How to set up your start page. How to set the start page in browsers

Hello everyone today tell you how to change start page   in Google Chrome. Browser Google chrome   is rapidly gaining momentum. A third of all users in the world prefer to use it to view websites and various documents on the Internet. And this is understandable. High speed, many additional extensions, saving the information gathered, even in case of system crashes, synchronization with a personal account on Google - this is just a small list of features that markedly distinguish Google Chrome from another software   similar kind.

Like other browsers, Google Chrome has a feature that allows you to set the home page as you wish. It can be visual bookmarks, Yandex or any other site. Often, due to a number of reasons (restarting the browser, installing third-party programs, etc.), the user has a question, how to change the start page in Google Chrome? To do this, you can use the following recommendations common to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

First of all, go to your browser settings:

New tab

To display a page with a Google search bar and links to the most visited sites when you launch the browser:

Previously opened tabs

To save the last session at the next launch of the browser, you must:

How to change the start page in Google chrome on Yandex

Quite often, the user wants as home page   install Yandex. Make it easy.

What to do if the homepage fails to change

Installing any extension can sometimes cause the start page to change the next time you open the browser again. To do this, you need:

If the start page does not work in any way, you can proceed as follows.

Instruction manual

If you useInternetExplorer
In the upper part of the window, select the "Service" menu item and go to the "Internet Options" section. In the window that opens in front of you, go to the "General" tab, where in the "Home page" section in an empty field you must enter the address of the page to display it as a start page, for example Click “OK” and your start page has been successfully changed.

If you useMozillaFirefox
At the top of the browser window, select the "Tools" menu item and go to the "Settings" section. You will see the settings window. You need to open the “Basic” tab, where in the “Launch” section you will see a window with the inscription “Home”. Enter in this box the address of the site that you want to see on the start page, for example: Now click OK and your start page will be changed.

If you useOpera
In the upper left corner, click on the "Menu" button, select the "Settings" section in the drop-down list and click on the inscription "Basic Settings". A window appears with the main browser settings. Selecting the “Basic” tab, in the box with the inscription “Home”, enter the address of the site you need for the start page, for example: Click OK. Now your homepage has been changed.

If you useGoogleChrome
In the upper right corner, click on the wrench icon, which will display a drop-down menu where you need to click on the inscription "Parameters". In the window that appears, select the "Basic" tab, where in the " Main page"You should check the box next to" Open this page "and in the box that appears next, enter the address you need for the start page, for example: By clicking the “Close” button, you will save your settings.

A home page is a site that automatically loads when you open your browser. By default, you usually have a Microsoft site or the site of your browser manufacturer set up. At your choice, this can be any page on the network - a mailbox, a news service, a page in social network   or just a blank form.

Instruction manual

In browser Internet explorer   click on the "Service" section in the menu and select the "Internet Options" line. On the “General” tab of the window for changing browser settings, the upper section is called “Home Page” and is used to determine the start page. But you can specify not one, but several at once - they will open each in a separate tab. The addresses of these pages must be entered in the text box, one per line.

IN opera browser   open the menu, go to the "Settings" section and click on the top line - "General Settings". The same browser settings window can also be opened by pressing CTRL + F12. And here, too, the very first section of the tab opened by default (“General”) is intended to set the start page.

In Google Chrome, you need to click the wrench icon in the upper right corner and select the "Parameters" line in the menu. The main settings page will open, the two upper sections of which (“Startup Group” and “Homepage”) contain tools for changing the pages and tabs that should open when the browser starts.

In the Apple Safari browser, expand the “Edit” section and select the bottom line (“Options”). In the window that opens access to settings, go to the "Basic" tab. There are fewer options for installing the start page than in other browsers - only manually enter the address in the "Home" field or automatically enter the address open page   by pressing the button "Current page".


  • how to change the browser page in 2017

The main page creates the most important, first impression of your site. Therefore, it must be done thoughtfully and efficiently. To make the start page of the site just like that, follow some tips.

Instruction manual

Think over the design. The design of the home page is sometimes different from the design of other pages. It should be more original, but not tiring. Think about what elements could be dispensed with and remove them. Make sure your site’s logo is visible. Be sure to take care of a competent navigation system - from the main page, the user should be able to get to any section of the site. If your site has a lot of materials, do a search on the site. The user should be able to easily search on the page.

Engage in filling. What to place on the main page? It can be news of your site, or just news on the topic of the resource. It will not be amiss to make informers from other sections. Thanks to them, the visitor, going to the main page of the site, immediately learns which sections have been updated. In addition, some headings can attract the user, and he will stay on your site longer.

Also on the main page can be placed basic information about the site. Try to write it as short as possible, but more interesting. Present your resource in the best possible way. But do not let dust in your eyes - you should not describe what is not on the site. Even if in the near future you plan to create something like that.


  • how to change the start page on Yandex in 2017

Mozilla firefox   - A browser that has earned its fame for its security and, above all, for its flexible configuration. Program has a large number of parameters with which you can set any settings for displaying resources and behavior when opening Internet pages.

This web browsing app was first released in 2004. The program got its name in honor of a wild animal - a small panda, which in English is called firefox. It is noteworthy that the second part of the name mozilla, who developed this software product, is written on the logo with a small letter (mozilla).

Setting the browser start page

Change or installation of the start page is carried out in the browser settings, which are located in a separate section of the program menu. To access them, open the program using the shortcut on the desktop or the corresponding item in the Start menu. Wait for the browser to start.

Here you will see a window that can be divided into 3 parts. The central part displays the content of sites. When launching the browser, you can choose to display the Firefox start page or select your own resource on the Internet, which will be called "Home", i.e. starting immediately after clicking on the browser shortcut in the system. In the upper left part of the program window there is a Firefox button that allows you to access browser settings.

Below is the address bar, which is used to enter the address of the site.

To change the home page, click on the Firefox button and select the “Settings” section. Left-click on this line. A window will appear on the screen in which you can configure all the necessary browser settings. Go to the "General" tab. In the "Launch" block, you configure the display of the page when the program starts. In the line “When Firefox starts” in the drop-down list, select “Show Home Page”. In the line "Home page", enter the address of the site you want to go to immediately after opening the application window.

You can also set a specific page as your homepage automatically without manually entering the site address. To do this, go to the site that you would like to make initial by using address bar   browser. Then again go to “Settings” - “General” and click on the button “Use current page”. After that, when Firefox starts, the site that you currently have open in your browser will load.

Using the settings, it is also possible to import the home page from bookmarks. To do this, click on the “Use Bookmark” button in the settings window and select the site that you have saved in the “Bookmarks” section. The button "Restore to default" will allow you to return to the starting firefox page   as a home.

Other program parameters

You can edit the rest if you wish. mozilla settings. For example, in the “Tabs” section, you can change the behavior of the browser when opening several sites in one window. In the “Content” options - change the display language of the pages and the font used to draw the elements of the site. The "Applications" section is responsible for adjusting the plug-ins, and the "Privacy" contains data about saving the history in the browser and other data about the visited pages that resources can supply.

To save the settings of the home page and the selected values \u200b\u200bin other sections, click “OK” and restart the program to apply all the changes.

The "Protection" section will allow you to block the browser and set a password to access it. “Synchronization” will allow you to set the desired program settings through a connection to another computer. In the "Advanced" section, you can see the network settings and other text display options.


  • how to change the start page in the browser

Opera is a popular internet browser created by researchers at Telenor in Norway. The program launch date is 1994. Since 2005, Opera PC and Opera Mini software products have been distributed free of charge, and since 2009, a mobile version has also appeared.

You will need

  • - PC or other digital device;
  • - installed browser.

Instruction manual

Browser versions for different electronic devices have common menu features, so set the start page   in the browser, you can use the same actions on the computer and

When you launch the Google Chrome browser, it displays the default start page, which usually displays the field search engine   Google and a list of the most visited sites. A similar window is displayed when you start the main (home) page of the browser.

But in some cases installed programs   or exposure to viruses can lead to a change in the start and home page in chrome.

If you want to return everything to initial condition, or just configure the browser for yourself, use the instructions below.

Set the main (home) page in Google Chrome

1. Open a browser and click on the “Configure and manage Google Chrome” button, which is located in the upper right part of the window, to the right of the address input line.

2. In the menu that appears, select the "Settings" item.

A tab with the Chrome settings should open. Moreover, if an empty tab was opened, then the settings will be displayed on it, and if a site was opened, then the settings will be loaded on a new tab.

3. In the section " Appearance»Check the box next to Show Home Button. As a result, a button in the form of a house will appear at the top of the panel, using which in the future you will get to the main page of Google Chrome.

4. Click on the “Change” link that appeared after the previous paragraph. A window should appear in which you need to select "Next Page" and enter the address of the desired site. By default, the home page is set to quick access. In this example, the homepage has been changed to

Now, when you click on the "Home" button, the site indicated above should open.

Change the start page in Google Chrome

1. As in the first example, you need to open the settings by clicking on the "Configure and manage Google Chrome" buttons and select "Settings".

2. To install the start chrome pages   There are three options:

  • By default, the quick access page starts.
  • Work continues from the same place. Those. at startup, the same tabs that were open when the browser shuts down are loaded.
  • Installs any site that will open when you start Google Chrome.

In this example, we make changes using the 3rd method.

3. Click on the “add” link next to “Next Pages”. As a result, the Start Pages window should be displayed. In this window, you can enter one or more sites that will open on separate tabs when the browser starts.

You can also click the "Use Current Pages" button, which will add to the list all the sites currently open in Google Chrome.

4. That's all. Now you can click the "OK" button and check how the Google Chrome start page has changed at startup.

Proper setup of the start page is an integral part of comfortable web surfing, convenient use of search engines and sites. In this article, you will learn how to change the start page in Google Chrome (return the default settings and set the address of another search engine), as well as how to remove the start page in Google Chrome, modified by viruses (browser hijackers and adware).

Staff settings

To change the start page with google settings   Chrome, do the following:

1. Click the “three dots” button (menu) in the upper right corner of the browser.

2. In the function panel, select "Settings".

3. To configure the home page in Google Chrome, in the "Do not open at startup" section of the "Settings" section, select one of the proposed options and, if necessary, set the parameters in it:

  - make the start page in Chrome as a Google search string with visual bookmarks   recently opened pages.

  - instead of the main page, tabs are opened that were not closed during the previous use of the browser (last session).

Preset Pages   - the user is given the opportunity to set any website or several websites as their home page (they will all be launched when the web browser starts).

To configure this startup mode, do the following:

1. To install websites in the option column, click "Add."

2. Enter the full address of the page you want to make the start page in the additional panel. Click on the “Add Page” line → enter the domain in the “Enter URL” field.

3. Click “OK.”

Advice! Click the "Use current pages" button if you want to see it as a start page open tabs.

Upon completion of the setup, you can also modify the initial design of the home page:

2. Click on the “Themes” menu.

3. Select your favorite graphic design. It must be installed in the same way as other standard add-ons for Chrome.

The options in this block are also responsible for changing the home page:

1. Click the "Configure Search Engines" button.

2. In the "Search engines" section, specify the address of another search engine.

3. Select a search from the drop-down menu of the block to use it in the browser bar.

If you need to make Yandex your start page:

You can delete the start page in the “Pages at Startup” setting and enter the address instead. Or specify this system as optional. In this case, when Chrome starts, two tabs will open: the Google page and the Yandex search engine.

After entering the data, click “OK”.

Through the “Search” block, this task is performed as follows:
  1. In the "Other search engines" field, specify all the necessary parameters - the name and address of the search engine.

2. Then in the column of the search engine click “Use by default”. After activating this add-in, Yandex will be installed in the upper block "Settings ... by default" and will be highlighted in bold.

Another alternative:

  • in the block “When starting up, open”, enable the “New tab” mode;
  • in the “Search” block, select Yandex in the menu (first button) (provided that the address has been previously added to the browser search catalog).

How to restore the start page modified by a virus?

If you have a question how to remove the web address set by the virus, you must perform the following actions:

1. Use the previous instructions to restore a trusted search engine and remove malicious links.

2. In the “Appearance” block, click the “Show the Home Page Button” window. Next to “Quick Access Page”, click “Edit.”

3. Before changing the settings, copy the address of the trusted search engine. And then in the “Home page” panel, turn on “Next Page” with the mouse and paste the copied address, click “OK” (for the changed add-in to take effect).

When opening google browser   Chrome (Google Chrome), the first thing a user sees is the start page. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that this very start page can be configured as necessary. The start page setup is especially convenient for those users who always start working with the browser by visiting the same resource - for example, viewing mailbox   or exploring a specific news portal.

In this article we will tell how to change the start page in google chrome, and also explain what actions should be taken if in place installed page   suddenly another appears.

How to set the start page in Google Chrome?

Favorite Tab

So, if you are one of the users that we talked about at the beginning of the article, namely, you always start working with the browser by visiting the same portal, you will definitely be glad if this same portal loads automatically at startup browser, without requiring you to do any extra gestures.

But how do you set your favorite portal as your start page in Google Chrome?

Follow these instructions:

2. In the settings window that appears, find the section “When starting to open”, set the “point” opposite the “Defined pages” parameter and click the “Add” button.

3. A new window will appear in front of you and in it opposite the inscription “Add page”, you need to specify the address of the desired start page.

4. Please note that you can specify more than one start page - for example, we have indicated the address of the Google search engine and Youtube video hosting.

5. Now click “OK” and see how it looks like what we configured, for this we close the browser and start it again.

6. We see that both pages loaded - Google and Youtube, however, the search engine is in the first place, because we specified it in the first place.

As you probably already guessed, you can set more start pages, and they will be launched in the order you set.

The option to open the installed start page can be useful not only to users who are used to starting work with the browser from the same portal.

So, on the start page in Google Chrome, you can set previously opened tabs, that is, those tabs on which work ended when the browser was last closed.

How to do it? We follow this instruction:

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of the three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

2. In the settings window that appears, find the section “When starting to open”, set the “point” opposite the “Previously opened tabs” parameter.

3. That's it! It is done!

Setting the “Previously opened tabs” option will be very useful for those whose browser often crashes. In general, Chrome is today considered one of the most stable browsers, but if you load it excessively or if you have a very weak PC, crashes are inevitable (also do not forget). By setting the “Previously opened tabs” option, you won’t have to worry about the sites you worked on at the time of the “departure”, the browser will automatically load them again.

New tab

So, as we have already figured out, you can set your favorite sites and tabs that were opened the last time you closed your browser as start pages. However, there is another configuration option, it is suitable for users who like, as they say, to start from scratch.

You can configure the browser so that when it opens, a blank page is loaded, on which the user can enter any address depending on the mood.

To set a blank page as your start page, follow the instructions:

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of the three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

2. In the settings window that appears, find the section “When starting to open”, set the “point” opposite the “New tab” parameter.

3. Done!

Well, we figured out how to change the start page in Google Chrome, however, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, sometimes the start page can change without our knowledge. Let's see why this happens and what to do?

How to remove the start page in Google Chrome?

Before answering the question of what to do, it is worth understanding why the start page suddenly changed.

There are usually only two options, you:

- “caught” the virus, and it hosts on your computer;

- during the installation process, some programs did not notice that, for example, the site of its developers “wants” to become the start page of your browser and accidentally agreed to this.

Now, in fact, what to do. There are 4 ways to get rid of this problem, consider all of them.

Cleaning through settings

1. Launch the browser, find the icon of the three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on “Settings”.

2. In the settings window that appears, click the "Add" button opposite the "Defined Pages" parameter.

Dump cleaning

1. Launch the browser, find the corner icon from the three horizontal stripes, click on it once with the left mouse button, then click on the “Settings” item.

3. Scroll to the “Reset Settings” section and press the “Reset Settings” button.

4. A window will appear in which Google Chrome will explain that upon confirmation of the operation, it will clear all the settings that were previously set in the browser, in this window, click the "Reset" button.

Cleaning via browser shortcut

1. Right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut and select “Properties”.

2. In the window that appears, examine the contents of the "Object" parameter.

3. After specifying the extension “.exe” there should not be any inscriptions.

4. If there is such an inscription, delete it and save the settings.

Important!   If the Google Chrome shortcut is duplicated - in the taskbar or the Start menu, you must do the above with all the shortcuts.

System cleaning

1. Go to "My Computer" - in search bar   write “etc”, press “Enter”.

2. Open the found folder, in it the file "hosts".

3. The "hosts" file should have the following contents, if any other link labels appear below - delete them and save the changes.

What if the remote page reappears?

One of the above methods should definitely help you remove the intrusive start page in Google Chrome, but what if after a while it reappears?

This, in fact, is not unusual, especially when it comes to the virus - you did delete the consequences of the problem, not the problem itself. The virus will constantly change your start page until you delete it. Yes, you can, of course, permanently delete the page itself using one of the listed methods, but it’s better to get rid of the problem once and for all - therefore, download the antivirus with fresh databases and clean your PC.

Trial free version   antivirus can be downloaded today on the website of any self-respecting company specializing in the release of such programs.

The very same google company   in case Chrome suddenly starts to behave suspiciously, recommends installing the "Chrome Cleanup Tool". This program   scans the system and removes malware that can control the browser without the user's knowledge, while Google promises that useful programs   the tool will not touch.

This tool is loaded with a single extension file.exe, double-clicking on it, you will run a system scan, according to which the program will notify you of the scan results and recommend further steps.


So, now you know how to change the start page in Google Chrome, as well as what to do if it suddenly changes without your knowledge. We hope you find our article helpful, and the instructions in it understandable!