How to find a four-digit password on an iPhone. Hackers launched a service to bypass iCloud activation lock: instructions for use

Mobile devices have the ability to get lost, and are also one of the objects of close attention of attackers. The service will help protect the owner of the iOS device from its loss or theft apple   "Find an iPhone."

Find iPhone   (Find My iPhone) will allow you to detect a lost mobile iOS device, and in case of theft block your iPhone or iPad. In general, the “Find iPhone” feature opens the following possibilities for apple device owners:

  • device search and display of its geo-location on the map;
  • the ability to play an audio signal through iCloud on your iOS device to detect it. It is extremely important if you have a habit of forgetting your smartphone in the most unexpected places in an apartment or office, for example;
  • in case of theft of a mobile device, the ability to activate the loss mode via iCloud. When using this feature, the owner is invited to block the iPhone, iPad, after entering a four-digit password code. In the future, it will be possible to unlock the device only through this password code;
  • and the last, no less important, opportunity is the remote cleaning of all personal data stored in a mobile device.

What is Activation Lock on iPhone?

  Activation lock or Activation Lock is a new “Find iPhone” feature introduced with the release of iOS 7. Thanks to the activation lock, it automatically turns on when the “Find iPhone” function is activated, without apple password   ID deletion of personal information from a mobile device or its re-activation becomes impossible.

The fact is that Activation Lock securely locks apple ID   The ID is behind the used iPhone or iPad, after which, to remove content and reactivate it, you must disable the Find iPhone feature or enter the Apple ID password. Moreover, even recovery from the regime does not solve the problem.

How to unlock activation on iPhone

  Protection lock designed to protect mobile devices   Apple can easily turn into a big problem for owners who have forgotten their own and are not able to reset it, which makes the issue of disabling Activation Lock particularly relevant.

In the present, there are officially no ways to circumvent the “Activation Lock”. However, there are a couple of services with which, according to their creators, you can disable this protective function.

The second service, allowing you to bypass the "Activation Lock", is a product of the joint creativity of two hacker teams - AquaXetine and MerrukTechnolog - and is known as doulCi. Those choosing doulCi were invited to make changes to hosts filein which new server addresses were registered. Then the device was switched to DFU mode, after which, instead of Apple servers, a request was made to the servers of hackers who read all necessary information   and turned off Activation Lock. However, as noted, unlocked devices with a SIM card stopped working with mobile networks.

You cannot use doulCi at the moment, because servers to bypass activation lock are not available. Nevertheless, you can always follow the news of the developers of the doulCi team. Perhaps they will activate the server or find new solutions -

There are times when gadgets are lost. It is possible, through caution, to forget somewhere or become a victim of intruders. For such situations, Apple has developed a device search function. When activated, the iPad can be remotely blocked, delete personal data from it, send a message to contact the "new" owner.

Activation lock

The "device search" function allows you to find the gadget, because it displays its location on the map. It makes it possible to notify with a sound signal through iCloud when searching for a tablet (well suited for cases when you throw your device somewhere at home and can not find it for a long time). Through the same iCloud   you can make the “loss” mode active. You can lock the tablet using a four-digit code. Unlocking is possible only by entering this code. You can also remotely delete all your data.

Activation Lock translates as Activation Lock. It became available with the advent of iOS 7.0. This is an additional side of the device search function. This lock is activated simultaneously with the activation of the “find iPad” function. It allows you to bind the unlock to apple id. After that, it is impossible to delete personal data and reactivate the gadget.

In order to do this, it will be necessary to deactivate the search function, or specify an Apple ID. Eliminate such a block will not even help full recovery   gadget through DFU mode or flashing.

IPad activation lock and how to remove it

If for some reason you forgot and lost your ID code (which is tied to your tablet) and you have activated the tablet search function, do not panic. What to do in such a situation and how to remove the activation lock from the device you will learn further.There is a service that allows you to remove such a unit, it is calleddoulCi.

So what to do:

  1 The first step is to find the “hosts” file. For windows systems   he settles on system drive. To find it, go to the “windows” folder. In this folder, find another “System32”. In the window that opens, find "drivers", open and select "etc". After opening, find "hosts". For iMac, use the Navigate command to navigate to the Finder folder. Find "etc" in it. 2 V open file   add the line "". 3 Connect the tablet to the PC via DFU mode. In order to activate it, hold the “home” and “power” buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. Now stop holding the “power”, but do not let go “home” for another 15 seconds. There should not be any images on the display, this will mean that you entered the device mode correctly. 4 At the time of connection, an automatic request for activation verification will be sent. Through the hosts file, this request will be redirected to the hacker service. Next, the device data will be read (unique identifier, serial number). 5 After receiving the doulCi data, the service will process the received request and will be able to delete the block. After that, the iPad will be able to overcome the lock threshold with an ID code and display the desktop.

At this method   there is a serious minus. If the tablet originally came with support for a SIM card, now it will not work. This is because the iOS OS sees that it is active, while the modem firmware does not see it. Therefore use mobile internet   you can’t, but otherwise the tablet will work fine.

If you purchased the tablet by hand and the iPad search function is active, contact the person who sold it to you. Adequate seller should remove Apple ID binding from account   in iCloud. You can do this on the site cloud storage. There, he should indicate all the necessary data for activation and then click on the device search icon.

Next, in the opened area, you need to expand the “all devices” option and indicate a locked iPad. After displaying the gadget’s picture on the screen, under all the main functions the option “remove from“ find ... ”will be available. After that, a confirmation window will appear. Done. Now you can activate the purchased tablet.

If this is your gadget and iCloud registration is made on you, you can try to recover the data. To do this, go to the cloud storage site and click on the option “forgot your Apple ID or password” under the authorization window. In the window that opens, you must enter the email address that you specified at the time of registration. Next you need to follow the instructions that will be issued by the service.

If you can not contact the seller or do not know the additional email address, you should contact Apple Technical Support at your place of residence. In addition to a simple activation lock, a “missing iPad” message may appear. This suggests that this device already belongs to someone or that attackers took control of your data and blocked your gadget.

If you become a victim of scammers, you need to contact Apple technical support without fail. Provide all the necessary evidence that this is your tablet (check, documents, box). Do not respond to messages of intruders and keep calm.

Blocking activation may also occur if data is remotely reset. This will help provide the owner with protection of his personal life or will avoid the publication of some important secret documents. There may also be an additional message with the owner’s contacts. This suggests that he wants to return it, and this tablet is stolen or lost.

An attempt to break the lock in this case will be an attempt to appropriate another's property. This is not legal and is liable. If you find yourself in a situation where you blocked the devices due to your carelessness or forgetfulness, you can use the method above or contact the technical support of the company at the place of residence.

Any questions regarding how to remove any lock are resolved in technical support. This method involves a waste of time, but it is completely legal.

Many users of the iPhone 6, 6S and other models of the popular device are aware of such a useful feature as Find iPhone. But sometimes you need to disable Find My iPhone in order to take advantage of another feature of this application called “Activation Lock”.

Why might this step be needed? The fact is that it protects devices running on the "OS" iOS from illegal access. But sometimes even the true owner of the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5S or another version of the smartphone from Apple makes a brick from his device. And the reason for this is Activation Lock.

How to bypass activation lock on iPhone 4S, on iPhone 5, 6 and other "apple" phones, is described in detail in our article.

What does activation lock mean?

This function is implemented automatically when the iPhone search function is enabled on the gadget. And this is done in the icloud settings. The option remains active until Find My iPhone is turned off or the user disconnects the smartphone from the current Apple ID.

Enabled iPhone with active lock and activation feature

requires a username and password special form   in the following situations:

  1 Turning on Find My iPhone on what this means is protecting the device and the likelihood of it finding and returning successfully in case of loss. 2 When you need to disable icloud and exit the store. 3 In the process of deleting information and when you need to activate the phone for the first time.

Activation Lock Features

This function, as mentioned above, is able to make a brick out of an iPhone, i.e. absolutely useless piece of metal. The device is 100% blocked; in such a situation, neither the recovery procedure nor the installation of the latest version of the OS are able to help out.

In the process of flashing an iPhone, after the user selects the language, his location, and after the activation of the gadget, the introduction of an Apple ID is required. Without this, using the device and all its functions will not be possible in the future.

What threatens the activation lock to the owner of the iPhone?

If the user has a phone from Apple version 7 and older, then the iPhone search option is necessarily enabled in his settings, and, therefore, the activation lock option is enabled on the machine. But if at the same time he forgot his ID or password, then in such a situation, deleting personal data, as well as activating the device after updating or restoring, will become impossible. Moreover, even contacting support will not give anything. apple company, and the user will have a useless item instead of a cool device.

However, in such situations, do not despair, because the chance of password recovery, although small, still remains. If the user has access to the e-mail to which the ID is registered, you can try to restore. But in the history of such appeals there are facts when it was not possible to return the password.

Given all of the above, before you start the iPhone search function, you need to remember (or a more accurate way to fix it on paper) the Apple ID and password specified in the icloud settings. It will not be superfluous to create a copy of the note.

IPhone activation lock how to remove

Can this function be removed or disabled? This question worries many users of "apple" gadgets. How to disable the option, or at least try to do it, will be discussed in detail later.

There is one surefire method on how to circumvent the activation of iPhone 4 and other iPhones. The authorship of this method belongs to an employee of one of the German companies - B. Schlabs. He developed the most the best way   Bypass activation lock and 100% device unlock. The method is not the easiest, but it almost always helps.

So, first you need to check the iPhone for the fact that the device is in standby mode, respectively, the lock screen is active, and you need a password or Apple ID. But neither the first nor the second is known to the user. Based on such initial data, you must perform the following steps:

1 Go to the control point of the lock screen and make activation of the air mode. But you can instead just get a SIM card from the device. This is done so that there is no access to the Internet, which will provide time for password selection and fingerprint creation. 2 Choose a password of four characters (a total of 10,000 such combinations exist). Or, if possible, make a fingerprint saved by the previous owner of the device on the phone’s display. 3 Unlock iPhone 6 as the legal owner of the device (or other device) and enter the icloud settings, namely, in your “account”, where you need to enter the ID. This will be the same number that corresponds to the iPhone. 4 Log in to the Apple resource to initiate the password recovery procedure ( 5 Turn on the Internet on the smartphone (via wi-fi) and open the mail program. Soon, –mail should receive an email with a link to the recovery page. You need to copy or burn it. Then you need to disconnect from the Internet. 6 Insert the link in the browser bar, go to the desired resource and generate a new password. 7 In icloud, delete the "account" to which the smartphone is attached. The iPhone search option will be disabled, and the activation lock will be disabled at the same time. 8 Restore the gadget to a certified version of iOS and configure it as a new device.

How to unlock iPhone via iTunes

Through the most popular program for iPhones - the iTunes utility, you can restore the gadget in a situation where the user has forgotten the password.

For iPhone recovery   via iTunes, you must:

  • Connect the smartphone to a PC or laptop via a USB cable.
  • Wait until a message appears on the screen from iTunes that the phone is in a recovery state.
  • Confirm the action by clicking on the consent button.
  • Choose the version of iOS and give your consent to the firmware.

Most users of the iPhone on which they are installed operating system   iOS7, faced with such an ambiguous feature of this OS as Activation Lock. To be honest, it’s simply impossible to calculate the number of devices that this function saved, just like the number of “dead” devices in the hands of unlucky users.

The iPhone 5 users who became potential victims of swindlers who swore that they could unlock the iPhone without any problems were also among the victims. This article will tell you all the subtleties and techniques that will help activate iPhone 5 without a SIM card. You can also distinguish a fraudster who swears that he is a master of circumvention of Activation Lock.

Initially, you need to understand the important point that the process itself iPhone lock   5 is carried out directly on the servers of Apple, but not on the device itself. In other words, it’s worth understanding the moment that no application or flashing will help to get around iPhone activation   5. It is also worth noting that there are several options for locking the device:

  • The user redraws the iPhone 5, but does not disable the banal Find My iPhone feature, which according to statistics happens most often
  • The user marks his device with the label “stolen”; in this case, it is almost impossible to bypass iPhone 5 activation. In this case, the owner of the iPhone 5 sees the record "This iPhone was lost and erased."

If the device is locked using the second method, you can bypass iPhone 5 activation only by contacting the current owner to remove the status of the stolen device. No firmware, third-party applications, or contacting Apple in this case will help.

Any person who is trying to circumvent the activation of an iPhone with an inscription on the screen of "This iPhone was lost and erased" should be classified as a scam. Therefore, from this we can conclude that you can activate iPhone 5 without a SIM card only if it was blocked by the first method.

Voice Over Fault

Using the Voice Over bug is the very first method worth checking in order to bypass iPhone activation without a SIM card. There are tons of video reviews on Youtube that describe action algorithms for slightly different methods. We present to your attention one of them:

Most effective method, this is turning a locked iPhone 5 into iPodTouch, in other words, you turn an iPhone into a player that can be used exclusively as a multimedia tool, you won’t be able to call and write SMS messages from such a device.

Contact Apple Technical Support

The most popular method to bypass iPhone activation is to contact Apple technical support. To successfully do this procedure   The following steps must be taken:

  • A call to tech support. You inform the operator that you are the real owner of the device, that it is registered specifically for your AppleID, but you do not have an associated e-mail address and password, since you lost it. In this case, you need to confirm the fact that you have all the documents in your hands that certify that you are the true owner of the iPhone 5;
  • A letter to tech support. For Russian technical support - [email protected], for English - [email protected], we write a letter in which we indicate the number of calls to technical support (they will have to say it at the time of the call), photos of the device on which the IMEI address will be clearly visible iPhone, as well as a check confirming the purchase of the device.

Naturally, this option will be relevant in the first place for the true owners. For those who do not have a check, but have an insatiable desire to bypass the activation of the device without a SIM card, this method is hardly suitable. Though …. in any case, it will be on their conscience.

Most people believe that it is impossible to activate a blocked iPhone and simply give up, we hope that this article has provided you with enough information for reverse actions.

Detailed instructions from What you need to activate before the device status in iPod: First you need to open the disc with installed windows   on your computer and follow the path C: WindowsSystem32driversetc. In the folder etc find text file hosts and remove the read-only attribute. Then go to the security tab and set write permissions for user groups and administrators. Now you can edit the hosts file. You can open it with a regular notepad or any text editor. Erase everything that is written there and stupidly write XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, where X is the server number that the hackers from the Doulci group will tell us. no crosses, gratings or anything else is needed! Only ip number and server name. Wrote? Click close (on the cross) and the question "save changes?" You agree. This is so that the txt file extension is not attached. Probably it is not necessary to preserve the original appearance of hosts, but I do so. Whether the server of our hackers is working can be viewed by going to the website and opening the upper tab overview. In addition, you can follow Twitter of the Doulci team members: minacrisOficial, AquaXetine, MerrukTechnolog You do not need to ask about the time for switching on. Servers, so far include not scheduled. It can earn both at 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. If you are not ready to wait, then do not read on. Now we need a sim card with Pin code. Simka can be clamped in the symlotka of some old phone and in the settings enable the PIN request. For new SIM cards, PIN is 0000. For those purchased long ago, the PIN is indicated in the envelope. No PIN in any way! So: 1. We prepared to quickly enter the server you specified in the hosts file. The hosts itself are opened with a notepad and we double-checked that it saves the changes. Those. we do not close it and are ready at any moment to enter the desired ip 2. Our phone is ready to be activated. Those. it is turned on, we entered the PIN code, selected the language and country, connected it via Wi-Fi and pressed back. Those. the device is now choosing a Wi-Fi network. 3. So, on the website, in the Overview tab, we turned on the server and the icon with OFF moved to ON (turned green) and below we indicated the server address. For example We select and copy into the hosts file. This is the only entry in the entire file. There is no more sign. (I have it. Maybe someone left the old). Click on the cross to close the hosts. Comp asks for confirmation of changes and we agree. Next, launch iTunes and connect the iPhone with a cord. iTunes must ask for consent to connect to the server and we agree. Next in iTunes should appear start page with an offer to set up your iPhone? Choose "like new" and continue on the phone. He asks for inclusion iCloud Services   and geolocation services. Think yourself whether you need it or not. You can turn it on or off later. 4. Now disconnect the iPhone from the computer and reboot. After the offer to enter pin, enter and as soon as you see that the phone wrote that the pin is correct, remove the tray immediately. A message pops up, insert a SIM card - insert back. And repeat insert-remove the sim until you see not just “unlock the sim card”, but the option with two ways: “unlock” and next to “OK”.)) All))) Click on OK. Do not be afraid after if you need to remove the SIM card or reboot. By playing with PIN and OK, you can now display the device as many times as you like, until you reset the device. Wrote like that. as i did. Maybe somewhere and something superfluous. I activated my device and the device of a friend. Then, for the sake of the experiment, he turned on find my phone on his wife’s honest phone and also hacked it.