Sample plan for technical re-equipment of production. Development of a program for technical re-equipment and production renovation

For the long-term competitive development of any machine-building enterprise, it is necessary to create not only unique equipment, but also to be successful among the leading companies in its industry. The competitiveness of an enterprise depends on how the technical process proceeds on it, and its organization directly depends on the quality of the equipment used. That is why all industrial companies pay special attention to the implementation of complex projects for the purchase of modern high-tech equipment. The equipment and technical armament bureau is responsible for updating the machine park at AMZ OJSC (Arzamas Machine-Building Plant). The head of the bureau, Oleg Vlasov, shared with us about the current state of affairs at the enterprise and the nearest plans in the field of technical re-equipment.

- Oleg Evgenievich, what kind of technical re-equipment work has already been carried out at the enterprise this year?

Within the framework of the investment program of the military-industrial complex for 2014 in the field of technical re-equipment of JSC AMZ, it was planned to purchase new efficient equipment. This year, we have already purchased a band saw for the blank section, which allows us to speed up the process of creating products, while maintaining high accuracy. Also a machine for laser cutting metal, it is already operating in the press-automatic shop. We have had similar equipment at MSC-8 for several years. The purchase of the laser for the PAC was motivated by the price of expensive dies for the presses. In order not to wait for the manufacture and repair of the necessary dies, it was decided to buy and install laser equipment in this workshop. Also, training was carried out for two adjusters, who are currently successfully working there.

For the manufacture of the product "headlight-searchlight", which is installed on the armored car "Tiger", a turning-processing center with CNC was purchased. He will arrive at the plant at the end of October.

A plotter for cutting rubber gaskets was purchased. In MSC-2, there was a problem associated with cutting rubber products: before that, the site used a low-power laser purchased 5 years ago, which was beyond the strength of today's labor-intensive production rhythm. We have been looking for equipment for a long time that could effectively cope with this task. And now the activity of the site has become much more active.

At present, MSC-4 is carrying out commissioning of a horizontal milling machining center, which will be used for the production of levers intended for the assembly of new promising armored vehicles. The business partner was the Moscow company "Soldrim", which is one of the largest suppliers of industrial equipment in Russia.

- How is the decision to purchase equipment carried out and is this process going?

The technological department is working on the issue of launching new products into mass production, figuring out what equipment needs to be purchased for this. A technological chain is built, a list of machines is formed and the expediency of their purchase is determined. After that, a technical assignment is drawn up, work is carried out with potential suppliers. As a rule, offers come from about 15 companies. The Technical Directorate selects the most acceptable and suitable manufacturers for the plant in accordance with the quality and price policy. In conclusion, a tender is held in an open mode, to which managers and technical specialists of supplier firms come, where they present their equipment, answer questions of interest to us. After that, the tender committee of the enterprise decides on the purchase of the most suitable samples. The final point is the approval of the decision by the tender committee of VPK LLC and the signing of an agreement with the supplier.

- How to choose the right equipment and not be mistaken?

When choosing the equipment to be purchased, some suppliers are ready to provide their equipment to the enterprise completely free of charge for the purpose of direct operation at the production site and subsequent decision-making on its purchase. We took advantage of one of these opportunities: a turning and machining center was delivered to the plant for test use. During the month, the equipment will be actively used by employees of MSC-8 to determine its quality characteristics and production capabilities.

- How does the purchase of new equipment help to solve problems in production?

We purchase new high-tech equipment, which reduces the time for manufacturing products and increases their quality. In short, the new equipment must fulfill the tasks facing the enterprise today.

The implementation of projects for technical re-equipment allows you to expand the prospects of production, accelerate its topics, increase efficiency and gain new opportunities. There is no doubt that investments in new technologies are paying off. The plant is developing dynamically, orders are received, contracts are signed, and accordingly, production volumes are growing. To carry them out in a timely manner and with high quality, today it is simply necessary to update the machine park. After all, one CNC machine can easily replace several old ones at once, close the shortage in qualified personnel, as well as free up space and improve the culture of production.

- How does the plant staff cope with the work on the new modern equipment?

Together with the purchase of a new machine, personnel training is carried out. We purchase high-tech equipment, which requires real professionals. The company has specialists who received the initial basic knowledge work with CNC machines in schools and technical schools. And this is quite a significant factor. For example, laser equipment has been operating in MSC-8 for about 5 years. When purchasing a laser from the PAC, the specialists of the eighth workshop took part in the training of operators and observed the operation of the new machine. When buying more narrowly specific equipment, specialists undergo mandatory instructions from the service department of the supplier.

It is also worth noting that modern and high-tech equipment requires special care to maintain its exact capabilities, namely, it is necessary to regularly clean it, wipe it, carry out autonomous maintenance, and observe the production culture. The plant's administration has repeatedly noted cases of disregard for these rules on the part of workers and foremen of some workshops, in particular MSC-1 and MSC-8, and raised these issues for discussion. Is it worth buying expensive equipment and not following the basic rules of caring for it? I think everyone knows the answer himself! Therefore, in addition to training personnel to work on new machines, it is necessary to instill the skills of their maintenance after operation, and foremen and shop managers must strictly monitor this.

- What are your plans for the technical re-equipment of the plant for the near future?

V this moment the supplier of turning equipment is determined. The plant plans to purchase 12 units of CNC lathes in late 2014 - early 2015. This high-tech equipment will maximize the quality of manufactured products and solve the problem with the shortage of turners.

Based on the analysis of the technical condition of the fixed assets of the enterprise, taking into account the actual, moral and physical wear and tear, data of the balance sheet, the enterprise has developed detailed program re-equipment and renovation of production for 2012 and subsequent periods until 2015. The calculation of the need for the necessary funds has been made.

The action plan for the development of investment activities of JSC Novopolotskzhelezobeton in 2012 is as follows:

Construction of a mini-CHP plant with the installation of an energy source for combined production of electricity and heat, a steam back-pressure turbine 5200, 5200-own facilities Getting heat and electricity from own. production, 17 new jobs.
Reconstruction of the 1st polygon of the molding shop No. 1 200- bank loans Increase in the volume of production of competitive products
Modernization and reconstruction of molding shops 100-bank credits
Routine repair of in-plant roads, sites 200-bank credits Improvement of the territory
Further development of the use of the "frame house" equipment 30-bank credits Increase in the volume of production of competitive, export-oriented products
Modernization of the Tensiland off-form molding line 1300- bank loans Increase in the volume of production of competitive, export-oriented products
Acquisition of basic construction machines and mechanisms 250-bank credits Sand quality improvements

1. Construction of a mini-CHP with the installation of an energy source for combined production of electricity and heat (a business plan for an investment project has been developed).

The main idea of ​​the investment project

Due to the fact that JSC "Novopolotskzhelezobeton" at the stage of its formation was a part of Trust No. 16, the power supply scheme was built and developed as a single electric power complex.

At present, the power supply scheme for the entire industrial zone, gravitating to JSC "Novopolotskzhelezobeton", consists of:

Head step-down substation (GPP) 110/35/6 KV, which is on the balance sheet of OJSC Novopolotskzhelezobeton;

29 transformer substations 6 / 0.4 KV with unit capacity from 160 to 1000 KVA, which are both on the balance sheet of JSC Novopolotskzhelezobeton of the enterprise and on the balance of other enterprises;

High voltage cable lines.

The power supply system of transformer substations is a ring circuit that provides the necessary reliability (redundancy) of the 6KV power grid. to limit currents short circuit in ring circuits there are gaps at TP 6 / 0.4 and part of KL-6KL are in "hot" standby.

The scheme has 2 powerful distribution points (centers) RP-30, RU 6KV substation "Promploshchadka" with all types of protection installed: MTZ, current cutoff, "earth protection",

Heat supply to JSC "Novopolotskzhelezobeton" is carried out by two types of heat carrier: steam and heating water.

Heat supply by steam is carried out from the Novopolotsk CHPP through the networks of OJSC "Polymir" by double reduction of steam:

The total length of the steam lines is:

ü DN 400 - 1841m;

ü DN 300 - 400m;

ü DN 350 - 70M.

As a result of long-term operation, the thermal insulation of steam pipelines has largely lost its heat-insulating properties, and the loss of steam thermal energy has sharply increased.

Heat supply with district heating water for heating needs it is carried out from the heating route "CHPP-8th microdistrict of the city".

The total length of the pipelines is:

ü DN 300 - 160m;

ü DN 250 - 1398m;

ü DN 200 - 800M

As a result of long-term operation, the thermal insulation of heating water pipelines has also largely lost its heat-insulating properties, and, thus, the losses of heat energy of heating water have sharply increased.

In the course of the implementation of this investment project, it is planned to build a mini-CHP on the existing production facilities of Novopolotskzhelezobeton OJSC, which will lead to a change in the existing electricity and heat supply of the enterprise.

Principal technological solutions

This project provides for the creation of an energy technology complex consisting of one microturbine power unit with an electric power of 600 kW, four Vitomax 200HS steam boilers from Viessmann, three of which have a capacity of 2.9 and one 5 tons of steam per hour, as well as a steam back pressure turbine with an electric power of 180 kW and other auxiliary equipment to ensure the functioning of the power complex. The quality of water directed to steam generation is provided by a water treatment station (15 m 3 / h) and a feed deaeration unit (15 m 3 / h). Energy production at the mini-CHP is planned to be carried out in automatic mode... The complex is connected to the existing communications, which are remote from the power complex at a short distance, the final choice of places for connecting to communications is determined by the project.

The steam boiler house is located on the released area of ​​the existing compressor house building, which for the installation of boiler equipment has a free building volume with dimensions of 18x18x10.8 m.

The internal volume of the boiler room houses four steam boilers with auxiliary equipment, chemical water treatment equipment and a group of pumps. On the second tier of the room there are an operator's room, a gas distribution device (GRU), heat exchange equipment, a feed water tank and a deaerator. In the room adjacent to the boiler room, there is a turbine room, where a steam turbine with an electric generator is located. Outside the building, a C600 INDKG power unit is installed on the basis of three containerized microturbines and a chimney.

The preliminary layout of the first tier of the mini-CHP is shown.

The area of ​​the room allows the installation of boilers without violating the requirements of the "Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers. UE "DIEKOS", 2007 ". When installing boilers, the distance between the boilers and the boiler room wall is more than 1.5 meters, which complies with the above rules. The final layout of the power complex will be determined by the project.

Four Viessmann Vitomax 200-HS type steam boilers are designed to generate heat energy using gaseous fuels. The low level of emissions of harmful substances is ensured by the three-way scheme of the flue gas ducts of the boiler block with a low heat intensity of the combustion chamber.

- Preliminary layout of the first tier of mini-CHP

The main technical characteristics of the steam boilers planned for installation in the boiler room are given.

Technical data, steam boiler Vitomax 200-HS

The cogeneration power plant is designed to cover the basic schedule of electricity consumption by the enterprise, as well as to supply the production of hollow floor slabs (Tensiland line) and the household needs of Novopolotskzhelezobeton OJSC with heat energy in the form of hot water.

The power plant is a power unit consisting of three microturbine generators with an electric power of 200 kW each and a heat recovery boiler.

The C600 INDKG power unit of the CAPSTONE company (USA) is made in a container design and is located in the immediate vicinity of the boiler house. The thermal circuits of the power unit and the boiler house are combined into a single thermal circuit, where they complement each other.

The technical characteristics of the C600 INDKG power unit are presented.

Technical characteristics of the C600 INDKG power unit by CAPSTONE (USA)

The turbine generator unit TSU R-0.8-1.7 / 0.7 is designed to generate electricity through the use of steam potential. The steam turbine is made in a single-cylinder design on a common base frame with a generator. The turbine is designed for continuous continuous operation of at least 8000 hours per year. Turbine power variation range from 0 to 110% of the nominal value. TSU is manufactured according to TU VU 191297032.001-2010 “Energy-saving turbines of low power. Technical conditions ". The manufacturer of the turbine generator unit TGU R-0,18-1,7 / 0,7 - Private Power Unitary Enterprise "United Energy Company" (Republic of Belarus).

Technical characteristics of the turbine generator unit TSU
P-0.18-1.7 / 0.7 are presented in Table 5.3.

Technical characteristics of the turbine generator unit TSU R-0.18-1.7 / 0.7

Fresh steam from boilers with a pressure of 18 bar in the amount of 8 tons per hour enters the turbine generator through a common header. The above volume of steam with a temperature of 230 ° C ensures operation steam turbine at the highest possible load. Electricity generation by the TSU is carried out depending on the steam consumption by consumers. During the operation of the turbine generator set, its estimated load will be 83.87% of the nominal.

The steam spent in the turbine generator with a pressure of 7 bar is sent to technological needs. Steam pressure of 7 bar is determined based on the needs of the plant. Efficiency, taking into account the pressure drop during its transport. Also, the reconstruction of the on-site steam network planned at JSC Novopolotskzhelezobeton will allow the delivery of steam with a pressure of 7 bar through a smaller section of the steam pipeline, which reduces capital investments in the reconstruction of the steam network, and by reducing the steam contact area, reduces heat transport losses through the pipeline wall.


By the decision of the Duma

dated 25.03.2004 No. 34-gd
Chairman of the Duma

N.F. Popkov




FOR 2004 - 2007

Program Passport

Program name

MUP technical re-equipment program

"Food Factory" for 2004-2007

Date of the decision to develop the Program,

Document No.

Decision of the meeting on the issue of reconstruction of the ammonia refrigeration plant and the construction of block steam supply boiler houses of the MUE Food Processing Plant.

Minutes dated 04.16.2003, approved by the first deputy head of the Administration V.P. Yunakov.

Customer of the Program

Administration of Sarov

Program Developer

MUP "Food Factory"

Goals and objectives of the Program

  • Bringing the refrigeration system of the MUE "Food Factory" in accordance with the requirements of the RF Legislation in the field of industrial safety

  • Liquidation of a chemically hazardous production facility in a residential part of the city
Reconstruction of the refrigeration supply system of the MUE "Food Factory" without a long production stoppage

Terms of implementation


2004 - 2007



Administration of Sarov, MUP "Food Factory"

Amounts and sources of funding

The total funding for the Program is approximately 15.3 million rubles.

Sources of financing:

  • city ​​budget

  • own funds of MUP "Food Factory"

Expected end results

  • Ensuring sustainable and safe operation refrigeration systems

  • Reducing the risk of technogenic emergencies as a result of the transition to autonomous cold supply of production facilities and the use of a safer refrigerant - freon

  • Equipping the ice cream shop with modern technological equipment

  • Ensuring a more stable operation of one of the socially significant industries of the food processing plant - bakery production

The system of organizing control over the implementation of the Program

Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by:

  • Administration of Sarov

  • Duma of Sarov

  • Management of MUP "Food Factory"

  • Regional Mining and Technical Inspectorate (RGTI-16)


The program of technical re-equipment of the MUE "Food Plant" for 2004 - 2007 (hereinafter - the Program) was developed in accordance with the decision of the meeting on the reconstruction of the ammonia refrigeration plant and the construction of block steam supply boilers (minutes of 04/16/2003, approved by the first deputy head of the Administration Yunakov V. NS.)

The need to develop the Program is due to the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety, as well as the requirements of regulatory and guidance documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to ensure the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.

The implementation of the main program activities is currently impossible without the adoption of support measures from the City Administration.

1. Content of the problem and justification of the need to solve it by software methods
The Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Food Factory" is one of the enterprises whose normal functioning and uninterrupted production of products, in particular, bread and bakery products, has a significant impact on maintaining the stability of the social climate in the city. One of the factors for the stable operation of the enterprise is the uninterrupted supply of cold to the following industries: bakery production (storage rooms for raw materials), confectionery production (storage rooms for raw materials and finished products), ice cream production (storage rooms for raw materials, finished products, technological equipment), production of kvass (cooling and storage of the finished product).

Since 1981, a centralized refrigeration system has been operating at the Food Processing Plant, the main part of which is an ammonia refrigeration unit (ACHU). Until 1999, the operation of the AHU was regulated by the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Ammonia Refrigeration Units”, the operation of the AHU was not a licensed activity, and the AHU equipment was not supervised by the local Gosgortekhnadzor body.

1998-1999 new "General rules of explosion safety for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refineries" (approved by the decree of the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia dated December 22, 97 No. 52) and "Rules for the design and safe operation of ammonia refrigeration units" (approved by the decree of the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia dated 06/30/1998 No. 38).

In accordance with the requirements of the new rules, along with periodic tests of the vessels and pipelines of the AHU, after 20 years of their operation, it is necessary to carry out technical diagnostics using ultrasonic and color flaw detection and acoustic emission methods, as well as diagnostics of compressors. In case of positive diagnostic results, a permit for operation is given for a period not exceeding 4 years. It is allowed to diagnose each piece of equipment only twice. After the expiration of a 4-year period from the moment of secondary diagnostics, the equipment must be replaced. Thus, the equipment of the AHU of the food processing plant must be replaced no later than 2007, since the initial diagnostics of most of the equipment was carried out in 1999.

In addition, the ammonia refrigeration unit currently in operation at the food processing plant does not meet the requirements of the new "Rules ..." in such serious parameters as safety automation, constant automated monitoring of the concentration of ammonia in the air, and the existing building structures of the AHU building also do not meet the requirements of the new rules.

In this situation, the question naturally arose about the reconstruction of the AHU of the food processing plant to bring it in line with the requirements of the new normative documents.

By order of the UKS of the city Administration in 2000 - 2001. the specialized organization CJSC "Tehagropromservice" (Moscow) developed a project for the reconstruction of the AHU. The estimated cost of the work as of the beginning of 2001 was about 13 million rubles. It should be noted that this project did not provide for the replacement of the technological equipment of the ice cream shop, which has been in operation without renewal since the 50s of the last century.

RGTI-16 carries out constant supervision over the operating conditions of the AHU of the food processing plant. Clause 2 of the RGTI-16 prescription act of November 16, 2001 No. 74 established the deadline for the withdrawal of the AHU for reconstruction - no later than 01.01.2002. In the draft city budget for 2002, an article was introduced on the beginning of financing of reconstruction works, but when the budget was approved, this article was excluded.

During the next inspection in March 2002, the inspectors of RGTI-16 and the Federal Labor Inspectorate stopped the operation of refrigerator No. 1 (prescription of March 27, 2002 No. 1/03). The cold supply of refrigerator No. 1 has been discontinued since 01.05.2002.

On January 29, 2003, R.V. Pomelov, Deputy Head of RGTI-16 issued "Prescription No. 1/2 for the suspension of work (object)", according to which it is necessary to stop the operation of the AHU MUP "Food Processing Plant" from 30.01.2003. it is impossible to release kvass in the summer. As a result, 138 people (55% of the payroll of the enterprise) remain unemployed at the same time, and the very existence of the food processing plant is called into question.

A similar situation is possible in the case of the implementation of the project for the reconstruction of the AHU, since complete replacement of equipment, pipelines, changes in building structures are not possible without taking the unit out of operation for a long time.

Under these conditions, it is obvious that it is necessary to develop a Program for the technical re-equipment of MUE Food Factory, which provides for an alternative to the existing version of reconstruction of the entire refrigeration supply system of the food processing plant, namely: a gradual transition to autonomous refrigeration using a safer refrigerant - freon.

2. The main goals, objectives and timeframes for the implementation of the Program
The main goal of the Program is to develop and implement alternative option reconstruction of the refrigeration system of the food processing plant with a phased transition to an autonomous supply of cold to the production facilities of the enterprise using a safer refrigerant in comparison with ammonia - freon.
The implementation of the Program will allow solving the following tasks:

  • Bringing the refrigeration system of the MUE Food Plant in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

  • Liquidation of a chemically hazardous production facility in the residential part of the city. Reducing the risk of technogenic emergencies due to the use of freon instead of ammonia in refrigeration equipment. (The existing AHU contains 10 tons of ammonia).

  • Phased reconstruction of the refrigeration system, which eliminates the need for long production stops and forced downtime.

  • Fundamental renewal of the equipment park of the ice cream shop, in contrast to the existing version of the AHU reconstruction, where this was not envisaged.

Terms of the Program implementation: 2004 - 2007.

  1. Measures for the implementation of the Program

For the implementation of the Program, a set of measures is envisaged allowing:

  • ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents governing such work;

  • to avoid long production stoppages during the reconstruction, and, therefore, not to reduce the volume of products and not to worsen the financial and economic performance of the enterprise;

  • provide stable and planned funding for each event.

p / p


Period of execution

The need for funding


Designing an autonomous refrigeration supply system for the MUE Food Processing Plant, marketing research of the refrigeration equipment market, choosing the best option, final determination of the cost of the required refrigeration equipment, as well as the cost of installation and commissioning at each stage of the Program implementation

2004 year

300 thousand rubles


Transfer of three refrigerating chambers of the bakery and confectionery industries and three refrigerating chambers of the ice cream workshop to independent refrigeration using freon equipment, installation, commissioning.

2005 year

1.5 million rubles


Replacement of ammonia processing equipment in the ice cream shop with freon, installation, commissioning

2006 year

8.0 million rubles


Transfer of the kvass production site to autonomous cold supply using refrigeration equipment on freon, installation, commissioning.

2007 year

5.0 million rubles


Final decommissioning of the existing ammonia refrigeration plant, dismantling of equipment and pipelines.

2007 year

0.5 million rubles


15.3 million rubles

  1. Resource support of the Program

The most important condition for the implementation of the Program is stable financing of each stage.

Financial support of the Program will be carried out at the expense of:

  • city ​​budget;

  • own funds of MUP "Food Factory".

The phased implementation of the Program will make it possible to calculate in advance the amount of funding for each stage, to determine the share of funding for each source, specifically, at each stage of implementation. This will also make it possible to make proposals for the inclusion in the city budget of the corresponding items of expenditure for the corresponding financial year in a planned manner.

The volume of expenses for the implementation of the Program is determined, approximately, in the amount of 15.3 million rubles, of which: enterprise funds - 1.0 million rubles, budgetary funds - 14.3 million rubles.

The final amount of financial investments for the implementation of the Program as a whole and for each event separately will be determined after the implementation of action No. 1, i.e. after the completion of the development of design and estimate documentation.

  1. Implementation mechanisms and monitoring the progress of the Program

The mechanisms for implementing the Program and monitoring the progress of its implementation are based on the existing system of administrative and economic subordination of municipal enterprises of the city Administration, as well as on the existing scheme of interaction between the city Administration and the Duma.

The customer of the Program is the City Administration. The main investor of the Program is the UKS of the Administration with the participation of MUE Food Factory. The executor of the Program is determined based on the results of the competition in accordance with the current rules for the distribution of the municipal order.

Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by:

  • City Administration;

  • Duma of Sarov;

  • management of the MUE "Food Factory";

  • Regional Mining and Technical Inspectorate (RGTI-16).

Financial control is carried out in accordance with the established procedure by the city department of finance.

The current management of the implementation of the Program at each stage is carried out by the MUE Food Factory.

  1. Socio-economic efficiency of the Program

The implementation of the Program in full will ensure the conditions for the stable and safe functioning of the refrigeration supply system of the food processing plant and the entire enterprise as a whole. The use of new equipment and technologies in the production of ice cream will make it possible to expand the range of products, to maintain and, in the long term, to increase the volume of products, in the context of the existing tough competition. The risk of technogenic emergencies is minimized during the operation of a new refrigeration system, the consequences of which could affect some of the houses in the nearby residential area. Further stable operation of all industries using cold will be ensured: bakery, confectionery, ice cream and kvass production, which will allow not to reduce the production of food products that are in constant and steady demand among city residents.

All the listed results of the Program implementation will contribute to further maintaining the stability of the social climate in the city of Sarov.

The economic efficiency from the implementation of the Program is determined by a significant decrease in operating costs when introducing an autonomous refrigeration system using freon, namely:

  • a significant decrease, by 2 - 2.5 times, the energy consumption of refrigeration equipment;

  • reduction of water consumption when generating cold;

  • decrease in the number of service personnel, decrease in wage costs;

  • reduction in the range and cost of consumables and repair materials and spare parts;

  • reduction of payments to the environmental fund for the emission of HCV into the atmosphere.



1. Basic principles

development of programs for technical re-equipment of the enterprise.

The program of technical re-equipment of the enterprise ("CCI Program") it is advisable to consider it as an integral part of the Program of a higher level. Hereinafter we will call it "Product Release Program" or "PVI".

The development and implementation of PVI can be financed by:

    government agencies; in this case we will call PVI "State order". commercial structures performing the functions of the Customer and assuming the risks associated with the subsequent sale of products; in this case we will call PVI "Commercial order". by the enterprise itself; in this case, the enterprise develops a PVI, guided by its views on the prospects for the sale of products manufactured in accordance with the PVI on the market; the risks associated with the sale of products, the enterprise in this case assumes; PVI is financed from the company's own funds with the possible use of others (attracting loans, investors, etc.); in this case, we will call the PMI "Order of the enterprise".

Regardless of the nature of the Customer (government structure, commercial structure, the enterprise itself), when developing a PVI, it is advisable to proceed from the following prerequisites:

1.1. The Customer and the source of financing for the development and implementation of the PVI have been determined;

1.2. The implementation of the PMI will be carried out in a market economy, which presupposes:

    performance of works and services at market prices; the presence of competition (adversariality) between potential performers of individual works.

1.3. The PVI program should be subject-oriented in nature. This will allow the allocated funds to be focused on ensuring the effective functioning of key (for the production of a specific product) technological chains, without dealing with the problem of renovating the existing fleet of technological equipment as a whole.

1.4. To restore the lost personnel potential of the enterprise (attracting specialists who left the enterprise, pensioners, young specialists), it will be necessary to create competitive (in comparison with other types of activities) labor remuneration conditions; organization of training for machine operators, repairmen to work on CNC machines, maintenance and repair of this equipment.

1.5. The technical level and quality of the Product and its elements, developed and produced within the framework of the PMI, must be determined by standards and other regulatory and technical documents that are mandatory for execution within the framework of the PMI.

1.6. The implementation of the PVI should be provided with targeted financing in the amount determined taking into account the real market conditions.

2. The main stages of the development of the CCI Program

The purpose of technical re-equipment of an enterprise in the general case can be considered to ensure the transition of an operating enterprise to the release of a new product ("Product") without stopping production. In this case, the product must meet the requirements of competitiveness (according to technical specifications, workmanship, after-sales service, price).

Development of the Program of technical re-equipment of the enterprise ("Program of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry") may include the implementation of certain stages.

Some of the stages at the start of the development of the CCI Program may have already been completed. This will speed up the development of the CCI Program.

It is possible to outline the main stages (blocks) of the development of the CCI Program.

2.1. Determination of the production volumes of the Product in pieces by year.

2.2. Development of tactical and technical characteristics (TTX) of the Product and its elements (components).

2.3. Determination of the acceptable market value of the Product (RSI) The market value of the product - analogue, domestic or foreign (RSA), determined in accordance with the technical specifications of the Product can be taken as a basis.

2.4. Clarification of production volumes, terms, taking into account the amount of allocated (planned) funds and the market value of the Product.

2.5. Determination of the market value of components (RSKI).

As a basis, you can take the relative cost of components in the price of previously produced Products. In necessary cases (the product has no predecessors), the FRCI can be determined by expert judgment, based on the RCI.

2.6. Updating (revising) standards, technical conditions (TU) and other normative and technical documentation that will be used in the release of the Product, taking into account the developed technical specifications.

2.7. Bringing technical documentation for the Product in accordance with the revised standards and specifications.

2.8. Determination for each Product of enterprises that can perform the functions of subcontractors (supply of materials and components).

The cooperation established by the enterprise can be taken as a basis.

2.9. Allocation in the equipment park of the enterprise, equipment necessary for the implementation of the Product Release Program (PVI park).

2.10. Conducting an operational assessment of the technical condition of the PVI park.

2.11. Determination of "bottlenecks" in the PVI park from the point of view of ensuring the required quality of manufacturing of parts and assemblies in accordance with the requirements of normative and technical documentation, taking into account the actual technical condition of the equipment.

2.12. Determination of "bottlenecks" in the PVI park from the point of view of the total labor intensity of the Product with the preservation of the output of the products manufactured by the enterprise along with the release of the Product during the transition period.

2.13. Elaboration of proposals for "clearing bottlenecks" in the PVI park in terms of workmanship and labor intensity (overhaul, modernization, purchase of equipment).

2.14. Development of the draft CCI Program on the basis of clause 2.13.

2.15. Determination of the total costs for the implementation of the project of the CCI Program.

2.15. Determination of the total costs for the implementation of the PVI Program (taking into account the costs of technical re-equipment, costs in the field of production).

2.16. Clarification of the PVI and CCI Programs, taking into account the possibilities of financing and achieving a competitive price for the Product.

2.17. Development of a financing scheme for work under the PVI and CCI Programs.

2.18. Approval of the final version of the CCI Program.

2.19. Implementation of the CCI Program with the involvement, if necessary, of third-party organizations.


1.The order of the steps may differ from the one given earlier. Many steps can be performed in parallel.

2. The results of the work carried out before the start of the development of the CCI Program require clarification.

3. Priority funding is required:

Revision of normative and technical documentation.

Assessment of the technical condition of the equipment fleet.

3. Methodological support for development and implementation

CCI programs.

In order to create a methodological basis for the implementation of individual stages of the development and implementation of the Program for the technical re-equipment of the enterprise NP “Corporation“ MiR ”, methodological recommendations have been developed in the form of the“ System of Recommended Standards STI-MiR ”. Some of the standards have been put into effect. The part will be approved during 2008. For more details, see the menu section System of Standards of the Stankoinstrument Association.

4.Participation of NP "Corporation" MiR "

in the development and implementation of the CCI Programs.

"NP" Corporation "MiR") can take part in the development and implementation of the program of technical re-equipment of the enterprise.

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