How guests are removed from classmates. What you need to know about the guests of his profile in classmates

The main purpose of social networks at all and the site in particular is communication with friends. The user who registered here arises a lot of questions regarding friends in classmates and settingsrelated to them. Here are the most common of them.

How many friends can be added to classmates

At the moment, each registered social network user can add up to 2000 (two thousand) friends in social networks will not be able to greatly increase the number of real.

How to make a page in classmates only for friends

Well, for this you will have to spend a little. You need to connect the "Closed Profile" service. How to do it you can read in the article

How to invite to classmates

To do this, you can go to his page and click the "Add as Friends" button under the user's photo. There are also similar buttons opposite the user's avatar on the search, guests, users commented or rated your photos.

How to remove friends in classmates

If you want to delete a user from your friends list, then go to the "Friends" section, find this user, Mouse over to His avatar and click the "Delete" button in the pop-up window.

Exclude from the tape notification of events

To do this, click on the "Ribbon" button and in the Friends tab, click on the user's avatar. Next click on the link "Exclude from the Ribbon".

How to remove guests from classmates

If you need to remove people from the list of guests who visited your page, go to the section "Guests", and by building a cursor on the photo of the corresponding guest, click on the "Delete" button that pop up.

Guests disappear

The fact is that only those users who have visited your page for the last 30 days are visited in the list of guests. Accordingly, if it takes on thirty days from the moment of visiting, the guest disappears. Also removed those guests whose pages were blocked.

I want to add friends to one category

To do this, under his avatar on his page, click the "Who is you" button and select an item from the list:

  • All friends
  • A family
  • Colleagues
  • Best friends
  • Odnoklassniki.
  • Classmates

You can also go to the "Friends" section, click on the All Friends button, select the appropriate type and add a user to it. By the way, your friends can consist at the same time in several categories, for example, it can be a classmate and colleague at the same time.
Many are interested in why their friends do not immediately fall into the appropriate category. The fact is that after you indicated that the user is your classmate, for example, it comes notice, and only after he confirms it, he will fall into the category you have chosen.

I want to remove a friend from the category

To delete someone from the category of friends you need to go to the Friends section, click on the link "All Friends", then to the desired category and in the list of friends presented there to bring the cursor to the user's avatar, and click on the "Remove from the list" link.

How to block guests in classmates, and whether you can delete them all at once - learn detailed instructions and recommendations in the article below.

"Whoever goes to visit in the morning, he comes to wisely," said Bear Winnie the Pooh from the Soviet cartoon. Users of the popular site Odnoklassniki probably remember him. But believe that going to visit is appropriate at any time of the day, if we are talking about a virtual visit. However, there are too annoying visitors on the social network. And from such visits there is a desire to get rid of. On the Internet it is much easier to do than in real life.

Let's tell you how to remove guests in classmates if you go to the site through the computer. To say goodbye to unwanted person, do this:

    Open your page, go to the section "Guests" (if you do not yet oriented, it says below, where to search for it);

    Mouse over the photo of the one who came to you;

    A pop-up menu appears in which to select the "Start of guests" command, it occupies the lower line;

    Confirm the selection again by clicking on the Delete button.

Now the similar operation will produce on a mobile device. It is not harder than in the full version. Make the following:

    Click on the "Odnoklassniki" logo (or three strips, it depends on the application) in the upper corner on the left on its page;

    Open the "Guests" section that appeared;

    Find an unwanted visitor to you and press three points to the right of the photo;

We explained how to remove guests in classmates in the full version and from the phone. However, it is necessary to remind you where to look for the appropriate section on a computer, who is reflected in it, what rights do people who looked at you on the light.

commit profitable purchase of subscribers In classmates in the group you will have right now, without leaving this site - just just follow the link you see.

Your personal guest book is easy to find. It hides behind the "traces" symbol on the top line, next to "friends". In the modern version of the site "Guests" not highlighted in an independent section. They became a tab in the "Friends" heading. Although all functions are preserved unchanged.

Guest is any user of classmates who went to your page over the past 30 days. This is what time a visit will be visible if, of course, you did not delete it before. All visitors come to the guest book, including friends. The only exception - the section will not reflect those who used the invisibility feature, we tell more about it in another article. Users with a closed profile (about it we also speak separately) The guestbook is carried out in a special way. Only friends appear in it, and foreign people remain unrecognized. True, there is no point in the following page, because everything is locked on the castle. But we can suggest options as in classmates.

Virtual guest, in contrast to real, can shove its nose almost anywhere. If, of course, your profile is not hidden. He is given the right to browse your photos, comment and evaluate them, to meet your friends and news in the tape, look at the video on your page and listen to music, write you a message and make a gift, invite to the group.

It happens that such attention of foreign people, the user does not really like it. He wants to clean the guest book. Let's try to answer the question of how to remove guests from classmates everyone at once. And the site administration, and experienced "classmates" give a unambiguous answer: it is impossible to do such an operation. Social network respects its users and believes that everyone under one comb shabby (in other words, it is impossible to remove). If you wanted to clean the section "Guests", please, consider each candidate for removal individually. How to know, maybe someone from these people will be honored to replenish the list of your friends. If you are sure of your desire to remove all guests without parsing, you will have to perform all the steps according to the instructions at first as many times as visitors you decide to remove.

When you successfully handle this hard work, it will probably want to continue the guestbook not so quickly replenished with new photos and names. There is a way out - close your page from the unseasoned invasions, we will help you do. And if you are quite disappointed visiting, friends and social networks in general, it remains only to remove the page in classmates. We will reflect and on such a question. When consultation is required to communicate on other similar sites, please contact. There is an exhaustive information.

You still left your page in classmates in the preservation, you still want to communicate and find new friends. You regularly merge the list of guests, removing unpleasant person. But the same personality, more than once remote, with enviable constancy, will be disturbed by your peace. They come again and again, behave in the best way: leave offensive comments, send strange messages. In other words, the behavior of them is scandalous and defiantly. It turns out, it is time to learn how to block guests in classmates.

To begin with, we define the terms. What does it mean to block? This is the same thing to make a guest to your black list. Everyone who got there is losing the rights that other users use from the "White List". The guest sent by you into the blacklist will not be able to see your profile, send you a message, participate in the discussions on the forum, evaluate and comment on your photos. That is, his visit to your page will not be an unpleasant surprise, and will pass without noticeable consequences.

How to type many classes in classmates So that it benefits, but without the risks of the ban and write-offs - the answer you will find on our website.

If you are satisfied with such restrictions, read the instructions, how to block guests in classmates:

    Go to the section "Guests" from your page;

    Put the mouse cursor to the photo photo you want to enter a blacklist;

    In the menu, click on the Block command;

    A second time to confirm your choice by pressing the button "Block".

By the way, the blocked guest will remain in the relevant section. So that it disappears from the eye, it is necessary to delete it, following the instructions shown above.

Through the mobile version of the site and on the phone you can also add a guest to a black list. The procedure for action is only a bit different:

    Open the profile unpleasant guest;

    Press three points on the right and at the top;

    In the new menu, check the "Block" option.

How to block guests in classmates in a computer and on the phone, you have already learned. And what if time passed, the resentment was forgotten, and therefore I want to extract a person from a black list? This procedure is as simple and easy as the previous one. Although the steps will have to do a little more:

    Click on the arrow near your miniature photo on the right in the upper corner;

    In the menu that opens, click on the "Edit Settings" option;

    In the left column, select the "Black List" subsection;

    Move the mouse over the user's photo, who decided to pardons;

    The "Cross" icon will appear in the upper right corner and the Unlock command;

    Prove that they did not change the action and remove this guest from the blacklist by clicking on the Delete button.

After that, the user will again receive all the rights that other guests possess. And if he is, as before, behave incorrectly and unnecessarily bother you - block it again. The number of such operations on classmates is not limited.

Sometimes you want to remove or put in a black list not only guests, but people with whom you communicate more closely. Read on our website how to remove a friend from classmates. And in another material you will find tips as on the social network.

Guests feature in the social network "Odnoklassniki" allows users to view personal pages of all visitors to the profile. The function is available for free and displays all visitors with the exception of users who are connected to the "invisible".

Sometimes unwanted faces appear in the list of guests, today we will talk about how you can delete them.

  1. In the main menu, find the item "Guests", it is also marked with an icon with the image of footprints;
  2. In the window that opens, all visitors to the page for the last 30 days will be displayed;
  3. If you have new guests from the last visit to the section, a green circle with the number of new visitors appears near the section "Guests".

In the "Guests" section displays only those users who visited your personal page for the last 30 days. After the expiration of this period, information about visitors is automatically deleted.

How to delete a user from guests

To clean the "Guests" item from unwanted users, you must perform the following actions:

How to remove guests from the phone

To remove from the list "Guests" of unnecessary users, you need:

How to close your guest page

If you do not want any of the guests to have access to personal information on your page, you can block it. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the "Guests" page;
  2. We bring the mouse cursor on the desired user;
  3. From the opened menu, select the "Block" item.

The user will be added to the blacklist. If you have added a guest to a blacklist chance that it is necessary to remove it:

  1. In the menu, select the "still" item;
  2. In the list that opens, select the "Black List" section;
  3. On the page that opens will be displayed all users who have been blocked;
  4. We carry the mouse cursor to the user who got into the "black list" by chance;
  5. In the menu that opens, select the "Unlock" item.

In this article, you will learn how to remove a friend from classmates on the tablet, if you use the social network OK on mobile devices, then this information will be extremely useful to you. In general, all methods fully coincide with the procedure for removing on phones and smartphones. However, for inexperienced users, the removal process is to paint in more detail within each platform. Also on our site you will learn, and other pieces of service.

What ways can you get rid of unwanted users in your Friend List?

we highlight the list of options that you can erase the person's page from your list:

  • portable version OK;
  • app for android or iOS;
  • full social network

If it is more convenient to use the phone from the phone with the first two ways, then a full-fledged version of the site can be opened from the tablet with a large screen. Despite the selected way, you can use the general instruction.

How to remove friends in classmates from tablet: Step by step instructions

Consider all actions when removing the page of another person in order:

  • next, discover the profile of the person you need;

  • for the usual version of the site, click on the "Stop Friendship" button under the user avatar.

How to remove friends on the tablet