How to cure a hard drive from bad sectors. HDD Regenerator - we search and restore bad sectors on the hard drive

A hard drive is a fragile device. Bad sectors are damaged cells for storing information on the hard drive. After some time of use hard drive  a problem with bad sectors may occur. Therefore, it’s so important to recover from time to time. bad sectors.

This is easily done using various programs, but first you need to determine if there are bad sectors. About this, as well as how to restore boot hard sector  disk, our article.

How to repair damaged disk sectors

There are many ways to recover broken boot sectors  drive. Consider a few of these methods in detail.

How to restore sectors through Windows

If you can enter the OS, then restore hDD  not require much effort. To do this, call the context menu of the hard drive and select the "Properties" item.

In the new window that opens, select the “Service” tab, where we click on the item “Run check”. Put checkmarks next to the "Automatically fix system errors"And" scan and repair bad sectors. " After that, run the test.

If the drive is systemic, a reboot will occur and the verification process will begin. If the disk is not system, then check will pass  without rebooting.

The system itself will find all the errors and perform a recovery. Then it will display statistics on the work done.

But sometimes it happens that the OS does not boot due to bad sectors.

How to restore bad sectors if the OS does not start

If Windows does not start, then you can take a disk with a virtual system and load the virtual OS. In it, all actions to restore the hard drive are performed in the same way as in the previous section.

If you don’t have virtual disk  with OS then help installation disk  Windows After downloading it, you need to select "System Restore." The recovery console will appear, where you need to select local disk  from your OS. This is usually a C: drive.

After rebooting, a console will appear where you need to enter the command "CHKDSK [drive:]", where:

  • / F is a disk check and error correction,
  • / R - this is the search and recovery of bad sectors.

After that, press "Enter", wait for the recovery to begin. Then we exit the console and restart the computer. All is ready.

How to restore sectors using programs

To restore bad sectors on the hard drive, there are many programs that can be easily downloaded from the Internet. Consider their principle of operation on the example of the program HDD Regenerator.

The program restores bad sectors, remagnetizing them again. This is achieved by creating a virtual flash drive.

After installation, run the program. In the window that opens, several options will appear in Russian. You can restore bad sectors both in the operating system itself, and using a flash drive or regular disk  from the console.

The program will check the bad sectors (bad) and restore them. For the most effective use of the program, it is better to use a bootable USB flash drive or disk, which are created after installing the program.

If you carefully studied the previous notes and videos of this mini-course, then you understood the provocation of the question in the title of this note. If the bad sector appeared as a result of damage to the surface of the hard drive, then it will not work.

Manufacturing technology hard drives  quite complicated and manufacturers initially lay some reserve. Thus, the bad sectors that emerged as a result of a physical failure can be replaced by reserve ones, but their number is not unlimited. The process of replacing the address of an unreadable sector with the address of one of the backup sectors is called “remap”, from the English “remap”. The software implementation of this process will be discussed further.

So, the whole algorithm of "recovery" of a hard disk comes down to its thorough scanning and identifying sectors that give an error when accessing them. Such sectors are marked as “unreadable” and are excluded from the table of work sectors.

There are many programs that allow you to diagnose and treat hard drives. As a rule, these programs are aimed at advanced users and have powerful functionality, but an absolutely unfriendly interface. That is, not being guided in terms and definitions, it will be very difficult to understand the results of scanning and “treatment” ...

There are also more understandable programs targeted at ordinary users. It’s worth starting with them ...

So, you suspected something was wrong ... The computer began to behave unusually - it reboots, freezes, appears blue screen with an error code or the hard drive makes strange sounds. All these events can be caused by malfunctions in the hard disk or file system, but it is impossible to state unequivocally, since there can be many reasons and you need to deal with each case separately. But you need to start somewhere and the first thing to do is to conduct a preliminary diagnosis. To do this, there are many tools that you should know about and use.

Firstly, all well-known manufacturers of hard drives have their own utilities for diagnosing the condition of the drive. Now the market leaders are Seagate and Western Digital, which own other brands in the world of hard drives (Samsung, Hitachi, Maxtor).

Diagnostic utilities can be downloaded from the official site of the manufacturer of your disk and, as a rule, these utilities are very easy to use and just one click to diagnose the disk.

I will not dwell on this group of programs, since they are really easy to use, but not very informative. Usually they can only issue a verdict in the spirit of “Everything is OK,” or “Error,” but they can be used as a preliminary step in troubleshooting.

Another utility worth keeping in mind is the standard windows teamChkdsk  (abbreviation from English. check disk  - disk check).

This command allows you to check the hard disk for errors. file system  and if found, correct them. In addition, this command allows you to check the disk for bad sectors. Found sectors are marked as damaged and the operating system no longer refers to them during their work.

This command is launched using the command line and has a number of keys that allow checking in a certain way. The screenshot below shows the key information taken from Wikipedia, but most often the command is used with only two keys - / F  and / R:

This command is entered in Command line, which can be called up from the Start menu. In this case, you must run it on behalf of the Administrator.

As I said, most often the program runs in the format: CHKDSK c: / f / rwhere c:logical driveto be checked. If you scan the system partition, you will be prompted to run the scan the next time windows startupwith which it is worth agreeing. After the computer restarts, the partition will be checked.

If you do not like teams and command linesthen you can run CHKDSK as a utility. You can do this, for example, from Explorer - select the logical drive that you want to check, call the context menu on it and select the "Properties" item.

Go to the tab Service  and click Run check.

Here we can automatically correct errors and search for bad sectors. These options correspond to the keys. / F  and / R.

So, this is the easiest and most affordable way to conduct a preliminary disk check if you do not have the necessary specialized software. But still in the future it is worth using the program for a full and detailed check of the surface of the hard drive.

But before we move on to serious tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting hard drive problems, I want to talk about the technology that is already embedded in modern tough  drives and allows you to get some important information about the status of the drive. This technology is called S.M.A.R.T.  and I’ll talk about her in the next video.

In this article we will talk about bad sectors on the hard drivewhat it is and how to treat them. But first, let's find out where they come from?

Everyone knows that a Winchester consists clusters  - these are tiny cells. Each of the clusters is a logical repository of information, where files are constantly written. The combination of all clusters provides us with the correct operation of the entire computer.

Bad block  or bad sector  - This is an unreadable sector of the disk that contains bad memory cells.

Such a hard drive to work with operating system  is no longer suitable, but you can try to use it in the form external storageas a "flash drive of large volume." If you use such a hard drive for data storage, it is advisable to cut off the place where the bad blocks are located using the program for working with hard drives. For example, Acronis DiskDirector.

Bad sector on the hard drive

Most frequent reason for the appearance of bad sectors  is the natural wear of the drive, i.e. if the hard drive has been running for many years, then simply because a large number cycles of writing and reading to a particular sector, the hard drive begins to slowly but surely fail. As a rule, this is more than 10,000 hours of work. This increase in access time to the sector is manifested, that is, for a new serviceable cell - it is up to 10-15 ms, then indicators of more than 150 ms indicate a strong wear of the drive. If one sector fails, then others will soon begin to fail, which means that you should think about replacing the hard drive, or at least copy the information you need.

Why broken sectors appear - we figured out, now we will discuss how to identify them.


Maybe you already know about the program. Victoria  - This is a program specially created for deep diagnostics of the hard drive. Victoria is available in 2 versions: with and without a graphical shell (DOS version).

Received Smart in Victoria program

This is a proven hard drive, and its main parameters are shown here, i.e. data SMART. During a surface test, you can get the response time to a request for each sector. The time is indicated from 5 milliseconds to 1.5 seconds and higher, the less - the better, the faster our hard drive responds.

What Smart sways, then you can navigate by the number of "", the more of them, the better. Judging by the number of " Hardware ECC recovered"- it's time to change the hard drive.

  • 1 Raw read error rate 100 253 6 0
  • 3 Spin-up time 97 97 0 0
  • 4 Number of spin-up times 94 94 20 6522
  • 5 Reallocated sector count 100 100 36 0
  • 7 Seek error rate 87 60 30 564751929
  • 9 Power-on time 83 83 0 14 937
  • 10 Spin-up retries 100 100 97 0
  • 12 Start / stop count 94 94 20 6273
  • 187 Reported UNC error 1 1 0 103
  • 189 High Fly writes 100 100 0 0
  • 190 Airflow temperature 55 48 45 45 ° C / 113 ° F
  • 194 HDA Temperature 45 52 0 45 ° C / 113 ° F
  • 195 Hardware ECC recovered 80 64 0 100816244
  • 197 Current pending sectors 100 100 0 0
  • 198 Offline scan UNC sectors 100 100 0 0
  • 199 Ultra DMA CRC errors 200 200 0 1
  • 200 Write error rate 100 253 0 0
  • 202 DAM errors count 100 253 0 0

Victoria also has many other HDD operations, up to closing sectors.

With this function, bad sectors  can closeHowever, this will only slightly delay the failure.

Download victoria programYou can on the site, it is free and does not require installation on a computer.

If, for whatever reason, you did not like Victoria, then there is always an alternative, and many others, such as: Active boot disk, HDD Regenerator, R-Studio  etc.

Bad sectors are not treated, but are closed, and their place on the disk will be assigned to workers.

Restore HDD with Victoria

So, you have a damaged hard drive. The first thought that comes to mind: to give HHD for repair to a service center or to do an independent disk repair? The question is quite complicated, since HDD regeneration is possible, but far from always appropriate. However, it’s worth a try! Today I will tell you about a utility that allows you to return data on a damaged hard drive, making it work better. Program HDD Regenerator  rus will help us. As an example, we’ll try to restore my 120 GB hard drive.

What is "regeneration", acquaintance with the program

Regenerator hdd is distributed in Russian, it is not a sin to download the program for free, although a paid version of the product is also available, which even more accurately regenerates damaged areas of the hard drive. In addition, I tried to describe the process as clearly as possible so that the reader did not have questions about hard recovery  disk in the presence of bad sectors and other artifacts that interfere with the correct operation of the HDD and, even worse, can lead to the loss of important information.

Therefore, we first consider the main points: what is regeneration, what is the role of the HDD regenerator program in this process. The program took its name from the regeneration process - restoration, renewal. The essence of the process, however, is not in the real “revitalization” of the dead sections of the disk (that is, bad sectors), but in their displacement into the unused zone. Thus, when writing files and further reading them, there will be no problems, since all sectors will be suitable for work.

HDD regenerator works at a low level of scanning, working with bad sectors - in addition to Windows, you can boot from a live-CD or DOS OS. In this regard, the hard drive recovery program is universal. Therefore, this tool has been successfully used in data recovery companies.

Where to download HDD regenerator?

The program in Russian is a small problem to download on the torrent, also the program is available on various sites with programs for recovering the HDD disk. However, I advise you to download the free (trial) version of Regenerator in my catalog or on the official website and, if you like the Regenerator (read: it will show the real result), feel free to purchase the professional version.

First, download the program, install it, where the connected HDD drive. Then we read a short guide to using the program, Russify the hdd regenerator program and move on to the next steps to restore the disk. Be sure to follow the instructions of the manual, disable all unused applications, since the process of further work with the regenerator requires low activity on the hard disk.

As soon as you install the program, run it. You will see the main window of HDD regenerator rus 2011 with a selection of key options:

  • create bootable flash drive
  • burning a disc (CD or DVD) for later HDD analysis

In addition, you can run a scan of the hard drive to check for bad blocks on it. However, you can safely skip these steps, because at the moment we do not need a bootable flash drive or disk.

Getting started restoring HDD sectors

Next, you need to run the command “Regeneration - Starting the process ...”. After which you will see a list of hard drives, among them you need to choose the one that will be used for subsequent recovery.

After that click “Run”. In parallel, the size of the free space of the HDD is shown, as well as the total number of sectors that are available for processing and scanning, respectively. Depending on how many sectors are on the hard drive, the processing time is different, but in general this process is not too long.

Be careful!  It is very important that the hard disk at this stage is not used by other applications and processes, since the HDD regenerator 2011 program, otherwise, will not be able to get full access to the disk, as a result it will still give a message, you will have to close the interfering programs running in the background.

The next stage of working with Regenerator is very important. You will see a menu where you need to choose one of four actions:

  1.   and recovery of bad sectors
  2. Diagnostics and skipping the recovery phase
  3. Recovery of bad sectors in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe hard drive
  4. Display of statistical information after regeneration

We select the second item in the regenerator program, that is, we will use the diagnostics, bypass the stage of the actual recovery of sectors on the hard drive. Therefore, we select this option, press the Enter key.

We follow further. HDD Regenerator 2011 application requires you to specify the area, segment, which will serve as the starting point for scanning, analyzing the occupied space of the hard disk. At this point, the disk is scanned for bad sectors.

After the analysis of the hard drive, the results are displayed. A lot of valuable information is extracted from these statistics in the program: this is the number of sectors recovered, bad blocks of the HDD device, as well as those segments that are not restored due to objective circumstances.


Thus, the tool did its job, helped revitalize the HDD, as much as possible, on its own. As already noted, the free Russian version hdd regenerator  You can download it on our website, in, or on the official developer resource.