Useful extensions for chrome. Mega review of useful and interesting extensions for the Chrome browser

Good afternoon, dear readers and visitors of the blog, the last time I told you how to enable java in google chrome, we will continue to study it, and today I will tell you what useful extensions for Chrome according to the version I use the site. I won’t try to write you a post for the sake of traffic, how it does a lot, by type (25 cool additions to Google chrome), although I am sure that 10 percent write them, they do not use them. As something new appears, I will supplement the article.

What are extensions for google chrome

Any modern browser can be compared with an operating system that has some functionality, and it’s logical that to increase it operating system   uses programs and utilities. So in browsers there is something similar and is called, this is an extension for the browser. This can be compared with the constructor, in which you add the right amount of detail.

Let's now look at how the extensions are installed in Google Chrome, because in order to get to know them, you need to be able to install them.

We open your Google browser and in the upper right corner we find such an icon in the form of three parallel lines, this is the Google Chrome settings and management icon. By clicking on it, a context menu will open in which you select

Additional Tools\u003e Extensions

Scroll to the bottom and find just such a link More extensions.

When you click on it, you will be transferred to the chrome online store. Here you will find for google chrome, extensions for all occasions.

In order to install Google Chrome extensions, you need it in search bar   find and click then Install. everything is simple

We are starting the list, in my opinion extensions that make life easier for me and save time.

OneTab extension

I am sure that each of you has faced such a situation that in your browser you have 100 tabs open and everything is as usual needed. Find the right one among them, it starts to be a problem, and even each tab eats part random access memory, it’s good if you have 16 GB of it and you can not worry about it, but most laptops or system units have 4 of them, and for this situation it is quite critical, as it greatly reduces system performance.

The OneTab extension is designed to solve this problem and help the user maintain and structure all of his tabs in a convenient way. We go to the google chrome extension store and look for it.

Click Add to crome. After installation, it will appear in your list of available ones.

As a result, you will get here such a OneTab icon in crome. If you click it, then all your tabs will turn into one.

Tabs in chrome will be structured by date, they can then be deleted or restored. Agree so conveniently that something to look for.

WOT extension

Installation continues chrome extensions, and next we will have the WOT plugin. I must say right away that this is not World of Tanks, as many might think, in fact it is WOT: Web of Trust, trust in the network. In fact, this is a community of people who evaluate sites according to different criteria, and thereby rating them a good site or a bad site. If it’s even simpler, then you have a bona fide website that doesn’t load you a virus, or vice versa a scam and virus site.

We also look for WOT: Web of Trust in the google chrome extension store and add to it.

As a result, if you click on the WOT icon, you will see in more detail, namely:

  • Trustworthy\u003e Good
  • Child Safety\u003e Excellent

Another great addition will be that during the search results, you will immediately immediately not see the good resource or not by going to the site. For example, I’ve attacked for a long time from the scam site Millionaires in sneakers, I enter this name in Google. We see that the link to the group in the contact is highlighted as green, because VKontakte is a verified site, we go below a certain forum yellow, that in the WOT gradation there is already a suspicious resource and the lowest is the official site of millionaires in sneakers, it does not redder.

We pass to the test for this resource and see that the site millionaires in sneakers is a scam site and Internet users do not recommend visiting it.

You yourself can evaluate sites thanks to this plugin, as you can see WOT is a very useful extension for chrome.

Expanding Access to Rutracker

We continue to study useful extensions for Chrome according to the site version and the next one we will have an extension with the name access to Rutreker. I think everyone remembers that at the beginning of this year (2016), our government decided that torrents are evil, as a result there was a restriction of access to these resources.

An add-on for chrome called access to Rutracker is designed to return access to rutracker org. We go to the google chrome extension store and download it from there.

As a result, you will get such an icon, clicking on which you should enable the plug-in, putting it in the ON state, and then get access to Very convenient and useful crome extension.

Tampermonkey Extension

This extension comes with the installation of the program, it allows you to download youtube videos from chrome or music from VKontakte, but a lot of things to be honest. Tampermonkey plugin, you need it to be able to run scripts in google chrome. At the exit, you get a button for a video on youtube or vkontakte

As you can see, it is also a very useful extension for chrome, I am not saying that it is required to be installed, but it will come in handy for most users.

Alexa traffic rank plugin

We are continuing to install google chrome extensions, and the next useful one will be Alexa traffic rank. Of course, it will be more suitable for webmasters, but it will also be useful for ordinary users in that it shows how much a high-quality site is in front of you, abroad this miracle is for most Internet users. The following parameters will be the coolness parameters:

  • Alexa traffic rank\u003e in the world, the lower the cooler the site
  • traffic rank in Ru\u003e website traffic in Russia, website coolness in our country
  • Site load time

Save to Pocket Extension

Continuing our marathon useful additions   in crome, and the next person I introduce you to will be installing an extension for chrome called Save to Pocket. We all love surfing the Internet, and very often we find interesting articles, news, notes that we would like to keep for ourselves, like there are bookmarks, but they are not always convenient when there are thousands of them, and sites die like flies, it’s more convenient to keep ourselves it’s in some kind of notepad, here’s Save to Pocket and acts as such when it copies one article or note into your personal diary with one click so that you can see what you need in the future.

Install Save to Pocket in chrome. Now open the article you need and click the save button.

As a result, then going to the Save to Pocket diary, you will have a very convenient interface for finding the article you need. All articles contain links to the original, so you can always find it quickly.

RSS Feed Reader Extension

All of us have our favorite sites, and we often browse them, it is logical that the information on them is updated, and you would like to receive it in a timely manner, for this most sites have an RSS feed. Its meaning is that you in special program or a service, after a couple of minutes after publication, they saw that something was updated. The RSS Feed Reader plugin helps me with this.

Installing the RSS Feed Reader extension in chrome is as simple as described above.

At the exit, you will get an icon in the form of arcs. In which you add the sites you need, subject to the presence of RSS feeds on them. Further, as soon as fresh content appears on them, then a plus sign will appear on the site you need.

Here is my list of extensions for chrome, for me it is convenient and useful, if there is something else new I will add here.

To remove extensions in chrome, we just click in the upper right corner to find such an icon in the form of three parallel lines, this is the Google Chrome settings and management icon. By clicking on it, a context menu will open in which you select

Additional Tools\u003e Extensions

As a result, you will get a list of your extensions, it’s very easy to turn them off by unchecking the corresponding box. Delete is as simple as clicking the trash can icon.


To summarize, we learned how to install, disable, and uninstall extensions for Google Chrome, sorted out the useful ones and learned how to use them. If you have something else useful, write in the comments so that you can expand the list of useful chrome extensions.

Time Tracker extension for chrome browser, which tracks the time spent by the user on various sites, after clicking on the extension button, a window appears with detailed statistics about your time spent on the network.

Great extension for all users google service   Reader Adds the ability to view the full text of articles even if the source gives only an announcement to rss. Moreover, the article can be viewed in two ways - in the form in which it is displayed on the site or in a more readable form - only text and illustrations. For each source, the display type is configured separately, which is very convenient. Recommend.

The purpose of this extension is to present the pages of the most popular online library in a readable way. Now we will see only the text of the article and the necessary pictures, and all additional links and navigation elements will be shown only when the cursor approaches the edge of the page.

There are more and more Chrome users: although the browser is not without drawbacks, convenient operation, a comfortable interface and extensive functionality make the product by Google very attractive. Useful Chrome extensions play an important role in this, which you can get hold of in the official store for free. But what to choose in the assortment of offered add-ons? A further sample will tell you how to upgrade your Chrome.

Joxi: screenshot and edit

Those who work on the Internet often have to take screenshots of what is happening in the browser. There are various useful extensions for Chrome, alternative to Print Screen and pasting into Paint, but one of the most convenient is the Joxi chrome extension. The add-in offers to “click” a fragment of the page or the entire page.

If you want to record screencasts, you can use the convenient Screencastify extension. True, on a free basis, it will record you a video no longer than 10 minutes.

Adblock Pro: No Ads

Google Dictionary (by Google): English Dictionary

If you work with English sites, read foreign news, or simply learn the language, in useful extensions for Google Chrome, be sure to write down the Google Dictionary branded extension.

What is the benefit, you may ask, if the settings for the page are checked in the browser settings, if its language is different from the language of the browser? Google, of course, is great, and the translation of their translator can be completely unraveled with a little knowledge of the language. But linguists and practice will confirm that literal translation is a poor translation. Each word can have a lot of meanings and in a different context appear as a different part of speech.

Therefore, it’s useful to have a Google Dictionary in your browser. Reading the English text, just select the unfamiliar word and click the extension icon: you will be given a whole list of its meanings. After installing the plugin, click on its icon, press Extension Options, select in the line My language: "Russian" and use it for health.

If you need a multifunctional and multilingual translator, he is also a dictionary, use the ImTranslator application with 91 languages \u200b\u200bof translation and sound in 26 languages.

AutoConvert: rubles to dollars

To convert foreign currency into rubles or translate measures of length, weight, etc. into the usual units of measurement, it is enough to move the mouse cursor to the designation in the text. Everything is so simple if you installed a useful extension for Chrome AutoConvert and set the units into which the translation should be performed.

When reading any text with foreign units, click on the plugin icon and they will all be automatically selected and converted. It is very convenient for recalculating the prices of equipment, planning the budget of a trip abroad, a better understanding of specifications, distances and sizes. In short, come in handy anyway.

Todoist: plans for today

As for working useful extensions for Chrome, one of the good options is Todoist. This is a task manager that allows you to organize and manage online to-do lists from the browser toolbar.

Among the useful features is the ability to add URLs to tasks in order to view the pages of interest later, as well as plan sending important emails via Gmail. The manager is not the trickiest, besides free version   limited in functionality. But in order to make a to-do list, get a reminder of what needs to be done and analyze whether the plans have taken place, the Todoist plug-in for Chrome is quite enough.

StayFocusd: Work More Productively

The real problem of working on the Internet is its vast expanses in which you can roam and roam. Updating statuses in social networks, browsing the pages of friends of friends, following likes, responding to messages, looking for a song you like or looking for something, I don’t know what, and here is the end of the working day. The work is not done, and so every day, and then rummaged. If your own willpower is not enough, then StayFocusd can make it work.

This useful extension for Chrome limits the time you can spend on specific sites. After the set limit has expired, the plugin makes the sites you have blocked inaccessible until the end of the day. The extension is customizable: you can select the whole site, a separate page or specific content.

Bookmark Manager: bookmarks in order

The Bookmark Manager extension will appeal to those who get used to the new way to display bookmarks in Chrome. The add-in allows you to expand the possibilities of working with bookmarks: add images to them, group them by folders, sort by topics, send them to friends and use them on any device.

Alternative Google useful extensions for Chrome include Speed \u200b\u200bdial   2 - an add-in that comfortably changes the interface. The application organizes fast access   to frequently used pages, bookmarks and browser history.

Editing Office Files: Without Office on PC

Google applications for working with documents, spreadsheets and presentations cannot be ignored: this is a great alternative to the usual MS Office package. It is noteworthy that thanks to the extension “Google Docs Offline”, you can work with doc, xls and ppt without even having an Internet connection.

By the way, these useful extensions for Chrome are available in the browser by default: if you open the extension in the settings, you will see Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides there.

Gismeteo: dressed for the weather

Checking the weather is the daily ritual of most people, which, of course, is followed by users of the Google browser. A useful extension for Chrome, Gismeteo, will help simplify the process. In addition to the fact that you do not need to make extra gestures to find out the prognosis, the extension has several important advantages.

By clicking on the extension icon, you get weather information for the current moment and 24 hours ahead, and in several cities at once - which ones can be selected in the settings. You can also set the display of the weather news feed and configure appearance   add-ons to your liking.

You can get such useful extensions for Chrome in the official online store. Plugins that extend the functionality of the browser are of particular interest to those who have a Chromebook or plan to purchase it. But the topic is no less relevant for everyone who uses Chrome on any laptop, netbook or desktop computer.

What other add-ons for Google Chrome do you think should be used - write in the comments.

The following two tabs change content below.


Without a twinge of conscience, I ask the “telephone” from unfamiliar guys and girls. In order to check whether the lock button is comfortable under your finger and whether autofocus works quickly :) I would like to visit MWC and keep a live blog from the thick of things.

  • Alexey 04.09.2015

    Of course, for free))
      Few people know that after the release of films about terminators, it was decided to rename Skynet to Google))

  • Timofey 09/04/2015

    I use a mailer and adblock, only in opera. Wonderful expansions.
      Used google chrome for several years and could not get enough. Joy disappeared when forced to transfer to a weak typewriter. Here I appreciated the main minus of chromium - it is too gluttonous in resources. I watched various conflicting reviews and stopped at the opera. The functionality is not inferior, it all is, and eats less. Are you planning the same detailed browsing review? It would be interesting.

    • Anastasia 09/07/2015

      Answer Timothy:

      Yes, there is ... The same story: I used Chrome for several years, now I use it as the second browser after Mozilla. Sooo I like Chrome, but it hangs however))) Regarding browsers, thanks for the good idea! Be sure to review :)

  • Julia 09/04/2015

    Extensions "Editing Office files" thing is very useful, it seems. Yes, but I don’t think that it can completely replace the MS Office package. I will get used to such an innovation for a very long time))

  • Maxim 09/06/2015

    Cool review !!! I especially liked the extension "Joxi" and "Adblock".
      Adblock liked the fact that on almost all sites where you are looking for useful information, advertisements always appear, and adblock does its job.
      Joxi is just a useful program.

    • Anastasia 09/07/2015

      Answer Maxim:

      Thank you :) I support your choice: Joxi is simple and convenient, and Adblock cuts almost all types of advertising)

    • Victor 12/03/2015

      Answer Maxim:

      Adblock does its job, so to speak, with varying success. Yes, he removes most of the banners, but not all - he often has to “help” him. But there is nothing critical - in general I am satisfied.

  • Sergey 09/18/2015

    I use this browser as a backup. Indeed, it is possible to install various extensions and additions. From the list I use Adblock. Instead of Joxi, I have Lightshot.
      Thanks for the information. I looked after something for myself.

  • Pavel 02.10.2015

    No doubt Adblock is the best extension to date. And if you combine two dinosaurs Adblock and adguard, as I have, then not one advertisement and will not crawl close to you.

    • Zahar 12/03/2015

      Answer Paul:

      Perhaps you can’t say that the best, because. that there are a great many users and tasks that revolve in their heads even more. But on the basis of tasks, we set ourselves extensions, and the top is more arbitrary, we must - we set it. do not disable in the settings.

  • Svetlana 12/03/2015

    Thanks for the mega interesting app review. Just started using Chrome and just did not know that there are so many useful features. StayFocusd will definitely put the child on the computer, I have been thinking about something like that for a long time.

  • Sergey 12/03/2015

    At the expense of the Joxi extension, personally for my work specifics this is a big advantage, at the expense of sound and voice notifications, I have a signal “hyena laughter” on my chef, at least I get moral satisfaction from the work.

  • Elena 12/03/2015

    Everything is cool, useful and fun. From spy games with the Dmail extension to serious office assistants for working with mail, screenshots and documents. In the process of reading, I had questions about two extensions from Chrome. Maybe they seem super stupid for super experts in the field of chromium. But I'm more likely to be super dinosaurs in the field of all sorts of new products. First question. Adblock Pro blocks all - all advertising, including useful links to products and services that we lately   actively interested, and which Google “carefully” leaves us on the right side of the screen, as “always thinks about us”))) And the second question. Can Office File Editing be used on an Android tablet?

    Secret correspondence - it can really be useful only if you do not want your spouse to find out about another. Google makes 100% for itself backup. After all, no one has canceled advertising on user behavior ...

    Checker Plus for Gmail - I don’t see the point. Surely all users have gadgets (smartphone or tablet). It is unlikely that he will be far from the user. And it is unlikely that this same gadget on the Internet is not through Wi-Fi. Also, the user probably has a mailer in the gadget. From here - it is your gadget that will notify you of the arrival of the letter.

    Adblock Pro is still a true working thing. But I think through a very small interval, it will sink into oblivion. After all, as I said above, Google has huge grandmas on advertising. And they are unlikely to chop the branch on which they sit. What is their recent advertisement in the most "not spammed" mailer worth. I will not be surprised that they will also review the policy for the search engine. After all, to be the first only due to this they no longer need. They are already omnipresent)))

       Answer Gismeteo as one of the fairly accurate weather forecasts may be suitable, but always look at others, the weather forecaster is suitable for comparison.
      “Closed tabs” is a simple and useful addition, when closing tabs, you do not have to go into the history or climb the menu, just find the closed tab in the program tab.
      Tabsbook is another very important program for those who can forget to keep all their tabs open at the moment (for example, a crash occurred and they disappeared). With it, you can return the lost, and of course write down bookmarks that are in a large number   stored in your browser, without export to PC.
      This perhaps ends my short list of permanent additions.
    By the way, thanks for the “autoconvert” and “Google distanour” - I did not know about such useful applications. As for editing, I see no reason, it's easier to use the original office. Reply
  • Evgeny 10/05/2016

    Good selection. Adblock and bookmark always use.
      Yet good service   Deskun, I use to manage Gmail mail.


In the past, you’ve probably upgraded your Chrome browser more than once with convenient extensions. This collection presents some more new and outstanding tools that are definitely worth using in the coming year.

If you constantly work in a browser, Jot will become an indispensable assistant in compiling a daily to-do list: just open a new tab and add any tasks or notes planned for the near future. Large fonts and beautiful background landscapes will make your recordings as noticeable as possible.

Of course, there are other extensions for work, but still this solution copes with the clutter on YouTube much better and allows you to get rid of all the distractions while watching.

This smart extension will notify you of updates to your favorite sites by e-mail. We can say that this is an improved version of the RSS feed. Just visit the resource of interest, click on the extension in the toolbar and enter your email to receive alerts.

You will be given 250 credits for free (as well as for each subsequent notification), and VisualPing will check the sites hourly for the slightest updates.

By launching the application, you can reconfigure test intervals, schedules and triggers for each observed page, as well as purchase additional credits ($ 10 for 5000 credits).

Launch Google Calendar and use the UpTo sidebar, which will give you access to a huge catalog of calendars and will allow you to follow sports schedules, dates of concerts, film, TV and music releases.

As soon as you like an event, you can add it to your calendar or talk about it on social networks with a single click.

Is your browser cluttered with tabs? Believe me, almost every user is faced with such a problem, and most often this misfortune significantly slows down the computer.

Using Tab Snooze, you can minimize all the tabs you are interested in, and then return to them at the scheduled time.

If you prefer to use bookmarks, you definitely need to install this extension: by combining Spellbook with a list of bookmarks, you will get access to each of them on any web page, simply by opening the context menu with the right mouse button.

Thanks to this, you no longer have to memorize key combinations for bookmarks, and free space   much more will remain on the screen.

RSS feeds are great for monitoring your favorite sites and blogs, as well as provide some interesting working solutions.

Once you install the extension, in address bar   An RSS button will appear on the web resource, and to subscribe you just have to click on it.

Add various useful features to your Gmail email, including scheduling emails, self-deleting emails, email notifications, and more, absolutely free.

Having selected the settings for gestures / shapes that are best for you, you can browse web pages and use the basic functions of the browser with just one mouse. Simply draw a predefined shape with a computer mouse, and this action activates the function attached to it.

Thus, you will be able to minimize time costs and the number of clicks when working with multiple tabs.

Do you visit entertainment sites during working hours and are afraid of reprimanding your boss? Tapping PanicButton will instantly hide all active tabs, and tapping again will open them again.

You can select a key combination for this function and set up a web page (for example, with complex spreadsheets) displayed after pressing a button.

Bonus: Chrome Visual History

I wonder what it takes time spent on the Internet? This solution will display your visit history in neat pie charts covering a day, week, month, or any other period.

Your high conversions!



Judging by the statistics, every second user in Russia uses google browser Chrome If this is not the case and you use Mozilla, Safari or IE, then I am sure that this material will push you to become an adherent of chromium. You will find out how many advantages all this time have been under your nose, and what a huge number of possibilities the use of extensions opens for us. The browser has long ceased to be a program for simple surfing the Internet, but has turned into a universal tool with which you can perform tens and hundreds of different tasks. Today I want to introduce you to those extensions that I myself use and which can help you in the hard work of an event organizer.

1. OneTab

When hundreds and dozens of necessary bookmarks are open, the browser starts to slow down. With this convenient extension, you can simply click on the extension icon and collapse them into a compact list that will not take up browser memory. To call this list and restore the tab you need, you just need to click on the icon again. By the way, OneTab stores all your minimized sessions by date, so you can return the one you need at any time. Problem hundreds open tabs   completely resolved!

2. Google Mail Checker

The event manager must always be in touch, respond promptly to letters and direct contractors. If sound alerts and banners exist in Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, then the Google Mail Checker plugin will perform this role perfectly for Gmail. A simple plugin displays the number of unread messages in your inbox, and a simple click on the button opens the mail. By the way, this plugin will be an additional incentive to achieve the coveted “Inbox Zero”.

3. Signals by HubSpot

Signals by HubSpot is an incredibly convenient life hack that allows you to track your letters. After installation, you have a special extension when sending letters to Gmail (the Send button turns orange and a daw appears - track / not track), for Outlook you need to download the plug-in from the site. Then, by clicking on the application icon, you can see the details: when the user opened the message, in which place and how many times he viewed it.

4. Planner 5D

Planner 5D is an application for creating floor plans and interior design. No special skills are required, the application is simpler than any game. Using this service, you can create an interactive 3D layout with furniture and interiors and detail the finish. Then download it or take a screenshot and place it in your presentation. Make a simple diagram yourself and do not strain your designer if your work does not require more serious software, such as Cinema 4D and SketchUp. In principle, the usual Paint or the SketchPad extension are suitable for creating most layout schemes.

5. SketchPad Application

A unique analogue of Paint, SketchPad has much richer capabilities. With it, you can make a simple sketch or sketch your ideas. For all those who have not yet had time to properly master Photoshop. You can also consider it as a useful relaxing tool and a “fuel” for creativity, many combinations and hundreds of gradients can captivate any person.

6. Evernote Web Clipper

The easiest way to save interesting materials that you found on the Internet, add your comments to them and share with other people. Starting from copying pages and ending with marks on screenshots, Evernote Web Clipper allows you to save any content from your browser directly to Evernote, and not only complete web pages, but also individual fragments that the application “intelligently” selects from your browser using a couple clicks. You can also make the necessary notes using the marker, add text comments, figures and stamps or save all correspondence from Gmail mail   along with attachments.

7. Pocket (ex “Read It Later”)

Light analogue of Web Clipper and Clearly, for all those who do not have time to understand Evernote. Install Pocket, register in the service, when you click on the button, the material from the link is sent to your pocket account (in fact, “pocket”). Later you can read it on your other device. Everything is simple.

Presentation of the updated theater on Pushkinskaya for the organizers!

8. MusicSig vkontakte

MusicSig vkontakte is the easiest and most free way to download audio from VKontakte (you can use VKSaver for video). After installing the VKontakte plugin, detailed information and a download button appear near each audio recording. Now, you can always quickly find the music you need for the upcoming event, because VKontakte, at the moment, has the largest base. In addition - adds hundreds of useful chips for this social network. We are silent about piracy, because we are not going to make money on this content.

9. Awesome Screenshot

As you already guessed by the name, the extension allows you to professionally take screenshots: you can take a photo of the full screen or select only the desired area, after which it will open in edit mode, and you can add arrows, lines, captions, blur confidential information, then save the file or upload it to an online service and get the link in just a couple of clicks. Therefore, the extension