Proper optimization of behavioral factors in Rookee. How to improve PF - practical advice Optimization of behavioral factors: important issues

Optimization of behavioral ranking factors

The desire of search engine developers to make the issuance of the most useful for users is quite understandable, since this is their direct task. But it is obvious that for this, algorithms that use only dry digits for rankings are not suitable. Therefore, search engines besides the quality of content and incoming links began to look closely for user behavior.

How do search engines work with behavioral factors? What way "Yandex" spies for users and finds out their preferences? The first thing that takes into account the search engine is in extradition. If three times more users choose the eighth result in what everyone else, then it is a direct hint that he is more relevant inquiry. Therefore, the search engine can raise such a result to the position higher, despite all the merits of other sites in the form of references and other factors.

Also "Yandex" actively uses its services - mainly the system of statistics "Yandex.Metrica". It gives a huge amount of data that give signals to assess user relationship to pages. For example, already the time of stay on a particular page can say a lot - it is obvious that the pages from which users immediately go to them are less than those on which they are delayed for a long time.

In addition, there is grounds to believe that the superstructure for is used to collect information about users' behavior. Officially, this fact is not confirmed, but according to many experts, such "espionage" has a place to be.

Methods for accounting behavioral factors And as the owner of the site to evaluate to understand which way it is necessary to improve your own resource? This will suit one of the tools that use the search engines themselves - the statistical systems. Consider how they work on an example familiar to each optimizer Yandex.metric.

In this service there is a special tab "Behavior", where you can follow the actions of visitors in video format using a webmist.

Yandex.Metrica gives us the following important information:
Ways to improve behavioral factors Optimization of behavioral factors logically start from the first interaction of users with your site - from the appearance of the reference to the search engine, that is, with a snippet. We already wrote about this in detail in, and on our channel you can watch the video of the report of Alexander Skubin, the manual of two search services "Yandex", on the principles of the formation of snippets.

So, to create an attractive snippet for users, it is necessary to understand how the principles of the search engine forms it. If earlier for snippeet "Yandex" took the text from the contents of Title and Description, now the basis can serve any fragment of text with a keyword. If the search engine chose an unsuccessful phrase, you can try to remake it in the text without changing the total number of keywords.

If the subject of your site allows you to use semantic marking, then it is necessary to use it - with the proper use of Standard, you are guaranteed a great snippet. Read more about Microdata you can read in

Try to make the traffic be more diverse. Use social networks, forums, blogs. Let the proportion of transitions from these sources be small, but thus traffic will become more heterogeneous, and therefore more natural.

To hold a user on the site, in addition to the publication of an interesting and informative, it is necessary to include a mixture and use a creative approach. Everything can be appropriate here - from design chips to useful services. As an example, you can bring a tire calculator for selecting wheels on the sites for the sale of wheels or the CAT Calculation Program for tuning lovers. Successful solutions often fall into user bookmarks.

To keep the user longer on the page can help an interesting video or even a small flash game.

Also, the plus there will be an exposure of links in the text to other pages in those places where they are really needed for the convenience of visitors (do not forget about - such links should not harm it!). Blocks with similar records or goods will also help to force the user a little your site, and this is another coin into a piggy bank of the optimization of behavioral factors.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about optimizing behavioral factors, the new Rookee service and learn how to use automated promotion in your work. Times are changing, you need to be in the trend and apply new chips, just this will be discussed today.

Let's start with the main one. Why do you even do, and what can we give it? The answer to this question is very simple. You get higher positions in search results, which means more customers and accordingly more profits.

But at present, search engines drastically change their algorithms and high-quality texts not enough to promote. And the links should be treated with great attentiveness.

And here you need to apply more advanced ways. And one of these ways is the automated promotion from the service, which allows us to automatically optimize behavioral factors. The most important thing is that this system does not contradict the rules of search engines. There are no cheating there, there are no people and robots that perform certain tasks, everything happens naturally. Improving behavioral factors occurs through the attraction of targeted traffic for the promoted site.

How does the OPF technology work

The OPF technology consists in attracting targeted traffic on a progressable resource on low-frequency requests that have the best behavioral indicators. All this is achieved by connecting the ROOKEE service to the analytics system (Google Analytics or Yandex.Metric) of the site, thus identify the necessary LF requests.

Within the framework of this technology, the hardware will identify and promote the most effective requests. The OPF technology can attract good targeted traffic, as well as show search engines an increase in such indicators as the average time on the site and the depth of viewing. To do this, Yandex.Metrica must be installed on the site.

Immediately after connecting this service, the system starts a detailed analysis of the site and determines the behavior of visitors. Further, based on the data obtained, a list of necessary key queries is generated and promotion begins on these requests. You can download an example of requests that select the system in automatic mode.

For our part, I want to try out this system on my blog. Because I see here quite great potential. Everything is done almost naturally and in theory should give positive results.

Here is such a new technology that is already available for anyone. Engage in promoting their sites and get new target visitors and of course maximum profit. On this, everything is always waiting for your questions and comments on this article.

Sincerely, Evgeny Vergus.

Hello everyone! Today I plan to talk about a relatively new direction in the independent promotion of sites - optimization of behavioral factors. One of the first companies in RuNet who suggested competent (read a safe) approach to automating this direction is A couple of years ago, the promotion of sites in Yandex was quite easy to manipulate. All you needed is links, and links at any site of the site: bottom footers, side bars, footers, etc. All you needed is the quantity. The links were easily obtained through references and a lot of other, similar services.

A little about references and their quality

In 2009, Yandex began to customize his algorithm to get rid of spam and provide its users with reliable information, other search engines were engaged in the same. The algorithm became very complex and, as they say smart. The technology underlying it is called Matrixnet, in its essence it is machine learning technology. Yandex finds out that people specifically want, and takes into account this in extradition.

Just like from Google, no one knows all the factors taken into account by Yandex. Just like Google, Yandex began to actively fight spammed and poor-quality references, and in some places, the reference ranking was abolished.

It is clear that to take and cancel them is completely impossible and the main mass of SEO optimizers and webmasters continue to be actively used to promote sites. But it is already impossible to do thoughtless who are not yet informed, the PS easily determine poor-quality links, so try not to use the links of such a plan:

  • Same links at the bottom of the pages on different sites.
  • Backlinks with text optimized for search engines posted in articles or press releases that are published on third-party sites;
  • External references from low-quality catalogs and bookmark services;
  • Links built into widgets that are intended for accommodation on various sites;
  • Comments on the forums with links to the text message or signature.

Thus, it turns out that the share of reference mass in search promotion has decreased and, as a result, something should have occupied her place - this is the behavioral factor. Scientific speaking, it is:

  1. Clickability (CTR) from SERP (this is a search results page generated by any search engine).
  2. The average time spent on the page after clicking from Serp.
  3. Reflauding indicator back to search results.

Now about all this.

What are behavioral factors (PF) ranking in search engines?

This is a set of data that is taken into account by search engines when assessing the quality of the site for further ranking in the top. The main data is the user's actions in the search and on the site.

What search engines take into account PF?

In Yandex, these factors are among the most important to adjust the search results. This is confirmed officially. Yandex has the most severe sanctions for the cheating of these factors, which speaks of their importance when ranking.

Google takes into account these factors. This is officially confirmed on March 12, 2019. On this day, Google patented "Changing the ranking of search results based on implicit feedback with the user", in other words - behavioral factors. Although before Google representatives were rejected by statements about the accounting of these factors.

Where search engines collect data on user behavior:

  • From search results (cliking logs);
  • Browsers (Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Amigo);
  • Plugins and Tulbara;
  • Analytics systems (Google Analytics, Yandex Metric);
  • Desktop programs.

PF happens:

  1. Internal - user behavior directly on the site;
  2. External - user behavior on search results, outside the site.


  • The average time that the user holds on the site or on a separate page. The more this indicator is the better.
  • The number of failures. The refusal to Yandex is considered to be the stay of the user on the site less than 15 seconds. If there is a lot of failures - then your site does not like users or the page does not match the request.
  • Depth viewing. An indicator of the number of viewed pages after switching to your site. When a user moves a lot inside the site by internal links - it says the search engine that the site is useful.
  • The proportion of traffic with organic search. The greater the percentage of organic traffic (from SEO-issuance) - the better.
  • The presence of a permanent audience. The search engine relates well to the site with regular visitors who directly enter the site from bookmarks or driven a link to the site in the string (this is called "direct signs").
  • The presence of branded traffic. These are transitions to your site on requests in which there is a direct mention of your company. This says the search engine about the fame of your company and in demand among users.
  • Availability in demand. With certain algorithms (Browse Rank), the search engine evaluates your inner translection. References that you set up in the text or in the transfine blocks should be useful, important and notable.

From here it is seen with the naked eye that the process of optimizing behavioral factors is not as fast as when buying links. Experts say that this process is integrated and complex and the results from it should not be expected earlier than 2-4 months, depending on the site.

Before contacting the company, I highly recommend checking my site once again on the correctness of its internal optimization.

  • Relevance of the search query page: keywords in the title and meta-description of tags; Keywords in keyword meta tags (in fact, it does not really help, in my opinion, but some people claim that it works), keywords in alt tags for images.
  • Content: The content must be unique and good quality. It is very important to maintain good grammar, as Yandex works very well with the understanding of the Russian language. Just as with Google, it is important that the site is updated with new content on a regular basis.
  • Internal links (transfine): Yandex loves in content. You should not rely only on the navigation menu and bread crumbs. Place the internal content links and do not forget about the anchor links.
  • Site quality: Make sure that there are no non-working links that all pages work and 404 errors are configured correctly. . This not only helps Yandex identify your site as a quality resource, but also provides a good behavioral factor.

After you make sure your site, you can proceed to optimizing behavioral factors. Behavioral factors have a positive impact on the ranking of your site in search engines. Those., The higher they (the failure rate, time on the site, the depth of viewing pages), the better for search engines, and, accordingly, for you, because this site has the chances of getting into the top much higher.

In the spring of this year, USERATOR.RU specialists announced a new service to optimize behavioral factors (OPF), the algorithm of which does not go into incision with the rules of search engines. There is no banal cheating and machine emulation of human action. There are no direct attitudes of people on tasks. All this is calculated by search engines once or two. Improving behavioral factors is achieved by attracting targeted, thematic traffic. Next I will try to describe how it all works.

OPF technology in the service

All technology is built at work with LF requests. Due to which the maximum compliance with the subject of the site is achieved with the relative cheapness of links. When you first connect to the OPF from, the system scans the site for attendance, using the results of web analytics from Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica. At the same time, such parameters are defined as:

  • thematic, LF requests are determined;
  • the approach of requests to the top of issue is determined;
  • the average query indicator is determined per month for these keywords.

Based on this, a list of several hundred LF keywords is drawn up and links are bought on sites similar to your subject. Due to a large number of requests, the variety of ankors is raised to your resource, which is very positively affected by promotion. The system does not just buy links, and monitor transitions on them. If some requests do not move and there are no transitions on them, they are deleted, new requests are collected and added as references. Happens this time in two weeks. This is a kind of raisin of the OPF service.

The first results of optimizing behavioral factors

As for the first results. According to the, shifts (the increase in the number of transitions) are observed in a month. It is clear that 30 days, it is a very short period of time, but it is very good for the preparatory stage. Observation was performed on several hundred projects of various topics, from medicine before repairing cars. For most projects that connected the OPF, over the past month, visits from search engines rose by an average of 20%. Also, the average page viewing time by 15% has grown, but the failures remained the same.

The second results of optimizing behavioral factors

After two months of work with the OPF, the effect was observed in all projects. Basically, this is the growth of LF requests and enter them into the top. Due to this, traffic on the non-core semantic kernel has increased. Next, some statistics:

  • 80% of projects felt traffic growth;
  • 68% of projects have improved the "Depth of the Depth";
  • 60% of the projects on the site approached the optimal;
  • the more difficult to work with the reference indicator - only 52% of the projects it decreased;
  • 58% of projects noticed the growth of repeated visits.

I will not further ship you with numbers, all this can be viewed on the website, but it is better to make sure everything is on your own project and then draw conclusions, scold, or praise the OPF service.

My opinion about this

Many may say that this is the same purchase of links, only under a different name, but it is not. When buying links, RF requests are usually advanced, and there are practically no transitions for such links. But with the LF requests, it's another thing, it is your contingent who is looking for not a product or service in general, but a specific thing. Due to this, it is raised by the probability of its transition to your site and conducting some time there. Plus, everything is automated in, and you do not need to resort to manual work. LF traffic is worth a penny, due to this, you can purchase more diverse anchor links.

In modern search promotion increased markedly. Now the search engines carefully assess the satisfaction of their users when they visit recommended sites from issuing. Therefore, the optimization of these factors is an important element of a successful SEO-promotion.

How to optimize behavioral factors in RuNet

Well, if the specialist is engaged in issues of optimization of behavioral factors (OPF). He knows perfectly well what it should be and work on the site to meet the needs of visitors.

Another thing if the site owner does not use the ability of a specialist for some reasons. But the optimization of the PF for its resource plans to do. In this case, there is an option of an automated OPF system.

Cheating behavioral factors

Until the summer of 2014, all options for such optimization were implemented in the following ways:

Automatic option. Connecting the usual botnet and nimble robots come to the promotable site. Thus, as it were, they show the search engine that the resource is interested in (there are transitions to pages).

But as practice has shown, such a "parsley" is very simply rejected by search engines. They see perfectly with which IP, for which behavioral parameters such linden "visitors" go. And therefore their actions on the site are not counted.

Manual option. In this case, people walk instead of robots. For a fee, they regularly visit the sites specified by them according to a specific scheme. For example, knowing the address of the progressary site, come from search results and perform a number of actions - sit on a page for a few minutes, click on internal links, roam the resource pages.

It seems like this option is not bad. But here the search engines can distinguish the catch. For example, IP performers are rapidly falling, which from one computer goes to sites of different subjects. Usually it does not happen in life - real people have a narrow circle of interest. And to look for narrow-controlled thematic pseudo-plants.

A unique way to improve PF

In the spring (in April) of this year there was another option to optimize behavioral factors. And it is based on a completely different way to receive visitors. This time really thematic, not attracted by ears.

Invented this method known in RuNet SEO-aggregator Rookee. This system conducts a number of activities to improve behavioral factors (refusal indicator, time spent on the site, re-visits, etc.).

The most important thing is that these events do not contradict the rules of search engines. That is, on the one hand, it is impossible to get under the filter for the cheating of the PF on them. On the other hand, according to the statistics carried out in the rookee experiments, there is an improvement in the positions of sites in the issuance due to the optimization of the factors themselves.

And another not a unavailable moment, which will be appreciated by the owners who are poorly dealt with SEO - to start this system you need to press only one button. 🙂

So, what did offered the automated users?

Optimization of behavioral factors "Hands"

Definition of the OPF system

The task of the OPF service in the SEO-aggregator Rookee is to obtain the thematic audience on the appropriate low-frequency requests. Such requests have the best behavioral indicators, as they are more adequate on topics than medium or high-frequency requests.

For such requests, the Rookee service uses the web analytics of the promoted site. Access to the web analytics installed on the resource system (Metric Yandex, Google Analytics), from which the selection of the desired keywords is selected.

The principle of selection of requests is as follows:

  • suitable search phrases are located in the top 10 by the region, which is selected for promotion;
  • the selected keywords have a sufficiently low level of competition (according to ROOKEE);
  • these search queries have good behavioral indicators (according to web analytics).

By the way, this technology uses the capabilities of a well-known long-tail principle. There is also the smallest search phrases for which the conversion can be the biggest.

How does the OPF system work

Once the OPF service is ordered and the only button is already pressed, the rookee service launches the following procedure:

  1. The system is looking to the analytics provided. At this stage, its task is to analyze the contents of the site and the behavioral assessment of its visitors.
  2. The semantic kernel is formed, which will include selected search queries according to web analytics (according to estimating behavioral characteristics of phrases).
  3. Rookee performs its main job - website promotion at the request of the semantic kernel obtained. This happens by coping with references from resources similar subjects.

After the optimization of behavioral factors has been launched, Rookee performs a periodic function of monitoring transitions on requests. Depending on the data obtained, the system optimizes its selected query list:

  • there is a replacement strategy for promoting those requests that do not yet work;
  • the phrases-pacifiers are removed, which do not give transitions from the search (but are in the top);
  • new search queries are added according to the requested web analytics.

As a result, it is fully implemented for 2-4 months depending on the data of the progressable site.

What sites can get the OPF service from Rookee?

To connect this strategy, the site must satisfy the following conditions:

  • the number of indexed pages in Yandex and Google should be at least 50;
  • the progressable site must have a connected analytics system (metric, Analytics);
  • content site should not violate the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

Question price

The cost of this service is calculated individually in its special formula. The price depends on the characteristics of the site, on its subject, and other factors.

To find out, you just need to connect this service. The cost will immediately be determined and will be shown on the screen:

I note that the exhibited value is the ultimate package of work on optimizing behavioral factors. That is, over time, the number of requests may increase, but you will no longer need to pay for the new transitions found.

Conclusions on Usulge OPF

The service for promotion by strengthening behavioral factors is already running six months. In my opinion it can be used to promote your site for the following reasons:

  • The service does not use the option of cheating of behavioral factors due to the "left" transitions. So get a wolf ticket from Yandex will not work.
  • Due to competently selected queries, it is possible to significantly expand the anchorage list. All this happens on the machine - the owner of the site does not need to do anything.
  • Due to the enhancement of behavioral factors, not only the positions of the site in the search for extradition are growing. It increases its trust (extension of reference mass).
  • I pressed the button and got the result - an excellent option for busy people. Of course, a specialist in the purchase of links would make it better. But also more expensive.

And last. Of course, this method involves all the same automated procurement of links. But it differs from the options that are offered by other SEO aggregators. After all, at the expense of correctly chosen LF requests, good anchorage are formed.

This gives a significant increase in the likelihood of the links on the links to a promotable site, which gives strengthening positions. After all, Yandex and Google take into account only those links for which people click. And in no way differently.

And one more point - this method only works for those sites that contain really useful content. Otherwise, when moving on the links, the PF will only worsen.

Sincerely, your Maxim Dovzhenko