Informatization of the Russian Federation. Regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of informatization of informatization of the Russian Federation

28.06.1993 Concept of legal informatization of Russia

Concept of legal informatization of Russia

I. Basic provisions

The real concept of legal informatization of Russia was developed on the initiative of the legal administration of the President of the Russian Federation, which implements in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 1992, N 363 functions of the General Customer of the Legal Information Systems in order to enhance the process of creating government legal information systems.

The rapid quality update of the Company, the formation of a market economy, the construction of a democratic legal state - these and many other problems put forward the decision of the Global Task - the formation of a single information and legal space in Russia, which ensures the legal awareness of all the structures of society and every citizen individually, for the legal Education is needed to grow in conditions of democracy.

The convenient distribution and use of information to meet social needs is hardly not the most important dignity in the world around us, and, as a result, as a result of improving information communications within and between different social groups, the Company can develop more dynamically.

The progressive development of democracy is possible only when there are more or less solid consent between citizens, when they are brought together common views, installations, information. The modern information system should give citizens confidence as their knowledge, in real ability to influence social processes. The solutions that were incorrect, most often there are a consequence of a lack of objective information, and not the lack of competence or ineffective use of the available information that has fallen into official information channels.

Meanwhile, today there is extremely acute deficit of even elementary information and legal services, which, along with other factors, has a very serious negative impact on public human consciousness and law and order in Russia. The lack of a developed information system in the legal sphere deprives citizens of the opportunity to effectively participate through democratic institutions in decision-making due to unavailability of relevant information.

The problem is that the state not only does not provide citizens with the opportunity to receive information on the current legislation, but does not have enough effective legal information systems.

It is necessary to create mechanisms that ensure the increase in the effectiveness of the right and its use, and thereby strengthening what could be called "legal density of society". This goal will largely contribute to legal informatization of the Company, based on solving a two-way task: informatization of the legal sphere - on the one hand, and ensuring the legislative regulation of legal relations in the field of informatization - on the other.

Under the legal information of Russia is aware of the process of creating optimal conditions for the maximum satisfaction of the information and legal needs of state and public structures, enterprises, organizations, institutions and citizens based on an effective organization and use of information resources using progressive technologies.

The ways to improve the process of legal informatization of society are diverse, therefore, it is necessary to determine the objectives, methods, organizational forms of solving the task, i.e. Formation of its scientific foundations.

Legal informatization is carried out simultaneously in the following areas:

1. Informatization of law-conducting activities;

2. Informatization of relatives;

3. Legal support of informatization processes. State policy of the Russian Federation in the field

the formation and use of legal information resources and ensuring these resources of the social and economic development of the country is carried out taking into account the interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the trends of international cooperation in the field of legal informatics, the real possibilities of the informatization industry in the regions of the market economy.

II. Objectives and objectives of legal informatization

The main objectives of legal informatization are:

Information and legal support of the internal activities of state bodies;

Information and legal support of externalities in relation to state authorities of subjects, including individuals;

Saving and structuring the information legal field. To achieve these purposes, it is necessary to resolve the following

Development of the foundations of state policy in the field of formation and use of information and legal resources;

Development of the legal informatization industry;

Coordination of work on the formation and use of information resources of the Russian Federation;

Ensuring the use of a common communication environment, a single complex of interrelated information technologies for the conduct of reference banks of legal information and other necessary components of the infrastructure of legal informationalization, as well as support for the development of the sphere of legal information services in the market conditions;

Organization and financing of works on the informatization of the legal sphere;

Providing information security, the right to information;

Ensuring certification and licensing of information services in the legal sphere;

Ensuring the exchange of banks of legal information of various levels in a single information and legal space;

Creation of scientific and technical products legal

informatization based on the latest information technologies;

Organization and implementation of international cooperation in the formation of legal information resources;

Preparation of regulatory acts and regulatory and technical documentation in the field of legal informatization.

The informatization of the legal sphere is carried out by creating a reference geographically decentralized legal framework used in nationwide information space. The whole set of interrelated subsystems of legal information implemented in the form of a territorially distributed network of stationary and replicable banks of regulatory acts of all types, other legal and social information, forms a Russian automated system of information and legal support of law-conducting and relatives, legal education and education (hereinafter referred to as Racipo) .

Obviously, such a global system can only be built as a multi-level, ranging from the overall heterogeneous network of telecommunications of the highest bodies of state power and management, which combines local networks of reference legal banks, and ending with regional networks related to basic regional centers, taking into account possible evolution as separate components and systems as a whole and with the obligatory coordination of the interests of all levels.

Bodies of state and management, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation form and update the reference banks of only those legal acts that adopted themselves (under the reference bank means a combination of electronic copies of legal acts) and transmit copies of these banks and changes to them in central and regional nodes of the legal information system.

The node of the legal information system is a subject of law licensed and distributing or providing access to certified legal information.

Work on the organization of integral banks of regulatory acts generated from copies of reference banks, as well as to ensure the operational access of users of other levels of the system, it is advisable to impose on the central node of the legal information system, the functions of which in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 24, 1992 N 536-RP performs the Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "System" (hereinafter referred to as NTC "System").

The main scope of work to ensure the legal information of a wide range of consumers will be required regional nodes of legal information. Their functions include:

Obtaining copies of reference banks of regulatory acts and their changes, the organization and maintenance of copies of banks;

Organization, accumulation, storage and management of acts of local authorities and the management of this region;

Organization and implementation of information on users' requests in local and remote modes;

Organization and work on legal informatization of the region;

Consultative assistance to the consumers of the Region on Legal Affairs.

The system must be opened to include new, both central and regional nodes.

For all system nodes, a unified comprehensive processing technology should be developed, which includes the input and pre-processing (formal and logical control) of data, their semantic and linguistic processing, storage, restoration and duplication of information and, finally, the operational provision of information to consumers.

III information and legal field

The value of any information system is determined primarily by its information resources, and the sources of legal information are not only holders of reference banks of regulatory acts, but also regional centers of legal information. The effectiveness of the functioning of the information and legal system largely depends on the completeness and accuracy of the information and the regularity of its receipt not only from the central, but also from regional sources. Therefore, it is advisable to strengthen the work on informatization at the regional level and solve this problem on both sides at the same time: from the center and regional reference areas of informatization, which are simultaneously basic legal information centers for regions and communication systems of transit data for regional networks. The principle of integrated agreed development of all elements of the system should be fundamental to the formation and improvement of unified information technology in the field of law. At the same time, the existing state of affairs in informatization of legal activities is taken as the initial conditions.

Thus, the nationwide system of legal information should be based on a information and logical model that takes into account various levels of theoretical and practical preparedness and technical equipment of all potential subscribers of the system and allowing to solve a wide variety of issues.

From very special technical, mathematical and design problems of design to extremely complex political, legal, social, financial, labor and ethical issues, relevant to today's life.

Information resources of the Russian Federation in the legal sphere are fundamentally open. The exception is information resources related in accordance with the legislation to the categories of limited access. The order of access to open information resources is determined by the data bank holder.

State bodies responsible for the formation and use of legal information must be integrating information funds and the bases of regulatory acts in the general information and legal field.

According to the degree of representativeness of banks of regulatory acts in Rasipo, 5 levels can be distinguished:

Level 1 - reference banks of legal acts of higher bodies of state and management;

2nd level - reference banks of legal acts of the central bodies of the federal executive authority of the Russian Federation;

3rd level - reference banks of legal acts of state bodies of the subjects of the Federation;

4th level - local banks of legal information of regional authorities and management;

The 5th level combines local, thematic and other banks and databases of individual organizations, enterprises and institutions representing a wide range of users.

The whole set of reference, local and thematic banks of legal acts of all levels, as well as a combination of international legal acts affecting the interests of Russia, forms a Russian integrated territorially distributed bank of legal information, adequately reflecting the state of objects and their relationship in the subject area under consideration.

Integrated communication network as a single material base, implementing the entire set of processing and consumption processes in all aspects of legal activities, is the most important element of Racipo and ensures the functioning of a territorially distributed bank of the data bank and its interaction with the external systems of the CIS member states and international organizations.

Informatization of the legal sphere should ensure the streamlining and systematization of informational and legal resources in law-conducting and relatives, which is possible only as a result of the active participation of state structures in the processes of formation and updating of legal information banks.

Information and legal resources of the Russian Federation should be formed from the banks of the current legal acts taken by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the High Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Central Bodies of the Federal Affairs executive, government authorities and management of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments.

Based on the existing state-territorial

devices of the Russian Federation, desire to bring the bank

directly in the regions, as well as given the limited

the bandwidth of the information transmission channels is advisable

organize racio structure in the form of a network of distributed banks

regulatory acts of three categories:

Reference banks of regulations;

Powerful central banks to replicate regulatory acts and providing information about state bodies, territories and regions of Russia.

Regional banks of regulatory acts to provide legal information from regions and territories.

Racipo as a comprehensive polyphracted system is the main part of the legal resources of the Russian Federation and affects the interests of all the structures of the state and society, its capacity should be available to almost all citizens of Russia. Therefore, as part of organizational and legal support of legal informatization, it is necessary to distribute the competence of state bodies for the formation and use of these resources, consolidate the rights and obligations of suppliers and consumers of information, to protect the rights of citizens. An alternative to this is a nationalization of technology, the connection of informatics with the bureaucratic power, and in the end the danger of the onset of Orwell social engineering.

IV. Legal support of informatization

Legal information centers, providing collective user access to computing resources and providing them with information processing services, accumulate, stored and process large amounts of data. Such a concentration of information generates the problem of its protection and use associated with the problem of ownership of information, as well as with the provision of the user not all, but only permitted computational resources and information subsets.

Under certain conditions, extensive data banks can make the Orwellovsky "1984" more real, from here it is clear and the possible ambiguous mood of society regarding the "effectiveness" of large information systems. Any monopolization of the information sooner or later will turn into abuse, starting with the opening of the information and ending with it by illegal publication. In order to prevent possible abuse, institutional restrictions are needed, and above all in the field of legal information. On the basis of the well-known five principles for using information, regulatory and legal acts should be developed that control the processes of information processing stored in the computer.

Only in this case can we talk about the combined use of information by society, all the institutions of which will follow the two principles: the right of ownership of information and control over it.

Legal aspects of information protection are related to the observance of ethical and legal norms providing for data protection from unauthorized access and preventing any possibility of their use is not intended. To do this, it is necessary to legally consolidate the following principles:

1. The owner of a certified information resource is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the accompanied information.

2. The use of information is accompanied by strict compliance with the requirements of its protection.

3. Violation of information protection requirements is regarded as unauthorized access to information.

4. Unauthorized access to information entails civil and / or criminal liability.

5. Progresses should be provided to prevent violation of the conditions for the safety of data.

6. Citizens have the right to excite the case (by an individual or collective claim) to obtain compensation for actually caused damage if unauthorized access to information took place.

In addition, the legal norms of the legal act on magnetic carrier should be regulated by legal norms.

You may also have the emergence of another important problem, on which the future of legal informatization depends, is the prohibition of any subjects of the Federation for the dissemination of information and the exchange of data between computer systems. A variety of reasons may be put forward for the flow of information. This is "the need to protect the privacy of citizens", and the classic argument in favor of "freedom of trade", and any other, which are usually nominated when defending some kind of material or corporate interests. Such an application of protectionism is definitely narrowing the scope of use of a legal informatization system. It will limit its potential. To overcome the bureaucratic obstacles, legislative regulation of information processes at the level of the federal agreement is necessary.

V. Principles of legal informatization

Legal informatization of Russia should be based on the following principles:

Vertical and horizontal integration of existing and newly created information and legal systems;

Creating a unified communication environment, including

confidential communication systems and transport network

appointments, republican and commercial communication and transmission networks

data, including fiber optic, satellite, etc.;

Strict compliance with international standards in the field of information and communications networks and communications;

Openness of systems that ensures the combination of available computing resources of various architectures and the possibility of further increasing them;

Unity of software and technical, architectural,

technological, organizational principles of building systems

legal information;

Maintaining reference databases in organizations responsible for creating legislative and regulatory documents;

Ensuring interactive user access to an integrated territorially distributed database of legal information;

Use of a modular approach when designing computing information processing centers, teleworking networks, subscriber points and user jobs;

Maximum use of ready-made software and technical solutions and functioning systems;

Integration of linguistic agents used in various automated information systems;

Elimination of duplication of procedures for collecting and processing information in information technology;

Ensuring the purity of information channels;

Improved ergonomic characteristics;

The distribution of progressive information technologies and promising software products among subscribers of legal information systems;

Transferring copies of reference documents through communication channels to the central working database of legal information;

Replication of work copies (according to the established regulations) in the base of regions and other subscribers of the system;

Use of a combined server technologies for transparent data distribution;

Wide multimedia interfaces;

Maintaining the current list of legal documents and the composition of databases and their replication for all users of the system;

Performing system-wide statistics collection functions, security, performance of performance reports.

It should be noted that:

information, once entered into the system directly by the original source, is stored and processed by means of the system itself until it loses its consumer qualities;

the information stored in the system is provided to any subscriber regardless of its territorial remoteness from the storage location, subject to user compliance with the requirements of a single systemic discipline access to information resources.

The implementation of these principles allows to ensure a reasonable combination of the principles of centralized and decentralized

control, and vertical and horizontal integration of systems

legal information of various levels will contribute

effective functioning of the system due to fast and reliable

changing data and coordination of the actions of various links.

Vi. The main tasks of the legal information system

The main goal of the legal informatization of Russia is to build a nationwide legal information system covering all regions, the highest state authorities and management and law enforcement agencies. Given the large-scale nature of the system being created and the need to obtain results in the shortest possible time, it is advisable to provide for parallel working on key areas strategically oriented to create large system units and communication and data transmission tools.

As the primary tasks of the global information system, the following can be allocated:

Formation and maintenance of information and legal databases in accordance with the system hierarchy, including reference banks of regulatory acts, powerful central banks, regional banks and local banks of various purposes;

Search and issuing information on user requests *

Organization of information interaction between system systems of different levels, as well as with external databases;

Organization and commissioning of the central node of reference data banks performing the function of the head element of a distributed system of legal information, including:

support of reference data banks;

controlling data network;

security management in the data network;

e-mail network management;

administer a distributed database;

Creation of local and global fault tolerant computing networks;

Program and technical equipment of regional nodes of legal information including a batch switch / hub, functional server and regional databases;

Conjugation of central subscriber points, regional nodes of legal information of various capacities and numerous subscriber points within the framework of the nationwide system;

Phased creation of an integrated switching system;

Creation of a methodological, advisory and educational center of legal problems;

Formation of a territorial distributed bank

full-text regulatory acts and other legal information;

Ensuring the exchange of closed and open information between regional, departmental and sectoral information systems in the process of aligning a distributed database and solving user functional tasks;

Collecting, storing and maintaining inter-sectoral classifiers and legal information coding systems;

Organization of multi-level information protection;

Maintaining a bank of periodic terms with interpretations and explanations;

Maintaining and replicating matching tables and other information compatibility tools for its exchange in the system;

Maintaining metabases of legal information (database dictionary);

And, most importantly, ensuring interactive access of legal entities to a distributed database of legal information.

VII. Providing part of the Russian automated system of information and legal support of the law-conducting and relatives

activities, legal education and upbringing

Providing Racipo Communication is scientific and methodical, informational, linguistic, technical, personnel, financial support.

Scientific and methodological support should be the results of scientific research and development on the main problems arising from creating, exploiting and improving automated information systems in the legal sphere of activity (for example, codification and classification, semantics and formalization of regulatory prescriptions, modeling the rules of rights to computers, standardization of the structure and the content of the regulatory act, sociological surveys, public opinion polls, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the regulatory prescription, assessing the effectiveness of information and expert systems, the problems of creating thesaurus, dictionaries, etc.)

Informational support of racipo is the input and output information arrays formable and stored in the system-wide and local databases. System-wide databases should be formed as an integrated information field based on documentary (including full-text) and factographic databases. Local databases contain information necessary to work one or user group. When developing information support, special attention should be paid to solving issues of giving legal force to regulatory acts on machine carriers.

Linguistic support includes linguistic funds (classifiers, rubricators, thesauruses, dictionaries, vidks, etc.), ways and forms of reflection of documents in data banks and knowledge bases, guidance and methodological materials, as well as methods of systematization of legislation and standardization of terminology with By consideration of the possibility of using informatization.

The basis of the technical and technological support of the reference banks of legal information should be high-performance universal computers with a wide range of peripheral equipment and telecommunications. The basis of technical support of local computing networks will be personal computers.

When developing RASIPO software, it is necessary to solve the issues of unified selection of operating systems, communication and database management systems for all used non-standard system-wide software users, the user provides compatibility of its subsystem with Racipo.

The effectiveness of the introduction of informatization funds largely depends on the preparation of frames of future users of Racipo. Most of the future users of Racipo have no work experience on the computer. It is necessary to form a training program and implement it on advanced training courses and directly at workplaces.

Financial support for the legal informatization of Russia should be made up of several sources: funds of the republican budget of the Russian Federation, local budget, deductions from the sale of legal information and legal services, as well as deductions from the sale of software and technical products developed for the needs of legal informatization.

VIII. Information flows and the composition of the distributed database of legal information

The formation of national information resources in the legal sphere implies an orientation for the creation of a common information space, including in a supranational, global context.

Integration of scattered information resources in the framework of the All-Russian system is preceded by the stages of the establishment of the State Fund for regulatory acts to ensure effective formatting support for law-conducting, law enforcement and law enforcement.

The object area of \u200b\u200bthe integrated database of the legal sphere should correspond, on the one hand, global information flows that determine the composition of reference banks of regulatory acts, and on the other, working information flows formed in the process of daily activities. Thus, the informational support of legal information systems of state structures should be developed taking into account the balance of state and departmental interests.

Informational support of Racipo includes:

Territorially distributed network of full-text banks of legislative and other regulatory acts;

Thematic banks of legal information (for example, about state-enterprise, about cooperation, lease, on taxation, on business activities, about joint-stock companies, on ecology, pension provision, etc.). These banks are the basis of regional information centers;

Operational banks of materials of judicial practice and decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, materials of arbitration practice, statistical information, etc.;

Banks of departmental regulations;

Regulatory documents of the CIS member states;

Banks of foreign legislation;

Banks of registration on the state and movement of civil, criminal, arbitration cases;

Operational databases.

The State Fund of Legal Information should be formed from reference data banks that meet the information needs of a wide range of users.

Information arrays of the system are formed as reference and working databases. Reference bases are conducted by organizations responsible for preparing documents. Working databases can be system-wide (for example, the central node of the reference data banks) and subscriber (the base of regional nodes of legal information).

Analysis of user information query allows you to highlight the following types of output information flows: certificates of legislative and regulatory acts; thematic selection of legislative and regulatory acts; texts of legislative and regulatory acts; certificates about cases under consideration; certificates about the appeal of citizens to law enforcement agencies; statistical references; certificates about the passage of cases, etc.

the execution of operational queries must be guaranteed in guidance, non-orotimate - in the packet mode of processing.

Circulating information flows must be implemented without reference to the formalization and data structuring level. Managing regular data flows is carried out by means of a system oriented to ensure stroke-flame, controlled procedures for collecting data collection and maintaining a distributed information fund. Management of irregular data flows is implemented by means of a system oriented to ensure non-elected data exchange procedures (requests to databases, information of their update).

It should be borne in mind that, in addition to requests to the information fund, the system should ensure the flow of information in the preparation of legislative acts, monitoring the compliance of the new legislative acts of the Constitution and the adopted laws, etc.

The composition of the distributed database, software and technical means of the system will become the basis of the Russian automated system of information and legal support.

IX. Stages of creating system

Considering that the construction of a nationwide system of legal information must be carried out on the basis of the highest achievements of science and technology, the integration of existing means of communication and communications and interconnecting various legal information systems, the function of the head performer can only be entrusted with the organization that has a powerful scientific and technical potential in combination with developed Communication tools. Such an organization is the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI).

Acceptance of work will be carried out by a specially established expert commission.

In addition, the General Agreement of the Central Authorities and Management should be signed - holders of reference banks of regulatory acts to organize information and legal exchange.

The stages of the creation of the system are determined taking into account the interests of users of different levels of existing nearests and financial resources, the possibilities of phased issuance of intermediate practical results and are specified by the program of legal informatization of Russia. Terms of work should be linked to the stages of creating an integrated telecommunications environment (ITX).

Stage 1 (1993 - the first half of 1994) - the creation of a start-up complex of the system, which includes an experienced zone of the information and communication environment according to the X.25 standard, which combines subscriber equipment of users of higher governing bodies and located in NTC "System" high-performance universal computers, Functional servers and database servers intended for storing legal information.

In the same stage, the interaction of the NTC "The system with regions is being developed, an increase in the information fund of the system and the development of applied tasks is carried out.

To ensure the implementation of the specified work on the creation of a system start-up complex within the same time, the software and technical means of the packet switching network, software and technical means of functional servers and database servers and network management tools are carried out.

Stage 2 (1994-1995) is the formation of an information and telecommunications environment with the inclusion of regional nodes of legal information, the integral databases of the regions. Interaction with information systems of law-conducting bodies, ministries and departments is provided, subscriber items in the regions are formed. Create a background of interstate exchange of information and legal resources.

3 Stage (1996-2000) - the development of a national legal system covering all republics, edges, regions of Russia, the creation of regional subscriber networks providing information and legal services to citizens and organizations.

Nationwide geographically distributed legal

the system, in addition to its direct destination, will allow rational and

effectively solve the problem of information interaction

state structures, which, in turn, will ensure an increase

efficiency, degree of validity and correctness of accepted

decisions on regulating various spheres of public life.

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the State Program "Information Society (2011-22020)" from 10/20/2010 N 1815.

The main purpose of the Program is to obtain citizens and organizations of the advantages of the use of information and telecommunication technologies by providing equal access to information resources, the development of digital content, the use of innovative technologies, radical increase in the effectiveness of public administration when securing security in the information society.

The program is performed in two stages, from 2011 to 2014. and from 2015 to 2020. The allocation of stages is due to the need for summing up, fulfilling the strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation and clarify the tasks of the development of the information society

Work plan for I Stage (2011-2014):

Performance of work on the formation of e-government; Development of the technological platform of an electronic government infrastructure to improve the system of providing state-owned municipal services to citizens and organizations; On the development of a system of regional informatization, to develop the use of information and telecommunication technologies in education and science, in media and culture, in health care and social protection of citizens. Informatization of life safety.

Development of a state system of legal information. Improving the level of computer literacy of state and municipal employees. Reducing financial risks and temporary costs associated with relevant and accessible information counterparties on transactions. Reducing administrative barriers and the burden of redundant regulation. Counteracting the use of the potential of information and telecommunication technologies in order to threat national interests of Russia.

Completion of approbation of all standards for the provision of electronic services for the population, providing electronic document management between state authorities. Completion of the implementation of the State Management System to submit information on the indicators of the socio-economic development of regions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Creating a national platform for distributed data processing in which computer resources and power are presented to the user as an Internet service, in 2013 to develop 20 units. Applied software products operating on the basis of the Internet - cloud computing platforms. Development of the economy and financial sector with the help of information technology tools (the possibility of conducting auctions in electronic form with the registration of all actions of the participants in the placement of orders). Formation of socio-economic statistics for the development of the information society. Counteracting the use of the potential of information and telecommunication technologies in order to threat national interests of Russia. Development of information protection technologies that ensure privacy, as well as security of limited access information.

Performing activities within the framework of preventing information and technological threats to the national interests of Russia, countering terrorism, extremism and violence; The implementation of e-government development activities, the performance of work t to improve the quality of public administration by creating and implementing modern information technologies.

As a result, 2011 was completed:

Within the framework of the event "Creating services to ensure public discussion and control over the activities of state authorities, the creation of tools of public administration at the municipal level" was created a prototype of the system of "electronic democracy", which ensures the participation of citizens and organizations in the formation and decision-making at the level of municipal education.

Within the framework of the event "Formation of a single space of confidence of electronic signature", issues of regulatory legal regulation in the field of the formation and development of a single space of confidence and compatibility of electronic signatures in the organization of electronic interaction to ensure the transition to a new form of organization of activities of state authorities and local governments, A qualitatively new level of efficiency and convenience of obtaining organizations and citizens of state and municipal services, as well as information on the results of the activities of the authorities.

Within the framework of the event, the creation of a unified record of records of acts of civil status acts (electronic registry registry office) "Assurances of the Automation Activities of the registry offices were studied, a prototype of the Federal System" Electronic Registry Office "was developed, the initial data logging protocols were developed from the automated systems currently used by the registry offices Regional and municipal levels, to the Federal System "Electronic Registry Office" and bilateral interaction protocols.

Within the framework of the event "Creating a national platform for distributed data processing, in which computer resources and power are represented by the user as an Internet service," the basic principles and approaches to ensuring the information security "cloud" platform and services posted in it, the requirements for data processing centers , Risk assessment methodology in the transition of state systems to the cloud computing model, the concept of the development of the NPhod and the program of transition of state authorities to use the cloud computing model. Within the framework of the event "Creating a national information and communication platform for digital content distribution" conducted NIR "Study of the methods of protection of exceptional and personal non-property rights to copyright objects (musical and audiovisual works) and objects of rights, related to copyright (execution, phonograms, transmissions Essential or cable broadcasting) on \u200b\u200bthe Internet and the development of proposals for the creation of the Russian system of their protection within the framework of the national information and communication platform for distributing digital content. "

As part of the event, the creation of a system for determining and monitoring the level of real security of the information society from the manifestations of terrorism in the information sphere "developed the general principles of the functioning of the system and its components, the regulatory legal framework was developed in this field.

As part of the event, the creation of a single Internet portal for promoting the cultural heritage and traditions of Russia "has developed a project and a technical task for the creation of a portal, a technical project, an experimental sample of a single Internet portal to popularize the cultural heritage and Russian traditions.

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By discipline: "Social informatics"

Topic: "Concept of Informatization of the Russian Federation"


Second year


Moscow 2009


  • Introduction
    • 2. Information policy
    • Conclusion


For the development of any human society, material, instrumental, energy and information resources are needed. Present is a period characterized by an unprecedented increase in the volume of information flows. This applies to both the economy and the social sphere. The greatest increase in the amount of information is observed in industry, trade, financial and banking and educational sphere. For example, in industry, the increase in the amount of information is due to an increase in production, complication of manufactured products used materials, technological equipment, expansion, as a result of concentration and specialization of production, external and internal relations of economic objects. Information is a decisive factor determining the development of technology and resources in general. Market relations impose increased requirements for timeliness, reliability, completeness of information, without which effective marketing, financial and credit, investment activities are unthinkable.

In recent decades, the world is experiencing the transition from "Industrial Society" to "Society of Information". There is a change of production methods, the worldview of people, interstate relations. People are increasingly used such a concept as "information", "informatization", "information technologies", etc.

But is the society always "informational"? It is believed that the world has experienced several information revolutions. The first information revolution is related to the invention and the development of the human language, which, more precisely, allocated a person from the world of animals. This allowed a person to store, transmit, improve , increase the acquired information. The second information revolution was the invention of writing. The knowledge recorded in the written texts was limited, and therefore little accessible. So it was before the invention of typography. What has justified the third information revolution. This is the most obvious connection of information and technology. The mechanism of this revolution was The printing machine that has reduced the book and made information more affordable. The fourth revolution, smoothly turning into the fifth, is related to the creation of modern information technologies (telegraph, telephone, radio, television). But the most striking was the creation of modern computers and environments. STV telecommunications.

For completeness of disclosure, you need to give several definitions:

Information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

Informatization is an organized socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs and the realization of the rights of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

Information resources are separate documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems.

The information system is an organizationally ordered set of documents, information technologies, including using the funds of computing and communications that implement information processes.

The information user is a subject contacting the information system or an intermediary for obtaining the information you need.

The level of development of the information space decisively affects the economy, defense capability and policies. From this level, the behavior of people, the formation of socio-political movements and social stability depends largely. The objectives of informatization around the world and, among other things, in Russia are the most complete satisfaction of the information needs of the Company in all fields of activity.

In Russia, social and political restructuring, the formation of a market economy objectively led to the need to substantially change informational relations in society. Despite the significant expansion of the information services and products recently, the information support of public administration authorities, business entities and citizens remains low.

The possibility of access to information is usually limited to its departmental affiliation and is due to often the official position and social status of the consumer. The problem of access to geographically remote information resources has not been solved.

Most of the population receives information in the traditional form - printed publications, radio, television.

Information and telecommunication systems operate mainly in the interests of state authorities. Such a state of affairs leads to duplication of works, redundancy in collecting primary information, appreciation of the development and operation of systems. In addition, departmental disconnection makes it difficult to exchange information and access to it. Information services, resources and software products are distributed in the territory of Russia extremely uneven, and local centers are mainly provided. This distribution corresponds to the distribution of the main scientific and information centers of Russia and does not take into account the needs of the population and management bodies. That is why it requires a speedy solution to the task of aligning information potential.

The domestic information industry should evolve taking into account global achievements in the field of information technology and telecommunication exchange. This will allow Russia to enter the global level of technical development.

As the practice of industrialized countries (USA, England, Japan), the problem of the information industry, and, consequently, the informatization of the Company is a global goal of development and is associated with the country's output in the next millennium to a new level of civilization. This focusing activity is based on a long-term program for creating a system of information support of all consumers of information in the country, which provides them with the possibility of using new information technologies on the basis of widespread use of information and computing resources and an automated communication system. In our country, this basis is the network technologies - the area is quite new and very rapidly developing. A large-scale equipment is underway to computing a variety of enterprises and organizations. Conditions are created for free access of consumers to stored in information systems through the organization of specialized workplaces of local computing systems.

1. Formation and use of information resources

The formation and use of information resources is one of the key problems of creating a single information space. In general, information resources are formed as a result of activities as government bodies and state and non-state enterprises, scientific, educational and public organizations. They include information, knowledge, as well as linguistic means used to describe a specific subject area and to access information and knowledge.

Information resources are objects of relations of physical, legal entities, states, account for information resources of Russia and are protected by law along with other resources. Relationships on the right of ownership of informational resources are governed by civil law of the Russian Federation. The formation of state information resources is carried out by citizens, state authorities, local governments, organizations and community associations. Information resources may be a commodity, except in cases provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The owner of information resources uses all the rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. State informational resources are formed in accordance with the areas of reference as:

federal information resources;

information resources in the joint venture of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation;

information resources of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

In the process of formation and use of information resources, collecting, processing, storage, search and issuance of information on requests or regulations is carried out. According to property forms, information resources are divided:



non-state (including commercial);

mixed property.

The state policy in the field of information resources and informatization is aimed at creating conditions for effective and qualitative information support for solving operational problems of socio-economic development. The main directions of public policy in the field of informatization is:

providing conditions for the development and protection of all forms of ownership of information resources;

formation and protection of information resources;

the creation and development of federal and regional information systems and networks, ensuring their compatibility and interaction in the Unified Information Space of the Russian Federation;

creation of conditions for high-quality and effective information support of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations based on state information resources;

promoting the formation of the market of information resources, services, information systems, technologies and means of their ensuing;

the formation and implementation of a unified scientific and technical and industrial policy in the field of informatization, taking into account the modern world level of development of information technologies;

creation and improvement of the system of attracting investments and the mechanism to stimulate the development and implementation of informatization projects;

the development of legislation in the field of information processes, informatization and protection of information.

The work of the last decades to improve the information support of state authorities and management focused mainly on the creation of technical tools corresponding to automated systems and networks intended for transmitting and processing information. However, despite the specific promotion of work on the automation of information processes, the necessary specialists and citizens of information still do not have enough.

Informatization of government bodies is still focused on improving the effectiveness of their own activities, which led to the creation of a significant number of departmental (sectoral) automated (local and territorial) information and control systems that are intended, as a rule, to meet the information needs of a limited circle of users. The introduction of new information technologies did not give the expected effect. It is necessary to form a unified information space of Russia, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the functioning of all branches of power by increasing the level of information support for their activities, the use of all accumulated information to solve comprehensive problems management problems.

With all the disadvantages of information and management systems of state authorities can serve as a basis that will ensure the formation of state information resources.

This requires a solution to complex organizational and technical issues related to the provision of coordinated formation and ministries and departments of state information resources, which will significantly reduce the costs of their formation. This applies primarily to such organizations as:

State Committee of the Russian Federation on statistics;

Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;

Committee of the Russian Federation on geology and the use of subsoil;

State Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation;

Federal employment service of Russia;

State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation;

State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management;

State Tax Service of the Russian Federation, etc.

As well as all organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation. It is these departments that can make a decisive contribution to the formation of state information resources. The task is to determine such an order of interaction between ministries and departments, which will ensure the effective use of information already available at their disposal, tools for processing and distribution.

A serious problem in the formation of a rule of law is to ensure legal and individuals legal information. This information must be commented, close to the user and the procedure for its preparation must be extremely simplified. Here, a special role belongs to the state-legal administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which entrusted the formation of information funds of legal information and the organization of access to organizations and citizens, as well as the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, "under the patronage" of which the library network is located directly serving the population.

State information resources of the Russian Federation are open and publicly available, with the exception of a limited access to the category of limited access. An open-type information includes:

legislative and other regulations establishing the legal status of state authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights and obligations of citizens;

documents containing information on emergency situations ... necessary to ensure the safe functioning of settlements, production facilities and the general population;

documents containing information on the activities of government bodies and local governments, on the use of budget funds and other resources, on the state of the economy, with the exception of information related to state secrets;

documents accumulated in open funds of libraries, archives, information systems of state authorities.

The pace for the formation of information resources, improving access to them can very negatively affect the lack of information activity of the user environment. To increase user activity, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to improve the information and computer literacy of the population, including reading courses in educational institutions for mastering the skills of the search and use of information, creating centers of free access to global information systems in the world, to conduct broad propaganda on radio, television, in print , publication of appropriate mass literature, etc.

During the formation of market relations, a significant part of the information resources is formed in the non-state sector of the economy, in which hundreds of organizations have been operating today - manufacturers of information products and organizations specializing in information services. Non-state organizations are currently dominated by the business and commercial information market. Non-state structures are often significantly ahead of government in cases where there is a solvent demand for certain types of information products and services. In this sector, databases and data banks are created, intended most often for use in the economic and social spheres; This is primarily financial, banking, stock exchange, commercial, as well as reference, cultural and historical and other types of information.

In the field of formation and use of information resources of the non-state sector of the economy, public policy should contribute:

providing opportunities for non-state structures in the prescribed manner to state information resources;

access of citizens and organizations to non-governmental information resources;

expand the sphere of paid information services.

Special support, the state should provide the non-state structures that are focused on the information service of the mass user. Non-state organizations should be allowed to participate in the formation and use of public information resources and in providing information services on their basis in the presence of an appropriate state license.

State information resources include:

resources created to ensure the activities of government bodies and produced as a result of this activity;

resources created by non-state organizations for orders and in the interests of state authorities.

Ensuring work on the creation of state information resources should be assigned to the relevant government bodies, acting as government customers of informatization systems that must be responsible for organizing their formation, maintaining and ensuring access to them.

The procedure and rules for the interaction of government bodies in the formation and use of state information resources should be governed by legislative acts that establish the responsibility measures for concealment, inconsistency and unreliability of information. State and non-state information resources essentially need to form a system of interconnected information resources that use both traditional information technologies and information carriers and automated databases and data banks. This systems should be open to inclusion in it as the necessary information resources are required.

The most important stage of the formation of public policy is to define priorities for state information resources to which:

legal information associated with the construction of a legal state;

information on the activities of state authorities, including budget expenditures, ensuring the possibility of democratic control of their activities;

information on emergency situations, hazardous natural phenomena and processes, environmental, sanitary-epidemiological, etc., which is necessary for the safe existence of citizens, the population as a whole, as well as production facilities;

open information about enterprises and organizations supplied by them in accordance with the legislation into government bodies;

information component of scientific potential and cultural heritage of society (educational, scientific and technical, literary and artistic, museum, archival, etc.).

The formation and use of state information resources should be organized on the principle of direct access. At the federal level, data banks operate and create, providing, as a rule, televised to information. At the same time, automated local and distributed information systems are used. In these banks, it is necessary to provide allocation from the information resources the open part of the information, which relates to state information resources available to all organizations and citizens.

In the regions, the information services of the population should be provided with a distributed network of libraries, specialized centers, agencies, etc., which should accumulate information resources of this territory, as well as information about information resources of other territories and on how to access them. The information included in the state information resource must come in them in the form of publications, reports, etc.

As libraries are equipped with relevant software and technical means, the use of machine-readable editions should be provided (such publications on compact disks are particularly promising) and work in remote access mode. When developing an access scheme for state information resources, it should be borne in mind that commercial information centers and telecommunication networks focused on servicing financial and entrepreneurial structures declare themselves. They can also be used to organize access to state information resources on the contractual conditions.

2. Information policy

So it is necessary in order for huge amounts of information to be effectively used by us to solve real problems - the informatization of society. Its implementation requires a special information policy implemented at the following levels:






Like any policy, information policy is special activities to achieve socially significant goals.

The state policy of the formation and development of the unified information space of Russia and the relevant state information resources should be carried out taking into account the interests of federal government bodies, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, local government, legal entities and individuals. It should take into account the possibilities of international cooperation in the field of information technology, products and services, the real possibilities of the domestic information industry in a market economy.

The state policy in the field of information resources should provide for the solution of the following tasks:

ensuring the conditions guaranteeing the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to information, satisfying their information needs;

the creation of all necessary conditions for meeting the information needs of state authorities and economic entities;

establishing the procedure for the formation and use of information resources,

ensuring compatibility and interaction of systems of informatization based on modern information technologies,

definitions of state bodies responsible for conducting individual information resources;

creating an effective information technology certification system, products and services and licensing information activities to ensure the necessary quality of information resources;

raising information literacy;

ensuring the completeness, accuracy, accuracy and timeliness of the presentation of information to organizations and citizens, regardless of their territorial placement;

ensuring comprehensive protection of information resources, the use of effective tools and methods for ensuring information protection in the Unified Information Space of Russia.

the creation of domestic modern information technologies and production development, funds for their implementation;

development of domestic production of modern systems and communications, telecommunications networks; promoting the introduction of information technologies used in foreign information systems of national and transnational scale;

preparation of qualified personnel for work in the field of informatization.

The state policy of improving the information infrastructure of Russia should take into account the significant territorial length of the country, as well as a different level of informatization in separate regions. In the conditions of limited budget allocations, it is advisable:

establish regional informatization priorities;

determine the optimal means of communication and data transmission for each region, taking into account the expected information load and the territorial remoteness of telecommunications subjects (satellite communication channels, fiber optic lines, radio and radio relay, telephone, telegraph communication lines, etc.).

organize service maintenance of users using domestic technologies.

At the same time, domestic enterprises of the information industry should take on support and development of informatization funds acquired by the user, as new technical and software products appear.

The state should ensure the most rapid development of all communication systems, primarily telecommunications, based on progressive information technology. The development of modern communication systems - fiber optic, satellite, radio relay, etc. - the necessary condition for the improvement of public administration, the development of market structures, a normal credit and financial system, etc. In the context of the huge sizes of the territory of Russia, the presence of good communication systems is the first condition for economic development. Creation of a telex system, email, etc. It could allow minimal losses to solve a huge number of transport, energy, managerial and other problems.

On the basis of communication systems created by national, regional, international and commercial structures, informatization of state authorities can be carried out. It involves computerization, automated processing of information and automated support for decision-making at the administration of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the Government, the Legislative Corps, as well as ministries and departments. Develops and performs activities that ensure the compliance of information and technological products and solutions implemented and manufactured in Russia, the highest international standards. Create conditions for the development of informatization in the field of information industry - this is the main task of state bodies that develop and carry out the information policy of Russia.

The center of gravity in the Russian information policy is shifting to the sphere of regional information policy. This displacement has deep social, political, economic and historical foundations.

The solution of almost all social and economic problems rests on the underdevelopment of the telecommunications system and the lack of necessary information. The greatest shortage of information is not at the level of the central government bodies, but at the level of regional governments, as the creation of basic information resources and the management of them is carried out from the center. The time and cost factors are decisive, and the mass industry in the field of information services and the availability of technical programs and funds can be best provided at the regional level, the poet has a regional information policy becomes a major means of promoting Russia's development.

Information policy as a whole, as a system of individual policies cannot be formed in the separation from the socio-economic strategy. If the Company's strategy assumes its quick modernization, protection of human rights, the creation of a modern and developed economy, the formation of information policies should be built with the undoubted priority of information policy oriented to meet the real needs of regions and people living there.

3. Unified information space

A single information space is a set of databases and data banks, technologies for their maintenance and use, information and telecommunication systems and networks operating on the basis of uniform principles and for general rules ensuring the information interaction of organizations and citizens, as well as the satisfaction of their information needs. A significant role in the formation of a single information space is given to the creation of a national telecommunications network of a country, which will combine various networks, systems and communication equipment complexes, providing consumers access to relevant territorially distributed information resources, exchange of information in data transmission and email modes.

For example, worldwide information web - Internet. In other words, the unified information space consists of the following main components:

information resources containing data, information and knowledge recorded on the respective media;

organizational structures that ensure the functioning and development of a single information space, in particular, the collection, processing, storage, distribution, search and transmission of information;

means of information interaction of citizens and organizations that provide them with access to information resources based on relevant information technologies, including software and technical means and organizational and regulatory documents.

The main political and economic aspect of the formation of a single information space of Russia is to overcome the information monopoly of management and commercial structures on open information resources. Legal support for the openness of state information resources is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring the integration of the Unified Information Space of Russia with European and World Information Spaces.

The objectives of the formation and development of the unified information space of Russia are:

ensuring the rights of citizens to information proclaimed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

creating and maintaining necessary for sustainable development

providing the possibility of monitoring citizens and public organizations for the activities of federal government bodies, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments;

improving the business and public activity of citizens by providing equal to state structures to enjoy open scientific and technical, socio-economic, socially political information, as well as information funds of education, culture, etc.

The formation and development of the unified information space of Russia and the relevant state information resources is the problem of intersectoral and interregional. It requires solving complex organizational and technical and technological issues, considerable costs and cannot be solved simultaneously.

The formation and development of the Single Information Space of Russia provides, first of all, ensuring operational access to the information resources and work on their inclusion in a single information space. The newly emerged information resources included in the unified information space should be on a legitimate basis are available to government bodies, business entities to citizens.

The currently developed information and management systems of individual federal authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, departmental and interdepartmental territorial distributed systems and networks and networks, processing and dissemination of information can be the basis for the introduction of new information technologies. They should provide the basis for the formation of a single information space of Russia and guarantee the conjugation of new information technology tools with traditional means of disseminating information and organizing access to it: printed and electronic media, journal and book publications, libraries and archives, mail, telegraph, etc.

The current state of the information space of Russia prevents the equal inclusion in its world information community. In Russia, separate components of a single information space are developing. Work is carried out within federal programs, programs of subjects of the federation and local governments. The Committee under the President of the Russian Federation for Informatization Policy prepared a draft federal target program "Informatization of Russia", providing for the performance of a large amount of work on the creation of various-purpose informatization systems.

To coordinate the efforts of all authorities, in solving the problem of the formation and development of a single information space of Russia, it is necessary to develop a complex of organizational measures, which should include the establishment of the procedure for determining the main indicators and stages of formation and development of a single information space, the sequence of the development of legislation and regulatory documents, including The number of standards that define functions and rules for the interaction of the subjects of this space, stimulating individuals and legal entities on the active formation and use of information resources. In the Complex, measures should be provided for activities that ensure the propaganda of the goals, objectives and capabilities of a single information space, training of citizens the basics of information literacy. This activates the appeal of citizens and society to information resources, will speed up the development of the information infrastructure of the country, the market of information resources, technologies and services will streaml.

The formation of the information space of Russia in the interests of state authorities should be aimed at combining and developing existing information and analytical resources intended to ensure their effective management activities. The basis of the information space of state authorities should be information - telecommunication systems that can provide information support both in the field of economics management and in the field of personality security, society, state.

The legal basis of a single information space is intended to regulate the relationships of manufacturers and consumers of information, ensure the coordination of the actions of state authorities in a single information space and guarantee compliance with the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and organizations.

In a single information space, the legislation should be aimed at providing:

compliance with the constitutional right of each "free to search, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legitimate method" (Constitution of the Russian Federation, article p.4);

the ability to control citizens and public organizations for the activities of state authorities;

protection of copyright and rights of property ownership and informational resources, information technology and their means of ensuring;

formation and use of information resources in the conditions of equality of all forms of ownership, by creating a information market and a competitive environment, conducting state antitrust policy;

responsibility of the subjects of a single information space for an offenses in the formation of information resources and their use, in particular, personal responsibility of the heads of state authorities for the quality of the formation of state information resources and access to them;

consistency of solutions of state authorities in the field of creating and using a single information space;

close information interaction with CIS member countries and active information exchange in the system of international cooperation;

information security.

Thus, legislative support for the formation and development of a single information space (information legislation) must regulate the entire complex of public relations related to information, its production, distribution and use.

The goals, objectives and principles of legislative support, the formation and development of the unified information space are set out in the presidential decree of the Russian Federation of April 23, 1993. N477 "Concepts of legal informatization of Russia."

The unified information space affects all areas of activity in society, covers all regions and territory of the country. Therefore, the norms of the right of information legislation are present in most legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

International experience confirms the relevance of information security problems to ensure the national security of any state. Informational interaction of subjects in a single information space, along with legal support, requires the adoption of organizational and technical measures to protect information. These measures should provide:

prevent leakage, loss and fake information;

preventing the threat of information security of the individual, society, the state;

prevent unauthorized actions for the destruction, modification, distortion, copying, blocking information;

preventing other forms of illegal interference in information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of information and documentation as a property object;

ensuring the rights of economic entities in information processes and in the development, production and application of information systems, information technologies and their means of ensuring;

training and their training for creating information security services in federal and regional systems;

The rules of organizational interaction of the subjects of a single information space should ensure the execution of laws, the preservation of state and commercial secrets. These rules should be regulated by law and subtitle acts.

Violations of established rules of behavior in a single information space are able to lead to the disclosure of state or commercial secrets, to the application of material or moral damage to individuals or legal entities, as well as to infringe the rights of citizens to access information resources. To prevent such violations, legal support should be supplemented with the standards providing responsibility for unauthorized actions, including criminal.

Actions of state authorities in all areas of creation of a single information space should be regulated by law that determines the rights and obligations of federal state authorities, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments to create state information resources and the organization of access to them, as well as a system of standardization and unification system Forms of documents, classifiers, means of information technology, communication protocols and other means of informatization.

The national instrument providing accounting for state information resources should be the state information register, in which the descriptions of information arrays will be presented, databases and other types of information resources created at the expense of the budget. The use of a state information register will significantly reduce the cost of creating and maintaining state information resources.

The complexity of work on standardization and certification of funds and systems of informatization at the present stage is particularly necessary for the formation and development of the unified information space of Russia. Work on standardization is advisable under the Unified Program for creating a regulatory, instrumental and methodological database of certification of funds and systems of informatization. This program should provide for the development of a complex of basic and functional standards, mandatory for use in the formation and use of state information resources and informatization of state authorities. The basis of the standards complex should be international and state standards and other regulatory documents. These documents should serve as the basis for the requirements for funds and systems of informatization at all stages of their life cycle, quality control, testing and certification as the means and informatization systems.

The formation and implementation of this program is an important form of organizing the interaction of government bodies in the implementation of state policy in the field of informatization and the development of the components of the Unified Information Space of Russia.

The principal feature of the formation and development of the United Information Space of Russia is the need to establish mandatory for all tough technological discipline in the formation of state information resources.

The unified information space of Russia should be the essential component of the world information space. This requires cooperation between Russia in the field of informatization with other countries and international organizations.

In order to quickly and substantially reduce Russia's dependence on the funds purchased abroad and manufactured in imports on import licenses, programs and plans for work carried out in the framework of international cooperation should be linked to the development programs of the domestic industry of new information technology. They should include the coordination of international relations of federal government bodies and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It must be provided:

the use of organizational and technical experience of advanced countries;

the use of foreign information for the formation of domestic information resources;

organization of exports of domestic information resources;

ensuring the possibility of access of legal entities and individuals of Russia to the information resources of developed countries of the world;

the introduction of international standards regulating the forms of information presentation, communication protocols and communications to ensure the entry of users from their terminal devices to international communication systems and telecommunications;

ensuring Russia's participation as a full member in international programs and projects related to the formation of world information space,

creation of new information technologies and informatization of applied areas of world cooperation (the creation and use of world banking information systems, scientific and technical information, etc.);

ensuring participation in the work of international organizations in the development of documents related to legislative, legal and regulatory regulation in the field of creating and developing information resources, information technology, telecommunications systems, information systems, informatization systems;

opportunities for concluding contracts with foreign firms for the purchase of funds for new information technologies, ensuring the sustainable development of the unified information space of Russia;

Work on the formation and development of the unified information space of Russia is currently underway by federal government bodies, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal bodies on programs affecting individual components of this space. The most common of these programs is the federal target program "Informatization of Russia", developed by the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy, together with interested federal ministries, departments and administrations of the subjects of the Federation. As emphasized above, the formation and development of a single information space is the main goal of the implementation of state policy in the field of informatization of Russia. Therefore, the development of this complex is advisable to entrust the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on the policy of informatization with the involvement of interested bodies of state authorities, enterprises, organizations and socio-political associations.

In order to coordinate work on the formation and development of a single information space, it is necessary to create federal and regional informatization centers. These centers can also be performed at the appropriate level of the function of the state information register and carry out work on information and reference services for legal entities and individuals, certification of systems and their elements, licensing information activities. The total costs of forming and developing a single information space of Russia will be consumed from the costs of the development programs of individual directions and components of this space.

As the sphere of commercial information services, the privatization of enterprises producing new information technologies, as well as the demonopolization and privatization of communications and telecommunications enterprises in the country, a competitive environment and a powerful private sector of the information industry will be created, which will provide an overwhelming part of investments in the development of the unified information space of Russia .

State support of privatized enterprises and new commercial structures should be expressed in the procurement of information technology funds, communication services and information services for the needs of government agencies on preferential terms.

The development of the financing procedure for certain areas of development of the unified information space of Russia, such as the development of federal informatization systems, the development of informatization systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the formation of state information resources of widespread use, the development of communication systems, development and ensuring the activities of the network of state depositaries, etc.

Sources and amounts of financing for each development program of the components of a single information space should be determined by the customer of this program in coordination with state customers in the direction of development.


Despite the difficulties of the transition period in the economy of the country's work on the formation of a single information space of Russia, it is necessary to start as quickly as possible, because without the creation of priority state information resources (legal information, information on legal entities, information on the activities of state authorities and some other species Information resources) available to all legal entities and individuals, the construction of a legal democratic state with a developed market economy in Russia is problematic.

The priority actions of the state for the formation and development of the United Information Space of Russia should be:

The appointment of state customers on the most important areas of development of the unified information space of Russia on the presentation of government bodies.

The creation of inter-sectoral, interregional and regional councils on the formation and use of state information resources created in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

The definition of priorities of species of state information resources, to which access to all citizens of Russia is guaranteed.

Definition of organizations - depositories of state information resources in the subjects of the Federation and in local governments.

Definition of the list and ensuring the development of priority legislative and regulations that create the legal framework for the formation and development of the unified information space of Russia, which determine the requirements for the standardization of technological processes and certification of technical, software and information products.

Development by state customers projects of programs based on the areas of development of the unified information space of Russia.

Organizing a broad discussion of the problems of the formation and development of the unified information space of Russia with the involvement of the media.

Conducting competitions for the best deals relating to the development of individual areas of a single information space and information technologies.

Development of curricula and benefits for the training of citizens of Russia the basics of information and legal literacy.

References and sources

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5. Parkinson S.N. Art of management. - SPb.: Lenzdat. 1992.

6. Rakitov A.I. Russia in the Global Information Process and Regional Information Policy // Problems of Informatization. - M.: 1993. Issue.

7. Economic Informatics and Computing Technology: Textbook / Ed. Kosareeva V.P, Queen A.Yu. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.336 p.

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    Methods of intelligent data analysis based on the application of information warehouses concepts. Ensuring the efficiency of communication of participants in business processes. The introduction of information technologies in the enterprise is the choice of automation system.

    examination, added 04/13/2009

    Creating a speech information protection system at the informatization facility. Paths of blocking acoustic, acousto-radio electronic, acousto-optic, radio-electronic data leakage channels. Technical means of protecting information from listening and writing.

    course work, added 08/06/2013

    The concept of the development of the communication of the Russian Federation. Departmental communications networks and networks of other legal entities and individuals. Classification and functions, parameters and characteristics of information transmission and processing systems, message characteristics and interference in RESBN.

Changes and corrections

Adopted by the State Duma July 8, 2006
Approved by the Federation Council on July 14, 2006

Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law regulates relations arising from:

1) implementation of the right to search, obtain, transfer, production and dissemination of information;

2) application of information technologies;

3) providing information security.

2. The provisions of this federal law do not apply to relations arising from the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and equivalent to them means of individualization.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Federal Law

This federal law uses the following basic concepts:

1) information - information (messages, data), regardless of the form of their presentation;

2) information technologies - processes, methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information and methods for carrying out such processes and methods;

3) the information system is a set of information contained in the databases and ensuring its processing of information technologies and technical means;

4) the information and telecommunication network - a technological system intended for transmission over the communication lines of information, access to which is carried out using computing equipment;

5) the owner of the information is a person who has independently created the information either, on the basis of the law or the contract, the right to allow or restrict access to information determined by any signs;

6) access to information is the possibility of obtaining information and its use;

7) the confidentiality of information is mandatory for the execution of the person who gained access to certain information, the requirement does not transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner;

8) providing information - actions aimed at obtaining information to a certain circle of persons or the transfer of information to a certain circle of persons;

9) the dissemination of information - actions aimed at obtaining information by an indefinite circle of persons or transferring information to an indefinite circle of persons;

10) E-mail - information transmitted or user-received information and telecommunication network;

11) Docounted information - fixed on material carrier by documenting information with details that allow you to determine such information or in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its material carrier;

12) The operator of the information system is a citizen or a legal entity engaged in the operation of the information system, including the processing of information contained in its databases.

Article 3. Principles of legal regulation of relations in the field of information, information technologies and information protection

Legal regulation of relations arising in the field of information, information technologies and information protection is based on the following principles:

1) freedom of search, receipt, transmission, production and dissemination of information by any legitimate way;

2) establishing restrictions of access to information only by federal laws;

3) openness of information on the activities of state bodies and bodies of local self-government and free access to such information, except for cases established by federal laws;

4) the equality of the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation when creating information systems and their operation;

5) ensuring the security of the Russian Federation when creating information systems, their operation and the protection of the information contained in them;

6) the accuracy of the information and timeliness of its provision;

7) the inviolability of privacy, the inadmissibility of the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information on the privacy of the person without its consent;

8) the inadmissibility of establishing by regulatory legal acts of any advantages of the application of some information technologies before others, unless the obligation to apply certain information technologies to create and operate state information systems is not established by federal laws.

Article 4. Legislation of the Russian Federation on Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and the protection of information is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law and other regulatory relations on the use of information of federal laws.

2. Legal regulation of relations related to the organization and activities of the media is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the media.

3. The procedure for storing and using the documented information included in the archival funds is established by the law on archival business in the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Information as an object of legal relations

1. Information may be an object of public, civil and other legal relations. Information can be freely used by any person and transmitted by one person to another person if federal laws are not established restrictions on access to information or other requirements for the procedure for its provision or distribution.

2. Information Depending on the category of access to it, it is divided into publicly available information, as well as information, access to which is limited by federal laws (limited access information).

3. Information depending on the procedure for its provision or distribution is divided into:

1) information freely distributed;

2) information provided by agreement of persons participating in the relevant relationship;

3) information that in accordance with federal laws is subject to or distribution;

4) information whose distribution in the Russian Federation is limited or prohibited.

4. The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish the types of information depending on its content or owner.

Article 6. Owner of information

1. The owner of the information may be a citizen (individual), a legal entity, Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, a municipality.

2. On behalf of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipality of the law enforcement of information is carried out according to government agencies and local governments within their powers established by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

3. The owner of the information, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, is entitled:

1) Allow or restrict access to information, determine the order and conditions of such access;

2) use information, including to distribute it, at its discretion;

3) transfer information to other persons under the contract or otherwise established by law;

4) to protect their rights in accordance with the law in the case of illegal receipt of information or its illegal use by other persons;

5) carry out other actions with information or allow the implementation of such actions.

4. The owner of the information in the exercise of its rights is required:

1) comply with the rights and legitimate interests of other persons;

2) take measures to protect information;

3) restrict access to information if such a responsibility is established by federal laws.

Article 7. Public information

1. To publicly available information includes well-known information and other information, access to which is not limited.

2. Public information can be used by any persons at their discretion subject to the restrictions established by federal laws regarding the dissemination of such information.

3. The owner of the information that has become publicly available by its decision, has the right to demand from individuals distributing such information, indicate itself as a source of such information.

Article 8. Right to access information

1. Citizens (individuals) and organizations (legal entities) (hereinafter - organizations) are entitled to search and obtain any information in any forms and from any sources, subject to the compliance with the requirements established by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. A citizen (individual) has the right to receive from state bodies, local governments, their officials in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, information directly affecting his right and freedom.

3. The organization has the right to receive information from state bodies, local government bodies, directly concerning the rights and obligations of this organization, as well as the information necessary in connection with the interaction with the specified authorities in the implementation of this organization of its statutory activities.

4. Cannot be restricted access to:

1) regulatory legal acts affecting the rights, freedom and obligations of a person and a citizen, as well as establishing the legal status of organizations and the powers of state bodies, local governments;

2) information on the state of the environment;

3) information on the activities of state bodies and bodies of local self-government, as well as on the use of budget funds (with the exception of information constituting a state or service secret);

4) information accumulated in open funds of libraries, museums and archives, as well as in state, municipal and other information systems created or intended to provide citizens (individuals) and organizations such information;

5) other information, the inadmissibility of restricting access to which is established by federal laws.

5. State bodies and local government bodies are obliged to provide access to information on their activities in Russian and the state language of the relevant republic as part of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws, the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local authorities. A person who wants to access such information is not obliged to justify the need to receive it.

6. Decisions and actions (inaction) of state bodies and local governments, public associations, officials who violate the right to access information can be appealed to a higher authority or a higher officer person or a court.

7. In the event that, as a result of an unlawful refusal to access information, the late provision, the provision of deliberately unreliable or not relevant content of the request for information, losses were caused, such losses are subject to compensation in accordance with civil law.

8. Free information is provided:

1) on the activities of state bodies and bodies of local self-government, placed by such bodies in information and telecommunication networks;

2) affecting the rights and established by the legislation of the Russian Federation the obligations of the interested person;

3) other information established by law.

9. The establishment of fees for providing information to the state body or body of local self-government on its activities is possible only in cases and on the conditions that are established by federal laws.

Article 9. Restricting access to information

1. The restriction of access to information is established by federal laws in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, the rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

2. Mandatory is to comply with the confidentiality of information, access to which is limited by federal laws.

3. Protection of information constituting the state secrecy is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

4. Federal laws establishes the conditions for attributing information to the information constituting commercial secrets, a service secret and other secret, the obligation to comply with the confidentiality of such information, as well as responsibility for its disclosure.

5. Information obtained by citizens (individuals) in the performance of professional duties or organizations in the exercise of certain types of activities (professional mystery) is subject to protection in cases where federal laws are entrusted with obligations to comply with the confidentiality of such information.

6. The information constituting a professional secret can be provided to third parties in accordance with federal laws and (or) by the court decision.

7. The term of execution of responsibilities for complying with the confidentiality of information constituting a professional secret may be limited only with the consent of a citizen (individual) that provided such information about himself.

8. It is forbidden to demand information from a citizen (individual) providing information on its private life, including information that makes a personal or family secret, and to obtain such information besides the will of a citizen (individual), unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

9. The procedure for access to personal data of citizens (individuals) is established by the Federal Law on Personal Data.

Article 10. Dissemination of information or the provision of information

1. In the Russian Federation, the dissemination of information is carried out freely subject to the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The information extended without the use of the media should include reliable information about its owner or other person, distributing information, in form and volume, which is sufficient to identify such a person.

3. When used to disseminate information information, allowing to determine the recipients of information, including mailings and e-mails, a person spreading information is obliged to provide the recipient of the information the ability to refuse such information.

4. The provision of information is carried out in the manner that is established by the Agreement of Persons participating in the exchange of information.

5. Cases and conditions for the mandatory dissemination of information or the provision of information, including the provision of mandatory specimens of documents, are established by federal laws.

6. The dissemination of information is prohibited, which is aimed at promoting war, inciting national, racial or religious hatred and hostility, as well as other information, for the dissemination of which criminal or administrative responsibility is provided.

Article 11. Documenting information

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation or the Parties Agreement may establish requirements for documenting information.

2. In the federal executive bodies, the documentation of information is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rules of office work and document management established by other government agencies, local governments within their competence, must comply with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of office work and document management for federal executive authorities.

3. An electronic message signed by an electronic digital signature or other analogue of a personnel signature is recognized by an electronic document equivalent to a document signed by his own signature in cases where federal laws or other regulatory legal acts are not established or does not mean the requirement to compile such a paper on paper. .

4. In order to conclude civil-legal contracts or registration of other legal relations in which persons who exchange emails are involved, e-mail exchange, each of which signed an electronic digital signature or other analogue of the sender's own signature of such a message, in the manner prescribed by federal laws, Other regulatory legal acts or the Agreement of the Parties, is considered as the exchange of documents.

5. The right of ownership and other things for material carriers, containing documented information, are established by civil law.

Article 12. State regulation in the application of information technology

1. State regulation in the field of information technology provides:

1) regulation of relations related to the search, receipt, transmission, production and dissemination of information using information technologies (informatization), on the basis of the principles established by this Federal Law;

2) the development of information systems for various purposes to provide citizens (individuals), organizations, state bodies and local authorities with information, as well as ensuring the interaction of such systems;

3) Creating conditions for efficient use in the Russian Federation of information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet "Internet" and other similar information and telecommunication networks.

2. State bodies, local governments in accordance with their powers:

1) participate in the development and implementation of targeted application of information technology;

2) Create information systems and provide access to information contained in them in Russian and the state language of the relevant republic as part of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. Information Systems

1. Information systems include:

1) state information systems - federal information systems and regional information systems created on the basis of federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the basis of legal acts of state bodies;

2) municipal information systems created on the basis of a decision of the local government;

3) Other information systems.

2. Unless otherwise established by federal laws, the information system operator is the owner of the technical means used for processing in the databases, which is legitimately uses such databases, or the person with which this owner has entered into an agreement on the operation of the information system.

3. The rights of the owner of the information contained in the databases of the information system are subject to protection regardless of copyright and other rights to such databases.

4. The requirements for state information systems established by this Federal Law are applied to municipal information systems, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on local self-government.

5. Features of the operation of state information systems and municipal information systems can be established in accordance with the technical regulations, regulatory legal acts of state bodies, regulatory legal acts of local governments that make decisions on the creation of such information systems.

6. The procedure for the creation and operation of information systems that are not state-owned information systems or municipal information systems is determined by operators of such information systems in accordance with the requirements established by this Federal Law or other federal laws.

Article 14. State information systems

1. State information systems are created in order to implement the powers of state bodies and ensure the exchange of information between these bodies, as well as in other purposes established by federal laws.

2. State information systems are created taking into account the requirements provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of services for state and municipal needs."

3. State information systems are created and operated on the basis of statistical and other documented information provided by citizens (individuals), organizations, government agencies, local governments.

4. Lists of the types of information provided in mandatory, are established by federal laws, the conditions for its provision - the Government of the Russian Federation or the relevant government agencies, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

5. Unless otherwise determined by the creation of the state information system, its operator's functions are carried out by the Customer who has entered into a state contract to create such an information system. At the same time, the entry of the state information system is commissioned in the manner prescribed by the specified Customer.

6. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish mandatory requirements for the commissioning of individual state information systems.

7. It is not allowed to operate the state information system without appropriate design rights to use its components that are intellectual property.

8. Technical means designed to process information contained in state information systems, including software and technical means and information protection tools, must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

9. The information contained in state information systems, as well as other information available to state bodies and documents are state information resources.

Article 15. Using information and telecommunication networks

1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of information and telecommunication networks is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of communication, this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2. Regulation of the use of information and telecommunication networks, access to which is not limited to a certain circle of individuals, is carried out in the Russian Federation, taking into account the generally accepted international practice of activity of self-regulating organizations in this area. The procedure for using other information and telecommunication networks is determined by the owners of such networks, taking into account the requirements established by this Federal Law.

3. The use of information and telecommunication networks in economic or other activities in the Russian Federation cannot serve as a basis for the establishment of additional requirements or restrictions on the regulation of the indicated activities carried out without the use of such networks, as well as to non-compliance with the requirements established by federal laws.

4. Federal laws may provide for mandatory identification of personality, organizations using the information and telecommunications network in carrying out entrepreneurial activities. At the same time, the email recipient, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, has the right to check whether to establish the sender of the e-mail, and in cases established by federal laws or agreement of the parties, cases are obliged to conduct such an inspection.

5. Transmission of information through the use of information and telecommunication networks is carried out without restrictions, subject to compliance with the requirements established by federal laws, the requirements for the dissemination of information and the protection of intellectual property facilities. The transfer of information may be limited only in order and on the conditions that are established by federal laws.

6. Features of the connection of state information systems to information and telecommunication networks can be established by the regulatory legal act of the President of the Russian Federation or the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 16. Protection of information

1. Information defense is the adoption of legal, organizational and technical measures aimed at:

1) ensuring the protection of information from unlawful access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, providing, distribution, as well as other unlawful actions for such information;

2) compliance with the confidentiality of limited access information,

3) Implementing the right to access information.

2. State regulation of relations in the field of information protection is carried out by establishing information protection requirements, as well as liability for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and information protection.

3. Requirements for public information protection can be established only to achieve the objectives specified in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of this article.

4. The owner of the information, the operator of the information system in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation must provide:

1) prevent unauthorized access to information and (or) transferring it to those who do not have the right to access information;

2) timely detection of unauthorized access to information;

3) preventing the possibility of adverse effects of violation of the procedure for access to information;

4) preventing the impact on technical means of processing information, as a result of which their functioning is violated;

5) the possibility of immediate recovery of information modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;

6) Permanent monitoring for ensuring the level of information security.

5. Requirements for the protection of information contained in state information systems are established by the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive authority authorized in the field of countering technical exploration and technical protection of information within their powers. When creating and operating state information systems, methods and methods of its protection are used to protect information should comply with the specified requirements.

6. Federal laws may establish restrictions on the use of certain means of protecting information and implement certain types of information security activities.

Article 17. Responsibility for offenses in the field of information, information technologies and information protection

1. Violation of the requirements of this Federal Law entails disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Persons, the rights and legitimate interests of which were violated in connection with the disclosure of information limited access or other illegal use of such information, are entitled to apply in the prescribed manner for the judicial protection of their rights, including claims for damages, moral damage compensation, protection honor, dignity and business reputation. The requirement for damages cannot be satisfied in the case of a person who did not take measures to comply with the confidentiality of information or violating the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, if the adoption of these measures and compliance with such requirements was the responsibilities of this person.

3. In the event that the dissemination of certain information is limited or prohibited by federal laws, civil liability for the dissemination of such information does not bear the person providing services:

1) either on the transfer of information provided by another person, subject to its transfer without changes and corrections;

2) either on the storage of information and ensure access to it, provided that this person could not know about the illegality of the dissemination of information.

Article 18. Declarement of individual legislative acts (provisions of legislation) of the Russian Federation

From the day the entry into force of this Federal Law, recognize invalid:

1) Federal Law of February 20, 1995 N 24-FZ "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 8, Art. 609);

2) Federal Law of July 4, 1996 N 85-FZ "On Participation in International Information Exchange" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 28, Art. 3347);

3) Article 16 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ "On Amendments to Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law" On Licensing Special Activities "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 2 , Art. 167);

4) Article 21 of the Federal Law of June 30, 2003 N 86-ФЗ "On Amendments to Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, recognition by invaliding certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation, providing individual guarantees to employees of the internal affairs bodies, the controls of the circulation drugs and psychotropic substances and abolished federal tax police bodies in connection with the implementation of measures to improve the public administration "(meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 27, Art. 2700);

5) Article 39 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of measures to improve state administration" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 27, Art. 2711).

The president
Russian Federation
V. Putin



On information, informatization and protection of information

Chapter 1. General

Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law regulates relations arising from:

the formation and use of information resources based on the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and the consumer to the consumer of documented information;

creation and use of information technologies and their means of ensuring;

protection of information, the rights of subjects involved in information processes and informatization.

2. This Federal Law does not affect the relations regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights".

Article 2. Terms used in this federal law, their definitions

This federal law uses the following concepts:

information - information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their submission;

informatization is an organizational socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs and the realization of the rights of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources;

documented information (document) - information recorded on the material carrier with details, allowing it to identify;

information processes - processes of collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search and dissemination of information;

the information system is an organizationally ordered set of documents (issues of documents) and information technologies, including using the funds of computing equipment and communication implementing information processes;

information resources are separate documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, foundations, data banks, other information systems);

information about citizens (personal data) - information about the facts, events and the circumstances of the life of a citizen, allowing to identify his personality;

confidential information - Documented information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

facilities for automated information systems and their technologies - software, technical, linguistic, legal, organizational means (programs for electronic computing machines; means of computing equipment and communication; dictionaries, thesauruses and classifiers; instructions and techniques; provisions, statutes, job descriptions; schemes and their descriptions, other operational and accompanying documentation) used or created when designing information systems and ensuring their operation;

the owner of information resources, information systems, technologies and means of their ensuing - subject, fully implementing the powers of possession, use, disposal of the specified objects;

owner of informational resources, information systems, technologies and means of their ensuring - the subject that owns the possession and use of the specified objects and implementing the authority of the order within the limits established by law;

the user (consumer) of information is a subject contacting the information system or an intermediary for obtaining the information you need and uses it.

Article 3. State duties in the field of information resources and informatization

1. The state policy in the field of information resources and informatization is aimed at creating conditions for effective and qualitative information support for the decision of the strategic and operational tasks of the social and economic development of the Russian Federation.

2. The main directions of public policy in the field of informatization are:

providing conditions for the development and protection of all forms of ownership of information resources;

formation and protection of state information resources;

the creation and development of federal and regional information systems and networks, ensuring their compatibility and interaction in the Unified Information Space of the Russian Federation;

creation of conditions for high-quality and effective information support of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations based on state information resources;

ensuring national security in the field of informatization, as well as ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens, organizations in the conditions of informatization;

promoting the formation of the market of information resources, services, information systems, technologies, their means of ensuring;

the formation and implementation of a unified scientific and technical and industrial policy in the field of informatization, taking into account the modern world level of development of information technologies;

support for projects and informatization programs;

creation and improvement of the system of attracting investments and the mechanism to stimulate the development and implementation of informatization projects;

the development of legislation in the field of information processes, informatization and protection of information.

Chapter 2. Information Resources

Article 4. Basics of the legal regime of information resources

1. Information resources are objects of relations of physical, legal entities, states, account for information resources of Russia and are protected by law along with other resources.

2. The legal mode of information resources is determined by the standards establishing:

procedure for documenting information;

ownership of individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems;

the procedure for legal protection of information.

Article 5. Documenting information

1. Documenting information is a prerequisite for the inclusion of information in information resources. Documentation of information is carried out in the manner established by state authorities responsible for organizing office work, standardization of documents and their arrays, the safety of the Russian Federation.

2. The document obtained from the automated information system acquires legal force after its signing by the official in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The legal force of the document, stored, processed and transmitted using automated information and telecommunication systems, can be confirmed by an electronic digital signature.

The legal force of the electronic digital signature is recognized as in the automated information system of software and hardware, providing identification of signature and complying with the established mode of their use.

4. I lost strength. (as amended by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ)

Article 6. Information resources as an element of the composition of the property and the object of ownership

1. Information resources may be state and non-state and as an element of the composition of property are owned by citizens, state authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations. Relationships on the right of ownership of information resources are governed by civil law of the Russian Federation.

2. Physical and legal entities are the owners of those documents, the arrays of the documents that are created at the expense of their funds are acquired by them on legal grounds, they were obtained in order of donation or inheritance.

3. The Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are the owners of the information resources created by the federal budget purchased at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the methods established by the laws established by the law.

The state has the right to redeem documented information from individuals and legal entities in the event of assigning this information to state secrets.

The owner of the information resources containing information assigned to the state secret has the right to dispose of this property only with the permission of the relevant state authorities.

4. Subjects that submit on binding documents to the state authorities and organization do not lose their rights to these documents and to use the information contained in them. Documented information submitted to the state authorities and organizations by legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal form and forms of ownership, as well as citizens on the basis of Article 8 of this Federal Law, forms information resources that are in joint ownership of the state and subjects representing this information.

5. Information resources that are owned by organizations are included in their property in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Information resources that are owned by the state are in the conduct of state authorities and organizations in accordance with their competence, are subject to accounting and protection in the composition of state property.

6. Information resources can be a commodity, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The owner of information resources uses all the rights provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including it has the right:

assign a person who exercises economic resources, or operational management of them;

to establish within its competence mode and rules for processing, protecting information resources and access to them;

determine the conditions for the disposal of documents when copying and distributing them.

8. The ownership of information tools does not create ownership of informational resources belonging to other owners. Documents processed in the provision of services or with the sharing of these processing tools belong to their owner. Affiliation and mode of derivative products created in this case are regulated by the contract.

Article 7. State Information Resources

1. State information resources of the Russian Federation are formed in accordance with the areas of reference as:

federal information resources;

information resources in joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as information resources of joint management);

information resources of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. The formation of state information resources in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 8 of this Federal Law is carried out by citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations.

The federal state authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation form state information resources in their jurisdiction, and ensure their use in accordance with the established competence.

3. The activities of state bodies and organizations on the formation of federal information resources, information resources of joint management, the information resources of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are funded from the federal budget and budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the article "Informatics" ("Information support").

4. I lost strength. (as amended by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ)

Article 8. Mandatory submission of documented information for the formation of state information resources

1. Citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations are required to submit documented information to bodies and organizations responsible for the formation and use of state information resources.

The lists of the documented information and lists of bodies and organizations responsible for the collection and processing of federal information resources are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The procedure and conditions of the mandatory submission of documented information are brought to the attention of citizens and organizations.

The procedure for mandatory submission (obtaining) of information related to state secrets and confidential information is established and carried out in accordance with the legislation on these categories of information.

3. When registering legal entities, registration authorities provide them with lists of documents submitted on mandatory procedure and addresses of their submission. The list of documents submitted in mandatory procedure is attached to the Charter of each legal entity (the Regulation on Him).

The need for the registration authorities of the recorded legal entities with the list of documents submitted in the obligatory procedure with addresses of their submission is not a basis for refusal to register. Officials of registration authorities, guilty of the insecurity of registered legal entities of the lists of documents submitted in the obligatory procedure with addresses of their submission, are involved in disciplinary responsibility until withdrawal.

4. Documents belonging to individuals and legal entities may be included at the request of the owner as part of state information resources according to the rules established to include documents into the relevant information systems.

Article 9. Treaty of information resources to the All-Russian National Town

1. Separate objects of federal information resources can be announced by the All-Russian national treasure.

2. The assignment of specific objects of federal information resources to the All-Russian national domain and the definition of their legal regime is established by federal law.

Article 10. Information resources by access categories

1. State information resources of the Russian Federation are open and publicly available. The exception is a documented information attributed by law to the category of limited access.

2. Documented information with limited access under the conditions of its legal mode is divided into information related to state secrets, and confidential.

legislative and other regulations establishing the legal status of state authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the procedure for their implementation;

documents containing information on emergency situations, environmental, meteorological, demographic, sanitary and epidemiological and other information necessary to ensure the safe functioning of settlements, production facilities, the safety of citizens and the population as a whole;

documents containing information on the activities of state authorities and local governments, on the use of budget funds and other state and local resources, on the state of the economy and the needs of the population, with the exception of information assigned to the state secret;

documents accumulated in open funds of libraries and archives, information systems of state authorities, local governments, public associations, organizations representing public interest or necessary for the realization of the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens.

4. The assignment of information to state secrets is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Secret".

5. The assignment of information to confidential is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the cases provided for in Article 11 of this Federal Law.

Article 11. Information about citizens (Personal data)

1. Lists of personal data included in federal information resources, information resources of joint management, information resources of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, information resources of local governments, as well as those obtained and collected by non-state organizations, should be enshrined at the level of the Federal Law. Personal data refer to the category of confidential information.

The collection, storage, use and dissemination of information on privacy is not allowed, as well as information that violates the personal secret, family secret, the secret of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other reports of an individual without its consent, except on the basis of a court decision.

2. Personal data cannot be used to cause property and moral damage to citizens, difficulty implementing the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. Limiting the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of using information about their social origin, about racial, national, linguistic, religious and party affiliation is prohibited and punishable in accordance with the law.

3. Legal and individuals, in accordance with their powers, those who have information about citizens who receive and use it are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for violating the protection, processing and procedure for the use of this information.

4. The misunderstanding of the activities of state authorities and personal data collection organizations can be established in court at the request of the subjects operating on the basis of articles 14 and 15 of this Federal Law and the legislation on personal data. (as amended by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ)

Chapter 3. Use of Information Resources

Article 12. Implementation of the right to access information from information resources

1. Users - citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations - have equal rights to access state information resources and are not required to justify the need to obtain the information requested by them before the owner of these resources. The exception is information with limited access.

The access of individuals and legal entities to state information resources is the basis for the implementation of public control over the activities of state authorities, local governments, public, political and other organizations, as well as for the state of the economy, ecology and other spheres of public life.

2. Information resources owners provide users (consumers) information from information resources on the basis of legislation, the statutes of these bodies and organizations, regulations on them, as well as contracts for information support services.

Information obtained on legitimate grounds from state information resources by citizens and organizations can be used by them to create a derivative of information in order to commercially disseminate with a mandatory reference to the source of information.

The source of profits in this case is the result of nested labor and means when creating a derivative of information, but not initial information obtained from public resources.

3. The procedure for obtaining the user of information (indication of the place, time, responsible officials, necessary procedures) is determined by the owner or owner of information resources in compliance with the requirements established by this Federal Law.

Lists of information and information support services, information on the procedure and conditions of access to information resources The owners of information resources and information systems provide users with free.

4. Public authorities and organizations responsible for the formation and use of information resources provide conditions for the operational and complete provision of user-based information in accordance with the obligations established by the Charters (provisions) of these bodies and organizations.

5. The procedure for the accumulation and processing of documented information with limited access, the rules for its protection and the procedure for access to it are determined by the government bodies responsible for certain types and arrays of information, in accordance with their competence or directly by its owner in accordance with the legislation.

Article 13. Guarantees for providing information

1. Public authorities and local government bodies create accessible to each information resources on the activities of these bodies and its jurisdiction of organizations, as well as within their competence, carry out mass information support of users on issues of rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, their security and other issues. Representing public interest.

2. Refusal to access information resources provided for in paragraph 1 of this article may be appealed to the court.

3. The Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy organizes the registration of all information resources, information systems and publish information about them to ensure the right of citizens to access information.

4. The list of information services provided to users from public information resources is free or for a fee that does not comply with the full cost of services establishes the Government of the Russian Federation.

The costs of these services are offset from the federal budget and budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 14. Access of citizens and organizations to information about them

1. Citizens and organizations have the right to access documented information about them, to clarify this information in order to ensure its completeness and reliability, have the right to know who and for what purpose uses or used this information. Limiting the access of citizens and organizations to information about them is permissible only on the grounds provided for by federal laws.

2. The owner of documented information about citizens is obliged to provide information for free at the request of those persons with which it concerns. Restrictions are possible only in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Subjects representing information about themselves for the acquisition of information resources on the basis of Articles 7 and 8 of this Federal Law have the right to use this information free.

4. Failure to the owner of the information resources to the subject in accessing information on it may be appealed in court.

Article 15. Responsibilities and responsibilities of the owner of information resources

1. The owner of the information resources is obliged to ensure compliance with the processing and rules for the provision of information to the user established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the owner of these information resources, in accordance with the legislation.

2. The owner of the information resources is legal responsibility for violating the rules for working with information in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 4. Informatization, Information Systems, Technologies and Means

Article 16. Development and production of information systems, technologies and means of ensuring

1. All types of production of information systems and networks, technologies and their means of ensuring that they are a special sector of economic activity, the development of which is determined by the state scientific and technical and industrial policy of informatization.

2. State and non-governmental organizations, as well as citizens, have equal rights to the development and production of information systems, technologies and means of their provision.

3. The state creates the conditions for conducting research and development work in the development and production of information systems, technologies and means of their collateral.

The Government of the Russian Federation defines the priority directions for the development of informatization and establishes the procedure for their financing.

4. Development and operation of federal information systems are funded from the federal budget to the information support of the "Informatics" ("Information support").

5. State statistics authorities together with the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on the policy of informatization establish the rules of accounting and analysis of the state of the industry of economic activity, the development of which is determined by the State Scientific and Technical and Industrial Policy of Informatization.

Article 17. Ownership of ownership of information systems, technologies and means of ensuring

1. Information systems, technologies and means of their collateral may be objects of ownership of individuals and legal entities, states.

2. The owner of the information system, technology and their collaterals is recognized by a natural or legal entity, on the means of which these objects are manufactured, acquired or obtained in the order of inheritance, donation or otherwise.

3. Information systems, technologies and means of their collateral are included in the property of the subject that implements the right of the owner or the owner of these objects. Information systems, technologies and means of their support are the product (products) subject to the exclusive rights of their developers.

The owner of the information system, technology and means of their support determines the conditions for using these products.

Article 18. The right of authorship and ownership of information systems, technologies and means to ensure

The owner of the information system, technology and their assets is obliged to protect the rights of their author in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 19. Certification of information systems, technologies, tools to ensure (as amended by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ)

1. Information systems, databases and data banks, intended for information services for citizens and organizations, are subject to certification in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services".

2. Information systems of state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government agencies, organizations that processed documented information with limited access, as well as the means of protecting these systems are subject to mandatory certification. The procedure for certification is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The interests of the consumer of information when using imported products in information systems are protected by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on the basis of the international certification system. (as amended by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ)

Chapter 5. Protection of information and rights of subjects in the field of information processes and informatization

Article 20. Protection Goals

The goals of protection are:

preventing leakage, embarrassment, loss, distortion, fake information;

prevention of human security threats, society, states;

prevent unauthorized actions for the destruction, modification, distortion, copying, blocking information; Preventing other forms of illegal interference in information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as a property object;

protection of constitutional rights of citizens to maintain personal secrets and confidentiality of personal data available in information systems;

preservation of state secrets, confidentiality of documented information in accordance with legislation;

ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and in the development, production and application of information systems, technologies and their means of ensuring.

Article 21. Protection of information

1. Any documented information is subject to protection, the unlawful treatment of which may cause damage to its owner, the owner, the user and another person.

Information Protection Mode is set:

with regard to information assigned to the state secret - authorized bodies on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Secret"

with regard to confidential documented information - the owner of information resources or an authorized person on the basis of this Federal Law;

with regard to personal data - federal law.

2. Public authorities and organizations responsible for the formation and use of information resources to be protected, as well as bodies and organizations developing and using information systems and information technologies for the formation and use of information resources with limited access, are guided in their activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation .

3. Control over compliance with the requirements for the protection of information and operation of special software and technical protection for protection, as well as ensuring organizational measures to protect information systems, processing information with limited access in non-state structures, are carried out by state authorities. The control is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations processing information with limited access, which is the property of the state, create special services providing information protection.

5. The owner of the information resources or the authorized persons have the right to monitor the implementation of information protection requirements and prohibit or suspend information processing in the event of non-fulfillment of these requirements.

6. The owner or owner of the documented information has the right to apply to state authorities to assess the correctness of the implementation of norms and requirements for the protection of its information in information systems. The relevant authorities define the Government of the Russian Federation. These bodies comply with the conditions for the confidentiality of the information and test results.

Article 22. Rights and obligations of information security entities

1. The owner of the documents, the array of documents, information systems or the persons authorized by him in accordance with this Federal Law establishes the procedure for providing information to the user with an indication of the place, time, responsible officials, as well as the necessary procedures and ensure the conditions for users' access to information.

2. The owner of the documents, the array of documents, information systems provides the level of information protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The risk associated with the use of incorrect information systems and their assets of their security lies on the owner (owner) of these systems and funds.

The risk associated with the use of information obtained from a non-certified system lies on the consumer of information.

4. The owner of documents, the array of documents, information systems can apply to the organization that certify the protection of information systems and information resources to analyze the adequacy of the protection of its resources and systems and receipt of consultations.

5. The owner of the documents, the array of documents, information systems is obliged to notify the owner of the information resources and (or) information systems about all the facts of violation of the information protection mode.

Article 23. Protection of the rights of subjects in the field of information processes and informatization

1. Protection of the rights of subjects in the field of information resources formation, the use of information resources, the development, production and application of information systems, technologies and their collaterals is carried out in order to prevent offenses, curbing unlawful actions, restoring violated rights and compensation for damage.

2. Protection of the rights of subjects in the specified area is carried out by the court, an arbitration court, an arbitration court, taking into account the specifics of offenses and damage.

3. For offenses when working with documented information, public authorities, organizations and their officials are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To consider conflict situations and sewn the rights of participants in the field of formation and use of information resources, the creation and use of information systems, technologies and their collaterals, temporary and permanent arbitration courts can be created.

The Arbitration Court considers conflicts and disputes of the parties in the manner prescribed by the legislation on the arbitration courts.

4. Responsibility for violations of international standards and rules in the field of formation and use of information resources, the creation and use of information systems, technologies and their assets of their collaboration is entrusted with state authorities, organizations and citizens in accordance with the agreements concluded with foreign firms and other partners. Taking into account international treaties ratified by the Russian Federation.

Article 24. Protection of the right to access information

1. Refusal to access open information or providing users with obviously unreliable information can be appealed in court.

Failure or improper fulfillment of obligations under the supply contract, purchase - sales, on other forms of exchange of information resources between organizations are considered by the Arbitration Court.

In all cases, the persons who are denied access to information, and the persons who have received inaccurate information have the right to reimburse damage to them.

2. The court examines the disputes on unreasonable attribution to the category of information with limited access, claims for damages in cases of unreasonable refusal to provide information to users or as a result of other violations of users' rights.

3. Heads, other employees of government bodies, organizations guilty of illegal restriction of access to information and violation of the information protection regime are responsible in accordance with criminal, civil law and legislation on administrative offenses.

Article 25. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This federal law enters into force on the day of its official publication.

2. Suggest to the President of the Russian Federation, in line with this Federal Law, legal acts published by him.

3. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation:

to bring in accordance with this Federal Law, legal acts published by him;

prepare and add to the State Duma in a three-month period in the prescribed manner of the proposal to introduce amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law;

adopt regulatory legal acts ensuring the implementation of this Federal Law.

The president
Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin.