Prohibit pagination for canonical URL. ALL IN ONE SEO PACK - Correct CEO Setup Optimization Your Blog

In this article, we will analyze the best SEO plugin for WordPress called the All in One SEO Pack, with which SEO is performed by the site optimization. The correct setup of All in One SEO Pack is able to significantly increase the position of the site in search results. Search engine optimization of the most important element of effective promotion of any Internet resource. All in One SEO Pack plugin simplifies the WordPress optimization process and helps increase traffic attendance.

Here in principle, and all, we disassembled in detail how to configure All in One SEO Pack.

ALL IN ONE SEO PACK PRO. I do not recommend buying Pro version of the plugin. As such advantages there is no advantage, you will open access to the forum, you can ask a question to support, well, and some more not significant functions will be added. At the time of writing the article Pro version costs $ 57. Standard plug-in settings are quite enough for full Site optimization SEO.

Yoast or All in One SEO Pack What SEO plugin is better. In the network there are fierce disputes, which plugins for SEO optimization WordPress better. On my subjective view of the All in One SEO Pack plugin has a number of benefits. An understandable and convenient interface, the newcomer easier to figure out the settings. There are no extra useless functions that are present in the Yoast plugin, and which slow down the page download.

All in One SEO Pack The best free plugin for SEO Wordpress plugin contains all the necessary settings for SEO Site optimization on WordPress, nothing superfluous, only important feature. On my blog that the third year is running, the All in One SEO Pack is installed, SEO settings work great, no problems are noticed.

Have questions? Write a comment!

Hey! Today, the next my victim, which I will scatter on parts, will be a super popular plug-in - All in One Seo Pack, for WordPress site. This plugin is intended for automatic SEO site optimization under popular search engines, such as Google. Here is the list of only some features of the plug-in that will be available to you, after installing and activating the plugin:

Using popular Markups

Meta description, keywords

Webmaster tools Google and Bing.

Profile on Google+

Function "Performance"

XML Module Site Map

Module Social Meta

Robots.txt module

Module File Editor

Bad Bot Blocker Module

Install the plugin you can directly from the WordPress admin panel. Follow the tab: Plugins - Add New, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press ENTER, install and activate the plugin.

To start tune the plugin, go to the tab: All in One SEO - basic settings. On the plug-in settings page, you can subscribe to the newsletter secrets and tips from the author of the plugin. Also, all the basic settings of the plug-in that must be tuned, we now and do it.

basic settings

I Enjoy this Plugin and Have Made a Donation, Put here, if you made a donation to the author's author.

- Canonical URL, if you put a tick, then the plugin will create canonical URL addresses, that is, the main addresses for your entries and pages. I recommend to include this feature only to those who have problems with duplication of records. If you do not have any problems with duplication, do not put a tick!

Prohibit pagination for canonical URLs, If you turn on the canonical URL, this function will allow you to prohibit the numbering of pages, that is, in order to be displayed in the links 1,2,3. If the function canonical URL is turned on, then put a tick here.

Enable custom canonical URLs, This feature is available only if you enable the canonical URL function. If you put a tick, then you can edit the canonical URL on the recording or pages page.

Install a protocol for canonical URLs, You can select a protocol for canonical URL. Look at what protocol is worth you in the URL address of the site, such and choose. And you can choose - a car so that the plugin itself determines your protocol. If the canonical URL function is disabled, this feature will also be available.

Use the default header Recommend - Enable to use the default headers. If you leave disconnected, the plugin will create your headlines. If you already have headers on your site, then turn on this parameter, and otherwise there will be a porridge and excess load.

Use markupI recommend to enable markup from the popular service, since all search engines support this marking. This marking will make your site more preferable in search results.

Keep the log of events If you put a tick, you can conduct the log of events, that is, all the actions of the plug-in will be recorded in a special file. If problems arise with the plugin, then you can see the log of events to find out the cause of the problem. If you have an error log on your hosting, then you can not include this option.

Main page settings

Title the main page., it is not necessary to specify the title for the main village here, this is not needed. Leave the field empty and plugin will use the title that is displayed in the general configuration of the WordPress Admin Panel.

Description of the main page., The same is not necessary to specify here a description for the main page, as the description is already indicated in the general WordPress settings. Meaning to create another description? The fact is that the plugin does not change the main title and the description that are specified in the general WordPress settings, the plugin creates another version of the title and description, this is nothing! The main settings are more than enough, leave the fields empty!

Keywords of the main page, Probably for many it will be news, but the keywords indicate as not necessarily. For those who are not in the topic - keywords have long been outdated! Search engines no longer perceive their seriously, but also ignore, you can read what Google search engine writes about the use of keywords. You can specify keywords, but it will not be better from this, but most likely it will be worse if your keywords do not match what you are displayed on the site. At the moment, search engines perceive only headlines and a description of the description, that is, everything returns to the circles its own, from complex to simple.

Use Static Front Page instead, If you have a static page as the main page, and not your last default entries, then when you turn on this parameter, the title, description and keywords will be taken from the page that is selected by the main thing in the reading settings.

Key settings

Use keywords I recommend disable the use of keywords. Above, I have already explained why it makes no sense to use keywords.

Title settings

I do not see absolutely no sense to overwrite the headlines, this is my opinion personally, my headlines are satisfied, then why overwrite them? Headers You can observe at the top of the browser page, in a special box for the URL.

- With capital - it means with a capital letter, you can turn on.

Look at your headlines and if they do not suit you, you can overwrite them. Click on the question mark and you will show you the available templates for headers, you can experiment with them.

For example, for all the main types of records, the standard header template is specified, in the settings - Permanent links. And if I also put the template template in the plugin, then it will be some kind of nonsense!

Settings for user types of records

SEO for user types of recordsInclude this option so that for all types of records, on the write or page creation page, a special meta box is displayed.

SEO only for these types of records, Here I recommend choosing records and pages, the media files can not be included.

Enable advanced options, You can not include, the main options are more than enough, additional not necessary.

Display settings

Here the same thing, enable for records and pages, the media files can not be included. Display Menu to Admin Panel - Leave a tick. Display menu in the top panel - If you remove the checkbox, the SEO tab will disappear in the top panel, you can not include it, everything is the same.

Verification of webmaster

This feature for those who did not add their website to Google and Bing. You can specify a special code in the field - Google Webmaster tools to confirm your right to website. When you need to confirm your right to the site, to do this, select - Alternative methods, Note the value - HTML tag, then copy the code that is specified in the meta tag, in quotes.

Copy code Insert in the field - Google webmaster tools And update the settings. Then on the Google webmaster page, click on the button - confirm.

The same needs to be done with the Bing browser. If you do not have a profile in the Pinterest social network, then leave the field blank, and if there is, then use the instruction by clicking on the question icon.

Google Settings

Here you can confirm your authorship in searching Google, although it is not necessary to do it. If you have a profile in the Google+ social network, go to the page of your profile, at the top of the page, copy the URL address of your profile at the top of the page and add it to the field - Google+ profile.

- Set Preferred Site Name, the plugin will choose the most preferred name of your site, for the Google search engine.

- Google Analytics ID, here you can, specifying in the field Your ID ID YOUR ANALYTICS.

Settings indexing

Here you can close from indexing some elements of your site, that is, so that they do not appear in the search. For example, if you want your headings indexed by search engines, then remove the checkbox in the heading box. Leave the remaining parameters unchanged.

Advanced settings

For those who do not want to delve, just leave here everything without change, as is, by default. For curious:

Avoid using excerpts in descriptionsIf you put a tick, then the meta description will not be taken from the feedback.

Auto-generated descriptions, If there is a tick, then meta description will be taken from the text of the record.

Use shortcodes in auto-generated descriptions, Descriptions in the form of shortcods, do not check the box.

Remove descriptions from pagation pagesTick \u200b\u200bto delete a description for pagation pages, that is, numbered pages. You can delete, you can not delete, it will not play any role in promoting your site.

Never shorten long descriptions, put a tick so that long descriptions are not shortened. You can not put a tick here, since in any case, in the search release, only a certain number of characters from the meta description is displayed. The same meaningless setup.

Unprotected meta fieldsjust do not put a tick here.

Eliminate pages You can exclude Pages from All In One SEO Pack.

Extra. record headlines You can add something simultaneously into all the titles of the records, such as a word, just it is not clear why to do it? Leave the field empty!

Extra. Page headlines, The same, leave empty.

Extra. Headers of the main page (static)

Extra. Main page headlines (blog), the same, leave empty.

After all changes made, click on the button - Update settings.


On the page - Performance, You can - Enlarge memory limit and Enlarge time execution. But if the memory limit is installed on your hosting - 256 MB., Then you can not do it here. The same applies to the time of execution. That is, it turns out to make limits anymore you will not succeed, only if you go to a higher tariff plan of the hosting.

By the way, the limits of their hosting can be viewed on this page, in the information about the system. Including PHP memory limit and Maximum script execution time.

XML Module Site Map

On the page - control modules, you can activate the XML module site map. What it is? The XML card will display entries and pages of your site in order to notify the search engines on all changes on your site on time. I recommend turning on the XML card for your site, for this press the button - Activate.

After you activate the XML card, on the left in the Admin Panel menu, under the All in One SEO tab, you will have a new Tab - XML \u200b\u200bSite Map, go through this tab to configure the XML card.

We will analyze the settings of the XML site map.

XML Sitemap

- File prefix, leave unchanged.

- Notify Google, put a tick.

- Notify Bing, put a tick.

- Schedule Updates, Here you can set a schedule, that is, for example, if you select - Daily, you specify the search engines that the card needs to be viewed every day, but this does not mean that robots will follow your instructions, they have their own algorithms, plugins them Not a decree. It makes no sense to ask a schedule. Leave the value - no Schedule (without schedule).

Enable site map indexing, Enable this option if your site has more than 50,000 entries.

- Types of records, types of records that will be displayed in the map, I recommend choosing - records and pages.

- Taxonomy, if you use the headings on your site, then you can enable them in the map. The same with the rest.

Include archives per day Do not put a tick!

Create a compressed version of the site map, Put a tick, it will help to reduce the load.

Dynamic site map, Put the check mark so that the card is constantly updated.

Additional Pages

Here you can add additional pages to the map that are not on your site. If you do not have any pages, then leave everything without change.

Excluded objects

You can exclude some categories or pages from the map.


Do not change anything here, as it will not affect the priority of your pages. As I already wrote above, search engines have its own algorithms, they simply index content and that's it. They do not care until the plug-in settings, you can give instructions in the Robots.txt file. In my opinion it is meaningless settings.

Frequency of updates

The same thing, it makes no sense to indicate some frequency, do not change anything here. You have a dynamic card and this is enough. In the instructions of the plug-in forgot to write that search robots do not perceive such settings. At the end, update the site map.

Module Social Meta

On the Module Management page, you can activate the module - social meta. This module is designed to configure the metadata of your site for popular social networks. Immediately, I will say that it is not necessary to activate this module, that is, if you are satisfied with the announcements of your records are displayed in social networks, you can not activate this module, you will not get anything supernatural. But for curious, I certainly disaster settings.

After activating the module, go over the Social Meta tab to configure the plugin.

Basic settings.

- Run shortcodes in title, showing shortcodes in the title, if you are not using shortcodes for headers, which rarely uses, then do not put a tick.

Run Shortcodes in Description, The same, only in descriptions.

Autogeneration OG descriptions Put the tick so that the descriptions of auto-generated from the content.

Main page settings

Here you can configure the display of the main page in social networks.

Use aioseo title and description, If you put a tick, the title and description will be taken from the main settings of the plug-in.

- Site name, specify the name of your site.

Title house. pages, The title for the main page that will be displayed in social networks.

Description House. pages, Description for the main page that will be displayed in social networks.

Image of the house. pages, You can select an image for the default main page.

Image settings

Select OG source: image, do not change anything here to use the default recording thumbnail. On the Record Creation page, you can select an image for writing in social settings.

Use the default imageIf the other is not found, put a tick here to, if the recording does not specify the image, the default image will be used.

OG: image by default You can choose the image that will be used by default if the recording has no image.

- Default Image Width, you can specify the default image width.

- Default Image Height, default image height.

Use custom image fields Leave the field empty. Here you can add additional fields for images, not necessarily.

Social Profile Links.

- Social Profile Links, you can specify links to your profiles in social networks, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

- Person or Organization?, Choose what is your website, person or organization.

- Associated Name, specify here your name, which is indicated in social networks.

Settings Facebook.

Administrator profile IDPlease enter your Facebook admin profile profile ID, which will allow you to add additional Facebook tags to the site. To find out your profile ID, use the tool:

- Type of Facebook data, select the type of your site.

Automatically generate tags to articlesIf tags to articles are not specified, they will be taken automatically from the articles. If you do not use the labels, do not check the tick.

Turn on meta Facebook for Turn on for records and articles.

Show Facebook publisher in articles, Specify the link to your Facebook page here, then the link will be displayed in the records on the site.

Record Data Type (Post), If you have a blog, leave the article.

Pages Data Type (Page) If you have a blog, leave the article.

Twitter settings

Twitter Card Default Select the display type of your Twitter entries.

- Twitter site, specify the name of the Twitter user, with which your site is connected.

Show twitter authorIf you put a tick, then on the page of your profile, in the WordPress admin panel, a field will appear where you will need to specify your username in Twitter to confirm the authorship of the articles that you publish on Twitter. Example - @ Zhuravljov35.

- Twitter domain, indicate the domain of your site, without http.

In the end Update settings. Also here it will be possible to check the site on a duplicate social meta tag. If you use other plugins to create meta tags for social networks, then conflict may occur between the plugins. Then you will need to use only one plugin.

Robots.txt module and file editor

On the Module Management page, you can activate the robots.txt module and module File Editor. The robots.txt module is designed to specify the search engines that can be indexed on your site, and what is impossible. For example, in the Robots.txt file, you can close from indexing not necessary sections, such as WP-Admin. In the File Editor Module, you can edit the robots.txt file, as well as the HTCCESS file.

After activating the modules, go to the robots.txt page, here you can create a Robots.txt file using a designer:

- Type of Rules, Allow - Allow, Block - Prohibit.

- User Agent, specify the search engine for which the contents of the file will be intended.

- The path to the directory, the name of the section you want to close from the indexation.

User-Agent: *
Disallow: / WP-Admin /

In the example, it is indicated: not to index the WP-Admin section, that is, the WordPress admin panel, for all search engines.

Here you can optimize the robots.txt file, the plugin will analyze your file for errors.

On the File Editor page, you can edit the Robots.txt file and the HTACCESS file. If you do not have the Robots.txt file, you can add to this field and click on the button - update. Also here you can edit the HTACCESS file.

Import and export module

Import and export module will allow you to import or export the settings of the AL IN One SEO Pack plugin from one site to another. If this feature is not needed, you do not activate the module.

To transfer the settings of the AL IN One SEO Pack plugin from one site to another, you first need to export the settings, check the ticks everywhere to transfer all the settings and click on the Export button, the file with the plug-in settings will be saved on your site. Then go to the site to which you want to transfer the settings, set the plugin, activate this module, click on the button - select the file, download the file that you exported from the site where you want to transfer the settings.

- General Settings, basic settings.

- POST DATA, settings that are specified for each record.

Bad Bot Blocker Module

On the module management page, you can activate the Bad Bot Blocker module. This module is designed to protect your site from bad bots and spam.

- Block Bad Bots, check the box to block bad bots that are trying to hack your site.

- Block Referral Spam, check the box to block spam.

- Track Blocked Bots, check the box to display logs with blocked bots, that is, information about the bots.

- Add Rules to .htaccess, if you put a tick, then the bots will be blocked in the HTACCESS file.

- Edit Blocklists, check the box so that you can edit the list with bad bots and sites from where requests come from. That is, you can add or delete the names of bad bots and addresses of sites.

In the end Update settings.

Settings Meta descriptions

On each page of creating an entry or page, you will have a special widget for setting up the meta descriptions and other settings.

- Title, you can add or change the title that is displayed in search results.

- Description, you can edit a description for search results.

Custom canonical URL You can set the record record. Leave empty if you have no problems with duplication.

Add Noindex argument, If you put a tick, then search engines will not index the entry.

Add Nofollow argument, If you put a tick, then search robots will not switch on the links to the record.

Add the NOODP argument, Note to ask for search engines not to use descriptions from Open Directory Project for your site.

Add Noydir argument, Note to ask the Yahoo browser not to use descriptions from the Yahoo catalog for your site.

Eliminate from the site map If you put a tick, the record will not be added to the XML site map.

Disable for this page / write, Disable SEO for this entry or page.

Social settings, here you can configure meta data for social networks, that is, choose which title, description and image will be displayed in the social network if your record is shared in social networks.

- Title, specify a header that will be displayed in social networks for this entry.

- Description, specify a description that will be displayed in social networks for this entry.

- Image, you can choose the image that will be displayed in social networks for this entry.

Custom image You can specify the default image.

Specify the width of the image, Mono Specify the width for the image.

Specify the height of the image You can specify the height for the image.

Custom video You can specify a link to the video that is displayed in the record, to display in the social network.

Configure plugin All in One SEO Pack Wordpress New Instruction Updated: April 23, 2018 by the author: Ilya Zhuravleov

Greetings friends. Without unnecessary modesty, I can say that the updated SEO plugin for Wordpress All in One SEO Pack is the most necessary and useful among all the remaining plugins. It allows you to optimize each squash site made on WordPress (especially in the latest versions). In addition to eliminating problems with canonical URLs, megapole functions have been added.

Without competent internal optimization of the site, it is practically no chance for high seats in search results for good requests. Therefore, the first thing that we need to do is to prepare high-quality content, and the second step needs to optimize the page on which this content is placed.

What is internal optimization

The internal optimization of the site includes many elements and each of them has a considerable value. No need to think that the installation of the plug-in will solve all your problems. All in One SEO Pack can only cope with the part that depends on it.

Internal optimization consists of the following elements:

  1. The visible part is for people. This is the content and its design. This includes all the design, including unique pictures, subtitles, breakdown by paragraphs, etc. Here I wrote in detail about.
  2. Service data - for search engines. According to HTAccess and Robots.txt files Yandex and Google decide - which sections should fall into the search, and which are not. In the metadata Title, Description and Keywords defines the subject of the site as a whole and individual items. For this invisible part and answers the All in One SEO Pack plugin.
  3. Internal transfer of pages among themselves allows you to prompt search engines which pages for which requests are of greater importance and, accordingly, must be higher in the issuance. Internal transfine helps to make other plugins, in particular WordPress Related Posts.

About how to make the inner transfine correctly, I will write separately.

Features of the SEO Tools plugin

As I said above - this plugin allows you to optimize everything that does not see the eyes of a simple user, but what is extremely important for proper indexing and ranking a resource.

All in One SEO Pack is constantly developing, new features for SEO optimizing WordPress are added to it, some of them appeared only in the latest versions. Now the plugin is able as follows:

  1. Allows you to fill the Title, Description, Keywords, for the main page and individual records. This gives search engines a clear information about the niche of the site and compliance with each individual page with a specific key query.
  2. Sets canonical addresses. In the process of working WordPress, it is capable of creating many pages identical to each other. For example, with a large number of comments, there are comments pages 1, 2, etc., the main content for them is the same. The plugin adds a special tag, prompting robots, which of URLs to consider the main thing and show in the search results.
  3. It allows you to close individual sections from indexing, such as archives and categories, which eliminates the resource from unnecessary doubles. You can close by indexing a specific page.
  4. Automatically generates a site map with which - sitemape.xml. Previously, I did it using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin, but since this function appeared in All In One SEO Pack, the need for it disappeared.
  5. Allows you to create or edit an existing Robots.txt file directly from WordPress admin, without entry for hosting.
  6. Similarly edited file.htaccess

As you can see, some of the opportunities simply simplify work, and some functions cannot be replaced.

Installation of the plug-in AL IN One SEO Pack

This SEO plugin for WordPress is very popular and is located in a common database of all the additions of this engine, which makes it install is very simple. There is no need to download it to your computer, and the subsequent fill to hosting, it is enough to enter into the WordPress control panel and find through the search for plug-ins by "All in One SEO Pack".

How to install plugins I showed.

Find, install, activate, all - you can go to work.

How to configure SEO plugin for WordPress

The setting consists of several elements, and I will show each of these elements separately.

1. Common settings

After installing the AL IN ONE SEO PACK plug-in, the "Tools" with a shield icon appears in the blogging menu. You can click directly on this bookmark, or select the "Basic" item in the drop-down list that pops up when you hover the cursor.

Several sections will open, let's look at them separately.

Block "Basic"

Here, check the "Canonical URLs" checkbox so that search engines communicate information about which link is the main one (the canonical tag will be added). Also put a tick that prohibits pagination for canonical URLs. If it is not, then several canonical references will be created for multi-page pages (sorry for tautology).

And the moment, the micarkome of is incorrect here (thanks for the commentator of the commentator). It is better to turn it off and do everything manually.

The rest I left the default, without changing anything.

By the way, before each point there is an icon with a sign of a question, when you click on it a hint opens. In the current version, it is in English, but you can use the translator to understand it.

Block "Setting the main page"

Here we prescribe the title of the main page (Title), its description (Description) and keywords (keywords).

If a static page will be used as the main blog on your blog, you will need to enable the use of its metadata (Title, Description and Keywords) in the "Use Static Front Page Instead" item.

Key Settings block

By default, the use of the keys is turned on and the check mark is to "translate the labels in the keys." You don't need to change anything.

If you have a desire, then you can add an automatic translation into the keys of the heading headings, as well as automatic key generation. I did not do that, since optimization is better to make hands - so more efficient.

Block "Title Settings"

Tick \u200b\u200b"Enable" Allows you to use the title tag differing in content from the title written for people. If you disable it, Title will always match the title of the article.

Also in this section it is worth putting ticks opposite the title points from the capital, so that the plug-in automatically changed the lowercase letter to the capital, if you suddenly did not do when writing.

For each type of pages, its individual structure Title is installed ..

You can change the English text into Russian to the "Format for page 404" and "Format for navigation", since "nothing found on ..." looks better than "Nothing Found For ...".

Block "Settings for arbitrary types of records"

This section establishes those types of records for which an individual writing of metadata will be possible.

"SEO for arbitrary types of records" includes, and in the next paragraph, we put the ticks in front of the records and pages (the media files are not needed). I did not include additional options.

Slide "External Settings"

In the "Show SEO Settings for Record Types", select the same "records" and "Pages".

The following two points include or turn off the display of links to the SEO tools at the top of the admin panel on the left and in the top menu - all this for quick access.

Block "Settings for Webmaster"

This unit is used to confirm the rights of ownership by your site when adding it to the tools for webmasters from Google, etc.

My blog was added there for a long time ago and confirmed the right to make data directly to the site template, so there was no need for this section. If you have not been added yet to these services, then the corresponding field will help confirm the rights.

Block "Google Services Settings"

This part is responsible for the merger of your site with Google+ and Google Analytics accounts.

Analytics I connected the Google Analyticator plugin, so this function was not relevant here for me, and I did not check her work, perhaps in the future I will try to use it in the future.

For merger with Google+, you need social. Networks to register the address of your site, and add a link to your Google+ page in this field. Previously, such a bundle showed a photograph of the profile in Google Plus next to the site in search results, but now it does not work, so there is no use of particular.

Block "Index Settings"

Here we close from indexing certain sections of the site, protecting it from the appearance of a double. Opposite the excluded sections, you must put a tick, after which they will be concluded in the tag .

To close or not the heading, decide for yourself, I left them on my blog, but I chose the next 5 points. As a result, I do not index the archives per day, the archives of the authors, label archives, pages with search results and pages with an error 404.

Also, in order to avoid the accidental appearance of a double, you can close in Noindex and Nofollow Page with Pagaze.

It is not necessary, keep in mind that if you are open to indexing a heading, then only the main page of the headings will remain open with the end of 3 and 4 points, and the second and subsequent pages in the category, as this, indexed will be opened.

"Advanced Settings" block

I left unchanged - nothing is selected and not specified in it.

After you fill in all the fields described at this point, you must press the "Update Settings" button at the bottom to be saved.

2. Setting up pages and records

All in One SEO Pack plugin allows you to provide each page of the site by your own settings. We can optimize both new and existing posts.

And for those for others, the form for data entry is available at the bottom of the editor (you need to open a page for editing).

By analogy with the settings, this form has 3 fields for metadata (Title, Description, Keywords) - they are always filling.

The next field allows you to manually change the canonical address of a specific recording, if you are not automatically satisfied.

  • Close Page from Indexing - Noindex Tick
  • Add Nofollow to all links in the article
  • NOODP and NOYDIR I do not know what
  • Exclude this page from the site map
  • Disable CEO for this page

In normal mode, all of the above flags must be removed.

3. Sitemap.xml site map using All In One SEO Pack

If you used to use another plugin, performing the same function - turn it off so that there is no conflict.

By the way, the site map created by the AL IN One SEO Pack plugin does not contain links to other sites, as it was in the case of Google Xml Sitemaps.

To create a kite card using All In One SEO Pack, you must connect an additional module inactive by default. Modules are connected in the plug-in section with the same name.

Click the "Activate" button in the sitemap module, after which the XML site map will appear in the plug-in drop-down list. At the top of this page there will be a "Update Site Card" button, but before you click, go down and make some settings.

Check "Notify Google" - This feature will notify the search engine for updating information and may allow.

From the types of records placed in the map, exclude "Media / Attachment" - index links to the pictures to you for anything.

In taxonomy, leave only those sections that are allowed to index search engines. In my case, these are the headings.

Use a dynamic card, so that all new articles will automatically fall. In this case, the card will be formed every time a query is being requested - this guarantees the relevance of the data.

Block "Additional Pages"

This unit allows you to add those URLs that are not formed by WordPress. For example, on my blog there are lendies created in the HTML editor, and the plugin cannot find them itself, respectively, can not be placed in the card.

Block "Excluded Objects"

You can exclude individual pages from the map and entire headings of the site. Put the checkmark or make the addresses through the comma.

Blocks "Priority" and "Frequency"

The priority establishes the level of significance for different categories of pages. In reality, little affects. I put 1 (maximum) for the main, 0.8 for taxonomy, 0.5 for records.

The frequency indicates the frequency with which the corresponding pages are updated. For search engines, this information is only a letter of recommendation, and they will still come to the site in their graphics.

Specify the approximate frequency with which your site data is updated.

Click on the "Update Site Card" button and it will be created. See how she looks like, you can link http: //

4. Editing Robots.txt and HTCCESS files

Working with these files is also an additional feature of the AL IN One SEO Pack plug-in and you need to connect it - it is called "File Editor".

After connecting, the name of the same name will appear, and the transition to it will open to edit the files you need.

At the top two bookmarks - robots.txt and htaccess, each opens its element. Here, read what should be on the recommendations of the search engines, and I will make an article later about HTACCESS.

All changes are made as in the usual notebook - in text mode. After making amendments, everything is saved by a button under the editor.

If the Robots file on your resource was not before, it should be created using another module, it is also called robots.txt. Activate the module

create a file,

and in the future rule it via File Editor.

Now there is no need to go to your hosting, everything you can edit directly from the admin panel.

Today's lesson is completed. The questions remained - the comment form to help you, I will try to answer everything.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. I decided to draw your attention to one of the most famous plug-ins for WordPress, namely on All In One SEO Pack, which plays a major role in search engine optimization and is considered to be the best parameters.

Without it, perhaps, not to do even experienced webmaster when promoting his project in Yandex and Google search engines (most significant on the expanses of Runet and far advanced their competitors in almost all indicators).

Therefore, we must satisfy all the conditions to win the struggle for a place under the sun, then you mean as many pages of your website to promote into the top. In this, we will help the AIOSP, the settings and the functionality of which we will analyze today.

Search engine optimization tools that implements the main SEO plugin for WordPress

I must say that earlier I used for a long time an analogue of this Platinum SEO Pack plugin, which was considered more advanced. However, it has not been updated for a long time, so in order to avoid unnecessary problems and to enhance the blog security, I began to look for a capable equivalent to replacement.

As a result, I refused to use it and moved to ALL IN SEO PACK (CEO all in one)What I do not regret at all, because this extension is constantly updated, has many options and even the ability to update to the Pro version, but about all this is slightly lower.

Of course, with the proper promotion of the project there is an opportunity (social networks, forums, etc.), especially if your articles are unique and carry a lot of useful information, but still the main source of the audience was, there are also search engines.

Therefore, I will draw your attention to some fixed assets with which you can positively affect the quality of the CEO website optimization or blog. It helps to correctly implement the All in One SEO Pack plugin. These are these means:

1. Use of the main meta tags For promoted web pages that are written in their HTML code:

  • - a special HTML tag (which is sometimes called a meta tag for simplicity), the full content of which you can contemplate, if you click on the top of the page of the Pages of any webress open in the browser;

    the header must include keywords for which this web page is progressing, and try to place them in descending order of their importance from the beginning to the end of the Tytla. But it is impossible to get involved too much and poke all the key in a row, it threatens serious punishment by the PS;

  • - This meta tag does not affect ranking as much as title, however the advantage of this optimization element is that when it comes to the compilation of Yandex or Google can use the description as a snippet;

    In this case, the user can immediately get acquainted in search results with a short content of text and, without moving to the target web page, immediately decide whether it will help him this information or not. Thus, he himself, without knowing, can improve behavioral factors by reducing the number of failures (about this);

  • - The main words and phrases corresponding to the search queries (in all about the PZ statistics) for which we promote your resource. If you prescribe them, then do it weighing and gently. It is important that the keywords completely reflect the subject of your site.

SEO settings for different types of records

In the next block there is a possibility apply Seo tools for user types of records, noting the upper radio button "Enable". And then you can mark those records for which you want to activate this option.

I have a standard blog, so I left everything by default, and SEO tools work only for pages with articles and static web pages:

If you have a book on your blog for which you want to make an exclusive Title tag, you can "Enable Extended Options" and then fill the checkbox opposite the item "Your headlines". Since my SEO Pack plugin works only for static pages and articles, I did not activate this item.

Only pages of articles and static webons are marked for this blog simply because they are the main objects of promotion. In principle, you can also put other ticks, especially if your resource is somewhat different from standard samples.

Verification of the webmaster and the options of the "Seo All in one" plugin for the Google search engine

We go further by the intake of the plug-in AL IN ONE SEO. The next step is to verify () of your website, in Search Console (), the webmaster center from the search engine Bing and the social network Pinterest:

Since you are interested in setting up SEO plugin for WordPress, I hope that in Google your project has already been confirmed, like me. Therefore, in fact, the corresponding string on the screenshot is empty. If not, it's time to implement this important event.

Usually, the rights to the site are confirmed by the placement of the valid file (when registering the resource) in the root directory of your website on hosting. All In One SEO Pack simplifies the task for us by proposing to enter the check code in the appropriate string.

If there is a need, then in the same way you can verify your project for the Bourgeois Bing search engine and for pinterstore. Personally, I do not see in this particular need for the blog, as it is moving exclusively in RuNet. It's time to study the settings associated exclusively with its Majesty Google:

Now Goglo no longer supports the markup of information about authorship In view of the changed algorithms. But it does not mean that you need to neglect this option. After all, authorship plays the same role, simply visually now does not reflect in the surp, but the corresponding service link is present in the source code of each of the pages that robots scan:

If for some purposes you will suddenly need later disable your profile on Google+, Just put a tick opposite the corresponding option.

"Display site links in a search box". This, in my opinion, is a very useful option, when the following is activated. If someone from users suddenly removes the domain name of your website into the search bar, will receive a structured set of links to its main sections on the search results page:

I have this opportunity to be implemented in another way, because the tick is not worth it in front of the relevant item.

"Install the preferred site name". When activating this item, as I understood, a special size is established, which tells Google the most optimal site title. Here I also did not note Chekbox, because I'm not fully confident in the effectiveness of this setting for my project.

"Google Analytics ID". When you activate this option, get the opportunity to associate your resource using the "CEO all in one" plugin with your own account on Google Analytics to track the behavior of visitors on the website.

Now try enable "Extended Authority Settings"that will contribute to the conclusion of the REL \u003d "AUTOR" for those elements of the site that you specify, marking their checkmarks:

"Display Tag Publisher (Publisher) on the main page". This option appears after turning on extended authorship settings. Next, you can also install radio button in the position. "Enable" It is opposite this option.

Such action will allow "Specify the URL of the publisher" on the home page. In the field opposite this item, it is also recommended to enter a link to Google Plus, only not on your personal profile, but on, if, of course, it is created. After that, a service link with REL \u003d "Publisher" will appear in the HTML code.

How to optimize indexing site pages in search engines

Another important unit that regulates the procedure for indexing the pages of your Website () with parameters meta tag robotsI mentioned about the beginning of the publication:

The first group of options circled with a red frame allows you to add different values \u200b\u200bof the meta robots tag by default for your chosen pages, which is essentially expanding index control capabilities.

I have no records for this blog, in which you could automatically apply prohibiting the Noindex directives, Nofollow, Noydir, NOODP except those that will be listed just below, so no checkbox is filled here.

But in the second half of this block, the AIOSP settings are just marked with those elements that I recommend close from indexing via Noindex. Primarily, need to close all archives (dates, authors and labels), since all this is a dubbed content that causes irreparable harm if it falls into the search engine index.

In this case, you need to eliminate links leading on the sections closed in this way on all pages. For example, I deleted links related to the archives of tags (tags), for which the Toppress themes had. If this is not done, the static weight will proceed to the page unaccounted by search engines.

You must also prohibit indexing search pageSo that the data with the results do not climb the search engine base to which they include sharply negatively. But we need to be friends with them. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to earn an extra score to yourself in a plus.

Well, on page pages also need to register No IndinesTo once again guarantee protection against the appearance of all the same doubles.

As for the rubrics (categories), then the question is more complicated. Consider the standard case when it is through the headings that are the main objects of promotion. Now I will try to explain why I did not impose a prohibition of indexing in the categoryAlthough many webmasters are closed to heaps and these Website sections.

In this case, delete all references to the heads heads in order to avoid weight leakage, will not work because they are part of the site usability (?), After all, the list of categories serves as a convenient tool for users.

However, on the other hand, if we allow search engines to index the headings, then at least their first webons (put the ban in any way in any way, remember?) Will be partial doubles, because they are present by the default announcements of articles.

But, first of all, such pages for each category will be only one. Secondly, the content of the web bricks can be made unique through various methods, for example, which allows you to output only posts and several of their first sentences without any formatting text.

In any case, I consider it right to leave categories free to indexing, but, emphasize, only if you have a standard display diagram of posts, similar to that implemented on my blog.

I think there will be no catastrophe to happen if the main web brings will contain an identical main article in the initial text (to the more). Moreover, this deficiency can be leveled if desired by creating categories with unique content.

Advanced Settings of the All in One SEO Pack plugin

Next, there is a large section of options in which it also makes sense to figure it out. Here, mostly additional options related to the headlines and descriptions of pages that have the greatest impact on the promotion of the Optimization CEO.

Many of these items on my blog are implemented by other ways, and some I considered unnecessary, so they did not include. Nevertheless, I feel obliged to explain the essence of all items that for convenience noted in the screenshot numbers:

1 . By default, the All in One SEO Pack is descripted from the web content content, including articles if you do not make it up. If you put a tick, this default option is deactivated. I am so comprising a description manually for all records, as it is better not to trust this important mission with a machine gun, so I do not use this item.

2 . If you note the checkbox, the description will be automatically generated from text fragments, and the first 160 characters from the first paragraph will be used. In this case, it is necessary to leave the box to enter the descriptation empty. At the same time, the possibility of fine tuning as a use of short codes is available:

A shortcode is a small function that is prescribed in an exceptionally useful FunctionS.php file, which is present as part of any WordPress theme. In this case, Shortcode allows you to add additional content to the automatically generated description (for example, pictures). I do not use this item above the above reasons.

3 . But it is desirable to note this option, because in this case the same descriptions from numbered page navigation pages (pagination) will be removed, except for the base (first). This is an additional plus game in the fight against the doubles.

4 . I think this setting SEO Pack is understandable without detailed explanations. Sliding a tick, we apply a ban on the reduction of the descriptation of any length. Just be sure to make sure that this possibility is not realized in another way.

5 . On the one hand, the functionality of the use of meta-descriptions is expanding, including WordPress mobile applications, but on the other, the protection with the fields will be removed, which can lead to a serious security violation.

The XMLRPC protocol will provide an opportunity to receive remote access to some software. Therefore, in no case, do not include this option if you do not fully understand its essence.

6 . Exercises redirect from all attachment pages (Attachment) to the parent record. An example is a separately created WordPress web page with an image, which is part of any record, including articles. In principle, a useful addition, excluding the appearance of duplicate content of this type.

7 . If you have installed plugins that generate their own dynamic webons that are not related to the WordPress, it is quite logical to exclude the use of one SEO Pack tools for them. An example is some expansion by which you create a forum as one of the major sections of your site.

Then in the field provided by this setup, you must list the URL of virtual pages that forms this forum plugin:

Http://,, etc.

8 . This option allows you to enter additional text to be added to the headers (tag content ) All records (articles) of your Website.</p> <p><b>9 </b>. The same as in paragraph 8, only for static pages.</p> <p><b>10 </b>. The same opportunity as in previous two points, with the only difference that the additional text will be registered to the headlines, if it is a static page. Set which view will be the main page, you can in the WordPress admin.</p> <p><b>11 </b>. And at this point you can enter the text that will be added to <title> The main thing if the posts announcements are displayed. As in paragraph 10, its view can be edited in the reading settings ("Display the last records").</p> <h2>Setting the display keys One SEO Pack</h2> <p>As I have repeatedly noted, search engines (main in RuNet are Yandex and Google) Recently, do not take into account when the Keywords meta tag rank (at least many evidence speaks of this), the content of which is the keywords for which a separate one is spinning Web page either the entire site is entirely.</p> <p>Therefore, I generally disabled this option in All in One SEO Pack. However, many webmasters are still used in the case if this factor will again dominate, which, however, is not devoid of grounds.</p> <p>If you also want to follow their example and display keys in the source code of your resource pages, then in section <b> "Setting the keys"</b> It is required to install the radio button to "Enable" (by default, in my opinion, it is just activated):</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="829" width="606" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When you activate keys, another three separate sub-items associated with this option opens. Here you can <b>connect the use of headings and labels as keys for themselves</b> Additionally to the COP specified on the editing WEBSTANCE. If you wish to know my opinion, I would not use this option. In any case, you need to be extremely accurate to prevent the flow of keywords.</p> <p>I would not recommend <b>"Generate dynamically keywords for pages with publications and archives"</b>Since it is again associated with automatic key selection. Although this option will only work if you have noted the keyword manually on the web records and archives.</p> <h2>Modules for performing various tasks</h2> <p>On this with the settings we finished. However, in the latest versions of the plugin "All in one" appeared freshly trend in the form of several <b>special modules</b>:</p> <p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>They allow you to create an XML site map, to register meta tags for social networks, generate robots.txt (), edit the same robots.tcht and file.htaccess, export and import all in One SEO Pack settings, block "bad bots", braking work Website, analyze the performance of the resource.</p> <p>Well, B. <b>Pro version of the plugin (paid)</b>which, by the way, you can buy directly from the WP admin panel by clicking on the link there, there is an opportunity <b>get even a website video card</b>. No words, all this adds convenience, however, it is more expensive to me, so most of these possibilities I do not use, especially since they can be realized by other ways.</p> <p>At the moment I use only two modules - the "site map" and "social meta". The work of the module for the construction of the map I was attracted, however, this method, like most others, in some ways, not the end meets the wishes of Mr. Google. We'll talk more about this, so you have an incentive to subscribe to the blog update, because the receipt of useful information will not make long wait.</p> <p>Module <b>"Site `s map"</b> I began to use after until some of the time I fully satisfied after the next update began to generate numerous requests to the database that began to reach the critical mark. This was the consequence of the fact that the developers for some reason decided to use a multistage structure when creating a map.</p> <p>well and <b>"Social Meta"</b> I apply for better blog integration with social networks. The result of this module is special meta-tags for social networks, which appear in the service area of \u200b\u200bthe HTML page of the page in the tag <head> and regulate including the type of title, descriptions of the site page and the image for the correct posting of the announcements of your articles on social networks.</p> <h2>Setting the CEO indicators for a specific recording or static page</h2> <p>Immediately after activating SEO Pack, with or filling out the content of any static page, a form in which you can configure all will be displayed. <b>necessary components of optimization for the necessary web page</b>:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="785" width="516" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When writing an ordinary publication, I fill out only meta description Description (description). The title field Title I leave empty, because automatic generation of it from the H1 header of the article or the static web page I consider it quite admissible.</p> <p>The following can be noted by checkmarks by which the arguments NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOODP or NOYDIR will be spelled out for Meta Tag Robots (see the beginning of the article, where information about Robotse) of this page, if its maintenance is non-standard and you wish for some reasons Change the usual order of its indexation by search engines.</p> <p><span class="btxHJGoBuOo"></span></p> <p>Greetings! I have long wanted to write this article, but all the time, something hurt. But I collected all the strength and squeezed myself at the maximum. So today we have promised <b>setup All in One SEO Pack</b> Plugin for the popular WordPress engine.</p><p>Looked through many articles in <b>Top.</b>, everything is somehow boring and monotonous. There are comments why we are considering only the setting of this plugin, it has other additional modules that can replace some plugins. Therefore, I will try to open all the possibilities of this plugin.</p> <h2>What can ALL IN ONE SEO PACK do?</h2><h4>Basic settings:</h4><ol><li>Setting up meta tags for site pages, including the main page;</li><li>Connecting your blog to Google Webmaster, Bing, Pinterest (the network develops quite quickly);</li><li>Connecting to Google+. Your avatar will be shown in search results;</li><li>Automatically generate meta data to your pages, entries, etc., if you do not want to fill them with handles;</li><li>Setting the indexing of your blog;</li><li>Use to avoid;</li> </ol><h4>Other modules:</h4><ol><li>Generating site map ();</li><li>Creating and configuring the robots.txt file;</li><li>Integration with social networks Facebook, Twitter and Google+;</li><li>Checking the system for speed;</li> </ol><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>All other settings can leave the default as they were immediately set.</p><p>Now plugin <b>ALL IN ONE SEO PACK</b>, Ready to use. You can go to any entry or page and see the additional tab below. <i>Tools SEO.</i>". Here you can enter Title, description and keys, you can see how your snippet will look like in the search engine issuance. All settings, do at your discretion.</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>At this stage, the basic settings, we disassembled. If something is not clear or somewhere there are doubts, write in the comments we will understand together and solve the problem.</p><p>The second stage we have to configure additional modules for your resource on WordPress.</p> <h2>Setting up other plug-in modules ALL IN ONE SEO PACK.</h2><p>Few people generally use these modules, but I use them often. This plugin can do a lot of work and make SEO optimization even better.</p><p>1. <b>Site map generation</b> (Sitemap.xml). I have already touched upon this topic earlier therefore go to the article "" and read. You can also see how to activate and disable these modules, so that I will not focus on this.</p><p>2. Without problems we can <b>create Robots.txt file</b> . As soon as you activate this plugin and go to the tab, you will see a ready-made file. How to work with it, you can find in the article: "". Typically in WordPress, this file is automatically generated, so the module is convenient because it is not necessary to enter the FTP client, and you can change right here.</p><p>But if you are inadvertently deleted, you can specify the path where to save this file "Directory Path" and click "Save Robots.txt File". The robots.txt file will automatically be created and will be placed in the specified location, as a rule, the root of the site.</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>4. S. <b> speed</b> Everything is simple.</p><p>Go to the module and exhibit the limit, the more the better, in my case a maximum of 250MB. It is necessary in order to work perfectly well, with a large number of requests.</p><p>Response time, do not touch let it be by default. We change only if you can put 30 seconds or 1 minute.</p><p>Forced recording include, in order for other plugins to change the meta data.</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Hasha, it seemed to affect everything that wanted.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="dsperelink"> <div class="read-analog"> <style> </style> <style> #perelink-horizontal { vertical-align: top; margin: 0 -5px; text-align: left; } #perelink-horizontal .perelink-horizontal-item { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; width: 192px; margin: 0 5px 10px; } #perelink-horizontal .perelink-horizontal-item a span { display: block; margin-top: 10px; } #perelink-horizontal img { width: 192px; height: 192px; margin-bottom: 10px; } </style> <div id="perelink-horizontal"> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/4306f64c6f1cb97663b529633abb0d7a.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Why CSS is so important where I can write CSS</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/0e74c6b4d1f4ebd90e1b0a93eed46db5.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Computer programs and games</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/b4d3041057d451f9d10537c80266ac68.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Computer programs and games</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/4f919e79fcaab3670523aa0fb9f3b4fa.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Universal way to create Favonov</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> <aside class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 sidebar-offcanvas" id="sidebar" role="navigation"> <div class="mainnavbar side-box clear"> <div id="nav_menu-2" class="side-box_b"> <div class="menu-sidenav-container"> <ul id="menu-sidenav" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">General</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">HDD</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">miscellanea</a> </li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Windows</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Apple.</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="side-box lastfaq faqli clear"> <span class="title-f">Top 5:</span> <ul class="textw_a clear"> <li><a href="">How to use "Google Photos" and how is it profitable for the iPhone owner?</a></li> <li><a href="">Free software for windows free download</a></li> <li><a href="">Entrance to your personal account Yandex Market</a></li> <li><a href="">Multiple forms for different mails in WordPress</a></li> <li><a href="">How to earn a schoolboy without leaving home - 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