How to save an image in good quality. How to save a photo from Instagram? Which media to choose for backup

How to save a picture from the site, bypass copy bans, right-click or pop-up warning windows - read this article.
If you have a task for some reason copy a photo, picture, image from the site, use the methods suggested below, choosing the one you need depending on the prohibitions and restrictions set on it.
The easiest way to copy a picture from a site is to right-click on it and click "Save As". But, of course, such a possibility is often practically absent. Therefore, in order not to waste time in vain, pay attention to this. In order to save the image from the site, you should press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl + S... You will be prompted to download the entire page with this picture. Save it to your own computer.
Now, to copy an image from the site, just right-click on the downloaded page and "Open with", for example, notepad.
Immediately, do not be alarmed by everything that will open before you (if you see this for the first time). This is how the computer actually "sees" the page code, nothing more. Here you need by pressing the combination Ctrl + H, "Find" on the page the following entry:

script type = "text / javascript"

Anything you find needs to be completely removed, for example:

Etc. Why is this? The answer is simple: more often than not "Page restrictions" are set precisely with the help of javascripts so removing them will result in "Unblocking" the site page and you will have the opportunity save picture from site to your own computer.
Of course, no one will give 100% guarantees if it is possible to save the image from the site, however, in most cases it will work. Good luck!
Finally, I would like to add: You can, of course, copy a picture from the site in more elaborate ways, such as taking a picture of a computer screen and then cropping the edges, however, always remember the following: each image, by and large, is someone else's creativity, work and, ultimately, own. That is why do not forget to put a link to the source when republishing, or use a license agreement. This is especially true for your public activities, presentations, and so on. After all, sometimes it is more pleasant to create something yourself, for example, with help in a matter of minutes.

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Below I give clues that will be useful to you when analyzing situations that happen to you in life.

1. The external is equal to the internal.

2. Like attracts like.

3. Begin to pay attention to what is happening around and within you.

4. If you notice something around and it causes you certain thoughts and emotions, therefore, it is present in you; you must learn from this situation some lesson.

5. If you do not like something in others, then it is present in you.

6. If we are avoiding something, then there is pain or fear behind it.

7. While doing something, be present with what you are doing.

8. Once in a situation, be present with what is happening. If you get the urge to escape, see how you do it.

9. Having done the act, do not blame yourself, but analyze everything that happened before, during and after, including your thoughts, feelings and forebodings, and learn from the situation a lesson.

10. Situations are generated or attracted by your thoughts and blocks.

11. Our blocks are what we need to learn and understand about this world.

12. If you find yourself in the same situation or are constantly ill, therefore, you are learning a lesson. What should you understand from this situation?

13. You are the cause of what is happening to you.

14. Do not try to change the world or the people around you, change yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change, the world will change.

15. If you tell yourself and others that you have already changed, therefore, you have not changed at all, this is a mask.

16. If you tell yourself and others that everything is in order in some area of ​​your life, therefore, there is a complete mess. This is what the mask says. It is here that you need to look at yourself most closely.

17. Do not consider the advice given to you and the help offered to you as an allusion to your shortcomings and inability to solve the problem on your own.

18. When you do not have something that you want to have, therefore, you either do not want or do not intend to truly have it. To get something definite, describe to yourself clearly what you want. Learn to cut the crystal of thought.

19. Never think about what people can give you or what you want from them. By doing this, you lose your attractiveness.

20. Forget about striving to be strong. True strength lies in love and attention to yourself and the environment.

21. A man becomes free and able to act when a woman, loving him, refuses to possess him.

22. Think about what you want to have, not what you do not want.

23. Money doesn't come from not enjoying living in poverty.

24 Your attention is the channel through which energy flows to nourish thought. Thought is followed by creative energy.

25. Negative emotions do not bring what you want, they only bring what you don’t want.

26. Dreams and fantasies show you your potential.

27. Imagination takes you beyond limitations and releases your potential outward.

28. If you keep repeating to yourself why you cannot have the object of your dreams, you will never get it. Start telling yourself why you can have what you want.

29. Consider money and material objects not from the point of view of meeting your own needs, but as a tool for self-knowledge, fuller self-expression and realization of your potential.

30. Focus on what you want, not getting rid of what you don't want. Many do not know what exactly they want, but they know exactly what they do not want.

At the bottom of the page, you can watch a video, where we analyze this topic in a visual form and in more detail.

We must admit that from the Internet you can download and save on your computer absolutely any image... Even if the picture copy protected or the right mouse button is locked.

  • How can you save an image on your computer?
  • How can you find the source of a picture on the Internet?

In this article, we will try to deal with these problems and learn how to overcome these small obstacles.
For example, we will use Google Chrome browser.

First, we need to find out if the image which we want " download».

If picture increased, then you need to save just such an enlarged version. That is, they increased it first, and then saved it.

Right click on the photo or drawing you want to save from the Internet to your computer. The list (menu) will open.

From this list, you need to select an item called " Save drawing as... ". It may also be called "Save Image ..." or " Save drawing».

Click on this item with the left mouse button. A small window will open.

In this window, you need to choose where you want to save the picture from the Internet. For example, Local drive D.

How can you save an image on your computer?

There is nothing hard here, nevertheless, users very often ask this very question.

If we have found a suitable picture on the Internet, we first open the picture in full size, and then right-click and select "Save picture as".

After downloading the file, we can click on the " Show in Folder"And we will immediately see the downloaded pictures.

How can you find the source of the picture on the Internet?

To find image source, open a new tab in the browser, select "Pictures", "Search by picture".

After that, we need a tab “ Upload file", "Select a file".

Select the desired file and click " Open».

Thus, we load a picture from our computer, and the browser will give us all the similar pictures to the one we have uploaded. That is, it is a simple image search.

We can also find the source of the picture if we specify link to this file.

It will be easier if, when hovering over the image itself, we press the right mouse button, and from the drop-down menu select copy image url.

After that, we again create a new tab, select "Pictures", "Search by picture" and "Specify a link", here we paste the link that we copied earlier, click Enter or a blue box with the words “ Search by image».

And finally, one more way is a simple drag and drop an image into the browser.

The result will be exactly the same as with the above methods of saving a picture to our computer.

How do I use the developer tools?

We need a tool tab “ Network»Google Chrome browser. Here we click on the icon with the image of a funnel (" Filter»), « Images»To display only pictures.

Consider the fact that no need to abuse copying pictures or photographs from sites, because each image or photograph has an author who may have copyright and then you may have unnecessary problems, but we'll talk about this in other articles.

"The highest praise for an artist is when you forget about praises before his work."

(Gothold Ephraim Lessing)

Let's look at three ways to save photos from the Internet to your computer. The first (simple) is suitable for most pictures and photos, including Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

The second and third methods are for difficult cases when the image cannot be saved.

An easy way to save photos and pictures

First, we need to find out if the photo that we want to download from the Internet is enlarged. To check this, you need to move the cursor (mouse arrow) over the image. If the appearance changes and it becomes a hand with an outstretched finger, then the picture is enlarged.

Click on it once with the left mouse button and the photo opens in a larger size. True, sometimes another site may open instead. But that doesn't happen often.

If the image is enlarged, then you need to save exactly this version, and not a small copy.

Consider downloading a photo using the example of Odnoklassniki... First, we move the cursor over the picture. He changes his appearance to a hand with an outstretched finger.

We click once with the left mouse button and the picture opens in an enlarged size.

We save it:

1 . We click on the photo with the right mouse button and in the list select the item "Save image as ..." (or some similar item).

2. In the window that appears, select the place on the computer where you want to send the photo.

For example, I want this image to be on my computer in Local Drive D, in the Pictures folder. So, on the left side of the window, I select disk D.

The folders and files that it contains appear. I select the "Pictures" folder I need and open it in this very window - I double-click on it with the left mouse button.

3. When the place in the computer is selected, click on the "Save" button in the window.

Now you can open the place on the computer where you saved the photo and check if it is there.

Please note that when you hover over it, the hand with the extended finger does not appear. This means that the picture cannot be enlarged - it can only be saved at that size.

If you can't save

In this case, you need to select the "View Code" item.

An incomprehensible window with a strange code will appear on the right side of the page. You can close it by clicking on the small gray cross at the top right, but we don't need to do this yet.

The image is hiding in this code: it will be in the form of a link, at the end of which the extension is a dot and three English letters (.jpg or .png or.gif).

When you hover the cursor over it, a smaller version of the picture is usually shown. Click on the link with the right mouse button and select "Open link in new tab" from the list.

A new tab will open with the photo we need. We save it in the usual way: with the right mouse button - Save Image As.

The method is complex, but reliable

There are so-called copy-protected images on the Internet. In this case, there is no link to the picture in the code. Or the right mouse button doesn't work at all.

I'll show you how to deal with this using the Google Chrome program as an example.

1 . Open the code view (Ctrl + Shift + I).

You can, as in the previous case, right-click on the image and select "View Code". But if the right button does not work, press the F12 keyboard key in the top row. Or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I

2. In the part with the code, go to the Network tab.

3. Below we click on the item Img (Images).

If you do not have a similar line, first click on this button.

4 . Refresh the page by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard.

Usually after that, a bunch of different files appear in the code part. Among them you need to find our photo. To make it easier, browse the files by clicking on them with the left mouse button.

If you can't find it, try refreshing the page again (F5). It happens that you have to do it two or three times.

5 . Click on the file with the desired photo with the right mouse button and select "Open link in new tab".

The image will open in a new window. Now it can be saved to your computer in the usual way (right mouse button - Save Image As).

How to save a photo from Instagram to a computer? This issue has recently become one of the most significant. Significance has arisen since the emergence of other popular social networks that make it easy to save photos to electronic media of all sizes. Previously, Instagram was a standalone resource with limited functionality. This allowed post owners to keep unique content. Today, the software has slightly more functions, which has expanded the possibilities of use.

It is really possible to save pictures to your computer. Implementation of preservation with its help is currently one of the simplest ways, if the original quality when distributing images needs to be preserved. This requires an Internet connection.

There are several convenient methods for direct download:

  • using a link;
  • through auxiliary programs;
  • using built-in plugins;
  • screenshots.

The choice of the method of saving will directly depend on the goals set. If you need a direct download in its original form, you must use the link.

If there are several

The function of creating a series of photos on Instagram has appeared relatively recently. Many users wondered if such combinations could be saved. Due to the "freshness" of the option, adequate download methods have not yet been developed. However, it is possible to take advantage of the latest updates of specialized thematic applications. Most of the most convenient ones are practiced on smartphones.


In the “online” mode, without additional tools, the download is made from the link. In order to implement it, you need to log in to the system and open the post of interest (the procedure should be performed in the Google Chrome browser). Then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl + U, after which the HTML-code of the page will open.
  2. Press the combination Ctrl + F. In the opened code, here define the string containing the "og: image" symbols. It should contain a direct download link.
  3. Copy the link and open it in a new window. Click “save” and wait until the end of the procedure for copying the file to the selected folder.

Other browsers also have dedicated HTML view buttons.

Note: Some users link their Instagram profiles to accounts on other social networks. Thus, it is possible to download photos, even if there are several of them, much easier and faster.

Easy ways

There are other proven ways to save photos from Instagram. Among them:

Access to the global network is always required to obtain a product. Without it, the procedure for saving documents is impossible.


Many people want to save the posts they like on social networks to their desktop. But not everyone knows how to do it. The procedure is quite simple, regardless of the chosen method. However, in all cases, the user seeking to gain access to the content should remember the copyright of the blogger posting the material.