How to delete VATSAP files. How to delete sent message WhatsApp at the interlocutor

Whatsapp has long been in the top three of the most popular messengers. The application is not demanding about the "thickness" of the Internet - the channel and provides convenient files to send files. Many cellular operators, including in Russia, do not even expose the score for communication through the program. It is not surprising that millions of people around the world are actively using VATSAP as the main communication channel.

Everyone knows that people Property to make mistakes. For example, in a drunk, to start the correspondence in the application, where the old saying was reigned by the "word not sparrow, I can't catch it - you can't catch."

And indeed, remove the message, the subscriber already sent was impossible. Once you have pressed the button and a new line, written in a rustling of passion or under the influence of degrees, arose on the smartphone display, it was impossible to change anything.

Some time ago, the guys from Whatsapp have been clenched over their customers, providing them with the ability to cancel the latest messages. However, such a measure was one-sided and cosmetic. The owner of the application washed his careless words from the dialogue, while, before the interlocutor they still reached.

But a holiday came to the street unnecessarily emotional users. Since the end of 2017, the latest versions of the application allow their users to really delete messages from chat fully and at home and in the interlocutor.

Instructions for removing messages in Vatsape

If the message has not yet been read by the recipient, then there is an opportunity to cancel message in WhatsApp. Now we can delete and already delivered and read messages are not only in themselves, but also at all.

Process itself removing specific messages from correspondence upolyu simple and now we will understand it.

First you need to highlight one or more messages to be deleted. To do this, click alternately on them, while they are highlighted by different color:

After selection, the garbage tank icon appears in the upper right corner of the screen. We click on it and this warning should appear before us:

In the Delete menu, you must select "Delete for All" item and click on it:

In order for everything to work out, the updated version of the application should be on both devices. In addition, it is important to observe the time interval. The application developers released on meditation to their customers only 7 minutes.

If the message has been sent for a long time, then when you delete you will be available only to "Delete I". With a successful outcome in the chat window, there will be a "you deleted this message that you deleted this message will appear, and your interlocutor will see the" This Message is deleted ".

This is what is written in the FAQ of the official community Watsap to remove messages for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone:

It is clear that in order to delete the entire correspondence from the chat, you will only fit the way to remove from yourself, since most likely most of the messages will be older than 7 minutes, and then and several days and remove the dialogue at the interlocutor will no longer succeed only if the most recent Messedi.

The sent message in whatsapp is removed very simple: taping on it, keep pressing until "basket" at the top of the screen appears, and then confirm the solution to the standard OK.

But I suspect that this page you walked for us to explain to you such banal things.

You probably more interested in how in Quickly delete the message until the addressee has yet managed to read it. For example, when it left not to those who need, not in that chat, or you just need to "take your words back."

So, tell.

Delete Before you read it, you can only if it is figuratively speaking, not yet left your smartphone or tablet.

That is, you need to have time before in the chat next to the message "Tick" (Recall, 1 Tick - Message Posted, 2 Ticks - a message is received, 2 blue checkboxes - read).

But in WhatsApp there was a special feature that is called " Remove all » ( DELETE FOR EVERYONE). She appeared in the messenger after a recent update. So if you have not seen it yet, you must first update whatsapp.

In terms of practicality, this is implemented quite intelligently. Seeing that the message was "not there", but it seems to be not yet read, you instantly find it in the chat, you quickly tap on it and keep pressing until the small menu is popped up on the screen, in which you need to click " Delete for all«.

"Delete for all" can be used for . That you mean in such a way you can remove not only unread textiles in chat, but also pictures, gif and other pictures, as well as videos and documents. The system works both on IOS and on Android devices.

However ... repeat. If the addressee has already read the message (twigs two and they are already blue), then to use " Delete for all" there's no point.

On the fact of successful removal of the message, a special notification appears in the chat, which see all the correspondence participants, because to hide the fact of sending messages will not work anyway. In addition, it is possible to delete an unread message in such a way for the first 7 minutes after it is sent.

We also note that "delete for all" is valid only in new versions of WhatsApp, it simply does not work in the old focus. In this case, if the message has not been deleted, you do not get a notification.

[Supplemented] There is still at least one (truth, slightly extreme) way to delete the sent message in WhatsApp. Moreover, it works even after 7 minutes, that is, after, after the "Delete for All" function has already turned off.

So, even if there was a lot of time, and it is necessary to delete anyway, we try the following:

  • rapidly turn off Wi-Fi and mobile Internet in a smartphone (or turn on the flight mode?);
  • open the "Settings", Tapack "Date and Time" and "Out" Time ago before a message was sent, which must now be deleted;
  • open WhatsApp, we find this message, tap the basket and choose "Delete for All";
  • in the "Settings" set the correct time.

Nov 26, 2015 03:04

If necessary, WhatsApp you can delete both separate messages and the entire correspondence completely. Depending on the operating system of the device, it may differ for this.

Erasing correspondence

Ways to erase messaging stories will be somewhat different for smartphones and tablets running Android and iOS OS. Accordingly, they should be considered separately.

Option 1: Android

Before you delete a message to Vatsap, you must open the application and go to the section "Chats". Over the correspondence in which you want to delete the message. Next, you need to perform:

In the messenger, you can remove not only individual, but also a group correspondence. For this you need:

If you just leave the group chat, then you will stop being part of it, but you can view new messages. In the case when the group is removed, the entire history of correspondence will disappear from the device.

Option 2: iOS

To remove one or more messages from the device's memory, you must open the chat page. Here are the phrases you want to send to the basket. The message menu opens. You need to choose to delete. Also come with other messages, moving them alternately to the basket.

There is a quick way to delete chat in WhatsApp, if you need to get rid of the whole story.

  1. Go to the correspondence page.
  2. Click on the command "Change".
  3. Click on the red circle next to the correspondence you want to send to the basket.

To remove a group chat, you first need to get out of it, and then press the removal button. If you just clear the story, then you will be a member of the correspondence and will be able to return to the discussion at any time.

Often the phone gets not in those hands. It takes acquaintances at a party to see your photos or snapshots of the cat, and then read the correspondence in ottomad or personal messages. Your smartphone is often used by your girl or a guy who can because of a completely pleon-free correspondence with an old acquaintance to start a scandal. Therefore, many phone owners that use the application are interested in how to remove a message or correspondence in WhatsApp. Our simple tips will help you effectively erase all the "secret" information! ;-)

First of all, run the program and find those messages from which you need to get rid of. The removal method depends on the type of smartphone, for example:

  • In BlackBerry, travel the cursor to the message and click on the keyboard key " Del." All confidential information is no longer on the smartphone.
  • To delete correspondence from the iPhone, you need to go to its beginning and click on the button " Change" Highlight that information from which you need to get rid of, and find an image of a trash basket on the display (this icon is in the lower left corner).
  • On the phones on the system, click on the message or select a few pieces. In the find menu, the "button" Delete».

The process of getting rid of unnecessary texts, images and other data is the same on all smartphones. You must select information, find the appropriate button on the display or select it from the menu.

You can delete information directly during communication: immediately after reading them. Thus, you will not leave a single track in your phone.

How to remove chat and all his story?

Regardless of the model of the smartphone and the operating system, find an unnecessary personal chat, highlight it and click on the corresponding button.

To get rid of the history of the chat and all the correspondence, go to the application settings. There find " Remove all correspondence / all chats"And click on this button.

Delete correspondence and other data in the WhatsApp application only on your smartphone. The information that has already been delivered to the interlocutor will be stored on his mobile device.

Remove from the interlocutor

This feature appeared in October 2017. To delete the message Watsap at the interlocutor, you need to make a few simple steps:

It is worth noting that this service will be available only on new versions of the application;

As you can see, following our ordinary tips, you reliably protect your personal space and confidential information! Now you can frankly communicate on the Internet and do not think that "interesting" or candid messages suddenly read your friends or loved ones :-).

Have you ever error to send a message to the user for whom it is not intended? It happens all this! Sometimes it looks quite unpleasant and want to quickly delete the sent message from whatsapp at the interlocutor while he did not read it. How to do it? Yes, very simple! And I will tell you how to do it on a smartphone running Android OS, as well as on the iPhone or iPad.

Deleting messages from whatsapp on android

In the Chat window, find the message you want to remove from the interlocutor to Vatsap, click on it with your finger and hold for additional tools at the top of the chat window.

Find there "Delete" icon and press it. In response to this application will issue in such a window:

To erase the message from whatsapp at the interlocutor, click on the "Delete from All" button.

Another warning will pop up - "The message you selected will be removed from all chat participants who use the latest WhatsApp version":

We agree and click on the OK button. Ready!

How to delete whatsapp message on the iPhone

On devices running the Apple iOS operating system - iPhone and iPad - To delete a message in Vatsape, you need to highlight it so that the action menu appears with the message:

Click on an arrow icon to appear all menu items. Select "Delete". Messenger Offer Highlight One or more Messages you want to remove:

After selecting the desired, click on the basket icon. The program will issue this request:

Click on the "Delete Messages" button so that whatsapp removes them from the chat you and at the interlocutor.

How to erase the sent message in whatsapp after 68 minutes

You can remove the VATSAP correspondence in the method above only for 68 minutes after sending the first message. Here 68 minutes is a technical limitation of the application. If more time passed - it's not a message from the interlocutor. What to do in this case?!

As always, everything is ingenious easy! As practice has shown, it is enough to go to the phone, activate the flight mode so that it does not climb on the network. After that, open it time settings, disconnect the automatic time from the network and put the time manually, for that period when the message was sent. Now you can open WhatsApp and delete the desired messages from the interlocutor. PROFIT!

P.S.:And yes, after all operations, do not forget to return to the phone settings and set the correct time!