What's new in the world of business show in the world of stars. Official celebrity pages in VKontakte

Social networks also enjoy people, celebrities: politicians, athletes, actors, musicians and other show business figures. On the official pages, they lay out photos, share the news of "first-grade", which pleases fans. However, some users of networks for mercenary purposes create fake pages from the face of idols or just famous persons who want to be hugged. Here we give the addresses of official celebrity pages registered by VKontakte.

Official page . Kirill - Young Belarusian actor. Born in 1992 in the town with the lyrical name of Birch.

Since 2013, filmed in melodramatic series. Also distinguished himself that in 2014 he became the winner of the first contest for the male beauty "Mr. Belarus". On the Kirill page In contact with 641 Friends and 2933 subscribers.

Official page . For a long time, Sergey Lazarev was known as the duet member "SMASH !!", but now it is a solo singer, as well as the actor and movie actor. Sergey was born in 1983 in Moscow and since childhood was engaged in creativity. At the age of 12 became the participant of the famous ensemble "Fidgets".

Now there is a lot of recorded albums and dozens of hits. And in 2016, Sergey participated in the Eurovision International Song Contest, where he took the honorable third place, performing the song "You Are the Only One". On the Sergey page In contact with 17 friends, but then subscribers 196,000.

Official page . Danil Kozlovsky is the most popular actor of Russian cinema. Behind his shoulders role in the pictures "Legend number 17", "Viking", "crew" and many others. Also, the actor is periodically removed on American film studios.

In the filmography of the actor 15 paintings, and Kozlovsky continues to actively work. Recently, Danila also sank, soling in the music show "Big Dream of Ordinary Man." On the Danil page In contact with 1348 friends and 21,000 subscribers.

Official page . Alexey is a talented young executor of Chanson. Born in 1981 in Voronezh. In 2007 and 2010, Bryantsev together with the Irina Circle, a widow of the famous Mikhail Krug, released two albums that fans immediately repented.

And in 2012, the singer released a solo album "Your breath", which also loved fans. Number of friends on the Bryantsev page in In contact with approaches 8000, and the number of subscribers exceeded 5200.

Official page . Ani Lorak, along the passport of Carolina Kuke, is a popular Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine. Her songs are well known and Russian fans. Ani released more than a dozen albums in Russian, Ukrainian and English. The hits of the singer are crowded by popular radio stations.

Every year, Lorak receives musical awards, among which the Golden Gramophone Prize, the Song of the Year, Muz-TV and others. And still continues to delight fans with new songs and clips. In 2008, Ani Lorak became the participant of Eurovision from Ukraine. Brilliantly performed by the song "Shady Lady", she ranked second. On the official page of Lorak In contact with Signed 7966 fans.

Official page . Dmitry Bee is a talented Russian actor, in 1984 born in Tallinn in a Russian family. Dmitry is removed in the series and films, and also plays the theater.

The most popularity of the actor brought a film called "Turn My Love". Now in the filmography of the actor 10 works. To the page In contact with The bees signed 10,000 people, and in friends 848 people.

Official page . Vladimir Epifantsev is the Russian actor and movie actor, director and TV presenter. Born in 1971 in Moscow. For his career played in a variety of performances and starred in more than 70 pictures. Also Vladimir could be seen in the TV project "King Ring", "Dancing with the Stars" and "Polyglot".

As director, the Epifantsev worked over six pictures, among which "flint", "dilettant", etc. on the official page In contact with It can be said that Vladimir is a very eccentric person than attracts the army of fans, the number of which will soon reach 10 thousand. And in friends of the actor 4044 people.

Official page . So would be Dmitry, a private Russian football player, a Lokomotiv player, if not marriage (already broken) with, which brought both more popularity.

Now the fans are still closely following the life of Dmitry, but they are worried about how much of his achievements on a football field, how many athlete's personal relationship with a new girl. Nevertheless, on its page In contact with Dmitry publishes photos not only from everyday life, but also from fees, training and matches. And 1809 friends and 1962 followers follow him.

Official page . Marilyn Kerro was born in 1988 in Estonia. From an early age, the girl was fond of psychic. According to Marilyn herself, at the age of 6 she suffered a lightning strike and since then began to see the future. At the same time, Kerro worked for a long time, because External data girls are very good.

Marilyn has become known to the general public in 2013, when he took part in the famous project "Battle of Psychics". During the participation of Kerro, many trials took place, causing genuine surprise and admiration for others. As a result of the "battle", Marilyn occupied the honorable second place. On the official page clairvoyant

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    The social network "VKontakte" is becoming increasingly popular: the number of subscribers is growing every day, and among them the celebrities of world values \u200b\u200bare already indicated. Which of the "Star Factory" became the user of the Russian social network - read in our material.



    The popular singer, more precisely, its PR team lead active in the social network. On the BB personal page, you can find many interesting video, photographs and family pictures that are quickly updated enough - with a slight margin from updates on Twitter and Facebook. True, Beyonce "VKontakte" followers are much less than on Western social networks - almost 135 thousand.

    Victoria Beckham

    Modesta Victoria welcomed a personal account in "VKontakte" Rather to promote his brand of fashionable VB clothing, rather than to communicate with fans. On the page in the main photos from fashionable shows and snapshots, on which Bekham models or herself demonstrate dresses from the last collections. In the Vicky Bekham community consist of 110 thousand users.

    Tom Cruise

    The actor registered quite recently, but about 98 thousand people were already signed on her page. The cruise team regularly responds to all questions and user comments, though with a small delay. The reason for this: the weak knowledge of the Russian language of the actor team, what they wrote on the page: "Guys, wanted to say that, unfortunately, our Russian is not so good, as it should" ("Guys, We Wanted to Let You Know That Unfortunately, Our Russian ISN't What It Should Be "). The page is constantly updated by filmons and frames from film settings. in which Cruise is involved.


    But the team of Shakira business is better in the Russian language. The page appears posts immediately in English and Russian. Interesting content is published in the community: clips, promotions, singers are ordinary messages and a large number of albums. Comments You can not leave the page, only huskies and placement of news. The group consists of about 290 thousand people.

    Kevin Costner

    The actor is completely novice "VKontakte" - while he has only 500 subscribers, but it seems, his PR team will try stronger. As you know, Kevin is now more engaged in music than movies: In 2007, the actor founded the Kevin Costner & Modern West group and even toured by countries and cities. According to rumors, in the near future it will come to Moscow.

    Enrique Iglesias

    It seems that the singer has not yet completely forgotten. Enrique conducts active activities and correspondence with its fans in Russian and English in the social network and has already collected almost 120 thousand fans. It is possible that his girlfriend Anna Kournikova contributes to communication with Russian fans.

    Sophie Alice Beckstor

    The British singer in VKontakte is almost as popular as Victoria Beckham: Sophie in subscribers of 107 thousand people. The singer periodically posts its photos and exchange messages with its fans.


    Mysterious and talented Moire is the same among users "VKontakte". His creativity is more likely to be attributed to the category "not for everyone", but this did not prevent Mobi to collect 63 thousand fans in their community. Not active and communication in the community is not observed, but still periodically the page is updated with interesting photos and DJ tracks.

    The Prodigy.

    The cult group notifies its fans of "VKontakte" about the upcoming concerts, placing the announcements, sometimes posts photos and videos. There is no active correspondence in the community, mostly positive feedback on the group and the exchange of news.


    On the British Rock Group page you will find announcements, news and contests related to the group. Also Coldplay is divided with their fans of photo albums, which are already 11 pcs. And more than 20 videos. Subscribers in a group of 120 thousand people.