Choosing the best German heavy tank. World of tanks: heavy tanks - game tactics and tips from the masters What weights are better to download

Hello dear friends. In the world of online games, all kinds of simulators have long occupied a significant place, but, perhaps, no simulator of driving a car, train, plane or ship can be compared with a tank simulator. Because it’s one thing to just surf the roads, seas or clouds, and quite another to weigh solid flops at the same time. Our thoughts today are designed to install the best tank in World of Tanks, since it was this brainchild of Belarusian developers that received the most attention and love from fans of online toys: there are more than a million subscribers in Runet alone.

From this article you will learn:

Where to run, what to look for?

“World of Tanks” is the whole world for that, that the number of models in the game is a little short of five hundred. In other words, the question of choice can confuse an experienced player, and a beginner can even lose consciousness for several days. It's good that there is such an invention of mankind as classification, and vehicles in WoT are grouped, firstly, by nation (Soviet, German, British, American, French, Chinese and Japanese), and secondly, by the type of weapons and armor (light, medium, heavy, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns). You can also divide all the tanks available in the game according to the way they are received by the player into ordinary (which are bought for game currency), premium (here, of course, you can’t do without investing real money) and gift or promotional (free tanks, given for completing certain tasks or participating in promotions).

The question of the “self-best” of a tank is perhaps incorrect - after all, tanks are of different types, and arguing about which is better to play - on heavy or on PT, is the same as comparing a table with a cabinet. Different models are designed for different tasks, so we will look at a few machines that can be considered the best in their group.

What to strive for?

It's easy to say that development should be based on player preferences. Which, in general, is quite logical - some like to act as a "firefly", others like to sit in ambush. But you can also shine and hide in different ways, so the question of which tank to buy so as not to be disappointed in the future is a very personal question. Of course, you can read the guides (which is generally necessary if you don’t want to constantly lose), but in order to select the desired development branch, you must first decide what you want to get at the end. Therefore, we will start from the end and make a small overview of the most popular and effective tier 10 tanks.

Heavy tanks

The main task of heavy tanks is to “squeeze out” the front. And for this, they must be very thick in armor and quite serious in damage. In short, heavy tanks just "tank", that is, they push ahead. Of course, it’s better not to expose yourself to a blow, because even on the strongest armor there is such a projectile that will pierce it very well. And yet, it is heavy tanks that are best suited for those who like an aggressive playstyle. You can tank in different ways - from the tower, from the side, diamond, reverse diamond, etc. Which tactic to choose depends on many things. For example, the German "Tiger" is more good, let's say, in the second line, because its armor is rather average for heavy bands, but it hits well. On the other hand, the Tiger can be quite successfully tanked in the first line, if the opponents are mainly his classmates.

So what to download after all? We settled on two models, and we can’t decide which one is better, so we’ll talk about both.

IS-7. Soviet. Once upon a time it was just a super-heavy tank, at the moment the developers have nerfed it a little (editor's note, lowered its performance), but it still ranks in the top of the best heavy tanks. very cool, runs pretty fast. The armor, however, is average, but due to the angles of the armor, it often ricochets, and even if they aim at you from the side, they can hit the bulwark. If you ride an IS-7, try not to turn your back to the enemy - from such a hit, the tank burns with a clear flame.

E-100. Such a serious German heavy, with very cool armor and, accordingly, rather weak damage. There are two guns to choose from, which differ in terms of rate of fire, armor-piercing and damage. Large and slow, so it is a good target for artillery, but due to its size it can, for example, pierce the same IS-7 in the forehead. Terrible tank, in general. They are afraid of him. In addition, he already has 2700, and if you put the tank in a rhombus, then ricochets and non-penetration often occur even in the NLD (editor's note, lower frontal detail).

medium tanks

They are not designed to take damage. Their job is to come in from the rear or flank, inflict constant (albeit small) damage and, if possible, work with lamps. Medium tanks do not have such serious armor as heavy tanks, but they are much more mobile, and due to the constant ability to shoot, they often do more damage per battle than heavy ones.

The living personification of all that has been said about the "middle peasants" above is the T-62A tank. The main advantage of the T-62A is the accuracy and rate of fire of the gun, especially if the crew is upgraded. In skillful hands, this tank allows you to keep the enemy’s car on the harp for the entire battle, but what’s there for one enemy - you can stall three noobs around the corner (especially if they don’t realize that they can attack at the same time, they crawl out in turn, and you give them splashes, because the reload speed allows).

Plus, in its development branch there are models that are easy to master even for a beginner (for example, the legendary T-34, T-34-85 and A-44).

Light tanks

Let's say right away, if you are a beginner player, your first tank (as part of the aspiration and development) should by no means be easy. It's very difficult. Firstly, their armor is naturally paper (with the exception of sandy French ones, which ricochet a lot, but crawl like turtles). Secondly, single damage. It would seem, why are they needed at all?

Needed, still needed! Light tanks also have enough goodies. Firstly, they are the most maneuverable in the game, hence the conclusion - "first catch up, then beat off." So if you turn your head 360 degrees and reel in time, success is guaranteed. Secondly, light tanks have the best camouflage, they are the hardest to spot, but they, in fact, are designed to shine on enemy vehicles. There is one more feature - the battle balancer deliberately determines light tanks in battles of a higher level. For some, this is not very good (for loss), for others, on the contrary (experience). However, everything is quite logical - only players with straight arms can constantly play on a light tank. And inept brakes in WoT are also enough, believe me.

If we talk about the best lightweight model, then in our opinion it is the Chinese WZ-132. What makes it good - even in stock, it already brings full-fledged help to the team, and the elite WZ-132, and even in capable hands, was created not to be substituted for a one-shot, but to quietly shine, well, if you want to shoot from cover.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery installation

She is a tank destroyer or just a "peteshka". The camouflage of the TD is very good, its purpose is to inflict serious damage at a long distance, helping to hold the enemy’s flanks and breakthrough lines. They are well armored from the front, but from the sides and from the back they are cardboard, unfortunately. Their one-time damage is much higher than that of heavy tanks, but in most cases, aiming down takes an unacceptably long time.

Beginners can start with American tanks - unlike most other models, the Americans have towers, which allows them to quickly adapt. If we talk about the coolest tank destroyer in the game, then in our opinion it is the French AMX 50 Foch (155). Penetration on the top five, the gun has a drum for three shells. Quite maneuverable, and the frontal armor often ricochets. It can destroy any tank in just seconds.

Self-propelled artillery mount

She is a self-propelled gun or just art. It is completely devoid of armor, but it hits powerfully and from afar. Arta has a special combat mode - you will see the battle map from above. If you are a beginner, it is better to pay attention to the British and French branches. Of course, the Soviet Object 261 is considered one of the best self-propelled guns, but getting to it is not so easy. Therefore, in this review of the best art, we will produce Bat. -Chatillon 155 58. French car, less damage than classmates, but a drum for 4 shells.

In addition, it is small and maneuverable, respectively imperceptible, and just about anything - legs in hands and run, and you will catch up with FIG. Ideally, you can change position during reloading - both good for combat and time well spent.

And now about the levels

There are ten levels of development in the game. Moreover, practice shows that the most recent levels are not as popular as the penultimate ones (according to statistics, it is the eighth level that is the most playable and popular among players). Now let's explain why.

The first four (or even five) levels among the players have a somewhat derisive name "sandbox". Well, in fact - if you have a tank of level 2, nothing special is required for the game. It's kind of a test of the pen, people just study the environment and decide which style of play suits them best.

Levels 5 to 7 are a kind of “profitable” period. Farm, farm and farm again. Because the farther, the more expensive fights become.

Level 8, 9 and 10 - everything, the ceiling. Terribly increases self-esteem and allows you to command inept associates in voice chat. In addition, you need a lot of money for participating in battles at these levels, very expensive shells and repairs.

And so, having made an overview of the tops, we returned to the beginning - how to be a beginner and which branch of development to choose?

In the sandbox, the difference between tank classes is not so noticeable (except that the peculiarities of artillery are clear). Choosing a game style is also difficult, because you can pump up to level 4 without really straining in a couple of hours. Therefore, a novice player first of all needs to choose a branch, thanks to which he will be able to understand as many aspects of the game as possible. Plus, a beginner should not aim at too complicated things, which means that:

  • The tank should have high gun accuracy and good DPM;
  • Armor should also be sufficient to withstand rookie mistakes;
  • Maneuverability is of no small importance;
  • The development branch should contain machines that are easy to learn and meet the above requirements.

In our opinion, the first thing a newcomer should attend to is to pay tribute to patriotism. Moreover, it is useful for gaming health.

This refers to the branch of Soviet heavyweights leading to the IS-7. What makes it good is that already from level 5 you will have to drive almost perfect heavy tanks (well, with some minor deviations). In addition, in addition to the IS-7, this branch has two more tanks that become leaders in battles of different modes - these are the IS-3 and KV-1.

But if you have only one tank in your hangar, it's boring. In addition, it is not uncommon for you to be beaten long before the end of the battle. So you can understaff the hangar and simultaneously master other types of equipment.

To get started, three branches will be enough. You already have one, we offer two more:

  • a branch of medium tanks made in Soviet, which leads to the T-62A;
  • a branch of tank destroyers made in France leading to the AMX 50 Foch (155).

And in conclusion, let's say

Straight arms rule. With straight arms, any tank is the best.

However, we did not say this, but Captain Obvious. :)

On the other hand, straight-handedness comes in the process of playing on a single tank. So try. In the end, you will find your style and beat everyone, and even better if you find your own team, made up of your friends. Read our blog with them and show your opponents who you are and what you are capable of! That's all for today, until we meet again and have a good game.

Hi everybody! In this article, we will tell all World of Tanks fans and players about the best heavy tanks in the game. In general, it has a very large number of heavy tanks, which are famous for their particular characteristics. However, we must not forget that each tank must be selected for a specific player. Someone likes to tank with good armor, someone likes a powerful cannon with high damage per shot, someone likes a DPN tank, and someone is only interested in heavy tanks with a high rate of fire. Today we will try to talk about the best heavy tanks at our level, assessing the situation in the game and the preferences of all players.

Let's start with the fifth level, which is the base one, because it is on it that you can really see how the character of heavy tanks manifests itself, their level of armor and power. The most prestigious and favorite heavy tank at the fifth level among all players is the KV-1, and it can rightfully be considered the best one, both at its level and in its category. Yes, of course, Japanese tanks have been gaining popularity lately, but this is solely due to their novelty, which also happened after the introduction of other new tanks into the game.

The sixth level of tanks World Of Tanks

As for the sixth level, two tanks should be noted here, which, of course, are the best at their level. These include the Japanese O-i and the Soviet KV-85 tank. They are not only the best at their level in terms of armor, but also in terms of a gun, which differs from others not only in high penetration, but also in damage per shot.

Tanks such as Tiger I and AMX M4 45 have long been considered the best heavy tank of the seventh level. As for the first of them, after he was uplifted, he became just a god at his level. In addition to 1500 HP, which makes him a tank at his level, with the highest amount of hit points, he also has a cannon that can easily penetrate tanks of the eighth level, which is not only nice, but also very convenient when playing with higher levels. He also has armor, which can not only be tanked while playing with tanks of his levels, but also with lighter tanks. As for the second tank, it also has a very good cannon with high penetration and decent DPM. With armor, however, he is not doing so well as a tiger, but in skillful hands he can easily tank with armor and not worry about anything.

The eighth level of tanks World Of Tanks

And now let's move on to the eighth level, at which the most strawberry awaits the players, because after the sixth level it is the eighth that is considered to be the reference one, since this is the level where you can not only play comfortably, but also not go into the red, which lately players do not like so much. The best heavy tanks of the eighth level have long been considered such tanks as the IS-3 and Tiger II. These tanks have good armor at their level and just a wonderful gun that can punish all opponents with ease. The main thing here is to save durability points and live as long as possible, then these tanks bring the most damage and are more efficient than the rest.

Let's move on to nines, which gamers really like for the simple reason that there is very little left to the top 10 level and everyone is in such a hurry to pump out their long-awaited tank as soon as possible. So, at level 9, tanks such as the E-75, VK4502B and ST-1 are rightfully considered the best heavy tanks. These tanks have the best armor at their tier, which sometimes terrifies even tier 10 tanks when they try to pierce you. In addition to excellent armor, there are also good guns that you can’t complain about, which is why they are the best tanks of their type at the ninth level.

The tenth level of tanks World Of Tanks

Well, finally we came to the sweetest, tenth level. There are a very large number of heavy tanks here that are really worthy of attention, so it is quite difficult to make a choice. However, the opinions of the players differ in such a way that the best heavies of the tenth level are considered to be such tanks as the IS-7. E100 and T57 Heavy. Despite the fact that they are very different from each other, players have loved them very much throughout the history of the game and do not change their choice even now, when so many other tanks have appeared. The main thing for these tanks, as well as for the rest in their category, is excellent armor. In the latter, however, it is an order of magnitude weaker, but this is perfectly compensated by the drum cannon, which gives its advantages during the game.

Novice World of Tanks players who encounter a heavy tank for the first time experience a bit of a shock. Just now everything was good and simple - the small tanks of the "sandbox" joyfully and thoughtlessly destroyed each other ... and then suddenly a huge invulnerable colossus is rushing at you, capable of killing with one shot. Is it even possible to win such?

Understanding how to act comes later, but the impression of the first meeting remains and often changes development priorities for many players. Only when they reach the first “heavy tanks” do they realize that the life of heavy tanks is also not sugar, but in order to realize their advantages, they need special tactics.

Basic principles

Heavy tanks are the most powerful combat vehicles in the game. They cannot boast of the mobility and tactical flexibility inherent in medium vehicles, but it is the actions of heavy tanks that most often shape the tactical pattern of the game. The task of such a tank is to use the advantages of armor, survivability and firepower to break through the enemy defenses. After that, less protected vehicles will rush into the gap, destroying artillery and bypassing the enemy from the rear and from the flanks.

Even if the armor is strong, a meeting with several opponents at once is unlikely to end well.

In defense, a heavy tank does not allow enemy vehicles to operate freely in their area - it is more expensive to try to slip past it, and it is not easy to destroy a skilled "heavy". But keep in mind - left alone with several even lighter and less advanced enemy vehicles, your "heavy" can turn from a predator into a victim.

Therefore, the first rule of a good “heavy” is that no matter how well your tank is protected, you should not play a lone hero. Finding that you are the only one who is going to cover an important direction, do not hesitate to ask for help.

It is also not worth it, like many beginner "heavy drivers", to go thoughtlessly and ahead of enemy positions, relying solely on the power of armor. Armor does not cancel or replace tactics, and cross-fire, concentration of fire and artillery support will easily disable any tank that imagines itself to be impenetrable.

Excessive caution, however, does not paint heavy cars either. A heavy tank sitting in the bushes while a tank destroyer goes on the attack is a frequent sight, but no less shameful for that, and the "heavy" remaining at the beginning of the battle at the base can only be called ballast for the team. This “tactic”, which came from the “sandbox”, so to speak, can occasionally bring success, but not to the team, but to a specific player. Before dying under crossfire and artillery shelling, a brave ambush KV (for some reason, they are the ones who suffer from this most often, it goes away with an increase in level ...) will have time to blow up a couple of damaged vehicles and feel like a hero. But when the fate of the team was decided on the front line, the comrades could simply not have enough armor and firepower.

Covers and camouflage

Nothing will slip past a heavy tank in defense!

Most of the time of the battle, a heavy tank is in close contact with the enemy, which means that its location is known to the enemy. To prevent a large and not too maneuverable vehicle from becoming an easy prey for artillery, it is necessary to use shelters on the ground - buildings, stone boulders, hills, mountains, that is, everything that blocks the line of fire and makes aimed artillery fire impossible. A cautious heavy tank advances from one cover to another in order to have a reliable position when meeting with the enemy.

In battle, retreating behind cover, the heavy gets time to reload and field repair damaged modules. He will be able to wait for artillery support or the approach of reinforcements, being in relative safety. Therefore, the plain is the worst possible terrain for an offensive, and the city is the best. Indeed, in a street fight, any building is a ready-made shelter. There are no infantry in the game, and no one is preparing a surprise like a bazooka / panzerschreck shot from the doorway or a bunch of grenades from the window, but narrow streets and tall buildings complicate the work of artillery and prevent medium vehicles from flanking the "heavy". However, do not underestimate enemy artillery! Always pay attention to enemy tracers in order to roughly calculate the position of the gunners and position accordingly.

Poor Leo hardly even had time to understand what was happening.

A common mistake in positional combat is to exit from cover at right angles to the intended line of fire. Many players stick out from behind cover along the shortest trajectory, exposing the enemy to the side and simply deploying the tower in his direction. This method gives a gain in speed, but even on vehicles with uniform armor, the side is more vulnerable (the side armor plates do not have any noticeable slope), breaking into the side is more likely to damage some module, and knocking down a caterpillar with a shot from the side is much easier.

The high probability of a complete loss of mobility under enemy fire eliminates all the advantages in speed of the "perpendicular" way to leave the shelter.

It is better to spend a little more time and go to the frontal armored area forward in order to receive enemy fire on the most protected area. In addition, in this situation, even having lost a caterpillar, the tank will not remain completely defenseless.

On a well-shootable map without much cover, heavy tanks resort to camouflage according to the same rules as tank destroyers. However, it should be borne in mind that it is easier to detect a heavy tank, so if possible, change position after a shot or an enemy reconnaissance pass.

Equipment and crew

Corps of downed comrades are a good cover from direct fire.

The heavy tank takes most of the damage inflicted by the enemy team and fights at short and medium ranges, where the split-second counts. Therefore, from equipment, he primarily needs means to increase the density of fire, strengthen key components and speed up repairs. In principle, that says it all - a gun rammer, a wet ammo rack (alas, it is impossible to increase the strength of the gun) and a toolbox - that's our choice. The crew should develop repairs first, and fire fighting second. When the repair is well developed (that way, around 80%), you can replace the box with something else, for example, ventilation or devices to improve aiming.

On a note: A module is considered damaged when its health points drop to 50%, incapacitated - when the damage dealt is equal to or exceeds 100% of its durability. Field repairs from this state return 50% durability to the module.

A camouflage net is unlikely to be useful for heavy vehicles - the larger the tank, the more difficult it is to disguise it, and the increase in stealth will be very small here. A set of consumables for a heavy tank is quite standard - first aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher. Try to install an automatic fire extinguisher, it is not only more likely to extinguish a fire, but also reduces the likelihood of its occurrence, which is very important for heavy vehicles.

Anti-fragmentation lining

The lining also protects against explosions next to the tank, but the gain here will be a penny.

Spall lining is one of the most controversial modules in the game. Many players praise it very much and strongly recommend it for installation. +15% damage absorption from explosions and rams - that sounds really cool. But let's see how it really is.

The mechanism of operation of high-explosive fragmentation shells in the game is as follows: if the shell hits, but does not penetrate the armor, the damage from it is divided by two and subtracted from the tank's hit points, before losing 1.3 points of damage for each millimeter of the armor of the affected area of ​​the vehicle. The lining enhances damage absorption at this level, increasing it to somewhere around 1.5 hit points per millimeter of armor. Thus, it is easy to calculate that the gain from lining will be 20 hit points per 100 mm of armor. The average damage of a B-4 artillery gun (SU-14, S-51) is 1850 points. Also, keep in mind that the lining weighs a lot and takes up a cell that could be used for something else.

Soviet heavy vehicles are best balanced. If we compare tanks in terms of mobility, security and firepower, then German and American vehicles of comparable levels often significantly outperform Soviet ones in one of the characteristics, but at the same time they seriously lose in the remaining two.


The first heavy vehicle of the Soviet branch and the most formidable of the Tier 5 tanks. For its level, it is well armored, almost invulnerable to weaker tanks, but its armor is notably insufficient to meet higher-level vehicles, and the silhouette is too high, especially for the top KV-2 turret. But even in a battle with more advanced tanks, the KV can stand up for itself thanks to its firepower.

The choice of guns is impressive - four units, not counting the base. Especially good is the powerful, perfectly balanced 107 mm ZiS-6 gun (tier seven gun on the fifth tank) and 152 mm M-10. In terms of damage with a high-explosive projectile, it is equal to the base gun SU-152. Of the minuses - it takes a very long time to recharge, it is difficult to aim and has a huge spread, which forces it to be used mainly at short distances. But with a successful point-blank shot, this gun can destroy the T-34-85 with one hit. Which of these weapons suits you best depends on your play style.

The strongest shortcomings of HF are not the best mobility and a frankly short viewing radius (350 meters). Without reconnaissance, this tank is guaranteed to arrive just in the arms of an ambush waiting for it.


One of the options for the development of HF at the sixth level of the game. In fact, this is a more maneuverable and high-speed version of the same HF. The improvement in driving performance was achieved by lowering the protection of the sides of the hull, and in front the “kvass” is protected in the same way as the KV, which is no longer enough for the sixth level. The increased maneuverability does not compensate for this disadvantage, which is why many players call the KV-1S a "non-medium" tank.

In general, the KV-1S is significantly inferior in efficiency to the KV-3, another variant of the KV development, and therefore rarely seen in the game.


This tier 6 tank is a real tough nut to crack. It is protected for its stage just fine (120 mm on the forehead of the hull is more than that of the "Tiger"!), It is weakly vulnerable to fire both in the forehead and on the side, and can fight with the "Tiger" if not quite on equal terms, then almost.

It boasts excellent D2-5T and D10-T guns, the tangible drawback of which is expensive maintenance. In addition, these guns require almost as many experience points to open as the opening of the next tank in the branch. But if they are examined, they will serve the Soviet tanker for a very long time, the D10-T is even put on the IS-4.

All the shortcomings of the KV-3 can be summed up in one word - slow. Drives and turns slowly (even with improved engine and landing gear), slowly turns the turret, slowly aims and reloads the gun.


The Soviet heavy tank of the seventh level, in comparison with the KV-3, does not gain much in terms of security. All the same 120 mm of armor on the forehead of the hull, except that the slope slightly increased. The turret has lost it altogether - it was 130 mm, it became 100 (more streamlined forms, however, level out this drawback). IP wins primarily in size and dynamics. It is more compact, more maneuverable, turns the turret faster and is armed with the D-25T gun, similar in everything to the D2-5T, but faster-firing.

It has practically no disadvantages. In a word, this is one of the best tanks at the seventh level.


An outstanding car in every way. The IS-3 is perfectly protected, has a revolutionary low and streamlined shape for its time, and has impressive firepower. At long distances in the forehead, the IS-3 is almost invulnerable to tanks of lower and even equal levels. This vehicle has almost no drawbacks (except for the fact that there are several even better and deadlier tanks in the game), and it can easily be called the best heavy tank of the eighth level.



The most powerful Soviet tank and the fastest heavy tank in the game. The IS-7 is not much inferior in mobility to some medium-sized vehicles and can accelerate to 50 km / h - this is two and a half times higher than the speed of the Mouse. The IS-7 is armored in much the same way as the IS-4, but the incredible angles of the frontal armor and the streamlined shape of the turret make it an extremely difficult target. It also has huge firepower - 195-325 armor penetration and 368-613 damage with the base projectile. This is without a doubt one of the best and most dangerous tanks in the game and the most balanced tier 10 tank.

German branch

The German branch of heavy tanks is the shortest. Only four vehicles - from a lightly protected tank, which seemed invincible at one time, to a self-propelled fort that never left the prototype stage.

PzKpfw VI Tiger

Many players complain that this Panzerwaffe legend turned out in the game not at all as scary, invulnerable and deadly as it should have been. Well, indeed, for a heavy tank of the seventh level, the Tiger is not very well protected. Only 100mm of slopeless armor on the front and 80mm on the sides.

However, it should be borne in mind that the game does not reconstruct the battles of the Second World War, where the Tiger would have to face mainly T-34s and Shermans that did not live long when meeting with it, but clearly shows us the history of tank-building thought and the development of tanks. The possibility of a collision with the T-29 that did not go beyond the prototype stage and post-war tanks, like the IS-3 or T54, was not provided for by the creators and terms of reference of the Tiger. The Tiger compensates for its relatively weak protection with good maneuverability and excellent accuracy and rate of fire of the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L / 71 gun. With this gun, you can also go to the IS-3.

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II

The "Royal Tiger" is already much better armored. 150 mm of sloping frontal armor on the hull is very serious. However, to make the "Tiger 2" a truly effective machine, you need to replace the base tower as soon as possible. Why shoot at a well-protected hull if you can hit a tower with 100 mm armor that is ridiculous for a level 8? Meeting with the IS-3 in such situations turns into a lottery - whether the enemy knows or does not know about this feature, whether he can distinguish the “stock” tower from the “top one”. It's more offensive to meet other CTs - they know for sure! The upgraded turret with 180 mm frontal armor solves this problem completely and turns the Tiger 2 into a machine almost equal to the IS-3. That one, however, seems to me preferable due to the lower silhouette and streamlined shapes.

VK4502(P) Ausf. B


The 188-ton Wonder Yudo is the largest, most armored, and heaviest tank in the game. He pays for this with very little mobility - his speed is only 20 km / h. Because of this, and also because of the size of the “if you want, you won’t miss” type, we are very fond of artillery. Well suited for defense: to stand in an area inaccessible to artillery fire so that no one will ever pass here is for him. It is also good on the offensive - when the huge carcass of the Mouse takes on the fire of almost the entire enemy team, while the comrades go around from the flanks, it turns out just fine. An almost invulnerable mobile fortress - it's worth developing the German branch for it!

The meeting of equal machines is always interesting

American branch

American heavy tanks never appeared on the fields of World War II - the US Army managed with medium vehicles and a large fleet of tank destroyers. However, experimental work was underway, and a number of interesting prototypes were built. World of Tanks allows us to try them out.

T1 Hvy


Almost the same T1, only with frontal armor reinforced to 102 mm and a much more impressive range of guns. What is the "top" 90-mm Gun M3 - a wonderful gun (basic on the "Pershing", by the way!), Capable of hitting any target of the sixth or seventh level.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the same very poorly protected sides and a long time for repairing the caterpillar. However, the latter also applies to T1.





My favorite among the tanks of the tenth level. T30, in general, is the same T34 in the “top-end” configuration, however, the excellent 120-graph paper was replaced with ... it’s hard for me to find the right epithet, perhaps the word “divine” will not be too much here. So, the 120mm cannon was replaced with a divine 155mm gun with 207-345 armor penetration and 563-938 damage. A gun capable of taking down a “slipper” for almost half of its life with one successful shot is too good! Such firepower, as well as good mobility, completely compensate for low security by the standards of higher levels. Best of all, the T30 works as a second-line tank, supporting the advance of better protected vehicles with fire.

Each vehicle class in World of Tanks has its own specialization. Light tanks are scouts, artillery performs the function of support, tank destroyers are ideal in defense and holding direction, and medium tanks, including the A-44, are generalists. However, the main role in any battle, no doubt, is played by heavy tanks - tt in World of Tanks, or as they are also called - strands. And today we have TT guide.

The best TTs for tanking

Possessing the most powerful weapons and armor, vehicles of this class are able to push through a strategically important direction on the map and decide the outcome of the battle. However, you have to pay for this with a strong dependence on the team - without flank cover or competent artillery support, the strands will become easy prey. Plus "serbogold", which allows you to pierce most of the cars in the game. As practice shows, at present, only a few cars can play “from armor”. The legendary Soviet IS-7 and ST-1 (the latter has an indestructible turret) plus the German Slipper, which will soon be replaced by the Maus prototype. We recommend that you read our article on how to tank sideways correctly. This is the most important part in TT guide. For a successful game, you must be aware of how it is done correctly.

Comparison TT-10 which is better?

It is also worth mentioning drum heavy tanks in World of Tanks– they have medium-level armor, but thanks to the charging mechanism and excellent dynamics, they are able to deliver a huge amount of damage. The game on machines of this type resembles the game on medium tanks, so they can only be called “heavyweights” by their class. And finally, a video on the most popular drum TT in wot - T57 Heavy.