How to create your own server in minecraft. Creating a Minecraft Server

Some users sooner or later ask themselves: "How to create your own server?" There can be many reasons for this. These are the needs for hosting the site, and the need to create local network computers. There may also be a simple desire to play with friends online, for example, Counter-Strike. Servers these days perform quite a wide range of functions. You can turn any computer into a server, be it a laptop or even a netbook. In fact, this is a constantly working regular computer to which you can connect via FTP. It is possible to install 40-50 constantly working sites on one laptop of an average configuration. However, they will function normally. Next, you will learn how to make your hosting on home computer and upload the site engine to it.


To create a web server, we need the Open Server program. This is a free distribution that is freely available. You can download it from the manufacturer's website. After downloading this program on your computer, you need to create a folder and install Open Server there. Nothing complicated. You don't need to know any programming languages ​​for this. We create a "Server" folder on the desktop and install this distribution there.

After the installation is completed, go to the folder and run the .exe file. At the same time, a checkbox appears at the bottom right of the screen in the launcher. Right click on it and select "Start". In this case, the checkbox should turn green. Next, we check its work. Right-click and select "My Sites". It contains the standard localhost folder. If you click on this item, then we will be transferred to the browser window with a standard page.

Website engine or CMS

Now we need to upload the site engine to this server. Take for example the control system of a torrent tracker. It is also free and distributed under an open license. We need to copy all the files of this system and install them in the "Server" folder.

In it, we open the domains directory. It contains the localhost folder. We create a new one next to it and call it, for example, utorrent. Open it and copy our CMS files there. Everything, the site engine is flooded.

Database creation

Now you need to create a database for the site. Click on the checkbox and select "Advanced" from the list. In the dropdown menu, click on PhpMyAdmin. In the window that opens, select the login root user, leave the password field blank. Click on OK. In the window that appears, go to the "Users" tab and click on "Add User". Fill in the fields in the window that opens. Let's write the username utorrent, do not fill in the host, write any password. The main thing is to remember it, but it is better to write it down. Below, in the "Database for user" field, put a dot in front of the second sentence "Create a database ..." and in the "Global privileges" check all the boxes. Next, click OK. After that, we close the window and restart our server.

Installing the CMS

Now in the menu open "My Sites" and click on utorrent. Next comes the installation of our torrent tracker. Let's do all the steps. Leave the "Server name" and "Server port" fields blank. Fill in the name of the database - utorrent, username and password. If everything is done correctly, then after completing all the steps, the inscription: "Successful connection" should appear. Next, you need to register the administrator settings. You invent them yourself. For example, admin, then the password and your email. We do not change anything in the additional parameters and move on. Click on "Login". If we now click in the main menu on the "My Site" tab on utorrent, we will end up on home page site.

Now it remains to delete the install folder, which is located in the utorrent folder in our "Server" directory on the desktop. This is done for security reasons. So we learned how to create our own server. Now we just have to open access to the Internet. To do this, we need to configure our server and open a specific port in the router settings.

Access to the Internet

We click on our flag and select "Settings" in the drop-down menu. Go to the "Server" tab and enter an asterisk in the "Server IP address" field. This means that our server will have access to the Internet. Now we need to find out our external IP address. For this, it is enough search line Yandex browser, enter the word IP. In the results search results, at the top of the page, the word "your IP address" will be written. These will be the numbers we need. We select them and copy them to the clipboard.

Next, go to "Settings" in the "Aliases" tab and paste our IP address in the "Source domain" field. In the "Destination domain" field, select our utorrent. Click on "Add" and "Save". After that, restart the web server. When you click on utorrent in the "My Sites" window, we get to our site.

Port opening

How to create your own server, we learned how to upload an engine to it and set an IP address - too. Now we just need to open the port for our site. Before doing this, you need to check if it is closed. We go to the site and select the "Port Check" item. Enter 80 in the field and click "Check". If it is closed, then we will have a corresponding message. To open it, you need to turn off the antivirus or set an exception for the 80th port. We turn off our firewall or set an exception for the 80th port. If you are using a router, then you need to open a port on it.

This is done in its settings. They are different depending on the manufacturer. You also need to disable the firewall. After the changes have been made, check the port again. If the message "Port is open" appears, then everything is in order. Now, if we enter our external IP address, then we will get to our site. Everything is working. Thus, we learned how to create our server.

Sooner or later, every Minecraft player comes up with the idea to create their own server. The reasons for this can be completely different: someone is simply tired of playing alone, while someone, on the contrary, wants to narrow their circle of friends and protect their creations from inadequate players. This article will describe in detail how to start a Minecraft server, set it up for a comfortable game, and also give a number of tips for those who have problems starting. All of the information below is only relevant for computers running Windows.

The first step is to install the server files, for this you need to go to the official website of the game and follow the link "downloads / downloads", where the distributions of the game and the server are located. The downloaded executable file with the "exe" extension must be placed in separate folder(its name can be anything). Then run setup file and wait a couple of minutes. At this time, the necessary files will be unpacked and a server configuration file will be created - later we will see how to set up a Minecraft server using it. After the first start of the server in the World folder will be generated random world for Game. If you want to play with friends in an already created world, then delete the contents of this folder and transfer your saves from the single player game to it (as a rule, the saves are located in users/AppData\roaming\.minecraft\saves).

After the above steps, you will not need to perform any operations other than starting the server. Minecraft uses the default settings for this. What if you want to play in custom mode or remove some restrictions? Proceed as follows: before starting the Minecraft server, change the settings manually. To do this, stop the server and open the folder where its files are stored. Operations will be performed with the file (do not forget to make a backup copy), which can be opened with any standard notepad, for example.

It makes no sense to list all the variables, so let's focus on the most important and frequently used ones: the server name is entered in the level-name line, the gamemode line changes the game mode (0 - survival, 1 - creative). Optionally, you can disable the damage caused by players to each other (pvp=false). In case you are going in the online-mode line, change the parameter to false. Now there is nothing left but to start the Minecraft server and check if it works correctly.

If after following the necessary steps, the Minecraft server does not start for you, there are several ways to fix the situation. First, remove all mods from the server folder and check the stability of the clean server. If it starts, then you just have to connect the mods one by one and find out which one disrupts the server. If a clean server does not start, then it should be on the computer. Very often, it is the disabling of Java auto-update that leads to the inability to start the server. It does not hurt to check the antivirus in case the server is blocked for system security reasons. If this does not help, try deleting the server with the game and reinstalling them again. Now that you know how to start a Minecraft server, you can enjoy playing with your friends by setting your own game rules.

Now many fans are very interested in setting up the "Minecraft" server, because not everyone manages to do it the first time. It is here that detailed instructions and the most important problems that arise in most cases for inept programmers.

Before that, you should know the types of "packages". There are several of them: original (clean) and with a set of certain mods. Having dealt with the standard version of the popular game server, it will be much easier to understand the essence of other varieties.

Brief introduction

For each creator of such a server, attendance will be the most important moment. Therefore, first of all, you need to know how to create a live and sufficiently visited server at no extra cost. In fact, setting up a Minecraft server is carried out in three simple steps:

The first item on this list can be completed in as little as half an hour, the second can take an entire day to fully develop, and the third needs an indefinite amount of time.

Each gamer can simply create a server to play there with their own friends. But it will be much more interesting to develop it in order to glorify it among the majority of players. For promotion, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort, although this will have nothing to do with the game. To do this, you will need to create a separate website, promote your own advertising on third-party resources, and so on.

Downloading all necessary programs

The first step is to ensure the correct operation of the server, which will definitely come in handy with the Java package on the computer. It must be installed first by downloading it from the official website. If the package is already available on a personal computer, then the client of the game itself will instantly start. In this case additional installation various programs no longer required.

Next, you need to visit the download page of the game developer and download, in fact, the server part. Many versions are located in the MultiplayerServer section, where each player has an excellent opportunity to choose the most suitable one for himself. The file must be saved to a specific folder, which in the future will become the basis for a new "package".

As in Minecraft without much effort, we now understand, but the next steps will not be so simple.

Creation and customization

In this section, setting up the Minecraft server will be a little more difficult, but in general, there will not be any particular difficulties. After downloading the server part to a personal computer, it must be launched. First you need to wait for the generation to complete, and at this time there will already be several new files and folders in the database. All major parameters can be found in a file called It's best to upload it to text document, then all symbols will open without problems.

Creating a Minecraft server without registration is quite easy, as the developers took care of the convenience of users and removed everything additional items occupying certain time(messages on mobile phone for confirmation, email, etc.).

It would seem that all the basic settings have been completed, and you can already start enjoying your favorite game. But still, for complete safety and reliability, it is worth performing a few more installations:

  • The server-ip field can be left alone, since immediately after the start of the game all the necessary parameters will be entered automatically.
  • The gamemode field will need to be filled in with the name of the game mode. All players who join the server will be automatically directed to it.
  • When turn on White list(white-list), be sure to add yourself to the white list or make yourself an operator.

If you change any of the parameters, the server must be restarted in any case in order for the program to function normally and not cause glitches, lags, and so on. It's even better to set up Extra options while the server is in a completely disabled state.

Server connection

It should be noted that not only users of the same local network can play on the same server, but also other gamers from the Internet. Most often, the server is created on the computer where the game itself will be played. In this case, you must enter the connection address: or just localhost. This IP of Minecraft servers, of course, will be used by the network interface. Its advantage is availability even when you are away. network card on a computer device.

Now more and more popular servers "Minecraft" with a launcher. Note that in them all these settings items will be exactly the same. All the difficulties that arise lead to the fact that you need to check the antivirus and, just in case, the firewall. You may need to add the server with the port to the exceptions, but such problems are very rare, and professionals can find many solutions for them.

LAN Setup

Now the game on the Minecraft server will be very interesting and even educational for all players. Here it will be much easier to set it up. Any beginner in this business will like this option. Among other things, the local network guarantees a normal connection to the service and a significantly lower number of errors generated.

Players have the option of opening the world from the game in single player mode for LAN. This is done quite simply and quickly: you need to load the world itself, press pause and select the menu item called "Open world for local network". But it should be taken into account that the owner of the server in this situation is significantly limited in management capabilities.

Of course, Minecraft servers with a launcher also belong to the local network, and problems with them are extremely rare.


As you know, in order for other players to connect to a specific server, their personal computers must be located in one local grid together with base server, that is, with the owner's computer.

There is a special line for the address where you need to enter the data of the computer with the main server.

Setting up the game using the Internet

When using the Internet, setting up a Minecraft server is much easier and faster. A static address does not contain any problems, so you can safely work with it. You can find it out through special services, which are now on the Internet is a large number.

To connect other players to the desired server, you must enter this address, and then click the "Connect" button. Some problems can sometimes arise with this item, but a program called Hamachi will come to the rescue. It allows the computer to assign an external static address. Knowing it, all players who wish to connect will be able to carry out this action in a matter of seconds. In addition to this program, you can find some more similar ones that will function on exactly the same principle.

Thus, it is possible to create good server, on which quite a lot of active players will be gathered in the future tense. On free servers"Minecraft" modern gamers come in quite often, so their number is rapidly increasing.


The administration process is easy. At this time, the player will have to manage and ensure correct operation without unnecessary misfires. The command line and will be good helpers in this matter.

Server GUI windows contain interesting elements:

  • Info window shows relevant usage information random access memory. There is a dynamic chart on which everything is clearly expressed.
  • The list of players shows all the nicknames of people who have connected and started playing on this server.

And the most important part of these windows is the command line. She always helps in any business related to computers, so it could not have done without her. With its help, the administrator is given the opportunity to ban players, write them to the white list, give them permissions, and so on.

And Minecraft servers without registration are available for absolutely every gamer in different countries.

Reasons for defining a server as offline

Playing on the Minecraft server offline is impossible, therefore, if such a problem occurs, you must immediately look for ways to solve it and fix it.

You need to immediately check the IP, it must be external. If you do not understand this definition, you should definitely call or write a letter to the support service, where they will deal with this issue.

An external address using a router must be forwarded through Virtual Server or Port Forwarding. If not, then you should perform this action, it will not take too long.

If that's not the problem, then last option- disable antivirus. When connecting to the server, the antivirus itself must be completely disabled, and then added to the exceptions.

Unfortunately, Russian Minecraft servers quite often give out similar problems.

Server definition as Unnamed Server

Unfortunately, free Minecraft servers more often put forward such a problem, but there are still methods to deal with it.

IN standard file, through which all settings passed, there must be such an option - motd= Minecraft Server name. If not, you need to add it to the very end, changing it to the server name.

If the result of such actions is unsuccessful, you will have to configure everything manually. To do this, go to the server and click "Edit".

Reasons for removing a server from monitoring

Now the IP of Minecraft servers play an important role in promotion, so problems can also occur because of them.

First you need to try to independently search for the server at the address, driving it into address bar present on the main page. There may be such a situation that the server will not be deleted, but simply hidden from other players. And this happens because of being offline for two hours or more. In this case, the server will return to its place after half an hour has passed online.

Now you know how to promote your own Minecraft server. "Android" is a platform that also allows you to play such a wonderful game, but the settings here will be completely different. Despite the graphics and clarity of the image, this program on phones and tablets has a lot of fans.

This article introduces the reader to the features of a clean (without modifications) Minecraft server current version. The server, unlike the client, is distributed free of charge through the official website of the game. The information in this article has been updated to version 1.4.7.

Preparation for work

For the server to work, you need to install the Java package on your PC. It can be downloaded on this page. But if the Minecraft client starts, then this is an indicator that this package is already installed on the computer.

In order to download the server, you need to go to the download page of the official site, in the "Multiplayer Server" section. You can choose the server version - .exe (Windows users only, no console mode) or .jar (universal). Click on the appropriate link and save the file in a separate directory, which will be the main directory for your server. When creating a server on Linux or OS X, the base directory of the server is the working directory - use cd /path/to/server/ .

Creating and configuring a server

Introduction to server settings

When the downloaded file is in the future server folder, run it and wait until the level generation process is completed. You will see that several new files and subfolders have appeared in your folder.

Consider a file This file contains all the main parameters of the server. Open this file with any adequate text editor. You will see content like this:

#Minecraft server properties #Sat Jan 19 19:41:50 MSK 2013 generator-settings= allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=false server-port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable -rcon=false level-seed= server-ip= max-build-height=256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false spawn-animals=true texture-pack= online-mode=true pvp=true difficulty=1 gamemode =0 max-players=20 spawn-monsters=true generate-structures=true view-distance=10 motd=A Minecraft Server

Description of parameters

Parameter Values Default Description
allow-flight true/false false Allows the player to fly around the world of Minecraft. This option is only valid for flights in the Survival and has an effect only if the corresponding plugin is present (for example, Flight). Flights in Creative mode are not affected in any way.
allow-nether true/false true This parameter determines the possibility of transition to the Lower world. If disabled, all players who were in the Nether will be moved to the normal. Does not affect the transition to the End.
difficulty Number (0-3) 1 Difficulty: 0 - Peaceful 1 - Easy 2 - Normal 3 - Hard
enable-command-block true/false false Allows you to use the command block. This option is not generated on first boot, but appears the first time you try to use the command block.
enable-query true/false false Allows you to activate the GameSpy4 protocol for listening to the server (obtaining information about the server).
enable-rcon true/false false Allows you to use remote access to the server console.
game mode Number (0-2) 0 A standard game mode that is automatically set for all players who join the server for the first time. An individual player's mode is changed with the /gamemode command. 0 - Survival 1 - Creative 2 - Adventure (available since 12w22a)
generator-settings No Line This line specifies the super flat world generation template. See superplane for details.
generate-structures true/false true Whether to generate structures (treasuries, fortresses, villages...)
hardcore true/false false Enables hardcore mode on the server. After death - ban, you can not reconnect.
level-name Folder name world The name of the folder with the map files that the server will use during the game. This folder is located in the same directory as the server. If it does not appear, the server will automatically generate new world and put its files in a folder with that name.
level-seed Any allowed grain No Input data (seed) for the level generator. If you want to create a random world, leave this field blank.
level-type DEFAULT/FLAT/LARGEBIOMES DEFAULT Specifies the type of the world.
max-build-height Divisible by 16 (64 - 256) 256 Specifies the maximum height of a building on your server. Above this level, it will not be possible to break or place blocks. Terrain can generate above this level, and blocks can be destroyed with TNT and fire. In addition, buckets work above the border (bug).
max-players Number (0-2147483647) 20 Specifies the maximum allowed number of players on the server.
motd String shorter than 60 characters Minecraft Server The description of the server that is displayed when connected in the server list. Supports text formatting.
online mode true/false true This setting allows you to enable/disable authentication of premium accounts of users who connect to this server. If false- the program will not check players' accounts and players will be able to access the server if their accounts do not have the "premium account" status. If the parameter value true, only users with a premium account will be able to access the server. If account verification is disabled, given server“pirates” and players who forged a nickname will be able to enter, which is somewhat unsafe. An administrator who creates a server in this mode does not violate the terms of the user agreement, since this option was added to the list of configurable server parameters - by disabling the check, you can, for example, play on a local network without access to the Internet.
pvp true/false true Enables/disables players receiving damage from attacks by other players on the server. At true players will be able to "fight" among themselves, killing each other. If value is set false, players will not be able to deal direct damage to one another.
query.port Number (1-65535) 25565 Port for getting information about the server. Appears automatically when enable-query=true .
rcon.password Line No Password for remote access to the server. Appears automatically when enable-rcon=true .
rcon.port Number (1-65535) 25575 Port for remote server control. Appears automatically when enable-rcon=true .
server-ip Any valid IP address No Specifies the IP address of the server that will be used by other players to connect to this server. It is recommended that this field be left blank, but if you want to give the server a specific IP address, you can use this option to set it.
server port Number (1-65535) 25565 This parameter defines the value of the port in the TCP and UDP protocols, which will be used by the game server. The standard port for Minecraft is 25565. It is recommended not to change the value, because to enter the server using the standard port, the player will only need to dial the IP or DNS address, without specifying the port, and when using other ports, there is a chance that this port will already be occupied by another network resource. If you still want to specify the port manually, choose higher numbers and avoid popular ports: 80 and 8080 (web server), 21 (ftp server), 22 (ssh server), 143 (imap), 6969 and 6881-6889 (bittorrent), etc. For example, port 25000 is fine.
snooper-enabled true/false true Allows the server to send some statistics and data to developers.
spawn-animals true/false true Similarly spawn-monsters but for friendly mobs (cows, pigs, sheep...).
spawn-monsters true/false true If the parameter value true, then, as in a single player game, hostile mobs will appear on the map at night and in dark caves and will try to harm the players on the server. If the value false, hostile mobs (e.g. skeletons, zombies) will not automatically spawn during the game, but they can be spawned using mods. All mobs on the map will remain.
spawn-npcs true/false true Allow NPCs to spawn in villages.
spawn protection Number (1-100) 16 Spawn territory protection radius in blocks (only operators can change this territory). A radius of 0 gives protection to a single block, 1 to a 3x3 zone, and so on. This option is not generated on first boot, but appears when the first player joins the server. After 1.4.2, spawn protection is automatically disabled if the server does not have a single operator.
texture-pack File name No The location of the textures that the server will offer to download to the player upon connection. In this field, you need to specify the name of the zip archive located in the server folder.
view-distance Number (3-15) 10 Adjusts the radius of updated chunks to send to the player. Reference: draw distance Far displays an area within a radius of 9 chunks.
white list true/false false Allows you to enable / disable the use of a whitelist on the server. At true the server administrator will need to manually add players' nicknames to the white list. If set to false, any player will be able to access this server, knowing its IP address and port. Server administrators have the ability to log into the server regardless of the white list.

Just before starting the game on the server, you can configure the above server settings.

  • Field server-ip it is best to leave it blank - the game will determine and configure this parameter itself. But if you want to assign a specific IP address to the server, you can change this setting.
  • Field game mode indicates a game mode that will be automatically enabled for all players who join the server. The game mode for a specific player can be changed during operation.
  • If you have included white list, make yourself an operator, or whitelist yourself.
  • When filling out the field max-build-height with an inappropriate number, the server automatically picks the closest number it can use.

Any change to the settings in this file requires a server restart. In addition, the server can sometimes write changes to this file, so it is best to reconfigure when the server is offline.

Setting up a connection to the server

It is worth noting that players from both the local network and the Internet can simultaneously play on the server.

Connecting to your own server

If you're running the server on the same computer you're going to play on, all you need to do is enter or localhost to connect. This address uses a virtual network interface (loopback), which is always available, even if the computer does not have a network card.

If you cannot connect even through the loopback interface, this is a reason to check your antivirus and firewall settings. Add Minecraft Server exceptions and port 25565.

Server on the local network

The process of setting up a game server over a local network is much simpler than creating one accessible from the Internet, and is easier in terms of errors when connecting to the server.

In addition, your address may be permanent, static, or change each time you reconnect to the provider, that is, be dynamic. The easiest way to determine the type of address is to reconnect the modem and compare the external IP addresses. If the IP address changes after reconnecting the modem, it means that you have a dynamic IP address. Dynamic addresses are more common than static ones, but it's recommended to have a static IP address when creating a game server, as the dynamic address changes every time you reconnect to the ISP (and you'll have to constantly communicate the new address to your players). However, a static address is an optional condition for the server to work.

In addition, there are services (including free ones) that provide third-level domains, for example, . The address is usually updated using special program, which you will need to install on your computer, but some modems and routers can perform this function themselves (look in the router interface for Dynamic DNS). Many providers offer a static IP address as an additional service.

Server connection

In order to connect to your server, players in the input line of the server IP address in the game client must enter your external IP address or domain (website address) and click the connect to server button. The external IP address can be found out by the server owner and told to players who want to connect to his server. Websites can help you find out your external IP address:,,

If players are unable to connect to your server, see the section.

Server over VPN

If you are having problems with internal IP address, you can try Hamachi, P2PLauncher, EasyVPN, Garena or similar services. The most popular of these is Hamachi. The server creator and those connecting must download and install Hamachi. Further:

For the server:

  1. Create a room.
  2. leave server-ip empty.
  3. Start the server.
  4. Tell your IP in Hamachi (next to the connect button) to those who connect.

For players:

  1. Enter the server room.
  2. Try to connect using the received IP.

The easiest to use is the P2PLauncher program, which connects computers via a peer-to-peer network. Just put it in your game folder and run it. On server:

  1. Enter a nickname (it is also the future name of the server) and the name of the room, click "Start Server".
  2. Tell the name of the room and your nickname to whoever wants to join you.

On the client:

  1. Launch P2PLuncher. Enter your nickname and the name of the room, click "Launch Client".
  2. As the name of the server, use the nickname of the player who created the server.

Opening ports

Opening, or port forwarding (Port Forwarding) allows clients connecting from the Internet to access a server behind a router or modem. The problem with opening ports is often encountered when creating a server on a local subnet. The router or modem may be blocking the port that the game server is trying to use. For different models this procedure is slightly different.

There are 2 ways to open ports:

  • The site contains an assembly of special software that is designed to open ports on various models of modems. Go to this site and find the model of your modem or router in the list. Go to the page of your model and download the utility for opening ports from there. Use it to open the port that your server uses (by default 25565 ).
  • Access the web interface of your modem or router through a web browser. As a rule, to enter it, in the input line of the web address, you need to enter or . Once you are in the web interface menu, find the item Port Forwarding or NAT. After opening this menu, you will need to enter some parameters. Parameters that may be required: Start Port - 25565, End Port - 25565, IP adress - local IP address of the computer on which you are creating the server (for example,, Protocol - enter TCP first, and then repeat the entire procedure again for the UDP protocol. Port opening examples for many modem models can be found at

An example of using the PFPortChecker program

To check if the port opening procedure was successful, ask someone outside your local network to connect to the server using the external IP address (you can also try to connect to yourself using the external address yourself, but failure in this case does not always mean the server is unavailable) . Or download and install the PFPortChecker program. In field port enter the port number you tried to open. In field Protocol select UDP first and then TCP. Then click the check button. After the end of the check, the program will display 3 totals for TCP and 3 for UDP. If the text of all 6 test results is green, then the procedure was completely successful. For an example, see the screenshot on the right.

Server administration

This section describes the elements of server administration - the process of managing and maintaining correct operation server while it is running using the command line and GUI elements.

GUI description

The server window GUI consists of the following elements:

  1. Information window. This window displays information about the amount of used RAM, is dynamic building graphics of used amount of RAM, etc.
  2. List of players. This window displays a list of nicknames of all players who are connected to the server.
  3. Log and chat. It displays information about the state of the server, errors, the result of operations, the use of server management commands by players, etc. All messages sent by players to the chat are also displayed here. All information that is in the log window is automatically written to a file server.log, located in the same directory as the server.
  4. Command line. This panel is the most important part of the GUI. From it, the administrator can administer the server: add to the whitelist, ban, give players items or operator powers (see below), save the map, stop the server, etc.

Console Mode

In console, or nogui, mode, only the log and command line are present. They perform the same functions as the corresponding graphics mode windows.

You can only run the .jar version of the server in console mode ( minecraft_server.jar). To do this, you need to specify the nogui parameter in the launch command:

Java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

Description of available commands

Teams in the game are divided into two groups: for operators and players. With their help, you can access some useful features, and operators to monitor the status of the server.


Q: Players cannot destroy blocks, everything broken is returned back. How to fix it?
A: There is a protected zone near the spawn point, in which blocks can only be placed and destroyed by server operators. That is, players just need to move about 30 blocks in any direction.

Q: In the server log, the message “Can "t keep up! Is server overloaded or system time changed?" What does it mean?
A: This means that the server is this moment overloaded and may not work properly. You can reduce the load on the server by closing all third party programs, thereby reducing the load on the processor and freeing up additional amount of RAM. You can try restarting the server. The speed of the server is highly dependent on the number of players playing on it.

Q: Players complain that the server lags terribly. How can I fix this?
A: Perhaps the Internet connection speed is insufficient, or the computer hardware is too "weak". Try to minimize the use of Internet traffic (close Internet browsers, torrent clients, etc.) and reduce the load on the use of computer resources. Add Minecraft_Server.exe to your firewall/antivirus exclusion list, and best of all turn them off. Try restarting the server. Ask players who are experiencing lag to reconnect to the server - it may be a client side lag issue.

Q: Players cannot connect to my server. What to do?
A: First, try to connect to it yourself, using the server's IP address localhost. If you were unable to connect, the server was created completely incorrectly. You may have made a mistake while configuring the file, or your antivirus is aggressively blocking the game server. If you managed to connect to your own server, check if you have correctly determined your own IP address. Perhaps you forgot to open the ports that the game server uses. Check the server log for errors - they can point you to the cause of the problem.

Q: When connecting, players receive the message "Outdated server!" / "Outdated client!"
A: The server and client must be the same version, check this carefully.

Q: I want to run my single player map on the server. How can I do it?
A: From a folder saves, which is in the directory installed game (.minecraft), move the folder with your map (for example, New World) to the folder where the game server is located. Don't forget to change level-name in file if your folder is named differently than the current server folder. The transfer must be carried out with the server turned off.

Q: How can I create a new world?
A: Delete all files from your server world folder or specify a new world name in the parameter level-name in file

Q: I want to update the server. What is needed for this?
A: Make a backup first - if something goes wrong, you can restore the server from backup. Then re-download the server executable file from the official site and replace your old one with it. Then start the server - all settings, maps and players should be saved.

Q: How do I add functions to the server /home /warp /spawn and others?
A: Look in plugins for Bukkit. For example, there is a great CommandBook plugin.

Q: When creating a server, a message appears in the log: “FAILED TO BIND TO PORT. Perhaps a server is already running on that port?”. What to do?
A: This means that the port that the server uses is already busy, or access to it is closed. Disable your antivirus and firewall programs that use the Internet. You may have specified a port that is being used by another program (such as a web server or torrent client), or you forgot to open ports on your modem/router before you started creating the server. To learn how to do it, see the last section of this article.

Q: A message appears in the server log: "%username% lost connection: End of stream". What should I do?
A: This problem can sometimes happen on operating system Windows XP SP3. Try starting the server on virtual machine(e.g. VirtualBox) or change operating system.

Q: When I start the server, I get an error that my version of Java is out of date. How do I know what version of Java I have?
A: The game requires Java 6. To check your version, do the following:

  1. Open command line(console, terminal):
    • Windows: -> cmd ->
    • Linux: Menu placement varies by shell, usually Applications -> System/Accessories -> Terminal
    • OS X: In the Dock or Finder "e: Programs -> Utilities-> Terminal
  2. At the command prompt, type java -version and press Enter
  3. In the response, find the line starting with java version . The next number is the Java version.

If you received a message like this in response:

Java is not an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file (Windows) bash:java:command not found(Linux & OSX)

then this means that you do not have Java installed or configured Environment Variables(the latter is usually only for Windows). Try to do the following:

  1. Right click on My Computer
  2. Click on Properties
  3. Click on Advanced System Settings
  4. Click on Environment Variables
  5. Find the Path variable in the list of system variables
  6. Click Edit and add to the end: ;%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin
  7. Open command prompt again and try again

If your version is below 1.6 or you don't have Java installed, go to the Java download page and download the latest version.

Q: I have a dynamic IP! And buy a static address for the sake of minecraft servers"I don't want...
A: Using services like DynDNS or No-IP you can get a static third level domain ( , ...)

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create your own minecraft server without the help of Hamachi and other applications. So, let's get started!

To create a server, you need to meet several requirements. For the most part, they depend on the provider providing you with their services. Your IP must be static otherwise they won't be able to connect to you. If it is dynamic, then you can use third-party sites to third level domain registration. Also, your ports should be open.

If you do not have a static IP or you are too lazy to open ports, you can use the instructions.

Instruction(we do everything in order):

1) First, download the server itself. For Windows, select file minecraft_server.exe, You can download it on the official Mojang page.

2) After downloading this file, place it in the folder where the server will be located. Then, run it and it will create the necessary folders and server files. After the world is generated, we turn off the server and start setting up.

(This is what the folder with the server looks like)

3) After that, you need to find out your IP in order to subsequently enter it in the desired line of settings. You can find out the IP.

4) The main server configuration file is, it looks like this:

The main setting is the field: server-ip=, in which you need to enter the address of your computer (IP) after "=".

This is how it should look like: server-ip=

In addition, here you can also set up your server by some of the parameters, for example, disable monster spawning, put your own map, whitelist, online mod and much more.

Save the settings and start the server!

5) The server is ready and in order to connect to it, players must simply enter your IP in the server connection box.

6) This is what the server log will look like when you try to connect to it.

If you want to play with friends on pirate minecraft versions, disable authentication by replacing the line:

online mode= true

to value:

online mode= false


If you have problems with creating a server, then describe it in detail in the comments. Our experts will try to help you.