Boss Like Reviews. BOSSLIKE bot - free cheat VK, YouTube, Instagram

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We released a new free bot for Bosslike. Just below you can download it ??

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Hello everyone, I somehow wrote an article about the free cheating VK, YouTube, Instagram and other popular social networks, but that information is already outdated. From that moment on VK changed his design, and that bot that was written by me for VC and scrolls on Bosslike stopped working. Also stopped working vkbot which cleaned your page in VC.

But now I analyzed and prepared the maximum software package for the most harmless and efficient bosslike cheat. For 2 days, I already earned more than 50,000 balls. Earlier, I sold someone else's bot, but now I developed my own and distribute it for free.

It will be about the effective cheating of balls in Bosslike, through VK (in development) and Instagram. Which in the future can be spent on the promotion in VK, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and classmates. You can unwind even your channel on YouTube.

What do you need for cheating?

Of course, for cheating balls on Bosslike, if you are not registered on it, you should register, there are many tasks for VKontakte and for Instagram. So this is a huge source of balls to promote their accounts in social networks.

Now the service is more than 20,000 tasks. Which will perform your bot, and you will already spend earned balls on the promotion of your services and groups.

Bot Bosslikebot.

Since we will produce the cheating in large volumes, then an integral part of the cheating will be a multi-threaded Bosslike Bot for Bosslike from AMFUS. This is a ready and really good solution for cheating balls.

At the moment, this is the only software that is capable of a lot of streaming operation at the same time, without delays and errors. And the number of accounts and the speed of the cheating depends only on you.

Also, through the bot, you can make an account on the boslik pointing your referral link, you can check each account for performance, you can register a proxy, but without proxy 3 simultaneously working accounts were not banned on Bosslike.

As you can see, I earned 28 000 balls, but this is the result of working with a non-sufficient cheating on some accounts and aggressive on one. And if you buy balls on the bosselik, then 28,000 balls would cost you 1000 rubles, since 1 ball costs 0.035 p. This is what makes this bot exclusively favorable.

By the way, if we talk about the benefit, then I give your readers for free at all?

For free use of bot enter:
Login: Site
Password: FreeAccess.
In case of error, write me to mail or in the comments

Accounts VK and Instagram.

You will need to need accounts for VC or Instagram, but if you do not have them, and not to create them, then write me to the teligers (nickname will come along with the bot). I can sell them them.

For instagram - pricing policy Next:

Up to 30 rubles of Novorgegi, without avas and subscriptions.
Up to 50 rubles, stable accounts with subscribers and posts.


It seems to me that I don't want to enter a manual and constantly to solve Coupling, here Rucaptcha saves us, all the bots that we will use for the cheating, work perfectly with the Rucaptcha service, which will allow you not to bother with kapcha, but just look like .

Prices are low, on average, it is 30 rubles for 1000 perplexed caps, which, in principle, this is not much, given that all actions will be performed automatically, without your participation.

Caps itself appears rarely, and in most cases only when entering Bosslike, so do not think that it will be costly. For 2 days of work, it was spent only 8 rubles, while I often made repeated connections due to the fact that it was constantly added or removed accounts for the experiment.

Protection from blocking.

In this total cheating of balls on Bosslike, it is not necessary to do without bans of your accounts, but there is one effective remedy for the ban. When my account earns 3000-5000 balls, or on the approach midnight, I immediately spend them on the promotion of my social accounts. And the account itself, which was in the work undergoing capital purification. I remove posts, go out of groups in VK. In Institute, I unsubscribe, if possible. As a rule, I do it massively, on all accounts immediately.

All these actions, I perform through the Sobot program that automatically can exit all groups and clean all posts on the wall. As a rule, the accounts in VK are blocked.

Bot for cleaning sobot.

In time of earnings, on your pages a huge number of reposts and groups are formed, which I can cause the blocking of pages. If you do not want to manually leave the groups, delete reposit from the wall, then it is worth thinking about the program that will do it, and you.

Sobot copes with this task, it is not only able to make the most effectively and quickly clean the wall, get out of groups, remove dogs from friends, but still knows how to fill the profile, groups and put likes. And all this can be done in multi-threaded mode.

This is necessary because most of the pages can be blocked. I noticed a strange trend, Banyat at midnight and Banyat often for the replaces of the coach. That is why I clean my pages regularly and strictly until midnight so that in the morning, when I wake up, they were alive and there were no terrible moments like me.

Alive only the page that I cleaned before bedtime remained. And now only one page can smoothly waddle on Bosslike. Fortunately, I have a lot of simkart that can be used for registration in VC.

Sobot prices are also low, but another equally effective means cannot be found. The license for a month is only 30 rubles (per 1 account), and this is also effective, because if your accounts are not banned, then you will not lose constantly 12 rubles for the purchase of new accounts.

I use Sobot to the maximum, on all your accounts for cheating BossLike for starting cleaning before midnight to avoid avoiding their lock, and it helps.

Account cleaning from garbage.

We go to Sobot, there are already adding accounts we need and their quantity.

The Features section will hide what we need. We go into it and choose those functions that the bot will be executed for us. Next, select the interval to perform these tasks. I always choose the smallest that the bot will fulfill the tasks.

But keep in mind that if you are exceeded the limit on the repost, and the bot will remove your 5 posts from the wall, but you can no longer continue today. We'll have to wait for midnight when the counter will reset and you can continue further.

I pay attention to this and stop the bot on time. And then it silently continue to work, on without fear of a ban from VC.

By the way, with sobot, you can also fill accounts for you the same for you, to make repographs and even make the bot communicate with other people. But everything will be later about it.

Let's summarize.

To start my bot for cheating BOSSLIKE via Instagram. I spent 30 rubles on Sobot. I had 5 accounts in insta, and I did 3 accounts for instagram myself. I spent 1 ruble on Capture.

As a result, the army of bots works with impunity on me, and I promote my projects and pages. On the main account pills for referrals. Only 52854 tasks completed bots :)

This method is much more profitable than to buy for money balls on Bosslike. Also if you register bots on the referral link, you get 50% of the income of your bot.

A permanent and low-cost of balls can be used for sale, for promoting groups, pages, channels for money. This can be done well. Especially if you want to benefit from this.

Download bot for free

Download bot for bosslike for free ??

For free use of bot enter:
Login: Site
Password: FreeAccess.
In case of error, write me to mail or in the comments

Thanks for attention. AMFUS was in touch.

Bosslike, service for quick cheating, repost, subscribers and comments in a wide variety of social networks and lightweight Boslik Earnings to everyone.

How does bosslike?

Bosselik is a service Free and 100% FAST Cheats, which works on the principle of sharing likes, repost, subscribers with other members of this site. The service makes it possible to quickly turn any account with live people.

How does bosslike ru work chew and why is it for free?

Service Twist works on a special principle of you, and I am, it is carried out by mutual exchange. That is, you can promote your page completely free, for this you just need to perform the tasks of other people and score points. But also, in parallel, there is also a paid system of cheating, where you can get very cheap to buy points and quickly promote your pages, groups of VKontakte, Instagram, Faisbook, Twitter, classmates, etc. The service has live people, and therefore filling your accounts will be replenished Real members.

To shut your pages on social networks. To earn points you need to perform simple tasks: put likes, reposit, joining groups, add friends, etc. As these tasks are made and accrued points, they are used to promote their projects.

And registration, in the bosslike account is one pleasure!

How to register an account in boslike?

In order to register an account in the service Click on the link bosslike

To do this, go to the login page and click the "Login" button.

Click on the Registration tab

After that, enter:

  1. e-mail address
  2. password Repeat password.
  3. Click on the "button" register»

After registering your email address, the message link will be sent to confirm registration. Next, confirm email, for this click on an active link in the letter.

After that, enter the username and password and sign your account,

How to use BossLike (boslik)?

In order to start using the bosselik, first of all, you need to connect the accounts of social networks in contact, instograms, faebook, twitter, classmates, etc.

The more connect accounts on social networks, the more you can earn the necessary points. Also, accounts can be created specifically, to work with this service (it works checked). But, as well, you can use, and the existing pages of social networks, for example, to add new friends, reposts, likes, etc.

But, there are small requirements of the site to accounts of social networks that are accepted for working with this service, here they are:

In contact with

  • There must be an avatar.
  • Availability - minimum 5 friends.
  • There must be at least 5 of their posts (not advertising, not repographs).


  • There must be an avatar.
  • Outdoor free access to your account: Friends, Wall.
  • Availability at least 5 friends or subscribers.
  • Have at least 5 posts (not advertising, reposts).


  • Must have an avatar.
  • No less than 5 publications.


  • There must be an avatar.
  • Open account access.
  • At least 5 publications.
  • At least 5 reading accounts account.


  • There must be an avatar.
  • Open access to your account: Friends, Wall.
  • At a minimum there should be 5 friends.
  • I need at least 5 of your notes (not advertising, not repographs).

To add an account, go to "My Data" (on the right side of the screen, where your personal data).

And in order to turn and promote your account on social networks, first of all, we need to earn points. And in order to earn points, we need to fulfill simple user tasks such as: put like, subscribe, make a repost, leave a comment, etc.

Each action costs money (points) and the price of various tasks is different. Some actions are more expensive, and others are cheaper. To earn more points, you must first perform the tasks that cost more, and the rest if time remains - then.

Tasks are very much, enough for everyone!

How to earn scroll points on BossLike RU?

Points can be earned simply and very quickly! To do this, go to the "Earn" section.

The window opens, perform the necessary action and then close the tab. If the task is done correctly, the points are automatically accrued to your account.

Perform the same movements until you fulfill them.

Note: Each social network has its own standards for any particular actions. Keep in mind with emergency "effort" your account can block. At first, I advise you to explore these rules. That's why it is so important to open many accounts, preferably in all social. networks that are presented in this service.

I also do not advise, after executing a promotion task (cheat), cancel your actions. Thus, violating the rules of service Bosselik Point RU.

How to add a task for cheating Account in BossLike (boslika)?

In order to create a new task. For example: We want to wind the huskies and. First of all, click on the "Screw" button and "Create Task"

After that, you need to fill out a small form. It consists of the following items:

  • Also, select the type of task (for example: Likes, reposites, subscribe, etc.).
  • Next, add a link to the social network that you want to promote.
  • Specify the price for 1 task. But, first, look at how many points spend other users for these actions. To do this, go to "Earn" and find out how many points do other users perform this task.

Note: Install the most minimum number of points. But if you want faster, choose the average value, although with the minimum number of points "click" rather quickly. So, not "flashing stick".

Enter the number of tasks you plan to wind the social network account.

And all, go over the "Create Task" button. After that, we are waiting for the task, we look at your account on the social network and rejoice as huskies are added.

Note: If you want to add a task type "Comments" you need to add ready-made texts of comments that you want to see in your account, no more than 10 options. If you need any comments, then just leave the field empty. Then users will write, arbitrary comment options.

If something is not clear, watch the video:

There are not enough earned points for cheating and promoting social networks, there is another free option for receiving points, this is an affiliate service program.

Affiliate program of the site BOSSLIKE for cheating and earnings

Conditions of the partner service program, one of the best on the Internet. The site pays 50% of the earnings attracted by the referrals. Only inviting several working partners, you can not "wrap up" about performing tasks in this service. After all, on free "cheese", you can invite a huge number of referrals. Here is my data, literally for 1-2 months I invited 162 partners and they brought me 80223 points and 1625 rubles of money that I use to promote your group, I invite you to your group.

This is a service for promoting social networks. If you need to quickly wind up friends, subscribers in a group, likes, then Bosslike will help you do it. In this article we will consider in detail how to use bosslike For promotion on social networks.

First of all, let's register in Bosslike. Here is a very simple registration, which is filling out one small form. To begin with, go to the official project site for this link: Bosslike.

Going on the above link, you will fall to the page with the form of registration in Bosslike. It will need to select the "Registration" tab, then enter your e-mail that will serve as login login and password. Next, click on the "Register" button.

On this registration in Bosslike will be completed. No more actions, such as confirmation of e-mail or account verification, do not produce. You can immediately begin the cheating of likes and subscribers in BOSSLIKE.

How does bosslike?

Bosslike works According to a very simple principle. Here you can buy likes or subscribers a user with any wallet (even with empty). The project has a special currency - "points". They can be bought for real money or earn without investments. Users at Bosslike create tasks by running which other users will receive a certain amount of points.

It turns out a kind of currency cycle, which allows you to not spend money on the promotion at all, or save part of your budget. For those who want to save their time, can simply replenish the bill in Bosslike and buy any number of points for real money, but we will talk about it further in the article.

  • Bosslike will be useful to those who want to raise their popularity without investment, by hanging friends VKontakte and Likes on the avatar.
  • BossLike will be useful for those who have created their own group in VKontakte or any other social network. Here you can promote your group of VKontakte with minimal investments or without them.
  • Bosslike will help those who lead any business on the Internet by creating their online store or creating a website. By purchasing promotion and promotion in Bosslike, you can get a lot of new customers from social networks.

How to wind the huskies and subscribers in Bosslike?

Now we will consider how to use Bosslike. To do this, you will need to perform two simple actions: to tie an account from the social network and earn points in BossLike.

Select any task from the list and click on the button where the reward is indicated in its execution.

As you can see, earn points in Bosslike is very easy. And the more you earn them, the more you can turn the likes and subscribers absolutely free.

Now we will deal how to use bosslike. To wind subscribers or likes, you need to create a special task. To do this, go to the "Hand" section by reference in the top menu of the personal account.

Create a task for cheating subscribers to the group. To do this, you need to specify a link to the group, put the number of subscribers you are going to buy, and also need to write the cost of payment for performers. The higher, specify the cost of payment, the faster and more often the task will be performed. After filling out the form, click on the "Create Task" button.

That's all, the task is created. Now you will need only to expect when it is started to perform. You can create several different tasks to advance in social networks with BOSSLIKE all methods.

Now you know, how to use bosslike. Now it remains to make a choice, how to move and unwind in social networks: without investments or replenishment in Bosslike.

How to replenish the bill in BossLike?

Let's consider some more important points: and how much is better to replenish the score. And let's start with the second. To determine the amount to replenish funds, you need to rely on the needs and opportunities. If you need to buy a couple of tens of reposts, then a few thousand does not make sense to replenish the score in Bosslike.

However, there is another important aspect that it is advisable to consider when choosing the amount of account replenishment in Bosslike - these are discounts. Depending on the number of funds made, the price of 1 point will be different. The greater the amount of replenishment - the lower the price of one point. Below in the picture shows the amounts from which a certain discount is begins.

As you can see, it is most profitable to replenish the bill in Bosslike for 3000 rubles or more. The minimum amount of replenishment in this service is 100 rubles. Now let's look at how to replenish the bill in bosslike. To do this, click on the balance of your account to go to the page with the account replenishment form. Next, specify the amount you want to spend on the purchase of points in Bosslike. After that, click on the "Top up" button.

Greetings! Today I want to consider one of the best services for cheating statistical indicators and subscribers in Bosslike social networks.

Bosselik - this popular Internet resource for cheating likes and subscribers on social networks. He has been working since 2015 and during this time has proven himself as a reliable assistant in such a business as promoting accounts.

Official site

With the help of the Bosselik service, the problem promotion of any account or community in social networks will be solved quickly and simply. Some may fairly notice that naturally the number of subscribers and likes will also grow.

This is true, but for a set of solid number of readers and achieve excellent statistics in this way - it will take a lot of time.

See also:

  • - Convenient and functional service with flexible settings for mass liking, subscriptions, abstract, autocommenting, cleaning of bots, autodyropek (sending messages to new subscribers). There is an anti-spin program for analyzing the actions of the accounts of your accounts and 3 level affiliates.

The project was created specifically for promotion and earnings, because I would like to make a profit in the near future, and not in the foggy future? That's just for this, the Internet service BOSSLIKE.RU has been created!

With it, you will increase the number of account subscribers as soon as possible, and also get an impressive amount of likes and reposts under your posts. Remember that the visual popularity of the account in combination with the visible activity of subscribers increases confidence in the progressive project.

What can be done with

  • Increase the number of friends or subscribers.
  • Increase the number of likes.
  • Order Comments on posts.
  • Get more reposts.

Advantages and reviews about boslik

Internet service is working with the most popular social networks: "In contact", "Instagram", "Facebook", "YouTube", "Odnoklassniki", "Twitter". All actions in it are free. For payment there is a ball system. To solve your tasks, you first need to task other users and score points.

Reviews about the service are positive, because among the important advantages of this Internet resource it is worth highlighting intuitive navigation and simple registration. If performers performed poorly on their work, then they can be blacklisted.

How to work with the service

To start working with the Internet service Bosselik, you should go easy registration. To do this, specify your email address, password and click "Register".

Immediately after that, a personal account opens, where you can form your campaigns on the cheating of likes and subscribers.

I want to notice that immediately after registration on the account there will be zero points. They can earn or buy them. The second option is obtained faster. The cost of one score ranges from 0.025-0.05 rubles, depending on the amount of payment. Thus, per 100 rubles (the minimum amount of replenishment) can be bought from 2000 balls.

In order not to pay for points, they can be easily earned. To do this, you choose a social network with which you plan to work and execute the proposed, not at all difficult, tasks. Opposite each of them, the number of points that will be credited to the account after execution (for example, to enter the group or put like to the post).

To get started with the service, you should adapt your accounts on social networks to the service standards. If the requirements are not executed, it is impossible to continue earnings. Among the basic conditions, it is worth highlighting the presence of at least 5 friends, 5 posts (not reposts) and avatars. Depending on the features of the social network, additional requirements may be. In the process of attaching an account, the system automatically checks the account account account and proposes to correct the error in case of detection.

Attaching Account

This can be done in two ways.

In the first case, it is enough in your profile to select the "My Data" section, where there will be a form for attaching accounts to any of the six available social networks.

It is also possible to bind an account through like when performing the first task. To do this, it is enough to enter a link to it and log in.

How to wind subscribers, huskies or comments

To do this, go to the "Hold" tab and create a new task.

In the fields, you should choose the social network you are interested in, specify a link to your account, select the type of work, its value, as well as the required amount. Note that the price for 1 task that you specify for the artist, when writing off the account, will be multiplied by 2 (the remuneration of the service and the superior sponsor according to the terms of the affiliate program).

If you want to quickly and just increase the statistical indicators of your account in "Instagram", "Facebook", "YouTube", "in contact", "Odnoklassniki", "Twitter", then register on And create a new task right now!

Well, for those who want to earn, the BossLike service offers affiliate Program:

You can make life to 50% points and 50% In rubles from users attracted.

It should be noted that points are not subject to exchange for money. Those. All points earned with their partners - you can use only for promoting your accounts in social networks. But if your guest partner carries out the purchase of points, then you get 50% of the amount of purchase in the money, which can be displayed on the QIWI wallet account.

At this service review finishing. I hope this article has been useful for you. I will be glad to see everyone among my subscribers and of course I am grateful :) For the recommendations of my articles in social networks!

P.S. Users of Messenger Telegram, I recommend to get acquainted with the unique automated audiobook - How to make money on social networks and not onlyIn which you learn how to monetize your pages in social networks VK and Instagram, and most importantly, what mistakes, while you can avoid.

Greetings on the pages of the site. As it was said before, before, you need to promote these very social networks. The more subscribers, the more money you earn. In past reviews, we reviewed free and paid promotion services, consider BOSSLIKE.RU - site for free promotion in social networks. It allows you to get husky under your posts and photos.

This service works on the principle of sharing likes. You do not get real money for the husky. You get points for your work and they calculate the performers (in case of promotion of the account). Immediately I want to warn you, you can not earn money on this site, the received points are not exchanged for this currency. You can earn in the bosselik in other ways, but we will talk about them below.

How to wind up with Bosslike subscribers, likes in VKontakte, Instagram, YouTube

To start working with this site, you need to register on it. It is worth noting that registration passes the classic way, that is, you specify your email and password. The service does not offer to go under its account data from social networks. After that, you will need to confirm your email address to work with this site.

Commissioning, you go to your personal account. BossLike Cheat is done by pressing the corresponding button "Hold". In the left column is offered to choose from possible social networks, where you want to promote your accounts. Click on the desired network (for example, VKontakte) and in the drop-down menu choose the social action you want to order.

In addition, in the central part of the Personal Cabinet you can independently choose to socialate and what to do the performer, all this is indicated in the order card. And now more:

  1. In the first field choose a social network for promotion
  2. Specify the type of social activity (what the performer must do in the task)
  3. In this field, enter the address of your account, group, the community to be promoted
  4. Your price for one order execution (in BAL)
  5. Number of execution of your order
  6. This field displays all your tasks. They can be sorted by date, divide into active, performed and stopped

After filling out all the order form fields, click the button "Create a task". Similarly, the order card is made for all social networks presented for cheating. But there are nuances.

  1. For Facebook, the cheating is made only for open accounts and public pages (public pages)
  2. Odnoklassniki. Likes can be ordered if the link does not appear the words "Statuses". Subscribers are hugging only for groups
  3. When choosing "Comments", you need to add comments independently that you want to see on your page. You can create up to 50 options for the comments that will choose performers.

To start work, you must attach all your social network accounts on which you want to earn points. To do this, go to the configuration of the Personal Cabinet.

Choose "My Data" and tie social networks to the site. You need to connect all available networks to get bass more. I want to focus on the requirements of the service to your accounts. Your accounts should:

  1. In contact with. Avatar's presence, the number of friends at least 5, posts at least 5 pieces (advertising and reposites are not considered)
  2. Facebook. The presence of the avatar, a public account, not less than 5 posts
  3. Instagram. Photo by the owner of the account, 5 publications
  4. Twitter. Avatar, 5 publications, more than 5 readers
  5. Odnoklassniki. All the same avatar, open account, 5 friends, 5 posts

The next step will be the choice of bookmark "Earn" on the main page.

On the left side are presented to the choice of social network. By clicking on the required list you can see the number of tasks for each type of social activity (subscribers, I like, tell friends, etc.). On the central part, the cards of the available tasks of the social network and the SOC type are presented. Activities.

This card presents a link to the account that you need to do in this account, the cost of ordering. If you do not like the task, you can hide it from the list by clicking on the "Hide" button. You can complain to the administration by clicking on the appropriate button.

So, choose a card, click on the link and go to the network page to perform the desired type of social activity. After completing, return to the main page. If everything is done correctly, then the amount of balls indicated in the order is charged.

It is worth reminding you that you do not need to perform many tasks for a small period of time. Robots of social networks control the activity of the user, if in 1 hour it entered several dozen groups, then it will be regarded as a cheating. The result may be temporary or permanent ban of your account. Be careful not to overdo it! It is necessary to remember about the rules of the service itself, namely, not to remove huskies, reposts, do not go out of groups, after completing orders and receiving payment for them. Punishment is the write-off of the earned balls or blocking the account in the Bosselik system.

Thus, you earn points that can be spent on promotion in social networks. There are ways of indirect exchange of them on real money, but this is later. In addition to fulfilling orders, they can be obtained by the affiliate program. The site pays 50% of points from the profits of referrals.

How to exchange the received points for real rubles

So we came to the most interesting. Officially, the service does not allow to exchange its internal currency for real money. But there is a way out. There are many sites, forums, portals for freelancers. Where you can apply for promotion on social networks. Thus, you will spend the Boss Lock points on the promotion of other acres of the social networks, and for it getting real money from users of forums and sites.

I can advise the Freilaner Forum KWORK.RU. To make more offers from customers, you need to offer promotion services by the same categories that the Bosslike site offers. Focusing on the possibility of free cheating, you can create offers for KWORK. Pluses of this earnings - you do not spend anything (except for free time), and you get forever crispy rubles, for the work that others perform. Cool!

In addition, it is possible to get a real money on an affiliate program. The Boss Like system pays up to 50% of the amount of buying points by your referrals.


Service at first glance is cool. Attracts the opportunity to advance to promote social networks. In addition, you can earn real money, both on the affiliate program and other indirect ways (freelance).

  1. , subscribers in popular social skins
  2. A large number of tasks for all types of social networks, without limitation for zero accounts
  3. Not high requirements for accounts wishing to earn points on the site
  4. Good affiliate program
  1. For completed orders, payment of the internal currency of the site (how to exchange it for money was mentioned above)
  2. There are small restrictions for cheating in some social networks (this was stated at the beginning of the review)

Regarding Bosslike reviews. There are many of them in the network and all of them are contradictory. If you generalize them all, most of them speak in favor of this service. Yes, there are shortcomings, maybe the service uses places of bots for promotion (although they deny it), but in most cases orders perform real people. In addition, prices for buying points are very humane.

I can leave a review based on the personal experience of working with Bosselik. The test was conducted on the VKontakte group. In one hour of the existence, the task was subscribed to a group of 30 people, at a price of 10 points. Of these, 10 dogs. The tweet of eggs was also with a dozen to 50 new subscribers. As you can see, a small percentage of bots come across all living people. The ratio is in principle acceptable if you take into account that you do not pay real money for similar frauds. I could not use a affiliate, since there is no talent to lure people, so I can't leave feedback on the affiliate program.

If you have your opinion about this service, then write in the comments. Put husky, share with friends. Good luck everyone!!!