Saving a document in a Word. Keyboard shortcuts Save file hotkeys


We cannot do without a keyboard, we use it to type text, but not only, with the help of the keyboard we can control the computer. It so happens that the mouse does not work, then the keyboard will come to the rescue.

When you work with documents, you will probably navigate through them using the "arrows" of the keyboard or buttons PageUp(scroll the page up) and PageDown(page down).

  • It is more convenient to use the key to delete files. Del.
  • Menu, in which all the programs installed on the computer live, is easier to call with the help of a special button with the image of the Windows logo (four colored flag).

However, it is possible that this is a matter of taste ... But there are cases when using the keyboard is much easier. For example, it is more convenient to switch the text input language (from Russian to English and vice versa) with the help of the keyboard. Windows suggests using the Alt and Shift key combination for this, which is not very convenient ... But on the other hand, after installing the Punto Switcher miracle program on your computer. you can switch between languages ​​with a single key Ctrl... In addition, Punto is able to independently correct words typed in the wrong layout, turning rubbish like cby Remove paragraph or character formatting. CTRL + SPACEBAR Copies the selected text or object to the clipboard. CTRL + C Deletes the selected text or object to the clipboard. CTRL + X Paste text or object from the clipboard. CTRL + V Paste special. CTRL + ALT + V Insert only formatting. CTRL + SHIFT + V Undo the last action. CTRL + Z Repeat the last action. CTRL + Y Opens the Statistics dialog box. CTRL + SHIFT + G

Working with documents and web pages

Create, view and save documents

Search, replace and transitions

Action Keyboard shortcut
Search for text, formatting, and special characters. CTRL + F
Repeat search (after closing the Find and Replace window). ALT + CTRL + Y
Replace text, formatting, and special characters. CTRL + H
Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, note, figure and other elements of the document. CTRL + G
Jump between the last four places where changes were made. ALT + CTRL + Z
Opens a list of search parameters. Use the arrow keys to select an option, and then press Enter to search your document. ALT + CTRL + HOME
Go to the location of the previous change. CTRL + PAGE UP
Move to the location of the next change. CTRL + PAGE DOWN

Change view mode

Structure mode

Action Keyboard shortcut
Move a paragraph to a higher level. ALT + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Move a paragraph to a subordinate level. ALT + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Convert a paragraph to body text. CTRL + SHIFT + N
Move selected paragraphs up. ALT + SHIFT + UP ARROW
Move selected paragraphs down. ALT + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW
Expands the text below the heading. ALT + SHIFT + PLUS SIGN
Collapse the text under the heading. ALT + SHIFT + MINUS SIGN
Expand or collapse all text or all headings. ALT + SHIFT + A
Hide or show character formatting. Slash (/) on the numeric keypad
Displays the first line of body text or all body text. ALT + SHIFT + L
Displays all headings with the Heading 1 style. ALT + SHIFT + 1
Display all headings up to a heading styled "Heading n". ALT + SHIFT + n
Insert a tab character. CTRL + TAB

Printing and previewing documents

Document review

Full screen reading mode

References, footnotes and endnotes

Working with web pages

Editing and moving text and pictures

Deleting text and pictures

Copying and moving text and pictures

Action Keyboard shortcut
Displaying the Microsoft Office Clipboard Panel Press Alt + Z to go to the Home tab, and then press A, N.
Copies the selected text or selected pictures to the Microsoft Office clipboard. CTRL + C
Delete selected text or picture on the Microsoft Office Clipboard CTRL + X
Pastes the last addition to the Microsoft Office clipboard. CTRL + V
Move text or picture once. F2 (and then move the cursor and press Enter)
Copy text or drawing once. SHIFT + F2 (and then move the cursor and press Enter)
Opens the Create New Building Block dialog box when text or an object is selected. ALT + F3
When a building block, such as a SmartArt graphic, is selected, displays its associated shortcut menu. SHIFT + F10
Removal in the piggy bank. CTRL + F3
Insert the contents of the piggy bank. CTRL + SHIFT + F3
Copy the header or footer from the previous section of the document. ALT + SHIFT + R

Insert special characters and elements

Insert character Hotkeys
Field CTRL + F9
Line break SHIFT + ENTER
Page break CTRL + ENTER
Column break CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
Em dash ALT + CTRL + minus sign
En dash CTRL + minus sign
Soft transfer CTRL + DEPHIS
Non-breaking hyphen CTRL + SHIFT + DEPHIS
Non-breaking space CTRL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR
Copyright mark ALT + CTRL + C
Protected trademark ALT + CTRL + R
Trademark ALT + CTRL + T
Ellipsis ALT + CTRL + DOT
Opening single quote CTRL + `(single quote),` (single quote)
Closing single quote CTRL + "(single quote)," (single quote)
Double open quotes CTRL + `(single quote), SHIFT +" (single quote)
Double closing quotes CTRL + "(single quote), SHIFT +" (single quote)
Auto text element ENTER (after entering the first few characters of the name of the AutoText element and a tooltip appears)

Insert characters using character codes

Select text and pictures

Action Keyboard shortcut
Enables selection mode. F8
Highlighting the nearest character. F8, and then press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Expansion of selection. F8 (press once to select a word, press twice to select a sentence, etc.)
Decrease selection. SHIFT + F8
Disable selection mode. ESC
Extends the selection one character to the right of the cursor. SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Extends the selection one character to the left of the cursor. SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Extending the selection to the end of the word. CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Extending the selection to the beginning of a word. CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the line. SHIFT + END
Expand the selection to the beginning of the line. SHIFT + HOME
Extend the selection one line down. SHIFT + DOWN ARROW
Extend the selection one line up. SHIFT + UP ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the paragraph. CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW
Extend the selection to the beginning of the paragraph. CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROW
Extend the selection one page down. SHIFT + PAGE DOWN
Extend the selection one page up. SHIFT + PAGE UP
Extends the selection to the beginning of the document. CTRL + SHIFT + HOME
Extend the selection to the end of the document. CTRL + SHIFT + END
Extend the selection to the end of the window. ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN
Select the entire document. CTRL + A
Selection of a vertical block of text.
Extends a selection to a specific location in the document. F8 and then use the arrow keys; to exit selection mode press the ESC key

Highlighting text and pictures in a table

Action Keyboard shortcut
Highlight the contents of the next cell. TAB
Highlight the contents of the previous cell. SHIFT + TAB
Selection of several adjacent cells. While holding down the SHIFT key, repeatedly press the corresponding cursor movement key
Column selection. Use the arrow keys to move to the top or bottom cell in the column, and then do one of the following:
  • Press SHIFT + ALT + PAGE DOWN to select a column from top to bottom.
  • Press SHIFT + ALT + PAGE UP to select the column from bottom to top.
Expansion of a selection (or block). CTRL + SHIFT + F8 and then use the arrow keys; to exit selection mode press the ESC key
Select the entire table. ALT + 5 on the numeric keypad (with the NUM LOCK indicator off)

Move around the document

Moving Keyboard shortcut
One character to the left LEFT ARROW
One character to the right RIGHT ARROW
One word to the left CTRL + LEFT ARROW
One word to the right CTRL + RIGHT ARROW
One paragraph up CTRL + UP ARROW
One paragraph down CTRL + DOWN ARROW
One cell to the left (in the table) SHIFT + TAB
One cell to the right (in the table) TAB
To the previous line UP ARROW
To the next line ARROW TO DOWN
To the end of the line END
To the beginning of the line HOME
To the top of the screen ALT + CTRL + PAGE UP
To the end of the screen ALT + CTRL + PAGE DOWN
One screen up PAGE UP
One screen down PAGE DOWN
To the beginning of the next page CTRL + PAGE DOWN
To the beginning of the previous page CTRL + PAGE UP
To the end of the document CTRL + END
To the beginning of the document CTRL + HOME
To the previous fix SHIFT + F5
The position where the cursor was when the document was last closed (after opening the document) SHIFT + F5

Move around the table

Insert paragraph marks and tabs into a table

Formatting characters and paragraphs

Copy formatting

Change the font or size of text

Formatting characters

Action Keyboard shortcut
Opens the Font dialog box to change character formatting. CTRL + D
Changing the case of letters. SHIFT + F3
Convert all letters to uppercase. CTRL + SHIFT + A
Applying boldface style. CTRL + B
Applying an underline. CTRL + U
Underline words (not spaces). CTRL + SHIFT + W
Double underline text. CTRL + SHIFT + D
Convert to hidden text. CTRL + SHIFT + H
Applying italics. CTRL + I
Convert all letters to small caps. CTRL + SHIFT + K
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing). CTRL + EQUAL SIGN
Applying superscript formatting (automatic spacing). CTRL + SHIFT + PLUS SIGN
Remove additional formatting from selected characters. CTRL + SPACEBAR
Decorating the selected characters with the Symbol font. CTRL + SHIFT + Q

View and copy text formatting

Setting line spacing

Align paragraphs

Applying paragraph styles

Merge and fields

Performing a merge

Working with fields

Action Keyboard shortcut
Inserting a DATE field. ALT + SHIFT + D
Insert field LISTNUM (numbering). ALT + CTRL + L
Inserting a PAGE field. ALT + SHIFT + P
Insert a TIME field (current time). ALT + SHIFT + T
Insert an empty field. CTRL + F9
Updates related data in the original Microsoft Office Word document. CTRL + SHIFT + F7
Refresh the selected fields. F9
Break communication with the field. CTRL + SHIFT + F9
Switch between the code of the selected field and its value. SHIFT + F9
ALT + F9
Activation of field codes GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON in a field with values. ALT + SHIFT + F9
Move to the next field. F11
Move to the previous field. SHIFT + F11
Field lock. CTRL + F11
Removing the blocking of the field. CTRL + SHIFT + F11

Language bar

Handwriting recognition

Function Key Reference

Function Keys

SHIFT + function key

Action Keyboard shortcut
Displays contextual help or formatting information. SHIFT + F1
Copying text. SHIFT + F2
Changing the case of letters. SHIFT + F3
Repeat Find or Go. SHIFT + F4
Go to the last change. SHIFT + F5
Move to the previous window area or frame (after pressing F6). SHIFT + F6
Selecting the Thesaurus command (Review tab, Review group). SHIFT + F7
Decrease selection. SHIFT + F8
Switch between field values ​​and their codes. SHIFT + F9
Displays the context menu. SHIFT + F10
Move to the previous field. SHIFT + F11
Selecting the Save command (Microsoft Office Button). SHIFT + F12

CTRL + function key

CTRL + SHIFT + function key

Alt + function key

Action Keyboard shortcut
Move to the next field. ALT + F1
Creates a new building block. ALT + F3
Quit Office Word 2007. ALT + F4
Restoring the previous size of the program window. ALT + F5
Navigate from an open dialog box to a document (for dialog boxes such as Find and Replace that support this behavior). ALT + F6
Find the next spelling or grammatical error. ALT + F7
Running a macro. ALT + F8
Switch between the values ​​of all fields and their codes. ALT + F9
Maximizing the program window. ALT + F10
Displaying Microsoft Visual Basic Code. ALT + F11

We all dream of a "magic" button, pressing which would solve all our problems. Alas, she's not there yet.

However, in the computer world, they made sure that we could quickly and easily save any amount of a wide variety of information.

Texts, pages, pictures, photographs, calculations, reports, websites - this and much more can be easily left as a souvenir with a simple "save" button.

Where to find this miracle button? There is a separate instruction for each case!

So the user looks at the keyboard and thinks: “Interesting, but what is shown on the icon of the "save" button? " The answer is simple - nothing! There is no beautiful and single "save" button. But stop! No need to get upset.

There are analogs and convenient keyboard shortcuts that are easy to find and easy to remember:

  1. Single pressing "Ctrl" + "S / S"... Suitable for any text documents, most standard programs and browsers. Easy and quick to press with two fingers of the left hand.
  2. The button above the standard letter row or number block is "PrtScr". This is a quick “save” button for any information on your computer screen. PrtScr takes pictures of the screen and easily demonstrates the result in the form of an image.

It is important to understand that after clicking on PrintScreen, you need to go to any editor - even a graphic one, even a text one - and open the saved image.

To open, you need to use the "Paste" function, which is easy to find in a small menu when you right-click on the screen, or activate it with another key combination - "Ctrl" + "V / M".

3. Charm F12. It will appeal to advanced users who need not only save the document, but make a later copy of it. F12 performs the function "Save as ..." and is ready either to ensure the safety of a completely new unnamed document, or to make a duplicate of an existing one, but under a different name.

What does the "Save Page" button look like in a browser?

  1. For further study in the absence of the Internet;
  2. To return to it later if you have access to the World Wide Web.

Each goal has its own possibilities, but again you need the magic "save page" button! And she's gone again!

We solve problems sequentially, but the principles of work will be approximately the same for all browsers, so you don't have to worry about looking for a preserving function. at the Opera, Mozile, Chrome or somewhere else.

Explorer bookmarks

  • To ensure the safety of the page for later viewing, you need to find in the line containing the page address (Url) An asterisk in Chrome- in the browser Opera it will be "heart"- and click on this symbol. On hovering with the mouse, the icon can display different names: “add a page to bookmarks”, “add to favorites or a reading list”. It doesn't matter at all. The essence of all such symbols is the same.

Saving Bookmarks to Chrom

Bookmarks in Opera

When you click, a menu will be displayed, where the storage location will be specified, and when you click on "ready", the selected page will move to a safe place.

In fact, this is a bookmark, but that's what we need. To now launch the saved site, simply find the name you want on the browser start page: in the top menu bar, as a large icon, or in any other place where the word "bookmarks" appears.

The paths are identical to saving the document, that is, from the keyboard:

  1. The combination "Ctrl" + "S / S" with the appearance of the window and the specification of the storage location.
  2. Key "PrtScr" for a photo of the page and its subsequent insertion into any editor or document.
  3. Function "Save As ..."... It is launched either from the menu called by the right mouse button, or by clicking on this phrase in the browser menu. The browser menu is most often encrypted with three vertical dots, when you click on them, a rather large list of different functions and capabilities opens.

Save buttons in Word, Corel, Excel

The most important thing for the user is to figure out where the "save" button is in Word, Excel, and standard working programs. For lovers of graphics, you will have to master the specifics of Korel, Photoshop, and their analogues. Trust me, it's not difficult!

  • Floppy disk - "information storage". Elementary.
  • The button "save" in Korel has a similar look.

The knowledge of the following points will help to ensure the safety of the created document, file, image:

  1. "Save" or "Save As ..."... You can find these function lines in the menu. It opens either by clicking on "File" in the upper field of the open program window, or through the "Office" button, which looks like mixed-sized colored squares in the upper left corner of the document of the latest versions of Word and Excel.
  2. "Export"... A typical function for graphic editors that allows you to save created images in a variety of formats. In short: when you click on "Export", a window appears for specifying the save parameters. Then "ok", and you're done!
    The combinations "Ctrl" + "S / S" and F12 work well in office and graphic programs.

What to do and why is the "Save" button missing or inactive?

And now the riddle: save button does not work... What to do? The situation is quite typical - especially for Corel Draw programs installed via demo versions or through pirated software.

It is best to solve such problems proactively, that is, use licensed programs and not worry about failures.

But since the problem is already there, you have to deal with it.

There is an interesting way to do this:

1.Add to C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts.

2. Delete the folder.
for Win 7-10
C: \ Users \% username% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Corel \ Messages
for WinXP
C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Application Data \ Corel \ Messages

Judging by the reviews of those who got into a similar trouble, the recipe is effective and helps to solve problems with preservation.

In "1C" such difficulties are removed by adjusting access rights for a specific user. The way is simple: "Service" - "Users" - "Setting additional user rights".

There, select the employee who has problems with the visibility of the save buttons, and put a tick in his rights in the table editing line. And everything works again.

It turns out that the "magic" saving button still exists on computers, laptops, programs and browsers. Of course, you need to find it first, but with all the instructions described, it will hardly be difficult!