I got a tablet on what to do. Ways to reboot the tablet if it freezes

Usually, when used correctly, tablets work without problems and there are no difficulties with their use. But, each tablet runs on a specific operating system, which can fail at any time. Moreover, it does not matter which system is used, since none of them is immune from malfunctions. In such cases, the user is faced with the fact that his device does not respond to any commands, in other words, the tablet is frozen. And what to do in this case?

Most often, this problem concerns Chinese-made tablets, but there are also cases when devices from large manufacturers also freeze.

Bringing them to life is much more difficult than any other device. Unlike computers and laptops, a tablet does not have such a set of buttons, and it is impossible to press a certain key combination.

Freeze reasons

The reasons for freezing are mainly divided into two groups: software and hardware. The first reason is the most common and you can fix it yourself. But in the second case, the help of the service center workers is already needed.

A software failure can occur due to a virus entering the tablet, damage to the operating system, and a malfunction of an application or settings.

A hardware failure occurs when even minor damage to the board, connecting faulty devices, or the impossibility of charging the tablet normally (for example, if the charger is broken).

Before proceeding with the solution of the problem, you need to determine under what circumstances and at what point it arose. For example, the tablet could freeze while installing or updating applications, when the gadget was hit or dropped, when the device was booted or while using the Internet, and so on. Further work with the device will be carried out taking into account this information.

Ways to solve the freeze problem:

1. If the program is frozen

When a specific program is causing the hang, it should be disabled and uninstalled. If the tablet runs on an Android system, then this is done as follows. In the menu you need to go to the settings, find the line "Applications", then the item "Running", and after finding the desired application, press the button "Stop" or "Delete".

2. If the tablet itself is frozen

In this case, the simplest, and often effective, method is to simply reboot the device. It is necessary, as usual, to turn off the tablet, then, for data security, remove the SIM card and memory card and turn it on again. If the tablet works normally again, feel free to insert the cards and use it further.

If even the on / off button does not respond, you need to use the "Reset" button. It is located in a small hole, in order to press it, you need to use some long thin object such as a toothpick or a needle.

Some tablets do not have a "Reset" button, in this case you need to hold down

3. If the tablet does not respond to any commands

Sometimes the problem is so serious that it is simply impossible to even try the previous methods. Neither display nor keys are responding. What to do? In this situation, you will have to apply "Hard reset". This method is effective, but unsafe for the information contained on the tablet. In order to save at least part of it, it is worth removing all cards from the device before using this method.

To apply "Hard reset" each device has its own key combination. If we take devices running on Android, then in them this is the simultaneous holding of the "On / Off" button and the volume up button. A menu should appear in which you need to select the item "Settings", then "Format System". Next is a line with the word "Reset". After clicking on it, the device will start rebooting, and not always immediately. In this case, all data from the tablet will be erased (this includes any information installed by the user: programs, games, video and audio files, photos, account data, and so on), it will be reset to its original settings and will become the same as on the day of purchase.

In the case when the tablet freezes and none of the above methods helps, there is only one way out - to carry the device to the service center. Otherwise, there is every chance to say goodbye to your favorite gadget.

How do I prevent the tablet from freezing and braking?

From practice, it has been noticed that the user himself is most often to blame for the braking and freezing of a mobile device. It is his actions that lead to system failures.

In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is important to follow some simple tips:

  • you do not need to install a lot of programs or applications that require a lot of resources, especially on devices with low performance;
  • you should periodically clean the RAM and permanent memory of the tablet from the so-called "garbage", that is, from unused files and programs. For normal tablet operation, its load should not exceed 90%;
  • do not install programs and applications from questionable sources;
  • use only official firmware and reliable antivirus. The latter needs to be updated regularly;
  • protect the tablet from mechanical damage and moisture;
  • not to violate the rules for operating the device;
  • in case of problems, contact the service center for help.

The tablet is an imperfect device. The fact that at the wrong moment it can freeze is quite predictable. Most often this happens with devices from Chinese manufacturers, but sometimes models of such leaders in this area as Apple or Samsung hang. So, the tablet is frozen - what to do? Before proceeding directly to the topic, you need to understand the very meaning of freezing, that is, the reason for this phenomenon.

The reasons themselves can be many, but they can be divided into two groups:

  • hardware;
  • software.

A software failure is the most common occurrence that you can fix on your own. In case of hardware failures, it will not be possible to fix the problem without the help of specialists.

Reasons for hardware failures:

  • pairing, connecting incompatible or broken devices to the tablet;
  • damage to the nodes of the gadget's circuit board;
  • power failure (breakdown of the charger, failure of the transils in the tablet itself).

Causes of software failures:

  • a consequence of the activity of viruses or other malicious codes;
  • incorrect operation of one of the applications;
  • damage to system files of the operating system;

Diagnosing the problem

In order to answer the question - why the tablet freezes, it is necessary to establish the very nature of the problem. To do this, you need to remember what events preceded the appearance of the problem:

  • installation of the application;
  • falling of the device;
  • other.

It is also necessary to clarify the moment when the problem arises:

  • in progress;
  • when launching a specific application;
  • when using the internet.
  • A situation is possible when the tablet freezes and does not turn off, or vice versa. Then the cause is no longer so easy to identify. If the nature of the problem is clear, the rehabilitation process is much easier. In many cases, a banal reboot of the device helps, but if the problem recurs again, then you need to act in other ways. For example, download a program from the app store that analyzes the cause of freezes.

    Method one, with hung programs

    If you understand that all the problems are due to a specific program, then it should be disabled, followed by removal. In tablets on the Android operating system, this is done through the menu "Settings" ("Options") / "Applications" / "Running applications" ("Running applications"). Select the required application and click on the "Stop" button. In the same menu, the application can be removed. If you do not know which specific application is ruining your life, then you need to experiment a little, turning off the applications one by one until the result is achieved.

    On iOS systems, in order to turn off the application, you need to press the "HOME" button on the front panel twice, then, while holding your finger on the desired application, press the minus.

    Method two, with a non-responsive tablet

    It also happens that the device may freeze completely. What if my tablet is frozen and unresponsive? In this case, a reboot is indispensable. The easiest way is to turn off the device, remove SIM cards, flash drives from it, and then turn it on idle again. This is the second method, often just "unbraking" the tablet. Then all the cards can be inserted back.

    But how to turn off the tablet if it is frozen and the shutdown button does not respond? To do this, you need to find a small hole, near which is written in most cases - "RESET". There is a reset button that you have to press using a toothpick or something like that.

    Method three, "HARD RESET"

    There are also more serious problems with the device. For example, what if the tablet is frozen so that it does not even turn on or turns on, but the display does not respond? In this case, a not very good, but valid option is used - a "hard" reboot. In this case, all information on the tablet will be erased. Therefore, this method should only be used as a last resort. To save at least part of the information, you need to remove the memory drive from the device, which can also be accidentally damaged. For this method, each device has a special combination or sequence of keys that reboots the device or brings up a specific menu.


    With the device turned on, simultaneously hold down the "HOME" and "POWER" buttons. You need to wait from 5 to 10 seconds until the image of the apple appears.


    ANDROID devices use a combination of pressing the "POWER" button and the volume up button. Sometimes you also need to use the "HOME" button. In this case, the device will display a menu where with the button or the volume rocker you need to select the "Settings" item, then "Format System". There is an item "Reset Android" here, after clicking on which the device will reboot, because of which you need to wait a little and not panic.

    As a result of this procedure, the tablet is returned to the factory devices and becomes pristine. You will need to re-enter your accounts, install applications, and more.

    What to do if the tablet is frozen: Video


    In order to avoid thoughts of what to do if the tablet is turned off and does not turn off, you must follow a number of rules:

    • avoid using modified firmware;
    • never install programs from unknown sources;
    • protect the device from shock and water.

    Comments (1)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "

    Often times, if you use the tablet correctly, then problems and difficulties are unlikely to ever arise. However, any tablet or smartphone has a specific operating system that can sometimes crash. In this case, it does not matter at all which system is installed in the device, since there are no guarantees that problems will not arise in the future. In this regard, users are faced with such an unpleasant situation when the tablet may not respond to a certain command or simply freeze, and shutdown is impossible. What should be done in this case and how to turn off the tablet? ,

    Usually, it is the Chinese tablets or smartphones on the android system that are assembled in the basement that have this drawback, but, nevertheless, eminent brands sometimes have a similar problem. ,

    Unnamed tablets and android smartphones are much more difficult to revive, unlike other devices. Due to the fact that the tablet does not have a large number of buttons like laptops and home PCs, it is not possible to use key combinations. ,

    Freeze reasons

    There are several reasons why the tablet freezes - these are software and hardware failures. Often it is because of the software part that such an unpleasant situation occurs. However, you can try to eliminate this cause yourself. Hardware failures cannot be eliminated without the help of electronics repair specialists. ,

    Viruses often cause damage to the system, which leads to a crash when working with the application. ,

    If even one of the boards is slightly damaged, some faulty third-party device is connected, or the charging simply does not work correctly, then there is a high probability that a hardware failure will occur. ,

    Diagnosing the problem

    Not everyone knows how you can still turn off the tablet if it freezes. But do not immediately take the tablet to the service center - first, try to understand when and due to what circumstances the device could freeze:

    • when installing programs,
    • when the tablet falls,
    • when installing a new version of the operating system.

    It is also best to determine when exactly the hang occurs:

    • when booting the tablet system,
    • while using the device,
    • after launching any application,
    • when surfing the Internet.

    There are situations when the device freezes and cannot turn on, or turns on and freezes. In this case, it is difficult to understand what is the cause of such a problem. If the essence of the problem is clear, then rehabilitation will be easier. Sometimes, after a simple reboot of the system, the tablet starts working without failures, however, if the trouble recurs, you should use other recovery methods. In some cases, special applications help that are able to analyze the reasons due to which hangs appear, which gives an understanding of what to do next. ,

    What to do if the tablet freezes?

    Let's consider some situations in which the tablet freezes and how you can turn off the tablet.

    If the program freezes

    If it is the application that makes the device "hang", then the problem can be solved by removing it or turning it off. If your tablet has an Android system, then you need to follow certain steps. First you need to click on the icon where the settings are located, then we find and click on the "Applications" line, we look for the application we need, which we subsequently stop using a certain button, you can also delete it.

    In the IOS system, you just need to try to press the home button twice and drag the application up with your finger in order to stop it. ,

    If the tablet itself freezes

    This problem can be solved by a very simple and effective method - restarting the tablet. To do this, you need to press the power off button of the device and remove the SIM card and USB flash drive, and then turn on the device again. If after these operations the tablet is working normally, then you can continue to work with the device, and do not forget that you need to insert a memory card and a SIM card. ,

    If after the reboot the situation has not changed, then you should turn off the tablet and remove the battery for a short time, however, they are often non-removable, then you need to wait until the device is completely discharged.

    There are also times when a button might not respond. In this case, you must use the "reset" button. It can be found in a small hole. It is best to use a thin object such as a needle or toothpick to press it. ,

    If the tablet does not respond to any commands

    It so happens that the freeze is so serious that the above methods do not help and the device does not restart. For such a situation, "hard reset" is usually used. This method almost always helps, however, there is a high probability of losing any information stored on the tablet. Therefore, it is best to remove the memory card so that at least some of the data is safe. ,

    To use this function, you must hold down the combination of buttons. On devices running android, you need to hold down the power key and volume control. After this action, a menu will appear in which you need to click "Settings", then the "Format System" mode and then "Reset". Then the tablet will restart, but perhaps with some delay. It should be borne in mind that any information will be deleted (including games, photos, music, videos, etc.), and any user settings will be erased, that is, the device will have factory settings. ,

    On IOS systems, press the main button "home" and "power", while the device must be turned on. You will have to hold it for about 5-10 seconds until it is turned off. ,

    If, after all the procedures, the device was still not able to revive, then it is no longer worth trying to turn it on or restarting and, most likely, it must be taken to professionals in the repair of mobile equipment and electronics - otherwise the device may completely break down and something will already be done not so easy. ,

    How to prevent braking and freezing of the tablet

    Usually, such a freezing problem occurs through the fault of the user himself - as a result of his actions, system failures appear. To prevent such an unpleasant situation in the future, you must adhere to certain rules:,

    • do not overload the device with numerous programs and applications that require high performance of the hardware,
    • sometimes it is necessary to carry out a "general cleaning", that is, get rid of the accumulated garbage and clean up the RAM (thus the tablet should not be loaded by more than 90%),
    • you cannot use those programs and applications that do not have reliable sources,
    • you can use only official, unmodified firmware and a reliable antivirus that must be updated in a timely manner,
    • it is necessary to exclude mechanical damage and water ingress,
    • use the device in accordance with the instructions,
    • if any problems arise, then you should use the services of a specialized service center for repair.

    Due to hardware failure or software failure, the tablet may freeze and not respond to user actions. This may indicate both a serious breakdown of the device and a minor failure that can be quickly corrected by yourself without much loss.

    Possible reasons for the failure

    Most often, users of old devices face such a problem, since the operating system and hardware wear out over time and may start to work incorrectly. If you encounter this problem at an early stage of using the device, then there is a chance that you bought a defective device. Hand it over under the warranty for diagnostics and demand that the problem be corrected, or a refund / exchange of the tablet.

    Also, do not forget that the user himself may be to blame for some problems. For example, you could introduce viruses on the device and / or somehow damage it mechanically during use. In this case, you will most likely be denied warranty service.

    Consider options for bringing the device back to life.

    Option 1: Attempt to Force Power On

    Provided that the tablet does not respond to the usual pressing of the power button, you can force it to work in a "forced" manner. To do this, simply hold and hold the power button for 10-15 seconds. If this is some kind of small system glitch, then the tablet should show signs of life and turn on. Perhaps it will turn on a little longer usually and / or slow down the first time after turning on, but soon everything should be normal.

    If the problem recurs too often, but it is also easily solved, then it is recommended to contact the service center, or scan Android for viruses. Any delay in such cases can result in unpleasant consequences.

    Option 2: Perform a forced reboot

    If the tablet does not respond to long-term pressing of the power button at all, then try to start it using the boot menu. It can be called by long pressing the power button and one of the volume buttons (which button you need to hold down depends on the device model). You also need to hold these buttons for 10-15 seconds.

    The device should vibrate, after which you will see the disassembled Android logo. Then a special menu will appear, similar to the BIOS in conventional computers. In most cases, the sensor in these menus will not work, so you will have to control it using the volume keys (switching between menu items). To select an item, you need to use the power key.

    In this menu you need to select the item "Reboot system now"... The system should reboot and work more or less normally. However, if serious problems are found on the device, the OS will start in safe mode, where you can find the problem and solve it without it. But do not forget that the functionality of the OS in this case is very limited, for example, the device cannot access the global network.

    See also: How to exit Safe Mode on Android

    Option 3: Charge the device

    With a complete lack of charge in the battery, the device may not show any signs of life at all (not even vibrate when trying to turn it on). In this case, just put it on charge and wait a couple of hours.

    This option does not always help, especially if the device was almost fully charged a couple of minutes ago and turned on normally. However, if you try to restore its performance in some of the ways suggested in the instructions, then it is recommended to fully charge the device.

    If the charge indicator does not even light up during charging, then this may indicate serious problems with the battery. Take the tablet to a service center for diagnostics and repair.

    Option 4: Find and eliminate viruses

    While using the device, viruses could get on it, which led to a system failure. But since you cannot turn on the tablet, you have to use your computer to scan the device.

    You will have to connect the tablet via a USB cable, since if you do this via Wi-Fi, then it is not a fact that you will be able to start scanning the tablet with an antivirus program. After connecting, refer to this instruction (the instruction is reviewed using the example of Windows Defender - the standard antivirus for Windows):

    1. Make sure your tablet is connected to your computer. After that, run the antivirus program. This can be done by entering the name of the antivirus program in the system search and choosing the appropriate option. In new editions of Windows 10, Defender has been renamed to Windows Security Center.
    2. Select the shield icon from the center or left menu.

    3. Find and select the item "Extended check".

    4. In the next window put the marker on Custom Scan.
    5. Press "Start Scan Now".

    6. Will open "Conductor" where you will need to select your tablet.
    7. Wait for the scan to complete. All detected threats and suspicious files will be displayed in a special window. Delete them using the appropriate buttons.
    8. Try to start the tablet using one of the above methods, disconnecting it from the computer.

    Option 5: Reset to factory settings

    This option is the most extreme, since it implies the loss of all user data and settings. Before starting the reset procedure, it is recommended to remove all SD-cards and SIM'ki from the device, as the data on them may also be damaged.

    The universal instructions for resetting settings on Android devices are as follows:

    In theory, you can restore old user information, but for this you have to use special utilities and / or the services of specialists. And it is not a fact that it will be possible to restore all the data.

    Option 6: fix the power button

    If you tried to turn on the tablet in one of the previous ways, but the device did not show signs of life, then there is a possibility that the power button is broken. In this case, the tablet will have to be carried to a service center.

    Provided that the warranty is still active, repairs will be completely free. However, if during the diagnostics it is found that the button breakage will happen through your fault, then the terms of the warranty will be canceled, therefore, you will have to pay for the repair.

    Option 7: Screen Replacement

    It also happens that the device itself is completely serviceable and turns on / off normally. But the screen can be broken or damaged. Even if you did not hit or scratch it, with poor assembly or careless use, the contacts could come off, which made it impossible to turn on the screen.

    Replacement, again, can be done under warranty, if the term has not yet expired. But do not forget that if you are the culprit of the breakdown, then you will most likely be denied warranty service.

    Fortunately, sometimes the screen does not need to be changed, as it can simply be reattached to the main structure. This may be due to design features and poor build quality. However, solving problems with screen fixing is much faster and requires less money than replacing it completely.

    Option 8: Replacing the battery

    Over time or due to a factory defect, the battery operation can be significantly disrupted, which will entail the inability to turn on the tablet. Typically, this will be preceded by long battery charging and rapid discharging. If you notice these signs, it is recommended that you immediately contact a specialist, as delaying can turn into serious problems.

    If you are sure that the tablet does not turn on for this very reason, then try putting it on charge for a couple of days and turning it on again (if necessary, use one of the activation options described above). But even if you manage to turn on the device after that, then try to take it to a service center (especially if the warranty is still valid).

    The price of repairs can vary greatly depending on the prices of the service center, the severity of the breakdown and the availability of a valid warranty. For example, if everything is in order with the battery, but the contacts are damaged, then the price for repairs will be much lower than if you need to completely change the battery.

    In this article, you've learned what to do if you can't turn on your tablet. Provided that one of the methods described above helped you, but the problem still recurs from time to time, take the tablet to a service center for specialists to examine it there.

    A tablet, like any computer, can sometimes behave unpredictably. For example, it may freeze while performing a completely undemanding task, or simply work twice as slow as usual.

    With Android tablets, this happens quite often, and this does not mean any serious problems with the device, but most likely is the result of a failure of some program or process. In such cases, looking for the cause of the problem is absolutely pointless (unless, of course, such failures are systematic), and the most reasonable solution in this case is a banal reboot. There are only a few ways to restart your tablet:

    Method number 1

    If the tablet freezes and does not respond to touching the screen and pressing buttons, try holding down the power button and holding it until the device turns off. This usually takes ten to twenty seconds. After the tablet turns off, wait a few seconds and press the power button again - the tablet should turn on.

    Method number 2

    If the tablet does not freeze, but is slow or unstable, it is also advisable to restart it. To do this, hold down the power button, and hold it until a special window appears, in which select the "Restart" item.

    One more tip. In some tablets, you can find a built-in utility for cleaning RAM. Since the reason for the "brakes" of the tablet often lies precisely in the lack of RAM, before restarting the device, try to clear the memory. If this does not help, then feel free to proceed with the reboot.
    If none of the above methods helped, then you need to do a Hard Reset. Read more about what it is and how to do it.

    No one is insured against malfunctions of this or that device. They also happen with tablets, which have firmly established themselves in the everyday life of many users. One of the most common problems is their freezing when the device stops responding to user commands - what to do in this case? This is what this article is about.

    The reasons

    There can be many reasons for this problem.

    They can be conditionally divided into two main groups:

    • mechanical;
    • software.

    Let's consider each of these groups separately.

    • pressing the power key and holding it until the gadget is completely turned off;
    • turning on the tablet with the same button.

    If the tablet slows down, then it is worth resetting the factory settings, not forgetting that all information will be deleted in this case and therefore it is advisable to make a backup in advance.

    Option number 2

    Usually on inexpensive or outdated devices, a small Reset button is used to reboot, which most manufacturers equip their gadgets with and is intended for use in the most extreme cases. This is the most extreme reboot method used if the tablet is frozen. So it is advisable to pre-save all data on the memory card before resetting the settings.

    It is necessary to hold down the button for 5-10 seconds, as a result of which you will get a completely clean gadget, as if it had just come off the assembly line. The device will start up and be fully operational.

    Option number 3

    Also, most often in tablets, freezes and the need to reboot the device occur due to software failures, and therefore it is worth knowing the simplest ways to reanimate the system.

    Not all manufacturers have equipped their devices with an emergency reset button. But almost every device running on the Android operating system has its own update methods in the event that the smartphone is frozen:

    1. Simultaneous pressing of the volume (to increase) and power buttons.
    2. Pressing the Home volume key at the same time on + or -.
    3. Using special programs, if the simplest methods did not help. It should be borne in mind that all drivers must be installed in the device and administrator rights must be present.

    Helpful advice! There is nothing wrong with freezing the device. The most important thing is that in the future this situation does not repeat itself, you should monitor the state of the device's RAM and promptly shut down applications that are not used by the tablet.

    From time to time, all owners of mobile devices are faced with the problem of freezing. If on a stationary computer or laptop this problem is solved by calling the task manager, then the tablet does not have this opportunity.

    Reasons for freezing the tablet

    The problem causing the freeze may come from:

    • from a hardware failure;
    • from a software failure;
    • out of lack of RAM.

    The problem can also be related to the slowdown of the Internet.

    Freezing of the tablet in case of mechanical damage is best "treated" in a service center. Doing this yourself is not recommended. Since the device will spend a lot of time in the workshop, you can try to eliminate the presence of a software failure by fixing it yourself. In case of failure and repeated freezing, it can be argued that the problem most likely lies in mechanical damage to the components.

    There are some tips for how to reboot a frozen tablet in different situations:

    1. The tablet is touch sensitive, but slower than usual. Press the power button and hold for a couple of seconds. A reboot window will appear. Confirm the need for it. After 20-30 seconds, the tablet will reboot.
    2. Some models have a Reset button. Most often it is recessed and located next to the power off button. In the event of a complete freeze, you can use it. To restart, tap it with a stylus or a toothpick.
    3. If there is no such button, or it does not work, hold down the power button for five seconds - the tablet will turn off. Keep it off for at least a minute and then turn it back on.
    4. The device does not turn off any of the buttons. Disconnect all accessories carefully, open the case and remove the battery, memory card and SIM card. After five minutes, put them back in and turn on the tablet.

    How to avoid tablet freezing?

    Freezing the tablet can fail at the most inopportune moment. But you can avoid this if you adhere to the following recommendations:

    • To prevent the tablet from freezing, do not load multiple applications at the same time, starting a new process before the end of the previous task.
    • Configure updates so they don't interfere with your work. For example, setting a schedule for night time.
    • Remove unnecessary applications.
    • Uninstall infrequently used programs from startup.
    • If you want to watch movies with your tablet, play games, listen to music while performing several tasks, select devices that meet these system requirements.

    Resetting your tablet

    Modern tablets are in no way inferior in performance to desktop computers. But failures still happen. Sometimes we ourselves are unable to estimate the number of installed applications and their need. The crash can be caused by a conflict between programs. Freezing is often caused by a lack of memory due to a large number of applications running at the same time. There are several ways to set up the device yourself, except for a reboot.

    If a simple restart does not help and the tablet continues to freeze periodically, running slower, then you can restore the operating system. How do I reset my tablet to Android? The procedure will roll back to the factory settings of the tablet while saving all data: contacts, photos, music and videos. This will clear it of unnecessary applications.

    A quick way is to go to the settings menu, find "Reset and Restore" or "Privacy" in systems prior to 3.2. After making sure of the correctness of our actions, we press "Reset". This must be done by connecting the charger to the tablet. After the reset, the recovery will automatically start, if it is interrupted due to a lack of battery power, it will not start again. Since the tablet cannot be rebooted, it will be possible to restore it only in the service.

    For Apple devices, there is a special service for restoring settings. According to the manufacturer, software failures are not typical for an iOS device, and the appearance of a blinking apple on the screen indicates mechanical damage.

    Hard reboot

    For the problem, you can use the Hard Reset function, which many tablets have. will erase all information from your tablet. For some devices, this procedure may differ, so before restarting the tablet completely, it is advisable to copy all the data to a removable media or hard drive of the computer. In order to avoid loss of information, it is necessary to clarify all points of the instructions for the tablet. Also remove the memory card before performing a factory reset.

    You can use cloud services to save data. In most devices, the start of the procedure begins at the same time as pressing the power off button and the volume control. After a few seconds, a sign with a request for the Hard Reset procedure should appear. Confirm its start, then go to "Settings", open "Formatting the system" (Settings - Format System). Click "Reset Android" or "Reset Android".

    Moving in the menu is carried out by the volume control button. Up - louder, down - quieter. Confirmation of the task is by pressing the power button. Read the menu carefully before restarting your tablet to avoid mistakes. After the reset, we install the applications in stages to determine which one is causing the software failure.

    For most devices, the procedure is similar. Before restarting your Samsung tablet, read the instructions. For different models of this manufacturer, the method of resetting the settings is significantly different. If you follow all the points of the instructions, you may not need to contact the service.

    The tablet is the same computer as a laptop, only its dimensions are smaller and it has a different system on board. It also has a processor, just like a laptop, which is responsible for all the performance of the tablet.

    If on CPU a command arrives, he begins to think more actively to carry it out and consumes more battery power. In the case when a lot of applications are open on the tablet, the processor needs to consume a lot of power for smooth operation and if it is not enough, the tablet freezes. This problem happens quite often when working with modern tablets, especially if Chinese-made tablets with a weak battery.

    Therefore, before looking for ways to reboot a tablet that is frozen when working with the Internet or during the game, first connect it to the mains and wait for it to charge up to 30-40 percent. Then try turning on the tablet, if it is, as before, does not respond to commands, then you will not be able to solve the problem without rebooting. This method helps to solve the problem in some cases - leave the frozen tablet alone until its battery is completely discharged and it does not itself disconnect... Then connect the tablet to the mains, wait while it charge, and turn it on.

    Many users, faced with the problem of a frozen tablet, immediately start looking for ways to remove the battery of the tablet in order to reboot it, just like a mobile phone. However, we do not recommend removing the battery and inserting it back, as it is done to restart the phone. To remove the tablet battery, you must remove the back cover and disassemble the parts holding the battery, which may cause the entire device to malfunction. Restart tablet using keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + DEL as it is done when the laptop freezes is also not possible.

    There are three ways to restart a tablet that is frozen and unresponsive to touching the touchscreen:. On most modern tablets, this is done by simply pressing the on / off button. and hold your finger on it for a few seconds.

    2. Using the reset button... As a rule, inexpensive Chinese-made tablets and old-style mobile devices have a special reset button hidden inside the case to prevent accidental pressing. In Chinese tablets, as a rule, this button is hidden under the cover for installing a memory card, while its presence is not mentioned in the instructions. In some devices, the restart button is next to the power button and is signed with the word " Reset".

    To reload frozen tablet using the reset button, you need to press it with an unbent paper clip or rod. When pressed, a characteristic click will be heard, and then the device should turn off. Then it remains only to turn on the tablet using the power button, keeping it pressed until vibration appears.

    After the tablet turns on, wait until it fully boots, copy important information to the flash card and remove it. Then go to "Settings" and select " Recovery and reset". Sometimes it is called" Privacy. "After clicking on it, the tablet will start to reboot, and all its settings will return to the factory settings. In this case, it is better to reboot the tablet by connecting it to the network. otherwise, you will have to re-flash it!

    In modern models of tablets from well-known manufacturers, there is no reset button. They have replaced it with a key combination, by typing which you can restart the computer.

    You can reboot in hard mode by selecting the "Reset settings" item in the settings or using the mode Recovery mode... To enter this mode on Android tablets, you need to dial the combination of the volume up or down button, depending on the model, and the power button. On iPad tablets from Apple, you need to press the "Home" and "Power" buttons simultaneously. For different tablet models, other additional keys may be added. For example, for tablets, in addition to pressing the "volume up" + "power" keys, you also need to press the " Home".

    The buttons should be released only after the logo appears on the screen. Then, in the menu that appears, use the volume control button to select the item " Settings"and in it" Format System ". Then you need to click on the" Reset "item and the tablet should start to reboot. If you have a tablet Texet, then in order to reboot it you need to select first the item " Wipe Data" and then " Factory reset", and then click also on the item" Reboot".

    After restarting the device, all your personal data, programs and settings will disappear. Therefore, the hard way to reboot the tablet is have recourse only in the case when it is impossible to "revive" it in the previous two ways. Before proceeding with it, it is imperative to remove the SIM and flash card from the tablet in order to save at least the information available on them. However, the Hard Reset should not be confused with flashing the device. If your tablet has "custom" firmware or "made by Root", then after Hard Reset they will be saved.

    Of course, these three methods will help you restart your tablet only if it freezes due to the occurrence software problems... If you failed to turn on the tablet in any of these ways, then this indicates that the tablet needs repair and it is advisable to do it at a service center.