Multiple forms on different mails in WordPress. WP Mail SMTP from WPForms

Hello everyone!

The plugin is easy enough to manage and configure. However, it is possible to malfunctions. The reasons for the fact that CONTACT FORM 7 does not work on WordPress can be several. We give the most common of them.

Why doesn't the WordPress contact form work?

Unsuitable topic or error in the subject

A frequent problem, due to which the WordPress contact form does not work - an unsuitable topic or error in JavaScript themes. In order to understand if you do not work, the WordPress feedback form does not work, you need to go to the admin and choose the "Topics" tab. There to change the template on the "default topic" and then check the operation of sending messages and the appearance of the contact form. If after that messages are sent, and the mail works - it means that you need to edit the errors in the topic you choose, because because of it and the message is not sent.

Incompliance of plugins with Contact Form 7

Plugin for WordPress Contact Form 7 may not work due to the fact that other plugins on your site conflict with it, and as a result, the WordPress does not send mail. To exclude this problem - alternately turn off the rest of the plugins one by one, each time updating the feedback page. If after turning off one of the plug-ins, the contact form has earned, then you found the root of the problem. Look for how to replace the conflicting plugin. If you have disconnected all plugins, and Contact Form 7 does not work, we are looking for a mistake further.

Letters fall into spam

Option is possible that letters fall into spam. If letters comes a sufficiently large amount, the spam filter can start blocking them. To avoid this, you need to go to the mail settings that you use for the WordPress blog, and mark important letters as not spam (if you still found them in the spam folder). After the postal service should continue to recognize them as not spamming.

Check the feedback without a plug-in

You can test the post office on your blog without the participation of the plugin. Here is an article about how to do it - ". This is a faithful way to find out where the error has hidden - in the Plugin of the Contact Form, or it occurs directly when sending mail to WordPress.

The problem is caused by hosting

Most often it looks like this: the message is sent, but does not come to the mail.

It happens that for some reason (for example, in the event of an attack on the server or mass distribution of letters), the hosting stopped sending letters. In this case, setting up sending mail to WordPress without the participation of your provider will not cost. It is necessary to contact the technical support of your hosting provider and find out the causes of the problem. In this case, you will not receive letters not only from the WordPress contact form, but also messages about new comments on the blog.

But most often, such problems arise at. In this case, you need to pay attention to the mail setting on WordPress.

WP Mail SMTP plugin

In the WordPress there is a built-in function of sending PHP Mail letters, but not all hosting works correctly. Because if the WordPress does not send mail, you will need to install the WP Mail SMTP plugin. It activates the ability to connect to the SMTP server. At the same time, your hosting provider must allow connecting to external SMTP servers, and the amount of mailings per day should not exceed 2000 letters (restrictions of Google and Yandex).

If these conditions are followed, go to WP Mail SMTP.

After the plugin is installed, you will need to create a mailbox to Gmail or on Yandex. Mail for the domain on Yandex can be created by clicking on the link -.

If you create a blog mailbox on a third-party resource, and not on hosting, you have a number of advantages. You will not depend on the stability of the hosting work, you do not have to pay extra for the increase in mail. In addition, it is more convenient to work in the usual post service interface.

Below is a sample setting of WP Mail SMTP on WordPress on an E-mail example on

Where SMTP Port is an SMTP server port on which the mailbox is placed (in my example - SMTP port of Yandex-Mail).

Instead, you enter the name of the mailbox, which created for your domain (any name @ domain name).

The same mailing address you need to specify in general blog parameters ("Parameters" - "General Settings").

It is here that you should come a test letter if everything is configured correctly.

Here is a video instruction on how to configure WP Mail SMTP:

Another mail plugin for Wordpress, which in a similar way solves the issues of sending letters - Configure SMTP. It is also easy enough to install and configure. Choose the plugin that you like more.

If you still do not want to create a mailbox on Yandex or Hmeile, you can try to solve the problem with sending mail to the WordPress and directly on the hosting. To do this, you will also need to create a mailbox, but on hosting. At the same time, it should be of this type: (where after the dog is the name of your domain).

The fact is that WordPress in the sender's line indicates such an address, and some hostings do not send mail if this e-mail does not actually exist.

By the same principle, some problems can be eliminated if CONTACT FORM 7 does not work on WordPress. In the FROM field when setting up a plug-in on the "Letter" tab, write a similar mailing address with the domain name.

I hope these tips will help you correct the malfunction when sending mail to WordPress, as well as solve problems with the work of the Contact Form plugin.

And so let's consider the work of the plugin to configure the SMTP sending in WordPress:

Configure SMTP.

Configure SMTP plugin is used to configure the SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending email via SSL / TLS (for example, Gmail). Practically forces WordPress to send mail not through the PHP function mail () and not through sendmail Hosting Server, and via SMTP any other server.

To start work, you should download the plugin from the Copyright Configure SMTP. Then on the rolled, install the plugin to the blog to the folder with the plugins ... wP-CONTENT / PLUGINS, activate it through the "Plagne Administrator" menu in WordPress and go to non-cunning settings, through the admin panel SMTP.which will appear in the admin after activation.
The settings plugin contains not very much and you can easily understand everything
Now let's look at items that yes how to configure.

Send E-Mail Via Gmail? - If you wish to use the Gmail service to send mail, check the checkbox and the Gmail parameters are set automatically, you will only have to enter your username and password. In the case of using another server, we prescribe parameters sMTP. Your mail server and, accordingly, celebrate the first item is not necessary.

SMTP HOST. - By default, "LocalHost", if you do not work, consequently prescribe your, for example, for Yandex - Mail it will be

SMTP Port. - port number usually 465

Secure Connection Prefix. - Select the prefix for SMTP secure connections via SSL or TLS

USE SMTPAUTH? - If authentication is installed, then you must provide the SMTP username and password, which should be done in the following items.

SMTP Username. - SMTP username (your mailbox)

SMTP Password. - Just password to your mail and that's it.

Wordwrap Length. - Specify, if it hurts it, the number of message symbols when transferring words.

The following two items can be left as it is, then default settings will be used or prescribed your data:

Sender E-mail - Email addresses for all outgoing messages. Leave empty to use WordPress default.

Sender Name. - The name or list of names from whom will be sent messages. Leave empty to use WordPress default.

Everything, no more settings at the plugin, it is completely ready for work, it remains only to save all changes by clicking on the button "Save Changes"
A very useful chip is present in the plugin, immediately after setting up, you are given the ability to test email sending and make sure the settings of your blog to work with mail. For this, at the bottom of the plugin control panel by pressing the button "SEND TEST E-Mail" Test message is sent to your e-mail.
Check the mailbox and admire the correspondence delivered in full.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today there will be an article on the topic plug-ins for WordPress. I try in this heading to concern only the most useful and necessary extensions, but there are such situations where you may need to make it possible to implement in this engine what is already available in it, but for any reason it does not work or works at all, As I would like.

Today I want to tell about the couple of such plugins. One of them implements the mail sending feature (called Configure SMTP), and the second allows you to expand the capabilities of the HTML editor available in the WordPress (Post Editor Buttons), for the case if you have no visual reasons for any reason.

The problem of sending letters from WordPress and setting up mail

I myself use quite a long time and there is no complaints on their work, but if you have no problems with sending letters and work of the visual editor, then just leave the bookmark on this publication, because with a possible move to a new hosting or after any perturbations On the old one there is a chance that they can be engaged.

No, in no way I do not want these problems to you, but they arise from many users on completely different hosting, which means it is better to be ready for all surprises and already have a ready-made solution in your pocket. These plugins are simple both in the installation and in the setting, and I think that difficulties with them will not have.

So, let's start with solving the problem of sending mail from WordPress, which, for example, has arisen after. Prior to this, the letters were perfectly sent using the PHP Mail function, with the work of which, unfortunately, there were problems. Although everything else Infobox where the site is now based, deserves only good words.

And I learned about the problem in the work of the post from one of the readers (thanks to him for this), which complained that they did not come to him about the appearance of a new comment in the topic he subscribed through the functionality.

The fact is that it implements a subscription for new comments in WordPress and uses the mechanism built into the WordPress to send letters - the PHP Mail function, which on the new hosting had problems with working capacity.

By that time I had already experienced solving the like, and I assumed to find similar settings and in the WordPress admin. But, unfortunately, the solution of this problem by the developers of the engine was given to the deposit of plugin developers.

Such turned out quite a lot, but I tried some of them, I still choose the configure smtp. It just bribes the simplicity of configuration, and if as a transit e-mail, then in general everything comes down to specify the name of the mailbox and password to access it in its settings.

But first things first. First you need download Configure SMTP, and then set it on a well-developed standard scheme:

  1. Unpack the archive
  2. Copy the Configure-SMTP folder via FTP to directory: / WP-CONTENT / Plugins
  3. Come in the admin panel, select the "Plugins" item from the menu, go to the "Inactive" tab, find the line with the Configure SMTP plugin and click on the "Activate" button

And having remembered the security of the main e-mail and the possible consequences of penetration into it, it is not worth lazy to the creation of a new box, in order to avoid problems that arose, for example, I have after unauthorized access to my mail that I described in.

In Gmail, in this regard, everything is chocolate, for there is a place to be two-stage verification (), which binds your box to the mobile phone number and the attackers will have nothing to catch.

Let's consider the settings that need to be done to finally and irrevocably solve the problem with the performance of mail in WordPress.

Configure SMTP plugin settings

To do this, in the admin, select "Parameters" - "SMTP":

If you are using Gmail, then you will sufficiently put a tick in the Send E-Mail Via Gmail field, and then enter the box name in the SMTP username field and password to it in the SMTP Password field. All, save the settings and test the efficiency of sending letters from the WordPress using the Send Test E-mail button located at the bottom.

After clicking on it, at the very top of the setup window, a message appears that you sent a test message (Test E-Mail Sent). Next, you will need to check the presence of a test letter in the Blog Administrator's mailbox, which you were specified in the General WordPress settings in the E-mail address field ("Options" - "General").

By the way, I use as an administrative exhalet of the form [Email Protected]the site that was created is not in the hosting control panel, but, and work with this mailbox containing in its name a domain name, I can through the Google mail interface, which is very convenient, especially in the case of the change of hosting. By the way, at one time I described that it was also a good solution.

And the Gmail service mailbox, the password to which you entered in the plug-in settings is only a transit link, and there will be no test letter. It is only needed to implement sending mail from WordPress via SMTP, if there are problems with the work of the standard option (PHP Mail functions).

Let's run through the rest of the configure SMTP plugin settings, although they are not particularly important. If you used to broadcast the mailbox other than the GMEIL, then you do not need to install in the Send E-Mail Via Gmail field, but it will be necessary to specify an email and password to it, more and specify other parameters inherent in this postal service in Fields from the second to the fifth.

Next in the "Wordwrap Length" field, you can specify the number of characters that you want to enter in a letter before the lines and Sender and Sender Name and Sender Name fields may indicate which email will be specified as a reverse in the received user. Letter, as well as what will be displayed in the "From whom" field in this letter. If these fields do not fill out, information will be taken from the general WordPress settings.

Post Editor Buttons - Add buttons to WordPress Editor

The second problem in WordPress, which I have originated - this is the inoperability of the visual editor. At one time, I tried to revive it with different cunning ways, but, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. I tried to put alternative editors in the form of plug-ins, but the problem was as it was and remained not solved until now.

But besides the visual editor, there is an ordinary HTML editor with a minimal functionality, but quite workable. Well, after I learned about the existence and installed on my blog post Editor Buttons, expanding its capabilities, then the need to find a solution to the problem with the visual editor disappeared at all.

Now you can switch to its configuration ("Parameters" - "Post Editor Buttons"), or rather adding new buttons to the basic editor of the WordPress.

It is done very simple. First you need to click on the link "NEW" located at the bottom of the window (for some reason it is not very noticeable).

After that, you will have the opportunity to fill the three form fields in the Caption columns, Before "and" Afterter ". In the first one, you will need to enter the name of the new button, and in "Before" and "After" you will need to add opening and closing tags to which the text you have selected in the editor will be enclosed after clicking on the new button.

On the screenshot above, the creation of a button called "H3" is written in the first line, which allows me to enter into the desired text in the opening and closing. Very comfortably. Allocated the desired text, clicked on "H3" in the editor panel and the desired title is issued.

It is not necessary to use HTML tags to create a new button. In the third row, on the above screenshot, you can see the PHP button creation string, which is used as opening and closing tags a special operator to highlight and highlight the code in the text of the post.

You can not use the closing tag when creating a button. You can see such an example in the two lower lines of the same screenshot. With the help of these two buttons in the editor, I insert the image articles in the texts.

The first serves to insert images in the size of the full width of the page (I configure the pictures for this size in advance) and by pressing it, at that place where the mouse cursor was located, the following image tag will be inserted:

It will only be left to download the desired image to the "Image" folder on the FTP, register the name of the graphic file in this code (instead of 25.10.png), well, fix the contents of the attributes "ALT" and "TITLE" on what suits the displayed image in meaning. For example, all the same notorious screenshot, located above, is displayed according to the following code:

The second button for my editor panel allows you to quickly insert small pictures to the text of the articles, which, thanks to the CSS classes, will be aligned in the center of the page, which seems to me more organic than the default alignment on the left side.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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website 03.02.2018

Good day!

If you are tired of encountering a situation that sent letters from your site running WordPress falls into spam or do not reach, then you will end up in will inevitably come to the need to use an external SMTP server, for example, free Yandex PDD (Domain Mail).

By connecting your site to Yandex PDDs or other mail sending server, it will remain as small - to configure your site so that all letters go exclusively via SMTP. Let's see how easy it is to do in WordPress.

Customize sending all letters from the site running WordPress through the specified SMTP

To do this, we will use a very easy and extremely simple plugin that performs the main task - forces all letters to send not through the standard phpmailer, but specified SMTP.

This WordPress plugin is called Easy WP SMTP. - It is in the official repository of plugins on Wordpress and is deservedly the easiest (its size of about 78 kilobytes) and very popular. More than 200 thousand users chose Easy WP SMTP..

Not the last role in popularizing this plugin played the situation when his competitor in the face WP Mail SMTP A certain company was redeemed, which, as a result, made a monster with a compact plugin with an additional functionality, which was not necessary for the traditional functions and already for traditions with advertising and "profitable" suggestions.

Let's return to the Easy WP SMTP plugin. By setting it in the standard way through the WordPress console, go to the settings. This is done through the Console menu. Settings -> Easy WP SMTP.

There are several tabs:

  • SMTP settings - The mail server SMTP settings are specified here.
  • ADDITIONAL SETTINGS. - Options for developers, do not change anything
  • Test email - sending letters in order to test the correctness of the SMTP setting

We are interested in tab with settings. The present image contains typical settings that are specified for the SMTP server of the Yandex MDD server.

In fact, everything is very intuitive, questions can only cause the option Force From Name Replacement - If there is a tick, then in the incoming letters in the field Sender It will always be indicated just above the letterfaced text. If the checkboxes are not and the message, for example, is written from the contact form, then in the field Sender The name is indicated in the contact form when writing a message.

That's all. I wish you good luck in connecting your site to Yandex PDDs or similar SMTP server and setting the mandrel letters through it from your WordPress site.

Donation site site (donation selection is carried out through Yandex Money service)