Processing of text electronic documents. preparation of documents on a PC - abstract

Lecture 11. Electronic document management. Electronic document management systems.

Electronic document - information fixed on a material carrier in the form of a set of symbols, sound recording or image and intended for transmission in time and space using computer technology and telecommunications for the purpose of storage and public use (electronic document - a document in which information is presented in electronic digital form).

Electronic digital signature - an attribute of an electronic document designed to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the private key of the electronic digital signature and allowing to identify the owner of the signature key certificate, as well as to establish the absence of information distortion in the electronic document.

The owner of the signature key certificate is an individual in whose name the certification center has issued a signature key certificate and who owns the corresponding private key of the electronic digital signature, which allows using electronic digital signature tools to create their own electronic digital signature in electronic documents (to sign electronic documents).

So, compared to a paper document, an electronic document is a much more complex and generalized object. Its distinguishing features are:

Universality (can describe a wider class of objects),

Dynamism (due to its electronic nature it is easy to modify),

Interactivity (can be modified in response to actions of the viewer),

Virtuality (can be generated from the database at the request of the user).

As practice shows, there are three main areas of application of electronic documents:

Creation of electronic analogues of paper documents (books, newspapers, letters, financial papers),

Use as a basis for interactive web applications,

Formal (machine-oriented) description of complex information objects (data schemas, interfaces, dictionaries).

In accordance with this, classes of electronic documents and sets of their elements are created. For example, when describing paper documents, there is no need for interactive elements, which greatly simplifies the document and the entire system. However, this approach does not take advantage of electronic submission and is being used less and less.

All document creation procedures can be effectively performed on a PC equipped with a scanner and a set of domain-specific software applications, primarily text editing programs or desktop publishing. The scanner can be used to enter separately prepared fragments into the document: drawings, photographs, schemes, seals, signatures, etc.

Storage of electronic documents. The system for storing electronic documents should ensure efficient storage and updating of documents in the external memory of the computer, as well as their efficient search and confidential access to them. Databases are the storage of specially organized information, including electronic documents, in the external memory of a computer.

For enterprises of the tourism industry, telephone communication is the most common and widely used type of communication. It is used not only for the operational administrative management of enterprises, but also for conducting financial and economic activities. For example, by phone you can book a hotel room, get information about the route or tour package that interests the tourist.

  1. Preparation publications in textual Word editor using graphics

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  2. Modernization electronic educational and methodical complex

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    AND documentation required for modernization electronic educational- ... . At work on PC manifestations of the following ... influences are possible; means of obtaining training, processing, storage, registration, ... appointments include: text editors, graphic...

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    The next stage of professional training programmer. Same... on computer. S T R U K T U R N A I S X E M A E V M Electronic A computer is a device for automatic processing... automation, etc. On PC as output devices...

  4. Automated Bulk Printing System documents for legal entities

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    Sites documents, printing and polygraphy. 9. Preparation images to... for processing numerical data and work with textual... design of printing publications and electronic documents, such as Internet Web pages... influencing on personnel working with PC. ...

Topic 2.4. Database management systems and expert systems

2.4.11. Training database with main button form "Training_students" - Download

Microsoft Word - word processor

2.1. Text processing in Microsoft Word

2.1.2. The concept of an electronic document. Technology for creating and editing a text document in Microsoft Word

The concept of an electronic document

Effective process management in enterprises and organizations requires an effective electronic document management system.

Documents are the main information resource of enterprises and organizations.

Document circulation is a continuous process of document movement, which reflects the activities of enterprises and allows you to quickly manage production processes at the enterprise.

Currently, both traditional office work (on paper media) and electronic document management are used. Electronic document management systems are designed to automate business processes.

A comprehensive solution for the organization of electronic document management at the enterprise is provided by the system of electronic document management and office automation "EUFRAT-Document Management". The system of office automation and electronic document management DELO supports both the traditional organization of office work and electronic document management.

FossDoc - Electronic document management system. The electronic document management system is a standard solution of the FossDoc platform designed to automate document flow and office work, both in state and non-state enterprises of any size and type of activity.

The basic concept of an electronic document management system is an electronic document. An electronic document is a collection of data in a computer's memory, which includes text, figures, tables, drawings, etc. and is intended for human perception with the help of appropriate software and hardware.

The status of an electronic document is fixed by the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Management" No. 851-IV dated May 22, 2003. An electronic document is a document in which information is recorded in the form of electronic data, including the required details of the document.

An electronic signature is one of the mandatory details of electronic documents. An electronic digital signature (EDS) is used to sign electronic documents by both individuals and legal entities in order to give the document legal force.

2.1.3. Technology for creating and editing a text document in Microsoft Word 2003

A text editor is a program that allows you to create a document with text data.

A word processor is a program for entering, editing and processing text documents with various information (for example, tables, graphics, etc.).

Text editors and processors include: built-in text editors; editors of instrumental computer programs; universal word processors; editors of scientific documents, programs for typesetting layouts of magazines and books (publishing systems).

Currently, the most popular word processor is Microsoft Word 2003, but a new version of Microsoft Office 2007 has already appeared.

In Word 2003, you can create the following types of documents:

  1. New document.
  2. Web page.
  3. XML - document.
  4. Email message.
  5. Message - Fax.
  6. Envelopes and Stickers.
  7. Templates.

Getting started with Word

All new text documents in Word are based on templates. A template is a document that is used as a template for creating new text documents. After starting Word, a window is displayed on the screen in which you can see a blank text document based on the Normal template.

By default, all text documents in Word are created based on the Normal template, and all text is entered in the Normal Normal style, in which the basic formatting options are set: font - Times New Roman, font size - 10 points, left alignment, single line spacing.

You can enter text, insert a table, a picture, etc. into the window of an empty text document. The empty document is named Document 1, which is visible in the title bar.

You can create a text document in Word in the following ways:

  • select the New command in the File menu, then in the task pane (the mode will change to "Creating a document") in the Create section, select "New document" based on the Normal template or in the Templates section in the item On my computer, select a predefined template or wizard on the basis of which you want to create a document or template .;
  • Clicking the New icon on the Standard toolbar opens a blank document, Document 1, based on the Standard template.

When creating new documents, they will be sequentially assigned numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. In a blank document, a flickering vertical line is visible at the top left, which is called the input cursor. The cursor indicates where a character will be entered from the keyboard or an object will be inserted (picture, table, etc.).

The position of the cursor can be changed with the cursor keys or with the mouse only within the typed text. The editor status line on the display screen shows the line number of the document and the number of the position in it where the cursor is currently located.

Word Work Mode - Insert or Replace

The Word word processor is in insert or replace mode. The mode is indicated in the status bar on the display screen. Modes can be switched using the Ins key. In the "insert" mode, the characters entered from the keyboard shift the document text located behind the cursor to the right. In replace mode, instead of the character to the right of the cursor, a new character is entered from the keyboard.

Before entering text, it is advisable to set the parameters and the required page orientation by executing the File / Page Setup command, Margins tab.

Saving a Word document

While working with a document, it is in RAM. In order to burn this file to disk, you need to select the Save command from the File menu, and set the necessary parameters in the Save Document dialog box.

Rice. 1.

When saving a document in the dialog window, you must: Specify the file name, select the File type, select the folder in which the file attributes are saved, and the disk on which the file will be saved. An open file can be saved to disk under a different name by selecting the "Save As" command from the File menu.

Close the document and exit Word

To close the document, not the application, you must select the "File / Close" command.

To exit the program, you can use one of the following methods:

  • select the Exit command in the File menu;
  • click the Close button on the title bar;
  • double-click the window menu button;
  • select the Close command from the window menu.

Opening a document in Word

You can open a document in Word in several ways:

  1. Select the Open command from the File menu and in the Open Document dialog box specify the name and location of the file;
  2. Click the Open button on the Standard toolbar and double-click the file icon in the Open Document dialog box.

To open multiple files at the same time, select their names in the dialog box while holding down the Ctrl key, and then click the Open button.

Multi-window operation of Word

Word processors can work on multiple documents at the same time in different windows. Entering and editing text is carried out in the active window, in which menu commands can be accessed. Commands on the Window menu allow you to arrange document windows, move from one window to another, and split the window's client area into two parts.

The main stages of creating (preparing) text documents in Word are:

  • typing;
  • text editing;
  • formatting;
  • spell check;
  • text printing;
  • preservation.

Each stage consists of performing certain operations.

You can enter text by typing it from the keyboard and insert various text fragments from other documents into the document.

Typing is carried out by pressing the keys on the PC keyboard, while the next character is displayed on the screen at the cursor position, and the cursor moves one position to the right. The spaces that a text editor automatically inserts to justify lines are called "soft" spaces.

“Hard” spaces are entered into the text by pressing the Space key on the PC keyboard. A sign of the separation of a word from a word is a “Hard” space, so one “Hard” space must be set between words. A punctuation mark does not need to be separated by a space from the preceding word, and a space must be entered after the punctuation mark. A “hard” line terminator is created by pressing the Enter key to indicate the end of a paragraph.

Editing text in Word

After entering the text, it undergoes various changes. Editing a document in Word is carried out by menu commands or by pressing keys on a PC keyboard.

Editing operations (delete, insert, move) are carried out on:

  1. Symbols.
  2. Strings.
  3. Fragments.

Characters are entered from the keyboard (in insert or replace mode), and characters are deleted using the Backspace or Delete keys.

Editing operations for lines are: deleting a line, splitting one line into two, merging two lines into one, inserting an empty line.

Editing operations (copy, move and delete) for fragments. A fragment is a continuous piece of text. To delete, copy, move a fragment, you must select it.

You can select a fragment using the mouse or keyboard. Word uses different highlighting methods for a word, line, sentence, paragraph. (single, double or triple mouse click in a paragraph or to the left of a paragraph on the selection bar). The selected text can be copied, moved and deleted both using the clipboard and moving with the mouse (with the left or right button pressed).

After selecting a fragment, the operation of copying or moving it can be performed in the following ways:

  • using the left mouse button (drag and drop);
  • using the right mouse button (drag and drop);
  • using the commands of the Edit menu;
  • using the commands of the context menu;
  • using the icons on the toolbar (cut, copy, paste);
  • from the keyboard (set of keys).

To undo an erroneous action in Word, a rollback operation is used. The undo command is found on the Edit menu and on the toolbar. In addition to the rollback command, there is a command to cancel the rollback.

Editing existing text in Word using the Edit / Replace command

The ability to search and replace text provided in Word greatly speeds up the process of editing (editing) large text. You can also use this command to find and replace certain formatting options, special characters, and other document objects.

Rice. 2.


Choose the right program for creating an electronic document. For example, if you want to create a text-only file, choose KWrite or Geany (on Linux) or Notepad (on Windows), a complex text document - Abiword, Writer, Microsoft Office Word, a raster graphics document - Mtpaint, Paint, GIMP, a spreadsheet - Gnumeric, Calc, Microsoft Office Excel, etc.

Make sure that the program required to create an electronic document of the desired format is on your computer. If it doesn't already exist, install it.

Launch the program of your choice.

If an empty document is not automatically created after starting the program, select New or similar from the File menu, or press the Control and N keys at the same time.

If you are prompted to select a document type, specify an image size, etc., enter the relevant information. If you are then immediately prompted for a file name, enter it.

If the file doesn't already have a title, choose Save As from the File menu, or press Control+S, then select a folder and enter a filename. Select its type immediately if the program supports multiple file types.

Save the file periodically in the future. To do this, use the "Save" item in the "File" menu, or the keyboard shortcut Control + S already mentioned above. The more often you save a file, the less likely you are to lose information in the event of a sudden power outage of your computer.

When you're done working on a document, be sure to save it before exiting, even if you've occasionally saved while working on it. However, if you forget to do this, the program will remind you of this and offer to save the changes. After starting the program again, select the document in the list of recently processed or press Ctrl + O or select the "Open" item in the "File" menu, then select the folder and file.

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  • electronic document as

The question of the need to create an electronic archive at the enterprise is becoming increasingly relevant. And this is no coincidence, because the introduction of new information technologies not only ensures the safety and reliability of documents, but also reduces the time to search for them, and also allows, if necessary, several employees to access the same data at once.


Creating an archive of electronic documents includes several stages. Initially, purchase and install licensed software on the company's computer equipment.

Prepare documents, i.e. systematize them, identify them in accordance with the existing structure of document circulation in your organization. In particular, at this stage they will need to be registered, sorted by shelf life, and paper clips and staples removed from unstapled sheets.

The next step is to digitize or scan documents. It is carried out on technical equipment that supports exactly the type and format of the document that is used in this organization. At this stage, check the quality of reproduction of documents, rescan if necessary.

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Institute of Law, Social Management and Security

Middle Humanitarian Law College

Course work


Semakina Irina Vladimirovna

students of the SPO-O-0611-21(k) group

specialty "Documentation

management and archiving”

Head: Senior Lecturer

Volkova A.V.

Izhevsk 2008


1. Systems for preparing text documents

2. Microsoft Office application package

2.1 Application programs included with Microsoft Office

2.2 Word processor Microsoft Word

2.3 Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

3. Automation systems for documentation management


List of used literature and sources


For many, many centuries, information technology has been in the process of development. In some periods, this development slowed down and became almost imperceptible, and in some periods, on the contrary, there was a qualitative leap, and humanity began to use fundamentally new, hitherto unseen means of processing, transmitting and storing information. The convenience and efficiency of using computers to prepare the texts of documents has led to the creation of many programs for processing documents. The capabilities of these programs are different - from programs designed to prepare small documents of a simple structure, to programs for typing, design and complete preparation for printing publication of books and magazines (publishing systems).

The topic of my term paper is relevant, since now almost all documents are stored and created in electronic form. This requires the appropriate software.

aim my course work is:

- Consider the most popular programs that are used to create documents.

- Find out which application programs are included in Microsoft Office.

- Define and study automation systems for document management.

tasks my course work is:

- Consider the main systems for preparing text documents, give the concept of text editors, word processors and desktop publishing systems.

- Describe the Microsoft Office application package, the programs included in it, the main features of the Microsoft Word word processor (hereinafter referred to as MS Word) and the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor (hereinafter referred to as MS Excel).

- Consider the main automation systems for document management support: "BOSS-Referent", "CompanyMedia", "DOCs Open", "Office work 2.5", "NauDoc".

All programs for creating documents can be conditionally divided into systems for preparing text and spreadsheet documents and programs for office automation.

To achieve the goal and solve problems, I mainly use periodicals, such as the journals Deloproizvodstvo and Sekretarskoe delo, which tell about the implementation of the BOSS-Referent program in large organizations, and how it affected their work, as well as about the NAUMEN company and its programs.

Also, in writing my term paper, I used the automated office work system "Office work 2.5" and GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documents.

And also I used information from the global network Internet, where the site "" contains information on automating document processing, etc.

The course work has a structure that allows you to reveal and justify the topic I have chosen in great detail. I also want to note that I substantiated the structure of my course work in such a way as to optimally achieve my goals and solve the tasks set.

This course work includes: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of sources used. The first chapter deals with systems for preparing text documents. The second chapter talks about the Microsoft Office application package, and the third chapter describes automated control systems, such as: "BOSS-Referent", "CompanyMedia", "DOCs Open", "Documentary 2.5" and "NauDoc".

I also want to note that this course work will allow me to consolidate the knowledge gained in the course of theoretical training in the discipline "Document Science", as well as to work out and form practical skills on this topic.

1. Systemstrainingtextdocuments

The currently existing systems for preparing text documents differ significantly from each other in their characteristics, methods of entering and editing text, its formatting and information output (printing), as well as the degree of complexity of user learning. The choice of a specific word processing software product is a very crucial moment. A variety of text preparation systems allow those specialists who are associated with information technology to effectively use the computer. The selection process is connected with many factors, but, first of all, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

Currently existing computer systems for the preparation of text documents can be classified according to the scope of functionality or the intended use. For example, text editor, which provides the input, modification and saving of any symbolic text, but it is intended mainly for preparing program texts in high-level programming languages, since they do not require formatting, i.e. automatic conversion of the location of text elements, font changes, etc.

Text editor ( text editor) is a text editor that provides fairly complex formatting. In terms of functionality, “Text editor” is comparable to the built-in Windows program “Word Pad”. With this program, you can open, edit, save, print files of the following formats: BAS, CPP, DAT, INI, PAS, RTF, SYS, SQL, TXT, etc. It is possible to align the text to the left, right or center, insert a paragraph (bullet), roll back 1 change, get bold, italic or underlined text, select the font, its characters, modify, color, size. You can format text with first line and paragraph indents. This program does not work with images embedded in text - embedded images in an open document, such as RTF format, will not be saved. The font used to type the document by default is `Times New Roman". It can be changed to any other font available to the operating system. The document is printed on the principle of "what I see is what I get" by calling the printer driver dialog, which allows you to optimally select a printer and set up printing.

The result of the on-screen editor is expressed as a file in which all characters are characters of the code table ASCII (American Standards Committee for Information Interchange) with codes greater than 31 and newline characters. Such files are called ASCII files.

Differing in management methods and a set of service capabilities, all text editors in one form or another allow:

Type text with display on the screen of the video terminal, using up to 200 characters;

Fix erroneous characters in replace mode;

Insert and delete groups of characters (words) within a string, without translating the unchanged part of the string, but shifting it entirely to the left/right in insert mode:

Delete one or more lines, copy them or move them to another place in the text;

Expand lines of existing text to insert a new fragment there;

Insert groups of lines from other texts;

Detect all occurrences of a specific group of characters (context);

Replace one context with another, possibly of different lengths;

Save the typed text for subsequent adjustments;

Print text on printers of different types with standard printing programs in one font within the document.

Of the many on-screen editors available, one can single out " Norton Editor ”(Peter Norton Computing Inc.), “ sidekick» (firm “Borland”), « brief» (Solution Systems Company), multi-functional multi-window editor « Multi - Edit » (American Cybernetics Inc.). The same category includes editorsTurbo systems. A variety of Turbo - systems are convenient integrated tools for creating, compiling, debugging and executing programs in such popular programming languages ​​as BASIC, Pascal, Xi, Prologue, assembler. An obligatory component of Turbo-systems is an editor with ample opportunities for creating and updating program texts. The commands of the editors of Turbo-systems are based on the commands of the popular program " Word Star and highly standardized.

When the main task of the user is to prepare texts in natural languages ​​for printing and printing these documents, the set of operations of the editor should be significantly expanded, and the software product moves into a new quality - a text preparation system (a product that corresponds to the English term "word processor"). Such document processing programs are focused on working with texts that have a document structure, i.e. desktop publishing.

Based on the intramachine structure of the prepared document, one could propose the following approach to the classification of text preparation systems. For example, systems such as:

formatter is a text preparation system that does not use any special codes for the internal representation of text, except for the standard ones: end of line, carriage return, end of page (works with ASCII files).

word processor is a text preparation system that, in its internal representation, supplies the text itself with special codes - markup. Basically, screen editors and word processors differ in purpose: the former create ASCII files, which are then processed by compilers or formatters, the latter are designed to prepare texts with subsequent printing on paper, so the form of text representation is of great importance.

Word processors have special features to make it easier to enter text and present it in printed form. Among these functions, the following functions can be distinguished:

- text input under the control of formatting functions that immediately change the appearance of a page of text on the screen and the arrangement of words on it, which gives an approximate idea of ​​​​the actual location of the text on paper after printing;

- a preliminary description of the structure of the future document, which sets parameters such as the amount of paragraph indents, the type and size of the font for various text elements, the location of headings, line spacing, the number of text columns, the location and method of numbering footnotes, etc.:

- automatic spell checking and getting hints when choosing synonyms;

- enter the editing of tables and formulas with their display on the screen in the form in which they will be printed;

- combining documents in the process of preparing the text for printing;

- automatic table of contents and alphabetical reference.

Most word processors have the ability to customize the hardware configuration of your computer, such as the type of graphics adapter and monitor. Almost all word processors have a unique data structure for representing text, which is explained by the need to include additional information in the text describing the structure of the document, fonts, and the like, since each word or even character can have its own special characteristics. Therefore, text prepared with one word processor is generally not readable and therefore cannot be edited and printed by other word processors. In order to ensure the compatibility of text documents when transferring them from one word processor environment to another, there is a special kind of software - converters that guarantee the receipt of an output file in the format of a word processor - the recipient of the document. The converter program receives information in one format at the input, and as a result of its work it outputs information in the form of a file in another (required) format. Further improvement of word processing systems led to the fact that stand-alone converter programs practically ceased to exist and became an integral part of the text preparation system. Today, the brightest representatives of word processing programs support popular file formats through built-in conversion modules.

Currently existing word processors differ significantly from each other in characteristics, capabilities for entering and editing text, its formatting and printing, as well as in the degree of complexity of learning by the user.

Rather conditionally, these tools can be divided into 2 categories .

TO 1 categories include word processors that allow you to prepare and print complex and large documents, including books. These include "WinWord", "WordPerfect", "ChiWriter", "WordStar 2000", "AmiPRo", "T3". The most popular domestic product in this class is the word processor " Lexicon”, support and further development, which is carried out by Arsenal.

Word Processors 2 categories And have significantly fewer capabilities, but they are more convenient to use, work faster and require less RAM, and are significantly lower in cost. Word processing systems specifically designed for executives are simpler and easier to use. This category includes `Beyond Word Writer', `Professional Write', `Symantec Just Write', `DacEasy Word'.

Desktop publishing houses prepare texts according to the rules of polygraphy and with typographical quality. Just as word processors are not a "development" of formatters, desktop publishing is not a more advanced continuation of word processors, since they serve a very different purpose. Desktop publishing systems (`desktop publishing') are, in fact, a layout tool. Programs of this class are intended not so much for creating large documents as for implementing various kinds of printing effects, i.e., a desktop publishing program makes it easy to manipulate text, change page formats, indent size, makes it possible to combine different fonts, work with material until you are completely satisfied with the appearance of both individual pages (bands) and the entire publication.

To conclude Chapter 1, text editors are now little used because they have far fewer features than the word processors and desktop publishing systems that have become available to most users. From the side of document science, this is also due to the fact that text editors do not provide the function of creating templates, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the work of creating documents.

2. Plastic bagappliedprogramsMicrosoftoffice

2.1 Appliedprograms,incomingVMicrosoftoffice

Today, Microsoft software products (hereinafter referred to as MS) are the "de facto" standard for office work. It is difficult to find an institution, enterprise, firm, in whose office computers with the Windows operating system (98, 98SE, 2000, NT, XP, Vista) and the MS Office application package would not be installed.

Popular software package - Microsoft Office 2003 , which includes in the standard set "MS Word 2003", "MS Excel 2003", "MS Outlook 2003" and "MS PowerPoint 2003". Also included in the use is a recently released software package Microsoftoffice2007 , including updated: "MS Word 2007", "MS Excel 2007", "MS Outlook 2007" and "MS PowerPoint 2007", etc.

In the Small Business version, PowerPoint 2003 is replaced by the MS Office Publisher 2007 publishing package, the Professional version includes both the standard set and the Small Business add-ons, and also has a database tool (DBMS) Access 2003. But the updated Power Point 2007 is also used. The full Premium version also includes the Photo Draw 2003 business graphics package and the Front Page 2003 Web site builder. The last two programs are delivered in English version. The kit includes as a free application `Internet Explorer 5.0` - a set of programs for working on the Internet.

The most attractive thing about the MS Office suite is what ties these applications together: all these programs share a common menu and button sets that look very similar. By learning how to work with one of the applications, you thereby greatly advance in the study of the rest. The main idea of ​​the software package is to work on the Internet. If earlier MS Word and MS Excel were primarily focused on the fact that the prepared document would be printed on paper, now the developers assume that the prepared document will first of all be sent by e-mail or posted on the Internet. To do this, MS Office developers have included another file format in the product - HTML, which is the standard for posting content on the Internet. Saving documents in HTML format also allows users who do not have MS Office on their computer to view documents. To view such documents, Internet Explorer, which is included in the standard Windows package, is now sufficient. Quite common for a modern office is the situation when documents are prepared not only in Russian and English, but also in other languages ​​(German, Spanish, French, Arabic, Japanese, etc.).

Microsoft Access 2003 is a relational database. At the heart of this program are tables. Microsoft Access (hereinafter referred to as MS Access) differs from MS Excel in that, unlike MS Excel, MS Access DBMS allows you to work with a whole system of interrelated tables. In the MS Access DBMS, formulas, sorting, links between individual cells and their formatting are used when working with tables. If you need to extract the necessary data from several database tables at once, you can create a query, while the cells on the screen will be arranged in the specified order. Query results can be printed using the Report tool. The report is a table with the requested data, the design can be selected from the proposed templates.

The capabilities of Microsoft Office programs can be extended with the help of special modules - add-ons. Among such programs, one can find both serious commercial packages (for example, the Orfo spell checker, Lingvo electronic dictionaries, PROMT translator), and small free "macros" created by ordinary users.

2.2 TextCPUMicrosoftWord

MicrosoftWord- the basis of any office and, perhaps, the most necessary and popular program in everything Microsoft office .

Microsoft Word allows you to enter, edit, format and design text, and correctly place it on the page. With this program, you can insert graphics, tables and charts into your document, as well as automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. Text editor MS Word has many other features that greatly facilitate the creation and editing of documents.

The program offers a number of features that save time and effort for creating documents. Among them are features such as:

AutoText - for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;

- styles for storing and setting entire sets of formats at once;

- merge to create serial letters, print envelopes and labels;

- macros - to execute a sequence of frequently used commands;

- “wizards” - for creating professionally designed documents.

Using MS Word for Windows, you can create tables, charts. MS Word for Windows also has a formula editor that allows you to enter formulas of varying complexity. MS Word allows you to check spelling. When checking, each word in the document is compared with samples in a special dictionary. If the word is not found in the dictionary, a dialog box will open in which you can make the necessary corrections. When working with documents, you often have to repeat the input of the same sections of text. In MS Word, it is enough to enter them once, and then make an AutoText element with a unique name and then insert the necessary number of times in any place in the document. Quite often, many employees have to create documents based on standard unified forms or forms developed and approved within the organization, as well as various types of documents of the same type (serial letters, certificates, etc.). With an automated method for preparing this type of document, two options are possible:

1) create the necessary form in the form of a document (for example, it will be a file with the “.doc” extension) and then change the variable part of the text in it;

2) create the necessary form in the form of a template (a file with the “.dot” extension) and then create new documents based on the developed template and fill in the fields containing a variable part of the text.

A template is a kind of stencil with certain properties, which include a collection of styles, template texts, macros, keyboard shortcuts, additional menu items and custom toolbars in a separate file with the ".dot" extension.

Templates are used for:

~ standardization and unification of the work of all employees of the organization with standard and similar types of documents. All employees create documents based on uniform templates (files with the “.dot” extension), while the templates must be prepared in such a way that the template text cannot be edited by users, and only input fields containing variable information in the form are available for input and correction.

~ improving the efficiency of preparing serial documents that are intended for distribution to a large number of recipients. Such documents are created from templates using the merge function.

By merging, document texts are created that contain a fixed, unchanging part (template) and variable text fragments (filling), i.e. merging a typical text (stencil) with the information to be filled in

2.3 TabularCPUMicrosoftexcel

text document editor automation control

Application area Microsoft excel very wide. First of all, these are accounting and engineering calculations, drawing up various summaries, charts, price lists, and much more.

When working with Microsoft Excel for Windows, the principle “what you see is what you get”, or in the English version “WYSIWYG” (What You See Is What You Get), is respected. This makes working with Excel undeniably easy and avoids many mistakes.

In addition, MS Excel has a large set of service functions. This is text input and spell checking, drawing, exporting and importing data. The means of printing is also very flexible. You can print all pages at once, or you can print only part of the pages in a workbook.

Main features of MS Excel:

v Context help. It is called from the context menu or by pressing the corresponding button in the icon menu.

v Help system. It is organized in the form of hypertext and allows you to easily and quickly search for the desired topic.

v Multivariate execution of operations. Almost all operations can be performed in one of three or four ways, from which the user chooses the most convenient one.

v Context menu. Expanded by clicking the button (usually right) "mouse" on the selected object. We are talking, for example, about the place in the table where the user is currently going to work. The most commonly used processing functions available in a given situation are collected in the context menu.

v Icon menu. The commands that are used most often correspond to the icons located below the menu bar. They form an icon menu. When the mouse button is clicked on an icon, the associated command is executed. Pictographic menus can be customized.

v Workgroups, or work folders. It is convenient to combine documents into working folders and treat them as a whole when it comes to copying, downloading, editing, or other procedures. At the bottom of the spreadsheet is an alphabetical index (case) that provides access to the worksheets. The user has the ability to name the sheets in the folder (instead of the alphabetical index), which makes the contents of the register visual, and therefore facilitates the search and transition from document to document.

v Tools for designing and modifying the screen and tables. The appearance of the working window and other elements of the on-screen interface can be defined according to the requirements of the user, making the operation as convenient as possible. Such features include splitting the screen into several windows, fixing row and column headings, and so on.

v Tools for designing and printing tables. For the convenience of the user, all the functions that provide printing of tables are provided, such as selecting the page size, pagination, setting the size of page margins, designing headers and footers, as well as previewing the resulting page.

v Worksheet design tools. Excel provides ample opportunities for formatting tables, fonts and styles, aligning data inside the cell, choosing the background color of the cell and font, changing the row height and column width, drawing frames of various types, setting the data format inside the cell (for example: numeric, text, financial, date, etc.). As well as auto-formatting - various ways of designing tables are already built into the system, and the user has the opportunity to choose the most appropriate format from the existing methods.

v Templates MS Excel, like MS Word, allows you to create worksheet templates that are used to generate forms for letters and faxes, various calculations. If the template is intended for other users, then you can allow filling out such forms, but prohibit changing their form.

v Data binding. Absolute and relative addressing are a characteristic feature of all spreadsheet processors, in modern systems they allow you to work simultaneously with several tables, which can be related to each other in one way or another. For example, three-dimensional links that provide work with several sheets in a row; consolidation of worksheets, which handles sums and averages, and performs statistical processing when using data from different areas of the same worksheet, multiple worksheets, and even multiple workbooks.

v Calculations. For the convenience of calculations, MS Excel has built-in functions, namely: mathematical, statistical, financial, date and time functions, logical and others. The function wizard allows you to select the desired function and, by substituting the values, get the result.

v Business graphics. It is difficult to imagine a modern spreadsheet processor without the ability to build various types of two-dimensional, three-dimensional and mixed charts. There are more than 20 different types and subtypes of charts that can be built in MS Excel. There are also diverse and available ways of designing charts, for example, inserting and designing legends and data labels, designing axes (the ability to insert grid lines), and others. In addition, there are powerful tools for building and analyzing business graphics, such as the insertion of error bars, the ability to plot a trend, and the choice of a trend line function.

v Performing MS Excel database functions. This function provides filling tables in the same way as filling a database (that is, through a screen form), data protection, sorting by key or by several keys, processing database queries, creating pivot tables. In addition, it includes tools for processing external databases that allow you to work with files created, for example, in the “dBase” or “PARADOX” format.

v Simulation. Selection of parameters and modeling - one of the most important features of the spreadsheet processor. With the help of simple techniques, it is possible to find optimal solutions for many problems. Optimization methods range from simple fitting to linear optimization with many variables and constraints. When modeling, it is sometimes desirable to save intermediate results and solutions. To do this, scripts are created that represent a description of the problem to be solved.

v Macro programming. To automate the execution of frequently repeated actions, it is convenient to use the built-in macro programming language. Separate macros and macro functions. Thanks to macro commands, work with MS Excel is simplified and the list of its own commands is expanded. With the help of macro functions, they define their own formulas and functions and thus expand the set of functions provided by the system. In its simplest form, a macro is a recorded sequence of keystrokes, movements, and mouse clicks. Such a sequence is given to "reproduction" like a tape recording. It can be processed and somehow changed, for example, to organize a cycle, transition, subroutine.

Thus, the Microsoft Office application package contains programs that allow you to create text documents, spreadsheet documents, databases, presentations, work with graphics, e-mail, etc. That is, MS Office makes it possible to create almost any kind of documents. Currently, Microsoft Office is installed on almost all computers, regardless of whether the computer is at home or in an organization. Microsoft Office received such distribution due to the fact that this is the first application package that contained such a volume of features, while being completely Russified and easy to use.

Thanks to the program "Visual Basic" built into Microsoft Word and MS Excel, the user can program the missing functions himself. That is, the advantage of these programs is that, in addition to all the amenities that the authors of this package have already created, the user himself can adapt any program for himself for comfortable work in it: changing the color, scale, moving frequently used buttons to the toolbar, creating templates, creating new functions, and so on.

3. Systemsautomationdocumentationensure


Each enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, scale and structure, seeks to improve the efficiency of its activities. An important step towards achieving this goal is the optimization of the main management procedures, in particular the creation of modern office and document management systems at the enterprise.

Rational document management leads to an increase in the productivity of employees, facilitating access to information for making management decisions, improving performance discipline and, consequently, an overall improvement in the quality of management.

Implementation of an automation system for documentation support of management "BOSS - Referent" significantly improves the work processes of enterprises and organizations.

The results of the system implementation are:

§ reduction of time for processing incoming/outgoing correspondence and internal documentation;

§ saving of working time for work with documents;

§ speeding up the procedures for approval and approval of documents;

§ improvement of performance discipline, control over the execution of instructions;

§ fast and convenient registration of documents;

§ Improvement of event planning processes.

The experience of implementing the BOSS-Referent office automation and document management system developed by IT Co. shows that in a short time, enterprises and organizations of various sizes and forms of ownership receive tangible benefits and a real economic effect.

Recently, NAUMEN appeared on a relatively small market for office automation systems with its NauDoc software product, which has a number of significant differences from what was previously offered to users. The program provides for the creation of documents based on templates stored in the system, containing predetermined design and standard (template) texts for basic management situations, which simplifies and speeds up the creation of documents, ensures their unified design in accordance with GOST R. 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documents.

Graphical user interface NauDoc allows you to quickly switch from one type of work to another and includes the following components:

1. Main content block.

2. Navigation bar.

3. Toolbar for working with documents.

The program provides that any document can be put under control: responsible for the implementation, responsible for control are assigned to it, final control of execution is supported.

Differentiation of user rights allows you to provide additional protection for confidential documents. Of course, the NauDoc program, like any other program, is not an ideal solution. For example, in some cases its terminology diverges from the traditional terms used in domestic office work.

Where it is necessary to process large volumes of documents, conduct complex searches in them, maintain distributed archives, - out of competition "DOCs Open".

"DOCs Open" allows you to solve the following tasks:

~ integration with document creation programs;

~ registration of all incoming and created documentation;

~ control of the movement of documents and performance of work;

~ acceleration of the movement of documents between performers;

~ ensuring the safety of documentation;

~ improving information and reference work, reducing the time of searching and obtaining a document from the archive upon request;

~ automation of the preparation of reporting documents.

Feature of this system of electronic office work - full integration with all widespread office programs. Carrying out accounting, storage and quick search of documents. "DOCs Open" at the same time ensures their creation and viewing by all common office applications.

InterTrust offers a corporate information system "CompanyMedia" built on the basis « lotus notes » .

"CompanyMedia" allows you to solve a large number of applied tasks in the field of documentation management. It is intended for government agencies and commercial organizations whose activities are regulated; ideal for companies with significant territorial remoteness of structural divisions. "CompanyMedia" allows you to establish "end-to-end" office work in a network of enterprises of any complexity, and the system will track the movement of a document not only within one enterprise, but also between them.

Possibility provided:

Conducting a global sighting;

Creation of orders extending to any depth of the management hierarchy;

Selection of documents according to a specific and not complicated system;

Control over the execution of documents and maintaining horizontal information links between employees of various departments of one or more enterprises.

System "Office work 2.5" can work both in local mode and in network mode. The software package allows you to automate the process of office work of an enterprise or organization, regardless of its type of activity. The program helps to organize the accounting and control of the execution of documents on the basis of existing standards and regulations.

The main functions of this program are:

Operations for registration, editing and archiving of documents;

Document execution control; - creation of documents for various purposes according to existing standard templates;

Creating your own document templates using Microsoft Office 2003 or MS Office 2007;

Creation and printing of reports that allow assessing the state of office work at the enterprise;

Accounting for documents using journal registration;

Registration of documents received or sent by e-mail.

The block of applications for automating the document flow of the organization "Documentation" is designed to automate the work of the services of documentary support of enterprises and organizations based on the requirements of the State System of Documentation Support for Management (GSDM).

Block modules provide:

Statement on the control of documents and resolutions of the management;

Statistical analysis of the performance discipline of the employees of the organization;

automatic delivery of electronic documents to performers;

preparation of draft documents, their endorsement and distribution;

creation of an electronic library (archive) of documents of the organization.

Module “Document Registration” is designed to organize the accounting of all incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the organization on the basis of registration and control cards. The module implements mechanisms for monitoring the execution of documents, management resolutions, performance discipline of employees of the organization, etc. The module provides automatic preparation of various reports and standard accounting documents of documentation support services.

Module "Appeals of citizens" is designed to conduct office work on the basis of applications from individuals, control the execution of documents and prepare response documents.

Module “Library of working documents” serves for preparation of documents, their classification (placement in electronic folders), contextual search for information and printing of documents. The module can be used to store documents of arbitrary content, such as: regulatory documents of the organization, reference materials, preparation of draft documents, etc.

Module "Organizational administrative documents" is designed to automate the preparation of administrative and reporting documents of the organization, as well as to control the execution of orders, orders and instructions.

Modules “Agreement” And “Introduction” designed to automate the preparation of organizational and administrative documents.

The modules carry out automatic distribution of draft documents to employees of the organization via Notes internal mail for electronic approval or familiarization. Control over the process of familiarization and approval of documents is also carried out.

Module “Meetings” is intended for executives of the enterprise, as well as secretaries-referents of the management.

In conclusion of Chapter 3, I want to note that the database allows you to automatically notify all participants about the proposed agenda, date and time of the meeting, draw up a protocol based on the results of the meeting, and, based on the decisions made, automatically send instructions to specific performers indicating the timing of their work. Based on the results of the work, reports and certificates of completion are generated.


The goals and objectives set by me in this course work have been achieved. The most popular programs that are used to create documents are considered and studied. The package of Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, Microsoft Excel, etc.) and the automation system for document management support are also considered: "BOSS-Referent" and "Office work 2.5"

Thus, drawing conclusions, I would like to say that recently few people use text editors to create documents. The advent of Microsoft Word replaced them. At the moment, it is already difficult to determine whether Microsoft Word belongs to word processors or desktop publishing, it has so many functions. Among the systems for preparing text and spreadsheet documents, two programs of the Microsoft Office application package were considered in more detail in the course work - this is a word processor Microsoft Word and spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel. To create documents, only these two programs are mainly used, regardless of the size and scope of the organization. This is due to the fact that almost everywhere now uses the Windows operating system (2000, NT, XP, Me, Vista), created, like Office, by MS. These programs allow you to prepare complex and large documents, including books.

It is very easy to learn how to work in the programs included in Microsoft Office, since all of them, including the Windows operating system, have a similar interface.

Document management automation systems allow you to do with documents everything that is done with them in any office and workflow system and include fundamentally new features that are available only to computers. Including with the help of these programs, you can create documents.

Of course, a corporate document management system is not a cheap pleasure. But how much can a lost or incorrectly processed document cost in a real business, how much can timely and accurate information cost? Sometimes it's a matter of firm survival. In addition, the reduction in the cost of computer processing and storage of information in computer memory is one of the most dynamic positive processes in the history of mankind. Due to the unification and standardization of documents, most programs used to create documents use templates. That is, in an already formatted document with the necessary attributes, where you just need to enter data. Also, the programs have such functions in which the user himself can create his own document template. This greatly speeds up and simplifies the work of creating a document.

In conclusion of my course work, I want to note that now a lot of different word and spreadsheet processors, as well as automation systems for document management support, are offered. Making a choice is very difficult. This is due to the fact that each program has both advantages and disadvantages, and there are no universal programs. When choosing a software product, one should take into account the field of activity, the technical properties of the computer, the operating system installed on the computer, the size of the organization, the remoteness of the departments.

List of used literature and sources

1. GOST R 6.30-2003 Unified Documentation Systems.

2. Unified system of organizational and administrative documents. - M.: Gosstandart of Russia, 2003.

3. Gorodin V.V., Korneev I.K. Information support of management activities: Textbook. - M.: Mastery; Higher School, 2001, pp. 146-153.

4. Kuznetsov S.L. New programs for the modern office // Secretarial business. - M.: Evilen Publishing House, 1999. No. 3. pp. 33-36.

5. Kuperstein V.I. Modern information technologies in office work and management. - St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg, 2000. S. 256.

6. Saveliev A.M. CompanyMedia - corporate electronic document management system // Office work. - 2002. No. 4. pp. 39-41.

7. Pashkov D.D. BOSS-Referent electronic document management system // Secretarial business. - M.: Evilen Publishing House, 2002. No. 3. pp. 42-44.

8. Serova G.A. Automated office work system "Office work 2.5" (new version) // Secretarial business. - M.: Evilen Publishing House, 2003. No. 6. pp. 35-37.

9. Kuznetsov S.L. DOCs Open // Secretarial business. - M.: Evilen Publishing House, 1997. No. 4. pp. 57-62.

10. Kuznetsov S.L. NAUDOC - a new solution for office automation // Secretarial business. - M.: Evilen Publishing House, 2003. No. 8. pp. 25-26.


12. - Document management automation.

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