How to make art photos online. How to make an art photo in Adobe Photoshop

Perhaps you have long wanted to learn to draw beautifully on your computer. To date, there are a lot of programs on the Internet for this. Some are better suited for children, where there are several brushes and many paints, others - for professional photo processing, third - for creating 3D characters. What to choose a program for drawing arts on your PC? In this article I will describe the best software for you.

The Artrage program was created specifically for creating realistic art patterns with a brush on a computer. Various tools for creating a picture lie on the palette and are available on a mouse click. Among them: Watercolor, Oil (Oil), Mastikhin (Palette Knife), Paint Roller, Pencil, Feather (Ink Pen), Airbrush (Airbrush), it is very convenient. Based on which tool is selected, you are available to its settings (dryness, press strength, etc.). All properties of the selected tool You can also observe in front of yourself and choose, for example, the size of the smear that needs to be applied.

The editor is perfect for those who want to learn how to write paintings by watercolor, butter, pastel and other art technicians. For users, 2 versions of the editor are provided: Studio and Studio Pro.

"Pro" version has many additional and advanced features. It is available compatible with Photoshop filter, scripting picture record, blocking changes in the transparency of improvements and layers, etc. Artrage editor versions are available at When creating pictures in this program, the final image is obtained so high-quality that it seems to be created in a special artistic studio.

Pixia - a simple raster graphic utility for drawing arts on a computer

Despite the small size, the Pixia program is created to draw arts on the computer and does it very well. This is because it is endowed with many functions that are absent in other programs of this level. The editor is considered a lightweight version of a full-fledged graphic editor. Every brush can be configured at your discretion, you can use various graphic objects as a brush.

You can download the editor Pixia by reference It is distributed free of charge, created by the Japanese programmer Isao Maruoka.

Its feature is plugins that can be found on the network. Thus, its functionality can be increased by adding some filters with Photoshop. The program is easy to learn, has a pleasant and understandable interface. Here you can create any graphic file in 10240 x 10240 pixels. The developer claims that Pixia can handle so many layers as your RAM is accommodated.

Inkspace - program for creating artistic illustrations

Inkspace is a free open source vector editor. It was specifically created to edit SVG graphics. The program is equipped with a large tool arsenal, has a large functionality and is one of the most popular programs for drawing and editing vector graphics. Many web developers underestimate vector graphics, although its advantages lie on the surface:

To download the editor, click on the link If you want to learn how to work with graphics in the inkspace photo editor, it is worth it to apply to the practice. The program allows the user to transform all raster images into the vector. Able to work with layers, contours, text. Allows you to use various geometric shapes, edit and rotate them.

ArtWeaver - editor with filters and effects on Windows

If you decide to find a program in order to draw art on your computer, then ArtWeaver was created specifically for you. This editor is oriented on professionals and lovers who have the provision of software like Photoshop, Corel Painter. For the artist there are all suitable tools - brush, pencil, chalk, various paints, airbrush. Each project you can complete in an artistic style by adding different filters, noise, blur. Each unfinished drawing in Photoshop can be finished in Artweaver. If you are interested in this editor, then you can experience it by downloading the link

Advantages over other programs:


  • The editor is the development of German specialists, so the default is German, you can change English. To install Russian, you must install the file yourself.
  • No layers support for formats - PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP.
  • After the first version, the program becomes conditional.

Paint - multifunctional and simple program to draw colorful art

A very popular Paint graphics editor survived the set of versions of the Windows operating system from which it was supplied. The photo editor entered the latest version of the OS, but practically did not change. It has all the same usual tools - pencil, fill, palette, magnifier, eraser and various brushes. The most important advantage of the application is its simplicity. To choose from the artist, the program has 9 different brushes and a CWS-color model, which is quite enough to create a full picture. The size of each tool when drawing arts can be reduced or enlarged. Does not support work with layers and transparency.

We use a pencil in Microsoft - Paint

GIMP - a photo editor will help in illustrating an art image

Gimp is my favorite editor that is located in one "Weight category" with such a graphic giant as Adobe Photoshop. But unlike him, it has a much smaller size. Gymp aims to work with raster images, partially supports vector graphics.

GIMP Multipurpose program that is used not only for drawing beautiful arts and on a computer, but also for a full-fledged photo adjustment. Filters and tools will help improve saturation, color balance, remove various image distortions, change the perspective, edit the torn horizon, crown, delete defects, "revive" blurred detail and much more.

Download the editor on the Russian-language site -

When you start a graphic editor, you will see three separate windows, each of them can change their size, you can stretch it or decrease. Editor for drawing art images can be configured to your taste. The choice of the artist is a lot of different types of brushes, and each of them can be edited. Select the appropriate and start working in the GIMP program.

Hello everyone, in this manual I will tell you how to do similar arts

What is needed:
1) Adobe Photoshop CS6, download
2) straight hands
3) the picture with which we will work
Let's start:
Step one: Select photos. The photo should be in a resolution of 800x600 at least so that you can handle efficiently. I will use this photo

Step second: Create a new transparent layer SHIFT + Ctrl + N
Step Three: Let's start the stroke of the face. We choose the usual brush: size 1, rigidity 100%, black color.
We put the point in the place from which we begin to circle.

We clamp shift and set the second point, the straight line will be held between these points, so see the line passes along the contour of the place that we supply. It should work like this:

Step Fourth:we start the fill.
Select the fill tool, select the desired part of the photo, press Alt, the pipette appears, then pour the selected area. It should be as follows:

Cut the background objects or not, decide for yourself, I did not do this.
Pitch Fifth: It comes the most difficult choice as you will draw your face if you want the maximum approximateness to the real photo, then go back to the 3 step and circle your lips and nose.
Or you can make parts of the person with simple lines, I will do so. It should turn out like this: (skin color changed, as I did not like).

Now the choice is yours, you can leave the black lines, and you can paint them, and emphasize the chin by a more dark skin color.
Our art is ready, we keep a picture, sprawled to friends.
I didn't try particularly, because I was tired.
I hope the article was useful; D

But still he offers you a fairly extensive program for editing images in online, perhaps the easiest, but very functional. Combining traditional simple editing features and filters with advanced tools, such as intelligent repainting (Optional tab), color curve, etc. Editor FOTOFLEX allows users to create, adjust, improve and eventually convert photos and images from almost any point with access to the Internet. The editor also offers a wide range of improvements, fonts and special effects.

Also, Fotoflex has such functions as a rotation, measurement of size and cutting, turns, drawing, erasing, fill. After you download a photo to edit, you will see a simple interface on the Basic tab: Automatic correction, fix the effect of red eyes, trim, resize. The program has a wide range of effects, such as blurred contours, black and white photography, comic effect, in art, stencil and many others.

In contrast, this editor is simplified and has some effects that use those who do not need to be professionals in editing photos.

Effects in one click

This photo shows how you can make the effect of photography in one click in different styles and in the style of pop art. And these are only two of more than 20 effects - pixelization, night vision device, painting, blur contours, old photography, saturation and much more!

Insert face

This feature is in the Registration tab, using it you can insert your face or face your friend into the hole on the other photo.

In one click you can "draw" your face to another photo from the proposed range (bodybuilder, dollar bills and several celebrity options). You can change the size and inclination of the face to fit in the new photo. This option contains few templates for use, but it is amazingly easy to use!

Let's look still looking for how to fix the effect of red eyes or change the color of the eyes with this photo student

1. First you need to add a photo on which you remove "Red Eyes". Click the Add image button and download the photo.

Go to the folder with the photo you would like to change, and double-click it. The photo will load Fotoflexer, and it will become available for editing.

2. Click the "Basic" tab at the top of the screen, and then click the "Fix the Red Eye" effect.

If you want to know how to change the color of the eyes, then go to step 4.

3. After you have pressed the "Fit Effect of Red Eye", you just need to click on the center of each eye and click the "Finish" button.

The photo shows how the eyes will look after applying this function. Just a couple of clicks and red eyes no longer!

4. Load the desired photo and go to the Advanced tab in the upper right part of the editor and click the Individual Recycling button.

This window appears. Increase the scale of the photo, moving the slider to the right to make it easier to change the color. Under the View option, click on the arrow and select "Processed" Set the size of the brush that you need and desired color. No need to change anything else.

We reviewed the most common applications acting in the role of full-fledged painting complexes, as well as processing a variety of images.

What kind of drawing program on the graphic tablet or editor to select you, depends on exactly your goals.

Corel Painter will highly appreciate specialists in digital graphics. This is the best choice when you want to download the drawing on your computer to work with the tablet. The famous developer offers a developed, but rather complex product. To learn how to use all the benefits of the package, you will have to spend a lot of time. And if you also want to learn how to work in the vector - you have to go to a more functional tool from the same developer - CorelDRAW.

Autodesk Sketchbook Pro - a high-quality drawing program for all categories of users. Allows you to make processing graphics and create steep arts, comics, drawing from a clean sheet. The available interface in Russian will become a pleasant bonus, but to work with the utility at the highest level, it is advisable to think about the acquisition of a professional monitor with good colors.

Krita is no less functional. Artists paint in it both posters and whole comics. The application is free, has an open source code and is suitable for all modern operating systems. However, novice will be a little difficult to master it. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to spend time - try, and you will get a really functional tool.

Adobe Photoshop will allow you to apply a whole range of diverse effects and filters. Creating images will seem very comfortable and simple enough. You can enjoy an affordable Russian-speaking interface and a large number of educational ones and materials on the Internet.

Working with TUX Paint is aimed at high-quality inexperienced users. The utility interface will be convenient for any user, and the presence of sound and animated effects will attract the attention of the children's audience, whose parents wish to train the child drawing on a computer. will bring a lot of positive impressions, the program's engine is able to memorize all user activity and return no one dozen actions perfect, eliminating the errors allowed in the process of editing and using all sorts of effects. Using Painfish effectively edited vector graphics.

PixBuilder Studio is distinguished by high performance performance, the remaining utilities from the selection of the above, demonstrate a lower speed of start-up and opening images. The program contains rich professional level functionality and is available for download to absolutely free.

Lovers of various tassels will appreciate the ArtWeaver Free program that has a lot of useful filters and effects. It is worth noting that the application allows you to create your own brushes, which will be difficult for competitors.

Paint Tool Sai is a serious utility designed for professional artists and designers, allowing you to create stunning illustrations, as well as digital pictures. The utility supports tablets, hanging creative nature by all the necessary resources for artistic activities. Moreover, some studios use SAI as a program for drawing cartoons. It is painful enough of her functions.

Graffiti Studio is difficult to compare with full-fledged paneters and even drawing for children, since the purpose of this application is to entertain the user. You will be able to carry out a teenage dream and feel like a street graffiti master. True, the assortment of the tools is scanty - only the marker and cannon, but a huge selection of colors and shades, the thickness of the line will be a significant plus.

Also, the review did not hit the wonderful MYPAINT programs, MediBang Paint, Smoothdraw, Affinity Designer, built into Windows graphic editor Paint and editor inkscape raster graphics. You can always find their detailed descriptions on our website.

Good day to all!

Probably, almost every user saw in the network "strange" photographs of people, as if it was a picture drawn by the artist. Such a picture is called - art (example left with niculin). And to make it, by the way, you can pretty quickly, using special online services.

I think the article will also be useful to all those users who want to make an unusual avatar for social networks (VC, classmates, etc.), various forums, applications (for example, Skype, Viber, etc.), and just surprise your friends and relatives.

And so, proceed to business - to create art.

Note: To make an ART, you can use various graphic editors (for example, Photoshop). In this article, you will not stop on classic editors (since I'll still install the editor, configure, you will understand how to do - with the help of the service in the network you will have dozens of various cool pictures ☺) ...

Selection of service with best photo effects

One of the best Russian-speaking online services for giving photos of various effects. For example, color photo can be converted:

  • in a black and white drawing, as if it was painted: a brush, a pencil, etc.;
  • in the color drawing: there may also be a variety of options;
  • in a cool and funny picture. For example, your photo will be placed in a frame that a child draws, an artist, etc. (examples of options are shown below).

The service is extremely simple:

  1. choose the first effect you liked;
  2. download your photo;
  3. and a few seconds - look at your cool art. An example is shown below: True, after all, not badly drawn?!

How has the photo changed: it was - it became (left to right)

Another extremely interesting site representing an online editor photo editor. Here you can upload a photo and quickly process it: including the creation of an interesting drawing (ART) from it. What bribes this service - it is quite a lot of the most unusual photo processing options on it: you can, for example, place your photo on the chest Messi or Ronaldo, put your photo into the frame, give him a magic style, or make yourself a famous actor.

An example of processing is shown in the screenshot below: in my opinion it looks very realistic.

Another interesting art //

Website with a huge number of diverse photo effects: here you can put your photo into the frame, make a photo drawn picture, put it next to some celebrity, etc.

Use the service is also simple: load a photo, choose the effect, see the result (in general, three simple actions).

Below I present a few examples of the service. Very good?!

Several articles: in the gallery, with Putin, old drawing.

Note: If the service does not process your photo, convert it to another format. For example, I encountered the fact that the GIF service is perceived and did not want to proceed, I stopping the picture in JPG (To do this, you can use Paint, which is in all versions of Windows) - It became all right!


A very good Russian-speaking service with a large collection of photo effects that can be applied to any loaded photo. What bribes: the choice is just huge! A photo can be made black and white, hand drawn brush or pencil, put in a frame, with a celebrity, in the television transmission, etc.

I note that by downloading your photo once, you can immediately try it in a wide variety of effects (without loading it a hundred times). Conveniently!

Examples of processing are shown below.

A few more interesting effects to the photo: drawing with a pencil, a pendant, a gift card (left to right).

By the way, perhaps you will be interested in an article about how to make a photo collage -. If anyone knows - then the collage, this is when they combine several photos at once in one large. It turns out very beautiful and informatively, you can immediately find out how a holiday was held (for example).

Slim says goodbye. Good luck to all!

Additions are welcome ...