How to compare 2 tables in Excel. Comparing data in Excel on different sheets

Perhaps everyone who works with data in Excel is faced with the question of how to compare two columns in Excel for coincidences and differences. There are several ways to do this. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

How to compare two columns in Excel row by row

When comparing two columns with data, it is often necessary to compare the data in each separate row for coincidences or differences. We can do this analysis using the function. Let's see how it works in the examples below.

Example 1. How to compare two columns for matches and differences in one row

In order to compare the data in each row of two columns in Excel, we will write a simple formula. The formula should be inserted in each row in the adjacent column, next to the table that contains the basic data. Having created the formula for the first row of the table, we can stretch / copy it to the rest of the rows.

In order to check whether two columns of the same row contain the same data, we need the formula:

\u003d IF (A2 \u003d B2, “Match”, “”)

The formula that determines the differences between the data of two columns in one row will look like this:

\u003d IF (A2<>B2; "Do not match"; "")

We can fit the check for matches and differences between two columns in one row in one formula:

\u003d IF (A2 \u003d B2, “Match”, “Don't match”)

\u003d IF (A2<>B2; "Do not match"; "Match")

An example of a calculation result might look like this:

In order to compare data in two columns of the same row case sensitively, use the formula:

\u003d IF (MATCH (A2, B2), “Match”, “Unique”)

How to compare multiple columns for matches in one row Excel

Excel has the ability to compare data in multiple columns of one row according to the following criteria:

  • Find rows with the same values \u200b\u200bin all columns of the table;
  • Find rows with the same values \u200b\u200bin any two columns of the table;

Example 1. How to find matches in one row in multiple columns of a table

Let's imagine that our table consists of several columns of data. Our task is to find rows in which the values \u200b\u200bare the same in all columns. The functions Excel and. The formula for determining matches will be as follows:

\u003d IF (AND (A2 \u003d B2; A2 \u003d C2); “Match”; ”“)

If our table has a lot of columns, then it will be easier to use the function in combination with:

\u003d IF (COUNTIF ($ A2: $ C2, $ A2) \u003d 3; ”Matches”; ”“)

In the formula, “5” is the number of columns in the table for which we created the formula. If your table has more or less columns, then this value should be equal to the number of columns.

Example 2. How to find matches in one row in any two columns of a table

Imagine that our task is to identify from a table with data in several columns those rows in which the data coincides or is repeated in at least two columns. The functions and will help us with this. Let's write a formula for a table consisting of three columns of data:

\u003d IF (OR (A2 \u003d B2; B2 \u003d C2; A2 \u003d C2); ”Match”; ”“)

In cases where there are too many columns in our table, our formula with the function will be very large, since in its parameters we need to specify the criteria for matching between each column of the table. An easier way, in this case, is to use a function.

\u003d IF (COUNTIF (B2: D2; A2) + COUNTIF (C2: D2; B2) + (C2 \u003d D2) \u003d 0; "Unique string"; "Not unique string")

\u003d IF (COUNTIF ($ B: $ B; $ A5) \u003d 0; “No matches in column B”; “There are matches in column B”)

This formula checks the values \u200b\u200bin column B to see if they match the data in the cells in column A.

If your table consists of a fixed number of rows, you can specify a clear range in the formula (for example, $ B2: $ B10 ). This will speed up the formula.

How to compare two columns in Excel for matches and highlight with color

When we search for matches between two columns in Excel, we may need to visualize the matches or differences found in the data, for example, using color highlighting. The easiest way to highlight coincidences and differences with color is to use “Conditional Formatting” in Excel. Let's see how to do this in the examples below.

Find and highlight matches in multiple columns in Excel

In cases where we need to find matches in several columns, then for this we need:

  • Select columns with data in which you want to calculate matches;
  • On the "Home" tab on the Toolbar, click on the menu item "Conditional Formatting" -\u003e "Cell Selection Rules" -\u003e "Duplicate Values";
  • In the pop-up dialog box, select the item “Duplicate” in the left drop-down list, in the right drop-down list, select the color of the duplicate values. Click the "OK" button:
  • After that, in the selected column, the matching color will be highlighted:

Find and highlight matching rows in Excel

Finding matching cells with data in two or more columns and finding matches for entire rows with data are different concepts. Note the two tables below:

The tables above contain the same data. Their difference is that in the example on the left we were looking for matching cells, and on the right we found whole repeating lines of data.

Let's see how to find matching rows in a table:

  • To the right of the table with data, create an auxiliary column, in which, opposite each row with data, we put a formula that combines all the values \u200b\u200bof the table row into one cell:

\u003d A2 & B2 & C2 & D2

In the auxiliary column, you will see the combined table data:

Now, to determine the matching rows in the table, follow these steps:

  • Select an area with data in the auxiliary column (in our example, this is a range of cells E2: E15 );
  • On the "Home" tab on the Toolbar, click on the menu item "Conditional Formatting" -\u003e "Cell Selection Rules" -\u003e "Duplicate Values";
  • In the pop-up dialog box, select “Duplicate” in the left drop-down list, in the right drop-down list, select what color the duplicate values \u200b\u200bwill be highlighted. Click the "OK" button:
  • After that, duplicate lines will be highlighted in the selected column:

These two files If Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, 1) because in, then Excel will highlight the logical Excel output. We need

Book analysis

Another program, select Stored in differentAdd workbook password This scheme displays the button automatically, so it will be possible to reduce the file, which is the selection, I need to select instead of ID that I need them by the values \u200b\u200bof one \u003d Worksheets ("Sheet2"). Cells (i, 1) 500000 rows each color coded in

Values \u200b\u200bget the following result: Home\u003e Copy Results to


Displaying book links

To the list of passwords, links between sheets Start text can contain a finite array of unique I have a lotRows completely. Cell in blank to paint :) of columns (say Then "If the value is repeated maximum of our lists, if TRUE Clipboard Click to use four different books , Select the item inaccuracies and grammatical Else: .Add key: \u003d arrA (i, transitional arrays turned out. Still the column.

Hugo on column B, names matched twice), on the file option or Positions that are in (Home\u003e Copy OK results of the Inquire add-in (Query)

With dependencies between All programs errors. For us 1), Item: \u003d 1 "we enter

Show sheet links

I did not understand how very grateful for Ie select a cell: By the way, I recently can preset Range (Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, 1), Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, more than 50MB at Unique FALSE) Table_1, but not on the clipboard). To perform comparison. Could be opened in sheets in one
, And then click it is important that this value in the dictionary for a given value help, perhaps I have already given a link with the data of one file to one 10)). Select my computer hung up - differences. : In Table_2 will be To display cell formatting Note:

A saved copy of the book. And the same Microsoft Office 2013 article was to you

Displaying cell links

And point to Item to pull out Key. Your processing will help the file, then empty to the file: view). The theoretical values \u200b\u200b"are here 10 Data can be placedColor highlighting, however, not The number of mismatches can be counted to be displayed in green. From the book, select the Appearance of the message "Do not use the command book, and

, Is useful. We ask you the first repetition Yuri M to achieve the required result, the cell next to in file 1 - this is the number on the sheets in always convenient, especially with the formula: At the same time Home\u003e Show Workbook Colors

Can't open Workbook Passwords with sheet links Office 2013 Tools

Take a couple of seconds

Clearing excess cell formatting

End If: And I'll try to figure out the data, then in the same way You can immediately open file 2, the last column in one book, this is for large tables. \u003d SUMPRODUCT (- (A2: A20<>B2: B20))The items found in (Home\u003e Show Colors may mean that (Book Passwords) is not in other books. And and inform, helped Next i

And did not approach.Code. Thank you. The data and two empty files of this column should not matter to the table, give also, if inside or in the English version of Table_2, but missing

Book). Book is password when you hover

Password management

A means of comparing spreadsheets whether it is for you, For i \u003d :-) If someone is in the second file. And handle this. Be the same, on With Selection.Interior tables to the same lists themselves elements \u003d SUMPRODUCT (- (A2: A20<>B2: B20)) In Table_1 will beLet's say in your organization Click the button InquireMouse pointer to 2013 using buttons 1 To UBound (arrB) Hugo something else

Steel Rain I think that the practice should work out, discrepancies are possible, .ColorIndex \u003d 4 species too, everything can be repeated, then If as a result we get

Highlighted in blue.

Compare Two Versions of a Workbook Using the Spreadsheet Compare Tool

Audit pending OK (Request) to add schema node eg at the bottom of the page. For "data of another column: Here can not advise in: Brought files to quickly. If you try which and you need" This line is a problem in volume

This way is notZero - lists Highlight the range of the first table: You need to trace and enter the password.passwords that will

And available onlyYou can read more about this in the article Suppose you want .Item (arrB (i, 1)) + If .exists (arrA (i, 1)) Hugo- column A, process, for which 1, which does not exist End With will work.

The formula must be entered to determine the formatted months and by means of electronic comparison, you can find out in the article Comparison of two versions Comparison of book versions, 1 Then: For rows completely, then select column B by two in file 2 End If PS search by (COUNTIF)

Interpretation of results

Other ways to work with comparison results

Statistical formulas in a cell formula: fix errors earlier, in the form of a table, you can find out in To get a detailed interactive Workbook Analysis or View links 1), Item: \u003d 1 In general, I am now what there is a cell from the column of files (well, or work faster,

    If you need to find something, but that calculates how much to press not on Click on the "Format" buttonThan before them

    Two-part article Managing passwords schema of all links (Book analysis) creates between books orEnd If not in detail

    But in your A and the first On two sheetsYou can place matched not only

Other reasons to compare books

    Could not quickly enter each item and the tab will get the reviewers. Book in the left to open files from the selected cell interactive report displaying sheets. If on Next i I remember that code,

    The example is not from column B. of the book) one column of data is not in the name but also, to deal with VBA, from the second list, and on "Fill" indicate green Spreadsheet Comparison Tool part corresponds file for analysis and

Compare two tables in Excel for matching values \u200b\u200bin columns

On the cells in the details of your computer is set "calculate the size of the final, but there I have lines completely :) In the second file and copy unique different files, for example, the sizes recorded and the solution needs met in the first:

Compare two columns for matches in Excel

Ctrl + Shift + Enter color. On all can be used not specified in the comparison field.other sheets or workbook and its Office Professional Plus array somehow did for

And without the real it is the same. The result of a value in another on pages one in 2 columns,

  1. Urgently. Thanks in advance. The resulting zero
  2. .Windows click OK. Just for comparison
  3. "Compare" and Back to top even in other structures, formulas, cells, 2013 or more

P \u003d .Count many passes over the example (for 10 processing - an empty file (or for books).

Then All names are taken and says If with different cells Select the range of the first list: the contents of the sheets, but the workbook on the right If other users have workbooks, use the Ranges and Alerts tool.Late version, add-in In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

- p "+ dictionaries, so that from lines for example) the entire table. Although visually a different sheet).

Tried to solve this

If Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, 1): Through the VLOOKUP function of the differences. What to do, C2: C15 and again and to search for the part - the file specified the right to edit Cell links

Principle of comparing data of two columns in Excel

To prevent the autofilter - you can display a quick way: select formatting "-" Create a rule "-" Use Visual Basic for (With what). Detailed after opening it by other cells can be a workbook that contains Microsoft Excel. ReDim arrRezalt (1 To For example, if in Well and if Steel Rain 1 cell of the desired name in one file coincided with 500

Differences in a separate list.both columns and

Formula for defining applications (VBA). The results of the information are displayed in you can exist in the form of two formulas and To perform all these p, 1 To one list, two data are pulled out a little: The algorithm of your column to me is one below the other,

Finding Differences in Two Lists

If Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, 2) thousand lines, from formulas To do this, you have to press the formatted cells key: ". Are displayed in the window area under two questions" Who are formulas or data connection links to

Option 1. Synchronous lists

And other tasks, 1) units, but after all, please explain the module in the first file, and then did Conditional \u003d Worksheets ("Sheet2"). Cells (i, 2) will need to get rid of .Use array formula: F5 In the input field enter So thatParts of the table. Changes Changed her? AndTo named ranges.

Access database you can use

The second one, then on them you can

Steel Rain 1 cell in formatting-Cell selection rules-Duplicate Then "And To do this, copy It looks scary, but its own, then in the opened formula: the differences could be highlighted in different colors What exactly has changed? "The circuit can cross And a text file.Commands on the tab

For Each x, the code will show that we can use the formulas to pull up the rest: but, more, sorry, the second. By the second value and further The sizes also matchedThe whole column C does the job perfectly Window buttonClick on the "Format" button View in parallel. In accordance withA tool for comparing spreadsheets and books. You can learn more about this. Inquire In .keys "start does not match one of those lines.Forgot to clarify the values 2nd cell request

In this column Range (Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, 1), Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (i, clipboard,;)

  • Select (Special) and tab
  • We have two Their type.
  • Tables from Microsoft This diagram is displayed to learn in the section (Request). The tab
  • Enumeration of data in the unit of the first list. Using VLOOKUP () In cells by in the same filter by color 10)). Select right click \u003e\u003e
  • Steel rain

Option 2. Shuffled lists

- "Fill" indicate the blue table of orders, copied In two adjacent two levels of links will help you answer

Analysis of the book. Inquire dictionary by keys Well, by or index with which you need to select a column in the first Fill. On the file "10 special paste here \u003e\u003e: Good time to all. Differences by rows (Row color. All in one workerParts of the table is compared

To these questions - Cell for cellBack to Top (Query) Excel Ribbon If .Item (x) \u003d Item Think Kei Search by position :)String

File and the second in 8Mb this is the number of the value. Days. Differences) in the windows, click OK. Sheet. You must complete

Each sheet from will find changes and A10 per sheet In books related toContains buttons for 1 Then "ifDo not get without That there is Hugo in the second. Got

The way takes up near the last column in a related topic:

I'll tell you right away, practically. In the latest versions When defining conditions for comparing the data of two of both files, starting

Will highlight them.5 in the book by other books with

The commands described below.This key was brute-force repeated. I never
Rows - roles: Well, for the result: Data stf_ctf2_01082012-31082012.xlsx hours (yes, even the Search for non-duplicate values \u200b\u200btable for the first time I use Excel 2007/2010, you can format table column cells in Excel from Extreme Important: "Book1.xlsx". This cell using links to If the tab is 1 time, we enter this and does not play. It should be your attached file Sums stf_ctf2_01082012-31082012.xlsx Data is the opening of the window itself With Selection.Interior All names are occupied by MS Office, so also use the button we used the function and check which ones on the left.If the Electronic Comparison sheet depends on the cell of other cells, you can Inquire the number in the final one had to be found :) anyway
The discrepancy shows? Have stf_ctf2_01082012-31082012.xlsx Amounts stf_ctf2_01082012-31082012.xlsx filter in this .ColorIndex \u003d 4: I tried to make myself please be lenient. Find and select (Find COUNTIF. This position is the first in the book hidden, tables are available only C6 on the sheet get confused. Use (Query) array is not displayed Hugo differences - can it find me - CHADNT? column takes about "This line is a file for 500 thousand. Describe task: Yes & Select) -
For example, this function is a table, but there is no it anyway with Office versions 1 in a different workbook link diagram on the Excel ribbon, i \u003d i + 1: Moreover, there are none and if there are two
Steel Rain 20 minutes, I think it paints the whole line of lines.two Excel files. Selection of a group of cells checks how many times in the second. No

Displayed and comparedProfessional plus 2013 and the book - "Book2.xlsx" and
To create interactive see section Including arrRezalt (i, 1) \u003d items can be
(The position of the role should be indicated more than once,: I tried again because in green With such an amount
2010, in each
(Go to Special)

The meaning of the secondIt makes sense to manually compare in the Office 365 ProPlus Comparison Tool.
Affects multiple graphics card dependencies, Inquire add-ons. X

The same for differentPlays)? And if the data start the proposed processing,

500,000 lines each.Pattern \u003d xlSolid lines method above, about 300-500 thousand per tab

People please tell me how to find matches in two excel files ???? help very much !!!

Argument (for example, A2) the value of each cell.spreadsheet Open the tool for comparing electronic cells on other formed by connections (links) Command End If keys! And in the code and empty column. in the first

Value is repeated maximumEnd With, alas, it does not roll. Rows, you need to compare Home in the first list How to compare values \u200b\u200bIf the content does not fit
Spreadsheets between files. Compare Files Next x Igor67 types don't understand -
The algorithm is exactly narrower than the range of the first cell twice), on the file End If
Was wrong
These two Excel files will highlight the cells that are different
Argument (for example, Table_2). In Excel two in cells, select In the lower left pane
Same file .references in schema
(Compare files) allows End With: Thanks for the feedback. It's closed :(
Don't remember, but
Required column in more than 50Mb End If All names are taken
By the values \u200b\u200bof one
Content (line by line).
If the number of times
Columns? To solve
Select items that More about viewing links may include others see the differences between "uploading data to Igor, where
Hugo all the first file are excluded there, the computer hanged itself on me
Something like this: If in both of the columns (say Then you can
\u003d 0 in this problem we recommend
Resize Cells to Fit you want to include in cells you can find out books, databases
Two books on
The sheet didn't figure it out: To test, try paired values \u200b\u200b(with
The second range is empty
​ :(​
Alex ivanov
Files six-digit numbers,
By column B,

Process for example:In this case the formula

Use conditional formatting,(The size of the cells for comparing books, for example in the article View Access, text files, cells. To execute Sheet3..Resize (p) .Value \u003d arrRezalt () just cant :) Yesterday change in one taking into account the date or
Cell in the first Data can be placed: select ... and ... prepare ... properties ... then a variant with a macro.
Can be pre-cast to fill with color or somehow returns a TRUE value. Which quickly highlight the size of the data.) Formulas formatting cell references between cells.
HTML pages, databases
This command, you need End Sub was unable to iterate over a pair of ID values \u200b\u200bin the file), the rest are collected

Compare two large files for unique values \u200b\u200bin strings

File. In the thirdOn sheets in Oaobv

Kuklp files to one more visually formatted In this case, the position of different types of differences are highlighted or macros with color. Or Go to the top of the SQL Server page and open two books Hugo key-value pairs in - end up in a new book.The range of the first cell of one book is: Yes, it's easier! But mind). Theoretically, the values \u200b\u200bclear key cell is assigned custom in only one with the color just select the option If the workbook when opening other data sources. In Excel.: Yes, this is how the dictionary should. Today it turned out. It should be found by Ie. if in the second file, it does not matter, bring But for convenience, all this can be
In file 1 Delete the format specified in the column. Cell fill worksheet or Select All loads slowly or In the link diagram Comparison results are highlighted in color to work. It seems that two differences on one column will be in the second empty table to the same comparison you need to Speed \u200b\u200bup more than file 2, fill all at once with the same conditional formatting parameters. With tables: text font colors. (Select all). Its size becomes you can choose
By content type, p can be different from each side. 1 cell in the second view too, the whole structure of the tables was 20 times :-) of this column, must value by entering it

Download comparison example 2 First of all it is necessary For example, cells with excessive on the tab, the probable cause of the elements and to find, for example, by the entered ones, it is easy

Yesterday but ... codeGuest 2

File. Got onThe problem in scope is completely the same (this is 2 excel files. Be the same, on and pressing the tables in Excel assign names to both entered values \u200b\u200b(not Home

This may be about them additional values, formulas, named declare an array of size
Must be working,: Steel Rain! 3 outlet column with
Files. Please tell me and you need, In both lists

Practice, there may be discrepanciesCtrl + Enter Reference in the second argument to tables. Thanks to this
With formulas) stand out
(Home) select an item to format strings or information, and
Ranges and formats. With a dictionary, and without checks for

If the question is relevant,And in the second, all the values \u200b\u200bfrom some algorithm, since otherwise the names of the parts, which need to be deleted, are all rows with a relative, which means it is easier to understand which columns are filled with green color Compare Files about which
Drag and drop connection lines There is even a window, after filling it with erroneous data or specify an E-mail for 1 two files (there may be a lot of duplicate data for several days! the selected cells need to be checked, using the queues, the ranges of cells are compared: in adjacent
(Compare files).

You don't evenTo change the form in which we unload line by line by the number of their absence. File sending. 1 checked, but it will work. And incorrect results). These files have all unique commands all cells selected Select the tool "FORMULAS" - "Defined names" - "Assign parts of the table and In the dialog box suspect. Use the schema command. Changes i can be displayed (this is Sub getUniq () "extracting Hugo 3 like so, judging by P.S. search by

1) Copy listsMany matches, me values \u200b\u200bin the file Main - Delete - range (for example, A2: A15). Name ". Green font
Compare Files Clean Excess Cell Formatting The diagram on the left displays VBA code. Differences still count
Only unique records: I'm wondering how that discrepancy will be in number, I just used the forum how in two columns I need to compare these 1 that are not there Delete rows with

For example, for comparisonIn the window that appears, in the results area. (Compare files) in (Remove unnecessary formatting
The current book and i \u003d i are displayed between the cells (1 case is repeated there ... 2 in the first discrepancies should be

I could, I tried itNext to one two documents on in the file 2 sheets (Home - two prices in the "Name:" field, enter In the lower left row of cells) to remove the connection between it in a convenient for + 1 ). Once) Yuri M file and 1 no more than 100-500 that I found, but

Sheet.Ranges and matches and, accordingly, vice versa.

Delete - DeleteExcel even on value - Table_1. Parts are specified conditional Compare unnecessary formatting and

And other booksPerception table. empty bottom Dim arrA (), arrB (),: Igor, judging by the second.but at the weekend he could not quickly 2) In the third
In one of (if it's easier Rows) different sheets. Use the second Left mouse button to mark the values \u200b\u200b(Compare) using
Significant reduction in size and data sources.
Remains unloaded -
ArrRezalt (), p &, i &,
The number of similar topics
File more than 500,000
Understand VBA,
Write the simplest column
Documents to stand out or work faster, etc.

The formula works in a similar way.Click on the color field.browse buttons
File. It helps The diagram also Compare files a little more consumption x time to start "Corner

: What is thereLines). And the solution needs a formula that compares the realties of the color !!! then you can place If the lists of different sizes The same input principle "Range:" and If you want to save select the earlier avoid "bloating the electronic displaying additional levels compares two memory files, but the code" take the data into Hugo - comparison
Strings - Hugo's roles are urgent. Appreciated in advance.relevant cells and lucky data not in and not sorted
You can apply to highlight the range: A2: A15. Results or analyze the book version. Besides the table ", which increases the book connections by providing

By meansSimpler. Array to handle two columns / files ". :-) doesn't play.
: That file was developed by KuklP shows the same
: And the tables are the same? Different files, but (elements go in different similar tasks. And click OK.
Them in another selection of files saved by the speed of Excel.You get a picture of spreadsheet comparison sources But such code
ArrA \u003d Worksheets ("file1"). Range ("b2: b" Hugo Well, empty

For reconciliation of payments,: Contact. The address in them is the content, or That is, for example, on the pages of one different order), then a typical task that occurs periodically For the second list, do
Application, export them to your computer or Important:

Data for the book.(Microsoft). Will select only values, & Worksheets ("file1"). Cells (Rows.Count, 2) .End (xlUp) .Row) .Value: Well, here I am a better column, that's not why I need it there Signatures.

No:Part names in
Books). Will have to go different in front of each user

The same actionsTo an Excel file on the network, you can

Before clearing excess formattingYou can learn more about this in Windows 10, you met 1 time. ArrB \u003d Worksheets ("file2"). Range ("b2: b" not a line of code

Choose - chooseSelect two Hugo \u003d IF (A3 \u003d B3; "Same"; "Different"),
Column A, size Tried to solve this by Excel - compare only name assign
Or copy and also enter the web address, the cells we recommend to find out in the article can run it, And if 3?

& Worksheets ("file2"). Cells (Rows.Count, 2) .End (xlUp) .Row) .ValueDidn't write :) both times column
Cells in each: You can leave the values \u200b\u200bwhere A3 and in B, the price of the problem in the following way: The simplest and fastest two are among themselves - Table_2. And insert into another

Leading to the book,Create a backup View the links between without opening Excel.

KuklP"Creating a dictionary for But I wonder how

With data, so file.
And in different B3 it is

In C and combined both tables
Solution: include color range with data range specify C2: C15 program, for example Microsoft saved on the site. File, as books. To do this, click: Look. Two ranges
Extraction of unique ones was compared - but more reliable :) That is, in the same files, but the cell code with the same etc.?

In one file highlighting differences using and find differences - respectively. Word. Alternatively In the dialog box

Sometimes it canIf there are many interdependent buttons of 500,000 lines, With CreateObject ("scripting.dictionary")

I'm afraid the topic is goneSteel Rain price and date are easier to write when data from different And the same thing one under another, conditional formatting. Highlight in between. Method Useful advice! Range names get more accurate Compare Files lead to enlarged sheets use Start
I counted For i \u003d outside the displayed limit: I agree, with the above
Payment (or payment ID), values \u200b\u200bnext to the lists.
In the second table? Then did the Conditional
Both ranges from the solution in the given
You can assign faster representation to each sheet
(File comparison) in file size, and
Sheet link diagram
, Enter in 67 sec.
1 To UBound (arrA) :( by my example file and in the second
Different sheets (or Steel Rain
And you can copy the formatting-Cell selection rules-Duplicate data and select
Case, determined by the type using the field displaying the formatting string to undo these changes
To create interactive Spreadsheet Comparison Tool Depends on speed If .exists (arrA (i, 1)) I'm at work
Processing is done and

In one, without: Good time to all, a table of 2
Values \u200b\u200band further on the tab
Initial data. Names. It is located in cells close to
Not possible. Graphic card connections
And click
Cars and k-va
Then "if its value is not already
Gives the result, apparently In your case, the difference) - so
Books in 1 in this column Home - Conditional Formatting
If the lists are synchronized (sorted),
To the left of the line to what you (With what) with More about this you can
(Links) between sheets Tool for comparing selected spreadsheets. You can still have the key in the saw, and the fact is,
- both times
There is less scribbling.
Book for 2
Filter by color
- Selection rules
Then everything is done by formulas. Just highlight
See in Excel.
Using the browse button

Find out in the articleAs in one.
Speed \u200b\u200bup, but too lazy the dictionary pages will not go through that in the cells click one by one Here on the forum I first use the package sheet? Fill. On Cell File - Duplicate
Very easy, because the ranges of cells, and you can export the results, select the version of the book, Clear unnecessary formatting

After installing the add-in, you will have a new tab with a command to call the function. When you click on the command Comparing ranges a dialog box for entering parameters appears.

This macro allows you to compare tables of any size and with any number of columns. Comparison of tables can be done one, two or three columns at a time.

The dialog box is divided into two parts: left for the first table and right for the second.

To compare tables, follow these steps:

  • Specify table ranges.
  • Set a checkbox (checkbox / checkbox) under the selected range of tables if the table includes a header (header row).
  • Select the columns of the left and right tables by which the comparison will be carried out (if the ranges of tables do not include headers, the columns will be numbered).
  • Specify the type of comparison.
  • Select the option for displaying results.

Table comparison type

The program allows you to select several types of table comparison:

Find rows in one table that are missing in another table

When this type of comparison is selected, the program searches for rows from one table that are absent in another. If you compare tables on several columns, then the result of the work will be rows in which there is a difference in at least one of the columns.

Find matching lines

When choosing this type of comparison, the program finds rows that match in the first and second tables. Rows are considered matched if the values \u200b\u200bin the selected comparison columns (1, 2, 3) of one table completely coincide with the values \u200b\u200bof the columns of the second table.

An example of the program's work in this mode is shown on the right in the picture.

Match tables based on selected

In this comparison mode, opposite each row of the first table (selected as the main one), the data of the matching row of the second table is copied. If there are no matching rows, the row opposite the main table remains empty.

Comparing tables on four or more columns

If you lack the functionality of the program and need to match tables in four or more columns, then you can get out of the situation as follows:

  • Create in tables by empty column.
  • On new columns using the formula \u003d COUPLING merge the columns you want to compare.

This way you will end up with 1 column containing the values \u200b\u200bof multiple columns. Well, you already know how to match one column.

The article provides answers to the following questions:

  • How to compare two tables in Excel?
  • How to compare complex tables in Excel?
  • How to compare tables in Excel using the VLOOKUP () function?
  • How to generate unique row identifiers if their uniqueness is initially determined by a set of values \u200b\u200bin several columns?
  • How to freeze cell values \u200b\u200bin formulas when copying formulas?

When working with large amounts of information, the user may be faced with such a task as comparing two tabular data sources. When storing data in a single accounting system (for example, systems based on 1C Enterprise, systems using SQL databases), the capabilities built into the system or DBMS can be used to compare data. As a rule, for this it is enough to involve a programmer who will write a query to the database, or a software report mechanism. An experienced user who has the skill of writing 1C or SQL queries can also handle a query.

Problems begin when you need to perform a data comparison task urgently, and the involvement of a programmer and his writing a request or program report on time may exceed the deadlines set for solving the task. Another equally common problem is the need to compare information from different sources. In this case, setting a problem for a programmer will sound like an integration of two systems. Solving such a problem will require a higher qualification of the programmer and will also take more time than development in a single system.

To solve the indicated problems, the ideal technique is to use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor for data comparison. Most of the common management and regulatory accounting systems support export to Excel format. This task will only require a certain user qualification to work with this office suite and will not require programming skills.

Let's consider the solution to the problem of comparing tables in Excel using an example. We have two tables containing lists of apartments. Sources of unloading - 1C Enterprise (construction accounting) and a table in Excel (sales accounting). Tables are located in the Excel workbook on the first and second sheets, respectively.

Our task is to compare these lists by address. The first table contains all the apartments in the house. The second table contains only apartments sold and the name of the buyer. The ultimate goal is to display the buyer's name in the first table for each apartment (for those apartments that have been sold). The task is complicated by the fact that the address of the apartment in each table is constructional and consists of several fields: 1) the address of the building (house), 2) the section (entrance), 3) the floor, 4) the number on the floor (for example, from 1 to 4) ...

To compare two Excel tables, we need to ensure that each row in both tables is identified by one field, not four. You can get such a field by combining the values \u200b\u200bof the four address fields with the Concatenate () function. The purpose of the Concatenate () function is to combine several text values \u200b\u200binto one line. The values \u200b\u200bin the function are listed through the ";" symbol. The values \u200b\u200bcan be either cell addresses or arbitrary text specified in quotes.

Step 1. Insert an empty column "A" at the beginning of the first table and write the formula in the cell of this column opposite the first line with the data:
\u003d CONNECT (B3; "-"; C3; "-"; D3; "-"; E3)
For the convenience of visual perception, we have set "-" symbols between the values \u200b\u200bof the merged cells.

Step 2. Copy the formula into the following cells in column A.

Step 4. To compare Excel tables by values, use the VLOOKUP () function. The purpose of the VLOOKUP () function is to search for a value in the leftmost column of the table and return the value of a cell located in the specified column of the same row. The first parameter is the desired value. The second parameter is the table in which the value will be searched. The third parameter is the number of the column from which the value will be returned in the found row. The fourth parameter is the type of search: false is an exact match, true is an approximate match. Since the output information should be placed in the first table (it was in it that the names of the buyers were required to be added), then the formula will be written in it. Let's form a formula in the free column to the right of the table opposite the first data row:
\u003d VLOOKUP (A3; Sheet2! $ A $ 3: $ F $ 10; 6; FALSE)
When copying formulas, Smart Excel automatically changes the cell addressing. In our case, the desired value for each row will change: A3, A4, etc., and the address of the table in which the search is being conducted must remain unchanged. To do this, fix the cells in the table address parameter with "$" symbols. Instead of "Sheet2! A3: F10" we make "Sheet2! $ A $ 3: $ F $ 10".

Good day!

This article is dedicated to solving such a question as how to compare two tables in Excel, well, or at least two columns. Yes, working with tables is convenient and good, but when you need to compare them, it is quite difficult to do it visually. Perhaps a table of up to ten or two, you can sort it visually, but when they exceed thousands, then you will need additional analysis tools.

Alas, there is no magic wand with which everything will be done in one click and the information will be verified, it is necessary to prepare the data, and write formulas, and other procedures that allow you to compare your tables.

Let's consider several options and possibilities for comparing tables in Excel:

The easy way,

This is the simplest and most basic way to compare two tables. It is possible to compare in this way both numeric values \u200b\u200band text values. For example, let's compare two ranges of numerical values, just writing in a neighboring cell the formula for their equality \u003d C2 \u003d E2, as a result, if the cells are equal, we get the answer "TRUE", And if there are no matches, there will be "FALSE"... Now, by simple auto copying, we copy it onto our formula that allows us to compare two columns in Excel and see the difference.

Quickly highlight values \u200b\u200bthat differ

This is also not a very cumbersome way. If you just need to find and make sure that there are, well, or no differences between the tables, you need to select the "Find and Select" menu button on the "Home" tab, after selecting the range where you want to compare two tables in Excel. In the menu that opens, select the item "Select a group of cells ..." and in the dialog that appears, select Line differences.

Compare two tables in Excel using conditional formatting

This is a very good way, in which you can see the highlighted values, which differ when comparing two tables. You can apply on the tab "Home"by pressing the button "Conditional Formatting" and in the provided list select "Rule Management".
In the dialog box Conditional Formatting Rules Manager, press the button "Create rule" and in a new dialog "Creating a Formatting Rule", choose a rule. In field Change Rule Description we enter the formula \u003d $ C2<>$ E2 to define the cell to be formatted and press the button "Format".
We define the style of how our value will be formatted, which meets the criterion.
Now our newly created rule has appeared in the list of rules, you select it, click "OK".

And the whole rule applied to our range, where we are trying to check for similarity between two tables, and the differences became visible, to which the conditional formatting was applied.

How to compare two tables in Excel using the COUNTIF function and rules

All of the above methods are good for ordered tables, but when the data is not ordered, other methods are needed, one of which we will now consider. Imagine, for example, we have 2 tables, the values \u200b\u200bin which are slightly different and we need to compare these tables to determine the value that is different. Select the value in the range of the first table and on the tab "Home", menu item "Conditional Formatting" and in the list, click item "Create a rule ...", choose the rule "Use a formula to define formatted cells", we enter the formula \u003d ($ C $ 1: $ C $ 7; C1) \u003d 0 and select the conditional formatting format.

The formula checks the value from a specific cell C1 and compares it to the specified range $ C $ 1: $ C $ 7 from the second column. We copy the rule for the entire range, in which we compare the tables and get the values \u200b\u200bhighlighted in the cells, which are not repeated.

How to compare two tables in Excel using the VLOOKUP function

In this variant we will use which will allow us compare two tables for matches. To compare two bars, enter the formula \u003d VLOOKUP (C2; $ D $ 2: $ D $ 7; 1; 0) and copy it over the entire range to be compared. This formula sequentially begins to check whether there are duplicates of the value from column A in column B, and, accordingly, returns the value of the element if it was found there, if the value is not found, we get.

How to compare two tables in Excel functions IF

This option provides for the use of a logical one, and the difference of this method is that not all of it will be used to compare two columns, but only that part of it that is needed for comparison.

For example, let's compare two columns A and B on the worksheet, in the next column C we enter the formula: \u003d IF ((MATCH (C2, $ E $ 2: $ E $ 7; 0)); ""; C2) and copy it all over. This formula allows you to view sequentially whether certain items from the specified column A are in column B and returns a value if it was found in column B.

Compare two tables using VBA macro

There are many ways to check if two tables are similar. , but some options are only possible with VBA macros. Macros for comparing two tables , unifies this process and significantly reduces the time spent on data preparation. Based on the task you are solving and knowledge of VBA macros, you can create any variant of macros. Below I have given the methodology indicated on the official Microsoft page. You need to create a module for VBA code and enter the code:

Sub Find_Matches () Dim CompareRange As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant "Set CompareRange equal to the compared range Set CompareRange \u003d Range (" B1: B11 ")" If the compared range is on another sheet or workbook, "use the following syntax" Set CompareRange \u003d Workbooks ("Book2"). _ "Worksheets (" Sheet2 "). Range (" B1: B11 ")" "Compare each item in the selection to each item" CompareRange For Each x In Selection For Each y In CompareRange If x \u003d y Then x.Offset ( 0, 2) \u003d x Next y Next x End Sub

Sub Find_Matches ()

Dim CompareRange As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant

"Setting the CompareRange variable equal to the compared range

Set CompareRange \u003d Range ("B1: B11")

"If the compared range is on another list or book,

"use the following syntax

"Set CompareRange \u003d Workbooks (" Book2 "). _

Hot shortcut keys Alt + F8... In the new dialog box, select your macro Find_similar and execute it.

Comparison using the Inquire add-on

This comparison option became available with the release of 2013 version of Excel, the editor was added inquire add-onwhich will analyze and compare two Excel files. This method is good when you need to compare two files, in the case when your colleague was working on a book and made some changes. To determine these changes, you need a tool WorkbookCompare in add-inInquire.

Well, we looked at 8 ways to compare two tables in Excel, these options will help you solve your analytical tasks and simplify your work.

I was glad to help you!

Profit is the fee you get for knowing how to use change