What's with Google on June 22. Google contributed to the register of prohibited information of Roskomnadzor

On Thursday, the Day of Russian providers began to block access to Google.ru. Several internet operators are immediately information about the blocking of the RNS agency: TTK, "Maryinone", "Science and Communication", "Maxim Telecom" and "Avaks". According to representatives of companies, access restriction is associated with the decision of Roskomnadzor, which contributed to the register of prohibited resources, one of the IP addresses belonging to Google.

At the same time, a message appeared on the universal service website to check the restrictions on sites that Google.ru was introduced into a single register of blocked sites in June 2016 by the decision of the Federal Tax Service.

"We know that some users have problems with access to Google.ru. There are no technical problems on the Google side. We understand the situation, "said Svetlana Anurova," New Gazeta ", said Novlana Anurova.

Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky found out about blocking Google.ru from journalists who appealed to him for clarification. After some time, the head of the department Alexander Zharov "Vedomosti" that "Google stood a redirect from the site of the bookmaker company", so the operators began to block it.

According to him, Google has already removed the redirect, the problem was solved. Later, Roskomnadzor deleted the address google.ru from the registry.

According to the head of the movement of RoscomsVobod, Artem Kazoo, the situation is strange and continues to remain strange, despite the statement of the head of Roskomnadzor that it was resolved.

The registry of forbidden sites www.google.ru introduced FTS. Recently, the tax service can make decisions on blocking Internet gambling resources: poker, casino, tote, etc.

"And the FNS immediately became an active player in the online blocking market, overtaking a multiple departments. And it makes there everything in a row without disaster, including all technical domains that are not directly related to such sites, but through which the processing of some engines can take place, and so on. The heat does not quite transparently explain that there was some kind of redirect from the gambling site. What it means - it is not clear, there is a question for him, "explains Kozluk.

This usually happens as follows: the state body (for example, the tax) makes a solution that is added to the closed part of the registry. Then RKN sends notifications to the Header or the site owner, giving him a few days to eliminate disorders. If the information is not deleted, the RCN transfers this site into the open part of the registry, that is, in the unloading of telecom operators to block.

According to Kozluk, this is a routine procedure, but in some cases, some resources hang there for years. For example, some Wikipedia pages were made back in 2012, and are still there, also with some links "VKontakte".

"This closed part is seen only by the RKN, and for what he keeps them there - it is not clear," he notes.

In this case, Roskomnadzor performed a decision, but as the Contractor made it that www.google.ru was in the register of prohibited sites.

"And so it turned out that the site from the closed part of the fault of a particular performer - someone clicked the button or the code fell - I suddenly got into the open part. Perhaps, along with him there were other resources. Communication operators in essence received instructions from Roskomnadzor about blocking Google.ru, while the RKN itself does not know about it. It's just his prevention. Most likely, it happened by chance. We simply can make such assumptions, "Kozluk added.

What happened earlier

In early June, due to a similar problem, users did not have access to some sites, including online cinema IVI and the "Medusa" edition. The Roskomnadzor blocking mechanism works on domain names (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM - DNS), the owner of the locked site can bind any IP addresses in the domain name database. For those providers who did not provide for this vulnerability, access to allowed sites was automatically blocked.

Later, on June 9, there were interruptions in the work of some banks. In particular, the Sberbank payment terminals did not work, customers of other banks complained about the malfunctions when paying by cards. The author of the Telegram channel "SibibersEkuriti and Co." Alexander Litreyev published a list from hundreds of IP addresses, which could use to block the address of banks.

After that, regional controls of Roskomnadzor asked for providers when blocking could not use the dasamed name base (DNS resolving). Telegram Channel "SibibersEkuriti and Co." published a letter of departments in the Urals Federal District. "Until June 16, 2017, it is necessary to restrict access to Internet resources only by the IP addresses that are specified in the registry (not to carry out DNS resolving)," said in the document.

"If we talk tactically, this is a mistake in the actions of Roskomnadzor. If strategically, it is just another hole - which before it was already a lot - in the mental system for restricting access to information in general, and in Russia in particular. The supervisory authority and legislators do not cease to talk about these problems, but no one listens to the IT industry. This system is breathing and it can not be continued to be pledged by patch from the law. These holes are not covered with nothing, because there is no effectiveness in the limitations. And what is happening now will have to spew even stronger over time, and grow as a snowball, "Kozluk believes.

Forbidden sites of Roskomnadzor. The registry says that this happened on June 14 last year. According to preliminary data, it was the address of www.google.ru, while the address of the service, including in the domain zone.com, opens normally.

In Roskomnadzor, for now (15:00 Moscow time), no comments on this occasion did not.

Why providers began to block the Google Russian domain now, it is not clear. It is not excluded that some error occurred.



"It looks like www.google.ru contributed to the Roskomnadzor register. On the registry (https://eais.rkn.gov.ru) domain www.google.ru is really aware, and access" is limited to the page "<...>

Www.google.ru was submitted to the registry, the huge number of telecom operators does not open. At the moment, it is known about problems at MTS, Telecom TZ, science and communication, Maxima Telecom, TTK, will turn, signal, marinonet and about a dozen providers. "

Telegram Channel "SybersEkuriti and Co."

The Moscow Internet Provider "Avaks" blocked Google.ru, RNS customers of the company reported and confirmed in technical support.

"Access to the page is prohibited, as it fell into a single register of prohibited sites containing information, the spread of which in the Russian Federation is prohibited, or to the federal list of extremist materials on the Ministry of Justice," - indicated in the message for "Avaks" customers when trying to open Google .

According to the technical support representative, the blocking is associated with the decision of Roskomnadzor, which contributed to the register of prohibited resources, one of the IP addresses belonging to Google.

"This is a temporary phenomenon, Roskomnadzor blocked, we can not influence anything, you need to wait. Roskomnadzor blocked some sites, they pointed out for this site IP Google, so as if a second to block their site. Because of this error in the Roskomnadzor system it turns out. that some people do not get access to Google, "RNS reported in the technical support provider.

The representative of the company noted that such a situation has already been shaped with the Apple website. According to him, at the moment, with the problem of access to Google faced "not all, but many providers<...>

The representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky noted that he learned about the problem from journalists and would provide a comment later.


June 22, 15:32 The head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov explained to the blocking of Google.ru.
Google stood a redirect from the site of the bookmaker company, so the operators began to block it. Google has already removed the redirect, the problem was quickly solved, explained the heat.

What pages and materials are discussed, it is not clear. Google spokesman promised to comment later.


June 22, 16:53 Possible cause of what happened:

Address www.google.ru from the Roskomnadzor registry disappeared.

Access to the Russian-language version of Google turned out to be partially blocked because the site came to the register of prohibited information of Roskomnadzor. It happened due to an incorrect link, which was not checked in the regulator, experts believe

The Google.com page (the Russian-speaking version of the search engine) was introduced into the register of prohibited information. On June 22, the users of social network reported on June 22 and the RBC correspondent was convinced through the service of verification of prohibited sites of Roskomnadzor.

According to the registry, the body initiated by the blocking was the Federal Tax Service (FTS), and in the Black List of Google.ru came again a year ago, June 14, 2016. It was about two search page pages: one had the status "Access is not limited", and the other is "access is limited."

In this regard, a number of operators began problems with the download of the site. In particular, Google.ru did not open with Telecom TZ operators and at TTK. The TTK spokesman explained this by the fact that the filtration systems operate in automatic mode, blocking domains entered in the register of prohibited sites of Roskomnadzor.

Google spokesman said that the company knows about the problems of some users with access to the site. "There are no technical problems on the side of the Google. We understand the situation, "he said.

After a short time, the page with the status of "Access is limited" disappeared from the registry. Representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky explained RBC that blocking that one of the search engine pages redirected to the forbidden site of the bookmaker office. The Russian-speaking version of Google redirected to accessfonbet.com - the site of the FONBET foreign bookmaker office, the adviser to the Department of Interaction with Media FTS Evgenia Sukhov. From October 2015, in the Federal Law No. 244 "On Gaming Games" and FZ No. 138 "On Lottery", amendments were made, which, in particular, gave the powers of the FTS to send Roskomnadzor regulations on blocking illegal sites. After Google fulfilled the law, its website was removed from the register of prohibited information, Ampelonsky noted.

Technical moment

The surveyed RBC experts pay attention to the fact that the incident occurred due to the fact that the registry was not a direct reference to the forbidden resource, but leading to him redirect with Google.ru. This address appears, for example, if in the Chrome browser on the search results page to click right-click on the site and select the "Copy Link address" in the drop-down menu, told the Internet researcher and founder of the popular portal Lurkmore David Homak. This reference FTS sent to Roskomnadzor, and thus in the registry turned out to be the domain name of Google.ru.

"The FTS did not even clicked and did not look at the site that the site is blocked. Well, respectively, in Roskomnadzor, no one checked that they were sent for the URL, "said Homak. "No one checks what exactly is trying to block, and no one is responsible for the result. And providers are forced to perform any, even obviously absurd requirements and are fined for refusing to fulfill these requirements. "

However, entering the registry does not indicate the automatic blocking of the site. Some "particularly important resources" can be in the list of prohibited, but be accessible. In particular, individual Pages "Wikipedia" are there since 2012, but the resource itself is available, says the head of the project "RoskomxVod" Artem Kozonuk. The fact that Google has been blocked only a year after entering the registry, it can be explained by this, suggests an expert.

The Russian-language version of the website Google is temporarily in the register of prohibited sites, composed of OM. This led to the fact that some providers closed access to a popular search engine, which complained users of social networks.

In the black list of Google.ru, it was based on the decision of the federal tax service () more than one-year limit.

"We know that some users have problems with access to Google.ru. There are no technical problems on the Google side. We understand the situation, "said Google spokesman.

Google led advertisement

The problem of blocking is currently solved - about it " Interfax "Alexander said the head of Roskomnadzor. "The problem was, this is not a false blocking. Google stood a redirect from the site of the bookmaker company, so the operators began to block it. Google has already removed the redirect, the problem was quickly solved, "the head of the supervisory department told.

It turned out that the Google.ru website was introduced into the registry on the basis of Art. 15.1 (information, information technologies and information protection) by decision of the FTS dated June 14, 2016.

Telegram-channel "SibibersEkuriti and Co.", which is leading IT specialist Alexander Litreyev, reported that Google in Russia "managed to block, Telecom TZ," Science and Communication ", Maxima Telecom, TTK," Steel-", "Signal", "MarinoNet" and about a dozen providers. Lithraev himself held investigation And I found out for what reason Google got into the registry due to sites with gambling.

As the expert stated, it was not the case in the system vulnerability found, but the incompetence of employees who made a site with prohibited information - instead of a direct links to the list addressed the official address of the search engine's advertising network.

"Voila, RKN killed Google from a huge number of Russians," writes Litreyev.

"It's just incompetence - people do not understand anything about how promotional networks of search engines like" Yandex.Direct "and Google AdWords", - added an analyst.

"Gazeta.Ru" contacted the director (IRI) on project activities to find out if Roskomnadzor is in principle to block Google. The expert confirmed that the reason for making a search engine in the registry can only be an error or misunderstanding.

"Despite the various scandalous Internet regulation initiatives, Russia is confidently moving along the path of free movement and exchange of information, access to legal sources of its distribution, which is Google's search service. Any entrusted limitations are minimal in our country and are caused by the provision of national security: counteracting the spread of illegal content, terrorism and extremism. Google blocking in the present situation would be barbarism, "said the interlocutor Gazeta.Ru.

In Google banned

Despite the rather operational solution of the problem, the news about the Google blocking instantly scattered on social networks, causing a huge number of publications. Many noted that the phrase "What, in Google banned" played with new colors.

In addition, users joking on the point that Roskomnadzor cannot remove Google from the register of prohibited sites, because now it cannot "google" how to do it.

Some also noticed that Google's lock should greatly deliver employees.

In general, the blocking of Google.ru became a complete surprise for everyone, since Roskomnadzor did not make any statements about the existence of violations. It is quite another thing about the Telegram messenger, which the head of the Zharov has long been trying to enter the register of the organizers of the dissemination of information, and therefore obtaining the necessary identifiers from it.

Telegram and its creator do not come to contact with Roskomnadzor and do not respond to his requests, which led to the fact that the head of the department promised to personally require the necessary data. The heat added that "waiting, waiting for a response from the messenger," but not yet achieved any result.

It turned out to be unavailable for part of users on Thursday during the day, Telegram-channel "SibibersEkuriti", which leads the political activist Alexander Litreyev. He refers to numerous user complaints. Roskomnadzor added him to the list of sites forbidden in Russia back in 2016, follows from the universal service data to check the restrictions on the sites. It indicates that the address is entered into the registry at the request of the FTS. Correspondents "Vedomosti" site google.ru opens.

The problem was, this is not a false blocking, confirmed by "Vedomosti" by the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov. Google stood a redirect to the site of the bookmaker company, so the operators began to block it. Google has already removed the redirection, the problem was quickly solved, explained the heat.

FTS for blocking the site of this company described several addresses (URL), including the address that looked like a reference-redirect from Google clarified the representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky. Roskomnadzor did not have the right not to make this reference to the registry, but immediately warned Google. The company removed the redirect, and Google was excluded from the registry. According to Ampelonsky, this link was present in the registry for less than an hour.

"We know that some users have problems with access to Google.ru. There are no technical problems on the Google side. We understand the situation, "says Google spokesman.

Google - Victim of FTS and Roskomnadzor?

Google's temporary blocking could be the result of the systematic actions of the FNS, which does not check which sites send to blocking, and, at the same time, a certain failure in the register of Roskomnadzor, says the head of the RoscomsVobod project Artem Kozonuk. After all, the whole domain of Google.ru in June 2016 was entered into a closed part of the registry, which does not contain links not for blocking, but to prevent site owners that there is some prohibited content on their resources. It is possible that a failure in the system could send a number of Internet resources on blocking - and not only www.google.ru, suggests Kozluk. If you believe the versions of Roskomnadzor, then someone could complain to the site in the FTS and throw a link with the Google redirect, but the FTS and Roskomnadzor still had to check it out. As an example of such a "redirect" - the Google Translate service, with which you can access the T. And to the locked sites, since the "engine" of the translator uses the technical resources of the Google itself for the simultaneous translation of the entire site. And if you send such a link to blocking, then again, all Google will suffer.

FTS has the right in pretrial order to require Roskomnadzor to block sites from 2015. We are talking about sites that violate legislation in gambling and lotteries. Last July, Izvestia, with reference to the data FTS, reported that, at the request of this service, Roskomnadzor blocked more than 6,000 online casinos and bookmaker sites, as well as about 50 mobile applications such companies. Sites were blocked because the creators of sites and applications did not receive a special state license as an organizer of gambling.

History with locks

This is not the first scandal associated with locks. In early June, part of the resources not included in the Black List of Roskomnadzor were blocked, and it happened because of the vulnerability in the blocking system: it allows you to attach an IP address of a good resource to a prohibited address. Among the Blocked were Internet cinema IVI, the hosting control panel in the Cabinet of users of the SELECTEL hosting provider, the Medusa site.

RUSSIA began to block sites with prohibited information in 2012 - then the first law was adopted about banning access to resources with children's porn, calls to suicide and drug propaganda. Access to such sites is closed without a court decision, all of them are entered into the Roskomnadzor register, from which communication operators take information about what needs to be blocked. Later, the sites with extremist and in general any information prohibited by law are blocked. Then the locks distributed to sites with pirate content, but in this case the court decision is required.