Bolder font. Send text

HTML provides us with something in terms of text design. Today I will tell you how to make a cursive font in HTML, and both in the standard font and non-standard. In the second case, it will be necessary to take into account everything worked.

How to write in HTML italics?

I will start with the fact that in HTML itself there are two tags that give text to the text. This is EM and I. By the way, the second is embedded in the HTML editor of the WordPress engine, in which I am now and write this article. What do these tags differ? In fact, today I would not like to loudly declare that they differ something.

In general, EM is used to highlight words that need to pronounce with a special intonation, and I simply highlights the text. But we will not bother on it, because it is unknown, this is true.

What are the CSS properties for an intersection text?

This is the font-style property and its ITALIC value. There is still an Oblique value and it turns the text to the inclined. Is there any difference between these values? Practically no. By the way, in detail about this and other CSS properties for text, read in the appropriate article, where everything is decomposed on the shelves.

How to bring a non-standard font in italics?

The fact is that if you connect a non-standard font via Google Fonts, then in this case you should mark the checkbox when you connect at least 1 font style. If this is not done, then when you try to make such a font items, it will be an imposed one of the standard fonts. By the way, you can read about connecting non-standard fonts in this article.

In this screenshot you can see a fragment connection of the font through the Google Fonts service.

As can be seen, there is a tick near at least one tallery inscription. Now, when using the necessary tags or style properties, really this font will become meaningful, and not some other.

Thus, we disassembled all the moments that are in working with an intersection. No longer dare you to detain.

Fatty font is determined using the CSS attribute font-weightwhich can take the following values:

  • lighter. - Light
  • normal - normal
  • bold. - fat
  • bolder. - more fat
  • 100..900 - 100 corresponds to the finest font; 900 - Tolstoy

Attribute font-style (font drawing) serves to writing it in italics and can take the following values:

  • italic - italic, the edges of the text are rounded
  • normal - normal
  • oblique. - italic

Attribute font-Variant. (The type of font) serves to write with small capital letters and can take the following values:

  • normal - normal
  • smaoo-Caps. - Small capital

Along with a fat, italic and small capital, there are still some popular types of drawing: underscore and marking.

Attribute text-Decoration. (text decoration) serves to underline text and can take the following values:

  • blink. - shimmering text (IE is not supported)
  • line-Through. - crossed text
  • none - without changes
  • overline - line over text
  • underline - underlined text

Attribute text-transform (Text transformation) serves to work with small patient letters and can take the following values:

  • capitalize - All words begin with a capital letter
  • lowerCase - all the text is written by lowercase letters
  • none - without changes
  • uppercase. - all the text is written by capital letters

Example of use font-weight, font-style, text-Decoration., text-transform: Example number 9.

HTML page code:


"Gold ring of Russia" (in ancient times to lump), tourist route, including a network of ancient Russian cities: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ples, Vladimir, Bogolyubovo, Suzdal, Yuryev-Polish, Uglich. The name of the place is primarily geographical, it implied everything that was "behind the forest" in relation to Kievan Rus.

The tourist route (acts from the beginning of 1970), laid through historical cities, passes through the territory of five regions - Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir. The ancient cities of these lands have their own destiny, their past. They did a challenging path in their historical development from the first birthdays until today. Much irretrievably lost on this long path. The indifference and negligence lead to partial or complete destruction of unique buildings, the example of the city of Calyazin, Mologa, Uglich. When building the Uglich hydroelectric station, the ancient Pokrovsky Monastery with unique monuments of 15-17 centuries went under water. Half churches of coal was demolished, disassembled the fences of the monasteries, which destroyed their ensemble integrity. The efforts of the restorers managed to withdraw from the emergency and save from the death of dozens of objects of old architecture, seemed irreparablely lost. Returned to life in their original form: Architectural ensemble of the Resurrection Monastery (1674-77) Uglich, the temple of the Pokrov to Nerley (12th century), Dmitrievsky Cathedral (12th century) and the Golden Gate of Vladimir, St. George Cathedral (12th century) Yuriev-Polish, monuments of the ancient Suzdal, where integrated works on the restoration of historical development within the entire city, a museum city. Again, whole architectural complexes of the museums of wooden architecture in Kostroma, Suzdal. All this - the creations of the hands of the human, touched to the protected territories of the land of Russian.

Greetings to you, lovers to disassemble something new and replenish your knowledge chest with new information! After reading the article, you will learn how to make bold text in HTML, what other types of draws and which elements are responsible for it. As a result, your site will be able to boast of readable text with correctly dedicated key moments.

In past articles, I talked a lot about the attributes and tags of web languages, about the methods of registration of the appearance and, but never affected some object, without any site could not live. This is the text.

With that, not just a solid set of letters, and competently divided into paragraphs, with the selection of keywords, quotes, links, etc. To do this, in CSS languages, special instruments are provided. Baiver!

Opportunities in HTML

Text content font can always be modified. For example, set fatty in or meaning, and it can be decorated. To do this, there are simple tags that are very easy to remember and after applying. Below is a table of elements that clarifies their purpose.

To begin with, we will deal with the fatty in the text elements.

To increase the thickness of the letters, there are such pair tags as and . The use of these tools is displayed equally, as they format text into fat. However, their purpose is different. Therefore, they cannot be called equivalent and use only one of them.

So, tag It was created with the condition for changing the standard font into a saturated and thickened. It refers to the physical appearance of the drawing and no semantic load carries. So let's say it is just a type of test display.

BUT Designed for emphasis on key moment. This is a logic element, which would have allocated intonation during the conversation.

Now consider such tags like and .

They format standard font to the rush. I think you will define a logically arising question: "And these elements also deal with each other on the principle of tags and ? ". The question is correct. And you are right!

Indeed, a block of markup Designed to install accents at important moments and details, while Just a kind of appearance of content.

Font modification tools in CSS

CSS is not lagging behind and offers developers Similar tools for text editing. These are properties such as text-decoration and font.

- This is a universal parameter that complements the font of some details. Thus, the text can be "to force" to flash (Blink), emphasize (underline) or cross (Line-Through), spend a line over the words (Overline), inherit the characteristics of the parent object (inherit) or clear the font format from all additions (None).

The second frequently used mechanism for editing text content is the Font property. With it, you can change the font style (font-style), its size (font-size), set the cap, i.e. Specify the view of the lowercase letters (Font-Variant), as well as "play" with an inscription (font-weight).

And here is an example

Given all the information that I told above, we will try to create such an example code in which you use the knowledge gained at the maximum (I remind you that the code can be typed in).

Modifying text

Create a header for new Paragraph!

We write text content of the paragraph itself, which flashing .

Run the example in the browser and pay attention to the style of styles. Thus, the title is highlighted with light tilted stacking with an emphasis on the proposal. The paragraph is displayed by small capital letters. In this case, the text has logical and physical selection of words.

Now you can edit text filling over all of the rules. Subscribe to update my blog and invite friends. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Roman Chuechev

Today I will tell you how to make words with bold fonts on the site using HTML and CSS. This design is used when you need to highlight certain information on the page. Moreover, it is not only about headlines, but also about simple words, phrases in the text. It is simply implemented enough.

Special HTML tags are used to highlight a certain text. and . For example, the following code:

Normal text.


Bold Strong.

Normal text.


Bold Strong.

At the output gives such a picture:

The last two options visually look the same, but they differ slightly with each other. Tag Specifies the simple stylistic highlighting of the word with bold font, while This adds some semantic "enhanced" (important) value. That is, the last line is not just a bold text, but some important information. In principle, for search engines recommend using it .

You can also meet the fat font prescribed in HTML with styles:

An example of bold text.

Sample text S. fat In short.

On the site it is displayed like this:

Despite the fact that the bold text code for HTML works correctly, do not do. All design styles must be made in the CSS file. Therefore, in the example above, you should have been for tags

AND Specify the appropriate class, and then register its design in the style sheet. Such here are the rules for registration of the code. Therefore, for a bold font in HTML, use a tag .

Bold text on CSS

In order to make a firm font in CSS, the font-weight property is used. With it, the "saturation" of the text fragment is indicated. The values \u200b\u200bcan be from 100 to 900, but the most frequently used it is:

  • bOLD (fat) - 700 by default;
  • normal (Normal) - 400 Default.

There are also options for the Bolder and Lighter values \u200b\u200bthat change the font depending on the parent to more or less fat, respectively.

To set the bold text in CSS, you need to some other style, for example, for example:

Normal text S. fat selection in the center.

strong (Font-Weight: Bold;)

Here I wanted to celebrate one small nuance, which I was told on - if you create a new class for some element, it is desirable to use a more or less "understandable name". For example, in the example above the style class \u003d "My-Bold-font" looks more logical than Class \u003d "New-font", because You can partly understand its purpose. This is a plus for those who will look and use your layout in the future.

In the next article, I will tell you about interesting fat fonts that I managed to find.

One of the most simple ways to highlight the word or phrase in the text - use another drawing of letters. So you can emphasize the word or phrase, using bold pages with ease allows you to highlight words using different designs - mean, underlined, fatty.

Fat font as a way to highlight the main thing

Words highlighted with bold font look most bright and catch. Such words and phrases immediately rush into the eyes. So, in order to learn how to quickly allocate the necessary places in the text, you should remember the special HTML code. Fat font is exhibited by pair tag.

Before the word or phrase, a proposal that should be highlighted, the opening of the tag is set . After the last letter in the text, which should be highlighted, is placed closing tag. Everything that turns out between these two tags, when displaying in the browser has a fatty stroke.

Other options

So, we found out that you can select text using other design. Determined that the most simple and at the same time effectively use the fat font HTML. Now let's talk about other selection options.

So, you can select text in italics with a pair tag , emphasize it with . These are the most simple ways to highlight text.

There are also less well-known and used tags, with which you can allocate words and suggestions in the text. So, in order to cross the text, it is enough to use . Make the text monosol will help the pair tag . If you need to create an upper index, use , Nizhny - .

At the same time, as before, the text you need should be between the opening and closing tag. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to remember these codes or burn them.

Use multiple fonts

If you want to make text more expressive, you can use not only fatty font. HTML-markup allows you to simultaneously select the word using multiple stacks. So, you can simultaneously make the word fat, crossed and mean.

At the same time it is necessary to remember one thing - all the tags should be closed sequentially. For example, the correct record may be like this:

  • the selected text.

If you close the tags in a different order, the text will be allocated incorrectly. An example of an erroneous entry:

  • the selected text.

In this case, the browser is confused and will not understand what exactly you want from it.

By the way, it can be noted here that three options for drawing - fat, underlined and mean - remembered quite easily, if you have hot keys in Word. There, the drawing is set using the same letter keys when clamping Ctrl.

As you can see, you can use not only a course or fatty font. HTML markup allows you to highlight the words as easy as the usual Word.


Not only a variety of colors and shades, different size and font type, but also its inscription are widely used to highlight text. Moreover, it is precisely using a different outline that is beautiful and easy to select one or another fragment of the text.

In order to change the font stacking, you should use any tag known to you. The fat font of the HTML pages is the most bright and noticeable, and therefore it is used most often to highlight.