Collect a robot that will help such people. Robots in people's service: inventions, ready to help a person in everyday life Olly Robot from Emotech

A person for performing such monotonous and monotonous homework, as cleaning the room or work in the garden, spends a significant part of its time. Some receive true pleasure from this kind of occupation, but for most, the attraction of residential space in the proper order is the task of routine, boring and not too pleasant. Starting from the 50s and 1950s of the last century, when the concept of "robotic assistant" began to emerge, society has already dreamed of shifting a part of their daily responsibilities for a soulless mechanized device, not subject to fatigue, stress and ready to perform the most dirty work. We are talking about robots-servants and automated assistants whose prototypes have appeared more than the automation back.

The first mobile robot analyzing teams and its actions

In 1966, the engineers of the artificial intelligence center at Stanford University took up the creation of a robot endowed with the ability of independent orientation and movement in the room without creating emergencies. The project envisaged the development of a design on a wheel chassis with the possibility of self-learning, as well as a holistic analysis of the tasks set in front of the machine.

The device that received the name Shakey was equipped with a set of sensors and a television camera to determine the current location and dimensions of the surrounding robot objects. In 1972, the Shakey project approached completion, embodiment in a single design advanced achievements of engineers of the time. The mobile device demonstrated its capabilities in a special test pavilion of several rooms interconnected by corridors. The robot performed the teams of scientists, pushing various items, closing and opening the doors, interacting with switches and various objects.

The prospect of the algorithm laid in shakey pushed scientists to further work in this direction and the creation of a number of more advanced automated mechanisms, as well as the introduction of the ability to identify and respond to voice commands.

Wireless and autonomous haircut lawn

In 1969, MOWBOT INC. Introduced the world a robotic lawn mower that operates from the built-in battery without the need to connect to the home network. The battery charge was enough for a haircut of grass on a plot of 650 m 2. And although the device worth $ 795 was very far from modern programmable "smart" devices that can be controlled even from a smartphone, the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting rid of the wires was quite interesting and received logical development.

Full-sized AROK robot: And with a dog walks, and trash will lead out

What "home of the future" can do without robotic servants? A similar thought visited Ben Skora's inventor (Ben Skora), who presented his vision of futuristic, given the 70s of the last century, dwellings with remotely manageable lamps and other technical innovations. It was not without a "smart" service personnel, the place of which took a two-meter robot AROK with a frankly cracked face.

The tasks of the mechanized giant included a garbage removal, drinks and even walking your four-legged pet. Of course, the presence of an operator for manipulating the device was a prerequisite. So the staff of the servants in the "House of the Future" provided for an additional vacancy for control over the assistant robot.

Popular in Japan Gaming Robot OmniBot: Prehistory

3DNews readers are familiar with the device called OmniBot. But about his progenitor, which became one of the most compact robots of his time - OmniBot 2000, is known to be much smaller. An unusual apparatus was released in 1984, but he represented, as today, the super tech and advanced autonomous model in the market of the most unusual toys of that time.

Omnibot 2000 had the ability to remote control, but the developers have also provided a completely independent movement of their brainchild at a predetermined route. All the data necessary for the programmed movement was recorded on the cassette, and the robot could be used as a waiter for the delivery of food and drinks at a large party.

Synpet Newton: Star "Star" R2D2

If you have a cute and unusual sounds of R2D2 robot from George Lucas (George Lucas), "star wars" robot (George Lucas), then it will be interesting to know that in the interval from the late 80s to the beginning of the 90s, it was on sale. It was commercial Analog - Synpet Newton. Of course, this robot with a height of about 86 cm can not be called an accurate copy of the legendary R2D2, however, the similarity in the design, as they say, "is obvious".

Synpet Newton could freely move around the apartment, could boast of voice control and helped to cope with household chores. The 16-bit microprocessor chip was answered for its performance, as well as a wide range of sensors for fully autonomous movement in accordance with the selected mode. At the same time, Synpet Newton could communicate with tenants using a special voice synthesizer, as well as to communicate its owner with the outside world using a built-in cordless telephone and modem.

True, Synpet Newton could only afford the most secure Americans, because the price for a smart car was a fabulous $ 8000.

The crown of the evolution of human-like robots from Honda engineers

Perhaps the most famous robot-humanoid is the Honda device under the name asimo. For about ten years, it took engineers of the Japanese company to end up bring the prototype parameters to the current limit in the form of a combination of high movement speed, extraordinary dexterity and advanced interaction with people.

Asimo is able to welcome guests to the handshake and bring drinks no worse than this waiter would do.

irobot Roomba: Responsible for cleanliness in your home

The vacuum cleaners did not have time to become a common gadget in the homes of simple users due to their high cost. However, some models still had a commercial success and came across the apartments of their owners, as one of the first home mechanized cleaners was made - Irobot Roomba. The main task of the device, which appeared on the market 12 years ago, is high-quality, and most importantly - completely autonomous cleaning of the most complex types of flooring.

Robot-humanoid Reem: and loader, and information center

It was often possible to move around the station building or airport with bulky and heavy baggage, and at the same time try to find out the information necessary for the landing on the flight? It seems that this problem in Spain, where Pal Robotics was settled, joined the team from four engineers to engage in the development of a REEM-A robot.

Previously, developers have already had experience in the design of human-like machines that take on the role of service personnel. This allowed in 2012 to present a commercial sample Reem with a television management function, which is not only capable of carrying goods, but also to act as an information and reference kiosk.

Subsequently, the device was upgraded to the REMEM-C version - it was returned to both legs, as provided for in the modifications with the index "A" and "B".

Your personal robotic bartender for $ 2700

If you drop procedures that require moving in space, lifting goods and complex mechanical manipulations, then why could a small stationary robotic device be useful? Of course, for the preparation of a variety of cocktails. Monsieur's robot became an example of a skilled automated bartender, which will not only prepare you a favorite drink, but also joyfully welcomes its owner upon returning home. To do this, the designers provided a function of determining your stay in the apartment using an application for a mobile device that provides synchronization with Monsieur and control apparatusbluetooth and Wi-Fi.

The system is capable not only to perform orders for cocktails remotely from a smartphone or tablet, but also offer you a double brewing portions in case you were delayed at work and you had a very tense day.

The main feature of a 23-kg tower display box was the number of cocktails that it can prepare guests at your party. The device includes 12 thematic variations - "non-alcoholic party", "Sport bar", "Irish Pub" and others, in each of which is about 25 recipes of various drinks.

The implementation of the Robotized Barman project became possible thanks to the Kickstarter crowdfining platform, on which Monsieur startup gathered donations for a total amount of $ 140 thousand.

Startup Jibo: If you are lonely and no one to talk to

Jibo's robot, which I liked the visitors of the Indiegogo platform, which brought the creators of the device over $ 2 million, will become a personal sympathetic interlocutor, polite, submissive and prubing listener, regardless of your current emotional state.

The so-called social model of behavior, characteristic of Jibo, in a set with an advanced hardware and software component will allow the device to find an individual approach when communicating with each family member. The device is able to independently identify the interlocutor, as well as to catch his mood to choose the algorithm of behavior that is most suitable in the current situation.

Jibo, having wireless network access, the recipes for the coming dinner will find on a voice request, will inform about a new letter on your email, it will help with purchases, and it will be appropriate to be joking, entertaining a fun story and scratch a cloudy evening a good musical composition.

Virtually anyone will be able to acquire an unusual robotic friend to acquire a robotic friend, because the price of Jibo is only $ 500.

Robots guarding order

An excellent way to use robotic devices was the performance of security features. And indeed: thermal imagers, motion sensors, laser range finder, all sorts of cameras and "smart" systems in theory are capable of significantly earlier to detect a violator, suspect a non-carrying and inform about the threat or has already taken place to penetrate the protected area than even an experienced person would have done.

And if the brainchild of specialists from KnightScope is intended for passive observation and sending alarm to the dispatch remote control, then, for example, the Patrolbot Mark II robot guard is ready to counteract the intruder independently. To do this, there is a 100 dB claxon on its wheel platform and a water gun, with which the operator can lift the reputation and clothing of the intruder in the literal sense.

Twenty years ago, we calmly accounted for without mobile communications, and stationary telephones were not all. And now - we live in the age of new technologies, which every day are improving and offer us something new, practically descended from the pages of fantastic novels. And the new generation no longer imagines to study, work and leisure without smartphones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets. And the home robot assistant was invented for advanced and trendy.

What it is?

Home Robot Assistant - Device, whose appointment is to help a person in everyday life. Unlike ordinary household appliances, it is endowed with artificial intelligence, let it still be completely perfect, but the work in this direction does not stop.

There are different aggregates with specific functionality: glass cleaners, lawn mowers, pool cleaners. But the most popular recently enjoy the robots vacuum cleaners. Read about them below.


This is an artificial intelligence unit, the purpose of which is the automatic cleaning of the premises. The modern device often has a disc shape with a diameter of about 30 and a height of 10 cm. The front of the robot is equipped with a large contact sensor (bumper), which helps him avoid collisions with obstacles. It works such an assistant on internal batteries, and recharges from the base (special module), which itself finds and connects after harvesting. It is charging from two to five hours depending on the type of battery used.

The home robot in the cleaning process is autonomously moving along the surface, collecting garbage along the way. With the help of special algorithms, he decides how to overcome the obstacle met. Thanks to a small height, this "smart" vacuum cleaner easily passes under the bed or other furniture. If it is still getting stuck and can not move, then the host will be mistaken.

Organization of the cleaning process

The homely robot vacuum cleaner depending on the functionality in one of the following groups:

  • Conductive cleaning only suction force (the most economical and small models). Musion retracting in the dust collector occurs through a narrow slot. It is located on the bottom of the device. Due to the weak suction power in relation to ordinary vacuum cleaners, such an assistant can only cope with the collection of light garbage, dust and wool with a smooth surface.
  • Working with the help of suction and turbo. On the bottom of such vacuum cleaners there is a quick-repair brush, removing garbage into a collector of dust. In parallel, there is an air drawing through the slot for turbo, thanks to which the dusty cloud created by it is going.
  • Similar to previous models, but with a double turbinestone. At the bottom of such machines - two tightly arranged brushes, which rotate oppositely. One of them removes the garbage in the dust collector, and the second - raises the pile of carpet coatings. The block with brushes under its weight moves vertically, providing more efficient carpet cleaning.
  • Wet sex - equipped with microfiber matter, constantly moisturizing from water vessel (through the capillary system). The use of such a module must precede dry cleaning to avoid mud divorces. It is usually done not in the form of an autonomous device, but in the form of a replaceable block for units, suction dry garbage.
  • A dry cloth, sometimes also called robo-mop due to the lack of suction system. With the help of the same rag from the microfiber rubs the floor. Depending on the model, the vacuum cleaner can move the garbage both in front of itself and spreading from the center of the room to the corners (with the exception of the part settling on the cloth).
  • The detergent robot is characterized by a function of moisturizing the surface of the tank with water and the further collection of the resulting dirt into a special tank. This category is represented in the market with just a few models due to the rather labor-intensive service of such an "helper".

How to make a home robot?

Devices with good functionality are usually expensive. But what to do, if you do not have the right amount, and the desire to meet the fashionable technological trends is great? The answer is simple - to do yourself. No matter how surprisingly it sounded, a robot, with their own hands created, is real in the presence of the necessary information.


To perform the technical part, they should be armed with a soldering iron, solder, rosin and elements that will be used in the schemes. From the theory it would be nice to know what to connect to to get the desired result. What robot at home can happen, you ask? Consider a couple of options.

Robot vacuum cleaner (home version)

This vibrationobot, capable of gradually, but carefully remove the room, is constructed based on a simple brush. The components of the elements will be the vibration motor, the standard battery and switch. The assembly is as follows: connect the engine to the battery, and the switch to it.

The resulting design is fastened with a brush and turn on - a home robot vibrates and thus cleans the surface.

Robot glassmaker

Here the mechanism is more comprehensive. It is necessary to make the car move vertically. Microcontrollers will help manage the entire process. So that the device is not so bulky, you can attach it to the power supply, and do not use the battery. A small engine will perform in the role of the cleaning mechanism, constantly moving in a circle or in opposite sides. Fix the design is comfortable on small suckers.


Life in the world of new technologies surprises us with their developments every day. And the considered types of assistant robots are not all that is not all that the market offers the modern buyer. Recent developments represent robots, practically family members who can perform video calls, manage the components of the "smart home", entertain the child and so on.

But do not underestimate and their ability to create home assistants. After all, the robot, with his own hands created, is an exclusive model, the subject of pride, and is generally more expensive than any money. Especially since the options in this area are mass. You can turn the iron into a robot that can move on the board itself. Or perform it in the form of a hand fastened to the ironing board and moving it. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

Being a man much easier than creating a person. Take, for example, the game of the game in the ball in childhood with a friend. If you decompose this activity on separate biological functions, the game will stop being simple. You need sensors, transmitters and effectors. You need to count on how hard to beat the ball to reduce the distance between you and your companion. You need to take into account solar glare, wind speed and everything that can distract. It is necessary to determine how the ball rotates and how to take it. And there is a space for foreign scenarios: what if the ball turns over his head? Wills through the fence? Chooses a neighbor window?

These issues demonstrate some of the most acute problems of robotics, and also lay the foundation for our countdown. Before you a list of ten of the most difficult things you need to teach robots. We have to win this ten if you ever want to realize promises made by Bradbury, Wildlick, Azimov, Clark and other science sciences that saw imaginary worlds where cars behave like people.

Pave way

Movement from point A to the point b seemed simple to us since childhood. We, people, do it every day, every hour. For a robot, however, navigation - especially through a single environment, which is constantly changing, or through the Wednesday, which he had not seen before - the most complex thing. First, the robot must be able to perceive the environment, as well as understand all incoming data.

Robotics solve the first problem, arming their cars with an array of sensors, scanners, cameras and other high-tech tools that help robots to estimate their surroundings. Laser scanners are becoming increasingly popular, although they cannot be used in the water environment due to the fact that the light is seriously distorted in water. Sonar technology seems a viable alternative for underwater robots, but in ground conditions it is much less accurate. In addition, the robot system helps to "see" its landscape consisting of a set of integrated stereoscopic chambers.

Collect environmental data is only half. A much more challenging task will be the processing of this data and the use of them for decision-making. Many developers manage their robots using a predefined map or making it on the fly. In robotics, this is known as SLAM - the method of simultaneous navigation and mapping. Drawing up a map here means how the robot converts information obtained by sensors to a certain form. Navigation also implies how the robot positions itself relative to the card. In practice, these two processes should proceed simultaneously, in the form of "chicken and eggs", which is fulfilled only when using powerful computers and advanced algorithms that calculate the probability-based position.

Demonstrate dexterity

Robots collect packages and details on plants and warehouses for many years. But in such situations, they, as a rule, are not found with people and almost always work with the same objects in the form of objects in a relatively free environment. The life of such a robot at the factory is boring and ordinary. If the robot wants to work at home or in the hospital, for this he will need to have an advanced touch, the ability to detect people nearby and impeccable taste in the choice of action.

These robot skills are extremely difficult to teach. Usually, scientists do not teach robots at all, programming them on failure if they come into contact with another object. However, over the past five years, significant successes were achieved in combining fuel robots and artificial leather. Contatability refers to the level of flexibility of the robot. Flexible machines are more pillars, hard - less.

In 2013, researchers from Georgia Tech created a robotic manipulator with spring joints that allow the manipulator to bend and interact with objects, like a human hand. Then they covered all this "leather" capable of recognizing pressure or touch. Some skin of robots contain hexagon chips, each of which is equipped with an infrared sensor that registers any approximation closer than a centimeter. Others are equipped with electronic "fingerprints" - a ribbed and rough surface that improves the adhesion and facilitates the signal processing.

Combine these high-tech manipulators with an advanced system of vision - and you will get a robot that can make a gentle massage or sort out the folder with documents by selecting the desired from the huge collection.

Support a conversation

Alan Turing, one of the founders of computer science, made a brave forecast in 1950: one day the car can speak so freely that you cannot distinguish them from people. Alas, while robots (and even Siri) did not meet the expectations of Turing. All because speech recognition is significantly different from the processing of a natural language - what our brains make, removing the meaning of words and proposals in the process of conversation.

Originally, scientists thought that it would be just as easy to repeat how to connect the rules of grammar to the memory of the machine. But an attempt to program grammatical examples for each individual language simply failed. Even determine the values \u200b\u200bof individual words turned out to be very difficult (after all, there is a phenomenon like homonyms - the key from the door and the key is a violin, for example). People learned how to identify the meanings of these words in the context, relying on their mental abilities developed for many years of evolution, but to break them again on strict rules that can be put on the code, it turned out simply impossible.

As a result, many robots today handle the language based on statistics. Scientists feed them huge texts, known as housings, and then allow computers to break long texts into pieces to find out what words often go together and in what order. This allows the robot to "learn" language, based on statistical analysis.

Learn New

Imagine that someone who never played golf decided to learn how to wave as a stick. He can read the book about it, and then try or watch the famous golfer practiced, and then try independently. In any case, you can also master the basics and quickly.

Robotics are faced with certain problems when trying to build an autonomous machine, capable of learning new skills. One approach, as in the case of golf, is to break the activity on the exact steps, and then program them in the brain of the robot. It suggests that each aspect of activity needs to be divided, describe and encode, which is not always easy to do. There are certain aspects in wrapping a golf key, which words are difficult to describe. For example, the interaction of wrist and elbow. These thin details easier to show than describe.

In recent years, scientists have achieved a certain success in teaching robots to imitate the operator's person. They call it imitation learning, or a demonstration training (LFD technique). How do they do it? Arming machines with arrays of wide-angle and scaling cameras. This equipment allows the "see" the teacher to see the robot performing certain active processes. Training algorithms process this data to create a mathematical map of functions that combines visual input and desired actions. Of course, the LFD robots should be able to ignore certain aspects of their teacher's behavior - like itching or runny nose - and cope with similar problems that are born due to the difference in the anatomy of the robot and man.


Curious art of deception has developed yet in animals to get around competitors and not be eaten predators. In practice, deception as the art of survival can be a very and very efficient self-preservation mechanism.

Robots learn to deceive people or other robots may be incredibly difficult (and perhaps good for us with you). The deception requires imagination - the ability to form ideas or images of external objects that are not related to feelings - and the car is usually not. They are strong in direct data processing from sensors, cameras and scanners, but cannot form concepts that go beyond sensory data.

On the other hand, the future robots can better understand deception. Scientists Georgia Tech were able to convey some skills to the deception of protein robots in the laboratory. At first they studied the cunning rodents who defend their caches with food, luring competitors to old and unused storage. Then they encoded this behavior into simple rules and loaded their robots into the brains. Machines were able to use these algorithms to determine when the deception could be useful in a specific situation. Consequently, they could deceive their companion, luring it to another place in which there is nothing valuable.

Anticipate actions of man

In the "Jetson" robot-maid Rosie was able to maintain a conversation, prepare food, clean and help George, Jane, Judy and Elrow. To understand the quality of the rosue assembly, it is enough to remember one of the initial episodes: Mr. Speisley, the Boss of George, comes to the jetson house for dinner. After the meal, he takes out a cigar and puts her in his mouth, and Rosie rushes forward with a lighter. This simple action is a complex person's behavior - the ability to foresee what will happen next, based on what has just happened.

Like a deception, anticipation of human actions requires the robot of the presentation of the future state. He must be able to say: "If I see that a person does a, it means that I can assume on the basis of past experience, most likely, he will make b." In robotics, this item was extremely difficult, but people do certain progress. The Cornell University team has developed an autonomous robot that could respond on the basis of how the companion interacts with environmental objects. To do this, it uses a pair of 3D cameras to get an image of the environment. Then the algorithm defines key objects in the room and highlights them against the rest. Then, using a huge amount of information obtained as a result of previous training, the robot produces a set of certain expectations of movements from the person and objects that it touches. The robot makes conclusions as to what will happen next and acts accordingly.

Sometimes Cornell robots are mistaken, but rather confidently move forward, including both the camera technologies improve.

Coordinate activities with other robots

Construction of a single large-scale car - even android, if you want - requires serious investments of time, energy and money. Another approach involves the deployment of the army from simpler robots that can act together to achieve complex tasks.

There are a number of problems. A robot working in the team should be able to position himself well in connection with the comrades and be able to communicate effectively - with other machines and a person operator. To solve these problems, scientists appealed to the world of insects, which use complex root behavior to find food and solve the tasks that benefit the entire colony. For example, studying ants, scientists understood that individual individuals use pheromones for communication with each other.

Robots can use the same "logic pheromone", just rely on light, and not on chemicals, when communicating. It works like this: a group of tiny robots is dispersed in a limited space. First, they explore this area randomly, while one does not stumble on the light trail left by another bot. He knows what you need to go along the trail, and goes, leaving your own trail. As the traces merge into one, more and more robots follow each other by the Gusk.


The Lord said Adam and Eve: "Move and breed, and fill the earth." A robot that would get such a team would feel embarrassment or disappointment. Why? Because it is not able to multiply. It is one thing to build a robot, but quite another - create a robot that can make copies of yourself or regenerate lost or damaged components.

What is noteworthy, robots may not take people for an example of a reproductive model. You may notice that we are not divided into two identical parts. The simplest, however, do it all the time. Relatives Meduse - Hydra - practice the shape of an inexpensive reproduction, known as bootonization: A small ball is separated from the body of the parent, and then it is broken to become a new, genetically identical individual.

Scientists work on robots that will be able to fulfill the same cloning procedure. Many of these robots are built from repetitive elements, as a rule of cubes that are made in the image and likeness of one cube, and also contain the program of self-evaluation. Cubes have magnets on the surface, so they can join and disconnect from other cubes nearby. Each cube is divided into two parts diagonally, so each half may exist independently. All the robot contains several cubes collected in a specific figure.

Act from principle

When we communicate every day with people, we accept hundreds of decisions. In each of them we weigh every our choice, determining that there is good, and what is bad, honest and dishonest. If robots wanted to be like us, they would need to understand ethics.

But as in the case of the language, coding ethical behavior is extremely difficult mainly because there is no uniform set of generally accepted ethical principles. In different countries there are different rules of behavior and different systems of laws. Even in individual cultures, regional differences may affect how people evaluate and measure their actions and the actions of others. An attempt to write a global and suitable ethics suitable for all robots is almost impossible.

That is why scientists decided to create robots, limiting the scale of the ethical problem. For example, if the machine will work in a specific environment - in the kitchen, let's say, or in the patient's ward - it will have much less rules of behavior and fewer laws for making ethically informed decisions. To achieve this goal, robotics engineers introduce a choice based on ethics in the machine learning algorithm. This choice is based on three flexible criteria: what good will the action cause, what harm it will cause justice. Using this type of artificial intelligence, your future home robot can accurately determine who in the family should wash the dishes, and who will get a remote from the TV for the night.


"Here is my secret, it is very simple: Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes. "

If this is a remark of Lisa from the "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the robots will not see the most beautiful and best in this world. In the end, they perfectly probe the world around, but cannot turn sensory data into specific emotions. They can't see a smile of a loved one and feel joy, or fix the angry grimace of a stranger and grant from fear.

That is, more than anything else in our list, separates man from the car. How to teach a robot to fall in love? How to program disappointment, disgust, surprise or pity? Is it worth trying at all?

Some think it is worth. They believe that the future robots will combine cognitive and emotional systems, which means it is better to work faster and efficiently interact with people. Believe it or not, the prototypes of such robots already exist, and they can express a limited range of human emotions. Nao, the robot developed by European scientists has the emotional qualities of a one-year-old child. It can express happiness, anger, fear and pride, accompanying emotions with gestures. And this is just the beginning.

Dec 24, 2017 Gennady


Robots firmly entered our modern life. They will help to help people at the factories, in hospitals, fulfill the most complicated calculations and they do not need to pay salary. The times when the cars will start helping us on the housework or train children have come, just not everyone knows about it.

1. "Social" robot "Jibo"

"Jibo" is a cute little "social" robot with a character that can easily become the best friend's friend. A robot with a witty sense of humor has an unusual appearance and funny animation that rotates and dances. "Jibo" is not just a toy, but high-tech development. Using artificial intelligence technology, cameras and microphones, the robot is able to study the voices, emotions and faces of sixteen different people.

"Jibo" can perform a number of useful tasks: starting installing alarm clock, photographing, weather forecasting and ending with a person with a person. In this case, the intonation and phrase robot selects depending on the interlocutor. "Jibo" is already available for $ 900.

2. Robot genius "Professor Einstein"

The robot is made in the form of a caricature version of Albert Einstein and is positioned as a training tool for people of different ages. In addition to the wide knowledge base, the robot also has a good sense of humor, which makes the learning process more exciting. With Einstein, you can not only learn accurate sciences, but also play various learning games.

For answers to all kinds of questions, the robot uses a cloud database. In addition to answers to Questions, Professor Einstein, can conduct a dialogue with the interlocutor and has fifty-person facial expression options. The cost of the robot is $ 200.

3. Robot assistant "AEOLUS"

Imagine a robot on wheels, which the team brings a bottle of gas from the refrigerator. For those who are waiting for the perfect home assistant - a dream come true. According to the site, the AEOLUS assistant robot is designed to facilitate your life, performing work on the house while you sleep. The robot uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to recognize objects from different angles and distances.

At the place of the eyes of Aeolus, special wide-angle cameras with three-dimensional sensors are installed. Thus, the robot can vacuum, wash the floors, wipe the dust, wash the windows and much more. He even remembers what places are things in the house, in order to return them to place if necessary. Despite the fact that this is still a prototype, the creators stated that the development will be available for the purchase of Uzu this year, and the price will not be less than the foreign holiday for the family, no matter how much it does not mean.

4. "Smart" home robot "Aido"

"Aido" is a unique interactive home robot, which can easily maneuver in the house. The creators of "AIDO" laid the functions in the robot, based on the study of frequently requested options in electronic home assistants.

This family robot was designed to make his interaction with people as natural and intuitive. Inside "Aido" is a subwoofer and columns of the home theater system.
Interactive interaction with people is carried out by an innovative speech recognition system. The robot can help with work around the house, play with children, to ensure the safety of the house and even perform the programmed tasks. "Aido" companies ingen Dynamic Inc. Available by pre-order for $ 499.

5. Family friend "Buddy"

Buddy is an open source robot running on the UNITY 3D and Android software. This "social" assistant robot from Blue Frog Robotics will be an excellent companion for the whole family. He can meet you, remind you of events and even guard your home with a shining smile on your face.

The route of patrolling the robot is quite "advanced". "Buddy" is able to observe both in one place and move between the specified points. Like other models that we mentioned earlier, Buddy boasts advanced intelligence.