Beautiful plugins for Wordpress. Top plug-ins for WordPress from Yoast: Vol.2 (translation)

After a site or blog is created on the WordPress engine, it must be brought to mind with thin settings.

I present to your attention the best plugins for WordPress, which will make the work of the site faster, more convenient and more reliable!

All listed plugins I use personally. It is important to know that the more installations, the stronger the load on the server. This will affect the work of the blog or site. If you installed the plugin, but do not use it, then delete.

5. Easy Table Of Contents

Easy Table of Contents - raid generates table contents for articles. If you write large texts, the plugin will help structure them. Something similar made on Wikipedia.

Recently, I have introduced such navigation. People easier to navigate and the article looks much more presentable.

6. Yoast SEO.

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress, which optimizes the site for search engines. With a fine setting, you can change headers, description of pages and select keywords.

If the text is volumetric, then the plugin will tell you where it is necessary to split it on the subtitles and remove complex offers. No blog and website do without it.

After installation, it requires correctly setting up the Yoast SEO plugin. Watch the video.

7. Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps is a technical plug-in that automatically creates a website map in an XML format. First of all, it is necessary for search engines so that it is easier for them and easier to understand the structure of the site.

Plugin is required to install. It is simple and does not require settings. Installed, activated and forgotten.

8. Quick Adsense

Quick Adsense - plugin to display advertising blocks. At the moment I use little advertising on my blog. But, under each article, I have a big banner with the form of contacts, this is done using Quick Adsense.


Rus-to-Lat - translates Ural from Cyrillic to English layout. If you do not install it, the link will look at:

vASYT.RU / My first-article

Link in Russian (Cyrillic)


Linets link

10. WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache - optimizes the site and caches the data. When a person falls on the Internet - resource for the first time, then the entire code is loaded. This requires some time and traffic. For example, when the article has many pictures and other graphics.

If the visitor decides to return to the site, it will open instantly, the code will already be saved in the browser cache. Plugin is recommended for a mandatory installation. Additional settings does not require.

Search engines lower site positions in issuing due to slow download. WP Super Cache will help solve this problem.


WP-PAGENAVI - makes navigation on the blog more convenient. In the standard WP version, the transition through the pages is made as references. This plugin will allow you to go to any numbered page.

Standard site navigation Now on the pages of the site it became easier to move

12. Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker - checks references to performance. Over time, the site accumulates a huge number of links to different blogs, affiliate programs, etc.

Some resources cease to work or become not available for various reasons. Such links are called "bits". They need to get rid of them.

In manual mode, it is practically unrealistic to do, but in automatic easy and simple. Link Checker himself regularly checks all links on the site and reports by e-mail if it does not find a worker. You will only need to remove such a link by pressing one button.

An example in my article a person left a comment and pointed his blog. After some time, the owner threw him and the link was not a worker. The plugin told me about it and now I will delete it!

Plugin finds all non-working links on the site

13. Shortcodes ultimate

Shortcodes - give a pleasant visualization for articles. Good text is not enough now. The text must be properly and beautifully decorated.

Shortcodes allow it to do without knowledge of graphic design. Frames, quotes, slides and more. All this will be available when you click on one button. Make your article more attractive with Shortcodes Ultimate!

In custody

In the article I shared the plugins that I use myself. The list is relevant for 2018 and will constantly be finalized.

If you have useful plugins that help in work, then share, please them in the comments!

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Greetings, dear readers blog iklife.

Let's talk about such an important topic as the necessary plugins for WordPress. Extensions, without which a good site can not do. Below I will present a list of modules by grouped them into categories, each of which is important in its own way and useful for your site.

It will be a kind of top extensions for WordPress, and I hope that it will help you decide on the choice of the necessary provision for your project. So, we will not waste time and let's start.

Surely you know what SEO is - it is it that is responsible for optimizing your site for search engines. Standard WordPress functionality is hardly enough for competent tuning under the search engine.

For this reason, we must establish one of the following SEO modules. It is important to understand that all these additions have their own set of tools and settings. Which one is more preferable - decide for yourself.

This is the most popular addition to search engine optimization, which is represented in the official directory. It has more than 5 million installations and a huge army of fans. Rating - 5 out of 5, almost complete support for the Russian language and a wide range of features are far from all the reasons why this plugin deserves installations to its website. In addition to all said, Yoast boasts technical support, the availability of an extended premium version and regular updates.

Yoast SEO has all the necessary features:

  • design SEO - Title and Description;
  • check text for readability (Russian support);
  • text optimization under SEO and checking the presence of keys;
  • xML site map and Robots editor, HTACCESS;
  • a comfortable snippet showing how the article will look in extradition.

The premium version has a few more steep features. You can learn about them from the official website or from a separate article.

Install Yoast is very simple: you just need to go to the directory, find it in the list and click on the button. How to configure this plugin, consider more details separately.

Another Mastodont catalog WordPress, which has more than 3 million active installations. In the top of the best seo plugins occupies an honorable second place, but there are no less opportunities here.

Supplement also has the support of the Russian language and is distinguished by the presence of a large number of various functions. Starting from the automatic generation of meta tags (which is not in Yoast) and ending with WooCommerce integration. The weighty plus of this module is its versatility. You just need to install.

Of all the abundance of tools, you can allocate:

  • support for Google Amp and Analytics;
  • notification of search engines on the release of new articles;
  • lack of duplication;
  • XML site map, etc.

This plugin is available for installation from the valorpress admin.

A small plugin that creates XML site cards for search engines. It is only needed if you are not satisfied with the card built into a larger SEO module. It is possible to create a separate XML file for each category of your site. Also available tools are available for a finest code setting in the XML document (remove some elements or on the contrary to add).

Available for download and installation in a default directory.

  • The Seo Framework.

Young plugin, which just appeared. Positioned by developers as a fully automated solution for website promotion. Possesses all standard tools. Install from the panel.


A solution that will help increase the download speed of your project. The essence lies in caching the pages of your site, which have a much smaller weight than the main page. It has several customization options:

  1. Simple - for beginners.
  2. Extended - for experienced users.

Here it is possible to connect the site to CDN, which will speed up it even more. In addition, there are many different functions and settings in extended settings. If you correctly organize them - the web resource will just fly. Otherwise, this is a small but function module. Recommended for installation.

Does the same as the previous extension. However, there is still a certain number of useful features. For example, a minification is a decrease in the weight of HTML and CSS files, thereby reducing the time for their loading. Setting up W3 Total Cache requires an accurate understanding of what you do. With this supplement, you can significantly improve the operation of your web resource.

Automatic minifier files HTML, CSS and JS in WordPress. Autoptimize reduces the weight of the files of your site, allowing you to download them even faster. Due to the fact that the download of the web resource is quickly, it creates users to convenience and it is more appreciated by search engines. The functions of the plugin are already built into the previous one - W3 Total Cache, but if you do not need the rest of the functionality, then the AutopTimize will become a good solution.

  • WP-Optimize

Databases also can be clogged. As a rule, this happens with the active use of all sorts of modules, templates, and so on. To contain your resource clean, it is recommended to use this decision.

With WP-Optimize, you can clean your MYSQL databases from unnecessary tables. Your project will work much faster if there is no garbage.

Another multifunction plugin to optimize your website on WP. In contrast to the previous ones, there is a very tasty feature of the optimization of pictures (reduction of their weight without loss of quality). The module is quite new, but already has a decent number of installations. Also, the developers please their users with frequent updates.

  • SMUSH Image Compression and Optimization

SICO is an excellent tool to optimize pictures in the WordPress. It has an intuitive interface and excellent opportunities. With this expansion, you can easily reduce the weight of the pictures, thanks to which your site will open very quickly.

A large module for versatile resource optimization on the WordPress. There is a huge number of a wide variety of functions. Minification, disconnection of unnecessary WP tools, automatic creation of the necessary files, filling Alt (ALT) in images, support from meta tags and much more. This extension appeared recently, and the developers promise to make it even better.


The famous wrestler with spam - Akismet will help you forget you for the annoying creams for weight loss and new super ways to make money about which for some reason "good" commentators decided to talk on the pages of your blog. Yes, it is antispam, and even very powerful.

My experience suggests that the plugin is simply indispensable. If you do not install it in time, then almost one hundred percent probability your web resource will fall into the spammer base, from where tons of spam will come from.

You can get this plugin absolutely free on condition that it will be used on a personal site. In the case of corporate solutions will have to buy a license.

  • Wordfence Security - Firewall & Malware Scan

Just a huge plugin that provides complete site protection on WP. Wordfence Security has a lot of different tools and chips in his arsenal to ensure the security of your web projects. There is a firewall, Malware scanner, access settings and a lot of things.

  • All in One WP Security & Firewall

The solution with the same features and tools as the plugin above. A rather good choice, given that the creators of the Module series ALL IN ONE have proven itself. Their highest quality products are therefore worth paying attention to this addition. As in the previous case, in All In One WP Security, there is everything you need to protect your project on WordPress.


  • Cyr to Lat Reloaded

Usually, if you use Russian, all links are also generated on Cyrillic. If you do not want to change them every time manually, then Cyr-to-Lat will solve this problem for you. As it was already possible to guess, the plugin automatically transtensives your links to the Latin. In addition to the main functional, it is possible to translate the names of the images.

  • WP Translitera.

Perform exactly the same functions as the extension above. The interface is also in Russian, which makes it use extremely simple. I use it on my projects by virtue of simplicity and lightness. Also pleases the function of replacing characters to the lower case in the downloaded files (plus their transliteration, respectively).

It was on the example of this plugin we considered. The decision of the truly multi-purpose and in two words will not tell about it. Nevertheless, JetPack is an example of a very functional and convenient solution. With it, you will get access to a huge number of statistics, marketing and protective tools.

  • Regenerate thumbnails

As soon as you decide to change the usual design on something else, you will certainly need help in re-in the miniature. Otherwise there will be problems with the display. Regenerate thumbnails created just for these purposes. The RT interface is understandable and simple, you only need to click and it will do everything automatically.

  • UpdraftPlus Wordpress Backup Plugin

Bacaps are extremely important at all stages of working with a web resource. One awkward movement and your site will fall, you will need a backup to restore it. Typically, hosting provides built-in backup tools, but they may be paid or not very comfortable.

Updraft Plus helps you back up and even automatically unload it to Google Disc, Amazon or other well-known storage services. You can also download files to your computer, after which, with the help of the same plugin to recover quickly. A good free solution that does not hurt your project.

  • Duplicate POST.

You work a lot with content, you often need to "copy" the structure or individual elements of their posts? Duplicate POST will help you do it just one click. An intuitive toolkit in Russian makes this plugin attractive offer for installation.


Today we have dealt with the plugins that are recommended for installation for different purposes. I sincerely hope that this top will help you decide on the choice. Immediately I will say that it is not all. The article will gradually replenish all the new solutions that will appear on the Internet. Therefore, look at our blog more often.

Also, do not forget that in the internal catalog of plugins constantly appear new products. Do not hesitate to try them, because maybe they will be much more perfect than their earlier analogues.

I want to offer you to pass Vasily Blinov. On it you will learn how it is easy and simply can create your own website so that you will also earn real money on it.

Today I decided to make a similar selection for WordPress. But not just another list of plugins, and a selection of unusual and little-known modules, which you may not even guess.

ADVANCED CATEGORY EXCLUDER - this plugin to eliminate the columns you choose, pages or links with the main or from a specific section of your blog.

Article Templates - allows you to create blanks (blanks) of future posts. Very convenient if you use a specific structure in your posts and often repeat the same thing in each post.

Blog Protector - This plugin does not allow you to press the right mouse on the pages of your blog and disables the ability to select text.

Broken Link Checker - How to know the search engines do not like sites with bits. If internal links and links on the main blog page can be checked manually, then how to be with references in posts? Especially in older. This plugin will check the links at your posts on the "liveliness" and will let you know if there are broken links.

Last Logins - tracks all attempts to enter the device WordPress blog and writes to the time log, IP address and other parameters with each successful or unsuccessful input.

Limit Login Attempts is a simple and useful plugin to ensure greater blog security. With it, you can establish a limit on the number of incorrectly entered logins, as well as the time until the next login is possible in case of blocking. The plugin can fix the IP address by which the blocking occurred.

Cross-Linker - automatically replaces words in a post on the link associated with this word. It turns out something like an automatic tag system.

rURUMO - automatically searches and offers to download Russian localization for installed plugins.

Keyword Statistics - This plugin allows you to determine the density of search queries when writing articles and helps optimize metategi.

qtranSlate - Multilinguality in WordPress, i.e. Allows you to blog on the WordPress in different languages \u200b\u200bat the same time.

WP Security SCAN - WP Security Scanner hides the version of WordPress, and also scans your blog for various vulnerabilities, such as rights to files and folders, too simple password, etc. And gives recommendations for their correction. In addition, this plugin allows you to change the prefix from the database.

imoney is an interesting plugin for monetizing a blog with good functionality. Works with Google Adsense, Sape, TNX / XAP, Begun, Mainlink, Linkfeed, Adskape. Allows you to advertise before or after the text of the article, in the widgets or the bottom of the blog.

Google Integration Toolkit - allows you to integrate all the necessary services from Google to your blog, and more precisely Google WebMaster Tools, Google Analytics and Google Adsense, everything is configured on one page. In addition to directly integration, there are other useful things, for example, you can configure Adsense targeting on the contents of the post and / or on the contents of comments.

Front-end Editor - This plugin allows you to edit the contents of the blog directly from the page pages and without entering the administration panel. All this is possible thanks to the use of AJAX. A visual editor is built into the plugin (WYSIWYG). The plugin can especially be useful in cases where you have found a typo or want to make small changes in your record. The editor also works with comments, tags, special fields.

Feedonly - It is with the help of it hidden a link in the post with. How I did, one of the most asked questions. Plugin Feedonly allows you to hide the selected part of the post when it is displayed on the site and show this part only in FIDE.

WordPress Meta Robots is a small SEO plugin that complements the functionality of large SEO-plugins. It allows you to set the Meta Robots tag for any blog or blog entry.

WordPress Backup to Dropbox is a plugin designed for the backbox of your blogBox. Unlike such plugins, it snaps not only the database, but also all the files of your blog.

WPTouch - the main difference of the living community is the possibility of easy access from various devices. You can use WPTouch plugins to create a mobile version of your site or a separate web application for the iPhone. The plugin allows users to choose between mobile and "ordinary" version, but this process can be automated. You can also change the icons and appearance of the mobile version pages.

Clicky - Unlike Google Analytics service, to analyze site statistics, you need a certain time, the Clicky plugin will allow you to instantly get the necessary data about your web project. In addition to standard features, this plugin is endowed with the "Spy" function, thanks to which you can see directly on the map Location of visitors to your site. This is a great way to follow the project activity, and in a bundle with Google Analytics, you will receive the most complete information about the status and development of the site.

REDIRECTION - For some reason, bloggers sometimes have to move pages from one URL to another. In order not to lose the indexed value of the post, it is recommended to use the Redirection plugin. It will allow without loss to redirect users from one address to another.

Contact Form 7 is a feedback form. The plugin is fully customizable: you can choose the spam's protection question, create a drop-down list of headers that will be displayed in the "Theme" of the contact form and so on.

WP-Optimize - removes the revisions of the posts and comments marked as spam. There is also the ability to change the login of the admin.

Podpress - plugin for publishing podcasts on the blog (site). Allows you to listen to music, browse the video online. The plugin is easy to install and configure.

Do you know more interesting plugins for WordPress? Write in the comments.


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WordPress's engine confidently occupies a leading position in the list of CMS, designed to create and promote Internet projects of various complexity. Due to the growing popularity of the system, the ranks of additions under VORDPress are regularly updated with new products from developers.

Types of software modules WordPress

What add-ons to apply for your resource - depends on the individual specifics of each individual project, from prospects for its development. It should also be remembered that the desired plugins for WordPress are available for download in free mode using the engine functional resource. The main properties and directions of plugins, which most fans of the WordPress system awaits:

  • optimization of the functions of the admin console;
  • backup;
  • formation of reviews and comments;
  • blog Security;
  • SEO optimization;
  • integration into social networks;
  • support for the mobile version of the site;
  • preparation of contact forms (feedback);
  • support for widgets;
  • processing and systematization of images.

Too high intensity of software modules is able to negatively affect the performance of the system.

Description plugins


Performs the most common tasks in the field optimization area of \u200b\u200bthe web project. Allows you to use MetaTegi (Description, Title, Keywords), which are the main for the successful indexation of the main and internal pages. Also asks the header format for archive records and search block, it is able to hide individual publications using the tag. The entire functionality of the module is aimed at the successful promotion of the Internet blog on the network.


Refers to one of the most sought-after software blocks for CMS WP. Used to correctly display references to the content of your web product. Without integration into the system of the Rustolat block, the publication of reference occurs in Russian, which negatively affects the results of search engine optimization.

Block Bad Queries.

Among the methods of unauthorized access to web site information, attackers often use a method for activating special query commands. This technique allows not only to determine the list of vulnerabilities, but also does not allow them to penetrate into a protected zone. To avoid possible consequences from attacker visits, it is recommended that you install the Block Bad Queries product for the WordPress system. It clearly and reliably blocks requests that carry a potential threat to unauthorized actions from the outside. Plug In does not require, mandatory, with other scenarios, setup procedures. All you need to execute the user is a quick installation with a simple activation of a reliable tool from developers.

Google Xml Sitemaps.

The next plug-in from the WP development workers is directly involved in creating an XML blog card. With the help of a unique component, the process of automatic layout of the map takes place, then Plug-in is notifying top search engines about changes in your web project. A variety of settings open additional features to optimize search engine information processes.


Representative of the most necessary and useful tools for the popular content management system. Controls the creation of a BD backup (databases), and if necessary, sends the result to the specified email address. For blog developers on XAMPP, this Plug-in will be a service with the need to transfer the finished resource to hosting.

Redistribute excess load on the database, thereby, significantly increases the speed of the site on CMS WP. It has simplicity in settings and installation, as well as ease of use.


The main purpose is to create a blog card in HTML page format. The card created by the program is distinguished by the availability primarily for people. The card is a separate platform, with distributed links distributed to individual categories that redirect the user to the desired blog publication. Plug In helps a visitor, without unnecessary temporary costs, familiarize themselves with interesting thematic materials for him. In addition, the HTML card significantly optimizes the indexation of the project bots.


Disquus adds quality and the number of possible options for discussing records, turns the spelling of comments in a comfortable process for authors, and for the admins of the resource helps to control the compliance with the established rules. Plug In Conducts to recognize users who have passed the registration procedure, allows you to bind accounts of authors to their profiles in top social services, is able to process and systematize comments, etc. All comments formed under the control of DISQUS are stored in the database register, therefore After his deactivation, they do not disappear.

Hyper Cache.

The program block is aimed at mitigating the load oscillations produced by CMS, on server equipment hosting. An extremely useful module, especially for web resources placed on low performance hosting. The benefit is all the more noticeable, because providers apply the practice of recovering cash fines for exceeding the permissible load. Load optimization is carried out by caching. Available multiple types:

  • caching is given by the data of the main page and archives;
  • publications and comments on posts;
  • full caching.

Survived accommodation tool for a popular engine, with which the visitor benefits in several ways to publish various photos from the network of the same name on the pages of your site. Now there is no knowledge of complex codes to create colorful galleries. A special (competitive) plug-in mode is available to increase the interest of guests of the site, by engaging them in photo contests community. The built-in functionality of the software perfectly performs tasks assigned to it, the supplement will have to do with each participant of the Instagram project, and all thanks to the organic mapping of tapes and ease of use.

A rather original means to increase the degree of security of the project. Unlike other protective character additions, the module is not serviced in the application zone, but on the network. At the same time, the PHP directory remains untouched, in order to avoid preventing potential attacks. ASK Apache Password Protect was created to prevent malicious actions before these actions begin to threaten the security of your web project.

Login Dongle.

This Plug-in establishes priority access only for specific system participants. The program's work algorithm is very simple, but at the same time unusually reliable. The plugin controls access to information resources (associated with authorization), using a block of protective issues and auxiliary protective layer. The authorization page structure software module does not affect, so the answer options to what you selected the security question, the fraudsters will not be able to identify on the page. In addition, Login Dongle supports collaboration with other authorization plugins.

The addition was designed in such a way that none of the guest guests can see the algorithm for the configured authorization option, go to the registration form or methods for resetting the login and password to enter the resource. Plus, you have the ability to place a custom content type on the Access Page.

Designed for manipulations with content located in the image galleries. The functionality of this system unit allows you to download several images simultaneously, to set an individual description of the group of photos and each picture, set many other media file settings. If you intend to engage the publishing of photographic materials on the blog pages, it is recommended to apply the useful functions of this module.

This Plug-in performs a quick check of the contents of WordPress database files for potentially hazardous malicious activity. If a possible threat is detected, the program notifies the webmaster about the presence of a malicious code, then the resource administrator itself makes decisions on further actions with detected threats. Exploit Scanner does similarly checking file names.

WordPress Antivirus.

Simple and reliable to use PLUG-IN for powerful monitoring in automatic mode of all suspicious scenarios. It is endowed with the ability to warn the user about the possible danger of hacker penetration. It is also worth highlighting a multilingual program interface.

Lightbox Plus.

Increases the scale of selected pictures, when they are activated (pressing). Enlarged images float in a new window. LightBox Plus Easy, simple in the process of setting up and work, does not cause deceleration at the download speed of the media files.


Includes automatic mode for page navigation of the contents of the site, turning its design into the most organic product for the perception of visitors. There is an opportunity to systematize the settings of the lists of pages and selectively establish the conditions of their availability.


Useful product to set the priorities of a custom composition. Available 5 generally accepted roles - administrators, editors, authors, subscribers and participants. Representatives of each group receive specific rights and restrictions on access to the Admin-Panel settings. By resorting to the User Role Editor add-on functionality, you get the ability to configure / change the powers of a particular group in accordance with the need that has arisen.

The submitted list of plugins is only a small part of the possible advantages for the functioning of your online project obtained when using WordPress Developer Services. In the process of developing its own web resource, each webmaster itself expands the arsenal of necessary additions, useful to achieve a successful result in a particular field of activity.

In this selection you will find plugins for WordPress business sites. They increase the efficiency of resources. Plugins in the list are combined into thematic groups. All solutions in the free list, unless otherwise specified in the description.


Here are modules for technical search engine optimization.


70. Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart

ECWID ECWID ECWID Plugin. The solution is paid, but up to 10 products can be sold for free.

The plugin turns the website on WordPress in a full-fledged online store. With this tool, you can create catalogs of goods with the ability to place a purchase on the site.

72. WP-CRM

Conditionally free tool. Adds a simple CRM system to WordPress website. Functionality can be expanded with paid modules.

Here are some more CRM for WordPress:

  • Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce. Site integration with CRM Salesforce.
  • CRM Wordpress Leads. The plugin integrates WordPress with several popular CRM systems.
  • Zero BS Wordpress CRM. Conditionally free CRM for WP.
  • Agile CRM. Functional CRM system for WP.
  • CRM: Contact Management Simplified. Basic capabilities are available for free, it is possible to expand the functionality for money.

73. Mailchimp for WooCommerce

The plugin integrates the online store on WooCommerce with the Mailchimp service.

74. WordPress Download Manager

An indispensable solution for sellers of electronic products, such as books, programs, courses, and so on. Controls download files from the site.

75. Wallet One.

Payment module "Unified Cashier" for stores on WooCommerce. Supports payments for bank cards and settlement accounts, Yandex.Money electronic payment systems, Webmoney and other popular methods of payment for goods.

76. WP Shop.

Adapted for Runet Module payments. Supports popular Russian payment systems, including Yandex.Money and Webmoney, as well as international Visa, MasterCard, PayPal.

77. WP-Recall

Plugin creates customer profiles in stores running WordPress.

78. WP Coupons and Deals

With the help of a plug-in you can create discount coupons. A similar solution.