Get a satellite management. Satellite control and control systems (SSU and K), tasks and principles of organization

The system refers to telemetry, tracking and managing satellites and, in particular, for satellites used in global mobile communication systems used by cellular technology. The technical result is to provide telemetry, tracking and control (TTC) system satellites for satellite cellular communication systems using one subscriber communication channel speech / data for TTC data transmission to a satellite and through one satellite to another satellite. To do this, the Global Positioning Receiver (GPS) on board each satellite displays the control signal control signals on the onboard satellite control subsystem and the provider of the provision reports the current information to the ground station in the experient subscriber data channel. 2 s. and 17 zp. F-lies, 3 yl.

The invention relates to telemetry, tracking and management of satellites and, in particular, for satellites used in global mobile communication systems that apply cellular technology. In a modern spacecraft or satellite satellite systems, a TTC transponder is used, which is separate from the communication system / user data for such satellites. These TTC transponders mainly issue control commands sent to a spacecraft with a fixed ground station. Telemetric and follow-up information also comes from the spacecraft to the TTC transponder ground station. Thus, such a connection requires a double-sided transponder relationship between each satellite and ground station. Telemetric data coming from the satellite inform the network operator on the position and state of the satellite. For example, telemetry data may contain information about the remaining fuel of the movement missiles, so that it is possible to evaluate the useful life of the satellite. In addition, it is monitored by critical voltage and current income as telemetry data that allows the operator to determine, correctly or not work satellite circuit. The following information contains short-term data that allows you to determine the location of the satellite. More specifically, this satellite system uses the TTC transponder on board a satellite to send the tone signal down to the base station to provide a dynamic range and nominal satellite band. The height and angle of inclination of the satellite orbit can be calculated based on this information by the ground station operator. The tone signal can be modulated to provide a higher degree of accuracy in determining the dynamic range and the nominal range. The ground station issues control commands in response to the tracking or telemetry data on the satellite, which can be used to regulate the satellite orbit by turning on the satellite engine. In addition, other independent control commands can be issued to reprogram the satellite operation when managing other satellite functions. TTC information is mainly encoded to eliminate unwanted interference from other operator signals. In well-known systems, it was possible to basically only exchange TTC information with a satellite when the satellite is directly visible from a fixed ground station. Also, the well-known TTC bonds were carried out between a specific fixed ground station and its satellite and, for example, did not provide a link line with other satellites. TTC transponder links that are separated from the speech / data channels are currently used in hundreds of satellites. Separate transponders are mainly used, so the information being processed by them is mainly different by origin from information in the user communication channels. More specifically, TTC information may be in digital form, while the communication speech / data in some known satellite systems has an analog shape, which requires the entire Speech channel band / user data. In addition, the data speed for TTC signals is mainly much lower than that of user data. Unfortunately, the use of preceding systems with separate transponders to transmit TTC data leads to some problems. These well-known systems are not capable of mobile work TTC, even in the constellations of satellites, when the speakers speech / subscriber data are interconnected between various satellites, such a TTC mobile operation is not obtained due to non-payment of responderers TTC. TTC Mobile operations are successful for finding and troubleshooting or for situations where the system operator must be in any of the various locations. Also, each satellite has only one TTC defendant. Which tends to a high price, because it is essential that such a respondent makes it possible to carry out reliable control of the satellite with the corresponding ground station. In addition, electrical energy obtained from the onboard energy generation system is used in these respondents, in which solar cells and batteries are commonly used. Also, due to the use of individual respondents, TTC undesirably increases the weight of well-known satellite systems and increases the cost of manufacture, testing and withdrawal of such satellites into orbit. Essence of the invention

In accordance with this purpose, the present invention is the creation of a TTC system in which the speech / data data for TTC data transmission is used, and therefore the respondent is not required, separate from the communication channel equipment data / subscriber's speech. Another goal is to create a TTC system that is suitable for satellites used in global, mobile elemental communication tasks. In one of the embodiments of the invention, the control system is included in the satellite communication system, which has at least one satellite with a transceiver providing multiple communication channels to establish a connection between a plurality of subscribers. The control system includes a satellite subsystem on board each satellite and ground station. The satellite subsystem manages satellite functions. One of the subscriber's communication channels is connected to the ground station and a satellite control subsystem to establish the TTC communication, so that the commands can be transmitted to the satellite control subsystem that responds to the control of the specified satellite function. The control system also includes the sensor unit on board a satellite to measure the specified modes on the satellite and ensuring telemetry data transmission over the subscriber's communication channel to the ground station. In addition, the control system may also contain a position receiver on board a satellite for tracking and issuing current satellite data. The current data is applied through the subscriber's communication channel so that these current data is sent from the satellite to the ground station. Also current data can be fed to the satellite control subsystem to provide automatic satellite score. Figure 1 shows a cellular diagram created by one satellite in a multi-member cellular communication system, in FIG. 2 shows the cross-link between the ground control station and the set of satellites, figure 3 shows a block diagram of an electronic system for a terrestrial control station and satellite. Satellite 10 contains many combinations of the subscriber data receiver, then referred to as transceivers, solar receivers 12, transmitting antennas 14 and receiving antennas 16. Transceiver transmitters are used by separate transmitting antennas 14 for simultaneous radiation of a plurality of moving cells that form a chart 18 on parts of the earth's surface. Each single cell of the cell type 20 in the chart 18 also contains airspace above the ground and can be characterized as a conical cell. The operator of the ground station 22 system, although being mobile, is mainly considered as a fixed point on Earth with a relatively fast moving satellite 10, which can move at a speed of 17,000 miles per hour. Cells are always in motion, because the satellite is continuously moving. This is the opposite of ground mobile cellular systems, in which cells are usually considered as fixed, and the mobile subscriber moves through cells. As the cell progresses to the subscriber, the cellular switch must "pass" the connection of the subscriber to the adjacent cell. If the satellites are all moved in the same direction and have essentially parallel low polar orbits, an adjacent cell diagram and / or an adjacent cell can be predicted with a cellular switch with a high degree of accuracy. For switching, amplitude information or binary error information can be used. In each chart of the cellular satellite system, a variety of four cells can be used. One bunch contains cells 24, 26, 20 and 28, where cells operate at frequencies having values \u200b\u200bof respectively designated A, B, C and D. Nine such nodes are shown in figure 1 and they form a chart 18. When using frequencies A, B, C and D are the division of the size of the spectrum, which would be required to communicate with the chart 18, about nine. One of the satellite transceivers 10, for example, can use a 1.5 gigahertz / GGC communication frequency (GHz) - 1.52 GHz, and satellite frequency satellite from 1.6 to 1.62 GHz. A diagram 18 of each cell can be installed in 250 sea miles in diameter and for processing the full diagram of the cell of the cellular satellite system may be needed 610 s. The cell's frequency spectrum can be selected, as proposed by standards published by the E-Industry Association (EIA) for encoding a ground cell system. The subscriber's communication channels use digital technology to transmit speech and / or actual information from one subscriber to another. In accordance with the described implementation example, the control station 22, which is in the frequency cell "A" transmits the TTC information to the satellite 10 using one of the consumer communication channels on the cells in speech / data instead of a separate TTC transceiver. Each of these cellular channels of the subscriber is one line of speech / data indicated by the track or telephone number. Usually these channels begin and end on the ground surface. However, when used as a TTC, the end of the channel line and the call receiver may be satellite 10. Each satellite in the node receives a single number (that is, a telephone number). The ground station 22 can contact directly with any satellite, in the visibility zone it is located by generating a satellite address. Similarly, the ground station 22 also has a single address. If the satellite 10 is in motion in the direction of the arrow 30 so that the cell 26 will move next over the operator 22, the cell "A" 24 will switch to the cell 26 "b", which will later "go", for example, on the cell "D" 32. If the cell 26 becomes non-working, the TTC connection will be only temporarily interrupted, and not completely broken, as it happens in the case of known systems that have only one respondent TTC on a satellite. Therefore, the hocketer system shown in FIG. 1 provides a high degree of reliability for the exchange of TTC, due to the redundancy of transceivers providing each cell. As shown in FIG. 2, the ground station 50 may submit TTC information to the satellite 52, in direct visibility, on the channel 51 of the subscriber. Satellite 52 accepts and sends TTC from station 50 along with multiplex subscriber data channels, for example, from subscriber 53 via channel 55. The twentored switch recognizes the identifier or the satellite address for the satellite 52 in the same way what the network recognizes ground notation. Also, if you need to skip TTC data to another satellite 54, which is not in the direct visibility of the station 50, then these data can be sent to satellite 52, and then transferred along line 56 to satellite 54. Similar measures can be taken for all network additions and TTC data for each satellite and from each network satellite. If you need to report the status of the satellite 58 and the position receiver data to the ground control station 50, it develops a call signal and skips the data line 60 using a single satellite number 52. Then the TTC information is transmitted to the Earth over the channel 51 to the control station 50. Usually Type 52, 54 and 58 satellites are polled according to TTC, and serious events affecting the state of any given satellite are produced and sent by this satellite through other satellites, if necessary, to the control station. Thus, the system allows you to continuously transmit TTC data and from the control station 50, even if the control station 50 is not located on the satellite connections. Figure 3 shows block diagrams of the ground station 100 and satellite 102. The ground station 100 can be either a fixed constant station or a mobile subscriber using a computer with a modem to communicate through a standard phone. The encoding tool 103 provides the "address" signal to the transmitter 105. From the transceiver line 104, signals from the transmitter 105 of the control station 100 on the satellite antenna 102 is transmitted. The satellite receiver 102 is connected between the antenna subsystem 106 and the demodulator / demultiplexer system 110. The router 112 is connected between the output of the system 100 and the multiplexer / modulator input 114. The router 112 also processes the addresses of all incoming data and sends the addressed data to other satellites, for example, through a multiplexer / modulator 114, which is also connected to a two-sided transceiver subsystem 116. Router 112 Encodes the corresponding addresses into signals that have assignments other than the satellite 102. Router 112 sorts any messages for a satellite 102, which are indicated by its address code. Global installation satellite position receiver 118 (GPS) is connected to the router 112 through the conductor 120 and from the satellite subsystem 122 through the conductor 124. The router 112 is connected to the satellite control subsystem 122 through the conductor 126 and with the sensory subsystem 128 - through the conductor 130. Satellite control subsystem 122 Decipheres command messages from the satellite 102 router 112 and causes certain actions. The touch subsystem 128 gives telemetry data to the router 112. The Global Installation System Provider 118 (GPS) receives information from existing satellites (GPS) in a known manner and determines the exact location of the satellite 102 in space. Orbital space vectors are obtained based on this information. The position receiver 118 also defines the position of the satellite 102 relative to the GPS constellation. This information is compared with the information on the specified position recorded in the router 112. The error signals are generated by the GPS position receiver 118 and sent to the satellite control subsystem of 122 satellite for automatic course correction. The error signal is used in the satellite control subsystem 122 to control small missiles playing the role of the "course holder". Consequently, the satellite 102 uses GPS information to manage its own course, and not just to get a cocontrol from station 100. This onboard control allows you to set the position of the satellite 102 and control it within a few meters. The GPS 118 position receiver also creates spatial vector on the router 112, and the sensory subsystem 128 provides the submission of other telemetry information on the conductor 130 to the router 112, which makes messages that are fed by conductor 132 to the multiplexer / modulator 114 and via conductor 134, transmitter 136 and Conductor 138 - for transmitting antenna subsystem 106. Then these messages are transmitted over the line 140 to the receiver 108 of the ground station 100. or when you need to contact another control station on another satellite line, the messages compiled by the router 112 are sent through the transceiver two-sided subsystem 116 . Thus, each satellite can "know" its position, as well as the position of its neighbors on the constellation. The ground operator also has permanent access to this current information. Consequently, in contrast to the known systems that do not contain GPS position receivers, the following or current information for the satellite 102 is calculated on board the satellite 102. The satellite 102 does not need to have constant corrections of the trajectory from the ground station 100. However, the trajectory control information is provided from the ground station 100 When there is a need for this. The GPS signal is a digital signal that is compatible with digital cellular communication lines or channels used for ground-based subscriber subscriber. The onboard capture of the GPS digital signal format allows you to insert the following information to the channels normally used to transmit speech and / or actual information. The system has many advantages over well-known systems that use a separate TTC responder in each satellite. Namely, if the defendant in the well-known system fails, the satellite becomes useless. Otherwise, since the ground station 22 in FIG. 1, for example, can use any of the transceivers associated with the satellite 10, even if one of these transceivers will fail, there are still 35 other, with which station 22 can support communication. TTC with satellite 10. In addition, as shown in FIG. 2, even if all communication satellite-ground satellite, for example, 58 fail, the ground station 50 will be able to contact the satellite using two-way communication, for example, 60 through another satellite, for example 52. Thus, the system according to the invention provides reliable TTC connection.

The TTC system may also be in constant communication with a specific satellite through bilateral communication, and not expecting a line of sight, as in some known TTC systems. For known TTC systems, the ground station is required to be fixed, while for this system you can use mobile terrestrial control stations. The mobile ground station has a single address or a telephone number assigned to it, and behind the position of the ground station can be monitored as follows as follows subscribers from satellites of the satellite satellite constellations. In this tracking system, the GPS receiver is used on board a satellite to ensure side tracking and tracking management, and not just ground tracking control. This tracking information is immediately entered into the number of the subscriber's digital cell.


1. A control system for a satellite communication system that has at least one satellite with receivers and transmitters creating a plurality of subscriber communication channels to establish a connection between a plurality of subscribers, containing a satellite control subsystem on board a satellite to control the satellite function, ground control station, first line Communication connected from the satellite control subsystem and the ground control station to connect a ground control station from the satellite control subsystem, characterized in that the connection is established by one of the subscriber communication channels, while the specified one of the subscriber communication channels is used to transfer commands to satellite The control subsystem, combined with a multitude of subscriber communication channels, and the satellite includes a plurality of transmitters and receivers for projecting the set of adjacent air cells, and the satellite control subsystem is sensitive to team Ladies of the Ground Control Station to ensure the possibility of managing these commands the selected satellite function. 2. Control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the first line of communication contains the transmitter of the ground control station and the coding means connected to the transmitter of the ground control station for encoding the specified satellite address code in the satellite commands, and the satellite contains a demodulator / demultiplexer, connected With a satellite receiver, and a router for recognition and response to a specified satellite address code for issuing commands and connected to a satellite control subsystem and a demodulator / demultiplexer for connecting a satellite control subsystem with a demodulator / demultiplexer with the ability to receive a satellite command control subsystem from the ground control station. 3. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite contains the sensory subsystem to measure the specified mode on the satellite and issuing telemetry data, the second communication line to connect the sensory subsystem to the specified one of the subscriber communication channels to transmit telemetry data from the satellite to ground Control station. 4. Control system according to claim 3, characterized in that the second line contains a router connected to the sensory subsystem, and the router encodes telemetry data to address code corresponding to the ground control station, and issues coded telemetry data by means of a satellite transmitter through specified one of the subscriber transmitter Communication channels. 5. Control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite contains a position receiver to control and issue current satellite data, a second communication line to issue current satellite data through the specified one of the subscriber communication channels from the satellite to the ground management station. 6. Control system according to claim 5, characterized in that the second link contains a router connected to the position receiver, and the router encodes the specified telemetry data to address code corresponding to the ground control station, and connected to the transmitter part of the satellite, and the transmitter Provides the transfer of current data to the ground management station through the specified one of the subscriber communication channels. 7. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the ground control station is mobile. 8. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite communication system contains many satellites, and each satellite contains a transceiver subsystem in which satellites are connected by double-sided connections by means of transceiver subsystems, so that they set subscriber communication channels with each other and allow ground-based Management Stations Send commands according to one of the subscriber communication channels to one of the many satellites through another of a multitude of satellites having a bilateral connection with it. 9. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite communication system further comprises a cellular switch connected to the first line of communication for the direction of a plurality of subscriber messages on the specified subscriber communication channels. 10. The control system according to claim 1, characterized in that the satellite additionally contains many transmitters and receivers for projecting the set of adjacent cells, which move in connection with the satellite relative to the surface of the Earth, and each of the transmitters and receivers can be transmitted and taken to one of cells according to one of the subscriber communication channels, and a multiplexer / modulator to switch communication with a ground control station between transmitters and receivers associated with each of the cells with the provision of continuous issuing commands to the satellite at least for a specified period of time when the satellite is in direct visibility Terrestrial control station. 11. Telemetry, monitoring and control system for satellite cellular communication systems, having many satellites, each of which has transmitters and receivers that create a plurality of subscriber communication channels to establish a connection between a plurality of subscribers containing a satellite control subsystem on each satellite to control the functions of this Satellite, position receiver To determine the position of this satellite, a terrestrial control station and a first communication line connected to a satellite control subsystem, a position receiver and a terrestrial control station, characterized in that the connection to the connection is established by one of the subscriber communication channels, and the ground station The control uses the specified one of the subscriber communication channels to transmit commands to the satellite control subsystem and receiving data from the position receiver. 12. Telemetric, follow-up and control system according to claim 11, further characterized in that it contains a router connected to the position receiver and satellite control subsystem to connect the position of the position of the satellite control subsystem, and the position receiver is configured to issue a course control signal to satellite Control subsystem for the satellite rate management, and the satellite control subsystem is sensitive to commands from the ground control station to ensure the possibility of managing these commands the selected satellite function. 13. Telemetric, monitoring and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the first communication line contains a transmitter of the ground control station, a coding tool connected to the transmitter of the ground control station for encoding a given address code in the commands for a satellite, each satellite contains Demodulator / Demultiplexer connected to a satellite receiver and a router for recognition and response to a specified address code for issuing commands, connected and from a satellite control subsystem and a demodulator / demultiplexer for connecting the satellite control subsystem with a satellite receiver with the ability to receive a satellite command management subsystem from ground-based Management stations. 14. Telemetry, the following and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that it contains a sensory subsystem on each satellite to measure the specified mode on the satellite and issuing telemetry data, and the sensory subsystem is connected to the router connected to the transmitter and the first line of communication for the connection The sensory subsystem with a terrestrial control station through the specified one of the subscriber communication channels with the possibility of sending telemetry data from the satellite to the ground control station. 15. Telemetric, the following and control system according to claim 14, characterized in that it contains a router connected to the sensory subsystem to encode these telemetry data to the address code corresponding to the ground control station. 16. Telemetric, monitoring and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the ground control station is mobile. 17. Telemetric, follow-up and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the satellite communication system contains a plurality of satellites, each of which contains a transceiver subsystem, and the satellites are connected by double-sided connections by means of transceiversant subsystems, so that they establish subscriber communication channels with each other And there is a terrestrial management station to send commands to the specified one of the subscriber communication channels to one of the many satellites through another of a plurality of satellites with a bilateral connection with it. 18. Telemetric, monitoring and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the satellite communication system further comprises a cellular switch connected to the first line of communication for the direction of a plurality of subscriber messages on the specified subscriber communication channels. 19. Telemetric, monitoring and control system according to claim 11, characterized in that the satellite communication system further comprises a plurality of transmitters and receivers for projecting the set of adjacent cells, which are moved due to the satellite relative to the surface of the Earth, and each of the transmitters and receivers is made with The possibility of transmitting and receiving one of the cells through one of the subscriber communication channels and a multiplexer / modulator to switch communication with the ground control station between the transmitter and the receiver associated with each of the cells with the possibility of continuously issuing commands to the satellite for at least a specified period of time When the satellite is in the direct visibility of the ground control station.

07/13/2018, Fri, 17:50, MSK , Text: Valeria Shmyra

Russian engineers and scientists have successfully tested the methodology for managing orbital satellites through the Satellite Communication System "Globalstar". Since you can connect to the system via the Internet, the satellites can be controlled from any point of the globe.

Internet Satellite Management

Holding "Russian Space Systems" of the State Corporation Roscosmos has developed a methodology for managing small spacecraft via the Internet, which the authors of the project call "unique." The technique was tested on the Satellite of TNS-0 №2, which is now in the Earth orbit. Recall, this is the first Russian nanospace, launched into space.

On board TNS-0 №2, a modem of the Satellite Communication System "Globalstar", which ensures data transfer in both directions. Speech by "Globalstar" teams on the modem can be controlled by a satellite. Since the Internet can be connected to the system, TNS-0 №2 as a result can be controlled from any point of the planet, where there is access to the World Wide Web.

Management is carried out through the Virtual PC program loaded into the cloud. A variety of users can connect to the program at the same time, which makes it possible to jointly manage the satellite. As a result, if the user at any point of the globe will arise the need to use a satellite in scientific or technological experiments, it is enough to have access to the Internet to connect to the program. In the same way, you can get the results of the experiment from the satellite. With this approach, the costs will be minimal, the authors of the project are considered.

In total, through the Modem "Globalstar", 3577 sessions were conducted in connection with TNS-0 №2, the total duration of which was more than 136 hours. A VHF radio station was used as a backup communication channel, which also exists on board the satellite. The experiment was carried out by scientists and engineers from the RCC, the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M. V. Keldysh and RKK "Energia".

TNS-0 number 2 weighs only 4 kg

Also on TNS-0 №2 was tested by an autonomous navigation system developed in the RCC. Through the system, a high-precision pressing of VHF-antennas CaOP for connecting to a satellite is carried out. Due to this, the authors of the experiment were able to control the apparatus regardless of foreign systems such as NORAD, which is most often used in working with nanoclass satellites.

Achievements of TNS-0 №2

TNS-0 №2 was launched from the ISS on August 17, 2017, for which two astronauts had to get out from the station to open space. To date, the satellite works in orbit already twice as long as the scheduled life period. Satellite onboard devices and batteries are in perfect order. Daily scientists on Earth receive data on its work during at least 10 communication sessions.

"All devices used in it have already passed flight qualifications. Thanks to this, we have received spent decisions, on the basis of which we are together with partners from the RCC "Energia" and the Institute of Applied Mathematics. Keldysh will work on the development of a universal domestic drug platform, "said the chief designer TNS-0 №2 Oleg Pantsynykh.

The satellite was created according to the concept of "satellite-device", that is, was built, was tested and was launched to work as a finished apparatus. As a result, it turned out to be small in size, about 4 kg, and cheaper than full satellite satellites, and the development was completed faster, the authors of the project report. You can set a payload to 6 kg to a satellite, as well as modules with engines, solar panels or receiving-transmitting devices, thus expanding its functionality.

At the current state of the atmosphere, the ballistics experts promise that the satellite will last until 2021, after which he burns in the dense layers of the atmosphere. It is planned to modify in such a way that the autonomous flight can continue until 30 days. During the operation of the satellite, scientists expect to determine the extreme deadlines for the work of the technique in space, which in the future will allow longer to use nanostoters in orbit.

Satellite control systems and control (SSU and K) are a set of radio equipment for controlling and controlling the movement and modes of operation of the on-board equipment of the ISS and other spacecraft. Su and K includes terrestrial and onboard radio equipment.

The ground part consists of a network of command and measuring points (KIR), a coordination and computing center (KCC) and a central control point (PCU) related to the communication and data transfer lines.

The needy network is necessary, firstly because the visibility zone of moving USS from one instrument, located on the surface of the Earth, is limited in space and in time, secondly - the accuracy of determining the parameters of the movement of the ARS from one instrument is insufficient than more independent measurements will be held , the higher the accuracy. Continuous observation of each EDS requires the use of a network of several dozen instruments (some of them can be located on ships, aircraft, as well as an exercise).

Since the control commands and measurement results should be transmitted over long distances in the communication lines, various methods of increasing noise immunity are applied. These methods can be divided into 3 groups.

The first group constitutes operational measures aimed at improving qualitative indicators of communication channels used to transmit data. These include: improve the characteristics of the channels; Reducing the number of impulse interferences that occur in channels, prevent interrupts, etc.

The second group includes measures aimed at an increase in the noise immunity of the elementary data transmission signals themselves, for example, such as:

Increasing the signal-to-hover ratio by increasing the amplitude of the signal;

Application of all kinds of accumulation and signal separation methods;

Application of a noise-resistant type of modulation and more advanced demodulation methods and registration of elementary signals (integral reception, synchronous detection, use of noise-like signals (IPS), etc.)

Some of these methods provide an increase in noise immunity to the entire range of interference (for example, accumulation, the transition to another modulation type, others to certain types of interference. For example, the SPS and interleaving provide protection against error packages, but do not increase noise immunity to independent errors.

The third group of measures to improve the reliability of digital information transmitted via communication channels includes various methods that use the information redundancy of the code symbols that display the transmitted data at the input and output of the discrete channel (noise-resistant encoding, aspect, etc.). The implementation of these methods requires the use of special equipment:

Error protection devices (UZO) - Code Symbol Converts input and Communication Channel Output.

By the method of inaching redundancy allocate:

URO with constant redundancy, in which corrective codes that detect and correct errors are used;

With variable redundancy, which use feedback on the oncoming channel;

Combined UzOs using feedback in combination with code and indirect methods of detection and error correction.

A variable redundancy of error definitions is made either by applying corrective codes, or by referenceing the code transmitted and accepted over the reverse channel. Error correction occurs when re-transmitting a distorted or dubious code word. In the combined UzO, part of errors or erasure is corrected due to the permanent redundancy of the code, and the other part is only detected and is corrected by re-transmission.

Correction of errors in the Uzo with constant redundancy can be achieved by almost any required reception values, however, the correction code should have very long code blocks, which is associated with packaging errors with real channels.

The most widespread use in data transmission systems was obtained with feedback and combined RCD. The redundancy in the direct channel is relatively small, since. Used only to detect errors or corrected small multiplicity errors. When errors are detected, redundancy increases due to the re-transmission of distorted data blocks.

In practice, cyclic codes have been widely used to detect errors, which are developed both international and domestic standards. The highest distribution received cyclic code with a generating polynomial This code is a cyclical option extended when the chemming (added overall checking on readiness), its length is the code distance d.\u003d 4. It is known that the detecting ability of the code is growing with an increase in the code distance. Therefore, codes with medium and low quality channels should be applied d.\u003e 4, which, with an approximate reduction in the maximum length of the code combination, of course, leads to an increase in the number of verification symbols. Thus, the developed standard recommends the next generating polynomial, which specifies the cyclic code of the BCH with the minimum code distance 6 and no more than bits. Widespread use for detecting cyclic codes (chemming, BCH) errors is largely due to the simplicity of their implementation.

All the above concerned the main use of codes to detect errors. It is known that it is known to significantly improve the characteristics of the transmission method. You can introduce error correction into it. The code in this case is used in partial error correction mode, and the aspire is carried out with the impossibility of decoding the received sequence.

In cases where, for one other reasons, you cannot create a feedback channel or a recreation delay is invalid, one-sided data transmission system with error correction with excess codes is used. Such a system, in principle, can provide any desired value of reliability, however, the corrective code should have very long code blocks. This circumstance is due to the fact that in real channels errors are packaged, and the length of the packets can reach large values. To correct such error packages, it is necessary to have blocks of significantly longer.

Currently, a large number of codes that correct error packages are known. A typical approach is to solve this task by methods that allow you to correct the long error packages due to the detection of some combinations of random errors. At the same time, cyclic codes are used, such as fayer codes and decoders such as Meggité decoder. Together with suitable interleaving, block or folder codes that correct random errors are used. In addition, there are methods that allow you to correct long packages in the proposal that there is a sufficiently long zone free of errors between two packages.

The instrumentation of the instrument usually includes several command and measuring stations: reception and transmitters. These can be powerful radars designed to detect and monitor the "silent" USS. Depending on the frequency range used, theft may have parabolic and spiral antennas, as well as antenna systems that form a syphan antenna array for the formation of the required bottom.

The structural circuit of typical instrumentation in the composition of one transmitting and several receiving stations is shown in Figure 4.7.

Accepted by each antenna (a) high-frequency oscillation after amplification in the receiver (PR) enters the channel separation equipment (ARC), in which the signals of triple measurements (octave), radiotelemetric measurements (RTI), television (STT) and radiotelephone communication (STF) are separated . After processing these signals, the information contained in them enters either the computing complex (VM), or directly on the display and registration equipment (AORI), from where it is broadcast to the control point (PU).

The PU is formed the ARS motion control commands, which via the programmatically, the temporary device (POW) and the channel separation equipment (ARC) are transmitted to the appropriate PRES at the moments of its radio abuse from this instrument (transmission and other kip is possible, in the visibility zone of which are located .

Figure 4.7 - Structural scheme of standard kip

In addition, the data in the TsMM and AORI is transmitted along the data transfer line (LPD), to the coordinate and computing center of SSU and K. To bind the operation of the CPU to the system of the same time, the local paragraph of this system (MP) includes a special receiving device. Takes the exact time signals.

The structural circuit of the on-board equipment isza is shown in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8 - Structural scheme of onboard equipment USS

The on-board equipment of the USS contains a receiving device (P and AD) and an antenna device (AU) with an antenna switch (AP). AU may consist of several directed and non-directional antennas.

The most important element of the EPS equipment is the onboard computer, which is received as signals from the separation of channels (ARC) of the command transmission system (SEC) and from all sensors of the telemetry change system (RTI). In the onboard computer, commands for the system of trajectory measurements (octave), RTI and radio control systems (CRU) are formed. The onboard radio beacons are part of the system of trajectory measurements (octuary), the signals of which through the side instrument of separation of channels (BRC) enters onboard transmitters (P).

The time scale of the ISS and all terrestrial bodies are consistent with the help of an onboard reference time (BEV), which periodically bears with the ground system of a single time.

At the stage of correction of the orbit, the functions of the rust depend on the adopted method of management of the USS. With the correction method, new orbit parameters are calculated, and then the estimated time includes onboard corrective engines, with a follow-up control method, the results of trajectory measurements are immediately used to calculate the current deviations of the actual coordinates of the USS and its speed (possibly orientation) from the required and the correction of the calculated parameters in The flow of all maneuvers. The following management is used where high maneuvering accuracy is required.

In trajectory measurements, the same methods for measuring inclined range, radial speed and angular coordinates are used as in the radio navigation systems (Section 2) or traffic control systems (Section 3).

The main feature of the on-board equipment of the USS is the combination of radio engineering systems in order to reduce its mass, reduce dimensions, increase reliability and simplification. Trajectory measurement systems with telemetry and telemetry systems, radio control systems with communication systems, etc., is superimposed with additional restrictions on the choice of modulation methods and coding in the channels of various systems, allowing to divide the corresponding information flows.

Consider the structure of modern onboard systems of radiotelemmetric and trajectory measurements and the features of their work in combined radaries.

The structural scheme of onboard equipment (RTI) is shown in Figure 4.9.

RTI is a multichannel information and measuring system, which includes a large number of primary information sources (or) and the corresponding number of sensors - converters (E). As such sensors, various inverters of non-electrical values \u200b\u200bare used to electrical (in a form, convenient for processing and storage): for example, parametric sensors to which resistive, capacitive, magnetic elastic, electrostatic, etc., potentiometric, strain gauges are usually used from resistive converters. and thermistoristory. With the help of such sensors, linear and angular displacements can be measured, the elastic deformation of various elements of the design of the PRES, temperature, etc.

Figure 4.9- Structural scheme of onboard equipment RTI

The use of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) allows you to immediately obtain the measured information in digital form and send to the computer or storage device (memory). To protect information from internal interference and failures in the UPI (primary information processing device), noise-resistant encoding is performed and colibration signals (X) are introduced and the time stamps from the BEV to identify the signal of each sensor.

An unified data bus is used to exchange information between the elements of the RTI system, which provides greater control flexibility within the system and combined systems. The composition of the RTI also uses the onboard pairing device (beads), which ensures the conjugation of all RTI elements by data formats, transmitting the connection order and so on. Bus works in conjunction with an ARC forming a digital signal for the transmitter (P).

The internal control complex, the structure of which is shown in Figure 4.10, also uses a total data bus, computer, memory and BEV.

Figure 4.10 - Internal control complex

The onboard control complex (BKA) is part of the automated control system of the USS. In accordance with the EMM Program, BKU on the teams from the Earth manages the movement of the ISS according to orbit, switches the operating modes of the on-board equipment, replaces the refused blocks, etc. In autonomous mode, BKA controls the orientation of the ISS and on the signals of the orientation sensors (up to) stabilizes the position of the PRES in space.

The received signal is enhanced in the receiver (PR), after demodulation, the group signal enters the Acre in which the signals are allocated: the control systems of the hardware blocks (sub), the system of separation and transmission of control commands for changing the position of the PRES (ARK SPK). Each team is assigned the address, value and time of execution; Address Indicates the control object: SP - means of moving output; SC - ISS orientation correction tools, etc.

The most important for the ISS are teams for changing his orbit; Orientation relative to the Earth or Sun and its stabilization regarding these areas. The accuracy of the orientation is determined by the assignment of the USS. For a wide bottom, an error is permissible 5 ÷ 7, with a narrow bottom - 1 ÷ 3 degrees; At the same time, the potential accuracy of the orientation means can be very high (to the share of angular seconds), for example, for interplanetary stations.

The high quality of the transfer of command information is achieved by noise-resistant encoding and feedback: the reception of each team is confirmed by the reverse Channel of the CAP.

In the Kip Radioanal - USS (Earth - OSS), the transfer of command information is combined with signaling control signals and telemetry request signals; In the radio channel, the Earth is combined: the information channel for which telemetric and commercial information is being transmitted, feedback channel and a reverse measuring channel. To synchronize signals in combined radio systems, special syncraliality is transmitted to one of the radio channels, the type of which depends on the method of separation of channels used.

An acre with a temporary separation (WRC), frequency separation (CCR), code separation (CCR) and a combined channel separation can be used to split the channels.

With KRK, each channel is given to the time interval, as it takes place at VRK, however, the signals of such channels are transmitted in any sequence in the frequency range selected for them, due to the fact that each block of data contains information and address components. The CRC systems have a higher noise immunity, but their throughput is less than at VRK or LDC.

Given the multifunctionality of SSU and K systems and the structural inhomogeneity of the transmitted signals, in the Radio channels of the URS - the Earth and the complex modulation types of PWM - FM - FM - FM - FM - FM - FM - FM (with temporary separation of the channels - VRK) and AM - FM , FM FM, FMM - AM (with frequency division of channels - LDC).

Since the control and control system channels are combined with commercial channels of the satellite communication system or with channels of scientific information of special purpose satellite systems, the same frequency range is used as carriers in radio channels: from hundreds of MHz to tens of GHz.

Startup window is such a period of time when the most simply place the satellite to the desired orbit in order for it to start performing its functions.

For example, a very important factor is the choice of such a startup window when you can easily return astronauts back if something goes wrong. Cosmonauts should be able to achieve a safe landing point, in which there will be appropriate personnel (no one wants to land in the taiga or the Pacific). For other types of launches, including interplanetary studies, the launch window should allow you to choose the most efficient course of achieving very far objects. If there is a bad weather in the design window, there will be bad weather or some technical problems will occur, the launch should be transferred to another favorable startup window. If the satellite will be launched even in good weather, but in the unfavorable launch window, it can quickly finish his life either on the wrong orbit or in the Pacific Ocean. In any case, he will not be able to perform the required functions. Time - our all!

What is inside a typical satellite?

Satellites are different and have a different purpose. For example:
  • Weather satellites Help weather forecasters to predict the weather or just see what is happening at the moment. Here are typical weather satellites: Eumetsat (Meteosat), USA (GOES), Japan (MTSAT), China (Fengyun-2), Russia (GOMS) and India (Kalpana). Such satellites, as a rule, contain cameras that send the weather to the Earth. As a rule, such satellites are located either on a geostationary orbit, or in polar orbits.
  • Communication satellites Allow telephone calls and information connections through themselves. Typical communication satellites are Telstar and Intelsat. The most important part of the communications satellite is the transponder - a special radio transmitter, which takes data at one frequency, enhances them and transmits it back to Earth at another frequency. Satellite, as a rule, contains on board hundreds or even thousands of transponders. Communication satellites are most often geosynchronous.
  • TV and radio broadcasting satellites Transmit a television (or radio) signal from one point to another (as well as communication satellites).
  • Research satellites Perform various scientific functions. The most famous is, perhaps, the Hubble Space Telescope, however, in orbit, there are many others who observe all that can only be from solar spots to gamma rays.
  • Navigation satellites Helps navigating ships and aircraft. The most famous of navigation satellites - GPS and our domestic GLONASS.
  • Rescue satellites React to disaster signals.
  • Earth research satellites Used to study changes on the planet from temperature to the prediction of melting of polar ice. The most famous satellites of the LandSat series.
  • Military satellites Used for military purposes and their appointment is usually classified. With the advent of military satellites, it became possible to conduct reconnaissance directly from space. In addition, military satellites can be used to transmit encrypted messages, nuclear monitoring, learning enemy movements, early warning of launch missiles, listening to ground lines of communication, building radar maps, photographing (including special telescopes to obtain very detailed paintings) .
Despite the significant differences between all these types of satellites, they have several common things. For example:
  • All of them have a metal or composite frame and body. Case satellite contains all necessary for functioning in orbit, including survival.
  • All satellites have an energy source (as a rule - solar panels) and batteries for energy reserves. A set of solar batteries provide electricity to recharging batteries. Some new satellites also contain fuel cells. Power supply on most satellites is a very valuable and limited resource. Some Space probes use nuclear energy. The satellite power system is constantly observed, and the collected data on energy monitoring and monitoring of other systems is sent to the Earth in the form of telemetry signals.
  • All satellites contain on-board computer for managing and monitoring various systems.
  • All of them have a radio transmitter and antenna. In the minimum number, all satellites have a transceiver, with which the ground management team can also dwell information from the satellite and observe its condition. Many satellites can be controlled from Earth to perform various tasks from the change of orbit before flashing the on-board computer.
  • All of them contain a position management system. Such a system is designed to preserve the satellite orientation in the right direction.
For example, a Hubble telescope has a very complex control system that allows you to direct a telescope into one point in space during hours or even days (despite the fact that the telescope moves in orbit at a speed of 27 359 km / h). The system includes gyroscopes, accelerometers, stabilization systems, speed up or a set of sensors that are monitored by some stars to determine the location.

What types of orbits satellites are?

There are three main types of orbits, and depend on the position of the satellite relative to the surface of the Earth:
  • Geostationary orbit (It is also called geosynchronous or simply synchronous) - this is such an orbit, moving through which the satellite is always on the same point on the ground surface. Most geostationary satellites are located above the equator at an altitude of about 36,000 km, which is approximately the tenth of the distance to the moon. "Place of parking satellites" over the equator becomes overloaded by several hundreds of television satellites, weather and communication satellites! This overload means that each satellite must be accurately controlled to prevent the signal overlap with signals of neighboring satellites. Television, Communication and Weather Satellites - everyone needs a geostationary orbit. Therefore, all satellite plates on the surface of the Earth always look in one direction, in our case (northern hemisphere) south.
  • Space launches usually use a lower orbit, which leads to the fact that they fly over different points at different points in time. On average, the height of the asynchronous orbit is approximately 644 kilometers.
  • In the polar orbit, the satellite is usually at low altitude and passes through the poles of the planet at every turn. The polar orbit remains unchanged in space when the Earth is rotated in orbit. As a result, most of the land passes under the satellite located in the polar orbit. Due to the fact that the polar orbit gives the greatest surface surface coating, it is often used for satellites that make mapping (for example, for Google Maps).
How do satellite orbits count?

To calculate satellite orbit, special software for computers is used. These programs use Kepler data to calculate the orbit and the moment when the satellite will be "above the head." Kepler data are available on the Internet and for amateur radiots.

Satellites use a series of sensor sensitive sensors to determine their own location. After that, the satellite transmits the resulting position to the ground control station.

Height satellites

Manhattan Island, image with googlemaps

If you look from the ground, satellites fly at different heights. It is best to think about the heights of satellites in terms of "as close" or "how far" they are from us. If we consider rude, from the closest to the most distant, then we get the following types:

From 100 to 2000 kilometers - asynchronous orbits

Observation satellites are usually located at altitudes from 480 to 970 kilometers, and used for such tasks as photographing. LandSat 7 observational satellites perform the following tasks:

  • Mapping
  • Observation of ice and sand movement
  • Determination of the location of climatic situations (such as the disappearance of tropical forests)
  • Determination of mineral location
  • Search for crop problems in the fields
Search and rescue satellites operate as transmitting stations to relay disaster signals with fallen aircraft or trials of ships.

Spacecraft (for example, shuttles) are controlled satellites, as a rule, with a limited flight time and a number of orbits. Space launches involving people as a rule apply when repairing already existing satellites or during the construction of a space station.

From 4 800 to 9,700 kilometers - asynchronous orbits

Scientific satellites are sometimes located at altitudes from 4,800 to 9,700 kilometers. They send them scientific data to the ground with radio-telemetry signals. Scientific satellites are used for:

  • Study of plants and animals
  • Study of land, such as observation of volcanoes
  • Tracking wildlife
  • Astronomical Research, Including Infrared Astronomical Satellites
  • Research in the field of physics, such as NASA research in the field of microgravity or study of solar physics
From 9 700 to 19,300 kilometers - asynchronous orbits

For navigation, the US defense department and the Russian government have created navigation systems, GPS and GLONASS, respectively. Navigation satellites use heights from 9,700 to 19,300 kilometers, and are used to determine the exact location of the receiver. The receiver can be located:

  • In the ship on the sea
  • In another spacecraft
  • In the plane
  • In car
  • In your pocket
Since prices for consumer navigation receivers are tendening to reduce, ordinary paper cards have encountered a very dangerous opponent. Now you will be more difficult to get lost in the city and not find the desired point.

Interesting facts about GPS:

  • American troops during the operation "Storm in the Desert" used more than 9,000 GPS receivers.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA) Used GPS for measuring the exact height of Washington's monument.
35,764 kilometers - geostationary orbits

Weather forecasts usually demonstrate to us images from satellites, which are usually located on a geostationary orbit at an altitude of 35,764 kilometers above the equator. You can get directly some such images using special receivers and computer software. Many countries use weather satellites to predict the weather and observations of storms.

Data, television signal, images and some phone calls are neatly accepted and relayed by communication satellites. Conventional phone calls can have from 550 to 650 milliseconds of the signal to pass the signal there and back, which leads to the displeasure of the user. The delay arises due to the fact that the signal must reach the satellite and then return to the ground. Therefore, because of this delay, many users prefer to use satellite communications only if there are no other options. However, VoIP (voice via the Internet) technology is now found with similar problems, only in their case they arise due to digital compression and bandwidth restrictions rather than due to the distance.

Communication satellites are very important relay stations in space. Satellite plates are becoming smaller because satellite transmitters become more powerful and directed. With the help of such satellites are transmitted:

  • News tapes agencies
  • Stock, business and other financial information
  • International radio stations are moving from shortwave (or complement it) satellite broadcasting using a microwave ascend
  • Global Television, such as CNN and BBC
  • Digital radio

How much are satellites?

The launch of satellites does not always go well. Remember the failure of the trigger of three GLONASS satellites or for example phobos soil. In fact, satellites are quite expensive. The cost of those fallen satellites GLONASS was several millions of rubles.

Another important factor in the cost of satellites is the cost of launch. The cost of launching a satellite into orbit may vary between 1.5 and 13 billion rubles. The launch of American shuttles can reach up to 16 billion rubles (half a billion dollars). Build a scholars, bring it into orbit and then manage it - it is very expensive!

To be continued…

Satellites - a unique feature of "Jaggernaut"With no analogues in other browser games. These are partners who players can call upon the battle, getting an indisputable advantage over the enemy.

The satellite menu openswhen you click on the icon with the image of the satellite, which is located Right from the top game panel:

There are also displayed all-available satellites. Everyone player canat the same time call up to five satellites. Any of them if desired you can rename.

The first companion will becomemilitary amazon Level 15 named Ariana. In the future, new satellites of various levels and strength will appear. They will be different and their abilities, as well as the cost of calling to battle. The cost of calling the satellite depends on the difference in the levels between the player and the satellite. With equal levels Amazon call cost - 25 gold. If the satellite is much less than a level player - the cost of its call is reduced if the satellite above the player is increasing.

Participating in battles against monsters, satellite gets experience, in battles against players - experience and heroismwhose number of depends on satellite damage. One of the key features of the satellites is that player can assign their heroism and experience. With the help of the sliders, you can customize how much experience or heroism will get a satellite for your actions and how many of them will go to the player.

Via special artifactscan increasegeneral number of experience and heroismFounded by the satellite.

In addition to artifacts satellite can wear jewelry(two earrings, two rings, amulet) and special armor available when the satellite is reached on the 18th, 23rd, 28th, 33rd, 38th and 43th levels.

With each level, the satellite receives a certain amount points distributionthat can invest in developmentto one or another satellite characteristics. Each characteristic has its own cost of increasing. To increase the strength, one point you need to spend 4 distribution points, the alone of the vitality requires 5 points, and the class characteristics are 6.

Thus, everyone can make from your companion suitable according to the characteristics of the companion. The player will be able to redistribute the characteristics at any time by clicking on the "Reset" button. For each discharge of the characteristics charge.

Satellites also have a rank system. The system of achievements is similar to the same system of players: when accumulating a certain number of heroism, the satellite receives a certain title. Each title gives a satellite access to new abilities that enhances it. The ranks are availablefor satellite regardlesshis level. So, Amazon 15th level can have the highest possible title.

After reaching a certain title and associated ability, the satellite will be with a certain probability to use this ability in battle. The higher the title- especially meaningful benefits the ability of the satellite. At high titles, the satellite will be able to impose spells to the group participants and heal them.

For satellite callyou need to battle click on theappropriate button that is located above the phantom call panel. At the same time, the satellite will go into battle, and at the end of the battle from the player, the total cost of calling all satellites involved in this battle will be removed.

Each satellite has energy. This energy is spent when calling a companion into battle. If there is not enough energy to call, then for the challenge the companion will have to pay gold. The amount of energy or the cost of the call can be seen by visiting the satellite icon. Keep in mind that in PVP battles and instances of the companion can be called exclusively for gold, and in the fields of the battlefields it is impossible to use.

All new companions will appear in Jaggeruta, each of which will have its own history, individual character and unique abilities. Hurry up to replenish your personal army with beautiful warriorsthat will help you win new victories!