Founding in a roll of televisions. Buy TV and roll it into the tube: LG is planning the start of sales of flexible TVs in the coming year

According to Bloomberg sources, LG Electronics Inc. Plans to begin mass production and selling TVs with flexible screens. The analysts of the electronics market connect a hurry with the release of a fundamentally new TV with rigid competition, which aggravated against the background of the strengthening of Chinese companies and plans of the old South Korean competitor, Samsung, which is conducting its own development of flexible displays (in particular, intends to release a TV and a smartphone). Under the cat a little more facts about products with new technology, which South Korean giant plans to make consumers.

What is aware of the new TV

According to insiders, the diagonal of flexible new products will be 65-inch. It is noted that the TVs will be folded when the button is pressed, Bloomberg is carried out an analogy with the door of the garage, Rolshtor came to mind.

TVs will be equipped with OLED screens. According to anonymous interlocutors of publication due to organic LEDs, screens will be able to provide a clearer and contrast image than traditional liquid crystal panels.

The world's first flexible transparent OLED display was demonstrated by LG in June 2017.

Another presentation took place on the CES-2018. The screen (sample of 2017 year) has a diagonal of 77 inches and other fairly impressive characteristics, in particular, the 4K Ultra HD resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels), a transparency of 40% and a bending radius of 80 mm that does not reflect on the performance of the device.


In 2017 - 2018, the exhibition device from LG looked a peculiar answer to the registration of their compatriots from Samsung patent with a description of a flexible TV. In the coming year, we are already talking about a full-fledged commercial product.

Situation in the market

It is known that now there is a fairly rigid technological competition between traditional LCD matrices, OLED technology and promising LCD development, which Samsung marketers called QLED. At the same time, it is known that according to statista, the LCD TVs as a whole account for about 98% of the market, OLED is satisfied with a 1.1% piece of pie, which is far from global LG ambitions. Meanwhile, in the overwhelming majority of authoritative forecasts, the growth potential of the share of OLED on the market is assessed well, an increase of 60 - 70% is expected.

Cheap Chinese products rapidly conquers the market, as well as the efforts of the main competitor, the Korean giant will be releasing the crucible flexible TV, which will obviously appear at the beginning of the year and will be shown on the CES-2019. It is known that LG never bypassing this event and annually chooses CES as a platform for a presentation of new products.

Skeptic estimates indicate that the Global Consumer Chinese low prices are much more interesting than Korean innovations today. They say that the market, as it has repeatedly happened with bright and ambitious technologies, will definitely ignore expensive flexible TVs, and LG will be able to win only minor niche segments. In such estimates, as a rule, it is noted that the global demand for such products will be possible only if Lg suffices prices to the level of the plinth, i.e. Make them comparable to Chinese manufacturers.

A little more about the expected flexible displays from LG

It is known that in contrast to Samsung, LG do not plan the release of a flexible smartphone, while Korean sources have already reported on the likely output of the Lenovo tablet with a flexible screen that creates a LG Display division.

According to insiders, the screen diagonal of the new tablet will be 13 inches in the unfolded and 8-9 in the folded state. It was also reported that the device and the screens themselves will be produced in China. It is known that LG plans to offer this display of Dell, whose share in the gadget market somewhere in the last few years.

In LG refuse comments about any news and messages about flexible displays, televisions and tablets.


It is obvious that thanks to the flexible screens of LG, they seek to return the lost positions of market leaders and popularize OLED technology, which, despite the obvious advantages, turned out to be expensive for consumers. On the other hand, it is impossible not to pay attention to skeptical arguments, such as the likely high cost of the new product, which can scare the nipple buyers who will not want to pay for the controversial advantage in the form of the possibility of folding the screen into the tube.

In my opinion, technology certainly has a future, especially in cases where the TV must be transported somewhere. With a compaable value, such TVs will become an obvious alternative to projectors that remain more compact today. In my opinion, any technology that provides the user more freedom than the solution of a competitor, must be able to win in advance or later. Maybe I'm wrong.

In any case, I will be glad to know your opinion. Participate in the survey and share opinions in the comments, it is important for us, for the market, for manufacturers and suppliers, for the information field and for you.

01/09/2019, Wed, 13:33, MSK , Text: Allas Casmy

LG has created a unique TV with a screen capable of turning into a roll and thereby take the lowest room indoors. Samsung and other TV market leaders are not yet ready to announ such solutions.


LG made an announcement of his newest Signature OLED TV R - the world's first TV with a truly flexible screen, capable of turning into a roll, as if he is paper. The premiere took place in Las Vegas (USA) in the framework of the international exhibition of CES 2019 consumer electronics. There were also the deadlines for the start of the supply of television and its retail cost.

For the first time, the TV Signature OLED TV R was shown to the public exactly a year ago at the CES 2018 conference. At that time, LG showed only its prototype with a set of basic capabilities, while now we are talking about a device completely ready for serial production.

Release Date and Cost

In the desire to first release a mining TV for home use, LG intends to start spreading Signature OLED TV R in 2019. A more accurate date of start of sales is not negotiated.

However, the cost of Signature OLED TV R is already installed: in the first days of sales, buy a "rolled" TV will be possible for $ 10,000. The model is presented only in a modification with a screen of 65 inches diagonally. Plans for the release of more compact or, on the contrary, even larger models, LG is not yet divided.

Design concept

Creating Signature OLED TV R, LG initially abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200ba compact television with the possibility of manual folding into the roll. Even at the stage of the prototype, the TV acquired a huge base containing in itself, in addition to a niche for a twisted screen, also the mechanism of folding. Thus, the Signature OLED TV R cannot be hanging on the wall - only accommodation on any horizontal surface is available.

LG Signature OLED TV R with a fully expanded screen

For the year of LG, the basis of the Signature OLED TV R, providing its integrated acoustics and an enhanced screen spinning mechanism, was finalized. Now it takes exactly 10 seconds for full panel disclosure, and users have the opportunity to raise the panel by a third. In this mode, the time is displayed, the date and pictograms of the management of devices of the smart home, including smart speakers.

Characteristics and voice control

The main component of the Signature OLED TV R is the OLED matrix produced by the LG itself. It is located on a special polymer substrate that gives the whole design elasticity, and has a diagonal of 65 inches. The display supports the high resolution of Ultra HD or 4K, and the HDR support and 120 Hz update frequency are implemented. Review angles reach 178 degrees vertically and horizontally.

LG Signature OLED TV R with a screen disclosed by a third

The panel with the screen is deprived of any connectors - all wired interfaces, including the HDMI 2.1 input for the image source, are made to the back of the base. Using HDMI 2.1 standards here - it hurts for the future. This standard supports the transmission of content with a resolution of 8K, which will allow you to watch it on this TV without the need to purchase a new model. The TV is also capable of playing content from external media connected via USB 3.0 (interface provides backward compatibility with USB 2.0).

For the output of sound in Signature OLED TV R meets the acoustics of Dolby ATMOS with a total capacity of 100 W. The number of speakers included in the system does not specify. The program component of the TV is represented by the WebOS system in the relevant execution. The firmware contains a wide range of embedded applications and supports voice control due to the Google Assistant Assistant integrated. In 2018, Assistant, we recall, developed the support of the Russian language, which automatically means full support for voice commands given on great and mighty.

APPLE mobile devices owners have prepared support for Airplay 2 technology - with its help you can easily display content with IOS gadgets and, including to duplicate the image of their display on the big screen Signature OLED TV R. In one of the following Webos updates LG promises Add support for Assistant Amazon Alexa.

Competitors and the legacy Signature OLED TV R

Folded televisions as of the beginning of 2019 are not presented in the model range of any manufacturer, so that the braship LG has no competitors in terms of the concept. On the other hand, Signature Oled TV R is a designer TV designed by its appearance to decorate the interior of the living room or bedroom. In this regard, the direct rivals already have: these are Samsung TVs of The Frame series, externally resembling pictures and in the off state showing the works of great artists. Nevertheless, such TVs cannot be folded.

Samsung The Frame - Designer TV imitating a picture hanging on the wall

As for the Heritage Signature Oled TV R, the LG is going to submit a "rolled" smartphone in the foreseeable future, at the end of 2018, unlike the TV, the smartphone screen has two twisting mechanisms for ease of use with both hands, and he also has a partial disclosure. Display.

Last time we talked about two main types of TVs: kinescopic and liquid crystal. They stopped in detail on the pros and cons of each of the species, and also informed readers about which Novosibirsk stores offer the most favorable prices. However, the world of TVs is not limited to two types. And therefore we continue our libez. Denis Plotnikov, a specialist of the television department of one of the major Novosibirsk stores helps us to understand the nuances.

That is the most plasma ...

Although the kinescopic televisions today are still found on the shelves of stores, but much more interest to the townspeople show to liquid crystal and plasma models. Why? A better image, brighter colors ... And what is the so-called plasma? Let's deal with.

Benefits:"+" TVs with large screen diagonal (from 37 to 63 inches) are cheaper than liquid crystal analogs

"+" Lines on the plasma screen are not as clear as the LCD. And this is less tires the eye of the viewer with long viewing

Disadvantages:"-" In the case of a long reproduction of a static picture, the screen fills and loses brightness

"-" The color rendition is worse than the LCD

"-" The screen of cheaper models is challenged in the case of external lighting (computer lights, lamps, sun, etc.) in case of entering it.

"-" Plasma TVs with a small diagonal of the screen does not exist in nature, so prepare in advance to lay out for such a TV at least 20 thousand rubles, and even more


In the case of a long playback of the static image, the TV screen loses brightness. Even those who seem to watch movies constantly with such a problem with such a problem and leaves no image on a pause for a long time. The fact is that many television channels use bright logos that are "hanging" in the corner of the screen. If you will watch the same channel for a long time, then his logo can simply be imprinted on the screen of your TV.

LED - Super Thick Novelty

Recently, the market has been replenished with televisions with the LED backlight system. In essence, these are the same liquid crystal TVs, only an improved design.

Advantages: "+" colors on the screen are brighter and saturated, black and white are close to the present

"+" These are the thinnest TVs in the world. There are even models that can be collapsed into the tube. True, they are very expensive, so they have not yet been launched into wide production.

Disadvantages:"-" The price of such TVs is very high. Compared to plasma and liquid crystal analogues, the LED TV is one and a half times more expensive

It is important to remember that the thinner the TV, the worse the image quality. This is due to the fact that in thin models, the illumination lamps are located only on the edges of the screen. In more "thick" models of the backlight lamp are located all over the perimeter of the screen.

In folded form, this futuristic gadget is a box with dimensions of about 120x30x20 cm. It is easy to transport and can be installed anywhere. Inside the housing, the stand is rolled into the roll of the TV, which, if necessary, deployed. The device is equipped with stereo cashers and power supply.

LG TV 65-inch Flexible - Future Electronics

The TV presented at the CES-2018 exhibition has a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels (4K Ultra HD standard). It is made using OLED technology, providing excellent picture quality that is not inferior to ordinary models from LG.

The broadcast image is a bit like the projector's screen, but near this sensation disappears, "the visitors of the CES-2018 exhibition in Las Vegas describe their impressions. Interestingly, the basic aspect ratio of the device 16: 9 is easy to change to the indicator 21: 9, for which it is enough to turn the screen. In this case, the gadget turns into a spectacular teletabloy or, for example, to a cafe sign up to a cafe.

Preparing the production of a TV rolling into a roll

LG, introduced a novelty as a prototype, but she liked the participants of the CES-2018 exhibition, which was decided to release a small series of television. This will allow us to evaluate the reaction of consumers to a futuristic gadget and, if successful, the company will begin the large-scale production of the device. Marketers prophesy to him success, as this is the first large-format on the market, turning into a roll of TV.

It is not only convenient for storage and transport, but also provides excellent picture quality than the previous models of this kind could not boast.

Prospects for a minimal LG TV for 65 inches

Some two years ago, LG introduced a similar gadget at the CES-2016 exhibition, but its screen size was only 18 inches, and the resolution is 1200x80 pixels. In modern conditions, these characteristics are clearly not enough for a confident market entry, and here the new TV-roll may well conquer a fair niche in the category of innovative electronics. Thanks to the large size of the screen, an impressive concept can be used not only at home, but also in public places, hanging it on the wall as if the picture.

LG USA Home Appliances and Electronics / YouTube

LG introduced a serial TV with a flexible screen at the CES 2019 exhibition, independently turning into a roll. In the folded state, the TV is a small tube, in addition to the folded screen, there are speakers and other components. The sale of the TV will begin in the spring of 2019, but its price is still unknown, reports The Verge.

In many modern devices with screens, screens based on organic LEDs (OLED) are increasingly used. Their main advantages over liquid crystal or other screens are the image quality - as a rule, they have higher brightness and contrast. However, OLED technology has another advantage that manufacturers have begun to use in commercial products only recently. The fact is that flexible polymer substrates can be used in OLED matrices, which allows you to make a flexible entire screen.

Over the past years, manufacturers have already established a massive release of devices with flexible screens, such as smartphones and televisions, but in them the flexible screen was static and fixed in this position at the production stage. But until recently, this technology was not used in the form of freely bending screens due to a not enough resource with multiple bending. To date, several manufacturers immediately managed to significantly improve the durability of flexible screens, so they began to represent serial devices using this technology.

LG decided to use a flexible screen to create a Signature OLED TV R, which has a large diagonal, easy to view movies, but does not take up much space in a non-working condition. In the folded state, it is a small body similar to a column. In its upper part there is a hole, closed with a lid leaving. If the user wants to watch TV, a flexible OLED panel with a diagonal of 65 inches leaves this hole.

On the rear surface of the OLED panels, a multi-segment mechanism is fixed, which does not allow it to beton in the opposite direction, as well as two two-piece metal rails, holding the panel in a vertical position. For about ten seconds, the TV is deployed. In addition to a fully expanded state, the TV can be used in the same mode, at which it is deployed to about a quarter and the interface for managing the music and devices of the smart home is displayed on its screen. It is worth noting that the TV is based on the prototype presented at last year's CES 2018 exhibition, but now it is a serial device.

LG does not disclose all technical details about the device, but some details are still known. Like other company's smart TVs, it works under the WEBOS operating system. The TV supports two voice assistants - Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. In addition, this device first added support for Apple AirPlay 2 technology, which allows you to play music and video from Apple devices.

The TV has a 100-watt speaker with Dolby ATMOS technology, a second-generation own LG alpha 9 and four HDMI ports 2.1. While the company discloses all the details about the device, for example, the resource of the flex screen. In addition, the price of the device is also unknown. It is assumed that its sales will begin in March 2019.

Other manufacturers also began to implement the technology of flexible screens into serial devices, but not to televisions, but in smartphones. For example, in November, the American company ROYOLE is the first serial smartphone with a screen folded in half, and the Samsung pre-production prototype of a smartphone with two screens, one of which also bends in half. It is assumed that a commercially available device based on this prototype will go on sale in 2019. In addition to the Samsung device itself, it also announced that it helped Google Add to Android support for folding screens, thanks to which the system interface and applications will automatically adapt to the state of the screen.

Gregory Skis