Printing on the printer: typical problems and ways to solve them. Gifts with your own hands using the printer that you can print the baby on the printer

Three-dimensional printers gradually float the world. A few years ago, designers and engineers argued a few weeks to print their creations on such a device. And now anyone can create with the help of a 3D printer literally anything. And today we will tell about 10 most unusual thingsCreated help three-dimensional seals.

Designer collection of shoes

In the summer of 2013, designer Zhanna Kitten (Janne Kyttanen) printed a whole Cubex trio on a three-dimensional printer. Moreover, she posted on the Internet the software so that any woman could print hardly every day a new couple of shoes.

Software allow the ladies to customize under the leg of any form. So the painful process of choice of beautiful and comfortable shoes ceases to be relevant - in the future, each couple will become such.

Pistol Liberator.

The world safety system can be completely destroyed thanks to 3D printers. After all, quite real and functional copies of firearms printed on such devices began to appear.

As an example, you can cite, which can use cartridges with 9x17 mm caliber (.380 ACP according to American labeling). Of course, this firearm gives a lot of misses, however, it is quite real and potentially dangerous.

Horror is that such a gun can be printed almost on any three-dimensional printer - it is assembled from several plastic parts and individual metal elements. And the company that developed Liberator posted in the global network instructions for its production.


Large popularity is gaining a printout on 3D prosthetic prostheses for injured people and animals. After all, it turned out that such products can be much easier, faster and cheaper to produce on such devices than the factory production method.

As a visual example, a plug-in jaw, developed by a group of doctors from the University of Hasselt in Belgium. It was printed from plastic, steel, wax, silver, nylon, polycarbonate, steel and photopolymers. The first owner of such a prosthesis was the 83-year-old woman with destroyed age and diseases of the lower jaw.

Airplane model

The enthusiast team from the University of Virginia printed a copy of the aircraft on a three-dimensional printer. Of course, it has dimensions several times smaller than the original, but this unit can, indeed, climb into the air and fly there, being controlled remotely.

This copy of the aircraft has a swill of the wings of 2 meters and can fly at a speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

Concert Flute.

Amit Zoran Engineer (Amit Zoran) from Massachusetts Technological University created an exact copy of the famous Objet Connex500 flute on a three-dimensional printer, which is so good that you can even perform at the concerts of the symphony orchestra.

The Objet Connex500 flute printer consists of four parts, and in the process of its creation, the person's participation is necessary only when assembling elements released from the printing device.

Prosthetic faces

It is surprising, but with the help of a three-dimensional printer, you can print not only prostheses of individual bones and organs, but even faces. Of course, it will not be a movable and fully functional part of the head, but cover the terrible wound left of the disease or injury, the printed element will be able.

As an example, the history of Australian Eric Mogeer, who doctors removed the tumor with a tennis ball from his face. And to cover the wound formed after surgery, for the patient, it was printed on the 3D printer "Patch", repeating all the subtleties of the lost appearance of Eric.

Dirt dress background TIZ

The Queen of the Burlesque Dita Background TIZ appeared in the spring of 2013 in the public in an extravagant dress printed on a three-dimensional printer. The author of this outfit became the designer Michael Schmidt, and the product itself consists of seventeen different elements. Connected together, they turn into a luxury dress, ideally suitable under the figure of Ceboribriti.

Three-dimensional dresses have the same benefits that shoes printed on a 3D printer - one and the same style can be selected with a computer to fit under any shape and growth.

An American engineer named Jim Cor (Jim Kor) over the past three years, has been published on the three-dimensional printer already two cars called URBEE. Of course, only the body of the machine was created in such an unusual way - the suspension and the motor was made separately by the traditional method of metal.

URBEE 2 electric vehicle can drive at a speed of up to 65 kilometers per hour and has a power motor 10 horsepower.

Animal lamps

Hunters love to decorate the walls of their housing the selected animal heads, which they killed during the hunt. A Designer Studio Linlin & Pierre-Yves Jacques has found a way to create similar elements of the interior without unnecessary cruelty and in general deaths. They created a collection in the form of heads of different animals - deer, elephant and bear.

Interestingly, these fastened lamp lamps were printed by white polyamide designers using a three-dimensional printer.

The project with the name Inmoov began in 2012 a French fashion designer, sculptor and engineer Gael Lanzhen. He wanted to create a robot, which would be a visual copy of him himself. At the same time, the best way to achieve the goal, in his opinion, is to print the desired items using a three-dimensional printer.

Now Inmoov is an international project, which employs hundreds of people from around the world. Gael Lanzhen opened the program code and the technical documentation of his robot, laid out all this on the Internet and invited everyone to take part in the further development of Android.

As a result, Inmoov turns into a universal robot, in which different groups of researchers work out technical innovations in a variety of applied science spheres, including in prosthetics.

The whole modern document flow is based on the use of office equipment. The printer is the most sought-after device from this category, which can print text files, images and photos. The equipment often need to configure and set the correct parameters. It is necessary that the print quality is at a good level,

How to configure a print printer from a computer

Before printing text from a computer on the printer, it must be configured. Just buy and connect it not enough. The quality of the output document may be unsatisfactory. All necessary programs are supplied with the device. Manufacturers try to simplify the process of setting up the equipment as much as possible, so any user can cope with it. The printout will be needed when the device is properly attached to the computer, correctly installing drivers and setting the document output.

Connect printer to computer

At the moment, you can use several options for connecting to printing equipment. For example, you can send to print from the phone via Bluetooth, connect to the device remotely via the Internet. The easiest way is directly to the PC via USB cable. Connection is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn on the PC and wait for the full download.
  2. Insert the power cord into the outlet, and the USB cable to the computer.
  3. The operating system will detect a new device and will begin preparation for the use of equipment.
  4. An alert should appear that the device is installed, ready to work.
  5. As a rule, the OS automatically installs the drivers, but it is better to install from the disk. The software and carrier are included.

Installation Driver

This is the most important software component that is responsible for the correctness of the equipment on the computer. As a rule, the disk must be in the box along with the device. On some recent PC models, there is no drive for CD. In such cases, the driver follows from the official site by selecting the desired equipment model. If the drive is present, then it needs to insert a disk, and the installation of the software will start automatically. If this did not happen, then you need:

  • open "My Computer";
  • click on the CD-ROM mouse;
  • find an application with exte;
  • run it, follow instructions.

Setting up printer

Printing text will be qualitative only when the device is properly configured. Manufacturers made the calibration process as simple as possible so that any user can cope with it. The installation wizard will suggest you a few steps in which you will need to specify the parameters. After that, it will be proposed to print a test page so that you can make sure that the ink is not automated on paper, check, is exactly served on the drum, etc.

Basic printer parameters

All basic settings are already held directly in time to send a document to print, but the device has two main points that affect the final result:

  1. Quality. By default, the "Standard" parameter will stand, but in cases where the equipment is old or the paint ends, you can set "high". This will increase the clarity of the text.
  2. Shades of gray. This is another way that increases clarity. This is especially true if you need to print a scanned document.

Both of these parameters are set in the menu panel in the Home tab. The item "Service" may also be useful. From it you can check the printing nozzles, if necessary, clean the rollers, the pallet, select the mode of operation "silent". These properties may be very useful at the stage of preparing for printing. After all settings, you can proceed to the conclusion of the text.

How to print on a printer from a computer

There are several ways to send a file to the printer for printing. To do this, you can use the built-in notebook Windows or the popular Word program. They have a built-in functionality that provides the ability to print a document. If you use a text editor, then:

  1. Go to the "File" section.
  2. Find the Print item.
  3. Click on it and make all the necessary settings.

Another way to print a document on the printer is a combination of hot keys. While in a text editor, press the Ctrl + P button at the same time. This will allow you to make a printout without using top menu items. All installations and properties will completely coincide. These hotkeys will help to send if necessary for printing and pages on the Internet.


Before printing text from a computer on the printer, you need to check how the future page will look like. This feature is called "Preview". In modern Word versions, it turns on automatically when you press Ctrl + P. The page and the location of the text on it will be displayed in the right window. This will help estimate how many sheets of paper will need to print the document.

Printing text

Before printing your text from a computer on the printer, you need to properly set the basic rules of the output. There is a certain set of properties that is required to fill:

  1. Number of copies of the document. If you need to withdraw 2-3 pages, you can set it in parameters.
  2. You can specify the sections you want to print. It can be the current part of the file, the range or separate document pages (entered through the comma).
  3. Print type (one-sided, bilateral).
  4. Loyel or book orientation of text.
  5. Some models of devices provide the ability to print text in A3 format, but A5, A4 are standardly used.
  6. Parameters, field size.

If you do not yet set the parameters, you can print the file with default settings. It turns out the text of A4 format with a book orientation in one instance. If the document is more than one page, then everything will be printed from the first to the last one. In cases with a large number of sheets, this may be superfluous, which will lead to overpowering paper and ink.

Video: Why the printer does not print from a computer what to do

Found in the text error? Highlight it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

Few in our time does not know how to print on the printer, photocopy or even scan. In the century of modern technologies, when in every house almost every family has its own personal laptop, there is an unlikely a person who will not be able to print a sheet of paper. But still let's talk about how to print texts on the printer. It is possible that you know far from all the secrets of the print or you simply did not have to previously engage in the printing of certain documents.


Before starting printing, you need to make sure that the printer is enabled and connected to a computer or laptop. Yes, perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but sometimes people forget about it. You also need to make sure that there is enough paint in the printer (check the identifier) \u200b\u200bor remove the device, recalculate the sheets of paper. It is better to put a little more sheets at all, since sometimes the printer can delay several sheets at the same time, and if it is not noticed in time, the print can be interrupted, and you will have to add paper and perform additional actions to resume it.

Be sure to check the print quality, to do this, type one trial list from this or any other document. It is possible that you will have to make the printer cleaning (done using the "Service" tab in the print window). About how to do all this, we will tell a little later.

We call the seal window

So, we checked the performance of the printer and the presence of connecting it to the computer. We now turn directly to how to print a Word document on the printer. First you need to open the print window. This can be done in several ways.

1. Find the print icon on the panel. Usually this option is available in earlier versions. For example, in the package "Office" of 2003, the print icon is located at the top of the panel and rather noticeable.

2. Press "File" and select the "Print" in the drop-down menu. This is a fairly well-known way that most users of personal computers use. But he takes a lot of time.

3. Press the Ctrl + P key combination. Oddly enough, not everyone is known, although it is the fastest and simple.

Install the main parameters

If you do not know how to print texts on the printer, then you should remember that which required parameters should be specified when printing ordinary documents.

1. Number of copies if you need more than one copy of the document or sheet.

2. Pages that you plan to print.

3. What print you need - one-sided or bilateral.

4. Page orientation - Book or landscape.

5. Sheet size - A4, A5, Other.

6. The size and parameters of the fields.

7. The number of pages on the sheet.

The default occurs on the page in one instance on one side. Orientation - Book, A4 format. The page contains one sheet, and the document itself is printed from the first page.

Printer properties

For those who learn how to print texts on the printer, it will be useful to find out that when printing text, you can specify the printer properties. It is not necessary to know, but useful in some situations.

The main properties of the printer include:

1. Print quality. By default, it is standard, but if the printer is already old and prints not entirely clearly, it is recommended to set high quality.

2. Shades of gray. This property also increases the clarity of the print, especially if you are not typing not text, and not quite successfully scanned material.

These two parameters are set in the "Home" tab. Another useful thing is the service tab. Here you can make cleaning and checking printing nozzles, clean the rollers and the pallet, and select the silent mode of the printer. We advise you to pay attention to these properties, as they will be quite useful and at the press preparation phase. By installing all the parameters, click the "Print" button directly in the basic settings window, and the device will start operation.

Two-sided printing

How to print texts and documents on a sheet from two sides? Especially for this, such a function is created, how to choose it in the main print properties. First printed all odd pages. Then the printer asks you to turn the sheets and paste them into the printer (usually the sheets are put in such a way that the beginning of the printed page turns out to be at thenime). The program on the computer gives you tips on how to turn the paper correctly and insert it into the device. After that, click the "Print" button ("OK") in the dialog box, and the printer will print all even sheets. So you get a ready-made printed document on two sides of the sheet.

How long does it take print

The time that will take the printout of the text will depend on your printer. Each device has its usually it is about 10 pages per minute, there are printers that work much faster. Again, it all depends on the manufacturer, model and year of release. A considerable role plays and so, home and office devices are printed at different speeds.

The older model, the longer the seal occurs. We also note that the various breakdowns of the system also affect the speed and quality of this process. Therefore, if your printer bought a long time ago and begins to fail, we advise it to replace it with a newer model. Otherwise, be prepared not only to slow, but also fairly poor-quality printing, errors occur, such as chewing sheets, printing with stripes and the like. For example, the printer can ask insert paper into the feeder, although it still has it there). Other small annoying misses are possible, which increase the print time is hardly twice.


So, we figured out how to print texts on the printer, which options need to be specified when printing and where to find them how to start printing text. Also found out that the speed, as well as the print quality, directly depends on the printer: its type and date of release. It was determined that the older device, the lower the speed and quality of printing and above the likelihood of various errors. We hope this information will be useful to you.

On the site of one of the most famous manufacturers of products for 3D printing MakerBot, the work of gadgets is illustrated by the production of garden dwarfs, and on the main page of the 3D design libraries of Shapeways live not printed gadgets or at least pistols, but cats. Nevertheless, the possibility of technology that some is called the root cause of the coming industrial revolution is not exhausted. Look At Me gathered a model of 8 truly interesting items that can be printed on a 3D printer.

1 lens

Lens - not the most simple for 3D printing thing, But at the same time, spectacular and cheap in production. For printing directly, the lenses use acryl, why pictures (they can be seen here) are not too high - but for amateur opportunities it is still an outstanding result; True, the lens will still have to polish manually. The lens can be customized so that it approached any camera.

2 Weaving Machine

Although it came out of everyday use, but useful in the light of universal hobbies manual labor, specifically this printed weaving machine is very inferior to the wooden in the parameters - but it is quite suitable as a hobby. The author of the project complains that many plastic and time went on the machine; Despite his conviction that there is no more wishing to try, almost one and a half thousand people are interested in the project. Warning: The author of the model did not take care of the creation of instructions.

3 Table lamp

One of the most popular objects In the MakerBot library - a table lamp with an extremely simple assembly scheme: you just need to print all parts and connect them together, and then put the light bulb. On all complex cases and problems, the authors and resource users are promptly responsible in the comments. The only negative is the small size of the lamp - although they are explained by the savings of plastic, but they make a lamp not too convenient to use.

4 Wall clock

Rare case among the majoritypretty nonsense - we recognize it - Printed items: The author of the project took care of the appearance of the model, even giving it the external similarity with the dashboard (Dashboard) in Mac OS X. Print the clockwise mechanism, however, it will not be possible - the author himself uses spare parts from Quartex. Interestingly, the fact that this watch is a modest example of how on 3D printing can be earned: they are successfully sold on ETSY, as well as many other things printed by the same author.

5 anemometer

Example As with the help of a 3D printer, you can modify the usual and boring things - in this case, the cycling computer has been turned into a wind meter, forcing the wheel not turnover, and the turnover of the screw printed from plastic. Like most projects, the device is distinguished by miniature sizes - all parts are fitted on a banknote.

6 Case for Atari 2600

Exit for all who are sorry to throw old cartridges From Atari 2600 - on a 3D printer, you can print a full-fledged replacement for the failed case. To do this, you will need a fair amount of material, printed circuit board and only one nail, which will connect all parts together. According to the author of the model, the project appeared in 2002, but before the advent of MakerBot Replicator production was difficult.

7 Headphones

The problem is not the easiest assembly Headphones The projectwriter solved in detail instructions with reference to sites where you can buy spare parts that cannot be printed - which is quite a rarity among developers. It is impossible not to note the penantic of the author, who even indicated how much time it will be needed to produce each individual part, up to minute.

8 Robotic chandelier

Fantastic lamp (She is a robotic hand), which can change the situation depending on the needs of the user, - there will be a lot of strength, time and attention, but it seems that it is worth it. You can make sure that you see it in action. Despite the fact that the author of the project in every way anyone avoids any social networks, besides the actual library models of Thingverse, YouTube and the site with the instructions instructables, he willingly respond to questions and comments in the comments to the project.