How to delete messages from the head of the APP. How to delete messages and chats in whatsapp

Whatsapp has long been in the top three of the most popular messengers. The application is not demanding about the "thickness" of the Internet - the channel and provides convenient files to send files. Many cellular operators, including in Russia, do not even expose the score for communication through the program. It is not surprising that millions of people around the world are actively using VATSAP as the main communication channel.

Everyone knows that people Property to make mistakes. For example, in a drunk, to start the correspondence in the application, where the old saying was reigned by the "word not sparrow, I can't catch it - you can't catch."

And indeed, remove the message, the subscriber already sent was impossible. Once you have pressed the button and a new line, written in a rustling of passion or under the influence of degrees, arose on the smartphone display, it was impossible to change anything.

Some time ago, the guys from Whatsapp have been clenched over their customers, providing them with the ability to cancel the latest messages. However, such a measure was one-sided and cosmetic. The owner of the application washed his careless words from the dialogue, while, before the interlocutor they still reached.

But a holiday came to the street unnecessarily emotional users. Since the end of 2017, the latest versions of the application allow their users to really delete messages from chat fully and at home and in the interlocutor.

Instructions for removing messages in Vatsape

If the message has not yet been read by the recipient, then there is an opportunity to cancel message in WhatsApp. Now we can delete and already delivered and read messages are not only in themselves, but also at all.

Process itself removing specific messages from correspondence upolyu simple and now we will understand it.

First you need to highlight one or more messages to be deleted. To do this, click alternately on them, while they are highlighted by different color:

After selection, the garbage tank icon appears in the upper right corner of the screen. We click on it and this warning should appear before us:

In the Delete menu, you must select "Delete for All" item and click on it:

In order for everything to work out, the updated version of the application should be on both devices. In addition, it is important to observe the time interval. The application developers released on meditation to their customers only 7 minutes.

If the message has been sent for a long time, then when you delete you will be available only to "Delete I". With a successful outcome in the chat window, there will be a "you deleted this message that you deleted this message will appear, and your interlocutor will see the" This Message is deleted ".

This is what is written in the FAQ of the official community Watsap to remove messages for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone:

It is clear that in order to delete the entire correspondence from the chat, you will only fit the way to remove from yourself, since most likely most of the messages will be older than 7 minutes, and then and several days and remove the dialogue at the interlocutor will no longer succeed only if the most recent Messedi.

Sometimes it happens that the smartphone does not fall into those hands. This familiar situation when a friend takes the phone to see "Here are the photos from the last meeting," and then reads the correspondence or checks who you called the last days. Sometimes a girl or a guy can neglect the rules of good tone, and will go to watch private messages, and even if there is nothing terrible in the correspondence, there may be a grand scandal due to a pair of emoticons.

Such situations are able to bring a lot of negative, so many users often concerns the question of how to erase the correspondence from VatsAPP. In this article, we will tell you how to simply make a conceived and stop worrying because of the trifles, such as the security of personal messages.

To delete some messages separately, it is enough to go to the chat itself and choose them. Further depends on the type of mobile device and its OS:

  • If you have WhatsApp for Android - hold a message for a few seconds, or check the desired of them. Then select "Delete" in the menu. Ready!
  • If you use the iPhone - go back to the top of the correspondence and select the "Change" option. Then tick the "unnecessary messages". Left at the bottom will be the basket icon. Click on it and messages will disappear.
  • With BlackBerry is still easier - just bring the cursor to the desired message, and press the DEL button on the device keyboard.

The scheme is approximately the same on all models - you need to mark the messages and find the "Delete" button. This rule concerns video, and photos and any other type of information transmitted.

You can also delete information immediately after reading - so much less chance to miss something or forget.

How to remove all chat immediately?

For all types of phones and OS process the same - you need to hold the chat, and then select the "Delete" option in the menu that appears. You can also go to the program settings and choose "Delete all chats" - then the whole story with all users will disappear.

Deleting only works on your phone: Even if you delete the entire correspondence, it will remain at your interlocutor and will be stored there until he decides to remove it.

Following this simple tips, it is fairly easy to protect the privacy of correspondence and do not allow curious nursing nose into your affairs. Now you can communicate with anyone and as you like the topic, without fear that the family or the second half will see extra and create problems.

How to delete messages and correspondence in WhatsApp

Most users of modern gadgets worldwide use the WhatsApp application, which has become an integral part of their lives. Everyone sometimes has the need to remove correspondence from different reasons to avoid leakage of personal information in other people's hands. It is done very easily. If you wish, you can remove completely all correspondence and history of your communications from the VATSAPP application, following the elementary actions specified below. These manipulations relate to personal and collective chats. Deleted messages will be irrevocably erased from your mobile device. In order to find out more detail how to delete messages and chats whatsapp, Check out this article. Here you will find useful information about the backup saving of those messages that you need.

How to erase a specific message from the WhatsApp dialog box

  • Open the dialog box or collective chat, which you want to delete;
  • Find the start of communication and click on the "Edit" touch button;
  • After you click on the message you wish to erase, an icon appears in the form of a check mark;
  • Click on the icon with the urn, which is located at the bottom of your monitor;

How to erase all the correspondence or collective chat

  • Go to the "Chats" tab;
  • Press your finger on the line of this chat in the direction of the right left to erase it;
  • You will see the "Delete" button, then click on it;
  • Please note that when the collective chat appears, you will be eliminated from the group automatically, after which you will need to send a request for the application administration to accept you into the group. In case the administrator of the group is personally, then the new manager will be chosen automatic way. With more detailed information about the collective chat can be found here.

How to erase the history of chats, without leaving groups

  • Use the function: "Vatsapp - Settings";
  • Start down;
  • Perform a function: "Erase the entire correspondence";
  • Please note that having deleted all the correspondence, you will not be deleted from groups.

How to get rid of messages and chats in whatsapp app

You have the opportunity to erase your personal messages and chat rooms, groups and chat history, for which it is necessary to carry out a number of certain actions. This information will permanently disappear from your mobile device. In this article, you will find information on the backup saving of those messages that you need.

How to erase one or more messages from dialogue

  • Go to whatsapp program and select the message you need to erase;
  • Click on this message and hold it;
  • You can click on multiple messages simultaneously you want to delete;
  • Select a function: "Delete".

How to erase your personal chat whatsapp

  • On the main chat monitor, press and hold the chat that needs to be erased;
  • Go to the menu: "Get out of the group";
  • Press again and hold the chat;
  • Go to the function: "Delete Group".

How to remove fully chat history

  • Find a feature in the settings: "Chat Settings";
  • Go down and click on the button: "Delete all chat rooms" or "Delete all the correspondence";
  • Using the function: "Delete all chats" you get rid of all chats and all messages that are contained in them. You will still be a member of all groups that will be displayed in your chat section.
  • With the feature: "Delete all correspondence", you will erase all the information in chats, but you will be seen chat rooms in the section.

Probably, every user who communicates in the messenger or social network by accident sent an erroneous message. For example, what should be addressed to another recipient. Naturally, in such a situation, the question immediately arose - how to cancel it? And we all periodically make mistakes (spelling, punctational, etc.) and typos in conversation through applications. Of course, such a part of the correspondence with friends, relatives or colleagues, too, I also want to remove before reading the recipient to then write everything right.

Therefore, we decided to tell you on the example of the popular Whatsapp messenger on how to delete a message from your interlocutor.

To begin with, I will answer this question - is there any opportunity to cancel the sent message? Or remove it at home and the most recipient? If we are talking about WhatsApp, then "Yes." And it does not matter on which device you communicate - on the tablet, anipher or android smartphone.

True, there are several "but". First, it will be exactly possible to delete the message only on your account. In whatsapp of another correspondence participant it can be preserved. Secondly, it is necessary to know the deletion procedure itself and take into account some points. Further and talk about it.

Delete the message from the interlocutor in whatsapp

To delete a message from both users, that is, the sender, and the recipient, must be done as follows:

  1. We open the desired chat in the messenger with a specific interlocutor or correspondence in the group.
  2. Click on the delivered message that you need to withdraw.
  3. Hold your finger for a long time. Approximately 3-4 seconds.
  4. In the menu that opens, choose the basket icon. Then click to "delete everyone". After that, the chat should be displayed that this message is deleted. On the iPhone a little differently. After clicking and hold, an additional arrow menus will open using which you want to find "Delete".
  5. Next, we do everything as described above.

Previously, it was impossible to delete the message from all interlocutors in WhatsApp. It was possible to adjust the correspondence only on your account. But literally in October 2017 there was a special update for this service. Just in it and added this useful and long-awaited function. Before the release of the new version of the program, the message disappeared only on your gadget, but not at the addressee. The one who sent an undesirable messaging continued to see him.

By the way, in Watsape there is an opportunity to completely remove chat. True, if he is group, then for this action you will need administrator rights (or creator). If you do not have them, then just leave the chat. After that, the entire correspondence will be inaccessible for you.

What should I remember?

Naturally, without nuances and restrictions did not cost. After all, you can delete a message from WhatsApp at the recipient itself only under the following conditions:

  1. Both users use the latest version of the messenger, in which this feature is just implemented.
  2. Message was sent recently. To speak more precisely, you have only 7 minutes to remove it from the interlocutor and, for example, thereby hide the text of the undesirable message. Passed longer? You may not even try - it will not work for sure. You also disappear the item "Delete All".
  3. Finally, there is a third condition. Delete the message will turn out if it was not read by the recipient. In those situations where the addressee managed to view it, you will not even get a notice that the removal was successful. And the Message itself will remain at the addressee. We are lucky if at this moment the interlocutor will not have access to the Internet and "Your Words" will not have time to walk to him.

What if the participant has an old version of Vatsap? Then everything is in vain. In this case, on his gadget, the message will not be deleted. At the same time, do not forget that the recipient can see your message before you remove it from the correspondence. Therefore, it is not worth counting on an absolutely positive result.

For reference! If you need to remove voice messages in Whatsapp, go to "My Files" or "Dispatcher". Then go to the messenger catalog. Find a WhatsApp Voice Notes folder there (usually it is located in the Media folder). Just in it, all voice messages are saved. After that, delete those that you do not need.

Can I not delete, but to withdraw a message in Vatsape?

Finally, we note that in the Whatsapp + version there has been a long-time option that allows you to cancel the sent message. Take advantage of it just. Enough to do this:

  1. Go to chat.
  2. Hmm the finger on the message you want to remove. Immediately do not let go. Hold for a few seconds.
  3. In the optional menu that appears, click on the icon out of 3 points. He is hidden in the upper right corner.
  4. We choose "to withdraw". Then confirm the command. That's all!

Nov 26, 2015 03:04

If necessary, WhatsApp you can delete both separate messages and the entire correspondence completely. Depending on the operating system of the device, it may differ for this.

Erasing correspondence

Ways to erase messaging stories will be somewhat different for smartphones and tablets running Android and iOS OS. Accordingly, they should be considered separately.

Option 1: Android

Before you delete a message to Vatsap, you must open the application and go to the section "Chats". Over the correspondence in which you want to delete the message. Next, you need to perform:

In the messenger, you can remove not only individual, but also a group correspondence. For this you need:

If you just leave the group chat, then you will stop being part of it, but you can view new messages. In the case when the group is removed, the entire history of correspondence will disappear from the device.

Option 2: iOS

To remove one or more messages from the device's memory, you must open the chat page. Here are the phrases you want to send to the basket. The message menu opens. You need to choose to delete. Also come with other messages, moving them alternately to the basket.

There is a quick way to delete chat in WhatsApp, if you need to get rid of the whole story.

  1. Go to the correspondence page.
  2. Click on the command "Change".
  3. Click on the red circle next to the correspondence you want to send to the basket.

To remove a group chat, you first need to get out of it, and then press the removal button. If you just clear the story, then you will be a member of the correspondence and will be able to return to the discussion at any time.