What are the types of computer graphics. Three-dimensional graphics in modern world Analogs of three-dimensional image

This type of computer graphics has absorbed a lot of vector, as well as from raster computer graphics. It is used in the development of design projects of the interior, architectural objects, in advertising, when creating training computer programs, video clips, visual images of parts and products in mechanical engineering, etc.

Three-dimensional computer graphics Allows you to create volumetric three-dimensional scenes with modeling the conditions of illumination and installation of points of view.

To study the receptions and means of composition, such as the transfer of space, environment, lighting, linear, air and color laws and color perspectives. Here are the advantages of this type of computer graphics over the vector and raster graphics. In three-dimensional graphics of the image (or characters), they are simulated and moved in virtual space, in a natural environment or in the interior, and their animation allows you to see an object from any point of view, to move in an artificially created environment and space, of course, when accompanied by special effects.

Three-dimensional computer graphics, as well as vector, is object-oriented, which allows you to change both all elements of the three-dimensional scene and each object separately. This type of computer graphics has great opportunities to support technical drawing. Via graphic editors three-dimensional computer graphics, such as Autodesk 3D Studio., You can perform visual images of parts and machinery products, as well as perform the makeing of buildings and architectural objects studied in the appropriate section of architectural and construction circuits. Along with this, graphical support of such sections of descriptive geometry, as a perspective, axonometric and orthogonal projections, can be carried out. The principles of building images in three-dimensional computer graphics are partially borrowed from them.

For decorative art, the three-dimensional computer graphics provides the possibility of making future products with the transmission of texture and texture of materials from which these products will be performed. The ability to see from any point of view the layout of the product to its embodiment in the material allows you to make changes and corrections in its form or proportion, which may not be possible after the start of work (for example, jewelry, decorative casting from metal, etc.). In the same direction, three-dimensional computer graphics can be used to support sculpture, design, artistic graphics, etc. Three-dimensional animation and special effects are also created by means of three-dimensional graphics. Creating training rollers for training programs can be the main use of these features of three-dimensional computer graphics.

To the means of working with three-dimensional graphics include such a graphic editor as 3D Studio Max. This is one of the most famous three-dimensional editors, it is often used when creating movies. Program development 3D Studio Max was started in 1993. Version 3D Studio Max 1.0released in 1995 on the platform Windows NT..

Already then some experts carefully expressed the opinion that Makh Can compete with other packages of three-dimensional graphics. In the fall of 2003. discreet. Releases ZD MAX 6.. New particle animation tools in conjunction with modules allow you to create photorealistic atmospheric effects. Embedded support for drip-net objects, full-fledged network visualization, data imports from Sad.- Applications, new features for modeling. But except 3D Studio Max There are other, no less popular three-dimensional modeling programs, such as Maya.. Maya. - This is an equivalent program 3D Studio MaxBut it is intended primarily for animation and for the transfer of facial expressions on the face of a three-dimensional actor. Besides, in Maya. It is more convenient to draw. 3D Studio Max It is aimed primarily on high-quality visualization of objects, it is still possible to perform primitive drawings in it.

In general, for drawing there are three-dimensional modeling programs, the most famous of them AutoCAD., Arhicad.. AutoCAD. intended, first of all, for machine-building drawing, and Arhicad. For architectural modeling.

What requires three-dimensional graphics from a person?

Of course, the ability to model various forms and designs with various software, as well as knowledge of orthogonal (rectangular) and central projection. Last - called perspective. Highly good quality Simulation is achieved using a careful selection of textures and materials in combination with the correct placement of light sources and cameras in the scene. The basis for the construction of any spatial form is the plane and facet of the object. The plane in the three-dimensional graph is set using three points connected by the segments of straight lines.

This condition makes it possible to describe with the resulting planes. "Spatial grid"which is a model of the object. Then the object is additionally assigned the characteristics of the surface of the object - the material. In turn, the material characterizes the surface quality, for example, polished, rough, brilliant, etc. It describes its texture (stone, cloth, glass, etc.). Optical properties are given, for example, transparency, reflection or refraction of light rays, etc.
Along with this, the three-dimensional object can set the lighting conditions and select the viewing point (camera) to obtain the most interesting visual image. Staging, consisting of a three-dimensional object, the conditions of lighting and the selected point of view, is called "Three-dimensional scene". But to describe the three-dimensional space and an object inside it, a well-known coordinate method is used.

Exist various methods Simulation of three-dimensional objects. For example, the method of text description of the model using special programming languages "Script".

We are all watching a huge amount of advertising, films, cartoons and other media products of our modern world. The world of technology, without which it seems, will not be able to live millions of people around the world.

Almost all people know that the whole most of the modern art is created using computer graphics. But only a few of them understand what the raster graphics differs from the vector, and fractal from 3D graphics. We will analyze these differences today. And a more detailed description of most programs and their cost can be found at https://www.architect-design.ru. So, let's go to understand.

It can be said that this kind of computer graphics is the most common. Personnel deposits from vacations and millions of photographs of the miley kittens on the Internet are all raster graphics.

Images of a raster type are built on a simple principle, which is similar, for example, to embroidery the cross. A certain color is placed in the cell assigned to it. If you get closer to the raster picture, you can see how it is divided into the same squares, reminding the mosaic. Such an increase significantly worsens its quality, since the picture with a strong magnification is divided into visible squares. This effect is called pixelization, and each such square is a point, or pixel.

Raster graphics

The word "pixel" occurred from the contraction of "Picture Element". Pixel is not divided into smaller parts, has a homogeneous color and is the smallest element raster image. The size of the point, pixel, from the sets of which is the image, about 0.05 millimeters.

The advantages of raster graphics include its high realistic. The disadvantage may be that if the picture is too small, it will simply fail to increase it without loss of quality. The most popular program for creating and editing raster graphics - Adobe Photoshop..

Vector graphics

If a point is the main element in the raster graph, then in the vector you can call the line. Of course, in the raster there are also lines, but they themselves can be broken into smaller details, pixels, but it is impossible to simplify the vector line.

Lines intersect, bend, closed between themselves form forms. For example, three closed corners direct form a primitive - a triangle. This triangle can be pouring certain color or texture, stretch one of its sides or bend. But vector graphics is not only geometric primitives: the image may consist of bizarre klex, lines of different thickness and any other forms. The more such forms are used, the better the vector image looks like. Than this is similar to the application from paper, which consists of combinations of forms cut from different sheets Colored paper.

Vector graphics

The main advantage of this type of graphics is that the quality of the picture does not change when scaling, and the size of such a file is less, because each object used in creating an image is perceived as a formula. This formula takes only one cell of the information.

Suppose the line is indicated by the program of the letter "L" and is written to one cell of the notebook. And if the line acquires a red color, then the letter "K" is still added to the letter, as the designation of the color, but all this also contains in one memory cell.

Such a system is simplified in something with the image when editing. After all, each object can be bending, increased and scaling without affecting others.. The minus is rather one: your pet, drawn in the vector, will rather look like a comic book hero than on a live cat. Vector graphics creates more often in programs: Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator.

Fractal graphics

From the Latin language, the word "fractal" can be translated as "consisting of parts, fragments". To create a fractal image, an object is used, infinitely multiplied and repeated, parts of which are again and again, and their parts ... In general, you understood. It resembles a snowflake or tree, as if each of his branch was divided into two, and those, in turn, for another two and so on.

The nature of this division and multiplication is determined by a given mathematical formula. Modifications yourself similar objects a great set, but they are all laid in a single mathematical calculation, changing which you can get all the new variations of the fractal image. Apophysis is one and programs that generate fractal images.

Fractal graphics

3D graphics

The three-dimensional image created on the computer may be maximum realistic. It can be rotated, examining on all sides, bring up or removing. Thus, 3D objects are similar to real-life objects, so have the volume, texture and exist as it were in three dimensions, but only on the screen.

3D graphics can be simple, such as a square created in the volume, or complex, filled with parts. Objects can be given the effect of movement, movement in space or interaction with objects, if one wishes the one who created them. 3D graphics We see in video games and cartoons - it is there that she comes to life and gives to estimate its volumes and realism. The most popular programs for creating 3D graphics: 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender. It is the 3DS MAX program and is dedicated to the site where you are now.

3DS MAX - 3D graphics creation program

Nowadays, the three-dimensional schedule actively penetrates all spheres of life, and the graphic design has not exceeded.

3D graphics are everywhere: in magazines, on street advertising posters, in collages of popular photographers, etc.

Many novice designers think that to create, for example, a cool movie poster for a movie quite enough photosop and 3D graphics can not be used.

But they do not understand that, refusing to use 3D graphics, they limit themselves and lose those advantages that she would give their work.

I will give an example. Below you see the movie Poster "Oblivion". As you can see, he is more than half consisting of 3D graphics!

The three-dimensional schedule provides you with incredible opportunities in the embodiment of your artistic thought!

One more example! Recently, sitting after a cup of coffee in McDonalds, I drew attention to a beautiful poster that hung on the wall.

You ask what this poster attracted me? Yes, the thing is that the burger on this poster was some kind of sound!

Yes, yes, he was excellent!

I (a person who disassembled in the photo) understood that finding such an ideal burger, and even so cool to photograph him, just unreal! It will require just incredible efforts!

Therefore, I had a thought, and not a three-dimensional schedule?

Having come home and searching on the Internet, I came across a 3D artist's website, which drew this burger.

Yes, I was right! This burger was 100% modeled in a 3D program.

This is another example of how popular three-dimensional graphics are.

Consider a couple of examples of using 3D graphics in advertising.

Three-dimensional schedule has become so perfect that it is difficult to distinguish it from the photo. It should be borne in mind that, as a rule, 3D graphics looks much more attractive than a photo.

Car manufacturers were one of the first who realized the entire power of three-dimensional graphics, and now on all advertising posters and in magazines you see not photos of cars, but their three-dimensional models.

I'm not talking about the fact that with the help of 3D graphics you can disassemble the car literally on parts.

To sell one or another product, you must submit it to customers in all its glory. It is for this reason that in 2013, IKEA refused the photo in favor of 3D graphics. Now all images in the IKEA catalog are made using three-dimensional programs.

Here are some more examples:

I am sure that you, people already familiar with program photoshop, There are where to grow further and master new programs to keep up with the times!

What about programs for creating 3D graphics? What are there any options, and what to pay attention to if you are new to this issue.

Today there are many programs on the market, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of them: 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Houdini, Blender.

But what of this choose and where to get started work, I will tell you tomorrow. And tomorrow you can create your first 3D object! Till tomorrow!

It was well mastered the editing of two dimensional graphics, such as raster using such software products as Adobe Photoshop and other similar to it. But why stop 2D if you can use full freedom creativity in its full volume, namely in 3D. To date, there are many programs for modeling, animation and visualization of three-dimensional objects. For example, such as Autodesk Maya, Houdini, Lightwave 3D, Rhinoceros and each of them is good, but I recommend using 3DS MAX from Autodesk for a beginner. Since it was in this program that it was possible to create, as it seems to me, a combination of simplicity of management and effectity of course result. And indeed for a starting user, this program is very simple and easy to create small 3D models, and most importantly it is not just just, but also quickly.

With the help of 3DS MAX very simple and quickly create simple and simple three-dimensional objects, such as balls, boxes, cylinders, cones, pyramids and even kettle. But this is so primitive objects, as well as you can create quite complex compositions and models. Also with these objects you can do any kind of manipulation. Approximate, removal, edit, thrust in any directions and decoke in different colors and shades, in general, to gang away as your heart. What is equally important for a Web designer. Since there you can create different miniatures or 3D scenes, let's say for your site or blog on the Internet.

For an example of simplicity of using this program, I will show you the creation of three-dimensional text. It is here that this is done quite simple and quickly. Also you can make an interesting and beautiful 3D text for your web blog using beautiful fonts.

Example: № 1 - 3D volumetric text, with beautiful font

We launch the program and create a new File project -\u003e New ... Select New All and click OK.

Then in the Create menu, where there is the ability to select the type of item, which we want to create click on the Shapes button - the creation of two-dimensional figures. And press the Text button. Also in these parameters, you can choose any font type you like and size (Size).

After that, you calmly click on the center of the Perspective window with the left mouse button, where your text should appear. But the text is still two dimensional - flat, so that it becomes the bulk it needs to be pulled out. To do this, selected our flat text modify - go to the MODIFY menu, and you open the MODIFIER LIST list and we are looking for an extrede and click on it. Next below, you need to specify the Amount value: how much pull the text. After these simple manipulations, we must have volumetric text.

But before fully viewed your project, you need to turn a little, correct the angle of the gaze to our text. To do this, there is such a panel of control of species / projections, changes in the direction and angle of view. It needs to select Arc Rotate in order to change the viewing angle in the perspective window. Now in the perspective window you can twist, look and how to treat your bulk text. When decide on the view you like, you can go to view the finished result.

3D graphics is the process of creating a bulk model using special computer programs. This type of computer graphics has absorbed a lot of vector, as well as from raster computer graphics. Based on drawings, drawings, detailed descriptions Or any other graphic or text information, 3D designer creates a three-dimensional image.

IN special Program The model can be viewed from all sides (from above, bottom, on the side), embed on any plane and in any environment. Three-dimensional computer graphics, as well as vector, is object-oriented, which allows you to change both all elements of the three-dimensional scene and each object separately. This type of computer graphics has great opportunities to support technical drawing. With the help of graphic editors of three-dimensional computer graphics, you can perform visual images of the parts and products of mechanical engineering, as well as perform the mackaging of buildings and architectural objects studied in the relevant section of architectural and construction circulation. Along with this, graphical support of such sections of the descriptive geometry as, perspective, axonometric and orthogonal projections can be carried out, because The principles of building images in three-dimensional computer graphics are partially borrowed from them.

Three-dimensional graphics can be any complexity. You can create a simple three-dimensional model, with low detail and simplified form. Or it may be a more complex model in which there is a study of the smallest details, textures, professional techniques (shadows, reflections, refraction of light and so on) are used. Of course, it seriously affects the cost of the finished three-dimensional model, but it allows you to expand the use of a three-dimensional model.

Where the three-dimensional schedule applies

Three-dimensional modeling (3D graphics) is used in very many spheres. Of course, first of all, it is a construction. This can be a model of the future house, both private and apartment or office building, and indeed any industrial facility. In addition, visualization is actively used in interior design projects.

3D models are very popular in the site building. To create a special effect, some site makers are added to the design not just graphic elements, but three-dimensional models, sometimes even animated. Programs and technologies of three-dimensional modeling are widely used in production, for example, in the production of cabinet furniture, and in construction, for example, to create a photorealistic design project of the future room. Many designers have long switched from using a line and pencil to modern three-dimensional computer Programs. Gradually, new technologies are mastered by other companies, first of all, production and trading.

Of course, mostly three-dimensional models are used for demonstration purposes. They are indispensable for presentations, exhibitions, and also used in working with customers when it is necessary to show what the final result will be. In addition, the methods of three-dimensional modeling are needed where you need to show in the volume already ready-made objects or those objects that existed for a long time ago. Three-dimensional modeling is not only the future, but also the past and present.

Advantages of three-dimensional modeling

Advantages in three-dimensional modeling in front of other methods of visualization are quite a lot. Three-dimensional modeling gives a very accurate model as close as possible to reality. Modern programs Help to achieve high detail. At the same time, the visuality of the project is significantly increasing. Express the three-dimensional object in a two-dimensional plane is not easy, while 3D visualization makes it possible to carefully work out and what is most importantly, to view all the details. This is a more natural way of visualization.

The three-dimensional model is very easy to make practically any changes. You can change the project, remove some details and add new ones. Your fantasy is practically not limited to anything, and you can quickly choose exactly the option that will fit you well.

However, three-dimensional modeling is convenient not only for the client. Professional programs Give many advantages and manufacturer. From the three-dimensional model, it is easy to highlight a drawing of any components or designs. Despite the fact that the creation of a three-dimensional model is a rather labor process, it is much easier to work with it in the future and more convenient than traditional drawings. As a result, the time costs for design are significantly reduced, costs are reduced.

Special programs make it possible to integrate with any other professional software, for example, with apps for engineering calculations, machines for machine tools or accounting programs. The introduction of such solutions in production gives substantial resource savings, significantly expands the possibilities of the enterprise, simplifies the work and increases its quality.

Programs for three-dimensional modeling

There is pretty a large number of Self different programs For 3D modeling. So, one of the popular programs that are specifically designed to create three-dimensional graphics and interior design is the 3D Studio Max program. It allows you to realistically visualize objects of various complexity. In addition, the "3D Studio Max" makes it possible to compose them, set the trajectories of movements and ultimately even create a full video with the participation of three-dimensional models. Although such work, of course, requires a specialist of serious skills, as well as large computer resources, first of all the amounts of memory and speed of the processor.

The MAYA editor is named after Sanskrit word, which means illusion. Maya was developed by Alias \u200b\u200bSystems. In October 2005, Alias \u200b\u200bjoined Autodesk. Maya is more often used to create animation and three-dimensional effects in films.