How to make a wifi hotspot on a windows 7 netbook. How to make a wifi hotspot from a Windows computer

If you have a laptop or netbook, chances are you want to connect it to your home network wirelessly - via Wifi. But for this you need to have a router at home. Many users who have only 1 home computer do not use routers and connect directly to their ISP. How to connect the laptop to the network in this case?

The easiest and fastest solution is a virtual Wifi hotspot on a PC or laptop:

  • firstly, the Windows 7 operating system provides a standard tool for these purposes;
  • secondly, you can create such a point using special programs.

What kind of computer is needed

Unfortunately, not every personal computer and laptop allows you to create a wireless access point. First, there is a requirement for the distribution of the operating system. Your version of Windows must be at least Home (Home).

The point is that Windows Starter does not support routing. Nothing can be done on such an OS. It is necessary to update the laptop to a more advanced version, or you will need to reinstall the system.

Secondly, you need to install a Wifi adapter on your computer. Most PCs come without them, so you need to purchase an external device.

This is a small antenna that plugs into the USB port of your computer and allows you to send and receive Wifi signals. If you are working on a laptop, there is nothing to worry about. Every modern laptop has a built-in Wi-Fi module.

First, let's look at creating a wireless Wifi access point using the built-in tools of the operating system. The advantage of this method is, firstly, reliability, secondly, simplicity, and thirdly, the absence of the need to install additional software on the laptop.

The downside for many users is the need to work with the Windows command line and the lack of a graphical interface. However, this is a very convenient way. It is recommended that you know how to set up a Wifi hotspot using basic tools.

Creation using standard Windows tools

To create a new access point using basic Windows tools, follow the instructions provided:

Now you can connect your other laptop, smartphone or even a personal computer with an adapter to the created network. If you restart the distributing Wi-Fi laptop, you will have to restart the connection. If you want the computer to stop distributing the wireless network, use the command «Netsh wlan stop hostednetwork».

MyPublicWiFi Program

If you do not want to open the command line and enter commands into it, including the computer, there is an alternative method. There are a huge number of special utilities that you can use to create an access point on your laptop.

How to create a WiFi hotspot using Windows 7. Instruction, step by step with illustrations. Although people are mainly interested in the question of how to make a laptop a wifi access point, it really doesn't matter whether it is a laptop or a regular stationary computer. The creation of a wifi hotspot is the same in both cases.

Similar articles for other operating systems:

How to create a WiFi hotspot on Windows 7

We need to create a software wifi router based on Windows 7 that will receive the Internet in any way and will be able to distribute this Internet via wifi.

What we need.

  • Windows 7 Basic or later. Windows 7 Starter will not work. More precisely, on Windows 7 Starter, you will have to use a third-party program to solve the routing issue ( for Windows 7 Starter separate note at the end of the article).
  • Old wifi adapter. For example, for this article, we used the TP-Link TL-WN722NC USB wifi adapter.
  • Internet connection. For this article, a GSM connection was used through the MTS operator (MTS USB modem). But it can be any connection - PPPoE, VPN, Dail-Up, Ethernet, WiFi.

The first step is to install the wifi adapter, if it is not already installed, and make sure that it is turned on and working.

After that, you need to check if the "WLAN Autoconfiguration Service" service is running. Usually the mode of its start is "Manual", which means it can be stopped. If you plan to use the created access point all the time, then it is better to switch this service to the "Automatic" startup mode.

You also need to check that the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service also has an "Automatic" startup mode.

These checks are done through the "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services".

After that, you need to open the Windows console (cmd.exe) with administrator rights. This can be done through the menu "Start - Programs - Accessories - Command line", then the right mouse button and "Run with administrator rights".

In the console, type and execute the command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d "winap" key \u003d "123456789" keyusage \u003d persistent.

Instead winap and 123456789 enter your access point name and password to it:

Note.Important! The password must be at least 8 characters long, this is a requirement for the type of WPA2 security that Windows uses when creating an access point. It is better not to use Cyrillic in the password. Letter case matters - and and AND these are different symbols!

Next, check that the connection for the access point has been created. Open "Start - Run - ncpa.cpl" and after opening the "Network Connections" window, in this window find a wireless connection for which no physical adapter is specified:

Press the right mouse button, then "Properties" and look there - there should be "MicroSoft Virtual Miniport Adapter":

At the same time, you can delete unnecessary connections, protocols.

Immediately rename this connection in ncpa.cpl - for example, in "winAP":

Further, here, in ncpa.cpl, you need to share (enable Windows ICS) the Internet connection. Select this connection, right button - "Properties", tab "Access". Enable ICS and specify the connection to which the Internet will be distributed - to the wifi connection of the access point ("winAP"):

Now you need to connect to the Internet. Or reconnect if the connection was established earlier.

After that, in the console, type and execute the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

Everything, the access point should already work. Now you can connect the client to this access point (this illustration from the client's computer):

How to connect a wifi client to:

  • Laptop (or computer) under Windows - WiFi setup in Windows 7.
  • Laptop (or computer) under Linux - Laptop (or computer) under Ubuntu.

Client connected:

On the computer running the access point, you can check its status. To do this, enter the command in the console:

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

It can be seen that one client is connected.

Stopping the access point with the command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Complete destruction of the access point with the command netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d disallow

If you want the access point to turn on automatically when Windows boots, then the start command must be added to autorun. It's about the team netsh wlan start hostednetwork.The command can be written to a cmd script, you must specify "Run as Administrator" in the properties of this script. Then include the script in autorun.

It is necessary that the Internet connection is also established when Windows starts. Otherwise, you will have an access point, but the Internet will not be available through it.

Of course, this is a very simple access point. But everything is at hand. No third party software needed. One only Windows 7. And everything is configured in a couple of minutes. Yes, there are programs like Connectify and Virtual Router. However, you need to understand that they are only doing the work that is done by two commands in the Windows console. These are just add-ons over the functionality of Windows 7. It is easier to write two commands in the console than to download and install some pribluda.

Someone might say that in this version, there are not many features that an access point should have. Well, yes it is. Only this is an option when you need to make a wifi router very quickly and without problems. And just such an opportunity Windows 7 provides - with a minimum of body movements, what is called "on the knee" to create an access point.

And if your needs are wider and deeper, if you need an access point for every day, or in complex configurations, then you don't need to use Windows, but buy a decent, or even good, WiFi router. A decent WiFi router costs less than a thousand rubles now. And in such a situation, sculpting a design based on a computer and Windows is somehow absurd.

It's another matter if an access point is needed once a month, for a day, or for a couple of days. Or on a business trip. Or on vacation. This is where Windows will help us out. You can quickly distribute the Internet via laptop WiFi to a tablet, smartphone or other laptops.

But if there is a need to make a permanent access point on a computer, then it is better to do it under Linux. This is how it is actually implemented in WiFi routers. For example, as in this article - Access Point on Ubuntu.

Access point on Windows 7 is not working

No need to swear at Microsoft, on Windows - in general, look for the guilty on the side. The problem in such cases is always on your own computer (or laptop). This could be:

  • WiFi adapter driver on which you create the access point.
  • The WiFi adapter itself.
  • You did something wrong.
  • Any "left-handed" services or drivers / programs that use a WiFi adapter or USB port (if your adapter is connected via USB).
  • You have Windows 7 Starter.
  • One of the required services has stopped, for example see the article "Windows 7 Routing and Remote Access Service Stops".

For example, during Windows startup, the WiFi adapter driver can put the adapter into standby mode. And when Windows starts the service hostednetwork the adapter does not wake up.

With a normal WiFi adapter and if you don't mess with your Windows with crooked programs and drivers, everything will work fine.

In general, always look for the source of the problem on your computer.

WiFi network protection

Access point on Windows 7 Starter (initial)

Microsoft cheated with her. ICS is blocked on it, and the access point as such can be made. Paradox. Why do we need a hostednetwork mechanism if there is no routing? Be that as it may, you can make a wifi access point on Windows 7 Starter (initial). You just need to find a program with which to perform routing between the Internet and winAP interfaces. There are many options here, for example, you can use a proxy server, such as 3proxy.

Ivan Sukhov, 2013, 2014

Sooner or later, the user may need to distribute the Internet from the main device to others. But at the same time, there may not be a router available that would provide wireless Internet access. What to do in this case? The easiest method is to install a special program like Connectify. But it has a number of drawbacks, starting with annoying ads and ending with "unkillable" processes that slow down the operating system and a limited session of 1 hour, after which you have to restart the hotspot in the program.

In modern Windows operating systems, it is possible to create a virtual WiFi access point without using third-party tools and programs. The thing is that these OS versions have virtual WiFi technology (Virtual WiFi). So, if the network card supports SoftAP (a standard thanks to which two devices with WiFi can communicate without external intervention in the form of programs), then you can create a virtual adapter that acts as an access point and provides WPA2-PSK encryption.

How to make a wifi hotspot

Consider an option - a windows 7 wifi access point (there are differences in other windows operating systems, but the principle is the same).

The first thing to do for this is to configure the network settings. The command line (cmd) is launched with administrator rights and it is written in it:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d "invented network name in English" key \u003d "invented network password in English" keyUsage \u003d persistent

How it's done with pictures. Run the command line with administrator rights: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Line.

Select with the right mouse button Run as administrator

Next, the command line opens. We register the command. as described above. The simplest thing is not to type the line from the keyboard, copy it to notepad, write down the network name and password and paste it into the command line.

After the command is executed, Windows will install the new hardware itself. After that, you can open Device Manager and find the newly appeared Microsoft Virtual WiFi Mini-Port Adapter there.

Open the Device Manager as follows: Start, select the components Control Panel, System and Security, and then in the System section select device Manager.‌

Then you need to go to Network Connections, where the newly created Wireless Network Connection 2 will appear (In version 8.1, it will appear only after completing the next step - starting the network through the command line).

The second thing to do is to start the network. To do this, you need to write in the same command line (cmd):

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

This will launch SoftAP, and in the current connections, two connections will be displayed at once - permanent and virtual.

To stop the virtual network, you need to write in the same command line (cmd):

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

When the computer is turned off, the virtual network also stops working and does not appear on the next computer startup. In order for it to be created every time, you need to configure this event through the Task Scheduler.

To configure general Internet access, you need to go to the Properties of this adapter and go to Access. There, put a tick in the active square and find the created virtual connection in the list.

Thus, a wifi access point is created on windows.

The inconvenience of this type of connection is the impossibility of saving ready-made settings for instant connection in the future. That is, you either have to create a virtual network every time, or set its creation on a schedule, which is also not convenient. Therefore, programs were invented, one of which was mentioned above. it Connectify and Virtual Router Manager... They are very easy to set up, since in order to get virtual WiFi, it is enough to come up with a name and password for the session and specify the SSID.

Also, these programs are able to run from the start of the system. But these programs are also not without drawbacks - at the beginning of the article were named the reasons why it is better to choose the built-in features of Windows. In general, this is a matter of taste - for one-time or permanent use of a virtual network, it is best to use the standard tools of the operating system, and if you need it from time to time, then it is best to use a third-party program, for example MyPublicWiFi

There are times when there is no way to distribute the Internet in the usual ways - but you need to get access to the network quickly and urgently. Then we suggest creating an access point.

The base station can be PCs, laptops, and even smartphones. The advantage of the performed manipulations is that there is no need to purchase additional equipment.

Modes of operation of devices in Wi-Fi networks

Signal transmission without using wires is carried out over radio channels. To perform the required actions, a special-purpose device is used - a router.

But if it is not possible to use it, then the best option would be a laptop as an access point. The functioning is carried out in two directions:

  1. Ad-Hoc mode. Users will receive direct contact, excluding foreign objects from the chain.
  2. Infrastructure mode. Information transfer between equipment is carried out using a client-server assistant.

Parallel operation in several directions is impossible. with a built-in circuit, you can eliminate unnecessary details and facilitate Internet access.

For the smooth functioning of all facilities, you must have:

  • operating system Windows 7 or higher;
  • USB Wi-Fi adapter;
  • contact with the network.

If you meet the requirements and have all the listed items at your disposal, you can start adjusting the access point from your laptop. This process is quite simple and does not require any special knowledge or skills. The subscriber has a task - to check the condition of the converter on the gadget, and also to have access to the Internet.

Laptop as a Wi-Fi hotspot on Windows 7, 8, 10

In order to freely access the World Wide Web, you need to do some manipulations - connecting to a wireless network. For the process is the same as for operating systems 8 and 10.

There are several options for how to create a wifi hotspot. These include:

  • Standard. One of the simplest and most affordable options. To implement it, you need to enter the data into the command line.
  • Hotspot launch with Virtual Router, Maryfi and others.
  • Mobile hot spot. This option is only suitable for OS 10.

Having done all the actions correctly, you can gain access without much effort.

Creation of Virtual AR

Such a system makes it possible to synchronously operate several adapters using the source of one device. The peculiarity is that it can function in two directions: client-server and point-to-point.

Installation of Virtual AP on gadgets with and 7 will be carried out according to the same scheme. This is explained by the fact that command lines are used for configuration, which have the same form. The whole scheme consists of the following stages:

1. The "Start" menu opens and from the proposed list you must click "All programs". After that, you should go to "Standard" to the entry "Command line". When using the touchpad or, you must select "Run as user".

2. The open menu contains the column where the request is made. The following must be specified: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d "" key \u003d "password" keyUsage \u003d persistent. If a malfunction is knocked out, then you should check the correctness of the data, and repeat again.

3. After the adjustment, the startup process begins, which is based on "netsh wlan start hostednetwork". Manipulations are performed after each launch of the device.

4. To get acquainted with the configurations, they resort to the phrases: netsh wlan show - guarantees security, hostednetwork setting \u003d security netsh wlan show settings - is required for smooth connection.

To understand what we are talking about, it is suggested for acquaintance: - the name, password - a cipher that protects against intrusion. It consists of 8 characters.

All data must be entered using the English layout on. An error may occur. In this case, you need to find the automatic setting and check its status.

If it is disabled, then the following sequential actions are performed: properties → startup type → automatically. After completing the steps, you should return to the connection process.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with:« »

A laptop as a wi-fi access point is used when Virtual AP is enabled and correctly configured. For the described OS, this process is similar, but there are still some differences. For OS 10, the following items are performed:

1. Opening a command line. To do this, you can use the menu, which is called with Win + X.

2. As for OS 7 and 8, a query is written in the line, after which you must press Enter.

3. After that, you should carry out the manipulations that were described above. If problems arise with the launch of virtual access, then the configuration is carried out according to the previously proposed scheme.

Apple products can be separately noted. You also need to configure it for. The difference from Windows is the need to use a modem.

Work is carried out according to the scheme:

  • Connecting a cable or modem to the gadget.
  • Opening system settings and switching to general access.
  • In the "Connection" field, those connections are used that are required for work.
  • Wi-fi is selected. A name and password are given. The maximum number of characters for entering the code is 12.
  • After that, you should put a checkmark next to "Shared Internet".

Now the laptop is how the access point will distribute the Internet. Other devices are connected to it. To connect, you must enter the correct password.

The whole procedure does not take much time. If you correctly configure the virtual network on OS 7 or 8, then there will be no problems with Windows 10 either. By following the steps described, you can go online without using a router or other devices.

Virtual AP creation using third-party software products

If there is no desire or ability to configure a virtual network, then you can use other methods. Such programs greatly simplify the setup process. One option is to use a utility. The advantage is that you do not need to activate after starting or exiting sleep mode.

Using the no-cost Virtual Router Manager, the setup process takes a little time. The main actions are:

  • name introduction;
  • installation of a security key;
  • specify the interface with the Virtual AP base.

At the end of the entry, "Start Virtual Router" is selected. In addition, it is suggested to pay attention to the applications MyPublicWiFi, WiFiCreator. Activation is carried out according to the scheme suggested above: name and password.

Possible errors when starting a virtual Wi-Fi network

When connecting with there is a possibility of problems. Wi-Fi itself works the same on devices, regardless of the distribution method. Also, work will not be affected by the use of a laptop or desktop computer.

To find out the reasons for the lack of connection, it is recommended to first try to connect. There is a chance that everything will work out the first time. If this does not happen, then errors are considered:

1. Stop starting the access point in the OS.
2. The signal is distributed, but the Internet access is limited.
3. The machines are connected to the proposed network, the web page will not load.

The first problem is the most common. The solutions depend on how the inclusion process takes place. The main reasons are: lack of built-in adapter or driver for it, support at startup. The grounds for errors on, 7 or 8 are the same.

Limited access is also a common problem. It is quite simple to solve it. The connection may be stopped by an antivirus program. You need to turn it off, and the network will appear.

The third error is caused by the fact that there is no general connection to the Internet. To troubleshoot, you need to open access, after which it will be possible to access the World Wide Web, sites and web pages will load.

Before setting up access, you need to make sure that the device itself has access to the Internet.

Wireless networks are one of the most convenient technologies. Connecting to the Internet from cafes, traveling and generally outside the home - all this is possible thanks to Wi-Fi. The question of how to connect to Wi-Fi in a public place or, for example, distribute the Internet yourself, is quite relevant. Therefore, this article is about how to enable the Access Point (AP) on a Windows laptop.

It is worth saying that this feature is built in only on laptops, that is, for stationary PCs, you need to buy an external adapter. It is a USB flash drive or expansion card with antennas like a router.

Let's deal with different event options. In general, there are only two of them. We are talking about an existing wireless network, or about creating your own access point to connect other clients. There are few ways to achieve any of these goals, but they are not difficult in themselves, so all the instructions fit into this article.

How to make a Wi-Fi access point out of a laptop without third-party programs, you will learn in the following video:

Windows 7 laptop - setting up an access point

How to make a Wi-Fi hotspot? Configuring a Windows 7 Wi-Fi hotspot begins by looking for an icon that looks like a computer with a plug. Use the right mouse button (RMB) to get to the Network and Sharing Center. Through it, you can control the functions of the network card and not only.

Select "Set up a new connection" (this line is located approximately in the middle), then "PC-PC network" (sometimes it can be written "computer").

Set the parameters for the connection that you will distribute to other users in the future:

  • The "network name" is its name, it will be seen by connecting clients and simply devices that have a wireless adapter.
  • "Security type" is a method of encrypting data transmission. WPA and its various variations are currently the most reliable method.
  • The Security Key is a parameter that defines a password. It is he who needs to know the connecting in order to establish a connection with the access point.

Now, if you click LMB on the familiar icon (the one on the bottom right), you will see several different connections. Click on the RMB adapter you created to get into the properties, and in one of the submenus find "Allow other users ..." (at the top of the window). It is thanks to this parameter that you will be able to share your Internet. Feel free to click on the checkbox.

You have created a connection with unique parameters and the ability to distribute Internet access. The main thing is to maintain a wired Internet connection (and remember to tell other users the password for your network). This is how everything will work.

Method with cmd (command line)

This set of Wi-Fi configuration commands is universal for seven and ten. Command line is launched through a combination of Win and R, then type "cmd" and press Enter.

You will see a black terminal, where you need to enter

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d New Name key \u003d New Pass keyUsage \u003d persistent.

Let's go through the values \u200b\u200bof each Wi-Fi setting:

  • The name is set through "SSID" (remember that this is the visible name of your connection).
  • The "key" field is for a password (at least eight characters).
  • "KeyUsage" is the "persistent" password attribute, that is, the set password will be saved for subsequent connections.
  • The "mode" parameter allows ("allow") the inclusion and further use of the network by users (the reverse command is the value "dissalow").

To disable the point, it is not very convenient to enter all this every time, changing only one "mode", therefore shorter and more intuitive lines are given below. You can start the access point through the "" command. To disable, replace " start" on the " stop».

Thanks to the last two commands, you don't have to re-enter the parameters if you want to turn off Internet sharing.

Using a script

After turning off the laptop, your Wi-Fi hotspot will stop working, but when turned on, it will not start automatically. Therefore, it makes sense to create a so-called script (or script) that will include the Access Point in just a couple of clicks. This will save you unnecessary actions with the Command line.

Open the Notepad program and enter there the line you already know: netsh wlan start hostednetwork... You need to save in .bat format, not .txt. To make sure that your actions are correct, you need to look at the shortcut of the saved file. If this is a pair of gears, and not a notebook sheet, then everything is done correctly. By running this script as administrator, you will be able to include your period without retyping the command line.

The script for disabling the point differs only in one word - “start” must be replaced with “stop”, further actions are repeated. You now have two scripts to avoid unnecessary mess and manage your AP easily.

Connecting to a Wi-Fi point

How do I find an existing access point? You will need the network connection icon at the bottom right again, but now click on it with LMB. You will see a list with available connections and Wi-Fi networks (if you have a PC with a wireless adapter or laptop). It is enough to select the network you need (or the one from which you know the password). There are also hidden networks (usually displayed at the bottom of the list). Then you will need to know the exact name (ssid) to connect.

This method is suitable for the latest releases of the Windows family of OS, but only if the machine has a Wi-Fi adapter (it is built-in in laptops, for stationary PCs you need to buy it separately).

Access point software configuration

How to create an access point programmatically? The best program for this purpose is Connectify Hot Spot PRO... The settings are intuitive and simple.

"HotSpot Name" in the "Settings" submenu is the ssid (name) of your wireless network, "Password" is the password, respectively. In the "Internet to Share" item, you must select an adapter to which a wired Internet connection is connected.

MyPublicWiFi is suitable for Windows users of any version over the seven. The interface looks even simpler, and the settings have not become more complicated.

Switch Virtual Router is also not difficult - the same parameters and intuitive settings, besides, it is in Russian.

See also a video tutorial on creating an access point on a laptop using the Switch Virtual Router program:

Access point connection errors

Sometimes users have problems connecting to someone else's access point. If you are sure there are no errors in your settings, it is worth checking your firewall - or the firewall built into all versions of Windows.

Find the firewall settings on your device (for example, type in the search), and then in the "Firewall with Advanced Security" item, find the "Properties" sub-item just below.

In the window that opens, allow incoming connections at least on the general profile. You can open connections in all tabs, but it's best not to make your system too vulnerable. Moreover, do not turn off the firewall completely.

Each of the methods describing how to create an access point is quite convenient and simple to connect. The settings are virtually the same everywhere, besides, they are easily set by the "master" of the connection.

As for the security settings of the point you created, do not turn on your AP again. The less prying eyes your device sees, the better. Although modern encryption methods help protect against intruders, this does not always save you from password cracking.