How to restore the missing filters in Photoshop CS6. Filters for Photoshop CS6 Filters Submenu Design for Adobe Photoshop CS6

Photoshop is very justified by the best friend of those users who work with images on the computer. In this photo editor, a huge number of tools are provided that allow you to quickly and efficiently process pictures. If it so happened that you previously worked with the 5th version of this application or below, then the transition to the 6th can be somewhat overshadowed. The fact is that the location of some tools has changed in CS6, the developers have removed something, something added, in a word, to some aspects will have to get used to some aspects.

In this article I would like to affect the topic of filters as one of the main and important tools in the struggle for a beautiful picture. So, filters for photoshop CS6: Where to search for them, where they "moved" in the new version and what to pay special attention to.

Where to look for filters

I repeat that if you previously worked with Photoshop CS5, then in the 6th version you can not only not to make some familiar filters, but also see new ones. I will tell about the latter further, and now I will show you where standard filters hid. As you already, probably, you know, for filters in Photoshop there is a special partition that wears the name of the same name. By clicking on the "Filter" button, you will see the context menu in which those will be offered. However, here you will not find, for example, the mode "imitation", "sketch", "stylization", etc., all are located elsewhere. To get there, in the same context menu, click on the line "Gallery of Filters".Before you - six categories, inside each - your filters.

To say that compared to old versions, it became inconvenient, we cannot. Nevertheless, this is a matter of taste and habits. In principle, the location change is quickly getting used to, especially if working in Photoshop is very often.

New filters

To find and apply them, you do not need to go far: Open the "Filters" section, "Blur" section, and then select the desired effect.

  1. Blur fields and is considered the most simple filter among this Trinity. It allows you to adjust the smoothness of blur in several zones. With this effect, you can configure two parameters: the degree of blur and its location. For the first answer the ring in the image, for the second - central circles. It is also often used as.
  2. Blur diaphragm. Work with this filter is simple: put the point of blur in the center, after which the ring is formed around it. If the sharpness of the fragment is normal, there will be an oval around it, everything else will become blurry. Small squares allow you to change the height and width of the area, which will not be exposed to blur.
  3. Filter slope: by clicking on it, you put an active point in the center, from two sides of which horizontal lines are formed. Also, a dotted line appears here, which serves as a kind of distinction of blurred and normal image areas.

Perhaps first with these filters you will not get friendship. But, practicing a little, you will realize that they can become your best friends!

Community Photoshop.which enabling a huge amount of resources, training, tips and methods, .psd files and even actions (action), resembles something like a box of good chocolate chocolates. But there is one area in which this does not get all this, namely, free plugins and filters. Of course, Photoshop was the best example of the development of graphic editors for a long time, and with each new version (the latest version of CS4), an infinite number of features and addons were added to the program. As a result, it became likely that there is no longer so strong in additional free plugins as before. Or did it just stop paying attention?

Photoshop standard plugins are the best friends of lovers photographers: make a couple of pictures, run photoshop, add a few filters, and, voila, you got a fairly professional picture. Professional photographers as the basis use plugins and only after that adjust and add filters to emphasize their own professional character of photography. Plugins are essentially a very important link that does not pay due attention - what brings us back to our initial puzzle on why there are so few free plugins and filters? Do you know the answer to this question? We are not.

In this article you will find several free plugins offered to you, they are very old, but you don't need to be afraid - they will work perfectly on all versions of Photoshop, and the effect achieved by them is also in demand, as at a time when they have been developed. If you spent a lot of time in search of a simple and convenient way to use effects for your images - then this article is just for you.

3D Shadow

With this convenient plug-in you can easily create 3D shadows of various objects (letters, numbers, shapes, and so on). All transparency level settings, promising, colors and positions of the shadow, directions XYZ and many others are placed in one convenient window.

Aaa Buzzer.

Aaa Buzzer simplifies your image while holding the sharpness of the contours. Works quickly or slowly, depending on the settings.

Absolute Color.

Absolute Color is a palette of shades in the form of a circle divided by 6 parts of 60 degrees. Select any color segment and it will limit the image of the image given color.

B / W Conversion

Image conversion plugin in h / b. It gives you a full possession of red, yellow, green, cyanova, cyan, blue and purple, as well as intermediate tonsalities. The user can increase the supply of each color or reduce everything to white or black, without affecting the remaining colors.

Bad Dream

Bad Dream gives you the opportunity to create such solutions of colors that usually need to be achieved throughout the hour. In addition, it is possible to add the effect of soft and nebula. The end result can be very pleasant.


The filter transforms the image as if it is cut with a bas-relief. This effect is achieved by the fact that a certain lighting for focusing the surface relief is established. You can make an image similar to aluminum foil, a metal or an edged stone. Also plugin convert a photo to a pencil drawn sketch.


This plugin allows you to create types of paintings by type of army camouflage, or animal skins. This plugin creates one-piece images, which means that you can use them as textures for 3D models or a background image on the pages of the website. You can also use them as a pattern for clothes.


With this plugin, you can get the effect of oil paints. In the control window of plugins, only 4 sliders: Creativity (Creativity), abundance (exuberance), selection (attentiveness) and something like the arrangement of the Spirit (Moodswing).


Chalkaholic creates the effect of chalk or charcoal with a special artistic style. This makes it possible to create unique artistic implementation options. This plugin will become an important addition to the collection of any artist.

Circle to Square.

With this plugin you can turn any circumference in the square.

Cloud 2.2.

With this plugin, you can create solid images like clouds in pictures. You will be able to control the levels of blur, contours and shades of lighting.

Color Megamix.

Color Megamix easily changes the colors of any image. The control is 2 columns of colors: 8 source colors and 8 of those in which the original color must be converted. Taking into account the displayed data, the plugin converts completely entire source color of the image to the specified one.

Color Replacer.

This filter performs the function of the color perception. This feature is similar to the standard Replace Color command in Photoshop. However, this plugin is more flexible in circulation, since you can separately select the original color and also specify the color in which you need to convert the source. Moreover, with the help of this filter, you can fill the gray areas of the image arbitrary color, which can serve as a color to restore in the cross-places of the image.


This plugin is distributed with 20 effects to edit the color value of images by various methods. You can use it to skillfully correct your digital photographs or experiment with possible larger transformations. All effects are fairly standard, but they can be useful when regular use.

Contrast Balance.

Contrast Balance enhances the capacity of the standard brightness and contrast filter (Luminosity / Contrast) and separates it to 4 parts of the constant / contrast, using data 4 ratios: white-black, red-cyan, green and purple, blue-yellow.


This plugin uses the contrast mask to reduce the overall contrast of the image, simultaneously highlighting parts in cases of both bright and dark areas.
The black and white negative image is blurred (the blur radium is controlled by the slider) to avoid sharp contours, and after which, covered with the original image, darkening light areas, and lightening dark. The level of the surface layer density is regulated by the "Strength" slider.

Craquelure 3D

The filter by which you can create a rich range of the effects cracked from old-age varnish, which is extremely useful in creating various abstract textures, decorative surfaces and building materials. You can control two separate layers with cracked effects and achieve a huge variety of texture effects: from engraved metal and silk to melted glass and water ripples.

Curves Plugin.

This plugin can implement 8 predefined and interesting "curves" inside your image. The plug-in interface is displayed several preliminary options with curves - select one of them and you will be impressed by how this will affect your image.


DepthdiTher uses 3 ways to give your image of this type that creates the effect of continuity if the color is below 24 bits. Just like Photoshop, it offers to choose from diffusion, and options for using noise to textures. You can also specify the level of color depth, for example, 2 bits, 4 bits, and so on to 18 bits - this is the main difference from Photoshop. The most recent version of Photoshop provides the selection of modes up to 256 colors.


This plugin was designed to digitize these positions on large images. Click on received information, you save the coordinates to the text file (CSV). These coordinates can be used for further analysis. The picture below shows an example of an analysis based on information obtained using this plugin.

Dreamy Photo.

Dreamy photo gives photographs a soft romantic sensation. This effect is indispensable in improving ordinary photos, pictures with a digital camera and in general - for any image you would like to give a feeling of heat.

Edges FX.

This plugin is used mainly to determine the exact contour algorithm (Precise) for the application of the following effects: colorize, blur / stretching (Erode / Dilate), color saturation (SAT BOOST) and sketch (Sketch)


This plugin comes with 20 effects to perform major contour and color modifications. It is best to use this plugin in experiments to improve the stylistic appearance of photographs. It is also interesting to use when creating textural effects.

Those who use the photoshop version of CS5 (or earlier) are accustomed that in the menu tab Filters Sets out the entire list of available filters. In general, it is convenient to move quickly to them and use. With the arrival of the next version - Photoshop CS6 - this menu has been changed, which led to confusion and created confusion among users. The fact is that a number of filters from this menu disappeared at all.

List of filters in Photoshop CS5:

Modified Filter List in Photoshop CS6:

As you can see, the following groups disappeared without a trace: imitation (artistic), texture (texture), strokes (BRUSH STROKES) and sketch (Sketch). In addition to this, a number of individual filters from the remaining groups were also removed.

But you should not panic, in fact, the data of the filter groups have not lost anywhere. Yes, they are not in the main menu, but from Filter galleries Nobody cleaned them! So to apply them, you need to go first in Filter - Filter Gallery (Filter Gallery). A familiar dialog box will open in which you find what you were looking for:

(Click to enlarge)

As you can see, all missing filters here are present and they can also use them. But the following problem appeared, regarding smart objects and their smart filters.

Smart objects and gallery of filters in Photoshop CS6

Suppose we have and it is necessary to apply the filter.

If we choose from those filters, which are displayed in the menu, there are no problems - we see their names, and understand what they applied.

But if you need to use filters from the missing list, that is, through the gallery, we see that Photoshop does not write their names!

Agree, it is extremely uncomfortable. Suppose we applied alone appliqué, it can still be remembered. And if another filter add? And then another one? First, you can forget not just the names, but in what basis they were. Secondly, come back to this project in a week or generally handed over a PSD file to another person, what then?

Of course, you can pass along them in order, opening the window with the filter settings and so that it is to understand what it is. But it is so uncomfortable ... so the speed slows down ...

Well, I got fascinated by the injection of this problem. The developers left us the right to choose and how to fix everything.

Restoring the missing filters in CS6

So, to return to the same type of missing filters in the menu, you need to go to the photoshop settings: Editing (Edit) - Installations Preferences - External modules (Plug-ins).

In the settings window that opens, check the box in front of the setup Show all groups and names gallery filters(SHOW ALL FILTER GALLERY GROUPS AND NAMES).

After that, you need to apply changes and restart photoshop.

Now there are no filters in the menu, and therefore in smart objects they will also be, as well as the rest, show their name.

Noticed the error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

Photoshop is a popular graphic editor with a wide range of functions.

For designers, artists, photographers provide unique tools that open almost limitless opportunities for working with raster graphics.

The Photoshop program already has a series of pre-installed filters that are used to change the palette or image. Often the standard set of filters is not enough, the need to install additional ones. The filter is differently called a plugin, that is, it is a small third-party program that is embedded in the basic program.

The production of plug-ins for this graphic editor is dealt with different companies, and as a rule, best Filters for Photoshop are paid, and some can be downloaded completely free.

Where in photoshop filter

Tools for working with images - filters are used to enhance sharpness, blur, stylization and creating other effects. Find a list of standard filters is easy - they are located in the "Filter" menu.

Consider the most popular plugins for photoshop and the features of their use.

  1. Art filters - allow you to imitate various drawing methods. When selecting a window appears for additional settings. Among the most popular should be noted Noise (noise), Blur (blur), Sharpen (sharpness) and others.
  2. Deserve B. Photoshop filters for photosFor example, plugins to enhance sharpness. They will be useful if the snapshot is made on an inexpensive camera, or for example, if the object was moving during the shooting and, because of this, the background was smeared.
  3. The opposite of this group of plugins is the blur filters. Indispensable if you need to smooth out a separate image area or soften the result of using a tool.

The use of plug-ins not only allows you to improve the quality of the image made on the modern camera, but also restore pictures with partially lost fragments, faded shades, turn black and white pictures into color and vice versa.

The number of additional plugins manufactured by different companies is incredibly huge, and you can choose tools for any task.


How to Add Filter in Photoshop 5S and 6 - Instructions

  1. Installation of the filter starts from its download, for example, on a specialized After free registration, it will be possible to download the plugins you like. Also download filters for photoshop can also be on other resources with instruments for graphic editors. Choose and download free filters forphotoshop CS5 We offer many Internet resources, but it is worth it to be careful to install the virus together with the plugin.
  2. If the plugin downloaded in format.exe, you just need to run it with the left mouse button. Files in Format.8BF You need to manually copy to the Plug-Ins directory, it is located in a folder with a graphic editor installed. You can find the desired folder using a shortcut in the menu item to which the graphic editor starts. It is enough to click on the icon in the menu or on the desktop right-click and select the "Properties" in the appeared context menu. Another window will appear, where the "File Location" button will appear in the lower left corner. After clicking on it, the "Explorer" and the root folder with Photoshop installed. And now it remains to be found in the list of folders you need - plug-ins, where you need to copy the plugin in format.8BF. File in format.exe must be launched by clicking on it twice. In most cases, the installer itself will find the desired folder and places the plugin into it, and in some cases in the dialog box mode it will be necessary to help it manually.
  3. After that, it will be left to restart photoshop and make sure that the new tool appeared at the end of the list in the "Filters" menu.
  4. You can also install other useful tools and plugins. To do this, the downloaded file is placed in the folder at C: \\ ProgramFiles \\ Adobe \\ AdobePhotoshop \\ Plug-Ins \\ Filters. After restarting the graphics editor, the tool must appear. An important point - during the installation of the plug-in photoshop should be closed.

Why filters photoshop do not work - what to do

Often after installing filters for Photoshop, as well as during their use, there are various difficulties.

  • So, if after installing the plugin did not earn, first of all, you need to make sure that your version of the photoshop is required. If he is still suitable, it is worth checking the folder in which it was installed. It should be a Plugins folder. If everything is true here, it is possible, the case is in the installer itself, and it is recommended to download a filter from another source. Do not forget to restart the graphics editor itself after performing the plug-in download.
  • With difficulties in using plugins often face those who use the unlicensed version of photoshop. In this case, no one will take the stable operation of its tools. If you are configured seriously and use this program for a long time, get a full license.
  • Private problems may occur with each filter separately. So, after installing the filter "Plastic", many note that after applying the tool, it does not observe changes, and they are only triggered after pressing the "OK" button. To configure the plug-in operation, it is necessary to remove the checkbox in the "Advanced Settings" field or select the opacity value equal to zero. After that, the plugin must earn, as needed.
  • Difficulties in working with filters arise from those who only master photoshop, and therefore violates the order of working with images, and the plugin does not work only because the user incorrectly uses this tool. On the Internet on specialized sites you can find a lot of useful information, including step-by-step instructions on the use of certain plug-ins for the photoshop graphics editor that will help you master the complex tools.

For image processing, their correction, various tools are used. Consider how to install a filter in Photoshop, helping to change photos, add different effects, improve the picture.

Filters are essentially preparations that apply to photographs when working in Adobe Photoshop. The standard set includes different photo processing options: from a slight gain of sharpness to special distortion. Applied depending on the task supplied by the image handler, expanding the capabilities of a graphic editor.


These tools perform the most different tasks:

  • cleaning, retouching images;
  • the most diverse special effects;
  • transformation with distortion effects.

They are used to a whole layer or to the selected part. Some functions are performed immediately when applying the option, for others you need to select the parameters in the dialog that appears, usually moving the slider.

Where they are

Not all users know what plugins are available to them, where filters in Photoshop are located, because they do not apply them. At the same time, on some versions of the program there may be no options familiar to you. Then the question arises how to add a filter to photoshop. Consider these questions in order.

Go to the top panel to the Filter tab. There you will see the installed standard plugins grouped by the appearance of the effect, they performed.

If standard functions, the effects are not enough, you can find and additionally install others.

Dial in search engine Request for free filters on photoshop. You will provide a choice of sites where you can get acquainted with the characteristics of the effects added to the pictures. Choose a suitable, load it to the computer.

Special discs with various additions are sold in stores.

On the Internet there are portals offering add-ons for a graphic editor. For example, on the portal you will find paid and free add-ons, extensions for the production of this brand.

Install Extract on CS6

Consider how to install a filter based on CS6. There is no extract in this version, because we decide how to install filters in photoshop CS6.

Find extract and download it on any of the resources. Open the archive with the saved file (archive). Next, the installation will depend on the file format, there are two ways here:

  1. If the file has an extension ".exe", then it is executed, just start it with a double mouse click.
  2. If the extension ".8bf", then you need to manually add to the desired folder where other files are already installed. This is done like this:
    • Copy the file from the archive of the desired version: 32 or 64 - in the clipboard.
    • Go to "My Computer" - "Local C" - "Program Files", go to the folder with the Adobe installed program. Accordingly, there is a folder "Adobe Photoshop CS6" with our program.
    • Next, we enter the "Required" folder, then in Plug-Ins, there are plugins. We find the Filters folder. Insert our copied file in it.

The filter will appear in the general section Photoshop CS6. Restart after installing the program, and use the installed tool in your work on Photoshop.