MSI does not boot. Errors when installing programs from the Windows Installer package ".msi

After turning on the MSI laptop, the BIOS is first going on? And then loading the most operating system. If yours mSI laptop It does not boot, at the beginning it is necessary to determine at what stage you have freezing or failure of the system startup. The fact is that BIOS is loaded with motherboard And is a basic program to start the entire system and long-loading of the operating system. Which can be located both on the hard disk and on external carrier. The black screen on the MSI laptop and white letters - tells you about errors.

Errors on the MSI laptop when loading the system (white inscriptions on the black screen):

  • "Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter" - boot disk spoiled;
  • "Boot Device. NOT FOUND. " or " No Boot Device Found"- a boot disk not found - you will need replacing hard MSI laptop disc or BIOS setup;
  • "Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart"- Error loading the system - you will need to restore windows work on MSI laptop;
  • "a Disk Read Error Occurred"- disk read error - replacement hard disk MSI laptop for new;
  • "reboot and Select Proper Boot Device and Press A Key"- Restart and select booting device And press any key, the problem is possible in the hard disk, system or configuration of the BIOS.

If the failure occurs at the time of the BIOS boot, then it's either:

  • In the wrong BIOS settings;
  • In faults motherboard - MSI laptop motherboard is required.

In the first case, you need to either find an error in bIOS settingsOr reset all settings to the factory, in the second it takes on stage diagnostics of the motherboard itself, and identify a faulty item.
In case of error "Failure to start the system", the main problems are:

  • No connection between hard disk and motherboard. (breaking, malfunction Hard disk - Replacing the hard disk of the laptop)
  • Infection of the system with viruses that interfere with the operating system boot - requires cleaning MSI laptop from viruses.
  • Failure in the work of the algorithms of the operating system itself - reinstalling Windows On MSI laptop.

MSI laptop did not include how to include - this question is set by millions of popular laptops from MSI. Not for anyone, it is no secret that the computer in the life of a person, took a certain niche, like a smartphone, and other gadgets.

First of all, unites all these wonderful technical development And is very an important factor, on the this moment In a person's life, this is the Internet. We use global cobweb, most often on our PC.

Going to specifics, then in the trend is no longer a PC with screens, system block, separate keyboard and other accessories. Now the laptops that have occupied their niche have been popular and have already broken forward in PC Nich.

Many, more interested in the question: what laptop to choose and what are the best quality, price, performance?

In fact, the computer market, and rather the laptops are so saturated that choose nice laptop, not a hard problem, but we will do some specific specifics, on laptops from MSI and discuss the problems with which it is necessary to face the owner of this technique.

MSI laptops, rightfully can be called one of the most popular game laptops, because the company's policy, in modern world, configured to produce powerful machines that will pull, the most best games At high permissions.

As we all know that each technique has its limit, and even if you do not follow a laptop, then there are problems with it that you need to decide. One such problem is that the MSI laptop is not included, and you wonder how to run it, it. There are several reasons associated with non-launching PCs, and further, we will list them:

  • The first and most popular reason is what perhaps problems with charger, and your computer is tritely discharged;
  • The second reason is the problems with connectors that can lead to this problem;
  • Third, the problems with BIOS, or its damage;
  • It is an extreme reason, there are problems with chips and bridges that wear out after a period.

There are more specific cases when the MSI laptop does not turn on and do not burn indicators or you are wondering: why does not turn on the MSI laptop black screen?

In cases of those listed earlier, it can be more specifically to understand the cause of the breakdown and what actions must be performed further. If still a laptop, not as it does not react, and the light bulbs are not lit, then with confidence it can be said that the problem with the power supply, or with a power cable that could fail and you will not see the breakdown.

And if you have a black screen and a laptop, it does not work, then it is for sure the hardware problem and eliminate it if you are not a hardware specialist, very hard.

By the decision of all the above listed problems associated with the launch of the MSI laptop, is service center. It is in a computer workshop that will hold more point diagnostics and finally eliminate the breakdown in which your laptop gives failures, because if you try to eliminate them yourself, you can only worsen the situation and finally break the laptop.

If unexpectedly appeared when you turn on the black screen on the MSI laptop, how the practice shows, the cause of such behavior can be a malfunction of one or another part. When such a situation appears, we strongly recommend not to take rampant solutions and actions. The only thing you can do on your own is to restart the computer, if after that nothing has changed, then without the help of experts, it is not for anyone. So, if you value the life of your MSI, then do not try to eliminate the malfunction yourself, because without special tools and the necessary skills in such work, you are unlikely to achieve the desired result.

With a problem when the image is not loaded on the screen, and immediately after loading the laptop, a black background appears, you can always contact our service center, which is located in Moscow. We often have to dock with such character faults.

For an experienced specialist, such a problem is not so difficult and terrible as it looks. After the diagnostics, it becomes clear that it made the computer display incorrectly operate. If you find out that there is no damage to this or that components, we always can be replaced in a matter of minutes, since all the necessary parts for MSI laptop are constantly on hand and always at an affordable price.

If you have any problems with your laptop, please contact our TELEMAMA workshop, we are guaranteed all malfunctions to liquidate and can explain why there was a breakdown. In addition, every result of our work is definitely in all cases supporting a long warranty.

If it does not turn on, not loaded or when the black screen on the MSI laptop is loaded, then the following problems may be:

As you can see, the reasons why the laptop monitor may fail, there is a lot, and the ordinary user understand them - not easy. We are always ready to help you. Contact us all types of work with such models brand MSIlike CR / CX, G-series, FX / FR, Wind Top and Wind and not only.

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The service is performed on the basis of advanced technical techniques in the industry. Looking for a place where you can cheap the laptop to repair the laptop in the capital? You can count on our high-class specialists.

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Eliminate any malfunction on the day of circulation. We have experience in this area for more than 15 years! The team of specialists leaves for you to help within an hour. Thanks to a large spare parts, we will be able to solve the problem of any complexity. Only professional repair and warranty for services provided by 3 years!


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Payment options

The list of documents provided for different types of services:

  • Treaty for services provided. We only provide high-quality services on favorable conditions. Before starting repair, a contract is drawn up with a price, timing of the selected service payment system, as well as warranty conditions. This agreement is a guarantor for both parties that all work will be performed qualitatively and on time.
  • Checks confirming payment for services. Required when paying for cash services. When paying services through the bank, a document certified in the bank is to transfer funds.
  • Act on the implementation of all the works specified in the contract. It is issued to the hands of the client after the end of all these repairs.
  • Score. This document is prescribed used parts for repair and a list of services, with details for payment.
  • Act of receiving a device for further repairs in our service center. Due to the impossibility of eliminating the problem at the client's home, and the need to deliver the device to our service center for repair on specialized equipment.

A rather common problem among operating users windows systems Any versions - MSI error when installing programs from a file with extension.msi. In this article, I will describe frequently encountered problems with the Windows 7/10 / XP installer and the options for their solution, as well as make a video on the current issue.

Files with extension.msi is the usual installation packages (distributions) of which the program is set. Unlike the usual "setup.exe", to launch the MSI file, the system uses the Windows Installer service (process msiexec.exe). Speaking simple wordsThe Windows Installer unzipped and starts files from the distribution. When Windows Installer does not work, various errors appear.

In general, this is terribly infuriated, because After a stupid error message, it is completely unclear what to do next. Microsoft specially developed the Windows Installer installer to expand the possibilities of installing programs (mainly it concerns system administrators), but they did not take care of the properly combat work of this service or at least about adequate messages about problems. And now it is to rake

Problems can be with the service of the service itself or may arise during the installation of programs when everything is configured, in principle, correctly. In the first case, you need to pick the installer service, and in the second to solve the problem with a specific file. Consider both options, but first the second.

MSI file errors

Very often mistakes appear due to insufficient rights of the system on files or folders. It is impossible to say that Windows Installer does not work, in this case it is enough to add the right right and everything will work. Literally yesterday I encountered the fact that the downloaded distribution unit did not want to be installed, while the installation wizard successfully starts, the parameters are selected, but then the system thinks a few seconds and gives an error:

"Error Reading From File" File Name "Verify That The File Exists and That You Can Access It" (ERROR 1305). Translated "Error reading from a file ... Check if the file exists and whether you have access to it." Well, isn't it stupid? Naturally, the "repeat" button does not help, and the cancellation stops the entire installation. The message of a special semantic load also does not carry, because The file exactly exists and I have access to him, otherwise I would simply could not run it and get this message, besides, for some reason in English 🙂

And the error is that I should not have access to the file, and the Windows installer is more accurately the system itself. Solving very simple:

Now the installer error will not appear! You can add access to the entire folder from which you usually install programs, such as the "downloads" folder, like me. We look at the video of solving problems with access rights:

In Windows XP, the Safety tabs will not be included; general access to files. To turn it off, you need to go to "Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Folder Properties -\u003e View" and disable the option "Use simple sharing files". In the trimmed versions of Windows 7/10 and XP, the Safety tabs are not in principle. To see it, you need and go to it under the administrator.

More ways to solve the problem

The described method will help with different messages, with different numbers. For example, you can see such MSI file errors:

  • ERROR 1723.
  • System error 2147287035
  • Error "Unable to open this installation package"
  • Error 1603: During installation, there was a fracture error

In all these cases, the installation of rights to a file and / or some system folders should help. Check if the system has "System" to the temporary file folder (you can receive an error "System Unable to open the specified device or file"). For this:

After pressing "Enter", the path will be transformed into "normal" and you move to the real temporary folder. The rights to it and must be checked. We also recommend cleaning temporary folders from everything that has accumulated there or even better remove them and create new ones with the same names. If you do not manage to delete the folder, read, but it is not necessary.

If a windows service Installer still does not want to work, then check the rights to the folder "C: \\ Config.msi", here "System" should also have full access. In this case, you could observe the error of the "Error 1310". Just in case, make sure that the folder where you install the software also have all rights.

Registry and Service Parameters

The following error is to restore the operating parameters in the Windows Installer Installer Registry.

To do this, download the archive and start two reg files from there, respectively, windows version. Agree with the import of settings.

Important! Before latest action Preferably! If the method does not help or get worse, you can recover until the previous state.

In Windows XP or Windows Server 2000 Install last version Installer 4.5.

If it does not help, then do more re-registration of components:

  1. Press "Win + R" and enter " cmd.Then in the black window, enter the command sequentially:
    Msiexec / Unregister
    Msiexec / RegServer
  2. The answer should be emptiness, no errors. If the problem is not solved, enter another command
  3. Close the black window

If you write that there is not enough rights, then you need to run.

If the commands are executed, but did not help, then launch MSI_ERROR.BAT from the archive, check the result.

Last option - Download the Kerish Doctor program, there is a function of fixing the work of the installer service and many others frequent problems Windows.

Also, many programs use.Net Framework, so it will not be more superfluous to set the latest version of this package. And, finally, another tip: if there is at least one folder on the path to the distribution file at the beginning of the title, then delete the space. Such a simple reception will solve your problem 🙂


Errors with Windows installer are very unpleasant, there are many of them and immediately do not understand where to dig. One clear - the system has failed and need to restore it to the working condition. Sometimes nothing helps and falls. However, do not rush to do it, try to ask for help on this forum. In accuracy, describe your problem, tell me what you have already done, what messages received, and perhaps you will help you! After all, the world is not without good people 🙂