How to open a direct on a computer. What is direct and how to log into Instagram through a computer

How to write Direct on Instagram and what features does this function provide? Direct on Instagram is a relatively new tool for sending and receiving messages to other users.

Detailed instructions on how to write Direct on Instagram

However, keep in mind the limitations: you cannot send a message to more than fifteen users at a time. You can upload pictures or videos that are on the profile owner's page. What this function is, what opportunities it gives to users and how to write in Direct Instagram - read the article.

What does Direct on Instagram mean for an app user?

The function for exchanging letters is available in the 5th and following versions of the application for mobile devices. At the same time, the Instagram web interface does not support Direct, and before writing Direct on Instagram on a computer or laptop, you will need to install a special program that emulates the Android OS.

Users of this popular application not only got such an opportunity on Instagram, how to write in Direct, but also:

· Sending letters with the attached picture;

· Sending letters with the attached video file.

Any photo transmitted via Direct can be liked and commented on (access for this is available to all subscribers who are indicated by the recipients). The person who sent the message can monitor the number of views of the photo online. Moreover, in cases where the recipient does not belong to the subscribers of the sender of the letter, he must obtain consent to read it.

Direct is convenient for sending personal letters, pictures and video files that are not intended for general viewing. It is popular for contests where participants send their own pictures to the organizers.

Before writing a Direct on Instagram, you do not need to install additional programs and applications, or activate any functions. Using Direct, many celebrities are actively communicating on Instagram without fear of losing personal photos and exposing private videos.

Although the recipient can like or comment on the message, you will need to create a new chat to send a reply email.

The convenient and useful function Direct allows you to leave your profile open for subscribers, being able to exchange messages only with a selected group of people. This ensures better and more convenient user communication, successful implementation of advertising projects. For those who want to know how to write on Instagram Direct, we attach detailed instructions for the process.

How to write in Direct Instagram - stages

To send a private message on Instagram to another user, you will need:

· Go to the main page of the account;

· Launch the Direct client using the icon in the form of a wastepaper basket (you will see a list of messages sent to you);

· Before writing to Direct Instagram, click on the plus sign located at the top of the page on the right;

· The system will offer to download the pictures and videos available in the profile or create a new photo;

· Having selected the required file, it can be processed using standard built-in tools;

· After saving the image correction, go to the Instagram Direct window and write a message text, if necessary;

· In a separate window, we indicate the recipients from the number of followers by ticking the boxes (if you need to find a user who is not your subscriber, use the search);

· To send a letter, press the green button at the top right of the screen.

Private messages from subscribers are displayed almost immediately, the rest will require read permission.

When Instagram first appeared, one of the shortcomings that users noted in it was the lack of the possibility of personal correspondence. Initially, the developers ignored this function, however, over time, a new tool appeared on the social network. Directrestricting access to photos and videos. What is he like?

Instagram Direct allows you to publish media files not to public access, but only for a certain circle of people. The number of subscribers who can receive a photo or video should not exceed one and a half dozen. For each post, you will need to re-select the audience, which is quite relevant. This function is a kind of replacement for the private messaging system. Thanks to it, it is much easier to send photos and videos than, for example, via email.

In the mobile version of the application, this tool is easy to find, just click on the special icon. But many users are interested in the question of whether it is possible to use Direct Instagram through a computer. Unfortunately, this function is not currently available in the web version. Developers initially focus on mobile devices. IN Instagram online you can only view your own and other people's photos, discuss them, and edit your profile.

If Direct is needed on a laptop or personal computer, then the only correct solution is to install the Android version of Instagram on the device. This requires a BlueStacks emulator and some free time.

The Android emulator allows you to use Instagram Direct through your computer. Please note that the control of a smartphone and a PC will differ from each other. However, it is quite possible to use a keyboard and mouse to operate the application. Thanks to the emulator, the user will receive notifications from programs running in the background, just like on a mobile device.

Using the social network Instagram, many users may ask the question: “What is a direct on Instagram and where is it located?”, Having heard about this strange word somewhere. Direct on Instagram is an analogue of private messages in instant messengers. Thanks to the use of the direct, you can exchange personal photos, videos, write private messages and so on. This function resembles a combination of email and private correspondence. Using direct makes it very easy to use the social network, but how can you find and use it on Instagram?

Opening Direct in the Instagram mobile app

So, where is the direct on Instagram. When you open the Instagram application on the main page, there will be a button with a paper airplane at the top right, this is the direct. This feature works the same on both iPhones and Android smartphones, so it doesn't matter what kind of smartphone you have. Please note that for this you must download the latest version of the Instagram app from the official app store. This will not happen through a mobile browser.

It is noteworthy that you can select several profiles at once and write one message to them. Very convenient for ... For a spammer, maybe. But let's not talk about them. After highlighting the people you are interested in, we write a message and send. You can select a maximum of 15 accounts at a time.

Direct in the computer version of Instagram

If you do not have a mobile device, or you do not want to use it, there is a way out. After all, direct is also available on a computer, but only for owners of Windows 8, 10 and higher. Where in the computer version of the instagram direct read below. First, we need to download the Instagram app from the Windows Store. For Mac owners, this method, alas, is not suitable, they will have to uncover mobile phones. Going to the Windows store, download Instagram to your computer and launch it. In order not to look for the program again, you can install it at the following link:\u003d1&source\u003dlp

After installing Instagram for your Windows computer, open the program and look for a button with a paper airplane already familiar to us. Here, in fact, the method is no different from the mobile version. Clicking to open a menu with correspondence and search for interlocutors - nothing special.

Alas, the method does not work without an application. It is impossible to sit on Instagram fully in the browser, you can only view photos and profiles by logging into your account. It is impossible to upload photos, or to set up a profile, and even more so to correspond in direct, in the browser version of Instagram.

Direct on a computer via an emulator

A rescue for some people is an Android emulator for computers. For example, Nox Player or Bluestacks 3 and so on. You can download them for free on the official website and, by running, get a full-fledged machine for emulating an Android device. You actually get a smartphone in your computer. Thus, we go to Google Play (or Play Market) and download Instagram there, then follow the one rolled from the first paragraph about the airplane and blah, blah, blah ...

Here are all the ways to log into Instagram direct. The thing is extremely useful and, in general, available to everyone without any particularly complex restrictions. Use it to your health!

Hello dear visitors of our site websitewhere we tell everything about Instagram... In this post we will tell you about Instagram Directafter reading it, you will learn what Direct on Instagram is, how to enter Direct Instagram, how to write on Direct Instagram, and much more about that how to use Instagram Direct.

What is Direct on Instagram?

application Instagram, after the next large-scale update, it acquired one very useful and interesting function that allows you to send and receive messages to your friends, inside the Instagram application. In fact, this is a new messenger from Instagram called Instagram Direct.

How to go to Direct on Instagram?

It is very simple to do this, in order to go to Direct on Instagram, you do not even need to install any additional applications on your mobile device. In order to access Instagram Direct, all you need is a mobile device with the Instagram application installed and an Instagram account.

How to write on Direct Instagram?

To write a private message on Instagram Direct, you just need to go to the Instagram home page and pay attention to the upper right corner of the screen, there you will see an icon:

After you click on it, the Instagram Direct window will open, in which you can select the interlocutor to whom you want to write (a private message) on Instagram Direct. Only those users to whom you directly sent this message will see sent messages on Instagram.

Instagram Direct

In Instagram Direct, you can do the following:

  • Send and receive private text messages
  • Send photos and videos by private messages to other users
  • Create group chats for up to 15 people, in which you can chat and discuss personal photos and videos with your friends and acquaintances.

Try new Instagram Direct! This is an easier way to send messages, photos and videos to your friends on Instagram.

With the advent of various services for promoting accounts on Instagram and collecting statistics, there was a need for the full functionality of the application, implemented on a computer. This is, at least, convenient. And often direct is needed to solve various work issues. Therefore, on the agenda we have the question "how to view messages on Instagram from a computer."

How to view posts on Instagram from a computer

When users log into Instagram from a computer, the first question is how to go to Direct and see messages. These difficulties arise with the differences in the interface of the mobile version and for the PC. To write this and a few more articles.

Incoming messages

They can be seen in the application by clicking on the drawer icon in the upper right corner. They can be controlled using various functions: delete, forward, see if the user has read them.

Private messages

These are messages that only you can see. They are addressed to you and absolutely no person, except those who have access to your account, will be able to read them. You can see them in the same place as incoming messages.

Detailed information on that is in the article at the link.

Message viewing apps

You can also view messages on Instagram through special applications. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Bluestacks is an Android emulator for your computer. This solution is suitable for those who have Windows 7 or older installed.

  • The first step is to install and configure this program. First, download and install it.
  • Then open bluestacks. Here everything will be as if you just unlocked the screen of your phone (provided that you have an android, of course).
  • We enter our google mail, then install Instagram.
  • We open the application and use all the functions available to us from the phone.

Application for Windows 10. This method became available due to the fact that the operating systems of Microsoft phones and tablets are basically the same as the operating systems on our computers.

  • open an app store and download Instagram;
  • go under your account;
  • enjoy the familiar social network

A small guide to direct:

  • Before you read the message on Instagram, you need to click on the box in the upper right corner. Here you can see all unread messages and write new ones.
  • Then we choose what we will send: photo, video or text.
  • You can like the post you like, which was sent in private messages on Instagram.
  • You can also block unnecessary conversations here. Remember that deleted messages and dialogues cannot be recovered - once deleted, you will never be able to use them as compromising evidence.
  • On Instagram, you can see when the user has read the message. It's easy to understand - if it is not read, the icon of his account in the directory remains discolored.

If you want to send a specific publication personally to a specific person, the direct will be indispensable - just click on the paper airplane icon under the photo and video and determine the addressee.

Direct Instagram restrictions

I understand, and you probably too, that without any restrictions, crowds of spammers will start on Instagram. To avoid this, restrictions have been introduced on Instagram. For example, the maximum number of messages in a directory is 60 per day. Then this opportunity is blocked. But the most important thing will remain - you can still read messages.

In an attempt to get around this rule, people create dialogues of 15 people and send out their information in this way. But this is not very effective, because Instagram, after 4-5 attempts, blocks the sending of messages for a while.


Now you will definitely not get lost in the mysterious world of Instagram Direct, because all the secrets are now available to you. There is no need to run on Google and ask evil aunts and uncles, "how do you know if a person has read a message on Instagram?" "But how to send a photo to direct?" etc. And you, my faithful disciples, can carry this light to the masses. But the main thing is not to use it to harm and offer people only what can be useful, and not only what will bring you money. So bequeathed to our sensei, Kevin Systrom, the creator of Instagram.