How to enable the access point on a Windows 7 laptop. Laptop as a Wi-Fi access point - complete instructions for configuring the adapter

Reading time: 9 minutes

In this article, we'll show you how to make a laptop a WiFi hotspot. The settings will be carried out both on Windows 7/10 and on Mac OS.

From a laptop with a Wi-Fi adapter, you can make an access point that distributes the Internet to other devices. This is very convenient, especially if there is no way to install a router indoors.

Laptop as an access point on Windows 7/10

Turning a laptop with a Wi-Fi adapter into an access point is possible thanks to the Virtual AP function. It allows you to interact with multiple virtual adapters using the resources of only one physical device. On all modern versions of Windows (7, 8, 10), Virtual AP is enabled and configured in the same way.

"Sample" in the command syntax is the name of the created access point, you can enter any word. "Key" - a password used when connecting from another device, at least 8 characters, letters and numbers. If, after entering the command, a message appears stating that the autotuning service is not running, then follow these steps:

To start the service when the laptop is turned on, open its properties and set the value to “Automatic” in the “Startup type” field.

As a result of enabling the service, the Status column should display the status “In Progress”.

To connect to the point from other devices and access the Internet, you must set the share permission.

To connect to the Internet that the laptop distributes, start a search for available points on the other device. Look for the period with the name you specified on the command line. Take the security key from the team as well.

Virtual AP technology has two limitations:

  • You can create only one virtual adapter that acts as an access point.
  • No more than 100 clients can connect to the created network.

To view the details of the created network, type "netsh wlan show hostednetwork" and press Enter.

To turn off the hotspot, enter "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork". To deactivate the Virtual AP function, execute "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d disallow".

Using special software

If you do not want to activate and configure Virtual AP through the command line, you can use special utilities to distribute the Internet. In essence, they perform the same function as prompts on the command line, but the graphical interface makes the task much easier.

Pay attention to the following programs:

  • Connectify.
  • Virtual Router Manager.
  • MyPublicWiFi.
  • WiFiCreator.

They all work according to the same principle: you need to specify the network name, password, and also select an active Internet connection, which can be shared, that is, distributed to other devices.

MacBook as an Internet hotspot

On Mac OS, you can also configure the distribution of the Internet, but, unlike Windows, you will need a wired connection or a USB modem. Wi-Fi adapter cannot function simultaneously in client and access point mode. On Windows, this was solved by the introduction of Virtual AP technology, but on Mac OS this function is not.

  1. Connect an Ethernet cable or USB modem to your laptop.
  2. Open "System Preferences" and go to the "Sharing" section.

  3. Highlight Internet Sharing. You don't need to tick the box yet!
  4. In the Shared Connection box, select the connection your Mac uses to access the Internet.
  5. In the line "For computers using" select "Wi-Fi".

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Wireless networks are one of the most convenient technologies. Connecting to the Internet from cafes, traveling and generally outside the home - all this is possible thanks to Wi-Fi. The question of how to connect to Wi-Fi in a public place or, for example, distribute the Internet yourself, is quite relevant. Therefore, this article is about how to enable the Access Point (AP) on a Windows laptop.

It is worth saying that this feature is built in only on laptops, that is, for stationary PCs, you need to buy an external adapter. It is a USB flash drive or expansion card with antennas like a router.

Let's deal with different event options. In general, there are only two of them. We are talking about an existing wireless network, or about creating your own access point to connect other clients. There are few ways to achieve any of these goals, but they are not difficult in themselves, so all the instructions fit into this article.

How to make a Wi-Fi access point out of a laptop without third-party programs, you will learn in the following video:

Windows 7 laptop - setting up an access point

How to make a Wi-Fi hotspot? Configuring a Windows 7 Wi-Fi hotspot begins by looking for an icon that looks like a computer with a plug. Use the right mouse button (RMB) to get to the Network and Sharing Center. Through it, you can control the functions of the network card and not only.

Select "Set up a new connection" (this line is located approximately in the middle), then "PC-PC network" (sometimes it can be written "computer").

Set the parameters for the connection, which you will distribute to other users in the future:

  • The "network name" is its name; it will be seen by connecting clients and simply devices that have a wireless adapter.
  • "Security type" is a method of encrypting data transmission. WPA and its various variations are currently the most reliable method.
  • The Security Key is a parameter that defines a password. It is he who needs to know the connecting in order to establish a connection with the access point.

Now, if you click LMB on the familiar icon (the one on the bottom right), you will see several different connections. Click on the RMB adapter you created to get into the properties, and in one of the submenus find "Allow other users ..." (at the top of the window). It is thanks to this parameter that you will be able to share your Internet. Feel free to click on the checkbox.

You have created a connection with unique parameters and the ability to distribute Internet access. The main thing is to maintain a wired Internet connection (and remember to tell other users the password for your network). This is how everything will work.

Method with cmd (command line)

This set of Wi-Fi configuration commands is universal for seven and ten. Command line is launched through a combination of Win and R, then type "cmd" and press Enter.

You will see a black terminal, where you need to enter

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d New Name key \u003d New Pass keyUsage \u003d persistent.

Let's go through the values \u200b\u200bof each Wi-Fi setting:

  • The name is set through "SSID" (remember that this is the visible name of your connection).
  • The "key" field is for a password (at least eight characters).
  • "KeyUsage" is the "persistent" password usage attribute, that is, the set password will be saved for subsequent connections.
  • The "mode" parameter allows ("allow") the inclusion and further use of the network by users (the reverse command is the value "dissalow").

To disable the point, it is not very convenient to enter all this every time, changing only one "mode", therefore shorter and more intuitive lines are given below. You can start the access point through the "" command. To disable, replace " start" on the " stop».

Thanks to the last two commands, you don't have to re-enter the parameters if you want to turn off Internet sharing.

Using a script

After turning off the laptop, your Wi-Fi hotspot will stop working, but when turned on, it will not start automatically. Therefore, it makes sense to create a so-called script (or script) that will include the Access Point in just a couple of clicks. This will save you unnecessary actions with the Command line.

Open Notepad and enter the line you already know there: netsh wlan start hostednetwork... You need to save in .bat format, not .txt. To make sure that your actions are correct, you need to look at the shortcut of the saved file. If this is a pair of gears, and not a notebook sheet, then everything is done correctly. By running this script as administrator, you will be able to include your period without retyping the command line.

The script for disabling the point differs only in one word - “start” must be replaced with “stop”, further actions are repeated. You now have two scripts to avoid unnecessary mess and manage your AP easily.

Connecting to a Wi-Fi point

How do I find an existing access point? You will need the network connection icon at the bottom right again, but now click on it with LMB. You will be presented with a list with available connections and Wi-Fi networks (if you have a PC with a wireless adapter or a laptop). It is enough to select the network you need (or the one from which you know the password). There are also hidden networks (usually displayed at the bottom of the list). Then you will need to know the exact name (ssid) to connect.

This method is suitable for the latest releases of the Windows family of OS, but only if the machine has a Wi-Fi adapter (it is built-in in laptops, for stationary PCs you need to buy it separately).

Access point software configuration

How to create an access point programmatically? The best program for this purpose is Connectify Hot Spot PRO... The settings are intuitive and simple.

"HotSpot Name" in the "Settings" submenu is the ssid (name) of your wireless network, "Password" is the password, respectively. In the "Internet to Share" item, you must select an adapter to which a wired Internet connection is connected.

MyPublicWiFi is suitable for Windows users of any version over the seven. The interface looks even simpler, and the settings have not become more complicated.

Switch Virtual Router is also not difficult - the same parameters and intuitive settings, besides, it is in Russian.

See also a video tutorial on creating an access point on a laptop using the Switch Virtual Router program:

Access point connection errors

Sometimes users have problems connecting to someone else's access point. If you are sure there are no errors in your settings, it is worth checking your firewall - or the firewall built into all versions of Windows.

Find the firewall settings on your device (for example, type in the search), and then in the "Firewall with Advanced Security" item, find the "Properties" sub-item just below.

In the window that opens, allow incoming connections at least on the general profile. You can open connections on all tabs, but it's best not to make your system too vulnerable. Moreover, do not turn off the firewall completely.

Each of the methods describing how to create an access point is quite convenient and simple to connect. The settings are virtually the same everywhere, besides, they are easily set by the "master" of the connection.

As for the security settings of the point you created, do not turn on your AP again. The less prying eyes your device sees, the better. Although modern encryption methods help protect against intruders, this does not always save you from password cracking.

Very often on the Internet you can find questions about Wi-Fi networks. The networking policy of older OS versions differs from newer ones. Also, the design of the customization windows is different, and sometimes it is difficult to find familiar old tools. Setting up a Wi-Fi hotspot in Windows 7 also changed. Therefore, today I will tell you about how to create a wireless connection.

In Windows 7, the developers saw fit to put protection on the network. Undoubtedly, this can protect your computer from hacking, but it also brings some inconvenience. Therefore, before configuring, you need to disable this protection in order to have access to folders and files over the network. To do this, click on the network icon on the Windows operating panel and select "Network and Sharing Center".

R is 1. Center for Networks and Sharing.

In the network management window, select the settings for the sharing parameters. And change the additional sharing options.

R is 2... Choosing a homegroup and sharing options.

In the window that opens, disable password protection at the very bottom of the settings and save the changes.

Fig 3. Disable password protection.

This is followed by setting up a Wi-Fi access point in Windows 7... We return to the network control center. In the left menu of this center, select: " Wireless network management"And click" Add ". A window should open with a choice of two types of network settings. The first is to connect to an access point, the second is to create an access point.

Fig 4. Connecting to a wireless network manually.

Therefore, you must choose the second: "Create a computer-to-computer network." Click on and proceed with the setup. We set the name of your network, for example: "MyNetwork". Next, let's talk about the types of security. WEP type - transmits the encryption key to each computer, as the Windows developers claim, the WEP type is easy to crack. But if you do not install the network in a corporate company or office, then there is no point in hacking you. For a regular home network, this type is also suitable. WPA requires user authorization, it is more secure. The last type is Open, which comes without a password. For example, let's select WEP and set a password. We save the network parameters.

Fig 5. Network configuration.

The operating point is then ready! Let's check it and try to connect from another device. I used a second laptop to connect. If you have a dedicated button for turn on wifithen check if it's enabled. We look at the available points and connect to the previously created one.

Fig 6. SettingWi -Fi hotspot inWindows 7.

In the window that opens, enter the password that was set during setup.

Let's guess, you want to share Wi-Fi internet from your laptop. Use a laptop as a Wi-Fi router. Right? If yes, then you've come to the right place. Here I will tell you all about how to make a Wi-Fi hotspot on a laptop, and I will give you links to detailed setup articles that are most suitable in your case.

I have already prepared several instructions for setting up an access point in Windows. For Windows 7 and Windows 10. He showed how to start the access point through special programs, through the command line, and even the standard "Mobile Hotspot" tool, which appeared in Windows 10 after the last major update. In the article I will provide links to these instructions. Also, I already talked about solving problems that can often be encountered in the process of starting an access point on a laptop.

But first, for those who are not in the subject, I will tell you what an access point is on a laptop, in which cases it is possible to distribute Wi-Fi, and in which cases it will not work. This information may seem superfluous to you. But believe me, this one is not. Judging by the comments, many users have problems starting the access point precisely because they do not quite understand what it is and how it works. In any case, you can skip one section, and move on to the next, to the setting. If you are not interested.

What is Windows Wi-Fi Hotspot?

Since Windows 7 (except Windows 7 Starter), it became possible to launch a virtual Wi-Fi hotspot. This means that a virtual adapter can be created in the system through which the Internet will be distributed via Wi-Fi to other devices. This is to explain in simple terms.

Look: a laptop or a computer has a Wi-Fi adapter through which we can connect it to the Internet wirelessly. This is the direct purpose of the adapter. And Windows has a Software Access Point function. This means that by starting the access point, the computer's adapter will broadcast the Wi-Fi network (like a normal router)... And other devices can be connected to this network (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.)... And if, in the properties of our Internet connection, we allow general access for the created virtual adapter, then all devices will have access to the Internet. The laptop, like a wireless router, will distribute the Internet over Wi-Fi.

Moreover, in this way you can receive the Internet via Wi-Fi and distribute it. This means that the laptop (PC) is already acting as a repeater (wireless amplifier)... In some cases, this feature can be useful. For example, you have a poor Wi-Fi connection in your room. And on the computer, because of the more powerful receiver, there is a stable wireless network signal. We just launch the access point in Windows and connect the phone to it.

What do you need to run an access point on a laptop?

Separately, I decided to highlight the points that you cannot do without if you want to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a laptop or desktop computer. It is very important.

  • We need a laptop, or a stationary computer. If you have a PC, then it must have an external USB, or an internal PCI Wi-Fi adapter. It is built-in on laptops. I wrote about such adapters for PC in the article.
  • Our computer or laptop must be connected to the Internet. This is understandable, because in order to distribute it, he must receive it from somewhere. Internet can be via regular Ethernet (regular network cable), high-speed connection, via 3G / 4G modem, or via Wi-Fi.
  • On the PC or laptop that we want to make an access point, the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter must be installed. It is because of the driver, its incorrect installation, or version that many people cannot start the access point. That is, Wi-Fi on your computer must work, in the settings, the network adapters must have a "Wireless Network Connection" or "Wireless Network" adapter (in Windows 10).

How to check if Windows has hosted networking support

There is a command that can check whether your computer supports, more precisely, a Wi-Fi adapter, or more precisely a driver that is installed to run a hosted network. There is a launch of a virtual Wi-Fi network.

Run Command Prompt as administrator and run the command netsh wlan show drivers.

We turn a laptop (PC) into a Wi-Fi access point

An important point to understand. Running a virtual Wi-Fi network on Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 10 is almost the same. The principle of operation is the same. The launch commands are the same. Even in spite of the fact that below in the article I will give links for starting the network on different versions of Windows, it is important to understand that the principle of operation, and even the solution to the most popular problems, are the same everywhere.

There are several ways in which you can start the access point:

  1. The standard, and it seems to me the most reliable way, is to launch a virtual access point using special commands through the command line. In Windows 7, 8, 10, these commands will be the same. Below I will write in more detail about this method, and give links to detailed instructions. This method may seem complicated to you, but it is not.
  2. The second way is to launch a hot spot using special, third-party programs. If you want more information, then in the article, I talked in detail about these programs (Virtual Router, Switch Virtual Router, Maryfi, Connectify 2016), and showed how to work with them. If you decide to launch the network in this way, then follow the link that I gave above, everything is detailed and shown there.
  3. The third method is suitable only for Windows 10, with the update installed (version 1607). There, already in the settings, the "Mobile hotspot" tab has appeared, with which you can launch an access point from a laptop.

Universal way: launching an access point through the command line

I advise you to immediately go to the page with the detailed instructions that suits you best.

  • If you have a stationary computer with a USB Wi-FI adapter, then see the instructions.

It doesn't matter what version of Windows you have installed. You just need to run the command line, and execute several commands in turn.

Brief instruction

1 First command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d "site" key \u003d "11111111" keyUsage \u003d persistent

It registers a new network in the system. Simply put, it sets the name of the Wi-Fi network that the laptop will distribute, and sets the password .. It is powerful to change it. Also the password is key \u003d "11111111". The password can also be changed.

2 Second command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

It already starts the virtual network, creates the adapter. After executing this command, your laptop already starts distributing Wi-Fi with the parameters that were specified in the first command.

4 You can stop sharing Wi-Fi with the command: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork... And run again with the command I gave above. You don't need to execute the first command every time. Only when you want to change the network name (SSID) or password.

Access point in Windows 10 through the "Mobile hotspot"

As I wrote above, after installing the update on Windows 10 dated August 2, 2016 (version 1607), a tab appeared in the settings, the "Network and Internet" section "Mobile hotspot" on which it is very simple and quick to start the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi. It looks like this:

Errors that can be encountered when launching a virtual Wi-Fi network

Oddly enough, in the process of setting up and turning your laptop into a router, you can encounter many problems and errors. Especially in Windows 10, as there are mostly problems with drivers. Therefore, I have prepared several separate articles with solutions to the most popular mistakes.

1 If you start the network in Windows 10 through the Mobile Hotspot, you may see the error "The mobile hotspot could not be configured because the computer does not have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular connection." In this case, your computer is connected to the Internet. Such an error may appear if you have a PPPoE connection via dialing a number (login and password). For some reason, the standard function does not see such a connection. Try starting the network through the command line.

4 For solving problems with the opening of public access to the Internet for the created connection, see the article.

5 If you started the distribution of Wi-Fi, the devices will connect to the network, but the Internet does not work, then look.


I tried to make this article as simple and clear as possible. So that everyone can understand how this function works, what is needed to configure it, and according to which instructions to configure in a particular case. And also how to deal with possible problems that may arise during the process of setting up an access point in Windows.

If you understand how the virtual Wi-Fi network function works, and if there are no problems with the hardware (drivers), then the network starts up very simply and works great. In any case, in the comments you can share your advice and ask questions. Good luck!