Blurred image in Yandex browser when shifting. Blurred image in Yandex browser

Hello everyone, I use the Yandex browser and recently began to notice that the pictures on the sites are displayed somehow of poor quality, despite the fact that everything is fine in other browsers. The changes took place after the automatic update of Yandex browser. After a lot of experimentation, I managed to figure out what was going on.

Let's take a look at 2 images (scale 200%). Yandex browser on the left, Google Chrome on the right. In chrome, the picture is displayed normally (although the quality of the photo itself is not very good), and if you look at the same picture through the Yandex browser, you get the feeling that the photo was taken with a bad 0.3 Mpx camera. There is noise and graininess - I don't know what to call it correctly, just look and you will understand everything yourself.

What did you try to do?

  • Initially, I was poking around in the graphics card settings;
  • Then he sinned on caching pictures, cleared the cache in the browser settings - it did not help;
  • Updated Yandex browser - did not help.
  • I tried to enable and disable the "Turbo" mode - it did not help.

How to return the quality of pictures in Yandex browser

Out of despair, I climbed into the Yandex browser settings and started looking at what was turned on and off. As a result, I found the item "Optimizing images to save RAM" - removed the check mark and everything was restored. If you have similar problems, then I enclose the instructions below where this option is located.

How to return image quality in Yandex browser

Browser version v.

1. Go to settings

2. Scrolls to the very bottom and click on the "Show advanced settings" button.

3. Scroll down and look for the "System" tab.

Disable and restart the browser. The quality of the pictures should be restored.

If you have a different version of the browser, then the settings may differ. Just do as I do, carefully study all the settings and find the item "Optimize images to save RAM". Uncheck the box and restart the browser.

People often write to me in the mail and in the comments to the video that photoshop is terribly slow. For some, this happens when switching to 3D mode, while for others it just happens in normal mode. In this article, I will consider the possible causes that affect the speed and quality of the program, as well as possible solutions to these problems. On the official Adobe website, this information is presented in the form of instructions, but I will try to explain everything in an easier way, in an accessible language and save you time looking for solutions to problems in instructions and search engines.

Photoshop slows down when switching to 3D mode

This situation is the most common, over the past six months I have received more than 30 similar questions. People ask, "- Why does Photoshop work normally in normal operating mode, and when I turn on 3D mode, it is simply impossible to work, everything slows down?"

Possible reasons

In fact, often, the reason is very simple - a weak computer video card. Photoshop, especially the latest versions (CC), is demanding on hardware (technical data of your computer), and 3D mode requires additional resource costs (RAM and video card memory). Therefore, for comfortable work in 3D mode, you do not need an ordinary "weak" video card (or built into the motherboard), but at least a mid-range card with at least 2GB of memory on board.

Possible solutions to problems

First of all, make sure that the components of your computer are compatible with the requirements of the program, if you have a built-in video card or a weak one (with less than 2GB of memory) and less than 4GB of RAM, then you can forget about working with 3D in Photoshop. The program (photoshop) itself will inform you that working in 3D mode is not possible and this function will be automatically disabled.

If your video card meets the requirements of the program and there is enough video card memory, then first you should check the video card drivers for the current version, i.e. Do you have new drivers installed? Incorrect operation of the program is possible due to outdated drivers for your video card.

If you have a "fresh" version of the drivers installed, and the 3D mode slows down, then you can try to disable the hardware use of the GPU in the Photoshop settings. To do this, you need to go to the program settings by selecting "Edit" - "Settings" - "Performance" in the top menu.

After that, in the settings window that appears, you must uncheck the "Use graphics processor" setting and click "OK".

In addition, Photoshop requires a certain amount of free space on your hard drive to work, and if you don't have enough of it, the program may slow down because of this. Suppose that you have Photoshop installed on the C drive, which contains the operating system and other programs, then by default Photoshop will use the resources it needs to work from your C drive, and if you have little space on this drive, then you can simply change the drive used for Photoshop in the program settings. To do this, you need to go to the program settings, in the top menu, select "Edit" - "Settings" - "Scratch disks".

And in the settings window that opens, view information about the disk used and, if necessary, change the working disk of the program by checking the box next to the desired disk and clicking the "OK" button.

If all these procedures did not help and the Photoshop continues to slow down or somehow does not work correctly, while the technical data of your computer meets the requirements of the program (video card, RAM, processor, etc.), then it is possible two more reasons - errors in the work of the Photoshop program itself and operating system errors (Windows or MacOS). First, check the errors of the Photoshop program, for this try to completely remove the program from the computer and install it anew - it will not take much time.

If reinstalling the program did not help to solve the problems, then there may be some malfunctions in the operation of your operating system. I would not advise you to rush to reinstall the operating system, because it takes a lot of time, in addition, all your programs installed earlier are removed. If you have previously noticed some "pop-up" windows with errors when working in the operating system or other programs (not Photoshop) do not work correctly for you either (slow down, freeze, crash), then you should definitely try to reinstall the operating system. If you have a freshly installed operating system or everything works fine, except for Photoshop, then most likely it's not the operating system.

Photoshop slows down in normal operating mode

In this situation, solutions to problems are similar to cases with working in 3D mode, but most often they are related precisely to the technical characteristics of your computer. If your computer as a whole works fine, but Photoshop lags, then most likely you just have a "weak computer".

To solve this problem, you can try the following steps:

  1. First, make sure that your computer meets the technical specifications necessary for Photoshop to work (video card at least 1GB, RAM at least 2GB);
  2. Try disabling the use of the GPU (thus the program should work more lively);
  3. Try changing the working disk of the program to a disk with a large amount of free space (if your disk on which Photoshop is installed contains less than 4-5 GB of free space);
  4. Try reinstalling Photoshop (if your computer is powerful enough, but the program slows down);
  5. Try to use an earlier version of the Photoshop program (Photoshop CS6 works much faster than the new versions of CC and will work stably on a weak computer, due to the fact that it contains fewer functions and, accordingly, possibilities. But CS6 is suitable for most design tasks, it all depends on what you plan to do in the program.)
  6. Try reinstalling the operating system (this is an extreme option and is effective if your other programs are slowed down or there are some errors in the system in the form of pop-up warning windows).

Of course, it is not always possible to say with certainty for what reason the Photoshop program does not work correctly or slows down, but the above options are the most common cases. If all the options described did not lead to a positive result, then in your case you need to individually deal with the problem that has arisen, for which you can contact the specialists who are engaged in installing and configuring the software or independently using search engines to look for options, rummage through the instructions, etc. P..

Performance in this case is not "how to arrange toolbars" or "use actions and hotkeys", but what to set in the settings so that it does not slow down and quickly turn over tons of pictures when they fall on it.

Contrary to my expectations, there are not many publications on this topic in Runet. So this article will be based on the article 10 Simple Steps to Better Photoshop Performance published on Smashing Magazine. Added clarifications about cache levels and Available RAM, as it is pretty interesting. Well, as usual, I'll post another free font and another prize ;-)

Free font "Airport"

Thank you both for making this font available and usable.

Well, now about Photoshop.


In Edit\u003e Preferences\u003e Performance, you can set how many steps back Photoshop will remember for canceling:


What is this cache, I did not immediately truncate. The poetic “It controls the histogram and the time it takes an image to reappear on the screen after an action is applied to it” explained nothing to me, so I had to find it elsewhere.

In order not to slow down when viewing an image at different scales, Photoshop generates several copies: by default 100, 50, 25 and 12.5%. This is necessary when, for example, using a filter, you use a preview, the program could filter not the entire picture as a whole, but its small copy, which is faster.

If everything is fine with the RAM and you have to pull heavy pictures, then you can set the cache to 6 or 8:

It seems that after I set the cache to eight (this is the maximum value), Photoshop started to slow down for me. But I can't vouch, because I haven't followed this closely.

If you work mainly with large numbers of small pictures, then bet on 1-2. This will free up RAM for storing the images themselves, and not their reduced copies.


In the same settings item Edit\u003e Preferences\u003e Performance there is a slider that determines how much memory our baby will eat up.

Immediately, I note that in Available RAM, not all of your installed memory will be displayed, but only a part that is not reserved by Windows and other programs. I have only 1653 MB available from four gigs.

By default, in Windows, Photoshop uses 55% of the available amount of memory (that is, from those same 1653 MB), in Macos - 70%. Move the slider to 100:

At the bottom of the Photoshop window to the right of the scale field there is an information panel. It can display various differences, including information about the use of RAM. If it says Efficiency: 100%, it means that by providing more memory to Photoshop, you will speed up its work. Unfortunately, I have nowhere to add, but the EF is still 100%.

I saw a mention on the internet that using the boot.ini file, you can increase the amount of memory allocated to Photoshop. But I have no idea how this is done, so I have not yet delved into this. Maybe later somehow.

Scratch Disks

I understand that this is like a swap file in Windows. If the boot disk is small, then in order not to clog it, you can specify a different one for placement. In addition, if there is another physical disk, then in theory it is more reasonable to throw a paging file on it - in theory, this should speed up the work. In practice, I did not notice any difference. And today I decided to show him two disks. Let's see if this somehow changes the state of health of Photoshop.

View fonts

There is a Font Preview Size option in Edit\u003e Preferences\u003e Type. It affects how the font palette looks when you select a font.

If you remove the checkbox

it will be like this:

And if you check the box and select in the drop-down list, for example, Huge

then like this:

Theoretically, if there are a lot of fonts, then displaying their thumbnails may slow down Photoshop.

Panel previews

If Photoshop slows down your ass, then you can turn off thumbnails in the palettes for the outfit with font previews.

Well, or turn off Photoshop itself:

Using a blizzard

While running, Photoshop stores Undo, Clipboard and Hystory. There is a Purge item on the Edit menu. Why it is called that way is understandable - as if by the strongest wind it takes out of sight the entire history of changes, the steps of the Andushek and what lies in our buffer:

Maximize Compatibility

Set Maximize Compatibility to Always strips. This should help backward compatibility with Photoshop. Although recently it did not help me. I had to save the models for typhus.

Photoshop\u003e Preferences\u003e File Handling


Also, Marco Suoza, the author of the original article, recommends that we don't clutter up Photoshop with a bunch of brushes, gradients, styles and plugins. Say, why do you need this mess. But in my opinion, it entirely depends on the style of the person's work. After all, many are perfectly oriented in the mess on their desk, in folders, in the trunk. So is Photoshop an exception?

And the last thing, if all this rubbish completely clouded you mosk and you no longer know how to put everything back in place, during the launch of Photoshop, press Alt + Control + Shift for Windows or Command + Option + Shift for poppy. And everything, as if nothing had happened - all the settings are on default ;-)

Designer, usability specialist and just a great guy, responsive to suggestions for creating websites for good people.

Sociability, sense of humor and portfolio are included.

Agree, it's almost impossible to work when all the characters on the screen blur and ripple. I am not by hearsay familiar with this problem and that pain in the eyes when working on a computer for a long time with such text. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this and, I hope, thanks to this article, we will be able to "overcome" the blurry font.

The problem of blurry fonts did not pass by the users of the "dozens". This is usually encountered when updating the operating system.

Before we start looking at ways to fix blurry font, I would like to add something. Perhaps it's not the operating system and it's much simpler. Before you start doing the operations below, we strongly recommend that you check if the screen resolution is set correctly on your computer. There is a chance that the blurry font is caused by a mismatch in the resolution of your monitor and the operating system. Have you checked? Is the blurry font missing? Then let's get started.

Typically, blurry font appears as a result of using an incorrect scale. There are two ways to fix this problem, by changing the scale for a particular application or for the system as a whole.

Eliminate blurry fonts in apps in Windows 10

If the font is blurred not in your system, but in one or several programs, then this method is for you. By following the steps below, you will get rid of the rippling letters whether it's Skype or Windows Media Player.

Right-click on the shortcut of the program you are interested in, go to "Properties", then select the "Compatibility" tab.

Check the box to disable image scaling at high screen resolutions, click OK.

Fix blurry fonts on Windows 10

If the font is blurry throughout the system, then the above method will not work for you. Fortunately, there are several ways to eliminate blurry font in Windows 10 in general.

In this method, we will reduce the number of dots per inch (dpi), this is not as difficult as it seems.

If you do not like the result of the work done above, there is another option. Its essence is that we return to Windows 10 the methods of scaling from Windows 7 and Windows 8. Sometimes this gives a much better result than with the standard settings.

Done! All that remains is to reboot the system and enjoy the absence of headaches after working at the computer with blurry symbols.

How to fix blurry fonts in Windows 7

Everyone's favorite "7" can also fall prey to blurry type. The root of the problem is in the "crooked" font anti-aliasing of ClearType, which is used in Windows 7 everywhere, even where it is not really needed. You could have just turned off ClearType, but unfortunately this is not always enough.

There are several ways to solve the problem:

Disable ClearType Anti-Aliasing

The first two methods are very easy to follow. To turn off anti-aliasing, follow these steps:

This completes the first way to eliminate blurry font.

XP-Style Scale

The second method is as simple as the previous one.

We do the same steps as shown above to step 1.4. and enter the "Screen" menu. There we select the item "Other font size (dots per inch)".

A kind of ruler will appear, on which we correct the scale by 100% and check the "Use scales in the style of Windows XP" checkbox.

Old fonts

The latter method will seem more difficult for an inexperienced user, but we can handle it.

The essence of this method is to use old fonts, for this we will have to make changes to the registry, but first things first.

The first thing to do is create a file with the .reg extension and copy the code below into it.

"CaptionFont" \u003d hex: f5, ff, ff, ff, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, bc, 02,00,00, \\

"IconFont" \u003d hex: f5, ff, ff, ff, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00,00, \\


"MenuFont" \u003d hex: f5, ff, ff, ff, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00,00, \\
00,00,01,00,00,00,00,54,00,61,00,68,00,6f, 00,6d, 00,61,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, \\

"MessageFont" \u003d hex: f5, ff, ff, ff, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00, \\

"SmCaptionFont" \u003d hex: f5, ff, ff, ff, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, bc, 02,00, \\
00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,54,00,61,00,68,00,6f, 00,6d, 00,61,00,00,00,00,00,00, \\
"StatusFont" \u003d hex: f5, ff, ff, ff, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00, \\
00.00,00,01,00,00,00,00,54,00,61,00,68,00,6f, 00,6d, 00,61,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, \\

Not so long ago, I started using a laptop on 64-bit Windows 8.1 with a FullHD display. Since I am an active Internet user, I immediately ran into a problem, which is blurry fonts in my favorite Google Chrome browser and some other programs.

Of course, the problem of blurry text was observed not only in Google Chrome, but also in the Yandex browser (most likely, Opera also suffers from this drawback, but I have long since given up using it). Whereas in Mozilla FireFox and even Internet Explorer 11 everything was fine.

Since I was not going to abandon Google Chrome, I had to look for solutions to my problem, which, as it turned out, befell not only me. The disadvantage I described began to manifest itself quite a long time ago, at least a year ago it was already present (and most likely it was always present), but the developers, for some reason, decided not to fight it, at least actively. Despite the fact that the problem is widespread, I have not come across separate records describing its solution, so I decided to write my own.

The whole problem is that for some reason the creators of Goolge Chrome did not teach the browser to support correct scaling on Windows... As a result the browser does not tell the system that it is DPI-aware and the system, in turn, stretches the small print to a readable size, resulting in a loss of legibility on the screen.

In many forums, in the branches dedicated to this bug, the most common methods of dealing with it are recommended:

  1. Clear cookies;
  2. Remove built-in Flash plugin;
  3. Update video card driver;
  4. Disable high-resolution image scaling for Chrome;
  5. Disable Windows scaling altogether;

The first two of the listed options, I consider it an obvious nonsense, I can not even imagine those people who have helped such advice. Considering that the problem manifested itself immediately after installing the application, then what kind of history cleaning can we talk about ?!

Perhaps the third option helped someone, which is also doubtful. Indeed, in the event that browsers like FireFox work perfectly, then the problem is clearly not in the driver, but in Chrome itself.

The fourth option partly helps and if you have very keen eyesight, it will come in handy for you. Personally, it did not suit me because of the rather small fonts, icons and everything else that I would like to observe during normal work with the program, despite the fact that I have a vision equal to unity.

The fifth option does the same as the fourth, but for the whole system in general. But, after taking such measures, you will no longer have to observe blurry fonts on your computer in any application.

I did not intend to stop in my research, which led me to one material from June 4, 2014, which indicated that 06/03/2014 Google announced 64-bit Chrome for Windows 7 and Windows 8. The article contained a link to download the product, which I was quick to use. As it turned out, I installed the program for a reason, you can see the result on the screenshot below:

From time to time, after updating the Chrome browser, users had problems with the font: it became soapy, fuzzy, blurry, etc. Up to version 51 inclusive, this problem was easily solved, but the update to version 52 brought a big surprise to all browser users ...

In version 52.0.2743.82, which was released on 07/21/2016, the developers decided to remove the ability to customize the appearance of the font through the experimental option "Disable DirectWrite Windows", which just helped in the presence of blur and fuzziness. Now there is no DirectWrite parameter.

How to explain such a step is absolutely incomprehensible, but on the forums, including the official Google forum, there is a huge number of angry reviews with requests and even demands to return everything back.

At the time of this writing, on August 6, we already have the next version of the Chrome browser (52.0.2743.116), but nothing has changed. Apparently the developers know better which font is more convenient for users and should not give them freedom of choice ...

What problems can be observed in the browser

The font issue can manifest itself in different ways. For some, the font is just blurry and fuzzy. For some, bold type has a shadow or does not differ at all from the usual:

Someone has problems displaying the font on the Vkontakte website: it is cloudy, completely unreadable, cuts and strains the eyes. Example:

Someone has, instead of black, all the letters are gray, barely distinguishable on a white background:

And some users have complete nonsense and horror: the fonts are broken and look crooked:

How can you solve the problem with fonts in Google Chrome and return them to a readable state?

First, check your current browser version. Enter in the address bar chrome: // help / and press enter. The page "about the program" will open.

If the version of Chrome is 51 or lower, then you, and if it is 52 and higher, then listen carefully ... Currently, there is no solution to how to make fonts clearer by means of Chrome itself - the developers have deprived users of this influence by removing the DirectWrite parameter from the experimental settings!

There are only two ways to solve this problem:

  • First, switch to another browser like Firefox. By the way, the latest versions of Opera have the same problem with fonts as Chrome, as they are based on the same engine.
  • Secondly, roll back Chrome to the previous version, more precisely to the one where the problem was not yet present (51.0.2704.106), and adjust the DirectWrite parameter. But there is one catch ...

Google developers have outwitted everyone here too :) It is impossible to rollback through the settings of the browser itself - there is no such option. Even if you uninstall the current version of the program, you will not find the installation files of the previous versions on the official website.

How to rollback to a previous version of Google Chrome

There remains only such a scheme:

Anyone who wants to can search on their own, but we have already found, downloaded, and now we are sharing with you a link on Yandex.Disk: Google Chrome 51.0.2704.106 (there is a version for both 64bit and 32bit systems).

Now for a few important notes:
  1. Before removing Chrome, synchronize all the necessary data with your Google account so that it does not disappear! To do this, in the address window of the browser, type chrome: // settings / syncSetup and press enter. In the window that opens, put a checkmark in front of all the necessary items, or better, just select the "Synchronize everything" option, as in the screenshot below - it will be more reliable :)

Wait a while for the synchronization to complete, especially if this option was previously disabled for you.

  1. After installing version 51.0.2704.106, restore the old Chrome settings by syncing and be sure to disable automatic updates to the latest version, otherwise the browser will be updated again and everything done will go down the drain!

How to disable Chrome update

To prevent the browser from updating, we do one trick. Go to the folder c: \\ Program Files \\ Google \\ Update \\ or c: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Google \\ Update \\, if you have a 64-bit OS, delete the file GoogleUpdate.exe.

That's it, no problem :) On the Internet, they recommend editing registry entries, changing Windows group policies, adding administrative templates, etc., etc. As always, most of these instructions were written by those who did not do anything themselves, but simply rewrite each other ... None of this is needed. Just delete the GoogleUpdate.exe file and Chrome will no longer be able to update.

When after some time you decide to install a fresh version of Google Chrome (if suddenly this happens), just manually download the installation file from the official website and run it. No problem!

P.S. (Update 06/2018)

Many users have been helped by changing the experimental font-cache-scaling setting. To do this, copy and paste into the address bar chrome: // flags / # enable-font-cache-scalingand then select the "Disabled" state as shown in the screenshot:

Friends, did you manage to solve the problem of blurry fuzzy font in Google Chrome with the help of these instructions? Share this article with your friends using the social buttons. networks - they will definitely thank you, because they probably experience the same problems with fonts as you do.

Today there will be a purely technical post.

So, those of you who bought a laptop with a resolution higher than or equal to 1920 x 1080 have probably already noticed that fonts at this resolution can look extremely small. The solution might be to enable the scaling feature in Windows. For example, I have 160 percent font enlargement enabled.

But if after such an enlargement you start the browser, you will notice an amazing metamorphosis - all pages, as well as the system fonts, will look blurry and enlarged to just 160 percent (in my case). Those. not only fonts will float, but also pictures.

For browsers based on chromium (and these are such browsers as Chrome, Yandex Browser, Amigo, Opera above version 12.17), there is a solution that allows you to return the unstretched display of pages and fonts to your homeland.

This instruction was written and tested on the new Vivaldi browser, created by the people of the Opera 12 team. Yes, it no longer works on the Presto engine, but it tries to keep the chips of the old Opera.

What it looks like:

The screenshot does not capture all the horror of the blur, but believe in reality, the blur is simply catastrophic. But after using tweaks - like a veil falls from the eyes! :)

So here is the instruction itself (alternative input options for other browsers based on Chromium are indicated in brackets):

Solving the problem of blurry fonts (with scaling enabled in Windows)

The method is equally suitable for any chromiuim-based browser.

1. In the properties of the browser shortcut after vivaldi.exe (chrome.exe), insert the line:
--high-dpi-support \u003d 1 --force-device-scale-factor \u003d 1

We get something in the style:
"C: \\ Vivaldi \\ Application \\ vivaldi.exe --high-dpi-support \u003d 1 --force-device-scale-factor \u003d 1"

2. Go to vivaldi: // flags (chrome: // flags)
We find:
" Disable DirectWrite Windows
Disable the DirectWrite font rendering test system. #disable -direct-write
and press "Enable", after which we restart the browser.

Thus, we return the real scale to fonts and images, as well as make them clear and blurry.

(applied to Vivaldi):Unfortunately, as a result, the fonts in the browser will become very small. To increase system fonts - for example, in tabs, menus, open the common.css file (I have it located at: c: \\ Vivaldi \\ Application \\ \\ resourc es \\ vivaldi \\ style) and replace the line:
font-size: 11.5px
for example on a line
font-size: 15.5px

To change fonts on web pages, enter vivaldi: // chrome / settings / fonts (chrome: // settings / fonts), choose " Download extension for setting fonts". (for other browsers, setting fonts is possible without downloading the extension, but in the extension fonts can be configured in more detail)

We are talking about this extension: ..keecicepbmbm / related

After installing the extension, go to the address:
chrome-extension: // caclkomlalccbpcdllchk eecicepbmbm / options.html
and customize the fonts for yourself.

zs By the way, if you use a portable version of Chrome, then the launch parameters can be written in the GoogleChromePortable.ini ini file, which must be created in the same folder where GoogleChromePortable.exe is located

Content of GoogleChromePortable.ini file:

AdditionalParameters \u003d / high-dpi-support \u003d 1 / force-device-scale-factor \u003d 1

And if you want the portable version of Chrome to open all web links from other programs, then replace the parameter value in the registry
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ ChromeHTML \\ shell \\ open \\ c ommand
"GoogleChromePortable \\ App \\ Chrome-bin \\ chr ome.exe"
on the
"GoogleChromePortable \\ GoogleChromePortab le.exe"

The Google Chrome browser strides victoriously around the world. Many millions of users download and install this popular browser.

And everyone wants and, most importantly, can customize it for themselves, make it more convenient. For example, you can change the fonts installed by default and not happy with the user for various reasons. This can be done quickly and easily by following the instructions below.

Setting fonts

First you need to open your browser and go to the settings in Chrome by clicking on the three dots in the right corner of the monitor (in older versions - three horizontal lines or a wrench).

In the menu that appears, select the "Settings" section.

Next, you need to click on "Show advanced settings" at the very bottom.

Then a dialog box will open where you will need to select the "Page layout" line and the "Configure fonts" subsection.

Here you can select both the size and type of the font, as well as the encoding, which may be configured incorrectly, resulting in incorrect display of the pages of some sites.

Solving the problem of blurry and fuzzy font

Unfortunately, when updating the Google Chrome browser, developer bugs often pop up. One of these bugs is problems with the correct display of fonts: after installing a later version, they become dull and low-contrast. But this, much to the happiness of Google fans, can be solved.

Starting with the 52nd version, programmers, for some reason, took and removed the function of customizing the font using the useful option "DirectWrite Windows", which perfectly solved the problem of blurring and obscure fonts with one click of a button. Now this option, alas, is gone. And although many users demanded to restore this parameter, the developers did not heed them, and in the 53rd version there is no DirectWrite Windows function either. Well, well, Google programmers know better, and we will adapt to the created conditions.

Browser problems

They can present themselves in different ways in the browser. On some operating systems, the font simply floats, on others, shadows appear, and in popular social networks (VKontakte, for example), it can generally be indistinguishable and quite stressful to the eyes. For some, the letters look like they are not printed, and besides, they are still crooked and oblique. All of this makes surfing the internet unpleasant and annoying.

To solve the problem you have, you should check the current version of Chrome. In the search engine you need to drive "chrome: // help /" and press "Enter". A window will appear with help about the browser version.

If version 52 or higher, then troubleshooting tips are below. There are only two solutions to the problem:

  • change browser, for example to Firefox. Opera, by the way, has the same engine and similar problems;
  • roll back Google Chrome to a version below 52 and enable the "DirectWrite" option.

But here the problem arises, where to get the old version. After all, only the latest Chrome can be downloaded on the official website.

Rollback to the old version

You will have to follow these steps:

Before uninstalling Google Chrome, you will need to sync (if not already done) with your Google account to save all your data. To do this, go to "Settings", click on the button "Login to your account" and in the window that appears, click on "Other options" - "Create a new account".

And following all the prompts, create a Google account and set up synchronization by selecting the desired options, as in the screenshot below.

At the first start in the address bar you need to type "chrome: // flags /" and in the window that opens, select the fourth line from the top with the value "Disable DirectWrite Windows" and click the "Enable" button. Then you need to restart Chrome. After installing the old version, do not forget to disable the update in the browser, otherwise everything will go down the drain.

Disable update

In order to do this, you need to open the folder with the program, by default it is c: \\ Program Files \\ Google \\ Update \\ and delete this file:

Now no Google Chrome update is in danger. Some people advise deleting registry values, etc. But none of this is necessary, removing GoogleUpdate is enough.

Language selection in Chrome browser

When you start Google Chrome for the first time, you may also need to change the language. This is necessary for the browser to display the web pages correctly. To adjust the settings, go to the "Settings" - "Show other settings" - "Languages" - "Change language settings" menu.

A dialog box appears where you can select the option to translate pages and the option to check spelling. You need to find a language from the list that will be used, and if it is not there, then add it (button at the bottom left).

In the window on the right, click on the box "Display Google Chrome in this language" and restart your browser for all changes to take effect.

In Chrome, you can add or remove a language, sort them in sequence according to your liking. If the user is using Windows OS, then it is possible to configure the settings for East Asian languages \u200b\u200bwith complex fonts. We recommend that you add only the languages \u200b\u200byou need, because phishing websites can use similar characters to spoof the url.

If necessary, in Chrome, you can write in Chinese and Hindi. This requires only an extension from the Google store - "Chrome extension" and setting the language settings that use complex scripts in Windows.