How to find out id in VKontakte. How to find out the user ID VKontakte What is ID VKontakte and how it looks

After registration of VKontakte, each user receives a unique number - ID. We will use it for many operations - a person's search, watching his pictures and video recordings (see), and much more.

How do we learn the ID of a specific user in VK?


In the first variant - digital value. In the second - the Nick of the user who he set up for his page.

How to find out the page ID in VK

Go to the page to the right person. When it is open, pay attention to the address bar of the browser. There after the link "" will stand Slash. And after the user ID, in the option in which he set it up.

In this embodiment, everything is simple. It is enough to copy the numbers after the "id". This will be the desired value.

A little more difficult if a person set up nickname - an alphabet name for reference to his page. An example you can see below.

You can certainly copy nickname. But for most operations it will not work. You need to know the numeric ID.

To get it, let's go for a small trick. Click on the basic photo of the user (see). When it opens to view, pay attention to the address bar again. This time we will see the following there.


Here we are interested in numbers, after the text "z \u003d photo ...". Instead of ellos, the ID of this user will be specified in VC. In our example, it is "226111938".

How to change ID VKontakte

To do this, go to the "My Settings" section. Here are looking for clause "Your page address".

Here in the field "Page address", Enter the nickname you want to use.

Good afternoon friends. Today we will talk about how to find out the page ID in the VC and find out what it is for what is needed and where it is applied.

ID page VKontakte - This is a unique identifier number of each user registered on the social network. I also have all communities, publics, as well as photos with video recording in groups and on the pages of people. Simply put - this is the address of a certain array of information in the social network Vkontakte.

What is needed ID page in VK

Before you know, let's try to figure out why this is how this isyidi Vkontakte is needed:

How to find out the VKontakte User Page ID

Make it easy. It can be viewed in the address bar of the browser, going to the page of the Jouser we need to VK:

The numbers that are recorded after are what we need.

But sometimes it happens that Iyid is hidden, and the link uses human response text (for example, I use the text Sergey_VKAZI:


When VK added the option of changing the numbers in the URL to the text, most people used a convenient innovation and led the page addresses in the social network to a human surfactant look. But where then view user ID? This can be done by going to some partitions of the account as:

1. Page with avatar. To do this, click on the mouse and look at the browser's address bar. Figures for the word "Album" Before the icon of the lower space ("_") and there is what we need. In my case it is 454881889.

2. Since the avatar is in the photo album, the ID will succeed in identifying, going into albums or choosing any photo in it. That's how it looks in the albums section (after albums.):

... and on the page each (after photo.):

3. Also you can find out the number going to your video and selecting the "My Videos" tab. Then in the browser string we will see a link, where we are looking for, is located immediately for videos.:

Similarly, on the page with the video (for the word videos).

Also in the audio recordings, he is in the URL for the word audios..

4. Determine the user ID you will be able to any newsleft by user. To do this, go to the record itself. He is prescribed twice - after the word id and wall.

5. And the last way - through "messages". Suppose we want to write someone. Go to the section, through the search we find a person we need and choose it. Further on the old scheme - we look at the link in the address bar of the browser - what we are looking for, is after / im? SEL \u003d

If the identifier is hidden, it will be possible to learn almost in any sections of the VKontakte account. If suddenly in the link a lot of numbers and you doubt, check out several ways in the way to finally make sure that they match everywhere.

How to find out your ID in VK

Learn your ID in VC (if it is hidden) you can anyone above. Or go to. Select the General tab, the Page Address. Here you need to click "Edit".

A pop-up message appears that "you can change the short address of your page to a more convenient", and at the same time your real ID will be displayed under the string.

How to find out the group ID or public page vkontakte

For a group or public page, VKontakte has the following form:

  • for the community:
  • for public:

Unlike a person, where the letters id were put before the number, it is written here club and public.

The methods described above can calculate the iidge of any community or public vkontakte (if it is hidden).

Similarly is determined for an event or event. Only he has the kind of

How to change ID VKontakte

Aidi itself will not change itself. It is assigned when creating a profile and remains unchanged forever, up to the removal of the account. It is allowed to change only human response text that replaces the numbers. To do this, again go to the settings, the "General" tab, the "page address" tab and choose "Change".

I have written the text Sergey_VKAZI. I can change it to another (not engaged in others) or phrase using Latin letters, numbers or signs of the lower underscore "_". If someone already has a similar one, then you will be warful that the URL of the VK page is busy with someone else.

You should come up with a unique text and click on the "Rock Address" button if you decide to change the URL, or "Cancel" if you have changed my mind to perform this action.

In the next article we will learn.

Good day, dear friends. Today we will find out the identifier of various pages on the social network VKontakte (ID). After all, as you know, every page of VK, whether it is a group or a personal page of a person, a unique number is assigned. Now we will understand how to learn it.

How to find out a person id quickly

The fact is that by default, as soon as a person creates its own page and does not change anything throughout the entire time of staying on a social network, without appropriating any nicks, his ID can be seen in the address bar of the browser, at the end of the addresse itself. Look carefully on the screenshot, and you will understand everything:

If you instead of the ID, you see in the address bar of the browser some nickname, then the identifier cannot find out the identifier. In this regard, we go to the next way.

We learn a friend's friend or other user VK. Method 2.

We go to the page of the user, look at its wall and click on the "All Entries" reference:

All post entries should have been opened in a new tab. We look at the address bar of the browser. At the very end of the address there is a WALL word, and immediately behind it and the identifier of the page. This is exactly what we needed:

Another way to find out the identifier is not to click on the wall, but according to photos, all the albums will be displayed and loaded in a separate tab:

We look at the address bar of the browser. Initially there is a nickname, and then after the word Albums is displayed and its ID:

How to know your id

All of the above methods are suitable for their own page, but there is another one that I would like to show you for general development.

Click on the menu in the upper right corner and from the drop-down list, select the "Settings" item:

In the settings we find the address of the page and in front of it, click on the "Change" button:

We are unfolding several text fields. We are interested in the page "Page number", because it is our identifier:

So, we dealt with the pages of users. Let's now move on to groups.

id group VKontakte

In principle, the approach here is exactly the same as to the pages. On the main page of the group, we need to find some element and click on it. These can be records on the wall of the community or discussion:

For various reasons, you may need to know Id (Aydi) your page or other user VKontakte. For example, you want, or want from the name.

Id - Digital user ID, and other pages in the social network VK, and not only.

Fast navigation:

How to find out your ID VKontakte.

The task is actually very simple if you have not changed the link to your page from numbers to the letter, on nickname or name. You need to go to and see link in the window Addresses of your browser.

There will be a value of several digits, it will just be the number of your id.

How to find out the ID of another user VKontakte.

By analogy with the method above, you can find out your ID, you can go to a person to the page and if it has not changed the link to the letter, then the numbers in the address of his pages, after And they will be His iIDi. (See the image above).

How to find out VKontakte ID if it is changed to the name or nickname.

If you previously changed the display of the address of your page on Name Familia or Nick.
For example, it was:

It became: nickname rulelik. Nick is not id!

In order to see what ID in renamed addresses, you need to open your page avatar or whose ID want to know. Next, we look at the link in the address bar of the browser. A number of numbers allocated on the image and will be the desired id value.

If there is no photo.

Find out the ID of the renamed page if not no photowill be a little more difficult, there are several options.
Go to the video if they are, the link will be such a plan, 189912365
Accordingly, the numbers from the reference and will be its id. In correspondence, see links.

View which ID VKontakte from the phone.

Almost on any phone, you can copy the page address, images, then insert it into an empty message input field. So you can watch Iyi through the phone. The first part from the link from the number and will be the page ID on which you copied the photo address.

Cool VKontakte ID numbers!

Pavel Durov as the founder of the social network VKontakte, of course deserves the right to have their own page under the identification number 1.
Leaning the leadership of VKontakte in 2014, its founder Pavel Durov, is still available by reference

Hello, blog readers Website! How to find out the ID in contact- This question has recently asked me by mail, so I decided to make a detailed instruction about how you can see your ID in contact. ID is the identification number of your page in the social network VKontakte. It is assigned during registration. Also in this article, we will deal with how to learn the ID of friends in contact.

Now, with the introduction of innovation, concerning ID, if you wish, everyone can assign a special page to its page, only an understandable address. It is quite comfortable. You can, for example, use your nickname, surname or a beautiful memorable combination of numbers. Many, taking advantage of this opportunity, later, when necessary, cannot remember their digital ID and do not know where it can be seen.

Just in this article we will talk how you can see your ID in contact. In fact, find out your ID simple enough.

How to find out your ID in contact

To begin with, of course, go to your page in contact. Pay attention to the address bar in your browser. After the slash "/", just the id that we needed to know.

Below I will tell you other ways, in case there will be any changes in contact.

Come on your page in contact, now find the "My Settings" tab and click on it.

After that, scroll through the settings to the Niza itself. Find the lines: "Page number" and "page address". Numeric code on the right and there is an assigned ID when registering id.

To once again not forget, remember or better write these numbers. After all, when meeting a person, it is easiest to give your ID, so that he quickly found you in contact, and not looking for among hundreds of your namesakes - a vigorous business.

How to find out friends in contact

If you wish, you can learn the ID of other people. The fastest way to learn id is needed to look again at the browser's address line - told it a little higher. But there is a small catch, some contact users change their ID, for example, on their name or nickname. In this case, we read on.

We go to the page of a person whose id want to know. Next, open the source code page. To see the page code, press the "Ctrl" key combination + "U". (If it does not help, you press the right mouse button and find the page "View page code").

And the last way,again, we go to the page of the person we need. Click the left mouse button on the avatar. After that, the address string changes to:\u003dphoto178253494. - Here we see what id in a person, but also here may be like this: is not id, then we go further.\u003d. photo178253494. - We look at the other digit that is the user ID.

It is worth noting that in this way you can learn your ID. And as a "hook", thanks to which we learn id, you can use music, and video. Here our actions do not differ from the manipulations with the avatar, act by analogy with the foregoing instructions.

By the way, about how to find out the ID in classmates read the article.

That's all!