantly speed up page loading with a slow Internet connection.
  • Built-in active protection Protect. It checks downloaded files for viruses, warns of dangerous sites, protects your connection to public networks and your passwords.
  • Animated wallpapers and a smart live search bar are also available in the latest version.

It works stably without failures.

Yandex browser is available for Windows, Mac (OS X), Linux.

Network multitasking - Visual bookmarksTab scrolling and customizable keyboard shortcuts help you navigate and save time. New feature for displaying video in a pop-up window: a movable video frame is displayed on top of all applications, thanks to which you can view other pages or work without missing a single scene.

Opera Turbo compression mode, built-in ad blocking and other features speed up Internet browsing. A new feature  The battery saver is designed to extend the battery life of your laptop by 50%.

Over 1000 extensions make it easy to personalize Opera. Download your favorite extensions and themes from the add-ons catalog to work in the Internet in your style. There are even animated themes for Opera that will come to life. start page  browser.

Do not interrupt Internet browsing by switching between different devices. Just log in account  Opera to sync bookmarks, open tabs, passwords and browsing history. Do not forget to download Opera for your tablet or phone so that this data is always at hand.

Opera browser is available for Windows, Mac (OS X), Linux.

Download the Opera browser from the official site.

Internet explorer

Internet Explorer was full-time windows browser  twenty years old. Over the years, Microsoft’s own browser has become overloaded, insecure, difficult to use, and just the object of hatred of many users. As a result, many have switched to alternative browsers such as Google Chrome. However, in Windows 10 (see our full review), Microsoft went back to basics and canceled everything that had been built in Internet Explorer. It was completely created from scratch new browserfree of all Internet Explorer luggage, with modern and fast work  in the Internet. This browser is Edge.

Edge is included in the standard Windows 10. It’s worth adding that Internet Explorer also  included in Windows 10, although it is buried in it a little deeper. According to Microsoft, this is mainly due to compatibility with old programs that are used in companies. However, Edge is used by default throughout the entire Microsoft product line, from PCs and smartphones to Hololens and Surface Hub. At Microsoft, they say that Edge is built to be remarkably clean, compact, and responsive. My tests basically confirm this. Edge is perceived as really light and fast, sometimes even ascetic, and this is a very pleasant departure from IE.

After IE, Microsoft had to work hard to regain user confidence. The company says that we will no longer see cluttered panels with unnecessary buttons, or constantly changing home pages from unscrupulous applications. Edge uses its own rendering engine, based on the IE 11 engine, but without some features. Microsoft emphasizes that a lot of work has been done to make sites created for Safari or Chrome look good in Edge too - in IE it was always problematic. In Edge, I observed separate bugs on separate pages, but in general everything was loaded quickly and accurately.


Safari 10 is available for installation and download through a standard software update mechanism. The version for OS X El Capitan and OS X Yosemite did not receive some of the features inherent in the browser in macOS Sierra, such as making Apple Pay payments on sites or the picture-in-picture function. However, the update includes significantly new features.

So, Safari 10 introduced support for extensions from Mac App store, now they can be downloaded from the standard store, like regular applications. Earned the previously announced HTML5 priority over legacy plugins. If you have HTML5 video, this format is displayed to speed up loading, save battery and more security. Plugins generally run only for user-posted websites.

In addition, you can note the new bookmarks bar, improved autocomplete, including from contacts, the ability to re-open recently closed tabs, improved ranking of frequently visited sites, improved formatting in Reader mode, and so on.

  • built-in search systems (Bing, Google, Yandex and Yahu!) both in the version for Mac OS X and for Windows;
  • you can block pop-ups;
  • you can easily find the desired piece of text on the page;
  • automatic form filling;
  • in-stock RSS aggregator available
  • you can scale the text input field;
  • anonymous browsing, a special mode in which the browser does not accept cookies, does not record history and does not remember the data that you enter.
  • different encryption protocols are supported.

There is also a Snapback function, with which you will immediately return to the initial search results or the top level of any site. The SnapBack icon is displayed in the search field when you click on any of the links whose list is displayed as a result of the search.

Safari also has support for HTML 5 and CSS3. The browser can independently recognize sites that use non-standard fonts, and download them if necessary.

  • the browser has built-in QuickTime technologies;
  • Web Inspector is convenient for both developers and users, because with it you can view the Document Object Model sites;
  • sSL (version 2 or 3) and TLS protocols are supported;
  • automatic process of checking spelling in texts;
  • Cover Flow (from the fourth version);
  • Top Sites gives you the opportunity to see the most visited sites. Displayed as page thumbnails.
  • Reader is designed for easier reading;
  • Full screen mode (version 5.1 and later);
  • Reading list (version 5.1 onwards);
  • Omnibox (from version 6).

The Apple Safari browser is very easy to manage and visually pleasing. It is suitable for almost any user. Of course, people spending a lot of time on the Internet will feel the absence of any long-familiar options. But for those who are used to Mac OS X or iOS, this browser will be familiar and just perfect.

Mobile Browser Rating

Since mobile browsers are not at all so truncated compared to desktop versions, and more often have completely identical functionality, we will consider the most important points.

Mobile "Google Chrome"

Mobile “Google Chrome” is distinguished by a well-executed synchronization mechanism between all devices using this browser (tablet, smartphone, laptop and desktop PC), the ability to compress and control traffic, which can significantly reduce the network load when transmitting and receiving data. Another highlight chrome browser  - This is the integration of voice search "Ok Google." All requests can be entered using spoken commands, and the voice robot analyzer quickly adapts to the features of your pronunciation and speech.

Also, the Chrome developers could not get past the transfer from the desktop version of the accessibility features of several tabs for convenient navigation between multiple websites and displaying tips generated based on the most popular search queries. You can restore the tab in the browser, by the way, at any time using the Chrome keyboard shortcuts.

Private surfing mode, convenient management and translation of foreign resources into the user's native language, set as the main language in the OS settings. As for the stability and speed of the Chrome browser on Android, friezes and lags with web browsing and navigation through the settings, even on a mid-range smartphone, are not felt.

Panning and scaling is carried out without noticeable delays both on overloaded graphics and animation resources, and on lightweight sites with a simple layout.

The only thing you can complain about in Google Chrome on Android is the interface that is not too catchy and stands out from other products, but this feature is also characteristic of some other projects from Google, which primarily value usability and comfort in work.

It should be noted that in the latest builds of "Chrome" there are many pleasant innovations. This is both a download manager and offline pages. and support for Bluetooth API, Android Pay, etc. Latest version Chrome was marked by an acceleration of 15% for the Windows platform.


Safari runs faster and consumes less power than other browsers, so sites load instantly, and your laptop runs longer without recharging. Built-in features help protect your privacy. Convenient tools allow you to find, save and share your favorite links. Safari also supports iCloud, so you can easily continue to work on any of your devices.

Thanks to the fast JavaScript engine and energy-saving technologies, Safari allows you to surf the Internet with greater speed and comfort.

Safari browser designed specifically for mac computersTherefore, it uses all the powerful technologies built into them. In addition, Safari automatically supports Netflix and plays HTML5 video on any sites. You can surf the Internet for up to two hours longer than with the Chrome and Firefox browsers. And watching Netflix videos is up to four hours longer.

Safari works at lightning speed thanks to JavaScript engine optimization technologies that speed up websites and applications.

Blocking third-party cookies.

The websites you visit regularly often contain third-party cookies. They allow you to track which websites you visit, show you targeted ads and create a profile of your activity. Safari is the first browser to block these cookies by default. In addition, it by default prohibits third-party websites from leaving data in your cache, local storage  and databases.

Windows with private access.

When using the "Private Access" function, Safari no longer remembers the web pages you visited, the history of searches, and the data of autocomplete. Each tab in the window with Private access enabled is isolated from the rest, so websites viewed in one of the tabs cannot receive cookies from websites in other tabs. This does not allow the websites you visit to track you.

Sandbox for websites.

The Sandbox is a built-in browser protection against malicious code and programs that restricts the actions of websites. Since Safari creates a separate process for each web page, the malicious code that may be present on one of them does not go beyond the limits of one tab. Therefore, it will not be able to disrupt the entire browser or access your data.

Protection against malicious sites.

Safari protects you from fraudulent websites and sites with malicious programs even before you open them. If a website looks suspicious, Safari does not load it, showing you a warning.

Uc browser

UC Browser is an application for viewing web pages on mobile devices. Among the supported platforms are Android, iOS, Windows phone, Blackberry, there are even versions for Symbian and Java. A distinctive feature of UC Browser is its market orientation. mobile devices. First of all, this is expressed in the browser interface and the lack of versions for desktop PCs.

The UC Browser main menu is a standard set for applications of this segment - the top panel with the address bar and search field, the Forward, Back and Refresh buttons, as well as the main menu and tab menu icons located in the upper right part of the display . In the main menu, as in many others, the items are represented as icons, and not as a list. UC Browser is not satisfactory in terms of ease of use and speed. Here there is a manager of downloads, bookmarks, formatting tools and night mode, changing the color scheme of pages to more suitable for using the application in the absence of a light source.

UC Browser developers have focused on usability for owners of devices with not the highest display resolution and low speed Internet access. Here there are a large number of viewing settings - you can specify the desired image quality, activate the fast mode or completely disable all information except the text on the loaded pages. The menu even has a special “Traffic” item that displays the saved amount of data. In a sense, this approach is somewhat outdated due to a significant increase in Internet speeds in latelybut in certain situations still has the right to life.

The settings menu is standard - clear history, browser language, notification settings, etc. At the same time, UC Browser presents a wide range of additional functions. There are customization tools in the form of installing alternative themes and additions. The latter are not so many, but among them there are an ad blocker and a special widget for the desktop. This browser also supports private mode, work with Flash and traffic compression.

In general, UC Browser is one of the best options among Android browsers adapted for use on smartphones.


Opera is a cross-platform browser supported by large quantity  various platforms, both desktop and mobile. Opera is significantly different from Chrome and Firefox in that the versions for different platforms do not adhere to a single concept or interface design rules. The Opera version for Android has many differences from the desktop version. This is due to the fact that this browser developed on different platforms in different directions - the mobile version pursued simplicity and convenience, and the desktop version - functionality.

The Opera interface for Android is very concise - on the top panel of the main screen is presented address bar, icons for the tab menu and main menu. Below are three categories - "History", "Express Panel" and "Recommendations", switched by swipe to the sides. In general, Opera Mobile is very minimalistic - there are such items as “Downloads” and “Settings” in the main menu, as well as statistics of saved traffic. The interface is more or less convenient from the point of view of usability, although the navigation buttons "Forward" and "Back" would be more logical to place near the address bar, and not leave it in the context menu.

Opera Mobile originates from smartphones that support Java applications, so the same concept is used here as in UC Browser - the emphasis is on ease of use and saving traffic. At the same time, Opera has much less settings and they are entirely located on one page.

From the point of view of functionality, this browser does not manifest itself in the best way - there is no support for add-ons, ad blocking, and no means of customization. The pluses include Flash support similar to Firefox (you will need to install a separate application from Adobe bypassing Google play), the presence of a private mode and a wide setting of traffic compression mode.

In addition to Opera Mobile, there is also Opera Mini - even more minimalistic and less functional, while aimed specifically at smartphone users. The Mini version has a night mode and most of the features of Opera Mobile, while there is no Flash support, and the interface is visually slightly closer to the old versions for Java and Symbian.

Mozilla firefox

Mobile Firefox’s interface is very similar to that in full version - the tab bar, address bar, as well as the Refresh, Forward, and Back buttons are presented on the top panel. In the upper right corner there is a button with a “+” sign to open a new tab and an icon for the main menu in the form of three vertically arranged dots. A special square button with the number of open tabs indicated on it serves to go to the tab menu, where thumbnails of all open pages. In general, the interface is very convenient and well adapted for mobile devices, however, with a large number  open tabs it can work with delays. First of all, this happens if any high-resolution media content is opened in the browser.

From the point of view of usability, Firefox for Android does not cause any particular complaints - there are tools for managing selected pages, bookmarks, a customizable "Top Sites" and synchronization with the desktop version.

Firefox's calling card is functionality. In the main menu item called “Parameters” a standard set of settings is presented - data tracking, browser language, synchronization, etc. Functional expansion is achieved by installing plugins available from the menu "Tools" -\u003e "Add-ons". From here you can install proxy configuration tools, alternative download managers, ad blockers, etc. It is worth noting that Adblock Plus for mobile Firefox is still often useless, and most of the plug-ins for the PC are not available for mobile version  browser. There are also no traffic compression mechanisms. Firefox has support for Flash on Android, but you will need to install the appropriate application from the Adobe website.

Firefox is currently one of the best alternatives to the Chrome browser for Android. Despite falling market share in recent years, Firefox continues to hold a large percentage of the audience on all supported platforms.

When writing the article, the following materials were used:,,,

This article will answer the question of which browser is the best and fastest to date. I am a webmaster and computer technician who worked with many browsers and brought out the top best and worst, read my reviews below.

Top four of the best and fastest browsers.

Consider the three that answer which browser is the best and fastest. This does not mean that the third is the worst.

First place in 2016 - google chrome

Unconditionally the first place is Google Chrome. Everything in it is beautiful, but there is one drawback, about it later. At this browser  there are a lot of advantages, what?


  1. This program is from leading specialists on the Internet.
  2. Many extensions (more than fire fox), in a special official store where there is a rating of applications.
  3. Convenient visual bookmarks.
  4. I really liked the feature of importing settings from other browsers, moreover, without copying and pasting.
  5. Built-in translator, you can translate a page in 5 seconds with one click.
  6. Fast and reliable, processes and compresses data instantly.
  7. There are a lot of useful little things for the developer.
  8. Convenient panel and navigation.
  9. Not cluttered file line.
  10. Many degrees of protection for all services.
  11. Bookmark storage not only on a computer, but also on an external server. When I connected the smartphone to the gamil account and installed chrome, all bookmarks from the computer were copied automatically.
  12. Even for android, I did not find a better browser, installed it after many attempts and searches.

Ideal for all operating systems, including windows 10.


  • Most likely not a minus, but a consequence of popularity, this is a high probability of hacking.
  • With a large number of extensions, the program begins to freeze, although the machine is powerful and high-speed Internet.
  • It doesn’t save sessions, that is, if the power was suddenly turned off and the computer turned off, you can say goodbye to open tabs  (Of course it is possible through history, but there will be many problems).

Second place.

Deservedly Mozilla Firefox is the oldest representative. But only second place, because it is very slow. Seriously, compression does not work well, if a person doesn’t understand, then he will easily clutter up his browser with unnecessary applications and will wait a very long time for the page to load.

Well done developers did not stop at one product, for example, my favorite thanderbird, in order to regulate their electronic mailboxes through one program. But recently, the browser has begun to noticeably fail, and updates are not very frequent, does this mean the sunset of the "fire fox"? I do not know.

For windows xp there is no better browser than mozilla.

The pros are the same as those of chromium, except for synchronization with accounts. And the minuses were already- low speed, not updatable, and a lot of all that was superfluous and 90% unnecessary.

Third place.

Which browser is the best in third place is Yandex browser. Could take the first place, but due to its underdevelopment, and excessive advertising on TV, only third place.

  1. A very big advertisement, of what already exists in many browsers (for example, the protect system), which almost everyone has.
  2. Few add-ons.
  3. Their vaunted "turbo" mode, complete garbage.

He liked me simplicity and beauty, chrome has not been steamed for a long time. The guys from Yandex are great, I, as a compatriot, am proud of them, brought my product to the world market. Many are already hooked on it, and I sometimes use it when I need to open something else and analyze it.

A very important plus saving sessions, saves. Great browser work for windows 8 and windows 8.1, which is commendable.

Fourth place.

Opera rightfully takes this place. A lot of opportunities, but it seems to me that Google was sold, because it began to work on their hardware. Simply put, only the name is left of the opera, and a couple of old chips, and everything else is chrome.

But a few pluses remain:

  1. Full browser control with the mouse.
  2. Support for the bittorrent function, allowing you to download torrents directly through the browser.
  3. Saving sessions, than even chrome is not happy.
  4. And everything else that chromium has.

Bad browsers and even harmful ones.

I counted three bad and harmful browsers. Never install or use them.

The most annoying and incomprehensible to me. It seems like a solid company, I always have a box on this service, but their browser, and even more so the search is a brain takeaway. The developers of this product decided to cut themselves off from the whole world, which they did not succeed.

  1. You cannot make the default search any other, even if you change it, it will be redone back to mail.
  2. Obsession, everywhere they shove it, with all the torrents and the like.
  3. Changes the settings of other browsers, in particular home page, and the default search.


Fellow previous. But this one at least does not shove everywhere. It also changes all the settings for all browsers, even without the permission of the owner, which I call a virus. Do not install this browser.

It’s not for nothing that there are many articles on the Internet on how to remove amigo, because it is registered wherever possible (the registry, temporary files, leaves tails in the system itself), and you cannot just delete it. I also consider it a viral browser.

Slow, not advanced, taking a lot of time and resources, few safari extensions. Here's how I described it at first glance, and there are so many more jambs. Do not waste time on it.


Definitely this is Google Chrome, answers the question of which browser is the best and fastest. I haven’t seen it better, ideal for windows 7 and above. It is useful to everyone - and in villages where the Internet is weak, and the student to find the necessary information, and the housewives, so as not to spend a lot of time, and the developers generally pleased.

I tried all browsers on different operating systems, but for windows vista  I didn’t find it, because I’ve never used it.

I wish everyone a successful use of the Internet and for now. What browser do you use?

P.S. In addition, here's an interesting video for you.

In early 2016, Internet Explorer, a browser from Microsoft, was still the most popular browser. So, in late 2015 - early 2016, 46% of Internet users worked with it. 32% used Chrome and 12% used Firefox from Mozilla. However, the days of Internet Explorer are numbered due to the fact that Microsoft itself has abandoned the development of its browser. So far, updates are coming out for him, but the development of new functions was discontinued back in 2015 in favor of the new Edge browser. This browser is more secure, its functionality is higher than that of Internet Explorer. But it has one drawback - it is available only for users of Windows 10, respectively, the audience of this browser is quite limited.

The picture described above in terms of browser market share has changed a lot by the end of 2016. For example, the Chrome browser market share has grown to 56%. The same indicator for Internet Explorer fell to 21%. Edge increased its own market share by about two times - up to 5.3%, which is not surprising considering Microsoft's aggressive policy regarding the promotion of its operating system. windows systems  10. By the way, at the beginning of 2016, the market share of this OS was about 10%, but at the end - already 24%.

  At Geektimes, various tricks that Microsoft used to promote its operating system were repeatedly described. Some of them are too tough - the company admitted this a couple of months ago. Nevertheless, all this has borne fruit. It is worth noting that among Steam users, the share of Windows 10 was about 50%. At the same time, Windows 7's market share has fallen, and quite significantly.

  As for browsers, since the 90s of the last century, none of them has shown such a rapid reduction in market share (in the 90s it was Netscape navigator) But the reasons for this are clear and described above.

It seems that only 22% of Windows 10 users decide to choose Edge as their “native” browser. The rest either continue to use the familiar Internet Explorer, or they use browsers from Google and Mozilla. However, this browser’s market share continues to increase, and not only because it comes by default with operating system  from Microsoft. The fact is that Edge developers are really trying to make this browser "usable." In particular, it is now compatible with extensions from Chrome and Microsoft. Of course, it cannot be called ideal, and competitors still have various features, including the convenience of working with tabs and saved passwords (experts, at the same time, do not recommend saving passwords in any browser).

Firefox's market share has not changed significantly. Now it is 12%. By the way, in August, for some reason, this figure dropped to 8%, but then rose again, Mozilla was able to catch up. This was largely achieved thanks to the efforts of the developers - in particular, they introduced a function that prevents the entire program from crashing if any of the tabs crashes. There are still problems, and in terms of security, according to experts, Firefox is inferior to Chrome, Safari or Edge.

Of course, on Chrome, Edge or Firefox, the wedge did not converge. Do not forget about opera browserwhose market share hovered at about one percent. In light of all that has happened, this is not so bad for the browser. So, do not forget that Opera Software in November was divided immediately into several companies. A consortium of Chinese companies Kunqi Opera Software, with Opera Mediaworks, Opera Apps & Games (including Bemobi), Opera TV excluded from the list of assets sold. At the same time, the Chinese got a mobile browser, a desktop browser, software for performance and information security, as well as the Opera brand and trademarks.

Now Opera is no longer what it was until 2013. The fact is that the developers decided to start using the Blink engine, based on WebKit, which users use Chrome. By the way, a number of ex-employees of the company began developing their own browser, based on the principles of the "old" Opera. In 2016, they released the first version of the Vivaldi browser. It is also based on Blink, but the browser interface is much easier to modify than the original Opera.

Now Vivaldi is developing, and the light saw him a new version, 1.7. Developers position their browser as a system for advanced users who need a powerful, customizable tool. The market share of this browser is still minimal, there is no need to talk about any serious figures.

The second participant in the browser market is the Brave browser, which was released by Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich. He invented JavaScript. This browser has an interesting point - it blocks advertising on sites, replacing it with advertising of its own advertisers. In doing so, ad revenue is shared between Brave, ad networks, and browser users. Brave, like Vivaldi, has not yet taken a significant market share.

Perhaps in the new year, new browsers will be able to change something, but, of course, a cardinal change of players is not expected here. Chrome is likely to receive more and more new users, and Internet Explorer will soon become a ghost.