How to stop the update of the wine 10 home tablet. How to quickly interrupt update

Any operating system, even the newest, is in constant upgrade mode. WINDOVS 10 exception is not: Developers add functions, improve security, correct errors. Unfortunately, not all updates have a beneficial effect on the operation of the OS, so it is sometimes better to turn off the update.

In Windows 7 and 8 / 8.1, the user could manage independently. But how to disable Windows 10 updates if the default is an upgrade without notifying the user? It is real, but only with the use of administration tools or special software.

How to disable Windows 10 update

Disable service

The easiest way to disable automatic update is to deactivate the Windows Update service. This method works on all editors of Windows 10: corporate, professional and homely.

After deactivating service, the system will not be able to find and install new components until you allow it to do it.

Setting up update

Another reliable way to deactivate the upgrade function is to make changes to the "Dozens" configuration via Group Policy Editor. The method only works in the editors of Pro, but it acts trouble-free.

To apply the configuration, you need to go to the update center and click on the "Check availability" button.

Do not worry, nothing will be installed without your knowledge. The system will find available updates, but you will receive the decision to install them yourself.

Deactivation through the registry

In the HOME edition, it is not possible to use the Group Policy Editor, so the actions described above will have to be performed through the system registry. Here the main thing is to be attentive and correctly assign names and values \u200b\u200bto the parameters, then everything will turn out:

After all manipulations with the sections, you should get the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ WindowsPDATE \\ AU. Now you need to create a new parameter within the "AU" section:

To make sure that the method works, go to the additional parameters. The upgrade method selection menu will be inaccessible.

Creating a limit connection

WINDOVS 10 has the ability to set a limit internet connection. The initial purpose of this option is to save traffic. We are also interested in the fact that with limited connection, new components stop loading.

The only minus of this method is that it works only on computers that are connected to the Internet on a wireless network. If the connection is set via an Ethernet cable, then you cannot install a limited connection.

Ban on the installation of drivers

Not only system components are updated, but also equipment drivers. The point is good, but the mindless update often leads to the appearance of failures in the operation of devices. Therefore, drivers are better to update manually, downloading from the developer's official website, and it is recommended to turn off automatic upgrades.

These are the main ways to control the modernization of Windows components 10 and the connected equipment drivers. Some methods are not particularly obvious: for example, it is difficult to guess that to disable the upgrade system you need to set a limit connection. Nevertheless, all the described methods are verified and work, so now you can decide on our own, whether the "dozen" need another upgrade.

It is extremely recommended to completely refuse to upgrade Windows 10. As a result, the error correction improves the performance of the system, the update of the security tools improves the level of computer security. In addition, if you use the built-in antivirus, it will not be updated either, which will try a serious gap in the defense of the OS. Therefore, the most adequate option is a manual choice of upgrades that you are willing to take.

In the old versions of Windows there were no problems with the disconnection of the automatic system update - it was enough to go to the Control Center, go to the desired category and set one single switch to the desired position. With the release of Windows 10, the appropriate opportunity was removed.

Disable the automatic update of Windows 10 is possible and can be done in several ways. Some of them are available for any versions of the OS, while others are for Pro and corporate.

No not safe. Updates not only bring new features, but also corrected bugs and vulnerabilities, thereby improving the performance and reliability of the system.
Malicious software uses holes in the OS to steal having value data. The attackers, in turn, create viruses for old versions of programs that are present known (information about which is in open access) vulnerabilities. Consequently, the longer the patches on Windows were not put on, the higher the risk that the details of access to payment systems, bank accounts, pages in social networks, etc., present at the PC, leaving third parties.

5 main ways to disable updates

Especially for you, we have prepared 5 basic ways to disable the automatic update of Windows 10 - choose the most convenient and act!

Control Center "Dozens" There is no ability to disable automatic system update. There is no it in the "parameters" - a new configuration panel, which appeared in Windows 8. In the "parameters" you can only set the period of activity - the time during which the user usually works for PC. In the appropriate specified period, the system will not ask to reboot to install updates.

You can disable auto updates via the Internet connection setting. This method assumes the installation of a limit to connect to the Internet. You can do this in the "parameters" in the "Network and Internet" category on the WiFi tab. The appropriate screen contains the "Set as limit ..." switch - it must be activated. After that, WINDOVS will assume that the user pays for each megabyte, and will not load updates.

3. Setting up group policies

You can disable automatic update by changing the Group Policy Configuration. However, this method of prohibiting download and install patches works only for Pro and Enterprise versions. If the OS complies with one of these requirements, then it is necessary to ban automatic updates:

  1. open the RUN window (Win + R), then enter the GPedit.msc in the appropriate text field and press ENTER;
  2. a window will open, where the directory structure will be presented on the left - there you need to go along the "Administrative Templates" -\u003e "Components of Windows" -\u003e "WINDOVS UPDATES";
  3. once in the right place, it will be necessary on the right side of the screen to select "Setting an automatic update";
  4. double click on the appropriate item will cause an additional window where you need to install the switch to the "Disabled" position, and then apply the configuration.

4. Edits to the Register

If the version of the OS does not match the specified requirements, you can disable auto-update through the registry. This is done as follows:

  • you need to open the RUN window and enter the REGEDIT, and then press ENTER;
  • complete along the way: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ WindowsUpdate \\ AU;
  • once in the specified location, create a DWORD type parameter, and specify noautoupdate as its name and as a parameter - 1.

But the easiest way to get rid of updates is to deactivate the relevant service.

5. How to disable Windows 10 update center (service)

For updates not to be checked, and, therefore, not loaded and not installed, you can disable the service that is responsible for it. It is possible to implement this as follows:

  1. open the RUN window and enter the Services.msc in it, and then naturally press ENTER;
  2. in the window, which will then appear, you need to find the "Window Update Center" item;
  3. double click on this item will optionally call the window in which you want to select "disabled" in the drop-down menu, and then apply a new configuration;
  4. in the same window, you need to click on the "Stop" button.

If you need to put patches, you will need to include the service described, only instead "disabled" select "Automatically".

How to disable Windows 10 update forever

Any of the above methods (except for the installation of a limited disconnection) prohibits automatic updates forever, until then, until the user wants to install patches.

Programs to disable Windows 10 updates

There are many applications through which you can prohibit downloading updates in automatic mode. But it is better not to use them, as they may contain a malicious code. In addition to one - Show or Hide Updates is the official utility from Microsoft.
It should be downloaded solely from the official Microsoft website. After downloading, installing and running, you will need to click Hide Updates and select patches that do not need to be installed (for example, all present). If you want to install updates, then the program will need to click Show Hidden Updates and select the necessary patches from the list.

If you still do not want to understand the subtleties of the system settings, you can download the WIN UPDATES DISABLE application. You need to download it only from the official project site or from proven sources. After installing and running the application, it will be necessary on the "Disable" tab to activate the checkbox "Disable updates ...", then apply the configuration.

Another application is Destroy Windows 10 Spy. The corresponding program has many features that are associated with blocking the ability to track users from Microsoft. One of them is to disable OS auto-update.

Disabling automatic load drivers

Windows 10 in automatic mode updates the driver, which can sometimes lead to an undesirable result for the user. To prohibit the system to install new versions of the drivers, you need to use the above-mentioned SHOW OR HIDE UPDATES utility.
It is necessary to press Hide Updates and select devices from the list, the update of the drivers that should not be performed. When the ticks in the respective checkboxes are delivered, you will need to press "Next".

O five of these annoying windows updates, as they got me ... The hand itself stretched to the mouse to disable this damn function, prohibit them once and for all to be installed on my computer. But ... In Windows 10, no update checkout buttons are not provided.

What kind of garbage? How dared? What for??? Why??? Yes, I ... Stand! Let's cool. This is not done to select a user, but for quite objective reasons. And the problem is solved very easily. Today I will tell you how to disable Windows Update in several ways, whether it is worth doing this at all and why "small -guing" try to deprive us of this opportunity.

Why should Windows be updated

About the perament system is the most complex digital "body" - holistic and self-sufficient. But sometimes in his "armor" detects bars - vulnerabilities that use hackers and creators of malicious programs in their non-aggative purposes.

There is a permanent race between the developers of the OS and the creators of viruses - who will find such a loophole. And if the first tend to quickly close it, releasing the update, then the second is to put on your service to get to us with you.

The harder the system is arranged, the more vulnerable places in it. Are there many of them in Windows? Just unrealistic. This is said to at least that the release of updates is underway throughout the existence of Windows, more precisely, while its specific version receives support. That is, the main purpose of installing the update is your security, and what sometimes it gives a refusal of them, we told in.

And yet, what makes users refuse to update Windows? Here are the answers that I have to hear most often:

  • I have a pirate. I'm afraid the activation flashes.
  • Through them are spying.
  • The specialist advised.

What can I say to it:

  • Even if the activation flies, which is unlikely, it is easier to launch an activator once more than paying redemption hackers for deciphering your family photo archive.
  • Assigning updates is somewhat different, and afraid of spies - not to use Windows at all. There is a lot of open source alternatives.
  • Such "specialists" is more correct to call pests.

That is, in 90% of cases, the refusal to install updates has no common sense.

In what cases, turning off Windows 10 updates is permissible

  • If the update caused a failure in the work of OS or programs.
  • If you are currently extremely important to the stable and fast work of the computer, and the download of the update can slow it down.
  • If you use a limit connection to the Internet and pay for each trafficking megabyte.
  • If there is little free space on the system disk.

If you disable updates for some of these reasons, after the problem is solved, be sure to turn them on again!

The fastest way to disable updates: Prohibit the Wuauserv service launch

Поствое just ban the "dozen" (and "seven" with the "eight") download updates, it stops and unloading the service " Update centreWindows" The method is also good because it works in all the editions of Windows 10.

How to do it:

  • Run the task manager and expand the " Services" At the bottom of the window, click the " Open services».

  • Go down at the bottom of the service management window. " Center of Updates"- the second bottom. Click on it 2 times the left mouse button to open " Properties».

  • Being on the first tab, open the drop-down list " Type of launch"And select" Disabled" If the service is executed, press the button below. Stop».

The same actions can be done faster. Follow the instructions below in turns (copy, paste, press ENTER):

sC Config Wuauserv Start \u003d [Space] Disabled

net Stop Wuauserv

To return the previous settings (on "Center"), follow these commands:

sC Config Wuauserv Start \u003d [Space] Demand

net Start Wuauserv

Instead demand. (manually run) can enter delayed-AUTO. (deferred automatic launch) or just aUTO. (Autostart when starting Windows).

Configure a consignment policy

E that method works in all the releases of "dozens", except for home, since it does not have a group politician editor. However, users of the home version should not be upset because of this, because policies can be prescribed immediately into the registry. And below, I will show how to do it.

Let's start with the editor. To open it, launch the system utility " Perform"(Combination of Win + R or a contextual start-up penny). We offer a team gPedit.mSC and click OK.

In the Policy Editor window:

  • In the left half of the window, we deploy the list " PC configuration» -> « Administrative templates» -> « ComponentsWindows» -> « Update centre" In the right - 2 times click on the line " Setting auto update».

  • In the Parameters section, we note " Disabled"And save the setting. So that it enters into operation, reboot the system.

To make the update prohibition policy immediately in the registry, perform on the command prompt (written by one inseparable line):

rEG Add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ WindowsUpdate \\ AU" / V NoAutoupdate / T reg_dword / d 1 / f

To delete a policy, run the following command:

rEG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ WindowsPDATE \\ AU" / F

I think these ways are more than enough to solve our task, but if you do not like the system utilities, you can use third parties that do the same (or almost the same thing), but through a beautiful window.

Third-party applications for turning off updates windows10

Here are their incomplete list:

  • (Microsoft utility for selective removal and ban on the installation of updates, good help for those who have this process with failures).

All of them are very simple in use, so I will not stop on each. I will show you how to use one of them - the Win Updates Disabler portable program.

Run, open the " Disable", Celebrate the first option and click" Apply now" After rebooting the PC, the Windows update center will stop loading.

A lavar reason by which Windows developers removed from the "dozens" button to disable auto updations in the "Center" settings, but left the opportunity to do it in other ways - oddly enough, care for inexperienced users. The abuse of this feature for ignorance led to frequent outbreaks of different cybersaras, which created problems not only to the culprits, but also in any other neighbors over the network. And indeed, you do not need to use this without need, because your (and not only) safety is above all.

More online:

How to disable Windows 10 update or welcome, viruses! Updated: July 29, 2017 by the author: Johnny Mnemonic

In this material I step by step, with pictures I'll tell you about how can you disable the update center in Windows 10. This problem did not exist in previous versions of the operating system from Microsoft, as there were several other update system settings there. Among other things, they envisaged and full turning off updates OS. The current version of Windows at the settings level for an ordinary user is deprived of this possibility completely. Moreover, only owners of a more rare version of Windows 10 can postpone at least some updates (by the way, security updates and it is not possible to disable usually). Owners of home (HOME) "dozens" and not at all can postpone any update of their operating system.

In general, I do not care about those everlasting people who are infinitely grumbled for the possibilities of their Windows and Klyanut Microsoft on what the light is worth. I will express the confusion for many: actually i even understand why the developers of the "dozens" removed the ability to disable updates. Primarily, this is related to security. Users themselves. Any information security specialist will confirm you that outdated, constantly not updated software is the most common cause of computers. Moreover, if you even have three cool anti-virus programs at once, but at the same time not to update your operating system and programs, then the chances of earning trouble will be higher than that of the updated system with one, not even the best antivirus. In general, summing up this paragraph, I summarize my thought briefly: in my opinion, do not turn off Windows 10 update just like that. This function "dozens" is a guarantee that your operating system will remain as invulnerable to cybercriminals. In addition, along with updates, the system is improved, new interesting features appear.

In which case, you should turn off Windows 10 update

As I said, personally, I think that it makes sense to disable Windows 10 updates only in truly important cases. For example, this can be done if for some time you need to guarantee the smooth operation of the computer by 1000%. Suppose, at work Avral, and you need to make a lot of things in a short time on your Windows 10. Of course, in such a situation, the assumption itself about a possible prolonged reboot due to installing updates, will make it take. Here it is for reliability and you can disable this option on day and do not worry for a possible forced simple machine.

How to disable Windows 10 updates

Now let's go to K. step by step instructions with picturesdedicated to how can I completely turn off Windows 10 update center. This can be done only through making changes to the work of system services. it requires special care and concentration, since if you turn off something wrong, then the entire operating system can start working incorrectly.

So to take stop updating Windows 10, We perform only 6 very simple steps. We have to do the following in stages:

  1. Right mouse click on the menu " Start».
  2. Select in the list of elements 8 item " Computer Management».

  1. In the left menu, disclose the item "Services and Applications" and choose " Services».

  1. The list of all Windows 10 services will appear on the right. It must be scrolled to the very end and find the penultimate (maybe the other in order) item " Windows 10 update center" Twice with mouse over it.

  1. A new window "Properties: Windows 10 Update Center (Local Computer)" opens.
  2. In this new window we need item " Type of launch" By default, I have the "manually" value (this is on Windows 10 Pro, and on the standard home can be "automatically"). We change this parameter to " Disabled"And click" OK».

That's all. Windows 10 update center is completely off. After that, you can check how it will work when trying to find updates. Open the update center (all parameters - update and security) and click "Checking the availability of updates".

Immediately an inscription appears: " Some problems arose with installing updates, but the attempt will be repeated later. If you continue to see this message and want to get information by following the search on the Internet or contacting the support service, you can help it: (0x80070422)" This is proof that the Windows 10 update center is accurately disabled.

Personally, I finally rebooted the computer above all the above-described actions, and then reinforced that Windows 10 update center remained off. Everything worked. I will add that in the disconnected state of the upgrade "Dozens" will now remain until they manually turn on it back. Do not forget to do it! You can restore the operation of the update center for the same instructions. The only item that will be different is the "Startup Type": To enable Windows 10 updates in it, instead of "disabled", you need to return the manual parameter and not forget to press the button " OK».

With the development of the Internet, the continuous updating of the operating system was the usual phenomenon. Now developers can correct and refine the system throughout its service life. But frequent updates of Windows 10 are not always convenient. That is why it would be nice to be able to disable them.

Causes of Disable Automatic Update

Causes can be the most different, and only you can decide how much you need to disable updates. It should be borne in mind that, together with the improvements of certain possibilities, important corrections of the system vulnerabilities are supplied. And yet the situations where independent updates are worth disconnecting, quite often occur:

  • paid Internet - Sometimes the update is very large and its download may be expensive, if you pay for traffic. In this case, it is better to postpone the download and download later under other conditions;
  • lack of time - After downloading, the update will start to be installed in the process of turning off the computer. It may be uncomfortable if you need to quickly complete work, for example, on a laptop. But even worse there is that sooner or later, Windows 10 will need to restart the computer, and if you do not do this, then after some time the restart will pass forcibly. All this distracts and prevents the work;
  • safety - Although the updates themselves often contain important edits of the system, no one can foresee. As a result, some updates can open your system for a viral attack, while others will simply break its operation immediately after installation. A reasonable approach in this situation is to be updated after some time after the release of the next version, after studying the reviews.

Disable automatic update Windows 10

Ways, how to turn off Windows 10 update, there is a lot. Some of them are quite simple for the user, others are more difficult, and the third requires the installation of third-party programs.

Disconnection through the update center

Using the update center for shutdown is not the best option, although it is offered as an official decision developers from Microsoft. You can really turn off the automatic download of updates through their settings. The problem here is that this solution will be temporary one way or another. The release of major update of Windows 10 will change this setting and return the system update. But we will still study the process of shutdown:

After these changes, minor updates will no longer be installed. But this solution will not help you forever get rid of download updates.

Windows 10 update service disable

Since the Windows Update Center is a system service, we can completely get rid of yourself from updates, simply disabled this service. In versions of Windows 10 Home or Home Premium this is done like this:

Unlike the previous version, the operating system updates will be disabled forever. Well, or before the moment the user independently enables this service.

Instructions for Windows 10 Pro

The professional version of the system has elements that are not in the home version. This allows Windows to disable Windows updates to use the editor of the local group policy. The result will be exactly the same as when it is turned off by another method:

Disable Windows 10 updates by registry editors

Disconnection through the registry will also allow you to disable updates once and for all. But it is worth remembering that any registry changes are under your responsibility, and inattention can harm your computer. You need to create a new parameter in the registry and configure it:

Restriction of updates using limit Internet

Windows updates should not be loaded with limited connection traffic. Automatically this feature does not always work correctly, but we can enable this setting to limit updates manually:

Video: Disable Windows 10 updates

Disable Windows Reboot To Update

As mentioned above, Windows 10 may be forcibly rebooted to make updates. It is worth limiting this feature of the operating system if you want to work with convenience. There are different ways to create a reboot so that it is not performed independently. The easiest of them is an increase in the number of notifications before restarting:

We limit the reboot through the "task scheduler"

If Windows 10 is going to restart, this task appears in the appropriate service. So do the following:

Unfortunately, just disable this task - not enough. In the future, Windows 10 can re-activate it without a user's knowledge. To fix it, do the following:

Setting time to restart

If your main problem is not the fact that it is forced reboot, and the fact that it happens in an inconvenient time, you can independently set the schedule for such work. To do this, use the time setting when the user is active for the device. After setting, the update at the specified time will not be carried out. The setting itself is made as follows:

Disable automatic restart via local group policy editor

In the Windows version of Windows 10 Professional, this item can also be configured via Group Policy Editor:

Thus, we have banned the computer to restart if there are active user sessions.

For other versions of Windows 10, which do not have a local group policy editor, you can set up the same through the registry. The instruction almost fully complies with the manual for the disconnection of updates through the registry, there is only one difference: the DWORD parameter that we created in the AU directory should be called NoautorebootWithLoggedonusers
Create noautorebootwithloggedonusers parameter with value 1

Disable Windows Store update

Shop in Windows 10 can start independently download updates for installed programs. In some situations it is convenient, but sometimes it is undesirable for the user. To disable these updates, follow these steps:

After that, your programs will not be updated and you can work in older versions. You can return the ability to download updates by simply shifting this slider back.

Prohibit automatic loading of drivers

The next thing that Windows 10 can download without the knowledge of users is the hardware drivers and their updates. You can also ban this action:

Prohibition of the Pirot Distribution of Updates

Windows 10 uses the P2P update download system. This means that you download updates not only from Microsoft servers, but also with the help of a network of other users. This means a larger load on your network, since updates will be opened from your computer. Disable it as follows:

These actions will be enough for other users to receive Windows 10 updates using your Internet traffic.

Programs to disable Windows 10 updates

If you do not want to deactivate updates manually, there are many reliable and convenient programs. Most of them are simple utilities, the only task of which is to turn off Windows updates.

A simple program that comes in two versions. In one, it will require installation into the system, and in the other it will work as a utility. Portable version, of course, more convenient, as it can work with a flash drive. To use it is easy:

After rebooting in Windows Updates, you can see that everything went successfully.
If you see an error in the center of updates, the shutdown passed successfully

Windows Update Blocker Utility

Another simple program made with the same purpose. After download, do the following:

Video: Quick way to disable Windows 10 updates forever

Disable update notifications

In another situation, the updates themselves will not interfere, but annoying messages about the need for their installation will be pretty distract. They can also be disabled:

Windows 10 is a good operating system made by professionals. But, unfortunately, it is not flexible enough to configure important functions. In this way of users, they are trying to protect against rampant actions, which can sometimes attribute and disable updates. But now, when you know, for which they are worth it and how it is done, you are experienced enough in order to get around this restriction by any convenient way to you.