What is iCloud in iPhone and how to use it? Key features of iCloud. If iCloud is slow on Windows or freezes.

If iCloud is slow on Windows or freezes

After long search, I realized what the problem is when iCloud suddenly runs very slowly on Windows or when the image does not load or when it lasts for an impossible long time.

It also happens that iCloud starts to hang so that the program can only be closed using the task manager.

On Windows everything works differentlyand now we know the reason why iCloud Windows is slow  or why iCloud on Windows is constantly hanging.

All the images that you shared are stored in Windows in one folder, and over time the number of pictures increases and the folder becomes full.

When the folder size reaches a certain size or a certain amount of data is located there, the host can no longer easily join. The connection fails and iCloud no longer responds.

All this, of course, the performance of your computer, its workload affect the size of the iCloud folder in Windows, thereby increasing the stagnation time of iCloud in Windows. The stronger your computer, the longer it will take for your iCloud to stop working.

ICloud solution on Windows that hangs or runs slowly

The solution to stupidity is simple  (in my opinion). We must give windows feature  work fast. And this will only be so if the iCloud folder is not very large. Accordingly, I recommend you iCloud clean every year.

What is iCloud - general information

iCloud stores your photos, documents and much more in the cloud and wirelessly transfers this data to your devices that support this service.

The best example of how iCloud works is shown in the photo below:

I explain the photo: let's say you took a picture on the iPhone. It gets into the cloud storage and is automatically transferred to your other devices: iPad, MacBook, etc.

This is just the one and only example of using iCloud, we will examine the others in great detail below.

Set up iCloud on iPad

  Initial setup iCloud

What do I need to start using iCloud? Your Apple ID and password. We go in Settings  in iOS 5 and see a new menu item   iCloud.

Enter your Apple ID and password and click the Login button. If you have created an account yet, then you will not have to do this.

We enter and see the following picture:

What do the upper parameters mean?

post office  - off by default, and I don’t see much point in backing it up.

Contacts  - when changing contacts on one device, the contact information on another will change. Leave it on if you use the standard address book.

Calendars  - Leave it on if you use the standard iOS calendar.

Reminders- Leave it on if you use reminders. Your reminders will be duplicated on all devices connected to iCloud. it new program  in iOS 5.

Bookmarks  - Leave it on if you use bookmarks in the Safari browser.

Notes  - if you use the standard Notes application on the iPad, it is advisable to enable it, but this requires mail of the form [email protected]

Photo stream  - turn it on if you want the photo taken using the iPad or screenshots to automatically get into iCloud.

Documents and Data  - included. But we will configure this parameter below separately. Required if you want to transfer documents and data between devices.

Click the "Storage and backups" button.

5 gigabytes available for each Apple ID free space  is free. If we press the button “Buy more free space”, we will see tariff plans for large storage volumes.

Tariff Plans

10 gigabytes - $ 20 a year

20 gigabytes - $ 40 a year

50 gigabytes - $ 100 per year

Theoretically, 5 free gigabytes should be enough for you.

We close tariff plans. Turn on the switch Copy to iCloud.

Important!Button   Create Copy  do not click. Press the button "Storage".

Click on the button with the name of your iPad. Next, you are prompted to select the data backup  which you want to create. I note that   iCloud doesn’t get the programs themselves, but only their data (for example, books from the Shortbook library or Save from the game).

We see that by default everything is on. I turned off copying all data except the most necessary programs. Click show all programs  and one by one we turn off those whose data is optional. The process is boring, it is strange that Apple did not tighten the button - turn off everything. I would better turn off everything and turn on only those programs that I use.

After we turned off all unnecessary go back to the place where there is a button "Create a copy"  and push it. Got a copy of our data in iCloud.

Generally, as planned by Apple, automatic backup iCloud is done when you connect your iPad to a power source. In this case, the iPad must be locked and connected to a Wi-Fi network. But nothing prevents you from creating a copy manually at any time.

  Set up mail and notes for iCloud

As it was written just above, for mail you need your own address of the form [email protected]  You can create it directly from the iPad. Move the mail slider (Settings-\u003e iCloud -\u003e mail slider to the ON position). A message appears where we press the button Create.

Enter the address of the form [email protected]

Tip:  Try with the imagination to approach the choice of a name. Choose a unique name - for sure, view names [email protected]  or [email protected]  already taken and you will receive a notification about this.

Click next - that's it, the name for the mail is created. Now the data of this mail will go to iCloud and from there to all your devices. We go into the mail and see that iCloud items have appeared in it. Congratulations, you have a new mailing address of the form [email protected]bound to iCloud.

Opinion of the author of the article:  I don’t see much sense in creating this address, but without it you won’t be able to send notes (Standard iOS app) to iCloud. Mail synchronization in iCloud is also unclear why it is needed in this form. Gmail accountworking on imap protocol, in my opinion, is no worse.

  Photo Stream - General Information. How Photo Stream Works

If you activated the function Photo stream  (Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Photo Stream -\u003e switch to the On position), then all photos and screenshots taken on the iPad will automatically be downloaded to iCloud and immediately appear on all your devices that support iCloud.

After turning on, we try to take screenshots or photos. We go in standard program  photo on the iPad. And we see a new tab photo stream. There, our new screenshots and photos will be displayed.

Important!  It is worth noting that the maximum that supports the photo stream is 1000 photos. Therefore, after the 1000th image, the following will happen: the oldest image will be deleted, and a new photo will be uploaded to the photo stream.

How to delete data from a photo stream

Remove them from the application A photo  not allowed! If you disable the photo stream function in iCloud (Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Photo Stream -\u003e switch to the Off position), a message will appear: Disabling the photo stream will delete all the photos of this photo stream from the iPad.

And even if you click delete photo, then only photos on the iPad that are duplicated in the photo stream will be deleted.

Attention! Photos and screenshots from the Photos section of the Photo program will not be deleted. Photos will remain in iCloud. When you turn on the Photo Stream function again, they simply download from the network.

  Using iCloud through the official website

ICloud has an official site - .   Go to it, you will be offered to log in under your Apple ID:

In the screenshot, the Developer Sign In button. The button can be called differently, maybe even someday the Russian interface will appear. The main thing here Sign in  - "Sign in".

We enter with our Apple ID and password from it, we see 5 icons:

  How Mail works in iCloud

Entering the mail we see exactly the same interface of the mail client that we see on the iPad. Everything works the same way, except that on the iPad we can set up a ton mailboxes, and here - only 1, and that one is exclusively of the form [email protected]

When working with letters, all changes are instantly displayed on all devices connected to your repository. Conveniently? Conveniently.

  How Contacts works in iCloud

We go into this application and see all our contacts from the address book. We are trying to make new contact  right in the browser.

After pressing Doneopen the application IPad Address Book  and, lo and behold: a new contact literally within a few seconds appears on the iPad.

We try to edit the contact in the browser - we look at the iPad. All changes are almost immediately displayed in the iPad address book. For this, I didn’t even have to press any “Update” buttons - iCloud works on the basis of push notifications.

The converse is also true - all changes on the iPad in the address book are immediately displayed in the browser.

  How Calendar works in iCloud

We go into the application Calendar  in the browser. The interface is almost the same as on the iPad.

We try to create a new event in the calendar in the browser:

This event immediately appears in the Calendar app on the iPad.

When editing events in the browser, the changes are immediately displayed on the iPad. And vice versa.

  How Find My iPhone works in iCloud

I want to talk more about this function. If you have lost the iPad, you need to go through the browser and select the Find My iPhone function. You will be asked to enter your Apple ID password.

We enter and after some time determine the location of our iPad (and any other your device connected to iCloud) on the Google map. In the upper left corner we observe information about the last time the data was updated.

We poke a green dot on the map with our device (if it is, of course, found), click the icon with the letter i. And we get such a pop-up window.

As you can see in the screenshot above, there are three buttons - I will explain their purpose.

Play Sound or Send Message Function

Designed to send a sound signal to your iPad (you never know, suddenly you lost it in your huge house) or send a message (useful, for example, if you lost your iPad not at home and want to write something to the finder).

Click on this button and see this form.

If we just press the Send button, an audio notification will be sent to the iPad. Moreover, the sound will be loud, regardless of whether the volume on the device is turned on or not.

If we write a message in the text box, then our text will be sent to the iPad:

In addition to all this, you will receive a letter in the mail stating that you used the Find My iPhone features:

Remote lock function

With this feature we can remotely lock your iPad four-digit password. Actually, if you do not want information from it to get to attackers.

Press the Remote Lock button and see the password entry window. We enter it twice:

That's it, the iPad is locked and now you can’t see its contents without entering a password:

Remote Wipe Function

Remote wipe data on iPad. The most cardinal way to get rid of the contents of your iPad is to hide data from prying eyes.

We press Wipe iPad and at the first opportunity, your iPad will delete its contents. To test this feature, you understand for what reasons, I did not. :)

All articles on iOs 5 see.

Having trouble synchronizing data between two instances of the same application? You are not alone, and many developers have expressed their dissatisfaction with the problems that have plagued iCloud since its introduction with iOS 5.

Fortunately, there are many methods you can use to successfully sync Mac OS X and iOS apps with Apple servers, so don't be afraid to try them all.

Apple recently upgraded iCloud from its previous incarnation, which served as storage only for developers and applications, to a full-fledged cloud platform like or Google Drive. This transition has led to problems for some users. Fortunately, solving them is quite simple.

You must ensure that you upgrade to iCloud Drive on all devices at the same time. If you launched the update on the iPad, this does not mean that your Mac will also automatically update. ICloud Drive requires OS X Yosemite and iOS 8 to work on all devices. After the upgrade, you will get access to your folder through the Finder.

Update iCloud Drive on iOS by opening Settings\u003e iCloud  or go to System Preferences\u003e iCloud  on Mac OS X.

Reboot and wait

It may take some time for iCloud to respond to your request. According to users of the service, up to 10 minutes. After waiting a bit, you may find that the problem resolved by itself, and while you do this, it will be nice to restart all devices. In addition, try connecting your device to the mains. In my opinion personal experiencePhoto Stream does not always sync data with iCloud while the phone is not connected to a power source.

This may seem obvious to some, but if you’re signed in to different iCloud accounts on your devices, you won’t be able to sync them. Head to Settings\u003e iCloud  on iOS or open System Preferences\u003e iCloud  on Mac OS X and check which account is currently associated with the device. You can only have one active account  iCloud at the same time, so make sure the accounts match.

According to one of my recommendations, several iCloud email addresses (@ me.com, @ mac.com and @ icloud.com) are in sections Settings\u003e Mail, Contacts, Calendar  may cause problems, so try disabling additional iCloud email accounts and see if this helped (most likely not).

Sometimes problems occur on the service side. Although most of the planned outages happen at night while you sleep, do not forget about unforeseen failures and the human factor. To check the current status of iCloud, open the System Status page on the Apple website and pay attention to the green dots. A description of current problems is usually located at the bottom of the page.

Check your settings

Before making rash decisions, it is always useful for your mobile devices in case of data loss. We recommend that you complete this operation before you change too many options in the settings. Here is a list of options that change in Settings  (iOS) or System settings  (OS X) can resolve sync issues:

The instructions for checking vary depending on whether you upgraded to iCloud Drive. If the update is completed, on your iOS device go to Settings\u003e iCloud\u003e iCloud Driveand make sure that the application whose data you are trying to sync is listed. In addition, you can try disabling and re-enabling iCloud for it to restart the synchronization process.

Applications that have access to iCloud Drive on OS X appear in the section System Preferences\u003e iCloud\u003e iCloud Drive Options.

Application cell access

iOS creates a settings panel for each application. You can find it by opening Settings  and going to the end of the list. If you have problems with synchronization while the phone is connected to the cellular network but does not have Wi-Fi access, you may have disabled cellular access for the application in these same settings.

If the wrong date and time is set on your iPhone, many applications may refuse to connect to the Internet at all. To avoid such problems, you can configure automatic time update, which will synchronize your devices.

On iOS, go to Settings\u003e General\u003e Date and time\u003e Set automatically. On OS X, the same thing can be done in System Preferences\u003e Date and Time\u003e Time Zone.

Make sure to use the correct folder.

If you are working with an application that allows you to change the data storage directory, make sure that the path to the folder is the same in both instances of the program. An example of such a utility is the DayOne Digital Diary. So check in which folders your numerous iOS and Mac apps are looking for data.

More extreme measures

If none of the above tips helped you, it's time to move on to more serious measures. Before  than follow our instructions do not forget backup your phone through iTunes.

If your iOS device does not want to synchronize data, you can backup it, reset the device using the option Recovery  in iTunes, and then restore it from backup. Upon completion, the state of your device will be identical to the one you started from. True, you will have to re-enter all your accounts (email, Facebook, and so on).

Reset iCloud Data

If you have not upgraded to iCloud Drive, you can reset all iCloud data by logging into your iCloud.com account and opening Settings\u003e Data & Security\u003e Reset My Documents. After the update, this option is no longer available.

Many applications let you decide whether to use iCloud. By abandoning the services of this service, you will save yourself from numerous related problems. Utilities like DayOne and 1Password can work with Dropbox. In most cases, the use of third-party cloud storage  It will give you more space for your files, as well as save you from the hassle (you can still use other iCloud features, such as email and the Find iPhone feature).

Of course, this solution is not suitable for all users, but problems with iCloud forced many developers to integrate support for third-party services into their utilities.

And finally, application support

If you have an application that uses data synchronization to transfer information between its different versions and instances, the developers of this program most likely published documentation that will help you deal with problems. In most cases, the authors of the utility can specify which folders and files to delete in order to deal with problems.

Similar manuals for solving problems with iCloud are utilities DayOne, 1Password, iA Writer and Ulysses.

Have you ever had problems with iCloud and iCloud Drive? How did you solve them?

iPhone is a powerful smartphone with a huge range of features - here you have both an office and an entertainment center all rolled into one. Using the i-gadget, the user solves a lot of different tasks and, of course, a lot of important, interesting, useful information is accumulated in it. Of course, losing it overnight, losing it, breaking the phone or becoming a victim of theft, is very sad.

It is noteworthy that most of those who once lost their faithful electronic assistant so unexpectedly more regret not the loss of a materially valuable object and the need to spend money on a new gadget (although Apple smartphones are by no means cheap), but the loss of important data. That's why it is so necessary to back up all the information stored on the device.

Fortunately, modern technology allows you to backup literally in two tapas. The so-called cloud service iCloud comes to the rescue of Apple users. What is this “beast” and how to use it, we will talk in this article.

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage (or how modern users romantically dubbed it “cloud”) is a collection of online servers distributed on the network on which the user can store a backup copy of important data.

Clouds are created by various companies, that is, in fact, the user, sending information to the online storage, transfers his data to third parties, but, of course, on the basis of an agreement that they will be protected and inviolable.

What if data from the cloud is stolen?

Do I need to be afraid for my data, since it is stored by a third party? In general, no more than for jewelry placed in the safe deposit box of a bank. Of course, information leakage can happen, but banks have been robbing for hundreds of years, but this does not mean that money needs to be stored in your apartment - it's still safer in a special institution.

iCloud - the official cloud storage for users of Apple-technology

The "assortment" of online storage is large today, but owners of i-smartphones do not need to spend time choosing the most reliable and convenient, because it is already in every Apple device, its name is iCloud, using this service, you can be as calm as possible for your data.

What information does the cloud store?

In iCloud, you can backup almost any type of data stored on your device, here is a complete list of them:

  • Music (including ringtones, TV shows and other audio materials)
  • Video
  • Books
  • Applications and their data
  • Basic smartphone settings, including desktop settings
  • Messages (transmitted both through iMessages, and in the usual way)

However, you can well limit this spectrum, more about how to do this in the section "How to use iCloud?".

More than just saving data ...

Of course, the main option of iCloud on iPhone and other i-devices is to save important information for the user. However, if you have several Apple gadgets, you will certainly appreciate the ability to synchronize information between them. This option gives you access to really cool features. Of course, all content (music, photos, etc.) will be present on all synchronized devices. But, look what we have with the fact that iCloud can remember application data ...

For example, your iPhone and iPad are synchronized via iCloud, which means that you can start playing some game on the smartphone, and then, if the smartphone is running low, for example, continue on the iPad, and from where you left off .

And is all this free?

Of course, when you learn about such cool opportunities, the idea immediately appears that all this is not free. In part, the thought is correct. Apple generously provides the user with 5GB of free space, and in general, they are enough to store truly valuable data. But if you need more space, no one bothers you to buy it.

ICloud Rates

  • 50 GB - 59 rubles per month
  • 200 GB - 149 rubles per month
  • 1 Tb - 599 rubles per month

iTunes Match is another cool iCloud feature you have to pay for.

iTunes Match - a service created for music lovers, which allows you to save on buying music. The service automatically analyzes the library of all music stored on the PC that you work with when connecting the i-gadget to iTunes, looks for a copy in the store iTunes Store  and downloads it (for free!) to all Apple devices synchronized via iCloud, in high quality with an album cover and detailed information about the composition and artist.

Thus, up to 25,000 tracks can be processed, and you will not pay anything for them, you only need to pay a subscription to the service - $ 25 per year. It’s very convenient - you don’t have to connect devices to your PC once again to drop music, and for such convenience it’s relatively inexpensive.

How to use iCloud?

Well, now, actually about the most important thing - how to set up this wonderful service. Very simple! Follow the short instructions:

  1 Open "Settings", find the iCloud item - if you have not used the service before, you will need to log in. For authorization, use the Apple ID - the account that you created during the initial setup of the i-gadget.  2 After authorization, a window for working with the cloud will appear in front of you - it is a list of the types of information that you can store. Opposite each item is a slider. You only need to select the types of data that you want to store and activate the corresponding slider. 3 If you have a lot of space in iCloud - you can make all the sliders active, otherwise you will have to choose the most valuable.

Several items on the iCloud menu deserve special attention, including iCloud Drive, Backup, Keychain, and Find my Phone. Let's see why activate them.

iCloud Drive

Tap on the iCloud Drive item and you will find yourself in the new menu, which will list applications for which you can set the data storage in the cloud, each program has its own slider. Activate the necessary and turn off the unnecessary.

Backup copy

By tapping on the line “Backup”, you will again find yourself in a new menu. If you have never backed up information before, you first need to click on the “Create backup” link, and then activate the slider opposite the “Backup in iCloud” option, and then the backup will be performed whenever new information appears on your device .

Bunch of keys

This item is responsible for storing Safari passwords, activate it and you do not have to constantly enter account settings for this or that personal account  when working with an Apple browser.

Find my Phone

Finally, Find my Phone is a very cool option. If your phone has been stolen, and Find my Phone is turned on, you can perfectly “annoy” an attacker. How? And more about that in the next section.

How to recover data from iCloud?

Recovering data from iCloud on a new device is very simple. At the initial iPhone setup  (or any other i-gadget) the setup assistant will ask you if you want to get a “clean” new device or if you need to transfer all the information from the previous one to it. For recovery, of course, you need to choose the second option. Of course, for a successful transfer, you will need to specify the Apple ID of the old device.

If the smartphone is lost, there is still no new one, and the data needs to be restored urgently, well, for example, look at an important phone number, take any PC and go to iCloud.com (in general, with mobile device  you can access this site, but it’s more convenient from a computer), enter your Apple ID for authorization, and you will get access to all the information that was included in your backup.

The same site allows, if you are sure that the smartphone is stolen, as we said above, to “salt” the thief. If you turned on the Find my Phone option earlier on the device, then through iCloud.com you will have the opportunity to activate the “Lost Mode”. After turning it on, the attacker can no longer do anything with the gadget - it will be blocked, and the password will be the data of your Apple ID.

To summarize

So now you know what cloud is iCloud service  in the iPhone and you can appreciate the full power of its capabilities. And, as you may have noticed, you need to create a backup only once, then everything will be done for you. So do not be lazy and backup right now, if you have not done so already. Imagine how it would be a shame if you are too lazy today, forget tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you lose the device?

The phone is broken, but I need phone book. iCloud is the solution.

Many came across when the phone breaks down, and it is impossible to recover, the lion's share of a person’s life disappears - his photos, contacts, messages.

But if you take care of this a little in advance, then picking up a “new” iPhone, you could return everything. Sometimes, personal information for the user is much more important than the phone itself.

At the same time, all the possibilities are already in the iPhone itself. You just need to enable the necessary checkmarks.

Let's learn how to use technology like iCloud. This will be discussed in our article today.

What is a cloud service?AppleiCloud and how to use it?

Let's figure out what is a cloud service in general? Where are these clouds generally located?

The essence of the technology is that all content (photos, videos, documents and more) is not on the device, but on the servers apple. Moreover, having access to the Internet, from any iOs iPhone devices  or iPad You can access your information. So, your contacts and photos are additionally copied and stored in a safe place.

The most common example of cloud services is email. All your information is stored on the mail, yandex, google server or other service, and from any computer there is access to this data, of course, with the knowledge of the user and password. And we have been using this for a long time, so we will start using iCloud.

iCloud  is a free service that is available to iPhone and iPad users starting with iOs 5, as well as Mac and PC with iTunes 10.5 and higher. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis service is to create a common repository for all sorts of things and the ability to see on different devices  all your information.

To enter the cloud service you only need your Apple ID and password. No additional accounts are required. I hope apple account  ID you have already created.

! An important point:  Account AppleID must be unique  for your personal iPhone and iPad. It will not work if several phones have the same Apple ID, you just wash each other’s data.

Each user receives 5 GB of memory for storing mail, application data and other little things. This is a free limit, if it is not enough for you, then for an additional fee you can purchase additional volume. Upon purchase, money is debited from your account.

For photos, there are no restrictions on the size, but there are on the number - no more than 1000 pieces. in the last 30 days.

How to setupiCloud oniPhoneiPad to backup?

Everything is simple! Go Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Account and here we introduce email  and password that you use in App store, that is, your Apple ID. Here you can configure those applications that should synchronize their data. Feel free to include Contacts and photos, well, who cares about the Calendar.

To sync notes, you are prompted to create a free e-mail @ iCloud.com. Just indicate your nickname, and use the password from your account.

And now the tastiest, Go to Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Storage and copies and enable the checkmark in the Backup section - Copy toiCloud. Here it is a miracle, the iPhone will begin to copy your contacts and photos to the server. Now your data is not threatened by any problem with the phone, up to the complete destruction or loss.

Automatic backup occurs when your device is plugged in, locked, and connected to the Internet. Wi-Fi is a must. That is, we connect the phone to Wi-Fi, we throw it on charging for the night. And in the morning a backup has already been made.

For swallows, who have tons of information, and who are not enough 5GB You can buy a place. To do this, go to Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Storage and copies -\u003e Buy more space. In practice, there is more than enough space to store contacts.

How to recover from a backup?

We hope that we do not need this, but we should know about it. There is a backup, everything is stored somewhere far away. But then the phone “pah-pah” was lost or broke completely. There is no way to find it or repair it, but after all there is all life, and contacts, and phones. Dont be upset. Thanks to the created backup, we will return everything to its place.

We buy new iPhone, start activating it, and when the menu appears in front of us:

1) Set up your iPhone as new,

2) Restore from iCloud backup,

3) Restore from iTunes backup,

We feel free to choose point 2. Next, enter your Apple ID, select the last backup and click Restore. All our contacts and photos are downloaded from the server and uploaded to the new gadget. All safe and sound. And we’ll survive the loss of the previous phone.

What else can doiCloud?

iCloud allows you to do some more interesting things, for example, if you connect your devices to cloud service, then taking a photo on the iPhone, it can automatically appear on the iPad. In addition to photos, you can synchronize bookmarks in Safari, settings in games and applications, etc. To do this, you need a connection to internet and inclusion of necessary ticks in devices.

Let's get to know them.

What is a photo stream?

If you go to Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Photos, you will see My Photo Stream. This function allows you to automatically synchronize photos and screenshots taken with iOs devices iPhone help  and iPad. If this feature is useful to you, just turn it on, and when connected to a Wi-Fi network, all photos will automatically be sent to all your iCloud devices.

How to synchronize purchased applications, games, music? Auto sync.

Settings -\u003e iTunes Store, App Store and note in the section "Automatic downloads" those items that interest us.

iCloud through a browser on a computer

The iCloud web version is located at iCloud.com. Enter your AppeID login and password and get access to your mail, calendar, contacts, iWork documents, as well as Find My iPhone service.

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