Types of traffic monetization. What is mobile traffic monetization? What is monetized at the expense of traffic

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Imagine an exercise bike - you twist the pedals, but do not go anywhere. And if you transfer to the bike? The same actions will be able to go in the right direction. The same situation with traffic. You begin to monetize it - and as if transplanted on the bike.

What is the traffic monetization and how they earn it

The very concept of traffic means the amount of information passing through a separate channel. It can be a personal site, an account on a social network or a special application. The nature of this information depends on the Internet resource. Main types of information distribution:

  • Advertising - contextual, teaser.
  • Visitors of a personal site or blog.
  • Subscribers on social networks.
  • Banners, redirection, references, etc.

When concluding a contract, certain actions are negotiated for which the fee is charged. Usually, the reward is obtained for increasing coverage, downloads, views - that is, for an increase in the flow of information.
Having understood that traffic monetization is a legal and proven way to obtain income, you can start work. You can earn, having only a mobile phone with Internet access.

What types of monetization exist

Depending on the information resource, several types are distinguished. There are traffic obtained with its own Internet resources, and traffic provided by third-party platforms.


Earnings is to create interesting users of files and place them on their website or third-party resources. If you have your own platform, files download subscribers if there is no site - we take other resources. Using file sharing as a platform, we place interesting files on them, we pack up the current information and get money for downloading. In order to increase the downloads, it is necessary to attract new visitors to the file sharing or the site, for this we use advertising on social networks, coverage of your personal page, send messages to your familiar and so on.

There are certain requirements for file content:

  • We are packaged in the archives what interests for the audience - games, video, books, profitable links to affiliate programs.
  • Links attached to the file must match the subject of the product. For example, if the text file contains a book on psychology - it makes no sense to attach a directory of the online store of agricultural machinery there. And if to attach a link to the site with children's goods to the developing video for children - downloads and passes will be more.
  • Beware of viruses - if the file contains, the reaction from the Internet resource will follow immediately. Access to it will be closed for us.

When working with files, there is such an option to monetize traffic as the use of platforms. These are archives containing the necessary users with information, but it must be paid to access it.


The contextual advertising option is ideal for the owner of the promoted site or blog with a large stream of visitors. The scheme is simple: on the site we place an advertising unit, similar to our subject. Then continue to unwind your resource and fill it with new visitors. For each click and the transition to the advertising link we get money.

  • Visits a large number of clicks due to its specifics. The teaser posted on the site attracts an intriguing photo or title. The transitions on the link also bring the income to the site owner.

  • Banner advertising implies payment for the time interval. The site owner sells a place under the banner, receiving payments under the contract.
  • The running line gives good income to the owners of sites with large day traffic. In this case, the advertisement is a running line, payment is assigned by the number of impressions.
  • CPA networks - such links or banners bring revenue depending on the actions of the person implemented after the transition on them.
  • Partnerships and programs are one of the most famous types of SEO traffic monetization. In this case, the site contains articles containing references to a product or a partner service. Payment is made depending on the terms of the contract, it may be a challenge for a click or percentage of sales.

How to Monetize Mobile Traffic

Mobile traffic is of interest to a number of services, so those who do not like to sit at the computer for a long time, this option is perfect. For profit, you must register on special platforms and get the task.

Mobile traffic monetization is carried out in several ways:

  • Download the application and send a proposal to your friends or contacts. We get a reward for downloading, money is accrued for each open file.
  • We attend a certain resource, we recommend it to your contacts. For visits on our recommendation we receive income.
  • Banner advertising options on mobile devices - a new version of WAP traffic monetization, this indicates an increase in the development of mobile Internet and promises new sources of income for webmasters and ordinary Internet users.

We choose the optimal version of the traffic monetization - and we get income, everything is simple, transparent and accessible.

Through the monetization of traffic, not so long ago, a new direction was actively developing - partner programs with payment for actions or "CPA advertising".

In this regard, there have been many affiliate programs that offer site owners earn money on their traffic.

How to monetize your traffic?

Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com.

MYRAGON.RU - one of the largest partner programs in RuNet with payment for the result.

In February 2011, Myragon decided to combine existing affiliates in one interface, thereby simplifying the work of advertisers and webmasters for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Myragon system is built according to the model payment for action PAY PER ACTION). The essence of the system is to convert target traffic of various subjects (online shopping, software, books, clothing, cosmetics, credit lines, and so on).

Typically, such affiliates as farm, replicas, platforms die during the first year. But Mairragon has a few other kind of affiliate.

Judging by the Customer Base, Myragon present offers offers of the largest and very well-known companies (such as Kaspersky Lab, Online Megarket Ozon.ru, Alpha Bank, Tinkoff Credit Systems, Educational Project "Netology", Federal Retail Network "Svyaznoy" and many Others). These partners are "white". They live long.

Money is paid for the specific actions of users who come from your site. For example: for registering a user, installation of the program, downloading a file, filling out various forms and much more.

To date, Myragon boasts a weighty portfolio of offering and sites for their placement:

  • Offers - 149.
  • Webmasters - 20778.
  • Places - 84172.

A user-friendly interface has been made for webmasters - connect offers easily and you can monitor all the necessary statistics.

In Mayragon there are offera, payments for which are significantly higher than that of other CPA networks.

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The principle of work myragon

Myragon collects target thematic traffic And send it to the sites of their partners - advertisers.

All types of traffic are accepted, except spam And also forbidden cashback traffic.CashBack - This is stimulated traffic when the webmaster motivates people to register for money. It is usually a traffic with bezes, forums, social networks and other resources with "tasks" and requests to register - this is poor-quality non-convertible traffic, there is no proc. Neither the advertiser nor the webmaster. Unfair users trying to "wind" traffic inevitably shovers.

What will webmaster earn

When clicking on promotional materials posted on its website, visitors are moving to the pages of advertisers, committing certain actions. And for this advertiser pays money.That is, the task of the webmaster is converted traffic to lida or sale.

Internet Marketing under the challenge means a certain action, Perfect by a potential consumer of goods or services. For example, the user switched to the link and made an action - registered on the site. In this case, registration is a lid.

What makes Myragon earns

Myragon finds high-quality sites for advertising customers, and for it takes a commission as an intermediary. This is natural, Maitragon acts as a guarantor and prevents possible risks. These are they guarantee payment, they take full mediation between the webmaster and the advertiser. Provide the opportunity to work with a large number of affiliates on some "standard" rules with unified statistics and so on.

And for this you need to track traffic, Lida, develop your system, pay for the work of the support service, to keep accounting, pay taxes and much more.

How to make money in myragon

  1. Place advertising banners or link on your website.
  2. Attract new customers for advertisers.
  3. Receive the Commission depending on the conditions of each individual offer.

In addition, there is a referral system: you get 5% of the income of the users attracted by you!

What is the case with payment

With payment in Myragon is all right. Everything is exactly and on time. Payments occur in a timely manner: the 7th and on the 22nd of each month, even if these dates fall out on Sunday! It is very loyal.

Article on the topic: Passive income on educational traffic

Minimum amount to getting: 300 rubles.
Money can be displayed on Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Wire, Paypal, Qiwi.

How to start working

  1. First you need to register.
  2. Add a platform into the system.
  3. Log in your personal account.
  4. In the main menu, select the "Offer" section.
  5. Go to "List of Offers".
  6. Click on the button "Add to My" opposite the desired offper.
  7. Go to the "My Offer" section.
  8. Click on the "Get Link" button.
  9. Select the desired material (among which can be: links, XML products, simple banners, slide banners, showcase, tizers) and get the code under it.


  1. The user enters the website of the Webmaster, which has advertising material (for example, a banner) from the Base of Advertising Proposals (Offers) Myragon. Invisible redirect through the Myragon system, the user passes on the banner to the advertiser's website.
  2. On the advertiser's website on the completion page there is a code that tracks the quality of the action performed.
  3. If the action is performed correctly and the Leed is high-quality, then the webmaster receives remuneration for the action performed, which is immediately displayed in the statistics.
  4. The system automatically generates a report on all perfect actions, and it is available for the advertiser via the MYRAGON system interface in real time.
  5. The advertiser pays the result of actions performed.

How to earn more

As you guessed, CPA-advertising is the coolest round of earnings on the network. If you want to earn a month of $ 1000 or $ 3000, then traffic needs not some, but target. Do not think that than you are more traffic, the more earn. Not paid by traffic itself, but a specific result. Here you have to work seriously. Simple transitions through banners or text links may not work.

If you want to monetize traffic, it will be useful for you to learn how to do it on mobile devices. Mobile traffic is one third of the entire existing on the network, and this number grows every day. As more and more people spend their time on smartphones, gradually focus shifts from desktop computers to mobile devices.

At the same time, most users still make purchases on computers. Does this mean that e-commerce should focus more on the PC sites? Does this affect the monetization of mobile traffic?

First you need to see how users behave on each device. People make less shopping on mobile devices. According to experts, almost twice the users make purchases and attend information sites from PC or laptops. But at the same time, people do not "disable" their interest in goods and services when they use mobile devices. Instead, they spend more time to study the sentence, and as a result, many make a decision to purchase.

It is worth noting that the monetization of mobile traffic is not only the sale of own goods and services, but also receiving interest from participation in affiliate programs, as well as posted on your site.

Despite the small level of purchases from mobile devices, the speed of transforming on them is higher than on computers. And it turns out profitable if you earn money on announcements from your site.

How to increase such profits?

Unfortunately, today does not pay much attention to the monetization of mobile traffic. However, from the devices with a smaller screen size is quite simple to read the text. By themselves, such devices are created for quick reading, scrolling and listening. The text should be shorter, meaningful and more noticeable.

Due to the small size of the screen, the ads may occupy more space, but at the same time they do not seem to be obsessive. Perhaps this is another reason why the coefficient of the conversion of mobile ads remains high. With the right organization, the monetization of mobile traffic with payment for shows can be very profitable.

How else can you earn?

The time spent on the network from mobile devices is most spent on applications. On average, users spend more than 30 hours to various services and mobile browsers per month, compared with the average 27 hours, which are spent on with computers. According to statistics, more than a third of the owners of smartphones are loading at least one application per month. It is such services that about 90% of the time of mobile Internet is devoted.

Taking into account the above and can be organized monetization of mobile traffic. What does it mean? Everything is quite simple. If you want to get earnings from users of smartphones, you need to develop your own application. It is these services that are confidently starting to select a market share, which previously belonged to computers.

What needs to be done first?

Before reading the Mobile Site Monetization Tips, quickly review the statistics of your site. Get an approximate estimate of how many visitors are used mobile devices, and then examine the segments. How does your mobile traffic relate to computer? Is there a big difference in key indicators? If this difference is obvious, you can proceed to different ways.

How to do it?

As mentioned above, mobile traffic monetization does not always mean electronic trading. If you want to make money in this way, advertising is one of the best monetization approaches that you can do. Integrating advertisements or search tools to your site is one of the best profit methods.

What should be your resource?

Make your site simple and understandable - this is an absolute necessity. Each modern topic for WordPress or other engines is lightweight and easily variable. Examine mobile advertising solutions and integrate them to your site.

Direct users to other segments of your site. Despite the fact that the mailing lists are the perfect marketing tool, you can communicate through Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and so on. Moreover, the monetization of mobile traffic without subscriptions is the most desirable today. Think about what your site should look like a network with multiple devices. The more connections are created in your content network with a person, the greater the likelihood that they will become your regular visitors.

How to attract users?

Constantly attract people's attention. The key to strengthening trust and long-term relationship is to hold the attention of visitors who come to your mobile site. Subscription forms for actions and email must be minimal: the more fields you want to fill, the less likely the people will do it on the mobile device.

If you have provided a permanent flow of visitors, it is important to keep it. In this case, we are talking about creating high-quality content compatible with mobile devices. Long articles look bad enough even on the computer screen, and even worse - on the smartphone. If you are monetizing mobile traffic, you must follow the same basic principles of clear communication, as well as under standard network marketing. This includes calls for action, efficient advertising and high quality content. As soon as three data requirements, you will begin to notice some improvements in monetization.

CPI and CPA.

CPA is a pricing model where the advertiser pays for a certain action, such as registration, sale in the store, etc. CPI is a more accurate version of the CPA at which the payment occurs when the user sets the application.

Despite the fact that most advertising networks make big money in the CPI business, it is advisable to choose a niche for yourself in CPA. The main action of these links is the motive of users to subscribe to a paid service, thanks to which they will receive excellent mobile content, such as video, ringtones, games, wallpapers, etc. The peculiarity of these subscription proposals is that they are designed to work on mobile devices. Thus, the placement of such ads on their website is the monetization of mobile traffic with payment for action.

Advertising space

The traditional advertising model, which originates still in paper newspapers, is to sell advertising space and embedded ads in content. The same model is used for television with 10-minute commercials for every 20 minutes of broadcasting. From some time, even videos on various hostings receive income from placing such an advertisement. The Internet uses this model over the past 15 years, and the revenues from it reached the mark of tens of billions of dollars.

This method can also be used on a mobile platform, and it can generate real income. Having small ads in the upper or bottom of the screen, the advertiser will receive transitions and traffic to their sites. The monetization of mobile traffic is obtained with however, the main disadvantage of this approach is that it is much more complicated to create an attractive commercial video on a small screen. Application developers want to make money, but do not always want to sacrifice too much screen space, which can interfere with the application of the application.

Affiliate and referral programs

Another idea of \u200b\u200bmonetization has recently includes affiliate marketing with mobile applications. In essence, instead of selling an advertising space, the advertiser offers an affiliate program that contains links built into the application. They will generate income for the service maker based on the recommendation. In affiliate programs, the advertiser pays sales facts that are generated by an affiliate. The system can track these "clicks", and if the consumer goes to the advertiser's website and makes a purchase, the application developer receives a commission.

What is significant happening in the Earnings sector? Over the past 10 years, it will be ruined by substantially "rolled" on the methods of earnings. With the advent of SAPE, a reference boom has occurred and a tough effect on the search issuance. Who managed to settle down that wave, earned an indecent bunch of money, because Sap received not only obscenely sad sites, which made it possible to kill sites in conveyor and on a global scale, and also helped with the ease of promoting microwave (Super RF) in the Top 1 for shamefully low semen budgets. With it, pushing out of the top fatty year-old sites, which gave me to earn more on holes, and the immaturity of the search engines. It was the time when ideas and their embodiment were ahead of the algorithms of search engines. But, such a romance lived only a few years, leaving only pleasant memories of the web workshop of utopia. Search engines wondered.

War of the minds gained its turnover. Rebuilding more and more Western experience, Runet scratched a lot of services and stock exchanges, which created an excess market of proposals to earn. But, excess in the positive way. Now everyone can find a niche for earnings.

What types of earnings offers internet? What can I monetize the site today? Consider 🙂

  1. Contextual Advertising or PPC (Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, Begun)
  2. PPV or Pay Per Vision. In addition to the fact that it applies to almost all advertising networks, we will take this type of monetization as Daos and Nolix.
  3. Banner Advertising (Popunder, Clickunder, Topline, Catfish, AdSpot, Richmedia, VK-Massage)
  4. Tizers
  5. Arbitration (traffic trade)
  6. Links (Sape, Linkfeed, Mainlinks, Uniplace, Kazapa, Blogocach)
  7. Context References and Articles (GOGETLINKS, GETGOODLINKS, MIRALINKS)
  8. Posting (Rotapost)
  9. File Exchangers (Depositfiles, Letitbit and Others)
  10. Monetization of video and graphic content. When you hover the mouse smoothly leaves the advertisement.
  11. Spam mailing.
  12. Online store
  13. Site Trade
  14. Advertising Reviews and Releases
  15. Subscription list. Sale of info products
  16. CPA - Affiliate Marketing of the New Generation.
  • white Label Project or Representation (branch).

Very often, these methods are combined with each other. Therefore, consider the most common and profitable on simple schemes.

Sale of references, posts and articles

This is one of the easiest ways to monetize the site. Especially as for references. Optimizers on links and articles are found suitable websites of webmasters (donors) and place their references and articles. Why is this method of monetization so simple? Because all the work of the web master is to create a site, filling it with content and pumping puzomers, i.e. TIC, PR and some traffic. Therefore, many webmasters are "printed" sites packs.

PPC, PPV, Tizers, Banners

Direct task of this type of monetization - direction of traffic to the site. You can simply build attendance to your resource, collect a subscription list, sell your products without intermediaries. Another option is to direct traffic to the Parener site and receive commissions from sales. Well, it will already be. To pour traffic to the site, various promotional networks are used: Adsense, Yandex Direct, Blogun, MSN, Yahoo, teaser and banner networks. Traffic is also bought from thematic sites, forums, social networks.

For this method of monetizing a simple site will not be enough. You need to be able to write the licking advertising texts, create attractive banners and tips, and also make promotional campaigns in order not to merge the budget. Monetization of traffic is the most profitable view of earnings. But the most demanding knowledge and experience of a web master and optimizer.

CPA Marketing

According to the observations of many experienced webmasters, the Russian "Internet labor market" confidently walks towards partner marketing or CPA. Let us dwell on it. What is Affiliate Marketing and why can we talk about such a trend? And most importantly, what to do webmasters to "catch a wave"?

Wikipedia How no one better determines this concept:

You are sure, heard about such a thing as CPA.? CPA or Cost Pay Acquisition (Purchase fee). We used to say not acquisition, but an action. You are promoting someone's product online and receive a reward for the perfect buyer's action (under the Adverterator). What can it be for the actions of the buyer (user)? Take the most common options based on Russian CPA data exchanges:

  • Registration on the advertiser website (very popular in game topics);
  • Achieve a certain level in the game;
  • % of the sale of gaming "clothes";
  • The buyer issued a subscription;
  • Filling the application;
  • % of sales of goods or services;
  • registration of subscription.

Here are some Offer offers:

Although western market has long switched to CPA And, it seems, the market is clogged with suggestions, - you can still earn there and a lot. Such giants like,, bring to advertisers and webmasters of 10 thousand $$$ per month.

What to go far? There are also statistics (honor board) of webmaster earnings. This is the income per day:

What is the tendency to earn a web wizard per day? With confidence I can say - this is not the limit. Just caught the day such when I wrote an article 🙂 So, multiply by 30 and get a good monthly earnings over $ 48,000 . Sap and other shame aside aside.


Attract people to various projects - this is a good niche. Yes - niche. And then the webmasters themselves are involved in the projects that they pianate and the refs are gaining? … Not always. First, it is impossible to participate in all projects. Secondly, everyone needs different. Someone earns clean on Twitter monetization, the other on file sharing, etc. There must be a pros in something one.

Does this mean that the reflexion does not shine in the subject that the pianite and the only refuses are needed? Not. If he writes about some partner, then it is necessary to deal with it. For it is necessary to write with understanding of the case.

Paid content

There was a tendency to close part of the site and make paid access to it. If you know how to fill good topics and understand the subtleties of the monetization of some niche, then let them in the mass on the ball - to harm themselves. Another option of a paid context is a certain form of inforoducies. For example, you have created a course on the "creation of a site from scratch" or by "layout from A to Z", or "the subtleties of earnings on links, profit filters" and so on. Make to the section Paid access and earn a penny. Add also a referral system and get materially motivated users.

File sharing

The scheme is old as a world. There are file sharing, and you have a bunch of different useful files of large and small. Pour on these file sharing, and the links to download spread over the network: Forums, Varzyniki, their sites, social networks, etc. For the jump you pay money.

Yes, this is a good option to further propagate your sites, as well as replenish the army of refs. After all, in the archives you can add a different kind of information.

Advertising Reviews and Releases

Do you have a promotion site, blog, catalog, portal or forum? Why not try selling reviews and relays from direct advertisers. They get traffic and PR, you are money and, often, Refs.

What method of monetization to choose? That's what you like more, he choose. Everything and demand is sold in the internet for everything. The listed methods, as I have already noticed, in practice it is often intertwined with each other. For example, on large sites you can see not only contextual advertising from Google or Yandex, as well as banners, and advertising articles, and even selling links. Therefore, as your sites develop, you can focus on what one form or combine them.

Sooner or later, you have our own traffic, and the question arises, how to start getting profit from it - that is, to monetize traffic. What traffic is attendance is, read. So, let's start with what is the process of converting traffic to cash, by running visitors on various advertising resources. Whatever the type of traffic you have had, it can always be monetized. Imagine that you own the generator who produces electricity, the situation is also with traffic that generates traffic to financial remuneration. Consider with you the main types of traffic monetization.

File traffic - Important moments

Let's start, perhaps, from the most popular and at the same time of the easy way to monetize traffic - monetization of file traffic. Here you can select two options for monetization: either you own your own website providing you with a permanent flow of visitors, or monetize this traffic on third-party sites. One of these methods is related.
A huge plus earning on files is that you can earn without having your own website!

The second option to monetize file traffic is somewhat different. Usually it is some kind of archive inside of which a useful file is contained, it can be some kind of game, program, etc. At the same time, the archive places additional information in the form of a Doc or HTML file. The person opens the document, reads the article in which the link is located, and this link may be affiliate. This is because, is the most affordable, and at the same time can bring partner to passive income.
Nobody canceled the combination of both these methods, the file becomes paying you for unique download files, and at the same time placing our partner links in the archives.

These 2 rules will affect positively on your monetization:

    • Rule number 1. - Your files must be useful, and in no case should not contain viruses. Keep track of this responsibly and strictly check before packaged in the archive.
  • Rule number 2. - If you decide to add an article to archive with an affiliate reference, you should remember about, namely, you need to do so that your article would fit the subject of your archive. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of your affiliate, since you will extract target visitors.

The third option to monetize file traffic that we do not approve, but however, they earn on it - these are the so-called platforms. What is the essence? The bottom line is that you put the desired file in the archive, but in order for a person to unpack him, you need to pay money. Payment is usually made in the form of SMS. The chip is that the files containing inside these platforms are free of archives!

Mobile traffic

Another 7 - 10 years ago Mobile Internet was just beginning to develop, but at present, mobile devices scored high popularity. Mobile traffic is rather similar to the garbage can, since such traffic is currently still little sense. For ordinary advertising blocks, affiliate links and other types of advertising network, it is not serious. But fortunately, at present, various services are already interested in this technology, and at the moment there are already in the process of developing mobile banners.

Mobile traffic monetization is still relevant:

grovel.ru. - The owner of mobile traffic site promises for 1000 transitions to pay 500 Russian rubles. In addition, the service offers a convenient format of banner advertising, it suggests a serious increase in attention to mobile traffic. Consequently, mobile traffic monetization becomes profitable, and will soon be another good source for webmasters.

mobioffers.ru. - Another interesting resource that provides a special way to monetize mobile traffic. Payment is made for the fact that visitors set various applications to mobile devices. Cash partners are counted immediately as the user launches the installed application on its device. Therefore, webmasters owned by such a type of traffic can be moneticized enough effectively.

Monetization of site traffic

The most popular topic for webmasters is the most ancient, and today it is the most relevant and most advanced way to monetize traffic. Every day on various sites we see promotional blocks of various types: banners, running lines, etc. Monetization of the site traffic currently found a wide range of earnings for webmasters, which has its own website.

Now consider in brief the main types of traffic monetization for your site:

    • 1. Contextual advertising - It is advertising blocks that provide webmasters special services to accommodate on their website. Payment occurs when a visitor clicks on these blocks. Read the main types of contextual contextual advertising.
    • 2. Banner advertising - Again, a rather popular way to make money for the site. Here the payment is made not for clicks, but for a certain period of time, usually for the month. Today it is also an actual type of advertising. A multimedia view of banners attracts visitors to click on it. In previous publications, we viewed the most popular services: and that provide convenient earnings for webmasters.
    • 3. Running line. There is a wonderful service called Nolix, this service allows you to hang advertising on the site in the form of a running line. Webmaster prescribes its price for 1000 shows. Very good method of earnings for sites with large day traffic.
    • 4. Partner links - Affiliate links in the articles of the site are the very first and old type of traffic monetization. Good articles with good affiliate links can very quickly bring the webmaster to income. Only the number of visitors per day plays the role here
    • 5. CPA network - Seeing such a word, the webmaster Novice will not understand right away. A person by clicking on the CPA link or the CPA banner can bring a webmaster profit not only for click, but also for actions! - For those actions that a person will perform on the site running on your advertising. Thanks to which, the network network can be profitable, and at the same time qualitative for advertisers.
  • 6. Team advertising - Another cheap, but, at the same time, the popular type of advertising. Tizero blocks are built so that they attract the visitor to click on it, thanks to which this type of monetization is typing just crazy clicheliness. The main method of earnings is a mass traffic, the subject of the site here does not play roles. Read more.

Monetization of game traffic

Monetizing game traffic can be described above in the methods: teaser networks, CPA, context, and also affect other affiliate network. On one of these networks includes a network of affiliate programs? The fact is that in this network there is a tree of advertisers based on the game. And therefore, this is the best affiliate today for gaming portals. And the webmaster can earn very little money, if you fulfill all the conditions of the advertiser.

Another way to monetize game traffic is VKontakte applications. And also, its own game that winds banners, etc., but here you already need to read. Game theme is one of the most common on the Internet.

We reviewed the main types of traffic monetization. Detailed information on how to competently monetize traffic, you will find on our website, all success and good earnings!