The program to remove broken sectors on the flash drive. Bitted sector on a flash drive, what is it? Search for a program to restore flash drive

Choose the best programs to restore flash drives. We tell how to restore a USB flash drive, reanimate it with free utilities.

Flash drive - A small device for storing information (documents, music, video, files), convenient for carrying and connecting to USB port, extraction from a computer, laptop. Contains the controller and special chips that store information inside the chip.

Sometimes we copy the files and forget about them, and when we recall, we discover that the valuable files either erased or removed permanently. Or the device broke, you formatted sections. What to do, often a digital flash drive (most often, the controller in it) breaks, generates errors, does not open onto the PC flash drive - will not pass and the month. Once a flash drive may require recovery. The reason for, maybe:

  • incorrect, non-accurate operation of the Flash-drive
  • incorrect formatting of media
  • a poor-quality flash drive, bought in the market or Zadevo in the Chinese (probably mistaken)
  • physical or software breakdown Flashki (most likely reason)
  • also, the reason for the inoperability can be an incorrectly extracted flash drive from a computer or laptop. This happens when an impatient user literally pulls out a Flash drive from a USB jack in the process of copying or transferring files.

The reasons when it is necessary to restore the flash drive that does not open on the computer or is recognized with read errors - the set. Fortunately, today specialists from service centers Without problems and errors will help you return valuable files, restore the device's performance. Recovery programs will be returned to the files in the target and security, or at least partially reanimate the data on the USB flash drive. It is worth the Flash Recovery procedure that are not so small money, which makes you think about the independent restoration of the USB flash drive. Alas, free utilities are not always useful.

For Flash-drive, SD memory cards to the same extent are characterized by all the symptoms and consequences of removal digital information. It may be a random erase, unconscious or simply deleting files from a USB drive, damage to the structure, physical or mechanical damage to the controller or memory chips ... anyway, but the recovery of the flash drive and SD card is the task more than relevant for PC owners. Therefore, first read the content of this section.

A flash drive does not open: we study the symptoms of damage

In the Recovery section, we will talk about the main problems associated with the restoration of information on the Flash and Secure Digital storage. As a rule, it is associated with hardware or software damage to the flash drive - if it does not leave or is not recognized correctly. Sometimes the memory is wearing, sometimes the controller fails. And the USB controller drivers are not at what. In some cases, you can solve the problem yourself and as a result to save files on a flash map or repair the Chip, device, ignoring reading errors on your computer. We list only some symptoms indicating the drive breakdown:

  • PC does not see the flash drive in the list of available devices
  • the flash drive is not displayed when connected to a laptop or computer (the OS does not matter)
  • the flash drive is not read: although the files can be seen on the USB drive

Help on the content of the section "Restoring flash drive" (Flash Recovery)

  • A small guide related to the question is like - the search for the reasons why the card does not work or the PC does not see the flash drive on a par with other discs (the device is not recognized, reads with problems, requires formatting, freezes, it gives an error when copying to the card and so on.) Flash -storage device. Diagnostics of faults is important in such situations, because without determining the disease, you can not heal the patient, and even easily ruin my life, we do not use the instruments, using not those methods and programs that are able to revive the drive. In this article, we analyze the causes of damage and possible symptoms that lead to the need to restore Flash disk, Secure Digital, controller, Memory Chip "and flash cards.
  • We try (with the help of instructions and utilities laid out on the site) and at the same time, it is high-quality - how to solve problems with your own hands - eliminate the breakdown on the SD card, to reanimate the controller, correctly format, solder a departed contact or memory chip, scan information and process broken sectors on Flash "Ke, sections with reading errors. True, the methods described require known skill and experience experience. specified tools.
  • If it does not open on the computer or is not displayed correctly. What is "vid & pid", as this abbreviation is decrypted and what to do when the device is not recognized or does not open. Explanation of terminology without which it is difficult to imagine restoration for flash drive, data and digital information on it.
  • - Testing 5 kindup programs, each of which has remarkable features when working with memory or a storage chip.

Restoring USB flash drives and memory cards. Utilities for formatting

One of best ways Resuscitation of the JetFlash flash card - reformat it again, low. As a rule, such measures are being taken when the Flash drive is not read. If possible, you need to ask a memory maker (say, a data, seagate, transcend sd, datatraveler or other), do they have branded utilities or fresh drivers for reconstruction. Scroll through this partition to help, and you will see several articles on the topic. low-level formatting drive Fortunately, in the Windows 7 operating system and above there are tools for formatting a Flash device without using third-party computer applications. One of these programs for the flash drive is HP USB Disk Storege Format Tool.

Diagnostic Formatting Flash Card in the HP USB Disk Storege Format flash drives program

Utility for recovery flash drive HDD Low Level Format Tool

Many know that hDD program Regenerator is used to help with revival hard disks (HDD), but not many know that it fits such a device as a flash drive. The essence of the program is the detection of broken BAD-sectors on the device, followed by the processing of the information received, depending on the controller and the memory model, on a low USB access level. As a result, you get a working device that can copy files without reading and writing errors. This greatly contributes to the restoration of the flash drives if the computer does not see them. Program HDD Regenerator. Equipped with a recovery instruction, besides, on the website Recovery website you can find a guide to the use of utility and correct formatting (see through the search). You can download the program to restore the flash drive directly by reference hosted on the HDD Regenerator Regenerator Review page.

We open and diagnose the problem flash drive in the HDD Low Level Format program

By the way, in other sections on the SoftDroid website you will find other programs to restore flash drives (for example, Flash Recovery or Jetflash Recovery Tool), but we advise you first to study all the information collected in this section. We hope, after the measures taken taken, the computer will see a wow flash drive.

Why do not you specify the cost of the product, before downloading the program to restore the flash drive and install it?

Answer. Download all the above programs to restore flash drives you can on the official website. Only reviews are published on SoftDroid - we do not have the physical ability to update the cost of the value of the products presented. When you download a trial version of the program, it is free. Next, see the value information from the developer or at the end of the trial period you will have a notification.

Ask us a question on the restoration of the flash drive

Site specialists Site will help restore data. You ask a question - we answer it for free (the answer you will receive by mail).

The question may not be associated with the recovery of files. The main requirement is described in detail the problem, formulate it so that you do not have to decipher your message.

Flash Drive Information Extractor - Program for obtaining information and diagnostics USB flash drives

Information about flash drive (model, manufacturer, firmware version) helps better understand the device, features its work. In turn, it allows, to propagate, restore files or fix the device.

How to restore deleted files from a USB flash drive: step-by-step guide

One of the top problems associated with deleting files belongs to the flash drive. Let's talk about how to restore remote files from the flash drive in Unformat. What free software to install on a computer, what program, in addition to unformat, is effective when working with a flash drive. The following methods will be relevant for uSB drives, memory cards, SD cards of digital cameras in the Windows OS environment. We will try to help you, even if the situation is complicated.

What if the computer does not see a USB flash drive? Solve problems and eliminate errors

If the file system of the memory card / USB flash drive is incompatible with the computer, when connected to a PC, the contents of this memory card will not be displayed. Accordingly, you cannot work with the device until you fix the format. In addition, there are a number of other reasons, because of which the computer does not displays a USB flash drive (SD card) as a separate disk in the explorer.

How to restore the flash drive with your own hands: Instructions for Flash drives

In this article, I want to tell how to restore the flash drive: About all available methods for restoring damaged, non-working, failure, faulty USB drives. I suggest the most full instructionswhich includes all available methods as well as programs that optimize restoring flash drive.

USB flash drive repair with your own hands: Eliminate hardware and software problems

What if the computer does not see the flash drive? Agree: the question is painful and frequently asked. Another popular questions faced by the owners of the flash drive - repair as a result of the breakdown. The USB drive has its own features of the repair of the controller, memory failing: in some cases, the storage device is not determined by the PC. What if the flash drive is not defined on any computer? This guide describes the intensive care hours of the "invisible" flash drive for correct recognition on the computer.

Overview of USB USB Recovery Recovery Programs

Errors in work USB flash drives Meet not often. Almost all of them are reduced to the impossibility of counting or record necessary information In memory of the device due to software damage.

Specialized programs provided by device manufacturers will help to resolve the problem and restore the memory card.

To restore the work of Noname, flash drives and those who do not have their own software for recovery, will fit the built-in in Windows Chkdsk. and formatting system.

Select the best program to restore remote files from a USB flash drive.

Damaged a portable USB flash drive or a memory card? These best-of-kind programs will help save and return information, and here you will learn what is the restoration of data from the flash drive. Among applications - Undelete 360, Cardrecovery, Photorec, Recuva Professional and other candidates. You will also learn how to reanimate the flash drive of each of the programs.

Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Free 11 - Program for free data recovery

Easeus. Data Recovery. Wizard supports many data deletion scenarios on SSD. We will run Recovery Wizard and in step by step, explain how to restore. IN free version Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Free has limitations, tell me more about them. Using the program Easeus Data. Recovery Wizard You can restore files for free remote information With formatted disk, laptop or removable devices like a flash drive or an SD card.

Where to download photorec program for free (for Windows)

Free program Photoorec is designed to restore multimedia data on HDD, USB flash drives, SD cards and other storage devices. Overview of PHOTOREC recovery features, scan options. Where to download PHOTOREC for Windows and other OS.

How to restore a SD card or a USB flash drive if the computer does not see them, does not read or records data? Problems with flash drives are rarely determined by their natural wear. More often than the causes of problems with them are ignoring users of the safe removal of the device, experiments with various software in which these flash drives are involved, as well as their pair quality. Below will look at the list of possible actions implemented in Windows, which may solve the problem, unless, of course, the reason does not lift in the mechanical breakdown. And we will go, friends, from simple to complex.

Restoring SD cards and USB flash drives in Windows

  • Note: Below it will be only about restoring the performance of flash drives, but it is not about salvation of data stored on them. This is a separate topic, and on this score on the site there can also be used by this program for. Most of the ways to restore SD cards and flash drives below will lift their data.

1. Hardware Lock

SD cards, microSD adapters and flash drives can be hardware protected from data recording or completely blocked even for reading. On such devices there is a lock switch, which is necessary, respectively, to set to the "Unlocked" position.

2. Problems not related to the drives themselves

The cause of problems with SD cards and flash drives may be politics windows security. It is necessary to know whether access to removable drives is not blocked (fully or in part of the data recording on them) by the computer administrator. You also need to check the card reader or ports USB computer. If everything is in order with the last, the card reader reads other SD cards, and problems still arise with a flash drive, however, do not connect it to another uSB ports, go ahead.

3. Windows Explorer

Standard formatting means windows Explorer Can help in simple cases like an unsuccessful data recording on a USB flash drive. Or when with this operation with respect to SD cards for some reason, a smartphone, a tablet, a camera or other device cannot cope. In any of the relevant versions of Windows In the conductor window on the drive, call the context menu, click "format".

We leave the source file system and first try to carry out quick formatting.

If it fails, repeat the operation, but already with full formatting (we remove the check mark with the fast).

4. Windows drives control

The formatting procedure can be attempted in drive management. To start this tool in the field system search We introduce:


In the disk management window, focusing on the size of the drive, we are looking for it among the disks connected to the computer. And in the context menu caused by it, launch formatting.

You can immediately choose full formatting.

If there is a partition structure on the flash drive, as on a hard disk, each of these partitions must be removed. This is done using the option in the context menu "Delete TOM".

And then on the site of the unassigned space formed, you need to create a single section. To do this, in the context menu on this unallocated space, we launch the operation "Create new volume"And follow the instructions of a step-by-step master.

5. Low-level formatting programs

Formatting means may not help complex cases, for example, when flash drives are displayed (in the same conductor or drive control) as unrecognized files with file rAW system. The latter means that either wednesday Windows Does not understand the file system of the drive, or there is no file system as such in principle. Actually, it causes problems with a flash drive or an SD card when it works on other devices, with other operating systems. In this kind, it will help to restore the flash drive to third-party Windows-programs intended for the so-called low-level formatting.

In fact, low-level formatting is a procedure that is carried out either in production conditions of manufacturers of flash devices, or in serious narrow-profile services. Miscellaneous PO for Windows, declaring this kind of operation, actually conducts common full formatting, but mechanisms other than those that applies the operating system. Such programs are well coped with the problems of flash drives, if these problems occur at the file system level. Consider two of these programs.

HDD Low Level Format Tool

Conditionally free portable program HDD Low Level Format Tool can format different types of data media, in particular, SD cards and USB flash drives. After unpacking the archive with the program, we launch it, agree with licenses.

Choose free use.

Directly in the program window, specify the problem drive and click "Continue".

Confirm the decision.

We wait for the completion of the operation and check the work of the carrier.


Fully free small SDFormatter program - another tool for the so-called low-level formatting. Works with both SD cards and USB flash drives. Install the SDFormatter to the system, run, in the "Drive" column indicate a problem flash drive. Click "Format".

The program wants to make sure of our intentions, click "OK.

Requests not to touch the drive until the operation is performed.

Upon completion, we test the USB flash drive or SD card. If it did not help, repeat the operation with the settings of the full rewriting sectors (nothing else, as complete formatting). Click "Option", choose "FULL (Overwrite)". And also press the bottom of "Format".

If, using the methods given above, it was not possible to reanimate the flash drive, and it is still under warranty, at this stage it is necessary to stop. And do not take any more actions, except to refer to the seller asking for a replacement device. To all actions that are described below, it is worth resorting only when already, in fact, there is nothing to lose. The following instructions are applicable for USB flash drives, and for SD, and for microSD cards. However, in the case of the latter, the probability of recovery is extremely small.


D-Soft Flash Doctor conducts the so-called low-level formatting, and further also detects damaged sectors (cells). Well, accordingly, it can block them and replace the backup. The program can help when flash drives or SD cards arise difficulties with reading individual fileswho fell on damaged sectors. The program is free, portable. I did not find the official site, but it can be freely downloaded on the Internet.

In the D-Soft Flash Doctor window, the first thing you need to start scanning for error detection.

In my case, damaged (broken) sectors did not turn out.

But if in your case, friends, the scan results will be different, and the bad sectors are detected, launch the recovery process.

The window of this operation promises that the process will not last longer than 10 minutes, but actually reassign bad sectors On the drive with a volume of more than 4 GB can take quite a long time. So the recovery operation is better to run overnight.

7. Refracting Memory Controller

Programs for the so-called low-level formatting or their analogues, in any other form, declaring the resuscitation functions of all types of SD cards and / or USB flash drives, are powerless in the case of a controller software failure when it is required to flash. This problem may have different symptoms, but more often it is either the computer does not see the drive completely, or sees, may even read the data, but cannot format any means. In particular, due to recording from recording, despite the fact that the hardware drive is not blocked.

Do you have an inoperable USB flash drive or other media and you think about what program to choose to restore?

We reviewed the most popular utilities. Which of the above programs will suit you and will restore the flash drive with 100% warranty?

Pull out all the data will help the only one in its kind HETMAN PARTITION RECOVERY.She is loved by both newcomers and pros for the convenience, speed of work and an advanced information recovery algorithm. Your files will be found and copied even when there is no access to the FS carrier or it is damaged.

JetFlash Recovery Tool is a branded utility that has the most simple interface and support for working with TRANSCEND, JetFlash and A-DATA drives. Management of only two buttons, it is clearly for you to do. You should not forget that the cleared data cannot be restored, therefore, the preliminary saving of information from the flash drive will not be superfluous.

If you have a need to constantly have a universal program that is convenient to apply as on home computerAnd outside of its limits, we advise D-Soft Flash Doctor, its platform does not imply a pre-installation, the launch is made instantly on any PC. Software Suitable for repair, unlocking,
restoration of the volume of the flash drive and its performance.

If you need to restore SD cards, we advise you to download F-Recovery SD, which has an effective set of simple options for working with damaged flash drives from digital cameras and other portable devices. From the point of view of a professional approach to Flash drives, the use of Flash Memory Toolkit will be interested, the application contains a whole complex of an additional functionality that can test flash drives, in addition, the program works with any versions of the OS from Microsoft.

Recognize maximum number different types Flashpels Flash Drive., among the above utilities, as well as quickly reanimate the performance of drives, can the USB formatting and recovery utility Disk Storage Format Tool possessing very clear and convenient interface. USB Disk Storage USB flash drive program will be able to quickly restore damaged partition data hard disk Even if the problems of flash drive firmware are detected.

If no flash drive program helped, we recommend checking the memory controller status using the ChipGenius utility. The program is working with USB, micro SD, SD, SDHC and YUSB-MPZ players of Kingston manufacturers, Silicon Power, Transcend, AdaTa, PQI. Further actions to correct errors, the restoration of lost data is appropriate only by Kli
The flash drive is determined in Chip Genius.

Perhaps each user is sooner or later facing the problem of flash drive. If your removable drive stopped working normally, do not hurry to throw it away. With some failures, working capacity can be restored. Consider all available ways to solve the problem.

Immediately it is worth saying that all procedures are performed simply enough. Moreover, the problem can be solved, without even resorting to some unusual means, and only only the possibilities operating system Windows. So let's get up!

Method 1: Check Flash program

This software effectively checks the functionality of the flash device.

  1. Install the program. To do this, download it by reference above.
  2. In the main window of the program, do a few simple actions:
    • in chapter "Access Type" Select "Like a physical device ...";
    • to display your device, in the field "Device" Click on the button "Update";
    • in chapter "Actions" Tick \u200b\u200bitem "Reading stability";
    • in chapter "Duration" Specify "Infinitely";
    • press the button "Start".
  3. A check will begin, the progress of which will be displayed on the right side of the window. When testing sectors, each of them will be highlighted by the color specified in the legend. If everything is in order, the cell glows in blue. If there are errors, the block will be marked with yellow or red. In the tab "Legend" There is a detailed description.
  4. At the end of the work, all errors will be listed on the tab. "Magazine".
  5. In contrast to the built-in teams Chkdsk.Which we consider below, this program when checking the flash device, erases all the data. Therefore, before checking all important information You need to copy to a safe place.

    If after checking the flash drive continues to work with errors, then this suggests that the device loses its performance. Then you need to try to format it. Formatting can be common or, if it does not help, low-level.

    Perform this task Our lessons will help you.

    You can also use standard Windows formatting. The appropriate instructions can be found in our article about how to record music on the flash drive for a car radio (Method 1).

    Method 2: CHKDSK utility

    This utility comes in Windows and serves to test the disk to the fault content in file System. To take advantage of it to check the carrier's performance, make this:

Step-by-step instruction in uSB recovery Flashpels in which I will try accessible to the question answer How to restore a flash drive Alone and without much effort.

It happens to help a person, and then it will be extended to everyone that you are so good and there are already the crowds thirsty for help. About everything so happened when I restored a few flashpels colleagues.

Now the people carry not only their flashki, but also flashki His friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else there is a bottle of leak beer or cookies - Figushushka.

It is not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest you to learn all this, you will behave. I'm just next time I emit. You do not want to learn - pass by.

With lyrics on this end and turn directly to the topic of the post ..

If yours flash drive stopped define like a disc, does not want format, does not allow you to record information or something else happened there, but it does not have mechanical damage, then you know - not all is lost. Most likely glucked controller And it will have to tinker with him. By time, this procedure occupies about 5 minutes.

I will say that there is no universal programs for recovery All varieties flashpels. You will need to find exactly the one that can work with your controller flashki.

To begin with, we need to determine Vid. and PID Non-working flashki.

Determine VID and PID to restore flash drive

Stick flash drive to the computer and run Device Manager. StartPerform - mMC Devmgmt.msc..

Then go to the section Universal USB Serial Tire Controllers.

Find your list flash drive. Usually, all flashki These are called USB storage device.

Click on the device right key and open Properties.

Go to the tab Intelligence.

In the drop-down list, choose the item Instance code Devices or Equipment codes (ID).

In this window we see PID and Vid..

Search for a program to restore flash drive

We go to the site and enter on it received Vid. and PID.

Click on the button Search..

In the results we are looking for your manufacturer and model of the flash drive. I have it kingston datatraveler 2.0.

The right column will be the name of the program you need or reference to it.

Everything. Now look for B. Google program By title or swing at the indicated link. Start and follow the instructions. Usually, in similar programs for recovery Only one button, so you should not have questions.

That's all!

There will be questions - ask in the comments.