Setting up the CNC and installing the ARTIO JoomSEF component. Configuring the CNC and installing the ARTIO JoomSEF component All about the artio joomsef component

One of the things that I didn’t like about Joomle was the links that it generated to its content, even the built-in SEF (further CNC (Human Understandable Urls)) didn’t help much. Links to the section with news by default:

Http: //localhost/index.php? Option = com_content & task = section & id = 1 & Itemid = 2

it's hard to remember such an address the first time :)

If you enable the built-in SEF features, then the address looks shorter and looks a little better, but it's not very clear:

Http: // localhost / content / section / 1/2 /

Of all the components for Joomla, ARTIO JoomSEF is being developed and actively supported. At the time of testing, I had version v2.2.6. In this post I will describe the basic settings of ARTIO JoomSEF.

After the standard installation of the component, do not forget to rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess (located in the www folder of your site). To make the component speak Russian, copy the russian.php file to wwwadministratorcomponentscom_seflanguage. The language file has been translated by me, comments are accepted for its improvement :).

After all the preparatory installations, you can proceed to the component settings. Check if the Search Engine Friendly URLs (SEF) option is enabled in the Joomla Global Configurations, SEO tab. After that, in the component settings, for initial work, make the following changes (I assume that there is a translation file I made):

Included?- Yes // Actually turn on the component

Disable the creation of new CNC addresses?- No // New CNC addresses will be generated automatically

Show sections?- Yes // Adding the name of the section (section) to the address - to categorize new content.

Since JoomSEF by default generates addresses from the element name, you need to configure how it will convert Cyrillic to Latin, paste the contents of the sefconvert.txt file into the field Replacing non-ascii characters.

The conversion rule is simple: characterSource | Substitutions

symbol Source - the symbol to be replaced

Replacement symbol - the symbol to replace with

After all the above mentioned manipulations :) url looks like this:

Http: // localhost / novosti / super-puper

which looks much better!

Separately, I would like to note the option Use a pseudonym?- it allows you to use aliases to generate CNC addresses, which can be specified in some components (for example, News), and not the translation of the element names themselves.

The list of all translations, from the old addresses in the CNC, can be viewed and edited in paragraph CNC address management(component settings). After clicking on any of the list items, in the CNC Address column, you can correct the generated link if you don't like something.

Support for CNC addresses is implemented for most Joomla components. Some extensions for JoomSEF come with the component, or you can additionally download extensions for VirtueMart, Fireboard, RSGallery, etc.

Although not without a fly in the ointment, to support these same CNCs, the database contains a table (jos_redirection) in which the correspondence of the real address to the CNC address is unambiguously spelled out, which imposes costs on additional queries to the database. To some, this may seem unacceptable waste, but this is an acceptable price for a small site with average traffic. A custom cache exists in the component to improve the situation.

From the glitches, it was noticed that the correct pathway is not always displayed or the selected page in the menu is not highlighted. This is due to the fact that the Itemid is not correctly specified in the table of correspondences of the new address to the old one (it is used to communicate with menu items), somewhere a bug has crept in in a component ... but this is easy to fix. Open the jos_redirection table in phpMyAdmin, find our url and in the Itemid field specify the id of the menu item to which we want to link this page (if there is none, then you can specify 1 corresponds to the main page). The correct menu item ids can be found in the jos_menu table.

That's all I wanted to tell you briefly about this useful SEO component.

In this article, I would like to remember and tell you about a very useful extension for Joomla called ARTIO JoomSEF... This component will help you set up cnc links for your Joomla pages... In addition, using ARTIO JoomSEF, you can also configure an external error page view (404)... This will help you keep your visitors on your site and make it more attractive to your readers who land on your 404 page.

Activating and configuring CNC (SEF) Joomla

Before proceeding with the consideration of the settings of the ARTIO JoomSEF component, let's look at the standard way of implementation CNC in Joomla... The first step is to activate the CNC (SEF) Joomla. To do this, go to the Administrative Panel - Site - General Settings - Site - Search Engine Optimization Settings and activate the following functions:

  • Enable SEO - Yes. Includes search engine optimization (SEO) engine for displaying links in the form of SEF URL.
  • Use mod_rewrite - Yes. Use Apache Mod Rewrite to intercept and redirect links that meet certain conditions.
  • Add a suffix to the URL - "Yes". We activate the addition of a suffix to the URL address, which depends on the type of document.

Also you need to create an .htaccess file and place it in your site root. You can either rename an existing htaccess file to .htaccess by simply placing a period in front of htaccess, or create a new file and name it accordingly. To work with files on the server side, use the special program FileZilla, which will facilitate your work with the site via FTP.

So let's consider, how to create a cnc link for a page in Joomla... This is not difficult. To create a CNC link for a page, you need to specify the desired address in the "Alias" field when creating a new article. This field must be filled in in Latin letters, since if you specify the page address in Russian letters or leave the field blank, then the date of page creation will be used instead of the CNC address.

As you can see, the implementation of CNC links in Joomla with built-in capabilities is not very convenient and requires manual work. It is much more convenient to use a special component ARTIO JoomSEF, which allows you to automate the creation of CNC links in Joomla, as well as create your own error page (404) and much more.

The first step is to find and install the latest version of the ARTIO JoomSEF component. You can do it on the official site or using the search. In my opinion, it is better to spend a little time and find the current russified version of the component, but if you have excellent English, then you can use the original version from the official site.

Next, install the component as usual. To install ARTIO JoomSEF, go to the Administrative panel of the site - Install / Uninstall and specify the path to the archive with the extension, then click "Download file and install". I want to note right away that before you start using the ARTIO JoomSEF component, you must first activate the Joomla CNC (SEF) in the Joomla global settings, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article. So, now let's move on to setting up the ARTIO JoomSEF component itself.

Setting up ARTIO JoomSEF

By and large, immediately after installing the component, the optimal settings are already initially set in it and you only have to change a couple of points. Nevertheless, let's look at and analyze each of them. So, to configure the ARTIO JoomSEF extension, go to the Administrative Panel - Content - ARTIO JoomSEF - Configuration. Now, in order, let's look at the settings for each ARTIO JoomSEF block.

  • Allowed ( JoomSEF Enabled) - enable / disable generating SEF addresses using the ARTIO JoomSEF component. We activate the extension.
  • Disable creation of new SEF URLs - disables the generation of SEF addresses for new pages. Only those created earlier will be used. Leave this function disabled.
  • Replacement character - enter a character that will replace all unknown characters in the URL. We leave it as it is. The default is "-".
  • Page Separating Mark is a symbol for separating numbers from other pages. We leave it as it is.
  • Character string are valid characters in the URL. Leave the original set as default.
  • Truncate characters - URL abbreviation characters. Similar to the previous point.
  • Use Title or Alias ​​- choose how URL addresses of your Joomla website pages will be generated. The first setting is responsible for the formation of the page link by transliterating the TITLE meta tag of this page. The second uses as the URL the data that you entered in the "Alias" field when creating the page. Select the first setting (Full Title).
  • File suffix - in this field we enter the so-called suffix, which will be added at the end of each URL generated by the ARTIO JoomSEF component. I recommend setting the value to ".html". In this case, our SEF addresses will look like regular HTML pages.
  • Index file by default (Default index file) - ending for main pages of components, categories and sections in Joomla. I recommend leaving this field blank.
  • Page Text - Text in URL for multipages. You can leave the default.
  • All Lowercase - Converts all URL characters to lowercase. We enable this ARTIO JoomSEF function.
  • Show section - adds the section name to the link.
  • Show Category - adds the category name to the link.
  • Use index for sections and categories - activates the addition of category names and headings in the CNC (SEF) URLs of Joomla site pages created by the ARTIO JoomSEF component.

Now let's move on to the next block of settings for the ARTIO JoomSEF component called "Advanced Configuration".

Here we can fine tune the ARTIO JoomSEF component. I will not describe these settings, since they already have optimal default parameters, and most users use them. If you have any specific requirements for ARTIO JoomSEF, then you can easily figure out these settings.

The next block of settings for the ARTIO JoomSEF component is Cache configuration. In it, we can activate caching for the ARTIO JoomSEF component. This will help reduce the number of database queries and reduce the load on the server ().

  • Use cache - "Yes". We activate caching for the ARTIO JoomSEF component.
  • Maximum cache size - specify the maximum number of links that will be stored in the cache.
  • Minimum Views Cache Count - The minimum number of views before the URL is stored in the cache.
  • Use a standard file - set "Yes".

In this block of ARTIO JoomSEF settings, we can configure the work of the component in relation to other Joomla extensions and, if any difficulties arise, we can at any time turn off the formation of NC links for the component we are interested in.

In the configuration of the ARTIO JoomSEF component, you can select the following values:

  • "Control by default" are the standard settings.
  • Do Not Cache - SEF URLs for this extension will not be cached.
  • "Skip" - ARTIO JoomSEF will not generate SEF URL for the selected component.

So, we figured out the main settings of the ARTIO JoomSEF component. Now let's move on to customizing the error page for the Joomla site.

  • Show page - select "Default 404 page".
  • Show error message - put "No" and thereby disable the standard 404 error notification in Joomla.
  • Record page views 404 - here we choose at our discretion. If you want to monitor the correctness of the component and record page views 404, then put "Yes". But if you do not need this, then select "No", thereby you will reduce the number of calls to the database and reduce the load on the server.

After making the settings in ARTIO JoomSEF, you can proceed to the very setting of the appearance of the 404 page.

To do this, you can use the visual editor, which is located immediately below the activation block for your own error page for Joomla. Creating a 404 page is similar to creating a new material in Joomla, so it will not be described in this article.

Well, the last block of ARTIO JoomSEF settings - Page 404 by default ID

Installation and basic configuration of Artio JoomSEF free (free) and paid versions do not differ from each other. Generally speaking, the paid version of the component has slightly advanced functionality, and the general settings for both versions are absolutely the same.

Where to download the Artio JoomSEF component

It is better to download the Artio JoomSEF component on the official website of the component (, on the "free Download" tab. The component is downloaded in a ZIP archive, the package name is com_joom sef 4-4.5.1. The latest version of the component, at the time of publication of the article, is Artio JoomSEF 4.5.1.

Artio JoomSEF installation and basic setup

Installing Artio JoomSEF

Install the plugin in any standard way to install Joomla extensions. The easiest way is through the Joomla installer (Joomla Extension Manager):

  • Log in to the administrative part of the site;
  • Go to Extensions tab → Extension Manager → Installation → Load file from package;
  • Select the downloaded ZIP package of the component on your computer and click the Download and Install button;

The system will inform you of a successful installation with a green stripe, installation errors will be informed with a pink message. If you downloaded the component from the author's official website and you have Joomla configured correctly (the paths to the tmp and log folders are correctly specified in the configuration.php file), then the installation will be successful (by 99%).

So, the Artio JoomSEF installation is complete. The menu item Artio JoomSEF has appeared. Let's move on to the main settings of the component.

Enabling Artio JoomSEF

There is no Russian language in the component, so we will designate all component tabs as they are in English.

First, enter the Control Panel of the component.

We see that the component version is highlighted in red. This button disables / enables component update tracking. If you want to track new versions, do not click on the red button.

Artio JoomSEF setup

We proceed to configuring the component, first, go to the Configuration tab. There are 10 items in the configuration (basic settings) of the component. Two of them are for the paid version, they are SEO (optimization) and Sitemap (sitemap). We omit them, and go through the rest with the settings.

First of all, enable professional mode: Enable Professional mode. Click the "Yes" button and Save (above).

Basic -Main Configuration

  • JoomSEF Enabled?- Yes (include the component);
  • Disable creation of new SEF URLs?- No (Allow the creation of new SEF URLs);
  • Enable Professional mode–Yes (Turn on professional mode).

Basic Settings -Basic Configuration

These are the basic settings for the component. By default, almost everything is configured as needed.

File suffixIs the suffix at the end of the site URL. Can be left blank. Some people like to put html - imitation of static pages. In practice, I will say that the suffix does not affect the indexing of site pages.

Use Title or Alias?—This setting determines what will be based on the URL of the pages. There are two choices. Either the URL will be based on the full title, or the page alias (where available). If you choose the title of the article, the system will translate (transliterate) the title of the article and make a URL from it. If you select a pseudonym, then you yourself will need to fill in the pseudonym field when writing an article. If you leave it blank, the title will be replaced by the date of issue. So I advise you to choose Fulltitle. Artio JoomSEF of the latest versions translates and generates URL by article title without errors. This option can be overridden (changed) for each component separately.

Default value: Full Title.

All lowercase? Is an important setting. It determines which letters to use in the URL, lowercase only (Yes) or uppercase and lowercase (No). I don’t know why you might want to capitalize your URL, but choose only lowercase correctly - Yes.

www and non-www domain handling- with this setting you can set the main URL of the pages, with www or without www. In these settings, it is better to set, do not touch (Don’t handling), and do the main mirror and merge mirrors with other SEO tools.

Number duplicate URLs?- This item prohibits / allows the use of duplicate URLs. Again, I don’t know why you need duplicate pages, you probably want to get sanctioned by search engines, but still I’ll suggest that you put - No (no duplicates). Duplicate pages are not automatically deleted, all duplicates are stored in the database, and only the correct URL is used. Presumably, I do not confirm this, this option does not work with a large number of takes. Hence, periodic manual cleaning of duplicates of the site is required.

The remaining 5 settings (in the photo in the green frame) are not changed.

class = "eliadunit">

Moving on to the Advanced settings, which are visible only in the professional mode, which we have already switched to.


Advanced settings are extremely important for a Russian-language site. Why you will understand, just below. There are six modules in the Advanced settings:

  1. Advanced Configuration
  2. Working with URLs (working with URL addresses);
  3. Debugging URL errors
  4. Non-SEF URLs and variables
  5. Variables filtering (enabling filters for variables);
  6. Itemid handling

Advanced Configuration

Advanced Configuration An important settings module, especially for Russian-language sites.

Allow UTF-8 charactersin URL- if you want the URL to be in Russian letters, put "Yes", but it is better to put "No" and generate all URLs in Latin letters.

Non-ASCII char replacements(Non-ASCII character substitution). Previously (Joomla 1.5) this table did not include the Russian alphabet and had to be changed. Now it is too complete a table of replacing all conceivable and inconceivable characters in the American standard ASCII encoding. In a pair, characters are separated by a pipe (|), and pairs are separated by a comma.

This table can be reduced to the Russian alphabet, or you can leave it as it is. You can also create your own table by changing the transliteration translation standard.

Important! It is according to this table that Russian titles of articles will be changed into Latin URLs.

Be tolerant to trailing slash? and Remove trailing slash?- these items define the settings for the slash at the end of the URL. Their settings must be set in opposition to each other. Yes-No or No-Yes. If for some reason you do not like the slash at the end of your URLs, then put No-Yes (disallow slash and allow redirect with slash to no slash). If the slash does not scare you, and I do not understand why it can scare you, then put Yes-No. That is, you enable slash and disable forwarding. I am in favor of the last setting, since with this setting both URLs will work, with and without a slash.

Parse Joomla SEO links?(allow Joomla to parse SEO links leading to 404 error) - set Yes, although it doesn't work.

Set page base href value: Select how the base href value (full document address) will be generated. The following values ​​are suggested:

  • Yes - always use the base URL only;
  • Yes - always use the full SEO URL;
  • No - disable HREF database creation. The base href will not be generated at all;
  • No - leave the original. JoomSEF will keep the original Joomla href base.

The default is"Yes - always use the base URL only."

Fix index.php links: Put "Yes" and remove index.php from non-SEF links, thereby getting rid of duplicates.

Fix document format: I put, usually "No", and forbid ending the URL with suffixes depending on the type of document. This is an interesting setting. If you have problems with displaying PDF documents or suddenly the Site Feed disappears, then try enabling (Yes) this item. This can help in resolving a conflict with a pdf or feed feed.

Change index.php to current menu: Joomla system is set to "Yes" by default. Remove index.php from the menu items.

Count home page hits: set to Yes, so that updating all SEF URLs after clearing (clear) and purging (Purge) and changes (Update) SEF URL starts from the main page. That is, they flushed SEF URLs, went to the main page and started restoring SEF links of all pages anew.

Other settings Debugging URL errors(Debugging errors in URL links) Non-SEF URLs and variables (What to do with non-SEF URL), Variables filtering(enable filters for variables), Itemid handling(Itemid processing) leave as default.

After finishing the Advanced settings, do not forget to "Save".

This completes the installation and basic configuration of Artio JoomSEF.

ARTIO JoomSEF component- designed to create SEF links of your website pages. Its role is very tangible in website promotion. The article describes the installation and configuration of the component.

As a rule, for Joomla everyone uses ARTIO JoomSEF or sh404sef components. Standard tools are not particularly used. Perhaps you do not need third-party components and it is enough to use the standard SEF Joomla described in my other article, I recommend starting the study with it.

I note right away that I tried installing ARTIO JoomSEF and sh404sef. sh404sef I did not like because it is a commercial paid component, I use ARTIO JoomSEF. The functionality of the free version allows me to do whatever I need.

Where to download ARTIO JoomSEF

It is better to download the ARTIO JoomSEF component from the author's website at:

  • for Joomla 1.5
  • for Joomla 2.5 (1.6 / 1.7)

Go to the administrative control panel of the CMS and select "Extensions-Extension Manager" from the menu. On the "Installation" tab, select the prepared file and click the "Download and install" button. The component will be installed.

Setting up ARTIO JoomSEF

Select the ARTIO JoomSEF item, Control Panel tab from the Components menu. In the right corner of the tab, find the "SEF Status" panel, enable "Global SEF URLs" and "Apache mod_rewrite" with the corresponding buttons.

Configuration Tab

  • check the "JoomSef Enabled" option;
  • set "File suffics" as desired in .html / .php / leave blank;
  • decide how you want to see the domain name with or without www "www and non-www domain handling";
  • allow duplicate URLs to be numbered, later they can be closed from indexing.

Advanced tab

On this tab

  • set the type of the base url in the meta tag ;
  • let us automatically update the url of pages when renaming them or changing their alias;
  • enable log entry as desired.

Title and Meta Tags Tab

Let's prohibit the generation of "stupid" page titles, meta tags keywords and description.

Language Tab

You can create a multilingual site by enabling the "Enable JoomSef language management" option. The "Language integration" option allows you to specify the language directly in the URL (include in path) or use different subdomains for them (use different domains).

If you specify the language directly in the URL, then for this page it will look like this: http: //site/ru/sef-chpu/artio-joomsef.html.

If you are using different subdomains, fill in the Domain configuration with the subdomain names for Russian and English. For example, On the Subdomains tab, assign a start page for each of these subdomains. The URL of this page will look like this: http: //ru..html.

404 Page Tab

Now let's configure the 404 error handler page. Translate the message into Russian. This will make life easier for some of your visitors.

How to remove copyright ARTIO JoomSEF

The last thing you can do is remove the copyright that is inserted on all pages of the site.
Edit the file components / com_sef / joomsef.php
Find the line $ cacheBuf2 = "... there is a lot of things ...";
Replace with $ cacheBuf2 = "";
It will help you remove link ARTIO JoomSEF.

Create a page on your site, in which make some surrounding text on the topic and put an active link to the author's site ARTIO JoomSEF, respect other people's work.

Not worth looking for ARTIO JoomSEF nulled and that's why:
1 - all found components will definitely be of the old version.
all they will allow, unlike the free version:
2 - edit .htaccess - are you doing this?
3 - generate sitemap - are you missing the XMap component?
4 - statistics - why do you need this?

Not worth looking for crack ARTIO JoomSEF, I have not met any sensible translation. I translated it myself. Many phrases translated into Russian begin to lose their meaning or become vague and are better perceived in the original.

ARTIO JoomSEF 404 error page

Google and Yandex webmaster help does not recommend displaying the default 404 error page. If you've seen the standard Joomla 404 page, it's poor. The visitor will immediately go to another site, and there will probably be more than a dozen of them in the search results. You have already installed Artio JoomSEF for Joomla and made a 404 error page. You should make it possible for the site visitor to understand what to do next. Suggest to him to use the menu or search. This is exactly what I did on my website. In addition, I decided to display a random anecdote for fun. Type in the wrong link and you will see the result. I will give an example of implementation.

Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

To find the material you need, you can use:
  • navigation elements (menu);
  • sitemap;
  • site search form.

The first script gets the anecdote, the second rips out the links to the source from the anecdote.

If you found this article helpful, please vote for it. This will help others find this article more quickly from many other less useful ones.(26 Votes)

Not very pretty, is it? And it is not at all clear which category of the site you are in. To make beautiful and understandable website link URLs, we need to enable this feature in the general settings. To do this, go to the admin panel, there in the general settings find "Search Engine Optimization Settings" and put all three checkboxes next to "Enable SEO", "Use mod_rewrite" and "Add suffix to URL". After that, you must rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess (the file is located in the root directory of your site, if you have already transferred the site to shared hosting, then). It is also important to know that when using a standard CNC, you will need to write a pseudonym for each material or menu item on the site (always in small English letters). If you do not write the alias, then the standard link conversion component will use the date of the article instead of the name. But third-party extensions themselves translate article titles into English, so this is another reason to use them! These default settings will suffice for most novice users.

Everything is clearly visible here: section - promotion, subsection - website promotion, article - internal site optimization. This helps the user navigate the site.

CNC on the site must be set not only because of the beautiful links, but also to improve the security of the site. Joomla sites are most often hacked due to third-party extensions that you install. If a hacker finds a "hole" in some extension, then he just needs to enter in the search for example "com_content ..." (if the CNC is turned off, then instead of content there will be the name of any extension by which you can be found). But when the links are human-readable, then no search will return your extensions.

It is recommended to turn on the CNC immediately when creating a site, and not after entering the search index. If your site has already been indexed by search engines and it has traffic, then it is not advisable to set the CNC, since all links will disappear and lose weight. It will take a long time before the search robots re-examine your site and take into account the new link addresses. An incident can also happen if the search engines think that you are duplicating content.

Installing and configuring ARTIO JoomSEF

You can safely use the standard component for generating NC links, but it works well only for standard Joomla extensions (this applies to Joomla 1.5. In new versions of Joomla 1.7 and higher, it is suitable for almost any extensions). I would also use a standard CNC generation component, but it does not support some extensions that I use on my site (for example, it does not generate links correctly for the K2 component). Therefore, I had to look for similar and more powerful extensions that would make the "correct" links for all pages of my site. This application turned out to be the ARTIO JoomSEF component (Installing components, modules and plugins on the Joomla site). After installing ARTIO JoomSEF, check the version of the extension:

If there is a new version, then feel free to install. Fortunately, the program itself has an excellent module for automatically updating the component itself and additional extensions to it. Click on the top right "Upgrade":

If any updates are available, then you can install them directly from the admin panel without making unnecessary gestures. Now you need to properly configure this wonderful component. Go to "Configuration" and fill in the values ​​as shown in the screenshots below. These are the optimal settings for this component (if you are well versed in this, you can try to configure it yourself).

Setting "Basic":

Setting "Normal":

Setting "Cache":

Setting "Title and Meta tags":

SEO and SiteMap settings are only available in the paid version.

Configuring the "404 error page":

Instead of a 404 error, if any page is unavailable, the main page of your site will open.

So, here we have configured the ARTIO JoomSEF component. Do not forget to clear the cache (to do this, go to the admin panel and select tools - clear the cache, select all the items in it and delete). I advise you not to miss out on interesting information.