Beeline business unlimited. Beeline corporate rates

In today's business environment, mobile communication is an integral part. Now it is difficult to find a firm or corporation that would not use corporate rates. Beeline also has similar tariff plans in its arsenal. Each offer differs in a set of services and the volume of packages. Here, any client can choose for himself the optimal TP that meets the needs of his business company.

Features of corporate tariffs and services

Beeline Telesystem has developed a number of TPs for corporate clients. A mobile operator can offer such an audience both basic business tariffs and special options that make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of using cellular communications.

In the company's arsenal, you can find not only TPs designed for phones, but also products designed for use on PCs or tablets.

Corporate TP and services, from the standard network offer, are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • such TP are intended for legal entities. It is not possible to buy such packages in the store or connect them remotely;
  • Here, balanced prices are set for all types of cellular services. What can not be said about standard TP. Where, for example, packages of minutes and the Internet can differ significantly in price and volume;
  • on many products, full unlimited is provided for communication between company employees;
  • customers who have connected to a corporate TP can count on good discounts. Moreover, the more subscribers will be on the tariff, the larger its size will be;
  • having a personal manager also makes life easier for business subscribers. In standard cases, if any problems arise, the user has to independently contact technical support or go to the TV system salon. In the case of corporate TP, all these issues will be decided by a personal manager;
  • business clients have full control over expenses and can independently set limits and restrictions;
  • within the framework of one service agreement, for employees of the corporation, you can choose different TPs that correspond to their field of activity;
  • according to Russian legislation, the connection of a corporate TP is guaranteed to reduce the payment of company taxes.

Corporate tariffs for mobile phones

For legal entities, Beeline has prepared the following tariff plans for telephone communication:

TP involves a postpaid settlement system. Charging type - per minute. The cost of connection is 250 rubles.

TP works under the following conditions:

  • outgoing within the company throughout Russia - 0.10 rubles / min .;
  • calls to other phones within the Russian Federation - 1.90 rubles / min .;
  • SMS within the country - 1.90 rubles / piece;
  • SMS in international roaming - 6.45 rubles / pcs.

The "Everything for Business" family includes 4 tariff plans. Within the framework of the TP, you can activate the packages: "250", "450", "900" and "1500".

Each offer of the line allows:

  • make free calls to on-net numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • send free messages to subscribers of the company;
  • use internet package.

The amount of the subscription fee will correspond to the type of this or that package. For example, on the TP "For business for 250", the monthly subscription fee will be 250 rubles, and on the TP "For business for 1500" - 1500 rubles.

Capacity of packages "Everything for business":

  • "250" - 400 minutes, 400 SMS, 4 GB high-speed Internet;
  • "450" ​​- 700 minutes, 700 SMS, 8 GB of traffic;
  • "900" - 1500 min., 1500 SMS, 15 GB;
  • "1500" - 3000 min., 3000 SMS, 20 GB.

The cost of cellular communication after the packages are used up:

  • Outgoing in the local network - 1 rub./minute;
  • Outgoing to Beeline numbers in long-distance roaming - 3 rubles / min.,
  • SMS to any cellular destinations within the country - 1 rub/piece;
  • MMS - 5 p.

Through this service, you can connect to the corporate TP even those subscribers who are not provided with service communication. This product can be included in the social program. package. You can activate the option completely free of charge. In addition, all bills will be paid by the employees themselves.

Service benefits:

  • the ability to connect employees to corporate TS;
  • choice of payment system: post-payment, pre-payment;
  • up to 5 additional subscribers can be connected to the preferential number.

Detailed information about the option can be obtained by tel. (+37410) 28 44 99.

For users of modems and routers, the telesystem can also offer Beeline corporate rates. For USB device holders, the mobile operator can offer two interesting internet packages:

  • Fast & Furious 16 GB. The subscription fee is 850 rubles / month;
  • Fast & Furious 32 GB. The subscription fee is 1150 rubles / month.

After connecting, all employees of the corporation can use the traffic. However, the head of the company, if desired, can establish prohibitions and restrictions on the use of online services that are not related to the scope of the enterprise.

The cost of connection is 250 rubles. The subscription fee will be charged every 30 days, depending on the date of activation of the product.

For tablets, Beeline corporate communication is presented in two tariff plans:

  • Fast & Furious 4 GB. The subscription fee is 350 rubles / month;
  • Fast & Furious 8 GB. Subscription fee - 550 rubles / month.

The cost of TP activation is 250 rubles.

The conditions for providing Beeline corporate tariffs are as follows:

  • all TPs can only be activated by organizations using Beeline communication services;
  • the number can only be issued to an individual;
  • during the execution of the contract, there must be a sufficient amount on the balance sheet to activate the package;
  • you can switch to all the specified TPs from any other Russian TV system without losing your individual number;
  • any citizen of the world can activate the presented packages, after presenting a passport.

Mobile communication for legal entities often makes up a large share of the costs. Providing corporate SIM cards to employees is not only a pleasant bonus for employees, but also explains the need to coordinate the actions of all team members using mobile communications. Corporate tariffs from Beeline offer quite favorable conditions, since packages of free minutes and SMS are included in the subscription fee.

Varieties of corporate tariffs

Today, the Beeline product line for business consists of 4-5 offers, the number of which depends on the region served. For example, 5 tariffs are provided for Moscow and the region, and only 4 for St. Petersburg and most of Russia. The names of corporate tariffs immediately display their cost:

  • Everything for business for 450;
  • Everything for business for 900;
  • Everything for business for 1500.

Previously, Beeline's corporate rates were "metal" - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. For Moscow, the names of the tariffs will be different, as the cost for the services received is slightly shifted. Thus, the cheapest tariff for Muscovite communication will cost already 300 rubles, although the subscriber is provided with fewer included services than at the minimum tariff in other areas.

Beeline tariffs do not have a connection fee, however, when they are issued, an advance payment is charged, which will be on the subscriber's account until the termination of the contract for the provision of communication services. The exact amount depends on the chosen tariff. The general conditions for everyone is free unlimited communication between Beeline network subscribers. This means not only employees of one organization, but also people who are not included in this group.

The differences between the TPs are in the amount of the subscription fee, as well as the volume of included paid services: free minutes to any numbers in Russia, SMS and MMS between subscribers who are not members of the same group, as well as Internet traffic. If the package limits are exhausted, the conditions for all tariffs become the same: 1 ruble per minute when calling phones in the home region and 3 throughout Russia, and SMS messages to any region - 1 ruble. SMS and MMS between employees are unlimited and free.

The guarantee payment for this Beeline tariff is equal to the amount of the subscription fee, that is, 250 rubles. The monthly fee itself covers 400 minutes for calls within Russia to phones of other telecom operators, 400 SMS and MMS messages, and 4 GB of traffic. Tariffication conditions do not change when the subscriber is in roaming. The only exception is the Internet, which, when visiting the Republic of Crimea and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, will be paid separately at 9.95 rubles per 1 MB of traffic spent.

Everything for business for 450

The guarantee fee for this tariff is already 600 rubles. But the subscription fee already includes 700 free minutes and the same amount of SMS, and the traffic has been doubled compared to the previous tariff, so you can use up to 8 GB of Internet monthly. After the traffic is exhausted by the end of the month, its speed will be 64 Kbps, so there will be no comfortable connection to the network. For most subscribers, this speed is tantamount to a complete shutdown of the Internet.

Everything for business for 900

A one-time guarantee payment is paid in the amount of 1200 rubles. For a monthly fee, the SIM card receives 1500 minutes and SMS, and the traffic size increases to 15 GB. Such a tariff plan is chosen mainly by fairly large organizations. In addition, it is possible to divide services between several employees at once, since several people can be connected to one tariff at the same time.

Everything for business for 1500

The guarantee payment is 1,700 rubles, and monthly the subscriber receives 5,000 minutes to numbers of other operators throughout Russia and the same amount of SMS. And the traffic reaches 20 GB. The most expensive TP for business with a monthly fee of 3,000 rubles, which operates in Moscow, provides 6,000 minutes and SMS, as well as 30 GB of Internet tariff.

How to connect?

Only legal entities can connect to tariffs for business. To do this, you must either fill out an application on the Beeline website, which also contains information about the organization. The second option is to conclude an agreement at the Beeline service office. You can turn off the tariff after the dismissal of an employee or due to the liquidation of the organization only in the communication salon. The employee himself can switch to other tariff plans remotely while maintaining the SIM card.

Beeline has created a whole series of interesting tariffs, both for individuals and for subscribers using the services of a mobile operator as corporate. In this line of tariff plans, you can see economical tariffs that offer the most minimal set of functions for a small fee, as well as tariff plans for active customers who want to use cellular communication functions to the fullest. Beeline corporate tariffs have the peculiarity that they have the ability to connect to several devices simultaneously.

Therefore, several employees of the business center can use a given set of functions, consisting of a package of minutes, text messages and mobile traffic, at the same time. Business people need a reliable and stable cellular connection, at an affordable cost. In such tariffs, VimpelCom takes these requests into account. They include a democratic cost of communication and ample opportunities for both large enterprises and small firms.

Sustainable, cost-balanced mobile communication for business is a tough condition of today's reality. Mobile, wireless communication systems have made it possible to raise the level of quality and pace of management to the level of an unspoken law of successful business.

Let's start with the internet

Corporate clients who actively use the Internet on mobile media are offered the Fast and the Furious tariff in several options:

  • 3 GB - browsing sites, business correspondence, using social networks for work, monthly payment 225 rubles;
  • 5 GB - the possibility of holding conferences online, business letters, a higher resource for downloading, a monthly fee of 275 rubles;
  • 15 GB - all items of the previous paragraph are included, more suitable for music lovers and watching videos in HD quality, a monthly fee of 395 rubles;
  • 30 GB - the maximum offer for businessmen, their partners and employees, the price is 475 rubles.

The "Internet for everything" option will allow you to connect up to five mobile devices when paying for communication from one. The tariff plan covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The cost of MMS for Russian and foreign subscribers is 2 rubles. and 6.45 rubles. respectively.

Colleagues communicate more

Simple tariff plan, no monthly fee. Within the framework of the agreement, colleagues talk to each other for only 10 kopecks, even on business trips in Russia. Sending SMS messages will cost 1.9 rubles to all numbers of domestic operators and 6.45 rubles to subscribers abroad.

Small to Medium

Everything for Business is a whole bunch of tariffs for small and medium-sized companies. Any type of tariff is connected free of charge. The set of options for all modifications of the plan is standard. There are variations on the size of the subscription fee, the volume of starting indicators and the guarantee fee.

  • Bronze - 3 GB of Internet, 300 minutes of communication and 300 text and multimedia messages. This is a package of services, paid monthly subscription. a fee of 250 rubles;
  • Silver - increases the capacity to 5 GB, 600 minutes and 600 messages per month for 450 rubles;
  • Gold - starting figures are increasing: 10 GB for the global network, 1500 minutes for calls, 1500 messages, the cost per month is 950 rubles;
  • Platinum - for 1850 rubles you get 15 GB, 3000 minutes and the same number of messages.

Contributions to guarantee contracts will range from 300 rubles for Bronze to 1100 rubles for Platinum. Each package offers 2 options: "More Internet" 10-30 GB (100-300 rubles) and "Travel Package" for 150, 500 and 1000 minutes of incoming / outgoing calls (100/250/450 rubles).

We play big

"My Company" is a set of tariff plans for large corporations. In terms of cost and volume of options, it coincides with the “Everything for Business” tariffs, except for “Platinum”, it is not included in the set. There are nuances: subscribers who are covered by the contract will spend 0 rubles on mobile phone calls and SMS. 120 free minutes per day are provided for calls to local and nonresident Beeline subscribers.

Subscribers of other operators in Russia can call (50 min./day) and send messages (50 pieces/day) without charge. Settlement scheme - prepayment, tariffication category - per minute. The minimum amount on your mobile account when switching to this plan is 225 rubles.

Have a service

“My Company” will allow you to optimize spending on service mobile communications and provide it to subscribers who are not connected to a corporate contract, only as a service.

The "My Company" service is an opportunity to optimize the company's expenses for mobile connections and connect to the corporate tariff even those who are not provided with a service cellular connection. The "zest" of the service is that new subscribers (these may be relatives):

  • Pay for cellular communications on their own;
  • Keep your number;
  • Enjoy all the benefits of the plan.

The service is connected to all Beeline corporate tariffs and allows to reduce 20-35% of expenses for businessmen and enterprises.

Good for clients too

From any region of Russia, around the clock, via wired or cellular communication, the client can always call 8-800 for free. The profit of the organization, with the acquisition of a virtual number 8-800, will significantly cover the costs associated with the subscription fee and connection. The profile of companies where the 8-800 service is most popular is quite wide:

  • Banking and insurance companies;
  • Tourist and hotel business;
  • Representative offices in the regions;
  • Transport service companies and car dealerships;
  • Retail chains;
  • Enterprises producing consumer goods.

The obvious benefit of the Beeline 8-800 offer is as follows:

  • Preservation of the current and expansion of the potential customer base;
  • Orientation of the company's image to the client;
  • Support for marketing campaigns at the federal and regional levels;
  • Creation of customer service centers around the clock;
  • Organization of information and reference lines, customer support services, order desk and so on

By signing an agreement to connect any corporate tariff plan from Beeline or 8-800 services, you can not only save money, but also develop your business.

If you still think that unlimited calls are too expensive, connect Beeline corporate tariffs and save up to 60% of your mobile communications budget. There are no obstacles for private communication and business negotiations! Beeline unlimited tariffs are transparent, convenient and affordable for everyone.
You only pay for the services you use. Call and send messages to the numbers of operators in Moscow, the Moscow region or all of Russia by connecting Beeline corporate tariffs. These tariff plans are designed for your benefit.

How to connect unlimited to Beeline?

Beeline unlimited tariffs mean reliable communication, simple and understandable services, maximum customer support. We offer the most favorable tariff plans for those who are not accustomed to limiting themselves in communication for the sake of cost control. Corporate tariffs of Beeline ("Russia on Communications") will allow you to call anywhere in the country without worrying about the bill for calls, and solutions for private subscribers will relieve you of the need to constantly monitor the status of your account.
With the company "mtSET" Beeline unlimited becomes even more profitable:

  • all information about the tariffs and the services included in them is presented on our website;
  • it is possible to connect Beeline direct number;
  • urgent delivery of SIM-cards on the day of ordering is possible;
  • the service department is always ready to help, if necessary, connect / disconnect additional services, order call details, etc.

Beeline - tariffs that will not only help you optimize your mobile communication costs, but also make communication more comfortable. Our specialist will answer any questions by phone: 774-95-96.